Transcripts For DW Euromaxx - Lifestyle Europe 20181116 22:30:00

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battle for freedom and dignity. against repression and smile and so they deplore the powers of social media. the messages that are spreading like wildfire and thousands of followers are now joining their homes almost on the streets. but no more changing the morning. digital looms starts nov twenty fifth on the c.w. . i want to welcome to another exciting edition of your max i'm your house meghan lee from interesting instruments to unusual hobbies we have a mixed bag on the show today here's a look at what's coming up. tonight walker french musician by song for ronnie's new
album. searching for valuables in london mudflats. trait for launching in color neary specialty focused on books. we kick off today show where some travel back in time have you ever wondered what it was like to live some two thousand years ago all the visual artist. has given it some thought and he's recreated civilization as it was back at our uses the famous park alter and the city of the same name as his backdrop this is a visual feast is on display in berlin and takes visitors on a journey to another time. the ancient city of. faithfully recreated in fine detail in a three thousand square metre space the colossal panorama is the work of artist as
he sees its public debut twenty eleven now as he is presenting an expanded version in what he's dubbed the built for the purpose next pergamon museum. in its programme on since i was a child and i've also been very fascinated with it in terms of the architecture and the way this acropolis was built pile was saying it's almost modern architecture also the way they found this location this mountain in terms of urban planning. in preparation for his new panorama yet he has made six trips to the real target in turkey today the town. there he scrutinized the area from every angle hoping to find more inspiration for his project. but when you visit the actual location you get a very personal impression. nothing can beat that. so it's an unwritten law for
me that when i'm working on a project that i have to go to the actual site of it all it's ok and. he took photos on location for his original panorama but for this new version he staged additional scenes in berlin with some forty actors. among the scenes are stone masons workshop. a slave market. and a sacrificial altar. even immortalized himself as a market vendor. a cinema going back twenty years at first the scenes of people who are more a secondary element i thought i'd put a few people and put the picture in the proper scale. and now they're becoming the most important element because i can get through to the people the viewers by the way of the people. to date assisi has created fourteen giant
panoramas. the first was everest in like six two thousand and three a few of the world's highest mountain as seen from the base camp. one of his best known works is. the wall from two thousand and twelve it depicts the berlin wall and death strip in the one nine hundred eighty s. . and twenty sixteen he turned his attention to the church reformer martin luther photographing scenes for his panorama in vietnam back. key exhibits from the pergamon museums collection of classical antiquities have gone into the new panorama and establish a connection between ancient and modern art. among them are the prometheans group. the head of hercules. and the r.k. is to dancer from the palace. we've been able to work with assisi very closely because he was willing to incorporate our archaeological expertise in. the
program on panorama. so we chose the focal point together. one of the highlights is the famous program on alter. we've amalgamated a lot more this time things that i would normally have to learn all part of the exhibition and things from the exhibition or in the panorama. yet again as he sees panorama brings the antiquities to life offering a journey back through time to ancient program on nearly two thousand years ago. a celebrated painting by british artist david hockney has been sold in new york at a record price more on not plus attire in shops or hitting the road in the name of food or on those stores at the top of today's express. an iconic painting by british artist david hockney has sold for the highest price ever paid for his work by living artist portrait of an artist is david hockney his
most famous work and was oceans in new york on thursday for around eighty million euros. this breaks the record set by the skull to balloon dogs all range by u.s. artist jeff koons it went under the hammer in twenty says teens for around fifteen million euro. just constantly in bonn is showing the exhibition. dream journeys. it features more than one hundred thirty works by the expressionist painter. they demonstrate how a longing for the exotic and original runs through the work of the artist who himself had never traveled very far. with german who died in one nine hundred thirty eight was one of the founders of the artist group. the exhibition runs until the third of march twenty ninth.
