Transcripts For FBC Cavuto Coast To Coast 20161027

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out is suddenly getting very interesting, very tight. following on the candidates anywhere and everywhere. you can see how this is because their heads are bigger than the state they are in. governor pence in omaha coming back to new york city tonight. senator kaine in ohio. donald trump of multiple events in ohio later run. we are told back in new york city and hillary clinton holding a rally with first lady michelle obama. the first time they will be campaigning together. all of this has pulls across the country began to tighten. what do you have? >> the races to your point getting closer. getting donald trump to the 270 votes needed to be the next president remains difficult which we will show you in a moment. the better trendlines in four key states and the first two will show you are going blue states. florida is where we begin in for some ways in some ways the trump argument to win begins and ends in florida. the trendlines are good you're donald trump of it not been hillary clinton is living down. a bloomberg poll showed donald trump by two this week in florida and the average certainly getting closer. nevada is a very interesting state will watch closely on election night to see because it's been a lane who stayed throughout. the blue lines moving down a little bit that the other line is moving up and that is more significant. a close race in nevada. one poll showed it dead even. 43-43. the next day we will show you and you talked about ohio and the attention being paid by the trump campaign today. the red line across the blue line. the trends are positive for trump. is that the little bit in ohio. we still have it as too close to call. finally, pennsylvania, more of a stretch for the trump campaign. the lines have been and continue to be far apart. the real core politics. a little bit letter briefly. it's about a five-point gain are still in the state of pennsylvania appeared with that, we go back to the map. this is where things get difficult because even if you start to take state thought and give states like iowa and ohio and certainly not carolina. it's not a case made by any means. if hillary clinton may be a pointer to in the same is in arizona and utah. a lot has been made about how close that is because a third-party candidate. what starts to happen here ishao do. it took us a lot just to get here for donald trump without talking about the states we just mentioned. florida is not this one. it has to go read if trump has any hope of winning it on november 8th. out west as i said that is very interesting. still it to 73. one vote up for grabs for hillary clinton from donald trump's dave. give us one more state. pick them in new hampshire. it's tough. down in the states. it's like pennsylvania, but the average polis we showed you was down there. difficult to get this map passed the point. >> you talk about those trendlines. they got two-point the week. in those states, maybe with the exception of maybe new hampshire , it is not enough to close the gap. connell: ray. so it really is a pic on here. new hampshire, pennsylvania, maybe colorado. all of those states in the trump campaign talk about this the other day. five, six, seven, eight points. this is at the moment a best case scenario. he's doing better the last few days. neil: if only we had started this search may be one week earlier. that is very interesting development. in the meantime all of these various foxholes do show this consistent and rather intriguing developments among independents. donald trump doing better and better and better. it's not enough to put him over the top to say nothing of what has been able to do with african-americans and hispanics. with neither group is he running away with it but he is garnering percentages that were higher that mitt romney enjoyed four years ago. is that enough to change the math with less than two weeks ago? democratic strategist. we are watching this close to let me begin with you. i've heard various talk like that. it's nice to see among republicans, conservatives, nice to see donald trump searching. we wish he had done this a little sooner. obviously we have a ways to go. what do you make of this late break here. >> this is good news for donald trump. hillary clinton is leading trump in the polls. only 3% nationally. trump doing much better but the independents. he has taken the lead by 13-point. not long ago they were tied with independents. but the independence of the momentum and enthusiasm that trump has with his supporters and especially with independents, that is something that can help pull them over. neil: to know, the one thing i've learned covering these things every four years as the state that are must wins or crucial for either candidate and a plain out a little bit differently. few could envision 2000. few could have envisioned in 2004 that it would come down to 40, 50,000 ohioans deciding to raise. there is much that will be a surprise on election day. where do you think the surprises are? >> i think the surprises are in arizona. utah is the biggest surprise so far this campaign. we haven't had a third-party candidate when since 1945. this is in a guy running nationally. that could actually be the biggest surprise. if donald trump does not win utah, there's so many things to look at within that state for strategy going forward especially third-party candidates. pennsylvania unfortunately estate donald trump has to win for there is no math here is trending the wrong way. florida could be one of the flips for all the suddenly out of the panhandle after the polls close to make a call up for trump which could be a big true. still not enough math to get him over the finish line. we are rearranging the chairs. neil: one of the things i noticed if you're donald trump and you pick up florida to choose north carolina when it looked like you wouldn't, then what? is that all awash in the end or is there something to this? you were crunched numbers for a living. you're pretty good at contrarian investing as well. the contrarian view is the only one of you that if you go by consensus pull, general polls, he isn't doing well. what do you look at? >> i'm on the contrarian side. down here in florida granted i'm probably right in the middle of round zero of the red area of florida. but still i have not talked to one person across the state that is going to vote for hillary. surprise number one. [inaudible] >> that's definitely a good point. i think surprise that he wins florida easily. i think there is a lot of people in the polls who are reticent to say that they are voting for trump because it's not politically correct or they don't want to be branded as one of those people. the other surprise. some of these states that are tight, and it's kind of like brexit. we woke up and i say that there is a lot of sentiment for the u.k. to leave the e.u. that might be the case with trump. neil: when you look at you look at bat in the old argument and a lot of people have been raising this with me that their support is understated in the polls. of course i heard that from romney folks. this sort of like an old reliable tests. i guess what i'm asking here are some of these other issues popped up since namely the problems with the affordable care at and some of these revelations that do come out and people remind other issues besides donald trump's comments to women that it is getting out there and it is something dragging her support. >> is really breathtaking the number of americans who have been harmed by obamacare and more to come. the numbers are staggering. when he mentioned that people who are not above ground and their support for donald trump, i talked to a number of individuals who are trump supporters and they are afraid to mention. neil: i also talked to a number you've been out. obviously it's a little bit more for donald trump. there's just as many who can admit to people i settled on her. >> to take away from that is hillary clinton presidency will be a continuation of president obama's presidency. obamacare, high tax regulation americans are being harmed by the policies. neil: high approval rating. when you think of that that there is something gaining traction here reminded a lot of people they sold us a bill of goods is now just