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Take. Our economy is dependent on faith and credit that invested in it by investors around world. In other words there is a real even if intangible value to the save nests of investing in the United States and as we discussed many times in the past days and weeks threatening that. Does real harm and obviously default would cause even more harm but there was already a price that has been paid as we saw in october of 2011 and we have seen again now in the various ways that the flirtation with crossing that line and flirting with default has brought about consequences. He felt and feels it is the right position to take and again applaud the leaders of the senate for coming together and working out a bipartisan solution. Is there any concern even with this deal that downgrade from the Credit Rating agencies . I would refer you to treasury for that kind of assessment. We focus on the things that we control which is calling on congress to quickly act on this compromise agreement to ensure the government reopened and the threat of default is removed. Lastly this meeting, additional budget talks later this year, once those talks are under way will the president insists that revenue continued to be on the table . The president has insisted in these budget negotiations he has been calling for all year everything has to be on the table. That will be his position going what he believes is a fair approach to resolving our budget challenges is reflected in the budget he submitted. He knows that even though that was a compromise proposition from the beginning nd reflected the offer email john boehner at an end of last year that he will not get budget negotiation everything he wants and neither will democrats and neither will republicans and that is the nature of compromise but he firmly believes balance when it comes to further reducing our deficit and building on the work that has been done over the past four years in which we have reduced our deficits by half we need to continue to take a balanced approach so that no sector of society and fairly has to bear the brunt of that project. That has always been his position and it will be his position moving forward. Can you just give us a little color how the president was informed of the deal . What his reaction was . No. None . I think we are looking to capitol hill for action to be taken. The president as you know has been in contact with leaders in congress as have members of his team and we are encouraged by the progress we have seen and hope that it is fulfilled through votes in the senate and the house. Can you give us any more about how he was involved in the process . As you know he has had meetings with leaders of congress, had phone calls with leaders of congress, invited all members of both houses to the white house and it is also the case that we dont inform you of every phone call that he makes. Neither do members of congress or others. He has been engage in this process. His team has been engaged in this process. Ultimately our position has been consistent and clear and therefore not that complicated to communicate either to you or the public or congress. We have simply urged all sides to put aside efforts to achieve partisan advantage and leverage and move forward with an agreement that opens the government and raises the debt ceiling so the threat of default does not hang over us at this time. The Department Said yesterday with this mess was resolved once that is done the day after going to be pushing they call on Immigration Reform. Did you think a recipe for success, Immigration Reform, one divisive issue is deal with it after another divvsive issue . The president believes one of the consequences of these manufactured crises is time is taken away from the pursuit of other goals that we have as the nation. That includes economic goals that go to the heart of his agenda to build a better building Better Bargain for the middle class and it goes also to the project of bringing about legislation he can sign that comprehensively reforms our immigration system in this country. That legislation passed the senate with a significant bipartisan majority. And he absolutely believes that the house ought to take up that legislation and pass it but as we discussed in recent days that is not a partisan pursued. It is the opposite of a partisan pursued because it requires votes from both parties and all so would benefit both parties. Putting it right away increases the chances of yielding a result . The president was simply reflecting that unfortunately, even though we have been pushing for comprehensive Immigration Reform all year long and it is a major priority no question that the decision by the house to shut the government down and flirt with default has forced him and everyone in congress to Pay Attention to those problems and those crises rather than the many other things we could and should be working on and Immigration Reform is one of them. There are many proponents of comprehensive Immigration Reform in the Republican Party and within a broader republican universe so this is not he is not saying he is going to push some democratic agenda item. He wants to cootinue the effort that has been under way all year, to try to pass a bipartisan comprehensive Immigration Reform legislation that will strengthen the economy, help our middle class, reduce the deficit, and make us more competitive in the future. That is one of the many priorities that he will be pushing and he hopes members of congress will be pushing once we can move past these unfortunate and unnecessary crazies. Does he have a better shot to do that right now . I dont think that i can sort of place quantttative odds on the prospects of any of this, congress is a difficult institution to make predictions about. Thing to do and we are going to push for. We think theres a strong argument to be made on a whole array of areas when it comes to Immigration Reform. It is economically the ight thing to do. It is the right thing to do when it comes to deficit reduction, the right thing to do when it comes to ensuring the best and brightest from around the world come to get an education stay here and start businesses, the right thing to do when it comes to further strengthening our border security. There is something in that bill for every one. Which is why it is the right thing for america. A phone conversation, when was the last time the president spoke to the speaker of the house . I have no new conversations to read out to you but as i noted many times, so dont read anything specific in to this the president had conversations with congress we did not read out in all cases. At this time i have no readouts to provide. The house will vote on this . I will refer you to the house, actions both houses will act swiftly. And remove the threat of default and continued brinksmanship. I apologize. This agreement represents the red sox game wasnt even late. And what about john lackey . Moving on. Does this agreement reppesents complete win. Looking at a press briefing, and waiting for the house, and one key statement. And republicans will be talking about which is everything, and everything has to be on the table on upcoming budget negotiations and the Affordable Care act, obamacare is not negotiable. Is this a change or a victory for ted cruz. And made this an issue. Nicole we did just peer from ted cruz. And the senate will undertake today. And stocks in rally mode. And the deal right ahead and did ceiling deadline, and it is short term, and it is significant, and grow confidence in this deal. We have a conclusion of this today. And the stars are aligned right now. And get this bill lot of congress