this year's week of italian cuisine open did rome on thursday courses in one hundred twenty countries this year's focus will be on the mediterranean diet. the person in our next report is a star on the accordion the french mint vos off irani began with classical music at the age of eleven and he won numerous international prizes as a teenager then later on he began specializing in jazz but his talents aren't limited to just one musical genre on his new album he plays some very familiar rock classics but with an interesting twist let's have a closer listen. a
rock classic performed on the piano accordion of our son and. you know it's going you know it's like a little bit. of course. you know sound a little bit melancholic so it's it's for me if it's pretty well. in french the accordion is sometimes referred to as a blotter for a song which roughly translates as a box of thrills or excitement and that's exactly what band sampiero need turns it into. he loves to keep things interesting diving from one musical style to another . as a child what he actually wanted to do was play the drums my father was there you have to pay the accordion i say no i don't want i don't want to play the drums he said no this is stuff. so i give the accordion ok. mr appear i
need a professional accordion player himself had big plans for his son. and that meant by bite our bite and bite would work and more we're going to tell one day he started to really love it he sings played with some of the big names in jazz like german pianist michel boy and me. as a teenager is taste in music was quite different. was released jimi hendrix. who are there i remember when i put it on my cd player. the sol i was a. beauty and he loves to listen to drum solos and he really wants to get inside the rhythm. maybe i can try to imitate what i think what i heard on the drums and i try to to
do it on the accordion. here and he also performs led zeppelin's legendary good cashmere. performs the song together with his band living be featured throughout the album. it's a world away from classic accordion prepared neither possibilities are endless after a while i say i don't care i just like this music i want to play this music there is no reason you know because this is just an instrument so i just want to express myself ok thanks to the accordion.
nightwalker is the title of a some peyronie's new well featuring music that truly does explore all new horizons for the accordion. mud mud glorious mind and if it's in london it might be just the place to find some hidden treasures first centuries people been heading down to the river banks at low tide to see what they can find there but you can't just put on your rubber boots and get searching because first you need a special. permit. attendance is a rather unusual river because its water level changes with the time. times in office london is a kind of muddy feet which. these three ladies have an unusual past time
larking the term mudlarks was used in the eighteenth century to describe the poor street urchins who scavenge the rivers much for anything they could sell. though for an hour and florence much larking it's just a hobby. i can see. what. there's a little bit of white ball that's what they would have rested on the table. will say they really are like cigarette butts people just used to throw them away smoke the walls and that's right from about fifteen eighteen when i was introduced to the u.k. . but before you can go digging around in the mud at the thames you need a special permit from the port of london north or a city. those who find anything of real value or archaeological interest must present it to the museum of london to be registered and valued and it was then i
was fascinated by these straight pins which could date from roman times she's found a thousand so far from him and then suddenly they all get this brilliant surprise you might find a friend like a little seal that someone used to stamp a letter for four hundred years ago and you think. you can go home and research it and it's very very very addictive. something mudlarks just wear sandals others get themselves out with more professional gear. it's not just historical interest that leads these mudlarks to comb the shores of the river thames at low tide for tresham. at his studio kids have finds a new design. for instance she's turned old shards of glass into colorful fish. everything has a purpose planks whether it's ceramic pieces dating from roman times. victorian
dolls heads all splendid looking old pipes. these three mudlarks just love to show off their treasures. want to know more about european my style and culture visit euro max on facebook. you'll find highlights from our programmes. three hundred sixty degree videos of the most beautiful places in europe and snapshots taken by our reporters take an exclusive look behind the scenes at how the program is produced and follow us on facebook life. we do love it when fans visit our facebook page and give us their feedback visit d w euro max on facebook. continuing now with a final part in our series on pioneering women last but not least we are taking a look at door don't touch kobe she directed the oscar nominated movie loving about
the life and art of vincent van gogh well the film is the world's first fully painted feature we met up with a director to find out how she revolutionized animation using the oldest visual medium. loving vincent brings to life the story of dutch post-impressionist painter vincent van hall in his own pictures it's the first ever feature to animate paintings on canvas. it was polish artist who first came up with the idea. when i saw the paintings i think this is perfect because he painted his life.