the fight. >> i think there's an interesting little dichotomy going on. today i got the newspaper "washington post" at home and there's a whole story losing support, quitting fundraising. there's the wikileaks e-mail that come out. no matter how hard we try to tie these directly to hillary clinton and then set you the overzealous staffers and everyone else around her and they are getting in trouble. it never goes directly to them. i understand. now there's another group. in your previous segment he talked about the obama coalition. there's one key part and that is where we see a huge shift to the left which is something that could undermine, something no one watching. these women cannot go in and put their mark and stand behind demand reset the things he said about women. neil: a good many of them do. do you think it's possible people are saying one thing, ourselves included into quite the opposite. the mac share. despite the fact that joe reid space to create the elect hillary clinton gives out every day, which i also do come in the fact that the mainstream media is fully 100% behind clinton, besides the fact that trump is really a horrible candidate, despite all that, he is dead even almost in the polls. [inaudible conversations] conservative newspapers -- [inaudible conversations] neil: some trump supporters now and then unlike kerry who is yet to understand how anyone of florida has voted. he leaves his compound, looks around and has no idea. thank you very much. great seeing you well. apple is trying to get its mojo back today with a big announcement on the new map works in computers. that used to be their whole enchilada, everything. now if the iphone and this other fancy gadget, some say apple has forgot them. this looks like a promising new crop of products. but what if i told you microsoft is the new cool, not apple. hold onto your keyboard. meanwhile, some new wikileaks coming out, the drip, drip, drip that now it's causing some serious problems for hillary clinton. a combination of see products.. and customers. every on-time arrival is backed by thousands of od employees, ...who make sure the millions of products we ship arrive without damages. because od employees treat customer service... our most important delivery. od. helping the world keep promises. neil: it is called pay to play, it is a concept to understand. you get the money and hopefully you get something for it. and the latest wikileaks dropped today, a lot of concerns about clinton foundation donors to get just that kind of access. peter barnes of not. hey, peter. reporter: hi, neil. this e-mail from july 2015 from the head as a think tank to the clinton campaign chief is that john podesta about secretary clinton's e-mail controversy. do we actually know who told hillary she could use a private e-mail and has that person been drawn and quartered the whole thing is as sane and pain. she didn't take out those letters like we did. second, there is an exchange between hillary clinton and her aides there raises questions about the impartiality of the democratic national committee, something bernie sanders questioned during the primaries and caucuses another pic for someone to manage the dnc election planning robbie buck to a top white house official had to get ian teacher debbie wasserman schultz on the same page with the campaign's choice and not choice did not end up getting the job. finally, in your e-mail that details what the "washington post," this memo attached to a describing what the "washington post" is calling a circle of enrichment involving the consulting firm of top aide to bill clinton dubbed ban and the former president. the 2011 memo details how band and his friends with the donations to the clinton foundation for donors who hired no clip and for speaking another work. by that november, partners had raised more than $8 million for the clinton foundation and had arranged for bill clinton to get paid more than 3 million for speeches. the sports and had the memo shows the organization is trying to raise money for the foundation's good work and that clearly shows they never received any financial benefit or benefit of any kind from doing so. >> clearly to your point, the staffers for secretary clinton were concerned about how this looked. >> this was a memo to the foundation's lawyers from doug band. president clinton was copied on it, chelsea clinton, it carried the call list, bruce point the board member and john podesta appeared neil: peter barnes, thank you very much. house rules committee chairman. mr. chairman, i don't know if it's a smoking gun, but it's at least a gun. it's pretty big stud when you are ponying up that kind of money and expecting to get lawyers involved in staffers panicking about at the very least how it looks. lawyers presumably go further than not about whether it's legal. what do you think? >> if we receive the information would have been heavily redacted. the facts of the case are real simple. we are using their own words, their own e-mails, their own transgressions are very apparent amount but more importantly they are raising questions unto themselves be unto themselves be at the bottom line you have not gotten to yet but i'm sure you will very quickly and whom i openly says it's personally aware of this and she know she's put herself in her own box. that is a smoking gun. if there is when they know what they're doing is wrong. this is not political. it is criminal. it is criminal as secretary of state for them to use the clinton foundation and their own fund-raising operation personally for the president and try and hide this from the american public. this is what we talked about in october surprise. i don't think it gets any better than this. neil: bottom line is gotten very little press scrutiny. a lot of e-mails back and forth prior with media figures themselves. leaving that aside, very few today that involve mrs. clinton herself. none directly. so hillary clinton herself can argue whatever goes back and forth between my staff or john podesta had no control of even though that's not for making clear that she was being pretty sloppy with her image and her husband with this foundation and they were urgently, trying to clean up after it. >> well, there was a feeding frenzy for everybody to benefit off of the transactions. even staff. there is information about staff even at these meetings trying to position themselves to make money. neil: the even more alarming because this is what gets lost here. those governments that had particularly abusive policies, for example, with regard to women within the association, the initiative was dealing. that was another area. i get the feeling it was walkable. they were trying to clamp this one down. as things moved on, it was getting frantic. >> make no mistake about it. this is what the president did with johnny chung and the white house way back when the book was written year of the rat. go back and read year of the rat that was written specifically about the use of chinese donors, chinese money. when i sat on the house government reform committee, we had janet reno before the committee subpoenaed her many times. she checked into a hospital for exhaustion rather than coming forward with the truth. neil: a matter of finding out the clock. i wish we had more time. we will be on top of it. i know you are. democrats, republicans, big stud. more after this. you can run an errand. 