to the president s text for legislative languages for the u. S. Senate and were hearing from senator ted cruz that he wont slow up any voting. And get that to the house at some point today and the house could pass and go on to the president. And ted cruz wont hold up, nobody else will hold up. And days of procedure on this and wont happen but we have to wait and see. On the house side republicans have not said what has ever done. And they bring this to a vote and expected that will happen and indications that the house will bring it up and House Republican congress meets at 3 00 this afternoon. And we can expect that they will announce their next move after that. Plenty moving on capitol hill. Just to go over this one more time fund the government to january to increase the debt ceiling. And allow the Treasury Department to extend the deadline. And open up the budget conference and you are talking about it right there, everything on the table, once i get to negotiations how much is on the table. And republicans want to do entitlement reform, democrats want to raise taxes. How many republicans have to vote with democrats assuming they vote in favor of the deal . You probably need 20 or so and and you might have people mix over too. The thinking is they have enough that they have to wait until after this to be certain. You and i were both in washington when the t. A. R. P. Was first put up for a vote and failed and no one thought that possible. It looks like we are going to be out of the woods but we are not there yet. You never know what might happen. There could be that one senator who could mess this up for someone in the house. All this optimism we are hearing right now about how the house to move this up, remember the optimism that Ndamukong Suh is a was a done deal . This afternoon. Dennis rich edson, thank you very much. Said nicole lets bring in a University Professor and former Deputy Assistant to president george w. Bush. Welcome back to the show. How much damage do you believe, regardless what happens, how the data unfolds from here how much damage has been done . There is enough damage to go around on all sides. The president has been weakened by his lack of lladership. The resolve of the house and senate have been weakened by this lasting as long as it has but the bottom line is nothing is solved assuming this goes through. We are kicking the can down the road. The real winner here is the Holiday Season. The retail season has been saved by a self created crisis so that is the good news, we are not going to have this overburdening created crisis during the Holiday Season during retail sales. Hopefully in the next year we will have the leverage as republicans necessary to bring the kind of compromise the president says is now on the table but time will tell. Nothing has been solved. Lori your optimistic about the holidays season. I hope you are right. Goldman sachs the out a survey that says consumers have pared back spending 40 of them thousand people they serve a. You also have another Economic Indicator home builder confidence, the lowest in several months. The confidence issue, the selffulfilling prophecy, this could extend way beyond. You can kick the can down road so many times, the daily beast that a brilliant headline, toxic ground hog day. The problem is sttll fair. At an end of the day we spend too much and take in enough but we are spending too much, way beyond our means and that is where the systemic problem of entitlements must be tackled with and we have to get our economic house in order for budgeting and debt, nothing has been solved by this crisis. The only good news is at least it is not going to be the kind of hangover that we would have if this precipitated through the holidays. Lori you were an adviser to president george w. Bush. If you were advising president obama or republican in the white house how would you read advise . How do we break this cycle of dysfunction and stalemate . Dont glow. There is no gloating to go on when we kick the can down a row. Theres enough blame to go around. Of the president is sincere he needs to engage tomorrow on work that needs to be done in january and february, have meaningful talks with all the leadership and nobody leaves the room until there is consensus. The president has to be engaged. He is not and at his peril because this crisis would not have entered where it is today but for the lack of leadership on his part. Lori he got what he wanted as far as obamacare. Do you think he could parlay the Political Capital . Sounds like you agree with me to give all little. To sit down with this supercommittee, this Conference Committee to really catch out. A big budget deal and revenue reform. Obamacare has to be tweaked and i am very kind by using the word tweet. But for this crisis the story would have been on the failure of the obama rollout and this is just the beginning, not only that people have trouble and rolling. The system that is been brought upon them, in january of nexx year. So i think problems for the president are just beginning and obamacare is starting to hear the American Peoples frustration. Lori is the problem with republican strategy, we heard senator veteran on the floor standing by, his idea, his demand to repeal the no exemption language in the latest proposal. Why not just give up on obamacare and let it imposed on its own and republicans use it to their advantage in the next election cycle to say we did everything we could to save you from this yet democrats demanded be rammed down your throat . After the first of the year the president will be the one who understands tweaks have to be made to obamacare and cant be made unilaterally like the exemption of businesses. Has to be done pursuant to the way you change was in thhs country through congress. The democrats understand obamacare cannot work as intended in its present state. It must to. How aggressive is that change and how willing is the president and Democratic Congress to make that change the effective on the American People . Lori fitch put us on credit watch negative. Do you think a downgrade would serve as even serious more serious warning, saw the message in the shortterm bond market Interest Rates spiking up, stock markets rallying today so dont know how you interpret that but does the u. S. Have full faith and credit deserve a downgrade because of this debacle . I dont think it does. The cavalry will come in at the right time, a cooler heads will prevail but the markets will be looking for the next battle and you dont have to look further than january or february of next year. One mack always a pleasure, ttank you. Dennis stocks are in rally mode and the dealing congress looks more likely. Jason was there is on the floor of the Stock Exchange, phil flynn in the pits of the cme. We just heard our last guest say it looking toward the next battle. On december 13th they have this spending and budget plan in place. Are markets looking that far ahead or looking at today and popping the champagne . Dont know if theyre popping the champagne but the people who have been waiting on the sidelines that are underperforming in the market year to date, short window to catch up to everyone else and dec. Third is the deadline for these Assets Managers and that is what you are seeing right now. The immediacy of the debt crisis is off the table at least it would appear and what you are seeing now is chasing of yields, it will reflect that we through the rest of the year and when they approach kicking the can at least a Portfolio Managers will start at ground zero but for now the sky is the limit. Dennis we did not get a 10 potential lot of people thought we would get on the seventeenth october. Thank