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A series of targets but will it be enough to win over lawmakers we get an update from strasbourg or succumbing to. Get tested is the message we report from south africa on signs of progress in the battle against a child beat professional c education is the key to improving outcomes and. To suggest to us to see astronauts of apollo 11 to blast off to a mission to put man on the moment look at blacks for the next generation of luna explore us. Hello and welcome. Good to have your Company Gemini is a funded line has addressed the European Parliament in strasbourg. As she winds up a bid to become the 1st woman president of the European Commission it was a last chance to win the support of your parliamentarians found alive the sort to make concerns of lawmakers have criticized for being too vague she laid out a number of ambitious policy points on issues including climate gender equality migration and brags it. Confident and smiling. Yet everything is on the line for it was found a lion who is resigning as German Defense minister in her bid to lead the u. Commission some called her address to parliament the speech of her lifetime the world is calling for more the world needs more you i believe europe should have a stronger and more united voice in the world and it needs to act fast the conservative said european unity is the antidote to the continents Biggest Challenges most pressing among them Climate Change. This is the greatest responsibility and opportunity of our times i want europe to become the 1st climate neutral continent in the world by 2050. She celebrated her candidacy as a step forward for women she would become the commissions 1st female leader. The german politician also promised a new approach to asylum it was a nod to italy greece and spain which process the most asylum applications because of their proximity to north africa and the middle east fearful peroration a common european asylum system must be exactly that common. We can only have stable external borders if we give enough help to Member States chasing the most pressure because of where they are on the map we need solidary cheat. On a lie and earn the endorsement of germanys original top choice for the job man fed deva sistani but psyched up and she is a committed european and thats why we will pursue our goals together with her she has the European Peoples Party firm support and our vote just it seems that. A number of your of social democrats have also given her their blessing but the far right and the far left criticised her speech calling it a bouquet of empty promises she will need the majority of votes in a secret ballot set for this evening. Joining me now is the Brussels Bureau chief mox hes at the European Parliament in straw smoke not fond of law and pressed all the right buttons during a speech there was something for everyone how did it a dress code on their. Well because indeed she did have the right triggers and she had a good way of mixing it with her personal story introduction i am a woman this is a historic chance also stressing the fact that she has 7 kids which makes are more approachable and in the end telling a story about her father this mix seemed to have worked quite well with the m e ps we talk to of course not on the far right but we are the ones that are essential here are the social democrats because theyre the one to put her over the hump and the feedback weve been hearing from most allegations so far is quite positive theres one notable exception though the german delegations so was enough on its own country the s. P. D. The ones that are in the same coalition as her party still saying were not going to vote for one of them was also my strong the need to attack Climate Change no wonder the greens impressed because they had said earlier they wouldnt be voting against her. Theres a certain irony to that because the greens were the party to reject. As the 1st Party Last Week they met or they grilled her for over an hour and then they were very quick to release a press release saying were not going to vote for this is just not enough and i have the feeling that some of them at least regretted that decision a little bit today because as you said the speech was very climate protection heavy and see she said in theory all the right things for the green party by the way i talked to one of their members from belgium desoto this is what she had to say. Mr souter kind of sounded like it was enough and the line is still hoping that some greens will vote for her she emphasized climate protection a lot was not something you liked yes but of course we are still worried that these are just words and no binding action will follow from that there was a lot of conditions put to that sound as an example last week when we talked about c o 2 reductions in 2030. And the goal to reach minus 55 percent which was agreed by the parliament not as a goal but she shares when shes still hesitating on that she said well maybe we should go to mean minus 50 and then in 2021 see how we can proceed even furder so you see that her see her position shifts from day to day. And what we heard now is much better than what we heard in the hearing that we had last week for sure but its not yet convincing to give our full support to her hold on we have still a full day of debate with her because she just delivered so the introductory speech and now the debate is ongoing and then we will have Group Meetings to discuss our position it is my feeling that my group will not give full support to her tonights no but you think like you