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(announcer vo) sorry, confused neighbors, howard's on. siriusxm. road happy. neil: twitter is cutting 9% of its global work force among other things as that goes away. all of this after more than a few weeks when twitter is essentially shopping itself around and had no interest of his arab interest. president obama is meeting with the hhs secretary to try to deal with open enrollment in some of these other issues that have popped up including a lot of folks who are going to be looking at paying a penalty if they don't sign up for rejigger what they already have, that could be a problem right there because some folks look at paying the penalty is a cheaper alternative signing up for a system where premiums are moving up out of 25% or better clip to trump senior economic adviser on what donald trump's answer is to this. as far as i know, mr. trump's view has been rated outcome is dark from scratch, but in doing so, millions of people are to have insurance on tuesday. how is he going to address that? >> i certainly understand the can earn. it's important to american people understand the math. we all know that hillary clinton obamacare plan has been an absolute failure. not only in matters of health for what it's costing the american people. premiums will increase between 25% and 160%. what people may have missed as those premiums compounded over the last four years. >> what you think donald trump does? would he just stick to that? these people are out of luck. they lose their insurance. >> absolutely not. he's not going to let the old pennsylvania have a 53% increase to the people of north carolina title race and repeal it with the great health savings account. he wants to increase competition by allowing insurance. neil: would that be instantaneous? >> sure, absolutely. inaddition to allowing people to purchase insurance across state lines and increasing competition driving down costs and premiums, he wants states to manage medicaid and gave rid of subways that it is there. in addition to cutting red tape at the fda is over 4000 drugs awaiting approval. by saving drugs need get into the hands. neil: i just want to be clear there would be no gap. these numbers all over the map. 15 to 22 million who didn't have it before, many of whom will be paying a lot more for that luxury. he would not do anything to take that away from them. whatever he changes would be switched in with whatever he's offering. >> that's exactly correct. mr. trump did not want to punish the american people. he wants to move government out of their lives that ensure the safety net exists and he wants to do that through commonsense reforms. we have to stop this policy ready fire and aim. we can't have anymore baseless passes so we can see what i meant. if you think about the fact that if in fact you need this acid increases were going to take place, this may well be the greatest fraud ever perpetuated. >> it never would've passed if people had done this. >> if you knew about it, is not the definition of fraud? neil: what if they did know about it, they'll get one thing all along is a public option that they are going to get what they want. >> if you want to be a socialist nation, that's what's going to happen. you're talking to a guy who grew up in england, a guy that constantly tax return and western europe. they are the first to admit that is a failed system. it does not work. they must improve the american people drive down those costs. neil: with all of that and they don't even have dental coverage. >> and no one uses it. they search for private answers. neil: exactly. thank you very much. >> thank you, neil. good to be with you. neil: do you follow who hollywood stars follow? if they like the first candidate you climb onto that candidate? et al. who i think has the most beautiful voice in the world just backed hillary clinton. neil: amazon report out today that a thousand dollars a share if not of the realm of possibility because the business inspired on the the proverbial all cylinders. ups to what is going on here and whether i'll be in the entire inside of the holidays is a sign that maybe that is widespread. you could have a very good christmas. what you think ofabout will delr 700 million packages which is it working% increase. fortunately come the calendar is in our favor this year as well as thanksgiving into the hand of the year.around the world for ae consumers will be buying online. neil: when i was noticing the number of folks who've been hired by the likes of amazon all the major retailers, target, obe holiday season. why is that? >> i think there's two sides to appear the first of the national federation of retailers come out with a forecast of 3.6 resent growth this year. more importantly it's also the shift to online and as we continue to see more online, not only is that impacting companies like ups that the traditional retailers growing their online businesses as well. so we all need additional hires are the great story about ups as many people end up with jobs long-term. last year about or to 7% of those that got hired ended up with jobs that ups around the country. neil: that's very nice to see. i wonder whether you're worried about not amazon's plans because they might do their own transportation network and deliver their own packages ensure it's not ready to go right away now. but do you worry about that? >> you know, we think about how ups provides not just amazon, but many different companies around the country and around the world. it's really a mutual beneficial relationship but only for amazon but every customer that uses ups because we have the shared economics. let me give you an example here today there's a product called share pose for the last mile is us to take it damage that those economics and the customer shared economics but also makes it very track to where the investors ups can use both technology and real-time to optimize what goes into our network. neil: all right. but watch what happens. thank you for taking the time, richard. >> usually a democratic candidate versus republican candidate. i generally don't like getting involved in this stuff either way. when i heard that adele who has the most beautiful boy scott has ever given a human being has soiled herself of politics, i immediately said i've got to call this woman and give her a talking to. so i did. she picks up the phone and what he thinks she says? 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you and i too am in a landslide that was reagan a 10% and kerry virtually the entire country with it. that was then could it be right now. let's get a sense of what's going on. former rnc national finance chair mr. trump at the same time making this calm at a time we are learning that mr. trump has said the fund-raising focused on just the race getting myself elected. hopefully taking republicans with me, but the money raising doubts that it learned he say no. that said, it's over. >> not at all. if you look back historically, mccain and romney started back in october in a "washington post" article was misleading. he had some fun racing not on line with direct mail, but is focused on getting the vote out which is what he should be doing. yesterday -- north carolina yesterday, they turned away thousands of people. it is absolutely incredible. >> i always urge caution with democrats or republicans talk about that because i covered the dukakis campaign. he had some of the biggest rallies in the days of the campaign that he went on to lose. having said that, i readily agree with you that trump supporters is underrepresented to the degree it apparently was back in 1980 for ronald reagan or maybe back then because subsequent polls quickly were catching something, a momentum that was pretty dramatic. anything like that now two at go what's going on? >> well, look at that one. i think it's a great example and fox the other day and they have expected odds for donald trump to be 100-1. they see a huge surge in individuals placing bets worldwide. that tells me something right there. this is an unorthodox campaign and i think it's difficult to look back historically and compare this to any other previous election. it could go either way. what we are seeing his strength for example in florida, but also in nevada. a really great opportunity to take harry reid v., for example. what i am seen as we have boots on the ground contrary again. we've have boots on the ground since 2012 midterms. we are actually very well organized in battleground states and i have to congratulate reince priebus. >> he had to almost feel like a secretary of state with all the battles going on in the nominating process. real quickly, do you like the singer adele? >> yes, i do when i see she's supporting hillary clinton and that's most of the hollywood cars behind her. she is keeping a low profile. neil: adele or hillary? >> hillary. neil: will it influence whether you buy her albums going forward you'll forget that and move on? >> i'm not a single issue person so i'll enjoy her music even though i disagree politically. trade to thank you very much for that. i wanted to pick your brain because it is huge. it's bigger than any poll, any transaction. adele the singer whose then as apolitical as they've