you very much. I want to turn to commodities. Oil prices jumped above 102 a barrel. Tell me about this. What it is is an assumption if the government doesnt go under we will see some Economic Growth and that is good for oil demand but we came up to see the resistance area. We havent really followed through that much. We are pushing for the 103 a barrel, taking it as a positive for the demand side. What is the interesting is the run up in the gold market, good pop on the gold market. A gold traders are rejoicing because they wont sell the gold from fort knox at least for a while, at leasttq e or more inflation, road. Nice pop on gold as well. Thank you very much. Webmac other news today in the battle between the largest exchanges, score one for the nyse,twitter heading to the big board. Dennis Charlie Gasparino actually told you this would happen and he is here next to tell us the latest. You really love, what would you do . [ woman ] id be a wrir. Man ] id be aaker. [oman ] i wanna be a pie maker. [ man ] i wanna be a pilot. [ woman ] id be an architect. Hat if i told you someone could pay you nd what if that person were you . When you think about it, isnt that what retirement should be, paying ourselves to do what we love . [ male announcer ] help brazil reduce its overa reliance on foreign imports with the launch of the countrys largest petrochemical operation. En emerson takes up the challenge, its never been done before simply bes consider it solved. Emerson. Emerson. Sometimes they just drop in. Always obvio. Cme group can help you navigate risks and capturopportunities. We enable you to reachop in. Global markets and drive forward with broader. E group w the world advances. Cheryl breaking news, nancy pelosi confident democrats can deliver the votes, telling fox, quote, i think were in good shape. We know the gop will meet at 3 00 p. M. Eastern. It is all happening fast and furious, keep on top of all. Theres breaking news which you know about three weeks ago, the Stock Exchange winning the coveted tweet listing that social media powerhouse broke with tradition bucking the trend of highprofile Tech Companies choosing nasdaq but how is twitter doing when it comes to revenue and losses. We learned a few important details on that but sources telling the wall street journal, october 28th, pricing mario draghi and listing on the fifteenth. And the loss of 54. 5 million. And good news revenue is up 16 the points. And the same growth rate of the previous quarter. End user growth by 6 , and down 7 and 10 from the first quarter. And accounted for total ad revenue. And down 75 . Twitter reveals how much Cheryl Casone. Disney has 17. 9 , and capital of 6. 8 . And Union Square Bank is 0. 9 and global head 5 . And what you are looking for, to handle investor relations. And the newly created at twitter. Adam we will be watching that. Lori Charlie Gasparino the first report twitter will head to the Stock Exchange. Welcome back and interesting tidbit you didnt realize about this. Lets be clear about what we reported, we didnt quite say lori the credit where credit is due. You saw with the tea leaves were pointing. And i should point out my partner in crime in this reporting was the good does a lot of stuff for fox business and foxbusiness. Com and was the first to report twitter was leaning towards the new york Stock Exchange as opposed to the nasdaq and the nasdaq is the traditional place that for years did all the major tech ipos, microsoft, apples on the nasdaq, this is a huge win for the Stock Exchange. Why did this happen . Pretty clear that technological issues have been hit with plus the fact that the twitter ipo, the facebook ipo in 2012 didnt go off that well. That was a problem and that is being generous and they can and said this cannot screw up. Twitter is a Different Company than facebook. I am not tech expert. Shea could give you more. Lori she is much cuter. What id do know is if you look at facebook, a much bigger company, making a lot of money. And offering even a big Company Making money, they can bounce back from us grew up which they did. Shares are up dramatically. I dont know if a company that is in the red like a twitter which has a disastrous ipo can take the chance that this ipo, this idea is not going to be as big, the company is not as big, it is losing money and this idea cannot go off without a hitch. Here is the thing, nassaq molested effort to try to get the deal. Katie reported over the weekend they were confident that they convince twitter if you look at the shares, how they trade on nasdaq, tec shares lately, the nasdaq has done well, provides it helps boost your share price, that is why they were saying facebook is benefiting from that and other shares in nasdaq 100 which they offered would get in we should get out nasdaq did not know about what went down until they were, until the mid it in the paper. This is how of the loot they were and he reported last night, this is pretty interessing. A huge blow for the nasdaq. I think the nasdaq as an exchange is really right now. Bob greifeld is a very good manager, some of this is having bad luck but i do think this is a company that will come under tremendous pressure to do something dramatic. Have to do something strrcturally i think. Lori you have been on record saying twitter is a small offering, theyre being very conservative, now that they of the confidence of the nyse listing, do you think the will of the offering . One of the things we have been reporting for two years is twitter did not want to be like facebook. They thought facebook increased the size of the offering too much. It probably heard the initial pricing, they didnt like the way they handled it or the way the exchange handled it. They wanted to do Something Different than facebook so they will keep this, they filed for 1 billion and increase and the New York Post has written as much as 2 billion. I would be surprised if they go that much, i dont think they will do impassive deal. This is a deal late want to establish a price, have a lot of work to do. If you look at the reason the expenses are up, throwing a lot of money to marketing, this is a company, and i love twitter better than facebook. And unfortunately here is the thing about twitter. I use as a news feed, for a reporter, a very important tool but can you monetize that . I dont know. Ibm going to be ads . Yes. How they monetize that missing from this is how much cofounders still have, the actual amount, it is escaping me. Big money is getting out and selling. Jpmorgan is a big investor in this. They were baked into the ipo from the beginning because theyre one of the three underwriters. And actually backed it. In television. Backstab it is hard to believe. Thanks for the jetblue stockholding and as investors await the final word on timing of those, the debt ceiling and the government. We will ticket down to the wire. The entire system is broken right now and needs to be revamped for the American People to be heard and listened to and not be pawns in aapolitical game. When we made our commitment to the gulf, bp had two big goals help the gulf recover and learn frfrom what ha so we could be when we made oua better, safer the gulf, bp haenergy companys i can tellou safy is at the heart of everything weo. Wve added cuttingedge technology, ke a new deepwater well cap and a stateoftheart monitong center, whe experts watcover all drilling activity twentyfourseven. So we can all produce energy more safely. Our commitment h never been stronger. Adam lets head back to the floor of the new york Stock Exchange and Nicole Petallides. Stocks are sharply higher but they are off the highs of the day, right . Look, were in rally mode. Runup here. The