Are already used by the ukrainian military, but your supply ambitions are much greater. What indicators does your company plan to achieve by the end of the year in supplying these models specifically to the armed forces . Well, our goal is that by the end of this year in the Defense Forces of ukraine, all different sides of the armed forces, and the National Guard and other structures, and we are aiming for. Our radio stations to be represented in the tens of thousands already, and who buys, as before, these are volunteer purchases, money from the military themselves, or has the state finally started buying your radio stations for such according to your usual procedures . The state has not yet purchased, but we are working to make it a reality in the coming months, that is, our goal, which is already there in the next quarter. For the state to purchase, we are working on it, but for now it is still mostly military support funds, volunteers and the military at their own expense. Many thanks for the inclusion for the project you implemented for helping the armed forces with such an Effective Communication pattern. Let me remind you that it was misha rudominskyi, the cofounder of the hymera company, which we now see entering the american market, using the developments that came from during hostilities in ukraine, this is , i repeat, an extremely positive moment for expanding the capabilities of our defense industry. Such were the main military the results of this day, and more international and Economic News further on vasyl zimas great broadcast. Thank you, serhiy zgurets, thank you to his guest, these were the military results of the day, then the second hour of veliko gory, yuriy fizar is cooking. There is sensational information, it seems that it has already become known when the aid for ukraine will be voted on, and it is not in a week, it can happen much earlier, money during the war oleksandr morchyvka will tell what is interesting and important, especially in terms of energy issues, sports news from evgena pastokhova, and the weather from natalka didenko, will there really be a minus in ukraine . Well, now about the most important news, i will tell you in detail they escaped from the russians, two more families left the temporarily occupied kherson region to. The territory controlled by ukraine, a family that is raising two brothers deprived of parental care has returned. The boys are 12 and 16 years old, the head of the region Oleksandr Prokudin said, and a family with a threeyearold girl was also evacuated. And black day of chernihiv, the number of victims in chernihiv increased to 17, another 60 people were injured, among them three children, the state Emergency Service reported. In the morning, the attackers directed three iskander cruise missiles, they almost hit. In the center of the city , an eightstory building was destroyed, 16 residential buildings, a hospital, and the Central Building of the Chernihiv Polytechnic University were damaged. There are also dozens of cars, the rescue operation is still ongoing, doctors are calling for blood donations for the wounded. Well, the russians received confirmation from the partisans that the night attack on the dzhankoy airfield in the occupied crimea was successful, according to the data of the movement, and also there destroyed the latest s400 antiaircraft missile complex. And hit the command post of the antiaircraft Missile Division of the occupiers. All data were transferred to the Defense Forces of ukraine. Let me remind you that today there were loud explosions in dzhankoy, temporarily occupied ukrainian crimea. Corresponding videos have already been posted online. And the hackers are trying to attack the computers of the Defense Forces. In this way , they want to steal the documents and data of the messengers, the state Intelligence Service reported. The cyber group uses popular media. Social networks and dating platforms. In particular, malicious programs, for example, hackers can launch accompanying messages of bait, such as a video of combat operations, a request for acquaintance or files asking for. Help in the state Intelligence Service is called upon to immediately inform specialists if any suspicious messages are detected, and do not try to figure out the situation yourself. In custody until june 10, without the right to bail , the solominsky District Court of kyiv extended the preventive measure against the expresident of the Motor Sich Company Vyacheslav Boguslaev and his accomplice, the office of the general prosecutor of ukraine reported. They are accused of collaborating with the guide. The aggressor state and supporting terrorist organizations also accuse boguslaev of obstructing the activities of the military in a special period. He was detained in october 22, according to the Security Service of ukraine , after the fullscale invasion of russia , the traitor financed the socalled dnr through the payment of taxes to militants, and also facilitated the supply of aircraft components to the enterprises of the aggressor country. A largescale accident occurred on zhytomyr oblast, where two cars collided, the driver of one of them was hospitalized, they told the regional patrol police, traffic became much more difficult, Law Enforcement officers organized traffic separation in extreme lanes, the causes of the accident are now being investigated. Well , a russian soldier who killed a civilian near a forest in the kyiv region was sentenced to 12 years in prison. 