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Plane. That people have put big dreams on the big screen. Claim the movie magazine on the w. Welcome to this weeks book of stories. To casa of poverty and riches. Through fanning the rain forest. But first we tend to russia the country stands accused of trying to influence the twenty sixteen u. S. Election would mean a softer worked as a socalled troll colonel denies a show in St Petersburg this is his story. Were not allowed to disclose an exact address not even the district this Young Journalist could face repercussions two years ago she was working among russias socalled internet trolls she had a job at the Russian Agency for Internet Research thats the official name of the sim peters but troll factory whose buses have now been indicted by the United States. Employees at the troll factory get a list of topics every day that they have to work through bad news about the United States was always one of the more important topics. But it was been. Two years ago we tried to make contact with those working inside these walls to no avail the revelations by luke miller lifted the lid on the troll factory unselfishly in a street here in russias second city. This video from inside the building was sent to us by another whistleblower according to let miller theyre better paid than the average russian more than a thousand people work here according to her but its not even the only troll factory in russia. Stories last Movement Today no one can exactly say how far these trolls have really influenced the us elections and individual voters but its absolutely clear that there was a meddling going on. Miller says the u. S. Charges should serve as a wake up call for many. Of them there are simply so many people who are working professionally for the russian Propaganda Machine hope that others will soon be investigated when someone. Until that time said petersburg is unlikely to be. Sole source of russias fake news. Continent is one of the worlds megacities the indonesian capital is home to some fifty million population that is still growing. More often than not these new arrivals find shelter in the slums springing up between. Almost everything jakarta needs passes through this port especially food for the rapidly expanding population. The average indonesian consumes one hundred fifty kilos of rice annually thats more than the countrys rice farmers can produce so more expensive rice must be imported but many indonesians cant afford it the younger son Emanuel Foundation provides aid to jakartas poorest people its founder collects leftover food from hotels after graduating a manual and the aid decided to pursue social work to help the needy. I call myself a rational beggar i spend my time begging for leftover food begging for a bit of money and its depressing sometimes to be a professional beggar nearly thirty Million People live in greater jakarta indonesia is looking for work moved here from all regions of the island nation many end up living in the city slums. He stay emmanuelle brings the food hes collected to a different slum. Today he said. In the south of the city. Theres about five hundred families here and there are scavengers collect and they recycle the trash for to cart out without them theres no recycling five hundred families but on average we have about one hundred families coming each time. People here earn little more than a euro per day collecting the trash. Theyre living well below the poverty line. And dozens of such slums exist in the capital. The aid worker worries about what will happen in the long term of the country fails to increase food production. In places and communities in locations where there is an obvious increase in density of people and at the same time a decrease or the same level amount of food being produced youll create situations that are like a time bomb so when people are desperate when they see their children cannot eat they will either have to move to look for the food or they will have to fight for their food and demand will only continue to grow indonesia has two hundred sixty million inhabitants that number is expected to increase by forty million over the next ten years. Turkeys military offensive against kurdish militias operating in Northern Syria is in full swing and prayers more and of a heavy price for anyone who speaks out against Operation Olive Branch most heads back the offensive but critics are accused of spreading terrorist propaganda. They are knitting for the soldiers in the battle several times a week these women meet eastham district. They make new little hats to be sent to the turkish Syrian Border a gift for the troops at war. Off in the chaos we want our soldiers in our free into know that we support them as their mothers and sisters they have everything they need but this is our way to show that we are with them cart the mayor of this could just set up the project hes a member of the ruling party and believes every turkish citizen should stand unconditionally behind the military operation in syria. We dont have any problem with those who say no to war but if our country is being drawn into war we need to fight. Those who say no to war have a hidden agenda they are actually supporting the terrorists and this is something we cannot tolerate. For south with imus. Public support is strong with polls suggesting more than eighty percent of turks back the operation criticism is not well come president ad one is blunt he calls those who oppose the war terrorists love us. Samet mean good she knows what that feels like he represents turkeys biggest medical association shortly after the military offensive began the doctors had published a declaration saying no to war peace now a few days later and theres enough his colleagues were detained on charges of spreading terrorist propaganda they have since been released but the authorities reaction shocked me which. Is why were those doctors detained. First and foremost because of the Political Climate in this country maybe also most of them. We are going through a time with no tolerance for dissenting voices or contrary opinions. We stand by our position that saying no to war is not a crime it shouldnt be a crime in this country will get it at will which will moments here to kill me made violet also believes the operation should not be criticised quite the opposite to support the offensive he decorated his next stall in istanbuls conservative neighborhood with turkish flags and hes donating some of his taking stu the soldiers. In a cellar suddenly everybody can support the party they want i wouldnt judge. But when National Security is at stake you have to back your country genocide success of garlic has one thousand five hundred euros to send to the frontline and he wants to continue with his project for the moment there is no end in sight to turkeys military offensive in in syria. Our last stop takes us to peru last month the government approved legislation allowing for new roads to be built into the countrys rain forest a practice that is often accompanied by investors keen to acquire land even if this means using extreme methods. Weve come to an area. The inside perus amazon rain forest thats been badly hit by deforestation. Rice is on his way to visit an Indigenous Community they can only be reached by boat to modernize heads up the federation of native communities in this part of peru he grew up in a village here but he doesnt come back often its become too dangerous. Which i mean i think one of the high received a lot of terror threats they left a message in my house saying if i opposed their activities again theyd better not see me in the village. But i believe im in great danger. But i suppose is the large scale deforestation and his region and that has earned him some powerful enemies he never comes here alone now this time hes with staff from the organisation proe take up the peruvian arm of Transparency International they visit santa clara. Residents here have come under pressure from Companies Looking to set up cocoa and Palm Oil Plantations the village chief calls everyone to a meeting to discuss the latest developments theyre taking legal action to try to stop new Palm Oil Plantations opening near their village. Now the village wants to have twenty thousand hectares turned into legally protected and cest role territory the initiators have received threats and the danger is very real just a few months ago six farmers were found shot to death so far no one has been held accountable for their murders. But how do these large corporations get their hands on thousands of hectares of land seemingly overnight. Has examined the land deals and documented their findings. From the ngo have come to inform local residents. We wanted to highlight one thing mainly the connection between deforestation the illegal trade and land and corruption amongst local officials. Pro a take i gathered available documentation and carried out numerous interviews many of the deals reached in this region are linked to check entrepreneur dennis medica is now being investigated by state prosecutors moca Group Companies have stripped thirteen thousand hectares of rain forest to make way for plantations they were helped by corrupt local politicians who invalidated existing land rights ignoring those with legal claims and handing the land over to companies. Goodbye fossil fuel sustainability. Kenyas on its way to becoming the worlds greenest country. Its new wind parks nearing completion and its expected to provide one point five million households with an extra city. Welcome to the largest wind project in africa. For the next. European stars deliver rousing performance of. Intoxicating mix if rockabilly. From the irish thing out in belgium and. What does a football loving country to reach its goals. Will tell you german soccer made it back to the top. In our web special. Dot com. Football made in germany. Climate change. Sustainability. Environmental projects. Biodiversity species exploitation the quality. Displacement. Of the global and current local action. Global three thousand. Welcome to another edition of the environment magazine brought to you by darcy about

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