Transcripts For FBC Lou Dobbs Tonight 20130916

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to draw attention to what they call unfair fear of muslims after the september 11th terrorist attack. washington d.c. tonight apparently unfriendly territory to some main stream americans who were looking to simply show respect to all we lost 1 two years ago today. also here tonight, the 26-year-old syria researcher whose article was sited by john kerry and john mccain and congressional testimony as they supported an attack against assad. she's been fired. elizabeth originally raised conflict of interest concerns after her affiliation with the syrian emergency task force was revealed, that is to say the assad opposition. today the institute for the study of war learned her resume falsely claimed a phd from georgetown university. for that she wa terminated. we begin with the speech that never should have been delivered, a speech that president obama may well regret, a confusing and at times incoherent effort to explain to the american people his ever changing stance on attacks against syria. listen to this. >> i have resisted calls for military action because we cannot resolve someone else's civil war through force. the situation profoundly chan d changed, though, on august 21st when assad's government gassed thousands of people. if we don't act, his regime will not stop using chemical weapons. i believe it's right to take to debate to congress. i have therefore asked the leaders of congress to postpone a vote to authorize the use of force. >> well, minutes upon minutes of the president speaking directly to the american public, it was a speech that ultimately raised more questis than it answered. we'll lay it all out in moments, and we'll be talking with some of the leading political minds in the country about what the president accomplished and perhaps, what he lost. the president's speech, an example of the obama administration's poor management and mixed messages on the issue of syria. communication between the white house and state department clearly contributed to the confusion as president obama and his secretary of state found themselves out of sync and out of touch over recent days. fox news chief political correspondent carl cameron has our port. >> reporter: when secretary of state john kerry mentioned syrian president bashar al-assad could relish an attack kerry was utterly dismissive but president obama embraced the idea in a monday med blitz saying he discussed it months earlier with russian president vladimir putin raising questions whether the u.s. secretary of state knew about it or out of the loop. >> he seems to be constantly caught by surprise and doesn't seem to be the one that's the go-to guy when there is a tough decision that needto be made. >> reporter: there was a disconnect on the size of the attack. kerry said it would be swift and decisive but administration downplayed the scope and kerry got in line. >> that's exactly what we're talking about doing, unbelievable small limited effort. >> reporter: that undermined the threat of a strike in the first place. what critics say has been a zigzagging presidential policy against syria raised concerns in washington and capitals around the world about both the u.s. message and mission. >> when the secretary talks about an attack that is unbelievably small in the same day on the same day when the president says the u.s. military doesn't do pinpricks, you wonder exactly whether or not the messages is correct, barack obama is the most controlling foreign policy president since richard nixon. he doesn't delegate. he dominates. >> this diminishes secretary of state john kerry's stayed tour because he knows more about foreign policy than barack obama does. unfortunately, that's probably one of the reasons he makes so many mistakes. >> reporter: kerry has gotten ahead of the president more than once. after president obama said drone strikes were reduced his secretary of state upped the ante. >> i think the program will end, and i think the president has a very realtime line and we hope it will be soon. >> reporter: kerry has to acre knowledge on the job training within the obama add machine station is a school of hard knocks. >> i learned as a new member of the cabinet, no decision is made until the president of the united states makes the decision. >> reporter: kerry is loyal presenting the policies so far and offered a meeting with the russian counter part tomorrow on how serious it will give up the chemical weapons, even though kerry rejected the notion years ago. >> former deputy assistant of george bush, brad blakeman, amon west. brad, let me begin with you. your reaction to that speech? >> it's a speech that should never have been given by the president in prime time. the president had nothing to say to the american people that was the import to go around the world and give a message that basically says we're standing down. we're not asking the congress to act -- >> but you're a republican. you're surely cheering the fact he made that speech. >> no, i don't cheer the fact the president made a total embarrassment of the office of the president of the united states. this is a speech that went around the world. billions of dollars pea s of ds watched that speech. whether this putin idea will be relevant. >> well, alan, can i get just from you at least crocodile tears about all of this, any -- any hope that the republicans are going to seize upon this performance and say we told you so? >> well, i don't think you need to take that type of immature reaction and say we told you so. i believe the president is doing a very good job walking into a u-shaped ambush and destroying himself -- >> there you go. that's what i wa ready for, alan. >> the