29yearold radik ghukasyan, a contract worker of the aggressors army, during the battles for the capital together with other muscovites, he shot a civilian car, as a result of which its driver died. The body is kremlin terrorists buried in the forest, the occupier also fired at and looted the homes of local residents, then sent the looted property to russia, the Security Service of ukraine said. Hukas was captured by ukrainian defenders during the fighting in the kherson area in august 22. The power of partnership and International Cooperation on the way to the eu, representatives of ukraine, moldova, romania, the United States, america and many other countries met at the fifth International Summit of mayors in moldova. What was discussed and what was agreed upon kateryna galko will tell. Go, bunny, go, go, anxiety, lets go, lets go, these are the shots that started the International Summit of mayors 2024, due to a fullscale war, the event was not held in ukraine for the first time in its eight years of existence, its holding in the republic of moldova was supported by president maya sandu. We would never want to discuss coping methods. The dire consequences of the destruction of cities in neighboring countries due to the cruel and unjust war of the russian federation. I must emphasize that this is the moral obligation of everything of the civilized world to help in the revival of all communities affected by missiles and bombs. The summit brought together more than four hundred representatives of local selfgovernment from many countries of the world on one site. They shared experience, presented achievements and agreed on cooperation. Ideally , i would like at least 1020 agreements to be signed here right on the stage, but in reality it happens differently, this is where this first very important contact between ukrainian and moldovan mayors is taking place, some of them are already communicating, but some are still no, thats why its really important to show them how much these horizontal connections play an Important Role precisely in building a secure security platform. The concept of the summit the restoration of cities is equivalent to the restoration of society, so special attention was paid to the revival of cities, increasing their attractiveness for human capital, security and growth, in the center of which are the average citizens of any european state, and the signing of certain cooperation documents, memorandums of intent, etc. So on and so on and so on, particularly concerning of the ukrainian parts, this is again participation in. In reconstruction, reconstruction, modernization of our infrastructure and reconstruction after those objects that were destroyed as a result of russian, russian attacks. Ukrainian cities, even in spite of the great war, became centers of Innovative Solutions and creative projects. 60 participants from ukraine shared their experience with international colleagues. Andrii sadovy, the leader of lviv, talked about the rehabilitation of the wounded and support. Of the army, and the mayor of mykolaiv oleksandr sinkevich announced the creation of a website for Monitoring International aid. They are interested, first of all, in our. Work on openness, now we are cooperating with the european anticorruption initiative, which helps us in this, separately launched projects aimed at optimizing processes, that is , now we have already done the first integrity assessment, enterprises of mykolaiv vodokanal, followed by other large consumers of budget funds, during the event ten pairs of cities were awarded a special award by the force. Partnership for their joint humanitarian projects aid, cultural exchange, education and infrastructure. Six ukrainians are among them. In addition, the founder of the summit announced the launch of the poles of growth study, which is designed to identify effective tools of Economic Growth for ukrainian cities, as well as approaches for the Rapid Development of depressed regions of ukraine. The International Summit of mayors was organized by the american western nick foundation. Kateryna galko, yulia belska from moldova for the tv channel. And we return to the conversation in the studio of the great ether and i with pleasure i invite yuri fizer, the world about ukraine, especially since there are several news there, which simply need to be reported, most importantly discussed and understood. Yury, good evening, please. Good evening to you, vasyl, good evening to everyone who joined us at this time, so today there is really a lot of news, they are all interesting and important. In particular, i will talk about the fact that. That china is helping russia to modernize the russian militaryindustrial complex, the American State Department says. Jose borel explained why the measure does not help ukraine shoots down russian drones and missiles, and oh, and we have neighbors in quotes, of course, and im not just talking about russia and belarus. What am i talking about, about this and other things in a moment in the world about ukraine column, wait. Well, let me start with this, the Parliamentary Assembly of the council of europe voted for a resolution on the creation of a special fund, where all frozen russian assets will be transferred in order to then spend them on the restoration of ukraine. All 134 delegates present at the meeting voted for the resolution, according to the plan of distribution of russian frozen deposits will take place within the framework of the International Compensation mechanism, which should be developed under the auspices of the council of europe, well. Which resolution is it about, it was also said that russia, as an aggressor country, is obliged to provide full compensation for the damage caused its illegal actions that led to the death of people and the destruction of infrastructure in ukraine. Moreover, parier calls for the creation of an impartial and Effective International commission to consider claims filed by ukraine, as well as physical and legal entities affected by the war. A group of influential people. Legislators, the house of representatives, this is the lower house of the american congress, called on the american legislators this week to urgently unblock the bill on the allocation of additional funding, part of which will go to help ukraine, which is 60 billion dollars. They expressed their appeal in a joint statement to congressmen, the chairmen of the committees on Foreign Affairs, armed forces, intelligence and the budget, and expressed support for the plan that. Was previously presented by the speaker House Speaker mike johnson, who differs from the democratic administrations vision, heres a quote from the statement we cant afford to waste time when it comes to our national security, we need to pass this relief package this week, and it will be this week voted literally a little more than an hour ago , the american mass media reported. At the insistence of the speaker of the house of representatives, mike johnson, that the vote will take place on all four now broken bills, will take place on saturday , april 20, so we are keeping our fingers crossed, we are waiting, well , on sunday we will know how it all ended, i really hope that it will be positive for us. Ukraine needs even more weapons, nato secretary general Jens Stoltenberg said during the event. Press Conference Following the meeting with the Prime Ministers of the Czech Republic, denmark and the netherlands. According to him, during the meeting, they discussed increasing support for kyiv against the background of the difficult situation on the battlefield. According to the secretary general of the north atlantic alliance, if allies face a choice between meeting nato targets and providing additional aid to ukraine, he says, it is better to help ukraine. In particular, the system. Air defense, what exactly Jen Stoltenberg said about it, lets hear him directly. The reality is that we have enough systems to supply much more to ukraine, are we talking about air Defense Systems in general or the patriot battery . This is exactly what we are working on now. Ukraine can receive more than one million, that is, even 1. 