Acted alone and according to witness accounts, the suspect retrieved from his luggage in a baggage claim area he retrieved it, he went to the bathroom, and then he just started shooting as he opened the door. And joining me now to discuss mayor of miami. Bill stanton, jonathan, mike barrett, and mike baker. Got a big panel for a big story, guys. I want to from the audience in on what we do know so far. The suspect name Esteban Santiago. He apparently arrived on a flight from air canada, although there are some reports out saying that they cannot find any connections of him to that country or that flight. Were checking on that. Obviously, he had some type of gun. They think he checked that in with his luggage. He apparently unpacked it, loaded it in the bathroom before firing it on the entire area. His background . He joined the Puerto Rico National guard in 2007, he was deployed to iraq in 2010. He received a general discharge from the National Guard for unsatisfactory performance. He was private first class when discharged. His brother said that the suspect had received at some point psychological treatment. All right. Guys, where do we start with this . Theres a lot of speculation, obviously, when any of these things happen in part because the word happened. How it happe and now because of his background. Right. Well, i think the picture thats starting to come out of this guy, and i think everybody kinds of agrees with this that there are some mental issues going on here. There were some reports that there may have been an incident on the plane. But i havent heard anything else about that. Whether it would be an argument or such. But it you know, when somebody travels with a weapon, theyre traveling with that weapon for one of a couple reasons i guess. They have a concealed carry in one place theyre going to another where they have a concealed carry. Or theyre going to do go work with that or hunting. In this case, im not sure he had that planned and when he checked in, he went and did this perhaps. Charles bill, again, its very early. Informations coming out hes being interviewed by the fbi. But, unfortunately, weve seen this these types of scenes over and over again. So your initial thoughts. Well, jonathan brings up a lot of good points. Its amazing how many facts were getting in right now. But, to me, just speaking more questions. Could it have been suicide by cop . But then again, he didnt look to take himself out. Charles he gave himself up pretty easily. Yeah. No indication for radical islamic terrorism. Nothing there. So its very interesting what this mans motivation was. Charles an ap story said that Embassy Spokesperson said the Florida Shooting suspect has no connection to canada. So, mayor, your state has been besieged, if you will, with these sort of things. And we always know initially theres all kinds of crazy misinformation as opposed to perhaps fake news. Misinformation and a lot of hysteria. But what do you make now . Rick scott had spoken and in a moment well listen to what he had to say. But what do you make of the impact it may have . Its not too far from your town. Absolutely, charles. And, first of l, let me say that my condolences, my sympathies go out to the families of ese victims. Its a horrible, tragic event for all of us and them especially of course. I think that a bigger issue here, and of course i defer to my friends here in Law Enforcement, of course, is that soft targets. Airports. Areas that are not under security. For example, luggage areas. And this is something all across the country. And wherever people collect. Whether its seaports or airports, we all know that the luggage areas are unsecured. And im not sure that the big issue is necessarily that he brought the guns on the airplanes because this is a former military person, Law Enforcement people do it, hunters bring weapons, and they do it legally. Charles although dealing with a military person with a asterisk. Something may have gone wrong. No. Question about it. Charles hast end his departure from the military that maybe qualifies him. He could have brought those weapons inside a luggage area a. Charles let me ask. We know that last year there were some horrific airport attacks, terrorist attacks. You had the attack of course 42 people killed. Brussels, 32 civilians dead, three perpetrators. We dont know what the we dont know what sparked happened in ft. Lauderdale today and i dont think we can rule out terrorism but frankly airports have become targets for these terrorists. Airports have. And right now all indications we have is what i would almost call a variant of road rage. You know, somebody who obviously happened to brought the weapon with him, but it didnt seem like a premeditated thing. If you were to do that, you would have done that at the point of departure, not the point of arrival. Charles which is different because it seems like everyone is a sitting duck. Right. But why would you make the long flight to florida all of a sudden to take out your gun and shoot people . He probably wasnt intending to do this, i think, based on the evidence we have now. Which makes it very, very different than the kinds of terrorism things weve been trying to protect against. One of the things youre absolutely right. Theres plenty of soft targets. Theres people that are going to congregate at concerts, restaurants, waiting to buy the new technology thats coming out for sale, waiting to get in on a holiday sale at a store. Theres no end to the soft targets. Charles let me go to mike baker for a moment because i want to get his thoughts on this. One thing that we do know that differentiates airports from other soft targets is youve got a