most important thing, lou, when you look at the speech the president gave talking about the moral obligation, i would have told him do not give a speech like this when less than 24 hours later is the first anniversary of the loss of four americans in benghazi where you said it was a phony scandal, and further more, you pretty much abandoned four americans in a combat zone under attack. the optics of this was horrible. you want to talk about a national security interest? american territory was attacked in benghazi. you want to talk about taking military action? we haven't done anything to go after the people and it was aligned to al qaeda that conducted this operation, and now today in the washington post it was said that this was a well-planned operation and long before this quote unquote video. so we had a president that deceived the american people and he's not done anything in benghazi and libya but destabilize the country. >> alan and i tweeted last night this president is not talking about the anniversary of benghazi, the anniversary of september 11th. an incredible oversight, a failure of grace, and to me, duty as president. you know, you're talking about this embarrassing performance across the world. embarrassing beyond belief because it so contradictory, and i don't understand the hesitation to say that is the wor worst warped speech by a president i've witnessed. >> it was intentional. that's the disgrace the president left benghazi out specifically because he couldn't go there because the american people know they are misled. the president was on the verge of taking us to war. luo, we don't even have a homeland security secretary even nominated for that post. there are ateast 20 positions at senior level where there are no nominees. how is that possible? how do you blame sequester or the republicans on his failure to nominate a secretary of homeland securityt this time? >> you get the last word. >> well, once again, i think we have a very confusing foreign policyhen it comes to the middle east. if anything, he's destabilized in more countries and said he would pivot away and when you do that you embolden the enemies and abandon our allies. look in libya. he went in there without congress l approval. to say he needs congress l approval, that's not the case. look in egypt when he embraced the muslim brotherhood and made a decision not to lead forces in iraq. iran fail that and now he's going off in a venture into syria, which is really ill advised. >> well, hopefully, an adventure that is not going to occur, and the pivot, as you point out, allen, the pivot seems he's turned to vladimir putin as -- >> as his humanitarian. >> his resource of last resort. thank you both. commemorating the 12th anniversary of the september 11th attacks and the first anniversary of benghazi. the chairman of the house the chairman of the house congressman bob goodlock sits there is a pursuit we all share.better li, a better opportunity for your business, a better legacy to leave the world. we have always believed in this pursuit, striving to bring insight to every investment, and integrity to every plan. we are morgan stanley. and we're ready to work for you. president obama last night asked congress to postpone a vote that would authorize the use of force in syria and all of it amounting to even more confusion in the nation's capital. joining us now to sort of what is going on is a man at the center of it all. we're joined by bob goodlock. great to have you with us. let's begin with the president's speech last night. your reaction to what was a little more than 15 minutes of national television air time to the american people. >> well, first of all, i had had the opportunity first to hear from my constituents who were overwhelmingly opposed of t tthe 2,000 people that contacted my office through e-mails and telephone calls. 90% were opposed to the united states taking action, military action in syria. i had the night before been briefed by secretary of state kerry, secretary of defense hagel and defense and intelligence people and had the opportunity to listen to members of congress ask multitude of questions about how this would happen and what the impact would be and what the ramifications of it would be, and i had already determined that afternoon that -- and said so publicly, that i would not be able to support t resolution that the president was seeking, the one that had passed out of a senate committee. so, when i listened to the president, i was listening to it from the perspective of whether he could make any additional case. he makes a strong case that syria should not be usi chemical weapons. it's absolutely clear they have done that but not a case we can stop syria in the manner he talked about doing or avoid other consequences of the action. so, i was pleased. i think it was wise on his part at the end of his speech to say that he was going to ask the that resolution as he explores with russians and, i guess, indirectly the syrians whether they are serious about the proposal they put forward with the russians to turn these chemical weapons over to an international body, a third party. if that indeed takes place, that would be a good resolution of part of the problems that exist in syria, and i think he knew that probably in the senate but definitely in the house he would face an overwhelming bipartisan vote against the resolution. i think he made the right decision. he also, i want to say, at the outset after talking about acting unilaterally did the right thing under pressure from the public, the congress, and seeing what happen in a british parliament made the right decision to come to the congress not just to consult and seek authorization. i think he's required to do that under the