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It, by the way. To have to do with china, yes, by the way, you are a great ramosvamin, as far as i understand, who, by the way, at the last debates , he is trying to imitate, by the way, eh, too, biden also said to start his presidency. I believe that this is a mistake, because a victory for russia, in whatever form it may be, is a victory for china and will force russia to not cooperate there. I do not really understand how this can be done, well, purely factual point of view, that is, ask putin to promise and what is the value of this promise, or sign some piece of paper that is also worth nothing, and then i dont really understand the logic of this position at all, but on the contrary, i think that if we, america, will continue to support ukraine china is watching carefully very carefully watching these events draw the conclusion accordingly that if it is chewed they will expect it in taiwan on the one hand if it wins, where will ukraine win and then china can excuse me, it is worth uh so say do something similar to do making a similar mistake, they will seize taiwan, and on the other hand, there is an argument to the other side that, uh, western countries spend a lot of money and supply a lot of weapons, which may simply not be for defense. To increase the production of our ammunition and our weapons, which are slowly but not resolved, but i believe that if you bring this to china, the victory of russia is the victory of china, the defeat of russia is a defeat china what do you think he was connected with, first of all, the recent visit to kiev of the secretary of state of the United States, is it really a discussion of questions in aid or as many say, the attention of the ukrainian leadership to the problem of oligarchy corruption, which by the way coincided with such a temporary movement of suspicion to a wellknown oligarch and the great i think that these are two o independent, so to speak, two virgin paths that are ahead of American Foreign policy, that is, they should not even be able to cross because of on the one hand, and from a moral and ethical point of view and in our geopolitical interests, to provide the maximum possible assistance to ukraine , but of course there is a limitation. Such extreme situations, but uh, they are trying to help ukraine as much as possible. Ukraine will win, and in parallel with this , there is a policy about lets fight corruption anyway, because corruption ivan interferes. I hope that this war will end soon and the problems of corruption, if they exist, will not go away, they will be solved already then, and this is when the war, when the war ends , and somehow the geopolitical interests of america can go to the second plan, and the interests of the fight against corruption can come to the first if these issues are resolved with the corruption of america , it will be difficult to continue helping ukraine even after the end of the war. The Election Campaign can already say that we are watching such a match in absentia. Biden trump earlier even earlier. I think it is possible because trump now has more than 50 support in the republican party. And despite the fact that there are 4 criminal cases against him, two of them are the circumstances of january 6, one of which was stolen. Secret documents and one thing about the violation of the election law when he paid money for silence for silence porn star with whom he apparently had a relationship, there was an open falsification of documents, this is four criminal he loses already lost two civil cases where he was accused of rape and the raped people admitted Sexual Harassment , in fact, i think that this is a legal term that they admitted rape , rape there was and they admitted that it was slander that he he said that this was not the case. What women dont know, well, he loses in court. He wont win four criminal cases against the company and the salt company. Only 250 million dollars. This all did not affect the voters, that is, the voters and the republican party. A large percentage continues to support him despite this. And maybe it is because of this, that is, the more he is accused , the more they try to support him, and therefore it is not clear how he can lose today. There is some burning before the voting begins, so to speak, but we see you receiving numbering in a careless situation such that he is the president against the president of the representatives of his party. Well, the majority of them are adequate, yes, they will be two very weak candidates are running for him, and apparently you will get the nomination exactly the same way. How did he get the nomination in 2020 , that is, it will be a repeat and the first ones have already started, so to speak , because the republicans are trying to spin some fictitious ones effective scandals against President Biden they try to use and his sons lawsuits against President Biden they try to prove some kind of korra corrupt in some way in connection with ukraine, but its all fakes and conspiracy theories, they dont look to provide any real evidence yet, but er, there is such a question, its very important if we can assume that er, trump enjoys the obvious support of potential Republican Voters of people who will participate in the primaries with which they can vote themselves thats what i understand. Yes, dont dispute this, too. What about Additional Resources , how much. In this situation, a person who becomes a candidate for the post of president , that is, the setting of these constant, endless scandals can attract additional votes from voters who , well, are not republicans , who are needed for victory in the elections. For the democrats, they influence them, most of them are found and i like these all court processes, they understand that they want to elect such a person as president again especially after the event of january 6 , the problem is that President Biden is not very popular either what did he do for the economy . Well, you think that he didnt do anything for the economy , although its not true. He thinks that it might not be