big swell of people from different countries. Youve got of course lack security and the symbolism associated with that, particularly for the nation that owns those the airports represent. So there are a lot of things that make this especially more tantalizing target, particularly for terrorists. Right, mike baker . It does but any transportation hub, any Transportation Center as weve seen also from trained attacks or stationed attacks, its a problem. This is the whole separate conversation, though. Look, well figure out his motivation. Thats what theyre working on right now. First of all, do you know of any other do you have any other associates . Do you know of any other attacks that are planned . And then get down to the motivation. Well figure that out. So up until that point when it becomes clear, everythings speculation. But another conversation is the same thing that tsa, homeland security, fbi, others have been having for quite some time, which is what is that balance at a place like an airport . How far out do you push that security perimeter . You know, we can lock things down. We can reduce the risk further down towards zero. But were going to create an environment that people arent going to want to live in. So this conversation has been taking place. Its not like its somhing new. But its an incredibly heavy lift to figure out where is that security perimeter going to be at any given time . Charles but it does feel like the bottom line is that something must be done. You cant the status quo is no longer acceptable. Gentlemen, please, if you can stay where you are. Were going to come back and, again, give you the latest developments from ft. Lauderdale. The shooting that killed five people, injured eight. Well be right back as soon as i left the hospital after a dvt blood clot, i sure had a lot to think about. What about the people i care about . Including this little girl. And what if this happened again . 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You can even download from your x1 dvr and watch it offline. Only xfinity gives you more to stream to any screen. Download the xfinity tv app today. Charles were back with tonights breaking news. A gunman opened at ft. Lauderdales Holiday International airport killing at least fife people. Injuring eight. Im joined by bill stanton, mike barrett, captain chuck gnash has joined us. Captain gnash, let me start with you because obviously its early, the fbis interviewing the suspect at this very moment. Your initial thoughts on this, particularly as information comes out about the suspects military background and record. Yeah. I think one of the things were going to have to look at is see if he received any mental treatment when he was in the military. Has he been diagnosed with ptsd . Or does he have some other kind of problem . Ck at certain points when it was tough to recruit people, sometimes the military took in folks that maybe were not well adapted, well put it that way. So what category does he fall in . And has he had any previous issues while he was in the military . Thats all big unknown right now. Charles about 25 minutes ago, the governor of florida did give a press conference. Lets take a listen to some of the things he had to say. Whoever is responsible will be held accountable to the full extent of the law. Let me repeat this. The state of florida, Law Enforcement in the state will not tolerate evil acts. Whoevers responsible will be held accountable to the full extent of the law. Charles jonathan, lets talk about these airport settings from what i understand tsa, they dont carry arms, they dont carry weapons. So who how could we beef up a presence here . Would you suggest military . Local Law Enforcement . How can we make people feel safer . Because if these incidents continue to happen, no ones going to fly. Well, i know bills going to agree with me on this. First and foremost if youre an active duty officer, you should be carry your weapon with you anywhere in the United States on you at all times. And that would eliminate a lot of these soft targets. Secondly, we have a certain limitation where you can get a license through hr218 for former officers to carry weapons. I just think if somebody who has been a cop for five years, eight years, ten years and get out, they should be able to qualify to carry weapons with them on a plane or in and around the United States. Thats the first thing. The second thing is Law Enforcement has to start looking at these areas which we talk about off air. These other soft areas which the rival area is huge soft target. Because everybodys coming off the plane, and theyre going to one spot and standing waiting for luggage, and theyre just corralled in like calves at that point. And i think this is the way we have to look at this from a attackers point of view. Not from somebody who is in Law Enforcement, and they know how to police things. Charles right . Thats the big difference i think we need to make. Charles and to that point, weve heard a lot of debate about the checkin pushing the checkin further out. Outsof the building, maybe the majority of the checkin process happens so that only passengers get inside and people say its too much, its comber s come couple obviously theres some point. Some sort of limit; right . Yeah. Understand this. No matter how much security we have at airports around the country, if somebody is determined to give their life. Charles he took as many lives as possible. Very good point, and then he went belly up. So what we have to defer to is training, training, training. And also as a citizen, as a traveler to be aware, be prepared, not paranoid. Know your surrounds and get your face out of