When edwin bounds aldrin became the 2nd person to sent foot on the moon 50 years ago he described it as a magnificent desolation. And it must have been magnificent because the moon has fascinated us ever since. Every car for the 384400 kilometers separated from them are. Only 12 people have ever walked on the moment perhaps thats one reason why our nearest cosmic neighbor has inspired so many poets painters and musicians. Distant fantasy can exert over more power on our dreams. This giant leap became reality in 1969 a dream come true. Since the 969 apollo landings the moon has entered popular consciousness like never before. Smashing pumpkins pay tribute to this dream in tonight tonight. The song was inspired by french cinema pioneer george melly as trip to the moon a silent film from 1902. One night i was bored in my apartment and decided to take my telescope out to the sidewalk. The moon was out and i 5 why not. Within a few minutes people started walking over and asking what this thing was. Was a long telescope if you want to check out the main joint take a look them and. Thats where it all started it just sort of went from there. To look at the moon on up it. All my. All mom on the telephone. Line on medium over a very low oh my god oh my god oh way no way no way thats a. Yeah. That is so. When you were. Familiar gung the moon is more than just cool it makes an appearance in 28 of his songs. Litigator leave. Here. Are warning. Of the rainy season journey. To the. Heard her say love listening. Along as the bands play her son. You know. I fall of the moon for as long as i can remember neil young one sad thats just my religion. Perhaps that explains a long standing room right in the Music Industry that neil young is more likely to take part in a project if it come in signed with a full moon. By you. Frank sinatra didnt just worship the moon he wanted to go to himself moon a symbol of yawning and romance like mom. But the mom. And all the. Mold my. Lower. Me. Good. God when psalm led a barrell told. You no longer i o. Long goal or a good man a goal. Is. A true. Love. A radio transmission of a song was played for the astronauts on the apollo 11 mission Television Broadcast it was heard across the world. The spacecraft equipment. Astronauts in all its satellites circling past spacecraft flying to them and all of this found its way into a complex pop songs during the 1960 s. And seventys. Playing struggle. Because challenges were willing to accept and one. At Cape Canaveral they were not going to get one more rocket the night before its all down carried tells the satellite destined to bounce t. V. Pictures from america to britain and france. Introduce the president of the United States directly to millions of living rooms in 16 nations across the continent banks from space by satellite still stop a program that begins with mr kennedys plane. Goban conference with the Worlds Largest spy. Case it go a place i think of the most like telstar relay also made its way into pop history. 11 british band the tornadoes landed a major hit with a song named after the Telstar Communications satellite. Move. To a it was the 1st single by a British Group to go to the top of the u. S. Charts and to remember ancestry weeks thanks. Thank you. Thank. God for the relay by the color guard unit they could have. A halo telstar went on to become one of the best selling instrumentals of all time. Was the composer jeremy was sued for plagiarism which sucked his strengths and the royalties he asked for years into the lawsuit germy took his own lines 2 years before my alarm strong became the 1st person to set forth on the moment thanks. In the early 960. 00 s. The Space Program and the dream of landing on the moon inspired musicians around the world. In europe composers and singers also set their sights on the skies. Every new sounds like norse made that imagination so. Germany the moon bestowed a number one hit to dance backus an american and former g i the moon craze had hit the german shall get music see. Things. In an hour it is a slow smile and power. An. Illusion. As in the last the early 1960 s. Were brimming with confidence but with the assassination of president kennedy and the vietnam war clowns began to gather the moon had been a symbol of the dreams for a Better Future now it took his cost of moon as a sinister omen was suddenly everyone. Knew. Absolutely. Nothing ever. That is intense read it. Looks like this right down the street. It what you get here is a good look at the street and they say it actually. Grounds them bros im a song. Brown skin trouble sign days before the apollo 11 landing david bowies single space oddity was released in the united kingdom. But you have known that. Playing. The song tells the story of major tom a fictional astronaut whose communication with Ground Control is cut off he continues drifting through outer space alone. The b. B. C. Didnt play the song on the radio until after the apollo 11 crew had returned safely back to ask. Them about 10. Minutes in. Tom. Youre go. Go. And. Go on a crown. And i cant go i. Got before i got. Composed 10 years after apollo 11 on the moon was directly about the Lunar Landing. In his autobiography stings sent to some was inspired by pain and not. For the 1st time a feeling of being released from gravity. 3 years after the 1st Lunar Landing apollo 17 put the last person on the moon in 1982 the us ended its Lunar Missions but the fascination with the moon continued unabated it became a staple of advertising and in power it is of the industry. Oh. Ramstein hope found at the dominance of the us in Popular Culture around the well its. Like r. E. M. In their heads man on the moon ramstein also played with the idea put forth by conspiracy theorists that the moon landing was faked. At the end of their video ramstein even delivered a tongue in cheek profound. Way. I. Thank. God i. Was ill i was. Keen i. Keep. This. Up early. On. It was. Illegal to. Feel. Once upon a time there was a tailor who was a true master. At the evening hour the moon appeared at his window and asked the tailor to make. The tailor reached for his cheek to take his clients measure. But he had vanished. No matter the crescent is but a sliver. He set to work quickly in the garment was soon finished. A few days later the moon returned with a question the night his hold dear master can i try on my jacket. The tailor realized with dismay the moon had put on some weight dear moon he said please come again later and he set about making his adjustments. But by then the moon had acquired quite a belly. Ready the tailor saw at once the moon is far too plump. Moon he said abashed in a week please come back once again he set to work the back collar sleeves and seems hoping against hope it would finally fit but the moon was full far too full for the jacket. Come back in 2 days the tailor exclaimed and then in a state he tore the jacket end to end. Oh no but wait all is not lost i