law. i do not think that was the right way to handle that situation, and i think that this circumstance, he did two things right, but we still haven't figured out the right way to solve this problem and it is not in my opinion firing cruise missiles or using drones to attack targets in syria. weon't know that would have any impact on the chemical weapons. >> mr. chairman, your reaction to the speech itself, have you ever seen a spectacle quite like a president standing before cameras asking congress to approve and to support his desire to strike a solve earn nation unilaterally and at the same time call for a delay in a vote for the authority that he had sopped at the outset? your thoughts? >> well, it was schizophrenic in that regard because clearly, he wanted to impress upon the american people the seriousness of the problem, but it was also apparent to me that he and his administration did not have a co-her rant plan that people could look and say yes, this is an achievable objective. we know what we're going to do. we know what he do it. it will have a positive result, and we know how to extract ourselves and we know there won't be serious ramifications for ourselves or a whole host of other groups concerned about what might happen here, christians in syria, neighboring countries and so on. so from that standpoint, i don't think it served him well. but i am, as i say, pleased that he made the wise decision at the end to back away from asking for that vote and hopefully, he will find anotheray to solve this problem and to take military action. >> the president is saying that we are not declaring in his speech, that we are not the world's policemen and i have to say to you, i found that the brightest moment of the speech. having said that, then he seeks to be the world's policemen. this time in syria, previously as you eluded to, libya, to egypt, wherever it may be, this president is not apparently aware of the constraints on power and particularly based -- the greatest constraints are american values, are they not? >> they are. one of the concerns you have, if you fire cruise missiles into a country you have not been involved with military, any military conflict will involve likely collateral damage. innocent civilians are likely to be killed. in this case he's taking action because of the concern about the use of chemical weapons, a concern where innocent children and others were killed almost certainly by the assad regime, and then if we fired a cruise missile and it killed children or other civilians and we're saying we're doing that as a response to what they did to prevent them from takes these actions in the future, i think it sends a very wrong message and has dangerous consequences. also, in the past, presidents bush and clinton, they sought congressional approval, but they also had a large world coalition behind their efforts when they under take military action. here he has a small band of folks who are happy to step back and say you go ahead and do it, and we'll quietly applaud you're doing it but by the way, there were few willing to put their own troops and their owner equipment and dollars on the line. >> thank you congressman bob goodlock. one year after the benghazi terror attack, nobody has been arrested or prosecuted or captured or killed. we'll show you on the chalk talk, how the mayor players and administrations stone wall have done. thank you orville and wilbur... ...amelia... neil and buzz: for teaching us that you can't create the future... by clinging to the past. and with that: you're history. instead of looking behind... delta is looking beyond. 80 thousand of us investing billions... in everything from the best experiences below... to the finest comforts above. we're not simply saluting history... we're making it. she took an early spring break thanks to her double miles from the capital one venture card. now what was mrs. davis teaching? 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[ female announcer ] if you can't afford your medication, astrazeneca may be able to help. it's the eve of the one-year anniversary of the benghazi terrorist attack when we should honor those we lost but over at the national constitution center in philadelphia former florida governor jeb bush at this very moment is honoring former secretary of state, the one who said what difference does it make when she was asked what sparked the terrorist attack. clinton is receiving the 2013 liberty medal for her work in public service. hilary without of doubt is living a good life with her bid for white house in 2016. her speeches bring in a lot and she's not the only member of the obama administration who dismissed benghazi as a scandal and went on to reap huge rewards. we know then um ambassador susan rice went on five sunday talk shows blaming the attack on a youtube video. she's now the national security advisor and a critical part of the obama administration's efforts now to solve a military strike against syria. leon, well, he was left in charge by the president when the president had something else to do, we don't know what that else is, and he led to the administration's non-response to the attack in benghazi. penneta signed a deal for his memoir and david petraeus ran the cia at the time and working for a big name wall street firm, kkr no doubt making a big-time salary as well. then chief of staff jack low, an part of who briefed the president on the night of the attack. the secretary of the treasury and finally there is president obama himself. rewarded with a second term despite the obvious failures of his white house during the attack and now one year afterwards, he has done -- he has succeeded in doing absolutely notng about benghazi. his administration continues to stone wall, the state department refuses to hold anyone accountable, but his administration as allegedly retaliated against one of those who testified against administration in congressional hearings. and coincidentally, tonight, on the eve of that attack a year ago, a report in the washington times siting top u.s. officials who say government agencies did warn president obama last year in the campaign that al qaeda was expanding, not being decimated. but the president continued to insist on the campaign trail that al qaeda was on the run, it's leadership, that's right, decimated. president obama now is paying a political price of sorts, a fox news poll shows his approval rating at 40%. 