that sounds like you are considering giving her your vote i didnt say that well still have a full days of debates youre not excluding it im not excluding anything it can be supported can be abstention it can be a negative all to see tonight what happens when we have you know the whole debate and all the elements that we need on certain elements she has progressed she did her homework she listened to us and she definitely wants the vote of the s. And the group thats clear and social democrats she probably will get them she will lose the one such extreme rights because she said some things about migration about nationalism that definitely will not be accepted from that side and that is good because we. We were afraid that she would lose the left side of the parliament and get the votes at the right and extreme right side which of course creates you know some some dependence from that groups so no shes a shes shifting more to the left even more than her own political family has ever done because she did she does this a few things that were not really the position of the p. P. So much as we go to please this green member is keeping all her options open as to how shes going to vote and what the big issues there among your deputies is that or is it up on the line was not the socalled elite candidate for this post tell us about this controversy and its implications. Yes especially the greens and the social democrats were almost well hurt because they were all in regarding this lead candidate principle something that was born 5 years ago we have to make sure that everybody understands this is not part of the european treaties there is no legislation behind it it was sort of a convention that was born 5 years ago that only the ones of the candidates that were really on the campaign trail and the really the ones that to be elected could also be nominated later as president of the e. U. Commission the goal behind it was to give these candidates more more legitimacy and make sure that the citizens of the European Union have their say in this but this time the European Parliament failed to gather a majority behind one of those lead candidates including by the way the social democratic candidate funds to months from from the from the netherlands so by not agreeing on one of those candidates after the elections they basically handed over the power of this process to the leaders so the representatives the heads of State Government of the Member States and they came up with a line and that still makes some of the m. E. Piece here quite mad we have to see how this plays out of course when the votes takes place but finding that and also press the point about being the 1st woman to hold this post if she is elected how did that business with people today. Its a stuart and i would say most m. P. s at least the ones we talk to think its a good thing and of course then you have some who think its absolutely brilliant who fought for gender equality during their whole political career just to mention one example xerox or garcia perez who is the head of the social Democratic Group here in the e. U. Parliament shes a feminist shes fought for general quality and so even though. Is a member of the conservative party. Garciaparra stood up after her speech and gave her Standing Ovations as the group leader of the social democrats so that shows you the direction that the s. And d. Group the social democrats will probably go into at the end of this day so walk us through what happens for the rest of the day and when do we actually have a result. Member of the conservative party told me earlier she can start planning her her Victory Party now because the feeling really is that shes going to make it there are some meetings of the political groups this afternoon where they will give their official recommendations whether to vote for. Or not social democrats at 4 oclock this afternoon until about 6 oclock this afternoon and at 6 oclock we have the official secret ballot so a secret vote will take their times to count those votes because they want to make sure they get it right especially if its close so we do expect official results by 730 this evening right max elfman at the European Parliament instructable thank you very much. And well bring you live coverage of that vote when it takes place that would have been you up to date with some other stories making news around the World Climate activists from the Group Extinction Rebellion have blocked the entrance to a concrete factory in london the group wants to stop the construction of a rotund on the river thames theyve planned to wreak of destruction and 5 british cities to urge government to take action on Climate Change. Heavy rains in india may have caused the residential building to collapse in the city of mumbai Officials Say at least 2 people are dead and 40 more are feared trapped under the rubble collapses are common during monsoon season with poorly constructed buildings weakened by the rain. The 1st ebola patient in the city in the democratic republic of congos east has died the victim was a pastor he travelled to go from an outbreak area last week the case has caused concern among Health Officials theyre worried about the disease spreading in a major city. Progress in reducing the pace of new hiv infections increasing access to treatment and ending aids related deaths is slowing down now thats according to a new report released by un aids today latest figures show they are currently nearly 38000000. 00 People Living with hiv around the world and it on 79 percent of them are aware of their status the region most affected is a large parts of africa almost 26000000. 