dow is up 192 points. We are off the highs of the day. The highest point we were up 206 points. Certainly didnt lose a lot of our gains. Youre seeing gains from retailers, drugs, banks across the board. Some people are trying to play catchup. Some actually bought the dips yesterday and theyre the lucky ones. Look quickly at the vix which had a wild run yesterday and now down, right . We saw up 20 . Down 20 . The drop of today is the biggest drop weve seen in 2013 and the vix is trading below the levels before the government shutdown. So it certainly shows you the volatility we have seen. Back to you. Adam thank you, nicole. Lori so markets clearly optimistic we will get some kind of resolution to the gridlock going on for weeks since the government shut down, really weeks before that. As you know the deadline for debt default inches ever so close. There has been progress. The senate reach ad bipartisan deal. The white house is calling on both houses of congress to act quickky. Peter barnes ahead of the house gop meeting which will be 3 00 p. M. Eastern. Thats right, lori. Jay carney, press secretary, briefing reporters. I stepped out of the briefing to chat with you. He is praising this effort by harry leed and Mitch Mcconnell, the republican leader in the senate to broker a compromise, however, no vote has yet been scheduled in the senate for that. One aide saying it may be later today, maybe around the dinner hour over in the senate. House republicans meeting at 3 00 to talk about this after their plan went down in flames yesterday. And the white house is asking congress to pass this as soon as possible. Take a listen. The president applauds leader reid and minority leader mcconnell for working together to forge this compromise and encourages the congress to act swiftly to end this shutdown and protect the full faith and credit of the United States of america. Now the bill would reopen and fund the government through january 15th. It would extend the debt ceiling through february 7th. It would require Income Verification for people who get subsidies for their health care under obamacare. This is an antifraud provision. And it would require the house and senate to have a budget Conference Committee to try to work out a compromise on the 2014 budget and possibly compromise on tax and entitlement reforms by middecember. For now, the Mitch Mcconnell says, the republican leader, theyre putting aside the fight on obamacare. Take a listenn the relief we hoped for is to reopen the government, avoid default, and protect the historic cuts we achieved under the budget control act. This is far less than many of us had hoped for, frankly. P buu it is far better than what some had sought. So at this hour the expectation is the senate will likely take the first votes on this. When it goes over to the House Speaker boehner will bring it to the floor where he will need we expect a lot of democratic votes to get it across the finish line. So it aint over yet. Thank you, peter barnes. No. Thank you. Adam stocks in the green on optimism about a debt extension deal. With all of this being pushed go immediately to scott wren. He is from wells fargo advisors. Scott, i want to get into ire lawsuitest noted. The bond market not falling apart over fears investors will be not paid. You say i have a void tte hype. Buy on the dips. I would have loved to seen a 10 correction because i think it would be a opportuniiy. Shockingly here well take this thing down to the last minute. Wouldnt surprise me if the final house vote, the final votes on this continuing resolution came at 11 at night, Something Like that. It will be down to the wire but looks like something will o through. In my mind, i thought there is no way they would not raise the debt ceiling. No way the u. S. Would default. I was confident of that. Of course the probability was not zero but it was awfully close to zero. Adam were not quite there. Lets jump ahead to deccmber 13th for budget negotiations and january 15th for the continuing resolution and that runs out and debt ceiling february 7th. I think youre optimistic if we go through these shenanigans again stay in the market, stay in equities . Well go through these shenanigans again with continuing resolutions. We could do this next years elections. A lot of politicians would like to see the tough decisions rolled out past that by end of the 2014 the s p 500 will be around 1850, 1900. That is our target. I think the gains are in for this year and i dont expect really much followthrough to tte upside here. It wouldnt surprise me at all if the market came back. This is a touch above our yearend 2013 target. I think the market is pretty fair valued right now. That is one reason i wanted to see that pullback but needless, whatever the cases, i think this modest growth, modest inflation environment were in is going to continue and we want our clients to stay invested. If we get some pullbacks here which our work says well see some more volatility they need to take advantage of that most retail clients, ours included, have way too much cash on the sideline. Theyre way underinvested in the stock market. Adam scott, let me challenge you. This is not me that will challenge you. Its a Nobel Prize Winner. Dr. Schiller says the market is overbought. Not time to stay in. Time to take profits. Why is he wrong . I think type of environment well see, well see a little better Economic Growth not only here in the states but around the world. In my valuation, in my valuation models, valuations are not stretched. Robert schiller looks at pes differently than what i do and based on his method i mean, lets face it, Robert Schillers method of looking price to earnings ratios has shown the market overvalued for a long time and so, you know obviously we have a Nobel Prize Winner there. The guy knows what he is talking about. But based on our work here the market is fairly valued for the end of this year. If youre a trader its a good idea to take some money off the table but our clients are not traders, they are trying to build wealth over time. Adam scott and i would point out there a lot of Nobel Prize Winners who got it wrong after they got the prize. Thanks for joining us. Take care, guys. Lori that is a great answer. That is putting someone on the spot to ask them to challenge a Nobel Prize Winner. Adam especially when it is schiller. Lori no kidding. That is a great point. The market has been overvalued for a long time many would say. Soda drinker ditch diet coke. What is beverage maker is doing about it now. Adam it is not just washington. We have latest out of dallas. Yep, Insider Trading and the case against entrepreneur mark cuban has gone to the jury. Stick with innovation. Ick wi power. Stick with technology. Get the flexcare platinum. W fr philips sonicar try align. Its the number one geecommended probiotic that helps maintain gestive balance. Stay in the groo with align. Im Cheryl Casone with your fox business brief. Knight capital has agreed to pay 12 million to settle sec charges in connection with a trading glitch on august 1st of 2012. Knight had installed new Trading Software that set wrong order on 140 stocks listed on the new york Stock Exchange and that disrupted markets. Advanced auto parts is buying closely held general Parts International company for 2. 