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Its not just turkish citizens who are affected the crisis is also a big worry for the estimated three and a half million Syrian Refugees who have found a haven in turkey one place where they have settled in numbers is the border city of garcia on tap in southeastern turkey and aside from economic concerns a lot of refugees like ten year old mudgee are still struggling to come to terms with the horror of war maggi does stays start very early. And they are exhausting. If i would like to listen to little some children when they wake up they just jump out of their beds wash their faces get dressed take their bags and go i need an hour to properly put on my leg and if it doesnt work i need to ask my mom for help. In twenty thirteen the family fled syria to turkey margie doe was five years old at the time and her brother ebro him only two she still remembers the escape from aleppo very clearly and the day of the attack. We were in a pickup truck with ten other people when it happened. Just after we got on the truck a plane fired on us. Suddenly everything was burning. And everything was black around us. That a plea our lower when i regained consciousness i saw my daughter and her leg was gone. My son was on fire and he had open wounds on both of his legs there were dead bodies and burned people everywhere these images still haunt me it was like hell had opened up. And they had gone by their door when we left the hospital there were many covered dead bodies outside and one body was uncovered. My sister closed her eyes and she didnt see it but i saw that body and i wish i hadnt looked because i cannot forget it. The neighborhood where marjie does family live has changed drastically in the past years until it was once famous for its traders and markets but now its known for its refugees the city has taken in half a million syrians but living together is not is how mone years as a day looks at first glance. When they realize im serious they charge me more they doubled my rent from two hundred to four hundred lire and i even have to pay more for water and electricity that my neighbors do because i supposedly use more water we want them to go back now weve been feeding them for five six years thats enough. There were a lot of problems in the beginning but now everything is fine the majority of syrians have integrated theyve even feasted the economy. On the lots that are close looks good i detailed well. If it was not does that hurt. Yes here a little more this right you dont need to go to the clinic every couple of months the check up is uncomfortable for her. But the scar on her leg doesnt bother her anymore and thats very important. Has more fun exercising she has made such progress that her prosthetic leg is hardly noticeable only climbing stairs still proves difficult. For her physiotherapist its important that she keeps her head up she shouldnt think of her leg at all. But we want our patients to feel comfortable with the percy says so they can do everything in their daily lives without limitations. That include walking on different types of flaws and services such as sand and gravel as well as steep slopes and stands we train all of that. Was that the man today is brave and she has a strong will. Thats why she learned so quickly. And made such great progress. In iraq quadratic that is if im happy that i have this leg now. At first i wanted to even leave it on at night but my mom wouldnt let me do that. Well bit of a club for a little. On the way back home theres time for play on the playground. Or love that here but many of the other children of boyd her she says because of her prosthetic leg i think i get called when i read that when the other kids at school didnt know about my situation they were nice but when they learned about my leg they treated me differently they wouldnt play with me any more thats why i prefer it when no one at school knows about my leg grown ups have also reacted strangely my teacher for example acted normally at first would they get their senshi seen my prosthetic leg shes treated me extra carefully. When i forgot that the leg asperity she reminded me that i could not have the lives that they did as a kid a lot of that it. Wasnt. Good enough fathers there as well she doesnt seem very often hes working a lot trying to put food on the table. Then its time for the children to go to bed put sir prosthetic leg away for the night. And even him crawls into her bed he loves it when his sister reefs in the story as he falls asleep. Its about a boy named tarik a six year old superhero from a liberal but it could just as well be about. Be a bit of. Now as someone who comes originally from the United Kingdom im regularly asked whether it is really going to happen it being of course the british exit from the European Union and sadly from my point of view my answer has to be yes it looks very much that way and its certainly going to have a huge impact including it seems on the food supply with the British Government even considering stockpiling food weve been talking to farmers in the english south east including a man called Stephen Betts. From. Lettuce as far as the eye can see. Every week a million heads of it are