ever been talking often times how much she thinks of the queen but that's about as much as she suffers a bit on political matters. now she weighs in. whether you like hillary clinton or not it's going to be compromised here. i want her, i said don't work for trump here don't do it for hillary. you've got to be above the fray. she didn't listen to me. even though when she picked up the phone, the first thing she said was hello. i'm trying, america. i've only been back a few weeks. i'm trying. more after this. ♪ looking for a medicare prescription drug plan that could save you money? at unitedhealthcare, we offer three plans to choose from to help meet your needs- including one that's brand new for 2017. introducing the aarp medicarerx walgreens plan insured through unitedhealthcare. it features $0 copays on all tier 1 prescription drugs filled at walgreens, one of our lowest monthly premiums, and the convenience of more than 8,000 walgreens nationwide, including duane reade. so if you're on medicare call unitedhealthcare to discuss your prescription drug plan options. you can enroll right over the phone or if you'd prefer, enroll online. but don't wait. the open enrollment period ends december 7th. the aarp medicarerx walgreens plan provides coverage for the most commonly used generic drugs. and when you fill your prescription at a neighborhood walgreens you could really save money. get $0 copays for tier 1 prescription drugs and a $0 annual deductible on tier 1 and tier 2 drugs. call to see if your drugs are covered, and get help understanding your drug plan options. we'll send you a free enrollment guide, even help you enroll right over the phone. or you can enroll online- it's quick and easy. remember, open enrollment ends december 7th. at unitedhealthcare, we're committed to helping you find the medicare part d plan that fits your needs and budget. that's why we offer three plans. like our new aarp medicarerx walgreens plan with one of our lowest monthly premiums and $0 copays for tier 1 prescription drugs when filling at any of the more than 8,000 walgreens nationwide. call unitedhealthcare today to learn more about your prescription drug options and find the plan that's right for you. ♪ neil: is there anyone with a more beautiful voice on the planet? probably not. i like my stars to be above the fray. that means i don't like them supporting any candidate. i don't like soiling themselves with the daily life of politics. if i'm covering that it's already unseemly. so imagine my shock when i heard that adele, just adele. i don't know her last name is. adele did this. take a look. [inaudible] [cheers and applause] neil: now if you don't know british, that is don't vote for him. don't vote for him. vote for her. he's a basket case. i am trying here. i thought there'd be a little more residual pity. apparently not. joe piscopo, the greatest star in snl history certainly has a million impressions, probably much better, but you have to bring it down. >> i say good english accident. -- accent. i think you should just ban her from your show because -- neil: by the way, i think she should be about that. he would be late cheeses taking sides. >> die you can tell me the celebrities going to sway neil cavuto's bow. and i are not going to vote for donald? you wouldn't do it. neil: do you think she's great? it's a sellout concert. >> she's fantastic. misguided and her political thought. she did not have to do that. i don't understand it. the polls are closing. joe talked about it on the radio. i was the guy. i'm the guy on the radio saying don't go there yet. do you remember when they said donald will never surface. it will be such a vast difference in poll numbers. three points and counting. i don't hate hillary. people get crazy. all of the right-wingers go she is too liberal for them. neil: he's just crazy. neil: with the traffic outside it took me an hour to go from the lincoln tunnel to hear. neil: you should take his helicopter. >> new york tax or your money. neil: we do latch onto celebrities. i am large they've always overwhelmingly gone democratic. of course they lined up like a parade for john kennedy and i must every democrat since. what is that? why is that? >> i don't know. i remember i was a lifelong democrat. neil: when you were in your heyday as the nile, was not a requirement that all you guys had to be communists? >> that's not true. we were all democrats. neil: when you would make fun of ronald reagan, ronald reagan would let it slide. >> it was very smart. there is no vitriol that end. people have to stop the hate, just win. neil: right now i am hating adele for soiling herself with politics and i don't want her doing that. >> i absolutely agree. madonna doing the same thing and maybe a different way. you can't listen to celebrities. you know what's great about this time? the people are at the top of their game. the people understand it. trust me -- neil: you are just letting the slide. and given ample material. >> we are going to drain the swamp. drain the swamp with all the people down there. neil: so beautiful and also political. >> let me bring you back. don't go. don't take that bait, brother. listen to joe way. you're going to watch her. neil is now voting for hillary because of adele. don't do this to us, buddy. you will go to rehab together. sensory rehab. neil: people don't like my -- not for him, not for him. keep repeating not for him. he loves it. look at the time. : . neil: all right, adele -- call. meanwhile, trump rally about to start in ohio. that race tightening in the buckeye state. one of many states that is. ed, what is going on with that? we oftentimes see polls tightening in the final couple weeks of a race. is this different than any four years? >> different from a polling standpoint. both candidates are flawed in terms of the numbers we're looking at. what's not moving in the numbers is the unfavorable feelings about both these candidates. hillary in the fox poll was at 53%, trump was at 56%, and they've moved more intense. 49% strongly unfavorable on trump, 45% strongly unfavorable on hillary. so you'll see periods of time like two weeks ago where you'll see maybe they'll jump up the numbers will jump a bit, but if you look at it over the last four months, since the beginning of june quite frankly, on a four way ballot, operating within a six-point margin. hillary's window is five points higher. if you look at average of the polls today, she's running about 5.8% ahead of trump. so when you have something like two weeks ago, she moves to the top of her window, he moves to the bottom, but it comes back to a natural center, and i think this race is going to end up being in the five to six-point range towards the end of the campaign. neil: for whom? >> for hillary clinton. neil: okay. >> but then you look at individual states and the individual states you have states that are very, very close, ohio, florida, north carolina, pennsylvania was just moved in -- neil: you don't see a phenomenon like 1980 where there's a breakout moment, something going on beneath the surface and the catalyst could be this obamacare stuff and high premiums, something crumbles beneath the surface we don't sense until after the fact? >> we thought we were seeing that in the access hollywood tape that came out. it's come back to its natural center, and i think because of the high negatives for both of the candidates, like a governor on a car, it pulls them back within that range, that's what we're operating. what people forget about polling is polling assumes everything else is even in the campaign, and at the end we have to look at numbers and say who spent more money at the end? who has a better ground game? i think that's where you see a deviation. neil: she has the money for that more than he does. ed, thank you very much. we are waiting to hear from donald trump in ohio. couple of developments. he will no doubt respond to allegations of the pay-to-play with the clinton foundation, the shocking development is that adele backing of hillary clinton. what he might say about that. but i'm warning you, i'm warning you, donald trump, wherever you are, do not pile on adele, she got deep in political matters, go above the fray and leave well alone. i will talk to her. this is wrong for adele to do. she is soiling herself in the human race, and she's