4 billion. General parts is the biggest operator of the car quest chain. Advanced of the acquisition creates north americas largest aftermarkets auto parts rrtailer. This Holiday Season more retailers say they will be hiring. Career builders said 39 of retailers plan to hire Seasonal Workers up 30 from last year and 29 in 2011. This is fox business nettork. As always were giving you the power to prosper. Dow up 193. Adam latest headlines out of the secs case against mark cuban. It is in the hope stretch. Jury deliberations have started. Lawyers for the government and the Dallas Mavericks owner had their closing arguments. They are done with those. Sec lead lawyer reiterated their case yesterday. This is a quote. He knew he was screwed. He knew he couldnt sell but he sold anyway. That is Insider Trading. Cubans lawyer countered telling jurors the secs case is built on misleading statements. His quote, not even mark cuban can make the government admit it is wrong. Only you, the jury have that the. Lori lets go down to the floor of the new york Stock Exchange and check in with Nicole Petallides. Youre watching some earnings moves veries. We have so much going on from washington to new highs a wild vix. It is earnings season. Weve seen a lot of names on the move but lets take a look at names well be reporting which is both American Express and ibm, see how they are faring ahead of their quarterly reports. Right now, up 1 1 2 for American Express. This is really an indicator of not only the consumer but businesses and the like. So well watch that one losely. Ibm is up 1 as well. Pepsi reported upbeat earnings. Profit jumped from last year thanks to the snacks business in particular. Up 1. 7 for pepsi at 81. 94. They did have, as i noted they did well with snacks but that offset some weakness they saw in the soda market. Back to you. Lori nicole. Thank you. Adam looks as if cocacola has finally started to acknowledge the legitimacy of concerns that consumers have with artificial sweeteners. President of cocacola america, steve kilhane admitted company questioning ingredient safety according to usa today. Diet coke is the second bestselling soft drink in america but concern over aspartame have a lot of consumers cutting back on their purchases of diet coke. Sales however fell 3 last year. As a result coke is now starting research on new natural diet sweeteners. Lori any comments . How many diet coax do you dripping a day . Adam i dont drink diet coke. Fda said aspartame is safe. In certain amounts i would imagine. But if you have 20 cans or double servings of anything is probably adam probably not a good idea. Lori too much of anything. All things in moderation, isnt that what they say . Waiting word from the house on the senates bipartisan deal to get the Government Back up and running. Well have the very latest for you. Adam stocks definitely in rally mode as House Democrats get ready to meet next hour and republicans huddle in the 3 00 p. M. Eastern hour. Lots of twists and turns. Stay with us. Since e day u met. But your ectile dysfunion itld be a question of blo flow. Cialis tadalil for daily e helps you be ready anyte the moments right. You cabe more cfident in your ability to be ready. And the same cialis is e only dly ed tablet approved to treat ed a symptoms of bph like needing to go frequently or urgently. Tell yr doctor about alyour medical conditions and medicaons, and ask if your heart is healthy enough f sexual activity. Do not take cialis if you take nitrates for cht pain, as this may cause unsafe dr in blood pressure. Doot drink alcoh in excess th cialis. Side effects may include headache, upset stach, delayed backache or muscle ache. To avoid longterm injury, seek immedte medical hel for an erectn lasting more than 4 hours. If you have ansudden decrease or losin hearing or vision or if you have any aergic reactions such as rash, hive swelling of the lips, tongue or throat ask your doctor about cialis for daily use stop taking cialis and getg medical help right away. And a 30tablet free trial. Lori breaking news. Weve now learned the senate will vote first on the deal to reopen the government and avoid running into the debt ceiling tomorrow. So we want to bring in charles payne. Markets are in rally but what kind of deal do we have here . I will use imagery we all can relate on. Is this a yugo with a flat tire or a cadillac brand new out of the show room . I think somewhere in between but closer to the yugo. It moves. It will take us to after the Holiday Season of the back in january well have yet another cliffhanger. I was talking to stuart varney, were becomeing a nation of cliffhangers. We cant wait for the last episode of breaking bad. The market reflects that mentality. Were almost act discuss topped to it. Just dont take us over the cliff. We can deal with all the shenanigans leading up to it. Lori dow, 183 points is getting ahead of it here . Goldman sachs put out a survey, people are bringing in spending during allimportant Holiday Season. Builder confidence is lacking a little bit. Theyre shaving points off overall accident. D purchase as shut down continues. I think shutdown will bee3 convenient excuse. I think all the things you named were already in place. Sales will be compare tough comparisons yearoveryear. Consumer spending was already so, so. People are not using credit cards. Last three months in row consumer credit, Credit Card Debt went down three times in a row. People are not using credit cards. This is before, long before the socalled crisis began. So i dont disagree that is in the cards but i think counter argument will be, well, you know, were still creating 150,000 jobs. The fed is still pumping and Global Economy looks a lot better. Top 25 percentage gainers in the market, nine had the word china them. So the Global Economy. Emerging markets maybe theyre coming back to a leadership role. Lori you dont see the u. S. More vulnerable . I still see the u. S. Still being the most worrisome part of the rally but i see other parts intact. Adam charles payne, thanks a lot. Thanks a lot. Lori washington plays lets make a deal. Our twitter question, what is your message to congress . Tweet us, well flash your answers during the next hour and go outside fox business headquarters for your responses as well. announcer scottrade knowour clients trade andnvest their own way. With sttrades smart text, i can quickly understand my charts, and spend more time trading. Their quick trade bar lets my account follow me online so i c react in realtime. Plus, my local scottrade office is there to help because they know i dont trade like erybody. Trade like me. Im with scottrade. announcer ranked highest in Investor Satisfaction with selfdirected services by j. D. Power and associates. Ido more with less with buless energy. Is heinups ust that. Soon, the worlds mo intelligent servers, designed by hp, willive ups over twicehe performance ing forty percent less energy. Multip thaacro over benefit to the environment ane as over 60,000 trees. Ths a trend we can all get behind. And this pk is thenside of your body. Nd that geing he to lower se cholesterol. Metacil. 