00 people there are hiv positive some countries have very high rates of People Living that the virus but big deal will efforts are being made to reduce the spread of hiv between 2012018 theres been a 16 percent decline in the number of new infections of hiv worldwide in south africa one in 7 People Living with the virus but Health Professionals say a hard hitting Educational Campaign is helping to ease the crisis there our correspondent Adrienne Krishi sent us this report from the town of show in. Engineering student. Is on her way to the Campus Health Center Students can get tested for hiv for free in the waiting room theres a video advertisement for print a preventative medicine that protects against the virus she began taking prep few months ago which involves taking one tablet per day and going for a checkup every 2 months. Its heavy and it is spreading like very fast these days these years in our unit so i dont. Think so critics myself and actually im proud a wish like everyone can do it because i think there is that easiest way to prevent it has been a from spreading. Is trying to persuade more students to use prep to protect themselves against hiv she says that while she wouldnt talk to her parents about hiv the subject is no longer to be amongst her peers funniest and i want you to most of all i know that we dont like using condoms for section janice we dont like using condoms so just in case were not feeling like using condoms we can use it because we know we dont have a problem because we know that we are still present so if it is to pass this way using the college often ph is one of the 1st to offer age i. V. Health center on campus its part of a project initiated by Doctors Without Borders that has been usually successful in the last few years its with the help of the project that the area has been able to reach the socalled 1990 goal a year ahead of schedule the goal was conceived at the un as a treatment target to help end the aids epidemic world white the aim is this by 202090 percent of all those living with hiv know their status 90 percent diagnosed with hiv infection will receive and she richer rival therapy and 90 percent of people receiving therapy will have viral suppression since 2011 when we started it. We managed to pandemic have as it is called this access of the project. By the way in which we approached it from the web go Community Entry which allowed. Him to be part and parcel of the project and one of them is some beginning my use of a traditional leader who is open about being h. I. V. Positive. When i 1st told people i was hiv positive they were shocked they took one look at me and said you can have aids and not look sick or lose weight no one had suspected anything until i told them only then did some people believe me and even have themselves tested as well. My daughter asked young women are still of the highest brisk but Health Workers power also concerns about men many of them they say are very difficult to reach. At the main bus station Doctors Without Borders have set up a Testing Center just for men. Workers try to convince passers by to have themselves tested for free often without success less than half of the young male hiv carriers take antiretroviral drugs. I think. I think but they were using templates awful as i said in the canaries time so they can we give them when they call home and misting on it i think i have to pop a contest for dollars so. Shes convinced that her country is on the right path she wants to do her bit and continue to bring attention to the age iris amongst her friends. Oh. Joining me now is peter gaze hes from the joint United Nations program on hiv aids and whose new report was just released today welcome mr gates though we just saw in our report from south africa that important progress is being made but your Organization Says that the gilbert progress in the paris off the decline is storing one of the reasons for that. So we do see a. Reduction in new infections is actually says it is there but it is too slow to meet targets that were set on 40 years 2020 on the other hand we do say we do see white a bit of progress in reducing aids related mortality so we are a part that we proposed today were actually does call on leadership from everywhere to make or to say that there is indeed a big urgency in relation to the response in that we see for the 1st time. Resources that are available for the aids response theyve actually reduced since the year 2017 and yet as we just mentioned reduction in new infections is really too slow of course as we see this too slow there is quite a bit of variation where some countries are actually seeing an important decrease in new infections so many of you took advantage immediately is when you talk about variation your report highlights whining increases a new infection an Eastern Europe and central asia why have these regions in particular affected. So there is no luck even with the reasons there will be a lot of variation in. Some countries will be doing doing scenery well theres less so also for Eastern Europe specifically we do point to. The region as a whole cities and increase in the number of new infections. A subset of that region leaving o. The big country of the region actually sees a slight decrease in in your facts and so much of that has to do with policies that are have been shown to reduce new infections and for the specific region of Eastern Europe and central asia own an important driver in that region of hiv transmission is transmission among people inject drugs so some of the