above that, but donald, don't try it. to the new york post washington bureau chief daniel halper. are you stuned? >> who knew adele would save the day for hillary clinton. neil: incredible. >> i had to ask before who is adele, right? neil: that's amazing, and you're like a third my age. fine, fine, fine. dan, what is going on with the latest developments? i don't know whether it's hillary dropping, trump rising, maybe both, what's the catalyst? the normal, you know, tightening we say or something bigger? >> that's the key question, right? is trump coming back, he would have you believe he is coming back, there is the trump vote that is already there and coming to the polls and the early registration and early voter numbers are misleading because people are coming out and voting for trump. the problem is we have a preponderance of the evidence and a lot of data and all for the most part against trump winning this election and it is favoring hillary clinton at this moment. now, we see movement in the "fox news poll," is it within the margin of error? natural tightening? or people saying i can't deal with hillary clinton, i can't vote for her, i have to vote for trump. we don't know but it does seem like hillary clinton is maintaining hear lead and seems steady right now, of course, there are possibilities. neil: the one thing i can't understand, there is significant variations here, you know, ap might have it as a ten-point race. abc might have it a 12-point race. fox, of course, a three-point race. it's just bizarre. i don't think i've seen such wide variations? >> there are wide variations but they all show hillary clinton ahead. neil: a couple of them the lead is tightening. i don't know which is right, i just know that rarely are they that diverse? >> that's true. however, they are all in hillary clinton's favor. obviously, we won't know which poll is right. it could all change, this poll could be exactly right, but a sampling where things could stand at the moment and donald trump could announce something that is popular today and alter the state of the race. he needs to do that. that's the key, the key is it's in hillary's court, donald trump needs to shake it up to win if he wants to have a chance. right now we don't understand what's going on, but we can safely say that these things are favoring hillary clinton unless he changes things, and it is possible, but people are going to the polls, 14 million people have voted. these things are favoring hillary clinton at this moment, not to mention the electoral map in general. donald trump has to win four, north carolina, nevada, all the states and hillary clinton has to win one or two of them in order to be the next president of the united states. you'd much rather be in her position, which is not to say he can't do it, it's to frankly look at the state of the race as it stands right now. >> we'll see what happens. >> in all this polling, it's important to know, all the polling took place before the adele announcement. neil: you read my mind. >> she could be popular in ohio. neil: leave you this, young man, from her rolling in the deep song. go ahead and sell me out and i'll lay your you know what there. well, adele, those words are coming back maybe to bite you. >> trump should hope she's very unpopular in ohio. neil: well, i don't know. it's shocking, shocking. we'll be looking at the fallout, daniel. by the way, adele is a very popular singer. >> thanks. got it. neil: thank you, buddy. great sense of humor as well. trish regan is joining me here. >> i know adele. neil: you are adele. but i will ask you we have this going on, but then we have michael mooshgs as extreme as you can get, but i want you to react to this as michael moore on this race and whether donald trump could win? >> so on november 8, the dispossessed will walk into the voting booth, be handed a ballot, close the curtain and take that lever, or felt pen or touch screen and put a big [ bleep ] x in the box by the name of the man who has threatened to upend and overturn the very system that has ruined their lives. donald j. trump. trump's election is going to be the biggest [ bleep ] ever reported in human history. neil: or to quota, del, there's a fire starting in my heart, reaching a fever pitch and bringing me out the dark. not at all remotely connected. what do you think what he was saying? >> you would think he's for donald trump. if you listen to the passage -- neil: i don't think he is, i think he knows andpricious the rage that's out there. >> he's for hillary clinton but understands and empathizes with the people that are for donald trump. he said, look, these people aren't crazy, they're not racist. she's are people that have faced enormous economic struggles that know that you don't have the same success path that you used to in life. these are people that are living in places like ohio and michigan. neil: appreciate how enraged those folks are? >> he goes on as well in that clip, and people should check it out online to say look, these people lost their jobs, maybe the the plant that moved to mexico or to china. then they may have lost their wife, they maybe lost the kids, they have no economic future. the car just got repossessed, and they're saying my god, it's washington's fault and they are blaming the system and saying, look, we feel betrayed. we feel betrayed, not by a particular party but the system as a whole. along comes donald trump who is saying the system is messed up and has the nerve to say to the car executives guess what? 35% tariffs. neil: he didn't dial that back, what he meant when he said 35% tariff on you guys making the cars elsewhere, but whose rage wins out, do you think? >> it comes down to numbers. michael moore predicts that donald trump is going to win because he thinks this rage has been bubbling and bubbling and bubbling about to seed over and people are going to come back and exercise their rights. >> does that apply to women themselves? the point that hillary clinton or donald trump made about women? >> it's interesting, i talked to women about this, they tend to be very mixed. i've also talked to a the love men, including evangelicals or people on wall street that you typically wouldn't think would go for donald trump and feel they're willing to overlook everything because they're concerned about the economic policy that will be put in place. they'll say, hey, i don't want to get taxed. neil: they're not just one-issue voters. >> sometimes they are. the evangelical will say i care so much about the supreme court. women are mixed, this is a soft spot. neil: in the middle of the push for women, there's hillary trying to get, you know, the anointment from adele who provides it, even though she's british, she can't vote here. >> women like adele, you're right. and you like adele. everybody likes adele, right? i'm not going to even think of criticizing adele while i sit on the set. neil: it's a conundrum for me, a paradox. thank you very much. reminder that the scars of your love remind me of us, we almost had it all, the scars of your love, they leave me breathless, i can't help feeling we could have had it all. >> such poetry. neil: you didn't get that, adele. you wanted to take one slice of the electorate and alienate everyone else. and you are above that. more after this. 