48% say the foreign policy leadership is weak and indy sigh sieve and we don't know what the president will say tonight. but we're pretty sure that he's torn up the speech he planned to give yesterday. it ought to be quite a talk. up next, a brand-new book "under fire" exposes for the first time when secretary of state hillary clinton and president obama knew about benghazi and when. we'll be joined by the arthur next. this man is about to be the millionth customer. would you mind if i go ahead of you? 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>> the attack transpired during a presidential election when the fallout and fire storm over the narrative became more important than the story of her wisp. they were young and isolated in a city completely void of law and order. it was controlled by fundamentalest and they found themselves on a symbol i can night under fire and attack. >> you say the story of these agents that sam was talking about was lost in the aftermath of the election and the campaign, you say it's not a story of a failure or a coverup. how would you describe the story then? >> i think it's a story, lou of simple course and heroism and the ability to do the job under very difficult circumstances. as a former agent, i certainly felt for the agents that were out there alone. i know how that business is. help is a long way away, and i know that they were struggling with just trying to do the best they could, and they actually followed protocol and their mirky action plans to a tee. >> i don't know any of us, certainly most of us believe that glen doorty and tyrone woods were heroes, that -- and certainly the agents that you-all chronicle in the book are heroes as are all of those who responded. what defies understanding comprehension so far is why in the world, if not the government of the united states s, respond during the course of seven hours to help those folks in benghazi? >> agents from the diplomatic security service that find then selfs in these critical posts, africa, middle east, wherever in the world know sometimes back up is in an aircraft 6,000 miles away and because of a million in one reasons, logistics or confusion in the thug of terror, they realize their job is to hold out as long as possible until help arrives. one untold story is help did arrive when word came to the u.s. embassy that the special mission compound in benghazi was under attack. the operators who were in triply stood up. >> how many people was that? >> that was seven. >> that was seven people. and how many terrorist were there, fred? i mean, this is simple math to me and i don't like the fact the only super bower in the world, their answer in all of this over the course of 12 months is, you know, we just made the decision and we don't have to defend it. it's the way it is and the hell with then. that's exactly what this is a statement of in my opinion by this administration, the hell with them because they didn't even try. how wrong am i, fred? >> well, lou, i think if you look at this in context, the terrorist that stormed the compound were 30 to 50 that actually came onto the actual villa where the ambassador was hunkered down and the agents had a decision that nobody ever wants to be encountered with, do i shoot it out and make a last stand similar to the alamo, or do i try to cover and evacuate, which is exactly what they tried to do? >> right. >> unfortunately, they were just overwhelmed with numbers and with the terror -- >> and firepower. my god, these terrorist had firepower that could match just about any unit of the u.s. military or anyone in the annex who was a cia operative, right? >> well and the markets in benghazi you can buy ak-47th and rpgs as fast as a pack of cigarettes or a bottle of milk. >> you guys are in the security business. you're in the intelligence business. it defies of the imagination of most americans that upon learning of the attacks on whether it be the red crescent, whether it be the british ambassador and his convoy or attacks that led up to september 11th, that the quite government for whatever reason, the state department responsible for that facility in benghazi didn't listen to the ambassador who begged them for help. >> the special agents from the security service don't have a seat at the table -- >> no, no, i understand that. i'm talking about why in the hell hasn't somebody been held accountable for this in the state department, in the obama administration? >> that the a very good question. >> fred? >> that's a very good point, lou. i think that there was an effort to through a few good agents under the bus when this unfolded -- >> there is a response. finally, there is a response. gentlemen, we're out of time. a fascinating story. we've been waiting a long time for your book. the book is the untold story of the attack in benghazi. gentlemen, thank you for being with us. we recommend the book highly to you. links to it on lou the brand new book, the pirp making the case of scandal and greed did nothing to affect the bottom line of the global consulting power house. i'll put it that way. mckenzie and company. duff mcdonald thank you orville and wilbur... ...amelia... neil and buzz: for teaching us that you can't create the future... by clinging to the past. and with that: you're history. instead of looking behind... delta is looking beyond. 