your stupid phone. A lot of these people are all huddlelied up literally like lambs to a slaughter. Be aware and take action when needed. Charles mike, what are your thoughts on preventing these sort of events from happening again . Well, i think, unfortunately, charles or mitigating the risk. Yeah. This type of event is a lone shooter with no premeditation activity and, again, we can lock this down, theyre just going to find other targets like that. The reality is for these types of events, its all about response and making sure that you can do it well. In this case, we seem to have done it pretty well. They were able to deescalate, get the guy down. And then of course immediately they want to run through all the procedures has he been talking to other people . Whats the possible motivate . Is it a Broader Network . Things like that. But youre not going to stop this. This is why we have street crime. We have a country that has liberties. And we accept a certain level of violence. Charles yeah. Its the absolute fact. In order to secure it 100 , you would have to make it so otheso onerous, no one would travel. Charles well, i think five people dead at a airport is beyond any acceptable violence anyone wants to deal with. Coming up were going to talk about the political fallout of a daily shooting because you know its coming. Know its coming. You know its coming. Afoot and lighthearted i take to the open road. Healthy, free, the world before me, the long brown path before me leading wherever i choose. The east and the west are mine. The north and the south are mine. All seems beautiful to me. The hearts of every american are in ft. Lauderdale tonight. We send our players and thoughts to the victims of this attack to their families, to the courageous first responders, and to all the citizens of the ft. Lauderdale area. Charles that was Vice President elect mike pence addressing the deadly shooting in florida just moments ago. Joining me now to discuss. Let me start with you. We havent heard from president obama yet, but i just have a strange feeling this will be opening for him to once again talk about controlling guns, gun violence, and even though the democrats wont have the power, this is certainly going to be theyre going to use this sandbox. Yeah. You know, charles, im disappointed that we havent heard from president obama. But its not really surprising because president obama has been a parttime president , except for when it benefits him. And this issue i think is a representation of that. We see time and time again that liberals, the folks on the democratic side, they have a they lodge disingenuous argument on gun control without knowing all the facts of the situation. Whether it be a gun, knife, whatever, this scenario may not have required gun control. There may have been another way in which this guy could have committed terror. I think another example of the fact is that reports are showing that theres an immediate link to terrorism here and this individual in november of 2016 went to the fbi office and said isis was forcing him to join the fight. And yet, they sent him home. So, again, another failure on the part of the Obama Administration. And im one thing thankful for things will change under president trump. Charles all right. And the report that hes referring to is i think on cbs tweeted it out about 30 or 40 minutes ago. Were trying to verify that. But certainly, that would be an interesting twist, and its obviously everyone is sort of hesitant to call this a terrorist attack. But we do know as more and more information comes out, that this suspect had some mental issues, and he served in iraq, perhaps something related to that. But, daniel, were bracing also for the inevitable political fallout, and its going to i mean, youre a gun control advocate. Well, i think first and foremost, there are 13 families that we all need to think about today. This is not a sandy hook. This is not a toddler in Florida Shooting her mom. Im not sure were going to see a huge outpouring or huge move toward using this incident for gun control efficacy. I think some people might think the fact that you can actually legally carry a gun and ammunition in checked baggage might surprise some people. But this could have been done by showing up to the airport with a gun. It could have been done with a car or truck or something else. So i dont think were going to see a lot of fighting over this. I just dont see it. Charles well, that would be refreshing. Okay . Because it is, you know, these are the times you do want to think about the families. But we do also know theres been a pattern that t to cease the moment, if you will. Yeah. Ive been following this story throughout the day and often social media is where it erupts first and a lot of the senators and the congresspeople on the left and right stake out their positions. And we do know people that are square on their camps on gun control are likely not going to whatever happens; right . Cross to the other side. So we already know that that debate is there. Whats going to be interesting is where Mental Health now comes into the debate. Because as you mentioned, he does have you know, it looks like a history of Mental Health issues. But he also had a concealed carry permit. And he was able to, you know, have that gun. He had it legally. So how do we support our military men and women . How do we try to erase the stigma of Mental Health so that people like him can get help is . People in his family said, oh, hes fine. Theres this stigma that you come home from war, and you have an issue. So stigma. Charles yeah, his brother said he had received psychological treatment in alaska when he served