effective because of his age. Its also not true because i can list numerous colossal bills that which were adopted under his leadership by the congress during the first two years, there is a colossal achievement, but why can there be many voters . It is also completely incomprehensible because trump is 4 years younger, that is, there is not such a big difference, and again, for some reason, trump overtakes baidan because they do not understand what he is doing, although every time he demonstrates his politicians that he just even understands very much, but against well, how about writing to a psychiatrist about the mental state of trump. A few years ago, there was an open letter about the fact that there are big problems, so its very clear to me too. With great difficulty in 2020, that is, from the point of view of the electoral college, he was elected by a wide margin, from the point of view of the total vote count, he won by 6 million , but the problem was that in our system, he literally won in the three states with a margin of 44,000 votes. That is, if they change these 22,000, 20 years more votes, and as a state, of course , it is a theoretical impossibility, so to speak , the presentation is here. Therefore, there are no guarantees that biden will win. And uh, unfortunately, in our system with the electoral college, it is necessary to win not everywhere. It is necessary to win, including, as it were, key states must be won somewhere close, that is , new york will always vote for the democrat. Alabama will always vote for republican therefore, the choice will be up to the voters in only a few states today. Of course, you cant trust the honest opinion poll, but the candidate will get somewhere from 42 to 44 of the votes. They dont know, they dont understand the difference between the bidens and the trumps, they dont understand who you need to vote for , this is a problem and it can only be solved closer to the elections. This is about the american political situation lets go back on the air literally 5 minutes before our conversation stay with us pain can become an obstacle walking stairs not with my dolegid relieves pain reduces swelling and improves joint mobility you can also walk dolgit the only yellow cream for joint pain its hard to talk about what do you feel when you have urinary incontinence, an unpleasant situation can arise at any time, even with a slight effort, fortunately this is behind me , uro feminost helped me thanks to the natural components of uro feminost, it helps restore control over urination in a melon at night now i feel confident femininity uro urination under control buy zna song at 21 45 on megogo here is such a head on the weather in a headache there are Different Reasons but there is a solution combispasm and the head is normal overcomes the skillful pain and spasm combispasm twisted back, all zagnobys flamida bend quickly reduces inflammation and cures pain from bulamides and on pectolvan 10 in pharmacies podorozhnyk vam and oskad there are discounts on the painkiller trio forte 10 in pharmacies podorozhnyk bam and oskad documentary cycle military intelligence of ukraine each sortie is most likely a oneway road, which in principle happened to each of them, in the end, russian pilots were shot down, from the navigator of the evacuation helicopter to the deputy commanders of the air squadrons, and how many bombs were requested. Here are eight in all, and how our defenders of the sky repelled the largest air attack since the Second World War of the world and what exactly will f16 fighter jets help ukraine f16 will help us keep russian terrorists at bay to lure a russian pilot to our side together with a helicopter, no one wants to go to war, thats how to see when ukraine will win, its only a matter of time documentary shot down russian pilots watch today at 22 00 on espresso i congratulate you, this is freedom life on radio freedom we have already come to the change itself the following frames may shock you , live news from the scene of events, and kamikaze drones , political analysis objectively and meaningfully , there is no political season, exclusive interviews, reports from the hottest spots of the freedom front, frankly and impartially draw conclusions yourself, this is the 23rd separate rifle battalion of the armed forces of ukraine. Now we are already engaged in such a significant performance. And in fact, in the very blood of this performance, we are holding the defense. Fighters need drones to lead development and destroy the enemy even on the approach, we take fire every drone is the loss of the enemy and the saved life of our warrior , join the gathering, we will show our fighters that we are with them, our guest is a ukrainian historian philosophies of the translator andriy dakhniy, i congratulate you, mr. Andriy, good morning. I want to start our conversation, you know, maybe not a very applied topic, but it seems to me that you are quite important , because now ukrainians are less than before, but they still look closely at the position of russian cultural figures there intelligentsia, famous artists, scientists, they support putin and this is perceived. With such i would say bitterness, it seems that these people cross out everything in the world, the past, the future , but there are excellent examples of how no one should cross out anything, why did i start this conversation we have a very popular film now, where one of the heroes is werner heisson, a great german physicist, a Nobel Laureate, a person who tried to create an atomic bomb for adolf hitler, well, he just didnt have time , Nothing Happened to him, he had a brilliant career in postwar germany and not only in germany, he continued to be a scientific luminary , a respected person all over the world, you dealt with the legacy of martin heidegger, the great german philosopher, a person who can be called a supporter of National Socialism, or a person who collaborated with of National Socialism , well, actually , i think there is not such a big difference between a supporter and a collaborator that something bad will happen to russian