3 amazing benefits in 1 super fib tracy good afternoon, im tracy byrnes. Ashley im ashley webster. Markets rallying as washington plays, lets make a deal. House democrats meeting as the senate reach as compromise to reopen the government but can Speaker Boehner keep republicans from ruining this one . Team coverage ahead. Tracy good luck. Our twitter question of the day, what is your message to congress . And good luck trying to keep it clean and within 150 characters. Tweet us and well flash your answers during the hour. That is my little adlib, by the way. 3 of the go outside of fox business headquarters for live responses as well. Ashley a lot of asterisks and things like that in there. Plus in our newest feature, tech minute, facebooks founder didnt graduate college but soon may become professor zuckerberg anyway. How about that for a teacher . Well tell you why. Tracy are you jonessing for oreos . Maybe because researchers say you could be addicted to these cookies with cream inside. You dont want to miss this. ashley from oreos to beige book, peter barnes is what it he is telling us from around the country. Back book says the Economic Activity continued to expand with a moderate to moderate pace this is what the Federal Reserve will use at the next fomc meeting at end of this month, a meeting which it is expected to consider whether or not to start tapering its 85 billion a month in quantitative easing bond purchases. And since this headline is the same as the last beige book, which was used at the last fomc meeting, and they didnt taper, looks like that this might be teeing up another no taper decision. Theyre looking very closely at jobs and employment and the beige book says quote, employment growth remained modest in september. Several districts reported that contacts were cautious to expand payrolls surrounding uncertainty with implementation of Affordable Care act, obamacare and fiscal policy more generally. We saw that in the last fomc statement and in the press conference with chairman bernanke. The beige book also raises concerns about the recent backup in Mortgage Rates and how that may affect housing. That remains a concern over at the fomc. And on Consumer Spending, the beige book says that Consumer Spending grew modestly in most districts. Quote, growth in retail sales was steady in most districts. Ashley and tracy. Ashley same as you go. Steady progress but not exactly setting world on fire. Well see what the fed makes of that. Peter, where do we stand at this hour on this debt deal . Welcoming this agreement over in the senate between the majoritt leader, harry reid and Mitch Mcconnell, the republican leader. And we now are being told that the, that the senate will likely vote on, will take the first vote on this, probably around 5 00 this afternoon. That is what senators have been told. There have been some speculation on whether or not the house might go first. There was some, parliamentary procedural concerns, ideas, possibilities here, that if the house did it first, it might speed passage in the senate, might limit filibuster. But now, one of the main opponents of the legislation, senator ted cruz of texas, is elling reporters that he does not plan to delay the vote in the senate. So it looks like no filibuster from senator cruz or any of his allies. So expect a vote later this afternoon. Ashley, tracy, back to you. Ashley peter barnes, thank you so much. You bet. Tracy ss that brings us to our twitter question, what is your message to congress. There is either not enough hours in the day or really only comes down to two small words. Tweet us and we will flash your answers during this hour. Now here with their message to congress our allstar panel. Nicole petallides on floor of the new york Stock Exchange. Fox business contributor phil flynn of Price Futures Group in the pits of the cme. Wall street Journal Washington Bureau chief, jerry seib in d. C. Our very own gerri willis live on set. Nicole, well start with you, markets are up, i dont know, at this point do they even care what is going on down there . I think they care a lot. We are digesting so much information in just a couple of days. Of course weve seen the volatility index, the vix, moving left and rrght and up and down. It has been wild. Tracy right. Todays move pulling back has been the biggest move in 2013. Less fear in the market. We just got our news from the beige book. Everybody, it was tapering and that kind talk was pushed aside but here it is front and center once again, not likely to taper based on what peter barnes told us. And we saw the markets skyrocketing and jumping as we started to hear they were getting closer and closer to a deal, so much so crossed 200 point mark. Were up 206 points. Financials leading the way on heels of bank of americas numbers. Were waiting more after the bell. Ss where do you start with these markets . It really has been a wild, wild, couple of weeks here on wall street. Ashley that is an understatement there, nicole. Lets bring in jerry seib. Jerry, what are you hearing . Is this deal going to fly . Or is there something that could derail it . I guess anything could always be derailed but are you confident this gets done . Never say never, never say always in washington but i think this is done, i think this is cooked. Going into today i think there were two questions. One would senator ted cruz try to slow it down at least in the senate. We now know the answer to that question is no. The question is would house seeker john boehner take what the senate would pass, which seems to be fully cooked and take it to the floor of house there to let it pass is whether all republicans gree or not. The answer to that question appears to be yes. If those two things done i think it gets done and could even get done tonight. Tracy gerri, heres the thing, i asked, do markets know that there will be a deal last minute. This is deja vu all over again. I will start with both of you. I start with gerri willis. The market knows this was coming. It will come again when they meet december 13th. They keep kicking the can down the road. All that means is more tape hing. I think ittshould be fabulous news for the traders. Maybe it should be fabulous news for the traders but lets consider what happens on main street which really matters in my view. Youve seen your 401 k move all over the place. Incredible volatility up or down. I like that. I dont like one day waking up to see 30,000 out of my 401 k , do you . People are tired of this. The bond market is roiled. We dont know what is going on. Fears in money market funds. Worries that something could happen there. As you know, Social Security payments at risk. Youve got to worry about that. North carolina today saying well not pay welfare because we dont know if were getting federal mon any of. So big changes for consumers. I think maybe, you know, wall street can shrug it off and say it doesnt matter and all water over the bridge but if youre on main street youre very concerned. Ashley phil flynn, lets bring you in at the cme. Seems like the markets are reacting to, yeah, were finally geting a deal despite all the rhetoric. Seems like this 11th hour deal will go throogh. What are you hearing at cme, phil . Theyre saying oh, boy, we have a deal. If you like this deal we an trade it for another deal. Trade it for, here,. With traders from both sides of the aisle, no matter where you stand on it. They want our politicians to act like grownups. We dont want these manufactured crises. It is on both sides of the aisle. The markets are tired. The volume is drying up. People dont want to trade because they have this uncertainty. And it is killing business. This is just a small reflection of it. What were seeing here in the trading pits i think is microcosm what is going on in the rest of the business world. Weve seen companies say, hey, listen this, uncertainty is killing us right now. We dont know what to do. We dont know how things are going to go. Washington needs to grow up. We need to see both sides, we need to see leadership in washington and go out to the bar, sit down, hammer these things out behind closed doors and quit the namecalling. That is another thing i think that hurts these deals. Tracy amen. That i feel i have these conversations with my kids daily. Jerry seib, im oing back to you with all this. How do we fix this . I joked it is deja vu all over again but it will be come december when they do this again. Do we institute term liiits and get the guys the heck out of there eventually . How do you fix the ball . I dont think term limits proven to be good in states that have them. There is one hope here that this deal may produce