that's what's on the painting which was really tempting because i thought if you bring the paintings to move in front of the. after it was shot with actors over one hundred painters and get back to cuba recreated each frame by hand to bring this dream to life. and her husband. led the team that put together this truly unique film. it's like. you know putting of the possible because you you've got the paintings and you don't really want to change them or you've got the biography you have got the facts from his life and also you've got you know. storytelling like very important. it took seven years and sixty five thousand individual paintings to create loving vincent disney's first animated feature length films were painted with water colors but using oils in animation is unchartered territory for the film industry. amazing
depth of emotion. by painting it you know lots of you have lots of control. one of the biggest challenges cappiello and her team had to overcome was finding sponsors and investors for a movie that was very difficult to imagine lots of people we are you know they. passion for van cost painting began as a young age she read the artist's letters when she was fifteen after studying fine arts she went on to specialize in animation at the warsaw film school. in twenty eleven she created her first short film little postman from her own oil painting. i felt that it's missing from my life the painting is just and i really felt i would like
to. you know bring it back or close that chapter of my life you know i just felt this is open and so i felt ok of the great to combine these two things and to paint a movie so that was a short film idea loving vincent was first planned as a short film but eventually grew into a ninety minute feature the work might not boast any special effects but it still do you need in the industry. film critic scott roxboro believes his idea could even mark the birth of a new genre. computer animation so dominates the field now we've gotten used to seeing it to such a degree that we've forgotten what paint looks like almost. and that pack our senses really is really revolutionary i think i hope really that all inspire a new generation of filmmakers to embrace this this really new medium which is of course the oldest media. of visual representation. since it premiered in twenty
seventeen the movie has been a major success receiving numerous international warrant it was even nominated for an oscar in the best animated feature category. it was also a lot for me as a person because i you know it's a first film it's a push film that's been ever nominated there's no money where man in an emotion industry and wanted to i'm not a coward both paul and in general i'm very proud i'm very. real has painted a pioneering portrait of vincent and called her groundbreaking bio epic is at once immersive and. well all this week we've been asking you to tell us which woman has really inspired you and mohamed mean wrote in from india and he told us he chose mother teresa because of her outstanding social work well done to you mohamed and
a special euro max watch will soon be reaching you all right time now for something to eat and for that we are headed to the exotic streets of istanbul in turkey turkish cuisine borrows many elements from middle eastern dishes and looting to chile cinnamon and of course lots of garlic well today we're going to learn how to make eggplant sure re with lamb so. the bosphorus brings together two very different worlds istanbul is the only city on earth to span two continents asia and europe the result is a unique cultural mix the car could district was once popular with russian pilgrims the andrea caracalla restaurant is below an orthodox church. this is the roof terrace church is called there's like three more in fifty meters distance one is
from fourteenth century. and the other three of them it's in eighteenth century actually start new it and you know in our building is built on eighteen nineteen seventy three. every sunday church services are still held up the restaurant it took two and a half years to restore the old building. the decor in the andrea cart of the restaurant is as colorful as the menu. one dish is particularly popular is going to cook special menu for cooks. cooks taking parts with the sultan's or actually this is here in ca to be on the. that is the sultan this is the what the sultan less we call it from khatib a.m.d. we just put it. we're going to put meat on the top that's a huge thing for tookie so the best recipe ground turkey cuisine actually. first we need to buying greediest said istanbul's egyptian bazaar also known as the
spice bazaar to locals and tourists flock to this market with its unique atmosphere . poor hunt joking around as a regular visitor. this is the best blizzard find in this room will also you know it is the same aspies those are it's where now right next to the next wall there everybody sells fresh food over here spices this you can find around this town will also probably part of the world you can find the best places around here so we get here by a biased of we're going to go and cook right now. back at the restaurant we meet chef air hahnville the runner. to make our big empty he needs eggplant lamb tomato puree flour onions milk butter oil and spices. and we start with the eggplant the most important and time consuming part of the
recipe. is that of the she did that to ensure they cook evenly i'm going to stab holes in them that stops them bursting during cooking. the vegetables are grilled for about thirty minutes till soft and meantime he cuts the lamb into small pieces . shoulder of lamb is generally the most tender cut the fries the meat and onions and olive oil on high heat. but don't stir the meat too often or it becomes watery. the plant is now ready. the grilled eggplant gives the dish and slightly smoky taste and that's what's special about this. recipe. to make a rue melt the butter and add flour stirring constantly. you need to cook it long enough so it doesn't taste of flour. gradually add milk stirring all the time to ensure no lumps appear. peel and puree the eggplant and then
add it to the song. finally add grated cheese made of cow's milk. the meat needs to simmer for around twenty minutes so that it's tender again. in the meantime the seasons the egg plant puree with salt pepper and make. the chili is very important for the stage. so we'll put one or two pods directly into the pot. and some of them with the meat. then arrange everything on a plate first the eggplant puree. then the meat. had garnish with grilled tomatoes and peppers. it's now ready to eat. a.m.d.