for the army National Guard. But he didnt know what it was specifically. You know whats interesting, charles, i work for the Social Security administration for many years, and we adjudicated many cases of folks that were disabled, and they had serious mental conditions. But i know that everybody whos had psychological help doesnt mean that theyre mentally district cour mentally disturbed. We have to look at that issue, but we dont know the details yet if this is truly a link to isis or a break of some sorts. And the facts that were seeing coming out, its impossible to know until the investigators really come to some strong conclusions and hopefully we can prevent this kind of thing from happening again. Charles absolutely. All right. Guys, thank you, all, very much. In the meantime, there was a record day on the dow. Came very close, in fact, probably almost statistically as close as you could to 2000. But we didnt close there. My market commentary and guests next. When a cold calls. Achoo . Answer it. With zicam cold remedy. It shortens colds, so you get better, faster. Colds are gonna call. Answer them with zicam zicam. Get your better back. Now in great tasting crystals. Justice is spelled box. Hero, say hello to a powerful tool that gives you options to fit your budget. Oh, im tied to this chair dundundaaaa i dont know that an insurancethemed comic book is what were looking for. Did i mention he can save people nearly 600 . You havent even heard my catchphrase. Im all done with this guy. Box him up. Thats terrible. Charles all right. Check it out. The Dow Jones Industrial average came within less than a single point of dow 20,000. Before wavering and then finally kind of stumbling into the close. Up to 19,963. Now, theres some interesting microtrends, though, that might have to be considered against making history, including the fact that investors continue to pile onto the same names while pursuing others. In fact, today there were more losers on the New York Stock Exchange and nasdaq and 55 of the volume on the nyse was to the downside. Money rotated out of some of the trump names, though, like the building names, materials, for instance, took a big hit and technology is the star so far this year. Big winners, including amazon. Now, the market also probably feeding this morning more of the wages than the overall lackluster report. Wages up 2. 5 and up 2. 9 last month. That was the best number since june 2009. And that, by the way, seems to be a recurring theme for this year. Now, the question is will the stock market rally be the bigger financial story for 2016 . Joining me now to discuss. Shaw, you and i spent a little bit of time earlier to talk about this earlier in the week. But how many stocks are now participating right now . I think weve seen this before. We saw it in the fall, charles. Its not unusual. All the big names that went up before the election are tired here, but were seeing a nice rotation. Dont forget, some of the Technology Stocks took a big hit now leading the forefront, and they pushed the market up today. So were about onetenth of one percentage point away from dow 20,000, and i think well get over that easily next week and then looking for dow 20,000, i think thats actually going to come very quickly. The fundamentals are good, and were going to have rotation here and there. We do have issues with some of the issues that are on the weaker side. But i think if we get a firm rotation, those all get lifted up also because theyre now considered undervalued. Charles so, ross, all the big Economic Data out, including the jobs report. What could be a Catalyst Next week . Other than t fact of the traders . That is a good catalyst. Were getting on the phone with our clients and saying, hey, look if you have cash sitting at 0 , its time into it market if you havent already gotten in. So there is a lot of people rushing to get into the rally. And the second issue is earnings. Weve got prices going up, but we need earnings to go up too. And earnings reports are going to start very soon, and thats going to really drive the market through january and february, and we expect really good he didnt season season. Charles although this weeks he didnt story where the retail is a brick and motor and for the most part a very ugly picture, i mean, can earnings really start to shine . This soon and justify the rally, particularly with these companies loathe to give good guidance, even though they think its going to be good. Well, they all give bad guidance just so that they can beat guidance because thats what everybody seems to work off of. You know, we adjust for that in the thinking, and we dont look at the shortterm moves. But retailers obviously is not a Good Business because trends toward amazon, which is a great business. I think its just about you need to be investing into what is great over in the next year. And those investments are going to be very, very well. But its never the case. Charles one of the things were hearing now on wall street among the socalled pros. I say that because they lose credibility every single day. Those that miss the rally say, oh, dont worry about it. The trump rally, you sell it on inauguration day. Okay. Like, do you see Something Like that happening . Buy the excitement. Sell the news . No. I dont with charles. You could trade it that way and good luck with that. You might get a small dip on the inauguration if theres a protest and something would happen. Yeah, the market would sell off there. Earnings are going to be a problem in the first quarter. I think we hopefully will see better earnings, analyst expectations on the increase on s p earnings are 6. 