80 thousand of us investing billions... in everything from the best experiences below... to the finest comforts above. we're not simply saluting history... we're making it. we are the thinkers. the job jugglers. the up all-nighters. and the ones who turn ideas into action. we've made our passions our life's work. we strive for the moments where we can say, "i did it!" ♪ we are entrepreneurs who started it all... with a signature. legalzoom has helped start over 1 million businesses, turning dreamers into business owners. and we're here to help start yours. turning dreamers into business owners. peace of mind is important when so we provide it services you bucan rely on. with centurylink as your trusted it partner, you'll experience reliable uptime for the network and services you depend on. multi-layered security solutions keep your information safe, and secure. and responsive dedicated support meets your needs, and eases your mind. centurylink. your link to what's next. the most free research reports, customizable charts, powerful screening tools, and guaranteed 1-second trades. and at the center of it all is a surprisingly low price -- just $7.95. in fact, fidelity gives you lower trade commissions than schwab, td ameritrade, and etrade. i'm monica santiago of fidelity investments, and low fees and commissions are another reason serious investors are choosing fidelity. now get 200 free trades when you open an account. my next guest wrote a terrific book, an in-depth look at one of the largest consulting firms of the world. my association with that company says it is the biggest in the world. the new book is "the firm" and made mckenzie and company so unique, powerful. joining me the authghthor duff mcdonald. congratulations. >> thanks. >> how in the world did you pick out mckenzie. what a dull, drab bunch of folks they are. >> it was funny. why was working on a buy ogden fee he is anti consultant. he went off on a huge rant one night and his wife actually said calm down and he said, you know what, i mean, everything i just said, accept for mckenzie, and that stuck in my head. i thought if this guy makes an exception. >> these are sharp, sharp operators and they have been around for a long time doing what they do best, which is make a lot of money telling ceos what they either want to hear, depending on who is writing the checks and influences who writes the checks, telling them what they need to hear. the first question i need to ask you is mckenzie and company, the typical ceo and business worth all the money they need to get paid? >> i think you got to break that question into two parts. are they worth it to the company. >> uh-huh. >> maybe not. you know, there have been instances of bad advice, terrible advice, and there are instances of great advice. are they of value to the particular executive who uses them for whatever purposes they have? i think the answer is obviously yes. 85% of their business is repeat. >> that's extraordinary. >> i've been in situations and large media companies employing their services, and there is not one instance that i can name where i thought they brought, what's the expression? added value. there are others that say terrific. give me their greatest success in your judgment. >> you know what is amazing is i asked them that. i said, what is your greatest success? did you tell mcdonald to go with breakfast or coke to go with diet coke? he couldn't come up with one. he said the greatest success is our long-term relationship, which is you got hooks into them. >> so the met trick was duration and yes, the size of contract. >> yes. >> the greatest failure i think i know the answer to this, but i'd like to hear your view. >> i'm going to say enron. jeff skilling is -- was ex-mckenzie. his entire career was mcelderke before that. all things were celebrated by mckenzie and mckenzie quarterly, probably the company they celebrated most. >> and enron became a trading desk. they became special purpose partnerships and entities, and they became a fraud acre terchie with advice from mckenzie. an extraordinary story and the story that you bring of mckenzie and company, i think, is one of the -- it's one of the great reasons that it's one of the great stories that tell period and you've done it. thank you for being with us. we recommend the book highly, it is the if i were. it is on sell now online, in the best bookstores everywhere or go to thank you for being with us. >> thanks. >> congratulations again. up next, the brand-new book, "the collaboration" looking at nazis and hollywood? the author is next. the book is "the collaboration." 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(announcer) scottrade. awarded five-stars from smartmoney magazine. hollywood excites the imagination, and it also is a very complex place and always has been. hollywood's ties for example with germany and hitler revealed in an explosive new book by my next guest. i'm joined by a junior fellow author of the book "the collaboration" hollywoods packed with hitler. talk about an explosive title and book and congratulations on the book. it's a terrific stock. you say the idea forred book came from a comment by bud, then at -- talking with -- about louis b. mayor. >> right. i had a comment that louie b. may used to meet routinely and scream certain songs to him and allow the nazi consul to preserve the business in germany. >> i as a journalist love the fact that you took, if you will, that colonel and turned it into a smash up book on a