5 million artillery shells as part of the czech initiative. The Prime Minister of the Czech Republic petr fiala said this the day before during a speech at the Hudson Institute in washington, the capital of the United States of america. According to him, 20 countries have now joined the initiative. Which was authored by the president of the Czech Republic, peter pavel, while the Prime Minister emphasized that in the near future ukraine will receive half a million shells, while the remaining million are planned to be supplied within year, but the truth is he still hasnt said, but where are these shells from take, in the end, if it is interesting, then not very much, the main thing is that these shells get to the front line as soon as possible. Outside. This was said by the general secretary of the magathe, raphael grossi, and this opinion, the same opinion, was already repeated tonight, kyiv time, in the united nations, and in the ministry of atomic energy, they cannot establish who recently fired at the Zaporizhzhia Nuclear power plant. Yes, during the briefing, said the representative of the un secretary general, stefan dujarric. When asked if his organization could name who was responsible for the shooting station, then briefly, well, i didnt understand mr. Dujariks quote either, no, neither we nor the ministry of defense have forensic tools regarding the report, er, regarding these strikes, and we do not have a mandate to investigate these strikes, that is , the report, there is no mandate for the report, to the investigation, but at the same time yesterday, those who watched the column world about ukraine remember how i gave. The direct speech of raphael gros himself, who explained here in the voice of vasyl zema, about how these, from where these drones are launched, how they can expand, fly, on one side launch, on the other this, they they can be ukrainian, they can be russian, that is, he has the right to say, he has the mandate that it can be ukrainian, but to prove that it cannot be ukrainian, he does not have a mandate for some reason, just like the un. Various situations and circumstances can be summed up so briefly in the explanation of the head of european diplomacy, josep borel, why the west does not help ukraine shoot down russian missiles and drones, just as it helped israel shoot down iranian ones a few days ago. During the press conference after the Online Meeting of the ministers of Foreign Affairs of the Member States of the European Union, mr. Borel explained that the iranian attacks on israel took place over the bases of france, the United States, Great Britain and jordan, so these states. Reacted, reacted in the framework of selfdefense. In addition, there is a socalled iron dome in israel, says the chief european diplomat, and with all the desire and availability of money to build a similar one in ukraine over ukraine, it would simply be impossible now. Well, here, of course, if we are talking about the dome, if we are talking about something else, it is impossible, but poland is raising its fighter jets when russia launches missiles and the missiles fly close to the ukrainianpolish. Border, and they could at least help shoot down those rockets that might fall they could in volyn, rivne, ternopil, lviv, ivanofrankivsk or zakarpattia region, but for some reason they only say that they cannot. The European Union faces various threats that come from various parts of the world. The president of the European Commission, ursula funderlajen, said this during a speech at a conference in brussels on issues defense and security, for this, says the president , it is necessary to prepare, and the preparation should touch many different aspects, but the main thing is that this preparation should be, and what should be the preparation of the European Union to repel these threats, let ms. Ursula fonderlein say it herself in direct language. The threat of war may not be imminent, but it is not impossible. Must be ready, and it must begin with the restoration, replenishment and transformation of the armed forces of the eu Member States. Europe must develop and produce a new one a weapon that can win a battle. This means that over the next five years we must actively increase our defense and industrial potential. This is a task for today, and it should be based on one simple principle, which you have heard many times europe must spend. Pay more, ms. Ursolaien said that europe is interested in this, it will lose more, better and more efficiently. Orban attacks the Prime Minister of hungary, accused the leadership of the European Union and, in particular, the president of the European Commission ursula funderlajen in political blackmail. Yes, he said that all this leadership should resign because they failed all the key projects. He said this the day before during a press conference. At the same time, the head of the hungarian government called on the citizens of the eu Member States to come to the elections to the European Parliament and change everything, in particular, the nuts from viktor orban fell, as i said, to the president of the European Commission, ursula fonderlein, who he blamed for the fact that it was she who blocked the allocation to hungary assistance from the funds of the European Union. Well, i will remind you that earlier viktor orban has already said that the modern European Union with its pressure on budapest is a bad parody. On the ussr and