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Campaign by coming down to later and saying that perhaps because theyre criminals and murderers and rapists. By bigger readership just as this country has. Encouraged you. I dont see where. Its tight ive never seen it so close to the border that. I feel you can see 3 bodies. Also coming up in china issues in starkest warning yet to demonstrators in hong kong saying their demands will not be met and that their violence may be met with force there has to be liberty and equality that is all that he is that in a beautiful way so every citizen when that. We want to end the hunt full of violent criminals and the meddling hands behind them that those who Play With Fire will perish by it. And to our viewers on p. B. S. In the United States and All Around The World welcome we begin the day beginning to bury the victims of americas hate it has been 3 days since a gunman opened fire at a walmart in El Paso Texas he killed 22 people as burial plans were made in the 1st of the dead are laid to rest the Community Avail passo is far from finding any peace tomorrow the u. S. President plans to visit el paso as well as date no hio where the weekends 2nd mass shooting took place while some in el paso including a former Congress Member from that area say trump is not welcome and that he and his rhetoric are partly responsible for the increase in hate crimes across the country but others say it is the president s duty to assume the role of consoler in chief we begin tonight with this report from a Town On Americas Southern Border wrecked by grief. A vigil to honor the rich weakest a High School Student killed today in washington you know past only 15 years old bright light and quick on his feet thats how his friends remember he will always be there for me. He was a really our. He was a. Positive person he was never and never negative. Always happy. Always trying to make you earlier. And i just said oh you dont. Like us for. We have a really Strong Community and everybody here loves each other were really big family. Students parents teachers they came together at Horizon High School just outside parcel trying to come to terms with what they see as a Terrorist Attack against hispanics all over the past so residents are reeling after 30 days horrific events and they are hoping that the mass murder a crime committed by an alleged White Supremacist from outside the town does not give a pass a bad name after all they say this is a diverse and tolerant place which has consistently ranked one of the safest cities in the u. S. For many years. A border city with an 80 percent latino population el paso has suffered under president s trams and immigrant rhetoric and his administrations 0 tolerance policy at the border residents say Christina Garcia works for a local organization that helps immigrants and Asylum Seekers she says some of her clients are now terrified they feel like every client ive had interaction with theyve had to apologize for what happened this weekend and i have had to reassure them that we that we are going to be a Safe Community but for now they mourn the dead. Every day people gather at the Walmart Store where the mass shooting took place President Trump is expected to visit us on wednesday and we respect him because hes the president but to be honest when welcome him we dont need him this was a very different city and what happened there was the worst thing that could happen to us and i know a lot of people know that if we were kids going to bring a lot of people that really hate hispanic people. Hate is not what should define us they say its not what the United States is all about. Hate in the u. S. My 1st guest tonight speaks with authority about the White Supremacist Movement in america because she used to be a member Shannon Vali Martinez described herself as a former violent White Supremacist she was able to change her heart and mind she now works with the free radicals project to help prevent radicalization of Young Americans she joins me tonight from our washington d. C. Studio you taking the time to talk with us tonight your story is is fascinating you entered the White Supremacist Movement when you were 15 years old what was it about your childhood that that made you susceptible. How it felt like i was the black sheep in my family i never felt like i had a really deep sense of belonging and then that expanded as i got older and then i would be sexually assaulted when i was 14 years old and the rage that came after that. Had me looking for those who exhibited rage and the angriest people around me were the whites from siskind had sour around me your family was. I assume your family was in a strong bulwark against that that. I didnt grow up in an overly are racist household. It was relatively dysfunctional but there was no overt violence for the most part my childhood echoes the childhoods of most of the people that grew up alongside me in the 1980 s. There was nothing that anyone would have seen in my life that would have alerted them at that point that my trajectory would go towards violent White Supremacy and i understood when you were 20 years old you begin to leave the White Supremacist Movement. I ended up not really having a place to live and i was very luckily taken in by a woman who displayed courageous compassion and chose to let me come live in her home and rather than seeing the violent hate filled creature that i had become chose to see me instead as a hurting and struggling young woman and the stability and unconditional acceptance that she gave allowed me to begin to disengage from this failed ideology that had been so much in my life for the last 5 years in those hydrogen and you describe yourself as a former violent once the bruises i mean were you waking up in the mornings thinking about which nonwhite person can i find today to to to her to do bodily harm to was that how your days work. For those 5 years. Very often yes towards the end it actually became more militaristic and we were training with arms and strategic maneuvers. You know we sought to do as much damage as we possibly could and spread the message of hate White Supremacy everywhere we knew it would be the most upsetting and did you ever have the order or did you ever have the. Going to actually kill people i know and so i and much like today even though ive been disengaged for 25 years it was still very much a leaderless. Movement so there werent sort of there was there wasnt a hierarchy of orders coming down that very much