1 in the first quarter. If we fall shy of that, there could be problems and a little bit of blow back on the market. But lets look back at the last couple of years. The market has done nothing but go higher. Every hiccup, it has managed to cross every hurdle. Every hiccup has been nothing but a small 10 loss and everything then when people panicked should have gone back in, should have stayed in, should have gone longer. And this is probably the trend now. The fundamentals are here. Theres no reason for the market to back up now. Having come so far with not a lot to go on. Theres no reason for it to back up now because were seeing more cash into market. More cash come into the market if theres repatriation. Thats all going to go into buy backs. We have a firm bid onto this market. Charles ross, real quick, you talked about investors coming into the market. Are you somewhat concerned about the old school, you know, the old school axiom about the little guy getting in at the top . You know, it seems to be like all the big smart guys are the ones losing money nowadays and the little guys who invest with guys like me are doing really well. So the truth of the matter the hedge funds, the short sellers, im on twitter battling these short guys, and theyve been wrong as heck. Charles yeah. And the election has just killed them and im laughing all the way to the bank, you know . So the bottom line is actually small investors have been very prudent and Great Investors and certainly if you have guidance from a firm like mine, youre going to do grea g. Charles all right. You gave yourself two pats on the back. Ill give you a third. It was a good week, charle c. Charles it was good for all of us. Thanks a lot, guys. Happy new year. Next, the shooting in florida, we want to go back to that. The horrific hostage video on facebook. And then the terror attack. We want to talk about our new sadly reality. Does it have to be this way . Charles weve got breaking news for you. Law enforcement sources close to the investigation tell fox news that cmon in, pop pop happy birthday i survived a heart attack. Im doing all i can to keep from having another one. And im taking brilinta. For people whove been hospitalized for a heart attack. I take brilinta with a baby aspirin. No more than one hundred milligrams as it affects how well it works. Brilinta helps keep my platelets from sticking together and forming a clot. Brilinta reduced the chance of another heart attack. Or dying from one. It worked better than plavix. Dont stop taking brilinta without talking to your doctor since stopping it too soon increases your risk of clots in your stent, heart attack, stroke, and even death. Brilinta may cause bruising or bleeding more easily, or serious, sometimes fatal bleeding. Dont take brilinta if you have bleeding, like stomach ulcers, a history of bleeding in the brain, or severe liver problems. Tell your doctor about bleeding, new or unexpected shortness of breath, any planned surgery, and all medicines you take. Talk to your doctor about brilinta. Im doing all i can. That includes brilinta. If you cant afford your medication, astra zeneca may be able to help. Charles again, we have breaking news. And i want to go out to phil, fox news. Phil, this breaking news on the suspect visiting the anchorage fbi office. Can you fill us in on that . Thats as much as we really know about that. According to a brother Esteban Santiago, the suspect in this deadly shooting, 13 people shot, eight of them at hospitals now being treated. Five of them shot and killed on the deck below me here at terminal 2, which is behind me, down at the baggage claim area. The airport itself, there has not been a plane landing or taking off here for the past four and a half hours. The airport is on lock down, no ones allowed to get in here, no ones allowed to leave. And there are hundreds and hundreds of passengers who had to evacuate terminal 1 at around 2 00, 2 30 this afternoon when there were reports of a second shooting there, which the sheriff says actually was not a second shooting. However, everyone was so incredibly terrorized and in fear and panic, they dropped everything, left their luggage inside and ran out here on the curb. Everyone has been out here four and a half hours no water, no bathroom and no one allowed to leave the property. But according to the sheriffs department, they as well as the fbi are trying to facilitate getting buses in here to at least start escorting all the people you can see behind me in that window, thats terminal two. Those people were screened through security and inside waiting to board their planes when the initial shooting happened around 1 00 down at the baggage claim area. Now, the latest information we have on the background, which includes the Anchorage Alaska stuff. Hes from puerto rico, joined the Puerto Rico National guard in 2007. With them, deployed to iraq in ars 2010 and 2011 and then returns to the u. S. As well as joined the Army Reserves and to National Guard for unsatisfactory performance four months ago. Charles phil, thank you very much. Appreciate it. I want to bring in gina and kristin. I didnt have a chance to go through it all. But this, again, sources close to the investigation telling fox news, Esteban Santiago visited the fbi Anchorage Field Office in november of last year. Were told that he visited the office to tell agents that u. S. Intelligence had infiltrated his mind and were forcing him to watch isis propaganda videos. These sources tell fox that he appeared agitated clearly indicating that he was suffering from some kind of mental condition. Although its not clear of what it was. Fox has told santiago did not make mention of the deployment during