what kind of brussels that treats member countries like provinces, indicating how europe does not need them to live. Well, he said that yesterday, and today he met with his colleagues from the socalled rightwing bloc in brussels, there was a conference of rightwing forces in brussels today. It was attended, as i said, by the Prime Minister of hungary , viktor orban, and the excandidate for the presidency of france. Eric zemur and exdeputy from Great Britain and supporter of brexit nigel farage. And the conference was designed to bring together their views on what is happening in the European Union, somehow to unite them. And listen, by the way, to what was said about, speaking about ukraine, the European Union, russia, what a wild statement viktor orban made. Lets listen to him directly. The hungarian condition, there must be something between us and russia. Today, ukraine is just a western protectorate, not a sovereign state, but the most important thing for us is that there is something between us. Well, its wild, buffer, ukraine should be buffer between hungary and russia. Orban has repeatedly stated that he does not want russia to be near hungarys borders. Lets create this buffer, which he called the protectorate of the west. Well, its simple, simple. Agree, i cant even find the words to comment somehow on this statement, well, if it was only him, nigel farage was also present there, there were many others present, there was no present, the Prime Minister was present the Prime Minister of slovakia, robert fitza, but he also distinguished himself, from the point of view of international law, each of us recognizes the territorial integrity , sovereignty, and inviolability of another country. Borders is a good theory of international law, but i say that the russians will never give crimea to ukraine. The russians will never give donbas and luhansk to ukraine. The Prime Minister of slovakia, robert fico , said this during his speech to the members of the European Committee of the chamber of deputies of slovakia. At the same time, the head of the slovak government again called for an end to hostilities and the need to sit down at the negotiating table and added that the us participants of these negotiations will be able to offer to introduce some special status for the russiancontrolled eastern, for the time being controlled eastern ukrainian regions, and later we will hold some kind of referendum on their future, and in conclusion a very short quote from robert fitz you can draw castles in the air, but the russians will not make these concessions , its theirs, i dont know, i just. Well, the russians wont give Something Like that, well, its already a question of what they have to take from the russians, who will ask whether they will give it back or not, they flood half of siberia with water, there are houses standing in water, then no one i dont care, the main thing is that they wont give crimea, well, thats for the fice, but in general, well , smart people never say the word never, especially in this life, knowing history, it never happens, it always happens sometime, 100 , china still helps russia modernize its militaryindustrial complex. This was stated by the official representative of the state department of the United States of america, matthew miller, during the briefing. In particular, he stated with reference to Intelligence Data that under nebesno sent terrorist materials to the country, which russia used to update its Industrial Base and even produce weapons. And this weapon was later used during the war in ukraine. At the same time, the head of the American Foreign policy department emphasized that this information is extremely alarming and official washington. To discuss it in the near future during meetings with allies and partners, well, thats how it is, and they say, we want peace, we want peace, lets sit down at the negotiating table, we must come to an agreement ourselves, well see. Putin is planning a trip to of turkey and a meeting with the president of this country, recep tayyip erdogan. But it is not yet known when exactly this trip will take place. The president of the republic of turkey, recep tayyip erdogan, announced this the day before during a meeting with journalists. According to him , the date of putins visit has not yet been determined, but this issue should be resolved as soon as possible, but in the ministry of Foreign Affairs. Of Turkish Affairs reported that during this meeting, erdogan plans to discuss with putin gas issues, the construction of a Nuclear Power plant, the grain agreement and the situation on in the middle east, and one of the main ones will definitely be the issue of finding ways to end the war in ukraine peacefully. He will again call for negotiations to sit down with putin and agree on something. And finally, big water will not just leave russia, it can be said. Even attacks, floods, continues to arrive and break dams. For example, the tobol river near the city of kurgan has already risen above a dangerous level, while the water level is rising at a rate that is catastrophic for local residents. Not on hastily created zagats from sandbags either are helping, so the regional leadership called on the residents of the flooded areas of kurgan and ketiv district to evacuate immediately. Local mnsniki as well. Authorities reported on 25 settlements in which thousands of houses and agricultural lands were flooded. Russia under water, this is good news to end todays column world about ukraine. I will already prepare for tomorrows broadcast, but dont switch, because we still have a lot of interesting things. Damn you, stepladders, my legs cant walk anymore, wait, im suffocating, theres no health, and whats there health, in my sixties, and i thought so until i tried herovital . Gerovital is a phytovitamin complex that cares for the heart and strengthens the body. Gerovital good health, active life. New herovital energy, even more iron for good causes. Herovital energy. With him once a day. Kratal contains natural components that carefully care for your heart. Kratal improves blood supply and the functional state of the myocardium, normalizes the heart rate , and increases physical and mental performance. Kratal is a Natural Force for your heart lacal fix reliably fixes, my dentist advised me. 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