an actual return to regular rder as it is called in washington. What will happen now is that democrats and republicans, regular members of congress are going to get together in a room and do what they need to do in the first place which is work out a budget deal. Maybe they will fail. That is better than leadership do it because that failed or some special outside group put it together because that hasnt worked either. Maybe is the prelude people in washington will do the jobs which they have been assigned. That would be a good thing. Second thing on the debt ceiling, the debt ceiling is extended until february but also being extended without any provisions that stop the treasury from using extraordinary measures to stretch out the ability to pay bills. That actually extends the debt ceiling into next summer, really, effectively. We put off the debt ceiling, potential for another debt ceiling crisis further than people may realize, if this deal gets through as written right now. Tracy thats a good point. Ashley gerri willis you like to talk about main street. What does it mean to the average person ut there watching all this . I know theyre disgusted. They can do something about it when they go vote next time. That is the big question, how do people respond to republican as going through this . I think they will get the blame. I think they catch all the blame for this. What is more it is double jeopardy. They could have pointed out what is going on with obamacare. Allowed people see problems wit. They fought that fight that they couldnt win. Ashley what was achieved. Not a turn thing i should say. Tracy you wrote this great column, rand paul, chris christie, came out three big heroes in this. There were republicans played it smarter. Those three guys stuck out to me. Rand paul said i dont like obamacare anybody better than ted cruz but i recognize we dont have votes to stop right now. Lets not try this and ruin our chances to get a good budget deal and do something on obamacare we cant achieve. Chris christie says in new jersey, look at fools in washington. Im an executive to know how to get things done. That is pretty good message. Paul ryan stayed in the background until it turned to one area where republicans can make progress and reducing or holding down federal spending. Now he moved in. There are some republicans that did well here. Tracy you guys all did well today. Nicole, phil, jerry seib and gerri willis. Catch tonight, 6 00 to 9 00 p. M. Eastern right here on fox business. Ashley thank you all. Homebuilder confidence is in the basement. Analyst ahead on how uch the standoff in washington is hurting the Housing Market. Tracy and in tech minute, tale of two iphones. Why the lower price 5 c is not selling. What about orders for the higher priced 5s are backlogged. Ashley interesting. Are you ready for more football. Dennis kneale ahead saying why you might watch the nfl on netflix. All that is ahead. Nice car. Sure is. Make a deal with me, kid, and you can have the car and everything that goes along with it. So, what do you say . Thanks. But i think got this. [ male announcer ] the allnew cla. Set your soul free. [ male announcer ] the allnew cla. Sometimes ey just drop in. Always obvious. Cme group can help you navigate risks and capture opportunities. We eble you to reach Global Markets and drive forward with broader possibilities. Cme group hothe world advances. Try align. Its the number one ge recmended probiotic that helps maintain digestive balance. Stay in the groove with align. Tracy that time of day. We want to make money. Charles payne is here this hour. He is takeing a victory lap on a Solar Industry stockk solarcity. Whats up . I think it is up like five bucks today. It hasnt cracked top 20 percentage gainers yet right on the outskirts, right on the outskirts. No real news. They priced offering. Look at that were not far away from cracking top 20. I keep telling people it is the next tesla. The entire board. Ng stock. They say business will be absolutely gangbusters next year. Its a momentum name. It is a volatile name. Ive been in the for a while. I do caution it can be extraordinarily volatile for those tracy i think you had another one that giving to us. Last week, thursday we talking about micron. Probably you want to sell half going into earnings. As it turns out the earnings were a disaster. They beat on the top line. Missed on bottom line. The stock took a huge hilt. Were still up, but you know what . I think people who took the profits if they did they felt better about themselves. I have gotten a couple e mails adding to it. I would not now. They have missed last four quarters. Give you an example. Street is look for these guys to earn, hold on one second. Looking for them to learn 2. 2next year. Three months ago it was 1. 27. The consensus is substantially higher although it obviously pulled back a little bit after friday. Just bad management. Theyre sitting on this opportunity. In my mind Companies Like this ultimately get taken over. This is the limit you have. A company with this kind of potential wall street actually hiked earnings estimates dramatically, almost doubling it and still they have missed four of the last four quarters. I think it become as takeover candidate. Well see. Tracy oh. Charles payne. Ashley great stuff, charles. Thanks a lot. One grand slam and one not so grand. Tracy we appreciate the honesty. You got it. Ashley a little after quarter past the hour. Lets get back to these markets doing very well, and very strong today. Lets go down to Nicole Petallides on the nyse. Watching jpmorgan, nicole. Ashley, tracy, if youre hot on the financials and you love them youre loving what youre seeing today because if youre a real bull out there you see the dow is up 175 points and it is led bit financials on the Dow Jones Industrial average. Right now jpmorgan at 53. 90, thats a gain of 3 . They agreed to pay 100 million, that is obviously settling way back when with the london whale trading debacle. Commodities futures trading commission. That now at this point, pushes it up to 1 billion because it was in addition to another nine hundred million they paid out. Dont forget the loss they incurred of over 6 billion. Thats what were looking for jpmorgan chase. Bank of america, former dow component came out with their numbers doing well. Well watch American Express after the bell, somewhat financially related. Blackrock, for example, another big mover today, jumping after their quarterly numbers. A lot going on wwll street and jpmorgan looking great. Back to you. Certainly is. As many others today. Nicole, thanks so much. Tracy gridlock in washington takeing a toll on the Housing Market. We have an analyst ahead whether stocks in the sector. Y a home or ashley nirvana, one of the nominees for next years rock n roll hall of fame. Well tell you about the other nominees straight ahead. Ashley Homebuilder Confidence taking a hit in october. The latest survey from the National Association of home builds said confidence fell to a fourmonth low. Builders say the gridlock in washington certainly hasnt helped but our next guest says things for the longterm housing outlook look positive. We have the mkm partners executive director and senior Home Building analyst. Meagan, thanks for joining us. How much of an impact is what is going on in d. C. Had on the home industry as a whole . Yeah. I mean i think where we started to see the real impact was earlier this year when Mortgage Rates started to spike, right . We already saw a slowdown in the Housing Market even before issues in washington started to surface. I suspect that especially for builders that may have a midatlantic focus, you saw a further slow down