harvested here in the county of kent in southeastern england theyre picked by hand mostly by Seasonal Workers from eastern europe. But. I dont think. People realized how much we depend on foreign labor coming in. Steven benson is a fourth generation lettuce farmer he employs around one hundred thirty Seasonal Workers on his farm most come from romania as e. U. Citizens they dont need visas to work but briggs it could well do away with that privilege that would go stephens business model. If theres no labor coming in. Virtually was going to be no. Weve got to have the labor coming in theres no question about. All imports a lot of food from the rest of the world. So we call that choice. To do or just have fun is romanian shes been working on the farm for eleven years she was shocked at how in the run up to the referendum that revolved around immigration but she still isnt convinced breaks it will cost her her job. I dont see i so here we are working but you know life being. Brave words but british farmers are already feeling the consequences of breaks it this year twenty percent fewer Seasonal Workers came to the island nation looking for work. Around an hour to the east youll find kevin at once farm. For eighty years his family. Grown different types of grainier kevin needs big machines to do that and that means major investment but the farmer cant afford that anymore breaks it will cut off idle e. U. Subsidies from his perspective things look bleak indeed. We could easily see a very substantial percentage of farmers disappear family found just go on and that wont be something you can decide if i were ten years tall i more politically we got that wrong because it will be down and once farmers leave the land and go off on Something Else to do i generally dont come back im afraid. But not all of the Grain Farmers in kandahar as negative as kevin is. James four acknowledged voted in favor of brags that he thought that getting out of the e. U. Would be a boon for larger operations like yours. Rather morag around the wife why from europe i think is is a is a better thing for us as a country and were in a world market anyway so you know wherever your weight goes in the world were up against the world market so you know it wouldnt make that much difference i doubt not. But the looming brings it is already causing problems for many british farmers not long ago Stephen Betts had a waiting list of seasonal staff eager for work post referendum willing field workers have grown scares indeed and theres no idea how many still will be around to harvest his letters here. Well from the u. K. Lets go now to spain and meet Marcos Rodriguez ponto a man who disappeared into the woodlands of the southern Sierra Madre Mountains when he was just seven years old and he didnt return to civilization until twelve long years later saying hed been adopted by a wolf pack and lived on roots and berries Marcus Rodriguez is now in his seventys and lives in spains northwest deeply troubled about how spains environment is being treated has become a passion of campaigner for Nature Conservation but then are not. This isnt normal Marcus Reggie guy says over and over yet theres garbage everywhere he looks rotting here in delhi. Gardner is toxic to the environment for marcus this is home hes furious that people treated so badly they were met by the governor about look theres a partridge and wants water youre going to get your money were going to put it on him but i reckon its going to die on my brother i mean a man is beastly. I grew up in nature it hurts me to see all this filth why dont people care and. Marcus the story is well known in spain at the age of seven he found himself alone in a remote valley in seattle he befriended the wolf cubs and spent years living among them in spains wilderness. Where im a gathering of my went into the cubs dan and phil its like youre going to the river and thats when the parents came back. I think they werent sure whether to adopt me or eat me you know where im going on you know where they were in my mind i guess they left me because i was playing with the cubs and they were young and i will not i smelled like them lost myself in mud dried myself with leaves and i think it was the smell that made me one of them. My log a bit ago about. Mark is a story was made into a movie his stepmother used to beat him his father couldnt look after him he was abandoned and left with a shepherd who soon died marcos stayed in the wild and hunted with wolves he didnt have contact with humans until police found him when he was nineteen and forced him to leave the woods. Marcus is seventy two today he had to work hard to learn to speak again but hes never been able to come to terms with civilizations darker side he has few friends one of whom is a forest ranger who shares marcos passion for nature and his fear of its destruction. There was a forest fire here. The risk of more of them is high. Were going to. Work has been in vain because i feel powerless angry i dont know what to say. Most of these fires were started by humans by arsonists i mean its just unbelievable. In this because. Police have arrested several suspects but still there is no end to the forest fires marcus is appalled almost nothing