cultural figures not from tolstoy, dostoyevsky, but from the present after the russianukrainian war. I am afraid that the same disappointment awaits us as many germans and antifascists who believed that these people will definitely no longer occupy a place in ee society, how should it look in general, but vitaly , i think there are very different stories here, because i mentioned some examples from very famous people, of course, but with open gaymore, of course, that this is a simpler situation, but i would go a little too far. If we take the actual sphere of art, in particular music, then we can say that in essence the life of such a brilliant conductor as fort wenger was essentially destroyed and because he was included in the concerts of a where under hitler and his party genosen, that is, in this case. Of course, there are also very successful examples when a person continues to work unhindered. Herberts life was destroyed. The foundation was such a background. Life was just wonderful, but naturally he became the next. Comfort of a hungarian yes yes and yes, in this sensei of course there are many other examples that testify to the fact that, for example, a Nobel Laureate is something new what is true henrik i apologize, well, knut gampson yes, knut gampson of course he was also such an active supporter of the nazi regime, nevertheless until now, we read his novel with great enthusiasm and so on, but it was an occupied country, there is still no khurtogamsun street, we are talking about people who were in their own country, we will certainly not respect the collaborationists here, and they did not respect norway. But the germans simply have a different account of their heroes, however, with the importation of martin heidiger, the situation is actually not as bleak as it may seem at first glance, of course, at the beginning of the 50s , everything got better there, they already allowed him to teach and publish, but there were five years of such silence, because immediately after the end of the war, he fell into disgrace and there was a ban. And in fact , he was very long. I suffered. Another thing is that his collaborationism looks so specific because well, if we take even his socalled black notebooks, which were published relatively recently in 2014, well, there are such anti statements. Half a percent, yes, although this did not prevent many journalists and many intellectuals from seriously undermining his fundamental positions on nationalism. I think there are many other examples. Well, for example, it is interesting that in the case of heidiger, he has been his supporter for a very long time and is of the same opinion, scarl jaspers, who, on the contrary, was a staunch opponent of the hitler regime from the very beginning, he was attached to the commission that dealt with heidigers case. Teaching before publication and so on is actually very difficult there, this is a separate discussion, to what extent he can be considered a nazi , he appealed to such archaic ideals of blood and soil, er, this is a kind of neoromanticism, and for a certain time it seemed to him that the nazi party corresponds to these ideals, but then, by the way, he was disappointed and another matter and this is terrible, uh, this shows his blindness from never once in public, he never denied and did not repent of what happened , he said well, what happened happened and how i and yes, i cant change anything in the past, you know, if you have already mentioned the writer, i will tell you that we still have a situation where we have only german writers, they seem great to us, thomasman or remarque, and the germans consider another one there as the greatest writer xx century and merce jung, who was a national socialist. Therefore, he was never anywhere in our country, i mean in our europe, not even in ukraine. In europe , he was never the main character. He was translated and published in the ukrainian language there and in french and in english, but he was always a writer somewhere 10 and for a german intellectual, well, junker is the number one writer and it is very, very difficult for us to even understand why, but this is also a reality, and junker was definitely National Socialism, he was simply a friend of the leaders of the German Nationalist Party , e. P. Vitaly i think that here we can very well trace such two opposite lines in the german spiritual culture of that time. Ers junger expresses one direction and Erich Maria Remarque the opposite, and that is, obviously , remarques pacifism and this is the philosophy of steel storms uh, by the way of military leader jungir, these are very different, essentially polar examples, uh, thats another matter. What uh, its probably still difficult to say that there is a writer number one or number two, that is, it is enough to make a condition, so look if we are talking about such a certain criterion for evaluating the importance of writers is possible. Although it is a very conditional criterion, how do you understand this . This is quite controversial, and when we define some kind of membership in the top of some or other writers. But you are right in that jonger is definitely a Brilliant Writer and , by the way, a very bright philosophical essayist, and maybe his asenistics is not as well known as his literary work, but it is definitely a great contribution to the german culture of the 20th century, how could a person who was such a great philosopher, writer, be such an Ardent Supporter of evil as such that until his last day, i dont think i understood where good and evil are. I remember that i i read jungs diaries already when he went to angola after the war, lets say well, he changed a lot there. Well, he somehow tried to hide it, to pretend that he was a modern person, he remained the same as he was in the 1930s, perception. And nothing. No, junker really a person with a very unusual fate in general, you know he lived 103 years, that is, a person who really survived the First World War there and the Second World War there and for a long time after the second side, they also lived for just a few years. Such