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>> well, i think that of course they knew what was going to happen, we knew what was going to happen. we were opposed to the bill for exactly these kind of things. it would change the quality of health care we have for our doctors, we wouldn't have the same doctors and the prices have come up. we're seeing that happen now, it's exactly what we predicted in 2009 and 2010, remember, the democrats insisted on passing this bill. nancy pelosi said we have to pass a bill to find out what's in it. >> i think they knew exactly what was in it. they're not stupid, and i think they can do even basic math. basic math to your point when we started chatting back then is if you are going to cover preexisting conditions which people support, it's not a bad idea, you keep your kids on a policy longer or going to allow a lot more features to be included, lower cost mri's and cat scans and the rest. if you don't think that's going to result in higher premiums then that's the problem right there, but a lot of people just bought this, hook, line and sinker, huh? >> a lot of people did buy it, the majority of americans when this bill passed into law did not want it to be passed into law, and a plurality wanted to be repealed. we need to replace it with something that allows more choice. neil: how do you do that right now? i was raising this with a republican congressman and a trump backer earlier. how do you do that without heartlessly slicing off millions of people who didn't have insurance who do. how do republicans, more to the point, deal with that? either under a hillary clinton administration or trump administration. how do you do it? >> first, it won't happen if it's hillary clinton which is why we first have to defeat hillary clinton, and then, as we -- neil: that's going to be tough in light of adele supporting hillary clinton, but i digress, go ahead. >> well, hello, people like adele. thankfully we understand when it's time to change a station, we look to a different direction. it's time to change the track our country is in and we need to look to someone other than hillary clinton to be president. that's the first step, and then have to go through and replace it with -- neil: but it's got to be -- it can't be a period or maybe there can, where their insurance lapses or would republicans, again, to your point of a trump victory, that they can't let these millions go off rolls or do they? >> well, i think that what we will wind up seeing is a transition period, there is a transition period to enact obamacare there. would be a transition period to repeal obamacare. that's why we did, it we wanted it to not be passed in the first place, didn't want it to be funded. but we're at the point where we want it to be repealed and replace it with free market health care where we can choose our insurance and have more options. that will lower the cost. neil: all right, well put, jenny beth, you were among a select few on top of this. of course, when no one even knew who adele was. thank you, jenny beth martin. appreciate it. the apple event surround way as we speak right now. talking about revamped laptops, computers, the imac, the stuff that used to be the sole bread and butter eclipsed by the iphone. part of the stuff they're getting into concerned what they might be doing on twitter. i just lost it. there it is. they want to integrate live streaming right there. how that would figure into the devices as well. remember, apple was rumored, this is apple tv, but apple was rumored to be interested in time warner, but again, this is another way of trying to get themselves into the content and streaming business at the same time, but it also is going to happen on a day we're hearing that apple is going to revamp that entire line where, that will be easy to do. twitter is jumping up on this news on the idea it can hook up with a popular entity like apple. following that. so far no comments from apple on the latest adele developments, but we shall see. the microsoft cloud helps us stay connected. the microsoft cloud offers infinite scalability. the microsoft cloud helps our customers get up and running, anywhere in the planet. wherever there's a phone, you've got a bank, and we could never do that before. the cloud gave us a single platform to reach across our entire organization. it helps us communicate better. we use the microsoft cloud's advanced analytics tools to track down cybercriminals. this cloud helps transform business. this is the microsoft cloud. . neil: there are all these surprises when you get the apple announcements on a day we're expecting the company to revamp and repower all of those laptops and imacs and all that stuff that used to be its sole business, now ancillary part of the business when you consider the role the iphone plays in the company sales and earnings. apple tv is a big news thus far in the announcement out of california. it's going integrate twitter streams into live games, a lot more going on here as well. obviously, people are going to get excited about that for twitter shareholder, it was the one good thing that's happening. looking at developments at this apple event. to money guy jared levy what he makes of the cross currents. apple did telegraph in otherwise disappointing earnings season, it sees good fiscal year ahead, good christmas shopping season ahead, the hardware announcements, i don't know about the apple tv stuff, is going to be ready for christmas. that is a sweet spot for them, right? >> it is, so first of all, tim kicked off the event with a nod to the iphone 7 saying how great it was, how great sales were. neil: tim cook? >> tim cook, yes. and pushing the ad thing, apple is holding the status quo but not innovating i don't think, they brought minecraft to apple tv. that's a microsoft product. they kicked off the campaign with accessibility features and ad about accessibility, something that microsoft did yesterday. i feel apple is doing catch-up and that's not where you want to be if you're a cutting edge tech company. >> i think that right now, ironically it's all of a sudden appearing that microsoft is cool, that stock in and out of all-time highs, lot of attention towards its latest hardware including a computer that is very much as appealing as any apple product. in fact, many have said apple-like. that used to almost never happen. what do you make of all this? >> yeah, here's where you need a tyrannical or visionary as your leader, in a lot of ways steve jobs is that, and ceo noddelo for microsoft says he wants people to change the way they think about microsoft and wants to encourage employees it change the way the world thinks about microsoft. for many years we thought they're the windows guys, they give us office, and they're shifting and becoming much more aggressive. they're becoming pioneers with interesting product. apple, main competitor has really lacked in major innovation, improving on base product and nothing earthshattering, and apple tv is called tv, i don't see anything terribly exciting, i don't see anything wow as a young person or tech savvy that i'm going buy an apple product or apple stock more so than the norm. neil: when they say this apple tv thing or tv thing will be an app, you can have it on your ipad, i guess. all of the hot products like an ipad, wouldn't they cannibalize the existing sales of the very pc's they're upgrading and announcing upgrades for today? >> on the apple side you're talking about? neil: yeah. >> remember the macbook pro is going to have oled interphase and going to be newer. what they're counting on is cheaper stuff being attractive to folks who couldn't afford apple product and new uptick to the wealthier folks, nothing is going to change the way i feel about apple. i'd be a buyer of microsoft but not excited about apple right now. neil: so when -- a lot of people talk about apple now, and a lot of these tech guys becoming commodity companies that they have the product they love and 45 million iphones sold in the last year, that's not too shabby. but, but that's it, it depends on just selling stuff. you know what i mean? and that used to not be the kind of thing that apple needed to do. >> and it's weird, it was back wards, remember back in the day, apple was a computer company and microsoft supplied the software. they're trying to figure out where where they are in the scheme of things. it's a software company, it's a gaming company, it's a media company. they sort of got that angle, when it comes to ame, they really need to sort of diversify away from the iphone, that's the achilles' heel and the stock will never commend an 18 p/e, that's why it's trading at such a discount, they are a one trick pony. neil: would that change if they bought content. they were looking at time warner, that would change it? >> yes! i think they should buy twitter, integrate. all about content. why downing the deals are happening? supply is there, mobile is there. people want content. they want viewers, why? because they can sell that and sell marketing and make money, in fact they can sell 1.6 million iphones per month, it changes the game. that's why content is the key and apple is not there. the apple tv, you can't watch netflix. amazon on fire apparatus, you can watch netflix, netflix is a very popular item. they should have integrated it, they don't have