survives here anymore. But. When you burn it all down theyll be nothing left. If they keep this up half the human population will die. For nothing to live in nature is dead. Glenn mcgrath i dont understand how humans can let this happen it there but marcos is a fighter despite his bitter experiences he hopes people can learn to care for the Natural Environment for years hes been visiting schools to speak with children he makes a convincing case with his authenticity. Of course. But with a look at another man of course is a wonderful Nature Advocate you know says animal spattered and he knows people and you can learn so much from him like how to be respectful of the Natural Environment and marcus explains to this to you it is completely different than when scientists do it. Before system. But as time passes marcus has begun doubting whether he can make a lasting impression on people. I talk to children about nature a lot. And tell them its the most wonderful thing there is. They must treat nature with care. I dont know if they really hear me a minute i know its hard to change humans and we must be alive and then. Wove taught marcus to respect nature people show him how they destroy it which leaves mark us to wonder whether a part of him always been more than human. Now what i wonder was it like during the progs spring fifty years ago people in what was then czechoslovakia was still celebrating the liberal reforms introduced by alexander dubcek and it seemed as though a new dawn has broken but then moscow ordered its tanks into prague to crush the uprising so what did that short period of freedom just four months really feel like and to what extent to the ghosts of that time still haunts czech politics well as a young man roland barrow a witness to those remarkable events. Its a day seared into our land they are now as memory august the twenty first one thousand nine hundred sixty eight the day soviet tanks rolled onto the streets of the czech capital the prague spring a dream of freedom was brutally suppressed and bared our was right in the thick of things. With his camera throughout that long day the now eighty two year old documented how the soviet leadership ended the dream initially disguising the move as military maneuvers the soviets and other eastern bloc countries invaded czechoslovakia and soon tanks were patrolling the streets of prague the country was forced back into the fault of hardline communism the invading soviet troops moved quickly to seize the citys Radio Station where journalists had been broadcasting uncensored reports. And we didnt want them to occupy the station. So people set up a barricade. Your ball may also set a tank on fire here of. The dream of a free and open communist society died that day for bad our other warsaw pact countries also played a role in the events that led up to it moscow received a lot of support from east germany its leadership had been fighting the Reform Movement in neighboring czechoslovakia for months evidence of those activities can be found at the old east german stars the archives. Here archivist all averse to being has worked his way through a mountain of documents that include over a thousand photographs among them some of the countrys own agents the make up by the. Bookies and they were told to get photographic evidence of all enemy actions to take pictures at all of the protests and document who was there so those people could later be prosecuted or of course. The information was supposed to be shared with state Security Services in other eastern bloc nations. This is the first time these images have ever been shown on television. Most of them have only been checked and sorted in the last few years. Back in prague at the czech archive for state security during the communist era andre my take is the Deputy Director of the Czech Institute for the study of totalitarian regimes that looked into the activities of the east German Security service. The sixtys vietnam in one thousand nine hundred sixty eight is always closely associated with this feeling of emotional shock that is in turn tied to the occupation film of the twenty first of august in the days that followed it. Would be part of our garden are where people protested through nonviolent resistance which undermines the here but what people really came together as one in our society the guy who is a very very powerful time shop as russian stock we shall not take out a list of east german agents in prague back then the historian isnt surprised he says the warsaw pact countries all spied on one another and after the prague spring their Security Services grew stronger than ever the past still has an impact today historical researchers believe the countrys current Prime Minister andre bobbish spied for czechoslovakia secret police. Was the highest ranked category in agent market and on a t. V. Channel he owns the multimillionaire and all of dark denied the allegations a few weeks ago. But with the show some of the media providers claim that i lost and caught in the states of purity of fear this is a lie that it took a tired is a former Prime Minister who back in one thousand nine hundred played a role during czechoslovakias transition to democracy it makes him sad that