relationship that most people had never imagined between hollywood and the nazi. >> there is a very good reason for that. the fact is movies like that are still enshined in american come tour and we think of those movies. those movies came from the 1940s, 1941 to 1945. we don't think about what happened in the 1930s but 1933 to 1940 the studio did business in germany and did significant business and they went to extreme lengths to collaboration with the nazis. >> collaboration and you're using the word obviously advisably because i don't think most people realize what an important movie market for hollywood germany represented or the control that germany had over so many other markets internationally that hollywood and it's judgment, i suppose, couldn't ignore them. >> it's true, before world war one germany was the second biggest export market and in the 20s that dwindled and in the '30s germany was a significant market, not one of the biggest but significant and i pummeled over why they went to extreme lengths when it wasn't such a big market by 1936, 1937. in fact, para month in 1937 announced the loss of $580. i thought why would they still go to such extreme lengths? over the course of years of research it started to dawn on me the studios had been there for decades. they weren't making that much money any more but weren't losing much and they started to think hitler might win a war and conquer other ropean nations, which is what he did and they might not be able to do business in the other nations in that case. >> a business proposition, yet these are some of the smartest and most sophisticated business people in the world in hollywood. they were perhaps routinely aware of what was happening, at least in the end of the 1930s than some parts of the political accomplishment. >> in fact, in the first months of 1933 the studio was so aware of what was going on, they were forced to fire half of the jewish salesman at the request of the nazis and by 1936 all of the jewish salesman had been let go. >> and you point out that the jewish talent that may not be the german film industry itself was a result of hitler's policies pushed out of germany and squarely to hollywood. >> that's true. they benefitted immensely the fact the jewish screen writers, directors moved to hollywood and the problem for germany is they stopped being able to produce as many films as they made in the past and needed more movies and american moviesere immensely popular in germany. >> you're getting a little slack. "the daily beast" taking exception to work collaborators. how do you respond? >> collaboration is the word that the studio executives used at the time. it's the word that the nazi officials used at the time. it's the word that they used to describe their relationship with each other. so you have examples saying we believe in friendly collaboration with germany and we are so impressed with some of the -- some of the things that adolph hitler has done and declaring this openly to the german press. >> and we should point out that ben writes extensively about the fact what collaboration meant in this case was not just not commercial context. they were offering the germans, nazis something they would not typically do in any business deal, giving them the right to cut a film, to take scenes out of a movie. i mean -- >> right. >> that's insane to even think of. >> the great movie citizen cane came up with a screen play about hitler's prosecution of the jus leading to the killing in june of 1933 early and he went around hollywood to make the film with an inkeep pdependent producer a people wanted to see the film. >> how would you square this up? i mean professor thomas doroty thinks you're far too tough on the hollywood establishment of the era. your response to him? >> the fact is i've spent ten years on this project. i went through dozens of archives and i had a personal sense of responsibility. i discovered things that shocked me and felt they needed to come out and collaboration was the word i used. >> i think you'll be shocked of much of what you read. we're recommending it to you highly. go to it's in bookstores everywhere and, of course. what about those who say, i was talking to peter a few weeks ago who say in the case of china, we have large markets, we can ignore them or don't and we collaborate or we don't. not talking in collaboration and wartime, but now they are a part of every major project and hollywood is changing. your thoughts on modern day history to be. >> the connection to china is fascinating and i've been working on the book for a long time. i found the connection interesting. but the fact is that in the 1930s, the studios notnly collaborated but they made pronazi newsreels. >> several studio, in fact, as you point out. thanks. the book is the collaboration and on sale everywhere. go to for links. go to for links. thanks for any last requests mr. baldwin? do you mind grabbing my phone and opening the capital one purchase eraser? i need to redeem some venture miles before my demise. okay. it's easy to erase any recent travel expense i want. just pick that flight right there. mmm hmmm. give it a few taps,'s taken care of. this is pretty easy, and i see it works on hotels too. you bet. now if you like that, press the red button on top. ♪ how did he not see that coming? what's in your wallet? ...amelia... neil and buzz: for teaching us that you can't create the future... by clinging to the past. and with that: you're history. instead of looking behind... delta is looking beyond. 80 thousand of us investing billions... in everything from the best experiences below... to the finest comforts above. we're not simply saluting history... we're making it.

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