even though i lived with a bunch of other White Supremacists it very much it was sort of an organic choice of things to do and often the violence that we undertook whether as fights or violent harassment of people who were targeted flyer. Synagogues or places of worship that a lot of times it actually just sort of happened spur of the moment. You tweeted a couple of days ago something about periods and children in the u. S. Who want to show our viewers this tweet you write parents. Of white kids you are not powerless to keep your kids from being radicalized into White Nationalism all right or for right Belief Systems the government isnt going to so we must so we want what do parents in the United States what do they need to do you know. In addition to my past i also am the mom of 7 children my oldest is 22 my youngest is 3 and so this has been my life for the last 22 years how do i hope human beings. Never look to the same things that i did how do i help them thrive so that hate and violence is never part of their life. White people in america have got to look at our children and think my child is potentially a White Supremacist terrorist and we have to just deal with that fact because we live in a White Supremacist system that has been in place for hundreds of years and we still have not dismantled the realities and the systems that are in place with that but as parents we can talk about White Supremacy we can talk about violence we can talk about systems of power and most importantly we can offer the antidote to the things that allow people to find resonance with those ideologies in the 1st place we can allow their voices to have agency and help them determine their futures we can honor the paths and identities that they are trying on as part of the process of childhood now we can connect deeply with them that we can make sure that they always feel like they have a place to belong we can let them fail and falter and still support them and be in integral part of their lives we have got to talk to them about everything that our world is so complex and young people are starving for for dialogue about the complexities of the world that they face and we can give that to our children where you know what youre describing is what a good what a decent parent should do and as you say there appears to be a shortage of that in modern society i want to ask you about the government what is the government not doing that you think it should i mean have the republicans have they given up everything to try. I think that its politically expedient to stoke fears particularly creating fears of whatever group of people that you want to other so in america that is very often black people very very blatantly the hispanic population. Still king those fears is politically expedient if people are afraid theyre easily theyre easily controlled theyre easily manipulated its easy to get them to vote against their best interests and so there is in some sense our real strategic advantage to not addressing the historic racism thats a part of our country and has written to you it hasnt it hasnt been done trump joins our response was yes will have gun control and well tie it to Immigration Reform yeah theres a lot more of the same more of the same but how copiable do you think he increased there weve seen in the us of White Supremacy violence well i think his language is incredibly culpable not only that but other rightwing influencers in the Mainstream Media and the Mainstream Political Realm have utilized Conspiracy Theories that are very popular amongst the far right and alright that theyve mainstream those ideas the words that we say affect how we think which affects how we act and so theyre the strategic messaging that is coming out of the white house and many within the republican party. Is incredibly influential probably in ways that a lot of people are not even aware of that language is influencing their beliefs and how theyre acting. In the u. S. Do you watch fox news. Very occasionally i very occasionally its not by any means my main news source but i do consume it to understand and better have a finger on the pulse of what what the people who watch it are consuming let me ask you before we run out of time you know the president has opposed to travel to El Paso Texas to morrow some people have said that hes not welcome there others want him to try to be the consoler in chief should the president travel to opan so to more in your opinion. Well as a mom one of the things that i have learned is to ask my children what they need for me do you need me just to listen would you like my input would you like my advice what do you need from me here if he is really going to be a strong leader finding out what the people of that city want would be a step of leadership if they are saying we are not ready and we do not want you here we are grieving then the best leadership he can provide is honoring that request you know where we will see what he does tomorrow Shannon Foley martinez joining us tonight from our Washington Office is former White Supremacist talking to us about how you can change the hearts and minds of people and you start with your children janet thank you very much we appreciate your time and your story thank you thank you for having me. Well paso texas is now at the epicenter of americas domestic terrorism but it has ties to Something Else as well the city just across the border the city of Ciudad Juarez is considered to be one of mexicos most violent cities up until last weekend el paso ranked as one of americas safest places well this explains why you see it odd juarez has become a magnet and a Waiting Place for Central American migrants seeking asylum in the u. S. But as our next report reveals that wait can be a miserable one. Many of the Emergency Shelters on the mexican side of the border a full but people continue to arrive the u. S. Is sending migrants back here across the border until their Asylum Applications are processed. This is the Detention Center in el paso Asylum Seekers describe what theyve experienced there not always and throwing us they searched everything untouched just everywhere a woman next to me told the border guard to stop touching her but they just continued booking because here. They even removed posts on a tree pads to see if she was hiding something that they mean even though men were present at us think vietnam base. Emily is 18 years old she would only talk to us after she was certain that no one was watching she seen a lot she fled guatemala