policies that relate to Harm Reduction for those for pollution its have been shown to be a factor in reducing your infections and so there is an issue off adoption of those of policies and so let it all go for honestys mistake is what exactly should be the focus of those policies. So the policies of course are quite varied according to what are the dominant Trans Mission modes so as it relates to were people inject drugs important policies will relate to making available. Needles and syringes. Clean or sterilized and also making available of methods for people to go away from injecting drugs and so the typical programs there are opioids substitution treatment but as we move to other modes of transmission other programs are important for example condom use is important in the region of east and Southern Africa programs that promote medical male circumcision so are very very important and there are of course there is also the contribution of treatment itself because treatment itself it will make sure that people live longer and healthier lives in its also. By road and by doing so it will reduce the probability of transmission to another person right because it is from a u. N. Aids in geneva thank you very much for talking to you thank you. Now 50 years ago today on july 16th 10693 astronauts Neil Armstrong buzz aldrin and Michael Collins were poised to make history as part of the apollo 11 mission millions tuned in to watch the liftoff. Hill we can see the original black and white images of that moment the 1st manned mission to the moon took to the skies from nasa as Kennedy Space center in florida the crew reached their destination 4 days later. And it was a demonstration of the wild of the power of the United States today those black and white images can be seen in color helping to bring a new generation closer to one of the most defining events of the 20th century. For Neil Armstrong. Michael collins. And burns aldrin it was the mission of their lives the estimated probability for success was put it only 20 percent by nasa technicians and engineers. The launch was followed by multiple complex maneuvers each of which would have disastrous consequences if anything went wrong to get to the moon pilot mike collins had to ignite an engine to the nearest 2nd and then down the lander ferry and separated from the rocket. Surely duke was one of the team members of the control center he kept in touch with the astronauts on their mission. The enthusiasm for space was building but we were in the space race with the russians so that motivated us to commit to it. There was a tense moment 4 days into the mission when armstrong and aldrin flew towards the moon again and again the radio cut out. Then the navigation computer sounded the alarm Neil Armstrong took control and landed the lunar module gently on the moons surface. With neil. Through the eagle has landed very excitedly roger toy for a ready week ill be on the ground you got a bunch of guys about to. Buzz aldrin filmed armstrong setting foot on the moon along with his historic words. Armstrong then went about collecting dust and rock samples buzz aldrin set up some scientific equipment. Together they planted the stars and stripes and the moon surface. And then the last big challenge the lunar module has only one engine and if it failed it would mean that the astronauts would be stranded on the moon. The financial makes it into orbit around the moon without any problems and almost 4 hours later it docks on to the command capsule. What seemed like an impossible feat had been accomplished and on july 24th the 3 astronauts returned to earth 1st they went into quarantine they could have brought dangerous microbes with them but later they were held as heroes all of them visibly touched by their part in the adventure of this century. You know what you wus heres a rico the top story that were following for you jillys it was a left on the line has made a final push to become the 1st woman president of the European Commission she set out a series of ambitious pledges on trade the environment migration and brags it a confirmation vote will be held in europe in the future today and well have live coverage of all that for you right here. More coming up at the top of the hour but up next our documentary close up the looking at kidnappings in turkey under the government of president assad. And dont forget lets want to websites that feed dot com i look forward to seeing you i looked up the out of. The allegations are serious. Is turkeys Intelligence Agency carrying out of junctions across the globe. 2 men tell their stories of. Jail and torture. Are the kidnappings if theyre the ones beating. Up doctor. Shows up next on tell me im. Not laughing at the gym i just sometimes i am but i stand up and whip it up and the gentleman thinks deep into german culture looking at the stereotypes a question that isnt the future of the country guy not the time. Kenya needed to be fixed for this drama. Its all about a new im a joke join me for meet the gentleman from d. W. Post. A forester equivalent to 30 soccer futures is cleared every. Hour consumerism is causing a radical depletion of forests. For 25 years. Has encouraged. Or has it. Forests and money. The tragic reality behind the exploitation. Starts july 24th 2 double. July 15th 2016 tanks occupy the bosphorus bridge in istanbul. Military jets fire at parliamentary buildings in ankara. President obama calls on the turkish population to resist the tanks. Sit in there to visit me assemble on the squares and at the airport

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