his conversation with the agents at that time in anchorage. Were living in such a violent world and when Something Like this happens, our first kneejerk reaction is that it is terrorism. Either way, its a tragic event. It really is, charles. And of course our hearts go out to these five families whose loved ones wont be coming home and the eight loved ones who see lives are forever altered. But the other media out there with Fox Enterprises doesnt seem to want to discuss. They wont discuss the fact that florida may very well have been chosen because it is one of six airports in the country that bans guns, despite the fact that its very free with guns in other parts of the state and has a lower gun crime rate than any place else. Until the politicians stop politicizing this issue and start having a real conversation about how virtually every one of these crimes is commted in one place, and that is a gunfree zone. Until we have that conversation, were going to continue to see these heartbreaking incidents. Charles yeah, 79,000 passengers go through that airport every single day. The 22nd busiest in this country. A prime target, particularly for terrorism. But for any form of terror, domestic or radical islam terrorism thats sort of haunting us at the moment. Yeah. People do these things for two reasons. Theyre either evil offer disturbed. And i think the thing to Pay Attention to, weve seen alqaeda that wants to go after recruiting these School Shooter types. They want to find people that are mentally disturbed and flip them evil. And i think thats something thats going to be. Charles how would you prevent that then . Its tough to prevent. Charles how can isis find these people . How come they seem to be pretty good at finding and developing and socalled radicalizing these folks, and we cant find a way to stop or interfere with that . Well, part of the problem is isis is not not necessarily hierarchal online. Its a lot of small organizations, small people doing things like that. And its hard to cut the head off that snake. Its really difficult to catch them in the act of doing that because they just pop up somewhere else. I think Law Enforcement has a real challenge here, and we tend to point to immigration. But i think theres a real domestic terrorism problem. Charles well, theres also a fear problem in this country, kiersten. And you have to wonder. We saw the big video this week, the scene out of chicago. It was a hate crime. And we live under the cloud of terrorism and then a random shooting like this. Yeah. No, i know. Its really heartbreaking and, again, on a friday, weve just finished the holidays, people are coming off a really jowous time and then this happens again. Welcome to 2017. Its frustrating. You know, piggybacking off what julian said. Part of this too is the internet. And a lot of people feel lost and lonely and vulnerable because they dont have maybe the support of a family or a community or Mental Health professionals or faith community; rht . They dont have anywhere else to go. And theyre vulnerable, an they because to the internet. Thats why isis is catching them as well. We also need to be compassionate and vigilant to the people around us. Because we have strong faith communities and strong schools and families. That is how you prevent this so we dont see things like this. Charles and to the point, provide fewer targets for them because it is an inevitable fact of life these days. Ladies, thank you, both, very much. Thanks. Charles another Election Year becomes yet another circus of embarrassment. Shenanigans from democrats and protesters still fighting trumps victory. I tr as a control enthusiast, im allbusiness when i travel. Even when i travel. For leisure. So i go national, where i can choose any available upgrade in the aisle without starting any conversations or paying any upcharges. What can i say . Control suits me. Go national. Go like a pro. [yelling] chamber will be in order. The change will be in order. Charles uproar on capitol hill, at least three protesters were removed by security on todays Electoral College votes officially making donald trump the victor i think for the fourth time. Vice President Joe Biden of all people squashing objections, despite taking a personal swipe himself at the president elect yesterday, telling him quote to grow up. Joining me now, gee an aconwell. Ford. We all. Well, youre absolutely right. And in accordance with the 12th amendment of the constitution, donald trump became the 45th president of the United States fair and square. What im concerned about is this democratic about the popular vote thats going to future position of power. 1824, 1876, 1888, 2000, and 2016. The democrats need to grow up. They still dont know why they lost to donald trump. Charles yeah, its funny. Even when congresswoman lee tried that some kind of weird maneuver, and she needed a senators signature. Its really on the verge now of pity. It was just a pitiful display. But an embarrassing display for all of us i think. It is embarrassing. And there were about 12 members of congress that tried to pull that same maneuver. And, younow, charl, im very saddened with what im seeing her where members members of congress are supposed to move forward with their constitutional duties. But its also another instance of of the vitriol hate that the left has for president elect trump. Were seeing instances like this in other places like chicago where we saw a guy get tortured and all in the name of, you know, f donald trump, as they said. And i think until people come together and unite, then we can heal the divide in our country, were going to see more instances that people become more and more