on foot then continued by train in may she arrived in the u. S. And was separated from my family because shes already considered an adult you know me a bit and theres my mother said no thats my daughter you cant take her away they answered by saying its a different process for her now yeah you got my mother to tears and simply took me away anyway i didnt know what to do. You know even after being sent back to mexico emily and her mother cant stay in the same facility and really now lives in the border city of Ciudad Juarez along with thousands of other Asylum Seekers theyre watching for their appointment with Us Immigration chicken pox is going around the center and despair is everywhere many give up only voluntarily. Anyone wanting to enter the u. S. Legally has to put their name on a waiting list in Ciudad Juarez alone around 5000 people have registered few of the new was to silence he could even get an appointment with u. S. Authorities. I mean but as if its amazing when i think the entire system is unfair the migrants have to wait for their appointment here in mexico and theyre ultimately rejected thats what happens in 9 out of 10 cases anyway. The sound of sopping echoes through the Emergency Center no v. M. Out of sela is 33 years old she left us with the children and now finds herself completely alone. Give me your help its unbearable having to stay here my whole body hurts my back my arms and they just give me pain killers nothing else. But know of you is not alone. Many people here say that the conditions are terrible the realities of migration on both sides of the border are brutal. China today issued starkest warning yet to protesters in hong kong a government spokesman in beijing said that punishment for the protests is coming in only a matter of time beijing adding that protesters should not mistake the governments restraint for weakness well called. I would like to warn all those criminals dont ever misjudge the situation a mistake our strength or weakness him or dont have or underestimate the powerful force of justice in Hong Kong Society to safeguard the rule of law and maintain peace and order were earlier today we spoke with joshua wang hes an activist and hes Secretary General of the Pro Democracy Group democracy stuff this is what he had to say about that threat from beijing. We continue i will fight and we hope to let you know that hong kong people at the start democracy free election is the right and joy by lots of people in germany since last century and hong kong people are still fighting for it of course we are all show what kind of price we need to pay 500. 00 activists were arrested safety off down were prosecuted also quite yet made worse than 2 and still detained a hospital we are sure will and it was the 2 2nd fire still look but the will continue on to what they will have democracy and now is the long term bad go on to the rule of president xi g p r that was joshua wong speaking earlier from Hong Kong Well as you heard the demonstrations there they show no sign of abating just yet our correspondent Charlet Chelsea until is in the midst of the protesters the police and the tear gas she sent us this report. Was seen as we arrived the calle speaking its. Time for the program 5. Per cent for the end of the world for. Her probably for. The world to see her tell their children run home. Is the take as clear as protest is slowly returning. Among them dozens of local residents. Many joining charles demanding police retreat. Furious bystanders watching on stunned at the scene unfolding in this normally quiet neighborhood the police call for more backup as the nude once again tense dog the showdown begins the boat was the one who was the outcome. The earth and brother are the other people was on that front all the ground was. The each side waiting for the other to make this us me. But hes threatening to tip this standoff Over The Edge of the. Place to midnight the police may be. Sending people scattering. With the Blockades Cleats Theorists began. But that was only the hour this is a residential area one woman screams people here when people wearing face masks site down. The. Mall protest is a sweatshop as the police round on the struggle is really only in the early. One he wanted it to end this way all. Those arrested face up to 10 years in prison if that challenge with riots in the north its a heavy price to pay for a night on the streets the her room and the to her. Finally tonight life in death in the power of words we see all too often the legal consequences when the language of heat is applied to people who are seen as the other that is one reason why this quote from the american author Toni Morrison seems so salient today she once said we die that may be the meaning of life but we do language that may be the measure of our lives. Well those words from Toni Morrison who passed away today she was 88 morrison was the 1st africanamerican woman to win the Nobel Literature Prize back in 1903 she also won a pulitzer and The American Book Award for her novel beloved about an in slaves that woman who kills her baby to spare her other child from slavery or works were praised for shedding sharp courageous light on the africanamerican experience she always said that for a writer the nobel prize was the pinnacle for an act that begins with pin winship and the hand and coleman a c. In composing a song for the soul but i think the pinnacle for writing. Has got to be the nobel prize. For other kinds of things flawless. You know Something Like that and the Lifetime Achievement award is most well. Toni morrison dead at the age of 88. 00. And their reps of the day see tomorrow the. Only. Thing going. To. Come. Close the phones are food we live in a world thats filled with plastic. And plastic garbage. The consequences for nature and the environment are catastrophic what can politicians and business and what can we do to fix this problem the world is drowning in plastic carbon. Made in germany next to the long t. W. The guardians of the amazon. To brazils indigenous yellow p. T. Tribe the rain forest the secret their respective media the environment so protecting the forests has become an unrelenting struggle. They fight to preserve both them intrusive roundings time of their income. On behalf of the entire planet in 45 minutes long d w. D q you know that 77 percent. Are younger than thanks to hot. Stuff. Me and me and. You know what time of course is. The 77 percent talk about the issues

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