even fifty years after the prague spring the countrys communist past still casts a long shadow the us. But now ive been involved in our history and remembrance for many long years. Now for me its become a fascinating but at the same time a grim topic. Stalin publishes the same words over and over again. Hes surrounded by good marketing people who keep him from having to make things too complicated. He constantly repeats the same stuff about lies and campaigns against him. Chello the. Gum. For holland our who took part in the progs spring the memory of events in czechoslovakia after the invasion are as painful now as they were then thats what you got. In august of one thousand nine hundred sixty eight he smuggled his pictures out to west germany for broadcast. But. It was really very bad back. Fifty years after the hopes of the prague spring were crushed by the soviet union the legacy of the past continues to haunt him. Well now on a very different note a story about why and bananas and about a man called eve chico who becomes originally from the democratic republic of congo where they make banana wine now these days home for eve is the austrian capital of vienna and when he saw that overly ripe bananas were simply being thrown away he decided that the time was ripe to create his own but not on a wine. Waste not want not thats eve she kourou. Every week he sells his rather unusual wine at viennas big open air food market most People Struggle to guess what the beverage is made up. It has a very interesting flavor and aroma the initial taste is a little strange for wine drinkers but then again some body fish markets like that to see and tastes different light on refreshing and its not too strong. I notice the banana in the after taste. But nana wine is popular in parts of africa if she is from the democratic republic of congo when he saw the amount of fruit that gets thrown away in europe he started buying up overripe bananas. So part of the city but not in people stop buying bananas as soon as they get browned sponsors start becoming sweeter. Thrown away. Rather than let them go to waste we buy them and make something new from the market was closed to us. He pays ten euro is for a crate of bananas which is half the original price even his wife makes three to four batches of banana wine every year. First the bananas are peeled and the strings are removed so the wind wont taste better then its time for fermentation. The winds sugar content depends on the type of banana used after four to six months the wine is ready. Anyway and if you miss macnulty to me banana wine tastes like banana wine its its own thing it cant be compared to white wine or other wines that has its own aroma in its own after taste this one. One hundred kilos of bananas yield around thirty to forty liters of wine. In this way if she has already saved around thirty tonnes of bananas from being wasted hes especially proud of that. And i for one would love to try some of these wind and not so from focus on europe this time around thanks so much for joining us and if youd like to see any of our reports again just go to our home page on v w dont call them forward slash focus on europe over to tell Facebook Page the w stories do come back next time around until and by by troops. If you. Want the phone. Thank you all. For. The buicks you. Feel. The but. Well nineteen sixty eight pm the bronx were on august twenty first one thousand nine hundred sixty eight the remake came to a bloody end feel more song. States led by the soviet Union Invaded czechoslovakia. The dream of socialism of a few things was crushed under tank treads some. New thirteen im supposed to believe and. Moving on beethoven. His works in the goddess for turn up. The mushroom and finish. The job and searched beyond twenty. Six her first day of school in the jungle. First clueless and. Then doris crane the moment arrives. Join during meetings on her journey back to freedom to you know work interactive documentary and story bring a tame returns home on t w dot com tangs. House if you dont know. Where i come from that oh is that it does this go it just like this chinese food does matter where i am always reminds me of home after decades of living in germany chinas food is one of the things i miss the most but better taking a step back i see six hundred to the difference between now and. Then of forwards processing to go in a sense that its just the other part of the wall havent been after the men set in china thats why you undock up china its a full one hour a day and if there are no it isnt a picnic but if you grab a ride to another culture that is this is the job. Just under the law how i see it i dont understand why i have nothing my job because i tired to do it exactly it is an hour a day my name is the uninsured and i work at it up you. Play. The lead leg. Length. The law. This is the w. News live from girl led brazil sends troops to its border with venezuela clashes break out between brazilian locals and venezuelans as tensions over a migration come to a head more than a thousand venezuelans who have fled the border town now forced back to their crisis the country. Also coming up at least in the

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