people, as a rule, live a long time and they have no conscience, which is nothing it doesnt hurt well, in the end its conditional because the famous philosopher democritus or the famous italian painter titian they also lived for about 100 years, so in principle there are good examples, im not arguing , why are you talking about this in such detail because this is just the road to understanding what will happen to our perception of russian culture, you understand. We absolutely do not perceive everything today, and this is logically wartime, i dont really imagine people who want to touch the culture of a country that simply destroys of their relatives during the Second World War, too, not many people read him, that of schiller, it seems to us that it was a difference and there was no difference in his silence, they did not read wagner, they did not listen to them at that time , not even here in the territory of Central Eastern europe, and not there in Great Britain then, of course, they began to listen there, but it turned out that they also read, but it turned out that there are two different cultures , from the nation to the culture of the country that carried out the aggression, and this is its report card about the ranks of these countries, which were victims of this aggression, participants in the war with such a country and it wont be like that, we will simply have your own, uh, not your own russian culture, but your own perception of russian culture, which will always be different from how russians perceive their culture, history, you know , no matter what our relations with russia are it is very difficult to predict the future and how this or that author or other character will perceive it, im catching up. By the way, you mentioned schillers goethe here. German culture has a very special story related to the fact that weimer itself is the city where Goethe Schiller lived and died. Died and and weimer is very often called the city of german classics, yes, there is such a monument, where the two of them are, and there was literally a buchenbound concentration camp nearby, yes. That is, this is such a certain symbol of what happened in germany and of course in different eras, but how does it combine here, it is some kind of phantasmagoric the plot is like that, again, it is quite difficult for me to predict what will happen. We now understand that i am a frank, well, even a war criminal. So what do we say about zakhar lypyena, for example, well, it is clear that he is a writer, but at the same time he is a criminal criminal and it is obvious that no one will ever turn a blind eye to this. I think the situation is different with those russian liberal writers who live in the diaspora, who live either in the United States or in europe, and therefore there are many such nuances that must be taken into account in terms of extrapolation to what it will be later but it is clear that over time a more or less weighted verdict will be issued and one or another author has such a thing. There are a lot of them here and it is such a motley circle and it is difficult hmm well somehow to rank them and especially there are the artists there, for example chi Cinema Theater art, we see how much here and there, the vast majority are perceived as active supporters of putins politics, even though, again, there is a socalled collective putin, and we always talk about the fact that it is time to define the president of russia as some such manifestation of absolute evil. And there are russians who simply are by such innocent compatriots, it is so. That is, we understand how all this is connected. But the issue of guilt, of course, there are many parallels with nazi germany. I think it will always be an example for comparisons and for comparisons of these very different but in some ways very similar situations. Well, this is the problem again, it is a conceptual problem , because the intelligentsia is not just responsible for the war, what concepts of state development does it offer its own region, well, lets say , i remember well as an academician pivovarov, who is one of the most decisive critics of the war and in public life, in science and actually got rid of everything in russia, but i remember very well how he convinced me on the air that there would be no future in russia no russians and everyone should be russian, it should be a political consciousness of everyone who lives on the territory of the russian federation, and for me it was somehow strange, because he is actually in the area of ​​these russians and ukrainians, although there are no others on the territory of ukraine Indigenous Peoples than the ukrainians and the Crimean Tatars in the crimea, well, and a few more small tribal peoples in the crimea, which , unfortunately, almost no longer have civilized people, who call him klimchaks, and there are many Indigenous Peoples in russia, which it is difficult to call russian because this is a nation that had statehood, tradition, language, culture, everything in the world, and it seems to me that this concept is a person who never wanted a war, a dictatorship, is this concept now being implemented by putin, exhaling, making everyone russian, and the stories in that regard are virtual, even academician yuriy pyovarov is not its time to think about these approaches , obviously he talked about it several years ago, so it is likely that he started to look at some things differently , but in any case, he seems to live now in berlin, so he had to come from russia its so simple that he had a criminal case opened, as far as i know, there were no accusations, i dont blame. I just want to understand how people themselves create narratives that are then used by the dictatorship, that is , National Socialism, and all this was also what hitler used. It was created by the german intellectual not by hitlers opinion, hitler was not capable of created standards, he could have been capable of their prior assimilation, but you see here rather we should not mention yuri pyovorov, but such a quasihistorian as

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