a turkish specialty not just a dish for sultans. good all right you can always find that recipe on our website and that brings us to the end of this edition of your romance but we will be back tomorrow for the highlights so we look forward to seeing you for that until then for me and the entire crew here as always thanks for joining us bye for now. time when you're in that style nice show with an italian fierce ensemble bringing paintings like her to life. the as a talented guitarist from italy. and a library ups our stock is from belgium this imo next time you're a match highlights.
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i come from there lots of people in fact more than a billion pages of blood nonsense democracy and that's one reason why i'm passionate about people and aspirations and they can sense. the television the book is righteous in the end after the fall of the sun in one and i remember thinking at the time if the battle in blokhin for what to get happened to see her come together and unite for the coolest city i do the news i'll think i'm trying to decode situations for conflict between design stamped on a season sponsored my job to confront doesn't lead as one policies and development just put the spotlight on issues that matter most. full security mission nationalization. has to be cheap but so much more needs to be done and i feel people have to be at the solutions. such.

Related Keywords

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Thousand And Three , Two Thousand And Twelve , Martin Luther , Death , Attention , Vietnam , Sixteen , Nine Hundred Eighty , Antiquities , Exhibits , Modern Art , Connection , Prometheans Group , Pergamon Museums Collection , Head , Hercules , Palace , Dancer , Expertise , Rk , Highlights , Program , Alter , Focal Point , On Facebook , Things , Part , Exhibition , Painting , David Hockney , Price , Attire , Shops , Road , New York , British , Food , Top , Stores , Portrait , Express , Set , Us , Balloon , Record , Oceans , Skull , Eighty Million , Eighty Million Euros , Jeff Koons , Teens , Hammer , Dream Journeys , Bonn , Fifteen Million Euro , Fifteen Million , Expressionist Painter , Runs , Longing , One Hundred Thirty , German , Group , Founders , March Twenty Ninth , Nine Hundred Thirty Eight , Italian Cuisine , Rome On , Courses , Focus , Countries , Mediterranean Diet , One Hundred Twenty , Accordion , Person , Classical Music , Star , Report , French , Off Irani , Mint Vos , Age , Teenager , Jazz , Talents , Prizes , Rock Classics , Twist , Listen , Son , Piano Accordion , Rock Classic , Bit , Course , Song , Style , Band Sampiero Need , Blotter , Another , Excitement , Thrills , Box , Diving , Mr , Father , Drums , Stuff , Bite , Plans , Accordion Player , Some , Names , Pianist Michel Boy , Music , Taste , Sol , Cd Player , Beauty , Solos , Jimi Hendrix , Rhythm , Led Zeppelin , Legendary Good Cashmere , Band , Care , Possibilities , Reason , Thanks , Instrument , Knight Walker , Horizons , Title , Peyronie , Place , Mud Glorious Mind , River , Tide , Attendance , Permit , Treasures , Special , Rubber Boots , Banks , Times , Ladies , Kind , Changes , Water Level , Feet , Three , Mudlarks , Anything , Rivers , Term , Street Urchins , Who Scavenge , Hobby , Ball , Table , Walls , Eighteen , Fifteen , Interest , Mud , Value , Port Of London , Museum Of London , Thames , Thousand , Pins , Friend , Surprise , Someone , Roman Times , Little Seal , A Thousand , Something , Letter , Home , Gear , Sandals , Four Hundred , Design , Instance , Studio , Glass , Fish , Kids , Tresham , Shards , Shores , Everything , Purpose Planks , Pieces , Facebook , Pipes , European , Culture Visit Euro Max On , Dolls , Places , Reporters , Programmes , Degree Videos , Snapshots , Three Hundred Sixty , Look , Fans , Page , Visit Dw Euro Max On , Movie , Oscar , Door Dont Touch Kobe , Series , Pioneering Women Last , Film , Animation , Feature , Medium , Art , Director , Vincent Van Gogh , Loving Vincent , Story , Dutch Post Impressionist , Painter Vincent Van Hall , Paintings , Pictures , Canvas , Polish , Life , Idea , Painters , Front , Frame , Hand , Cuba , One Hundred , Team , Husband , Dream , Facts , Biography , Storytelling , Films , Territory , Oils , Watercolors , Feature Length , Film Industry , Loving Vincent Disney , Sixty Five Thousand , Seven , Lots , Emotion , Control , Finding , Depth , Challenges , Van Cost Painting , Sponsors , Investors , Passion , Oil Painting , Letters , Fine Arts , Little Postman , Film School , Warsaw , Chapter , Two , Scott Roxboro , Industry , Special Effects , Ninety , Degree , Paint , Genre , Birth , Field , Pack , Computer Animation , Media , Filmmakers , Senses , Generation , Inspire , Representation , Lot , Warrant , Category , Success , Seventeen , Emotion Industry , General , Man , Coward , Mo Ney , Paul , Pioneering Portrait Of Vincent And Called Her Groundbreaking Bio Epic , Mohamed Mean , Mother Teresa , Social Work , Woman , India , Streets , Istanbul , Dishes , Elements , Turkey Turkish Cuisine , Looting , Middle Eastern , Special Euro Max Watch , Eggplant , Lamb , Chile Cinnamon , Worlds , District , Result , Car , Pilgrims , Continents Asia , Bosphorus , Earth , Russian , Andrea Caracalla Restaurant , Orthodox Church , Roof Terrace Church , Fifty , Restaurant , Building , Services , Seventy Three , Nineteen , Menu , Dish , Decor , Andrea Cart , Sultan , Cooks , Parts , Khatib , The Sultan S , Meat , Recipe , Thing , Ground Turkey Cuisine , Tookie , Egyptian Bazaar , Market , Locals , Visitor , Spice Bazaar , Tourists , Atmosphere , Hunt , Room , Raspies , Everybody , Big , Eggplant Lamb , Tomato Puree Flour Onions , Runner , Air Hahnville , Spices , Butter Oil , Stab Holes , Cooking , Vegetables , Thirty , Plant , Olive Oil , Shoulder , Tender , Onions , Heat , Fries , Butter , Add , Flour Stirring , Rue Melt , Doesn T , Flour , Milk , Lumps , Peel , Grated Cheese , Cows Milk , Chili , Egg Plant Puree , Seasons , Make , Stage , Pods , Salt Pepper , Eggplant Puree , Pot , Plate , Garnish , Tomatoes , Peppers , Amd , Sultans , Website , The End , Edition , Romance , Crew , Bye , Ensemble , Guitarist , Italy , Match Highlights , Stock , Library , Belgium , Best , Boat , On , Move , Silence , Be , Styles , Material , Real , Change , Documentary , Tv , Smarter Thetw , Talent , Smarttv , Dot Com , Book , Pages , Fact , Aspirations , Democracy , Television , Blood Nonsense , A Billion , News , Unite , Battle In Blokhin , The Sun , Issues , Season , Policies , Job , Development , Lead , Conflict , Situations , Spotlight , Security Mission Nationalization , Needs , Solutions ,

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