it. it was a mistake. neil: you can't watch netflix on apple? >> on the new apple tv. on the tv portion. neil: well, then a lot of people won't upgrade for that alone, right? >> yes, that's what i'm reading here, and again i'm reading the blog as it happens live. neil: okay, okay, quickly your thoughts on adele entering the seedy world of politics and backing hillary clinton. what do you think? >> hello ♪ you know, adele is a sweetheart, i like her music but switch over to trump. i'll give her a call. i'll tweet her. neil: and by the way, how many british votes are you going to get for that? by the way, she's british. i'll leave it at that. there's a trump rally going on. whatever. this is so overwhelming. i'm leaving now, leaving now. thanks, jared, very much. >> thanks, buddy. recently, a 1954 mercedes-benz grand prix race car made history when it sold for a record price of just under $30 million. and now, another mercedes-benz makes history selling at just over $30,000. and to think this one actually has a surround-sound stereo. the 2016 cla. lease the cla250 for $299 a month at your local mercedes-benz dealer. mercedes-benz. the best or nothing. wheyou wantve somto protect it.e, at legalzoom, our network of attorneys can help you every step of the way. with an estate plan including wills or a living trust that grows along with you and your family. legalzoom. legal help is here. . . . . neil: all right. want to take you to north dakota where authorities are taking steps to remove the pipeline protesters camped out on private land saying they're against pipeline activity here. so far so good removing them. but they often times, in attempts to get them to clear the area, they have just simply come back. but, now, guards getting involved here. we hope it doesn't get very ugly or violent. hopefully not. so far so good. we'll keep you posted on that. keeping you posted on donald trump's outreach to the minority community, especially what he was calling yesterday a new deal for black america. is it working? take a look. >> i want to talk about how to grow the african-american middle class and to provide a new deal for blackamerica. that deal is grounded in three promises. safe communities, great education, and high-paying jobs. neil: carnegie mellon professor joins us and a radio show host carla nixon. welcome to you both. let me begin with you. rarely do republicans outside, rap goes something like this token gestures to the minority community. do they do something like this, to the degree donald trump has or is trying to do. is it working? do you think it's working? is it moving the needle at all. >> i like the way you put it. rare for republicans or conservatives toss take on race especially during a presidential campaign, in that way donald trump has made american history. the underappreciated aspect of this presidential race is that donald trump has talked more about the plight of african-americans in this country, and spent more time actually with them than i think any republican presidential candidate has but also, more so than probably any other presidential candidate in recent history. neil: he doesn't appear to be getting much polling bang for the bucks for that. i could be wrong. you guys probably look at lot more than i do but -- >> if you look at recent fox poll shows secretary clinton with around 77% of black voters. she needs so much more. barack obama was in the 90s. and i think part of her much lower numbers, the fact that the surrogates, president obama, and first lady michelle obama are out there for her is that they have got to bolster up the black vote for her because donald trump is actually eating into that demographic because when -- neil: any way you look at it, we're showing his support 5% nationally. that could be wrong. that would about what romney got. you're right. her numbers come down from what barack obama enjoyed me to believe, that maybe something is going on with many in the minority community, african-american community. just disappointed in the choices and staying home. what do you think? >> well, you know, i do have a radio show and i connect with a lot of people in the community. so here's what i see. the largest segment that is not enamored in the black community, not too crazy about hillary clinton are black millenials. that goes across the spectrum. when you talk to black millenials about issues with hillary clinton first thing comes up is the crime bill. they're very concerned about overpolicing and police miscubbing. when trump starts off saying things, regarding jobs and economic security, he moves in the right direction. but as soon as he goes to oh, by the way, i'm going to put more police in your community the door is slammed on any possibility -- neil: i would imagine it is not monolithic, is it? a lot of blacks look at this, polls off the chart in support of our police, i'm sure not all white people who are saying that, right? >> see the, got to understand, in the black community what is viewed, generally viewed like this. the economic despair, the economic problems create the social and crime problems. if people have jobs, i was a police officer for many years. let me tell you, you don't arrest a whole lot of people with college degrees making $100,000 a year. if you go to prison, you look, there are a lost poor people, a lot of uneducated people there. so the issue is not, at least to the black community and to particularly the millenials is not that we need more police to police people who are, you know, morally dysfunctional. it is that people are desperate. there is desperation. if you get the jobs, et cetera, then the crime part takes care of itself. i don't think donald trump kind of, he must be culturally a little deaf to not understand the way the black community sees it. neil: you like the way he is doing it, the fact he is trying. >> i don't see quite the way the other guest does. he talked more about when he mentioned, just yesterday bringing microloans into urban communities that have been free enterprise deserts for decades. i think the economic argument is his most powerful argument. job creation is race-neutral. he is talking about that more than any republican candidate did earlier. i do think the policing side is problematic for him but i think that given the fact that we'll got more than 26% black americans living below the poverty level, his economic message, if he is allowed to get it through the media, spend more time on it, will not necessarily bring more black voters to him in this race but it'schanging the conversation about the republican party and race relations in america. that is has been a big impact in the campaign. neil: he said, what the hell have you got to lose? depends hon -- >> that is actually true. neil: guys, thank you both. you arced your cases very, very well. we're getting couple more details on the new announcements on apple including a new macbook pro with retinal display, multiresponse touch. called the touch bar. okay. it looks kind of silly to me. we'll see. (war drums beating) fight heartburn fast. with tums chewy delights. the mouthwatering soft chew that goes to work in seconds to conquer heartburn fast. tum tum tum tum. chewy delights. only from tums. >> i'm ashley webster on the floor of the new york stock exchange with your fox business brief. news in the telecom sector. "wall street journal" reporting a possible merger deal between centurylink and level 3 communications, l-3 communications, down 6% but centurylink up nearly 10% on that news a deal could be announced within the next several weeks. meanwhile groupon, that share price moving much lower today after reporting much bigger third quarter net loss and expected revenue growth slowing. groupon shares down almost 20% even though they announced they will buy their rival living social. alaska air getting clearance from regulators buy virgin america for around reported $4 billion. we are expecting more details on that in the coming weeks. neil cavuto up next with "coast to coast." neil: you know a lot of these, the whole server thing with hillary clinton apparently wasn't just a shock to the world. apparently to clinton insiders it was bigger shock for them. the timeline that is now exploding all through these wikileak emails. peter barnes with the latest. hey, peter. reporter: that's right, neil. this