can start over he thought. The tailor after all was a master. Once again he said. New cloth new thread a new cut with new scissors and soon enough a new jacket emerged round as a balloon. Ready but by then the moon had lost weight the jacket is far too large the tailor realized too late. The half moon also wasnt pleased the jacket didnt match his figure. So the too bad their good byes and the moon took cover behind a cloud. But in the end both were happy the moon at least appeared to be one day full the next a half then a crescent wax and wane back and forth the tailored tired took to bed it must have all been a dream he said who is the richest person on earth are the sucker. Bill gates not him either just base or. Probably but according to this whole deal is much much richer isnt an oil time or a crypto currency if. He didnt start a tech company in a closet or come from old money he owns to. Her 3 meanest smartest jupiters moon leo and pluto. In the 1980 students hope was selling cars he was looking for his next career potentially in the state and looking toward the sky one night he remembered that the 1967 United Nations space tron said that no country could own the moon or any other lunar property so he did what any sensible person would to erode the un asking any organization to devise a Legal Research by an individual who couldnt claim the moon as a result the un determined it to be a preposterous request or they were simply too busy but either way to miss hope and her pursuit through spots so its open season to solve plots of land possibly well since then he sold a lot of land more than 600000000. 00 and for each baker so as 424993999 after the attacks and shipping and handling of the deep discounts apply to martial arts over 2 makers so who buys land of hope probably never this former president s george w. Bush jimmy carter. And approximately 675 very well known. But its mostly people who just want to enjoy the i. Can be anywhere on earth. The moon has inspired just about everyone and many iconic songs were dedicated to the dream of its conquest like elton johns rocket man. And. As a guide. To smile why. Such. An. Elton john sang visit in 1972 these video was made 45 years later as a result of a competition elton announced one of the competitors news little about the moon but a lot about being far from. The arabian refugee much heat i deem codirected a video that reinterpreted the astronauts voyage. Skeeters parallels to his own jenny to europe. Gun. Elton john was moved by this interpretation of rocket man. Who. Does know why. He did deans vashon won the competition he met elton john in power some and the video premiered at the con Film Festival a happy ending to such a wistful song at. Least. Come. Nothing. Good luck to you love. Nothing below. Gonna be a bad luck. That lovely lovely. Land maturing the recording of pink floyds the dark side of the moon a Security Guard supposedly said there is no dock side the moon is dark everywhere its only theres some that gives it might. Manage. To. Pink floyd borrowed the title from mock twain who wrote everyone is a man and has a dockside which he never shows to anybody and thats what the songs amount to. After the departure of front man syd barrett due to declining Mental Health the band decided to explore the theme of Mental Illness in the album and it struck enough. To. Hand. The dockside of them. Moon still ranks as one of the best selling albums of all time. In pop culture is the moment casting the sun in the shade or is the moon overrated given that its only light comes from the sun perhaps this question doesnt matter in the end after all without the moon nights on earth would be pitch black. Nights as they say belongs to lovers and its the moon that illuminates them. Even if the moon isnt quite as exciting as were imagining it what would romance be without it. And what else could have inspired van morrison to this song. What led some mom oldest man. Does. Not need. To. Know the. Log yard strength. Yet all the new. Manager same to. Come by a love. Song. By. The moon her majesty that sound john carroll. Icon of the beat generation described it. On. The move back chick mean. Being sad face. An elimination thing bored by the 1st thing any gentleman. She kicks a star. Proud for government similar to keep. You around her cradle out. Of sight down any old time. You can all sleep. With imaginary orange war. Blazing immense money like. Fame you insist. He. All we need. You how. Rain. Where. Your we. Ought to see there were. Such. And were. See. See. More and. More. He. Was joking. With. Dont. Dont just walk. Away. With. To say goodbye to the mid mean sanka buy into the hope for a better life to comfort and romance bet eldritch said that beethoven may well have realized its kick in the doors and put it to song. Steve. King and. The thing i think. In the future robots will play an Important Role in space flight but we shouldnt forget the moon knows what it means to be human and the moon belongs to us all. Here for. Her. To be able to see it up close and feel like you could almost reach out and touch it thats what makes it real to us that in. The to explain the good. It makes you realize that we are all on a small Little Planet and we all have the same reaction i think theres Something Special about that something unifying. Its a great reminder that we should look up more often. It should. Make. You feel. So fish in. The. Us to. The. The sluggish need to want to. Bob is. The enemy. Must must. Love. Us constantly. To. Play. Must master. Small simple and superior big changes in the people making it possible to go africa. Fantastic right turn that as they set out to save the environment. To learn from one another. And Work Together for a Better Future. In 30 minutes d w. Robots are still in the Development Phase for. But whats going to happen when the world. Will humans and machines will be able to peacefully coexist or are we on the verge over a robot collapse. If we just bumble into this totally unprepared with our heads and say if you think about what could go wrong then lets face it its probably going to be the biggest mistake in history. Artificial intelligence is now spreading through our society they are moved experts be able to agree on ethical guidelines or will this Technology Create deadly new autonomous weapon systems. Large scale robot collapse starts aug 14th on g. W. Plates. Played. By the daily news line from berlin hong kong protesters are calling and their summer of discontent as they continue to march for Democracy Police have fired tear gas to disperse crowds who and barricaded themselves into the citys center and the finance of an official ban will hear from our correspondent as well as one of the key thinkers and hong kongs prodemocracy movement. And the worlds have otitis day we ask why more than 300000000 people are still affected by a disease thats treatable

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