egregious, and im disheartened with what im seeing right now. Charles youre from chicago, so that must have been hard, even the Chicago Police department sort of dragged their feet on that. It was what do you make of it . You know, by providing cover for that kind of stuff, doesnt it actually encourage it even more . You know what, charles . Im disheartened, and im very saddened by what i saw those four young people do. Charles yeah. It impacts me to the point that it could bring literal tears to my eyes right now because this is my hometown. Charles yeah. And im seeing these kinds of occurrences of violence on a regular basis. Its worsen that because its not just in chicago where i went to graduate school, im seeing this all over the country. Its wrong. Imagine as a white guy if i stood up and said Barack Obamas not my president and the United States congress, i would be branded as a racist. Unfortunately, for the left, no tactic is below the belt as long as the targets a republican and thats my biggest concern here. Yes, there are certain things going on in cities. But a lot of this is politics. The media and democrat encourages, and im worried about the future of our nation. Rapport working class white person. Charles to end this segment, i do want to also the audience should know another scene in capitol hill, at least in a capitol complex, congressman dunkin, there was a painting, and it depicted Police Officers as pigs. Look at this thing. Hes a former marine, obviously. And a congressman. He finally got so fed up, he yanked this thing off the wall. But imagine if this actually won a congressional art contest. Have a great weekend, guys. Happy new year. Appreciate you coming today. You too, charles. Charles all right. Vladimir putin tried to sway the elections for donald trump. Weve got the details for you nt achoo snap achoo snap achoo achoo snap snap achoo achoo feel a cold coming on . Zicam cold remedy nasal swabs shorten colds with a snap, and reduce symptom severity by 45 . Shorten your cold with a snap, with zicam. Afoot and lighthearted i take to the open road. Healthy, free, the world before me, the long brown path before me leading wherever i choose. The east and the west are mine. The north and the south are mine. All seems beautiful to me. Charles a new report from u. S. Ebb tellgence community said putin and russia government conspired to help Donald Trumps election chances, they found high confidence russia hacked email accounts, nsa agreed but with moderate confidence. Joining me now, mike baker with captain chuck nash. Mike. A lot is going on. One hand politicalization of this attempted delegitimize the victory of donald trump. On the other hand a real serious threat from russia, china and others who became emboldened from a feckless Obama Administration to make it easy to do such things and how easy is it when someones password is pass cord. Password. On the the outset, one of the important things has done, this is midair view, this highlighted how aggressive the world is in cyberspace. What the russians did is no dvd from what hey have been doing for a long time, going back to 1940s, spending time in resources, trying to keep us isolationists, but now they use cyberspace. It is more efficient. China, iran, north korea, a variety of other players, are every day attacking, probing and testing our infrastructure. Commercial and public sector. Good were talking about this. We have been slow to the game. Were Getting Better at it, but were still, at pentagon struggling with what defines cyber warfare, the protocols and response protocols, this is a good conversation to have. But you are right, part this also hyper partisanship, it is politicized. Charles captain nash, the problem, when china hacked office of personnel management, there was not this type of uproar from the democrats or Obama Administration. Then when their Prime Minister came to visit he promised they all cutback. The outrage is a fake outrage, if you will, it falses on deaf years for a lot of people. Yeah, gambling at ricks, who would have figured that out. This has been going on forever. , were hacking, they are hacking, everyone is hacking. Whether you are a state success actor or literally someone that downloaded Hacking Software off the dark net, and you trying to gain information to sell on the dark net like crade numbers. Charles with respect to the election, do you think that russia had a vested interest no when won or were they more concerned about smearing it . They thought Hillary Clinton of going to win. Right, i think they are trying to break down further break down i should say, the trust between the American People and the american government. It has been shaken badly over the last decade. And i think that they were just trying to put the knife in it, because, when you look at it, there is nothing for them to gain with a donald trump and ho he is picking, they could not have figured that out in advance, but Catherine Herridge coin pointed out, maybe they trying to get that information to use if hillary did win. To blackmail her. Lou that is what a lot of lou the Obama Administrations efforts to avert the trumpet administration before begins in evidence on capitol hill today. Obamas highly politicized intelligence agencies all agree russia intervened in the president ial election, but there is a problem. There was apparently no actual cyber attack at any point or level of our elections. And the agencies agree not a single vote was altered to be had have no evidence any tally is altered or manipulative in any way. Thats correct. Lou we will have the full report for you and more

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