brand new email from wikileaks between campaign chair john podesta, and campaign manager robby mook on the night that "the new york times" broke this story that hillary clinton had been using her private email in a personal server for her state department official business, podesta emailed mook on that evening, late, march 2nd, and wrote, did you have have any idea of the depth of this story? mook wrote book, looks like early the next morning, quote, nope. we brought up the existence of emails and research this summer but were told everything was taken care of. neil? neil: wow, peter. drip, drip we go. heather higgins, independent women vice president and ceo. what do you think of all this, heather? this is fast and furious and keep coming out, what do you think of this latest stuff? >> why are you surprised? neil: yeah. >> this is more of the same, we can be accused of confirmation bias but this is not surprising. the thing that has been interesting about the leaks and the stories that are coming out about the staff is not that they're critical of hillary. of course they're critical of hillary. people are often critical of their bosses particularly in emails that are internal. the fact though is the type of criticism she is getting, not that she is tough to work for, but about the character flaws they recognize she has. most particularly the fact they still close ranks behind her and doesn't matter how bad the email server violations are or anything else. they will say anything to make sure she gets elected that goes to a lot of the sense of the corruption in washington and entire politicalrocess. neil: well, you know, a lot of people say how would you like all your laundry exposed to the world and emails back and forth? i understand that, but some of this stuff, particularly with the clinton initiative and pay-to-play with certain countries and donations they would make and influence, you knew certainly among the hillary clinton people they were concerned about it. they were frantic about it. and yet, we don't know what she was thinking, what hillary clinton was thinking, but they were increasingly worried that this was going to explode in their faces, not knowing that all this would be released and that would explode but what is the impact of this in the next 12 days. any? >> what is not clear obviously, because for republicans this tends to confirm what they already felt about the clintons. neil: right. >> for some on the left it may be more targeted for them, particularly the born -- bernie sanders supporters. they didn't want clinton in '08. they don't want her now but they were stuck with her and sort of hoping. the problem here with clinton there is no border between their charitable life, their income life, their political life and their standard is, not keeping up the appearance, but will there be proof i did something wrong? if there isn't going to be actually proof, we'll charge ahead and do it. by the time somebody figures out and we say its old news. neil: none of that stuff is involving directly her, people worried and cleaning up directly after her and it is -- >> it is very distasteful, a lot of people claiming trump is distasteful, you have to look at this stuff to say, on one hand trump may be personally distasteful but she is institutionally problematic in terms of corruption of institutions we see, following in her wake, whether fbi or just tis department, va, everywhere we see, the state department in terms of friends of bill having special access. this is now the not how you want a republic to operate. neil: i like that institutionally problematic. heather, thank you, very, very much. heather hiking begins. as header and i were speaking. more dribs an drabs coming out about apple. lightest macbook pro ever made! tv app, revolutionary than evolutionary stuff. we'll see whether this is moving the needle did in the stock in a big way. not a in big way. this is having it ready did for folks for the christmas shopping season to buy it. applying to everything but apple's stock. more after this. ♪ approaching medicare eligibility? 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reporter: well the polls are pretty close and they're tightening but marco rubio maintains his lead. there was debate last night, neil, marco rubio and patrick murphy actually went at it for the last time. of course they hit issues you would expect including donald trump. let me show you the polls right now where they stand and this is according to the "real clear politics" average of polls through october 24th. this is before the debate which took place last night. senator rubio has roughly 47% of the respondents in this poll versus mr. murphy who has roughly 43.4% of the responds dents. i talk about that debate last night because the national issues are resonating with the issues in this senate race. one of the big issues of course nationally is obamacare. and you can see, you know, mr. trump according to that bloomberg poll, is gaining in florida but the "real clear politics" average going through october, 20th, to 24th, trump has 44.8% and hillary clinton has 46.4, johnson and stein very low in these polls. issue in southern florida, that rubio seems to gain some traction on has to do with cuba. it reared its head last night in the debate because the obama administration is normalizing relations with cuba. let me listen, let me let you listen to what patrick murphy had as attract on marco rubio and how the person responded. >> the person you chose to be next president basically admitted he violated embargo and continue to stand by his side. one of your core initiatives you care about. what will it take to unendorse donald trump? is there negative you can do or say and not -- >> that is bizarre, congressman murphy, you're criticizing donald trump for supporting a position you have. you support lifting -- >> i'm criticizing. reporter: what was really incredible in the debate, patrick uttered the donald trump name 19 times. at one point senator rubio said a noun, verb, donald trump. that is the standard line out of patrick murphy. may help murphy gain a little bit in the polls, but marco rubio, the senator still has lead right now as we head toward november 8th. neil. neil: wild. thank you very much, adam shapiro in miami. all right, we are waiting to hear from donald trump in ohio. michelle obama with hillary clinton in north carolina. we're still waiting to hear how they make their pitch for voters. this is ideal opportunity for them to respond to the stunning adele development. the global singer who always been above the political fray, save complimenting the queen, now emersed knee-deep in our political elections, throwing her support behind hillary clinton and saying if donald trump, and i quote, not him, not him. not him. we'll have more. you can run an errand. (music playing) ♪ push it real good... (announcer vo) or you can take a joyride. bye bye, errands, we sing out loud here. siriusxm. road happy. with new cabinets this wfrom this shop,house, with handles designed here, made here, shipped from here, on this plane flown by this pilot, who owns stock in this company, that builds big things and provides benefits to this woman, with new cabinets. they all have insurance crafted personally for them. not just coverage, craftsmanship. not just insured. chubb insured. .. (announcer vo) you can sit in traffic. or you can crack up. (man on radio) but if it isn't refreshing... (announcer vo) sorry traffic, we laugh 'til it hurts. siriusxm. road happy. neil: a voice made in heaven soiled with the reality we call politics. this is the thinking equivalent of mother teresa committing to a candidate was whether it is the right or the left. she is throwing her support behind hillary clinton. she is above the political fray, especially when she kept saying it is not donald trump, it is not him. sorry for stealing your segment. >> if you are playing a dell music i am all for it. maybe i should. i hope to call one of these days. donald trump will take to the podium in springfield, ohio. there is boris epstein who you have seen many times on this program, surrogate of donald trump working up the crowd. as soon as donald trump comes out we will bring you that speech. the race is getting very tight. there are

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