in october. We can assume at leave, the dc stuff was temporary. I thhnk market is looking past that but really is worried about Interest Rates. Where are they going to go and what does that mean for housing in 2014. Ashley they definitely had an impact. If they continue to rise, what is the the worstcase scenario . There was a theory that people were waiting until they waited too soon. They missed the bottom. So they were jumping in so, because lets face it, these rates are still very historically low but there must come a point where it is a little bit of demand destruction . I think it is. I think weve seen some of the low end leave the market a little bit at least to reevaluate. What can i afford that Mortgage Rates are higher. What does that mean for the Monthly Payment comparing it to my rent . We need to see long term look at Mortgage Rates in context. Where Mortgage Rates in relation to income. Where are Mortgage Rates related to pricing. If we get a rise in Mortgage Rates without a rise in gross income that is problem for the market. If we get incomes rising the market should handle high rates. Ashley weve seen demand, no doubt about it, but the inventory, amount of homes available hasnt always been there to meet demand. As a result weve seen prices go up. Is that a trend you expect to continue . I expect prices to continue to go up but not as big as this year. You saw a surge in home prices, if youve seen the data, 10 yearoveryear. 12 , yearoveryear. I expect that to normalize a little bit. Some is getting distressed property off the market. We do a survey. Realtors started to see inventory tick up in the latest quarter. This is a good sign in terms stabilization of pricing. I would expect something more in the normal range which is three to 5 growth in prices. Ashley when we look at housing, or Housing Market as a whole, ive been told the higher end doesnt match up, because the highend luxury homes, they have not, folks have not been affected by what is going on. So that market has been okay. In the middle tier it has been particularly difficult. Is that true . Well the middle tier is what has been the bulge of the market. The First Time Buyer hasnt been in the market very much because it is so hard to get credit in the early stages of this recovery. Ashley has that changed . Not a lot. Were starting to see very early signs of mortgage credit loosening in the market. That is more after theme as we go through the end of the year. I think banks started to loosen when refi volumes went down. They had to make up some volume. Ashley they let a lot of people go too. They did. Ashley you think theyre loosening up standards a little yeah, i do. Is that a good thing . We dont want to be where we were before . I dont think the pendulum is all the way back. I think were still okay. Were seeing what you call the credit overlay come off on fannie and freddie loans. Theyre not being quite as strict over top of fannie and freddie as they were before. I think that is okay. Pendulum swung too far but definitely something to watch. Ashley meagan mcgrath, thanks for being here. My pleasure. Ashley appreciate it. Tracy so good times coming to the rock n roll hall of fame. This is one of my favorite times oferr lists nominees for the class of 2014. They are just out. included nirvana, peter gabriel. Linda rondstadt unfortunately suffering from parkinsons. Also nominated in field of 16, yes, and hall and oats. I am not embarassed to admit i sawwthem in concert. More than 600 voters will determine the inductees. That announcement comes in december, ceremony next april. Ashley im embarrassed for you. Tracy private eyes, baby. [laughing] actually should be the government theme song. They are watching you. Ashley they are watching you all the time. Good stuff. Tracy coming, will nasdaq attract new tech ipos after being stung by the twitter listing on nyse . Well have that story coming up in tech minute. Ashley with washington still looking for a way out, our twitter question to you what is your message to congress . You can tweet us. Here is what people are saying outside of fox business headquarters this afternoon. I think they all should be fired. And, you know, like get over it already. Get to work. Do something. Give us back our country. [ male announcer ] once, there was a man who found a magic seashell. It told him what was happening on the tradg floor in real time. The shell brought him great fame. But then, one day, he noticed that erybody could have a magic seashell. [ indistct talking ] [ male announcer ] right there in tir Trading Platform. [ indistinct talking continues ] [ male announcer ] so the magic shell went back to being a. Shell. Get live squawks right in your Trading Platform witm td ameritrade. Ashley breaking news for you. House democrats meeting right now. Rich edson on capitol hill with the latest. Rich they will not have to fight this out until again sometime early next year. It will extend government funding in january 15. It will increase the debt ceiling until february 7. The white house says they want swift passage of this package on capitol hill. Right now, congressional leaders are expected to do just that. We heard as early as 5 00 oclock. We expect that to take this up. We do not have any assurances that the house have the votes just yet. One meeting just started right now. We expect the both of them to support thhs. John boehner will talk to his conference and we will very likely hear from them. Right now, it does seem like we are cruising to perhaps get this out as early as today. There are a number of things that could go wrong. One senator, for example, could stand up and object. If no senator objects and there are enough votes, they could, procedurally, get this out today. Ashley thank you so much. Time to take a look at the stocks. Nicole petallides is down at the nyse. Nicole we have been up over 200 points. However, you are Still Holding onto some nice performances. Really holding the 1700 mark. A gain of 1 . Lets get to some earnings here. Bank of america, pepsi, and we are also taking a look at babble pepsi saw some weakness in the soda market. It did well in snacks. Barbie saw gains of about 3 . What is doing well for them is American Girl dolls. All i can tell you is they are very soft. Tracy they are scary, though. You either have poker barbie or the scary monster doll. Keep it right here on fox business for complete coverage. Liz claman and david asman will bring it all to you live at 4 00 p. M. Eastern. Olio closing up 1. 08. Todays close is a gain of over 1 . We have to keep talking about these markets. Our next guest is concerned more with earnings. He expects a little underwhelming thirdquarter earnings results. We have to talk about what he thinks about guidance going forward. First of all, it is typically not a great thirdquarter. That is right. It is a challenge coming out of the summertime. It has definitely caused apple to not perform in the normal spending habits that they have in the past. We expect to hear some pretty tepid news spread you are concerned about washington, but not really. We have some great Bank Earnings coming up today. The markets knew we were getting a deal all along. We knew we would get a deal, but we did not know when. We should all congratulate ourselves. We kick the can down the road for another four months. It is a comedy of errors. People are more worried about getting a leg did then they are about doing what is best for us pick it is better that we have a deal. It is better that we are not defaulting on our debt. Bank earnings have been good. Tracy lets talk about the mining sector. That has been pretty volatile. Speed that is a roller coaster without a seatbelt. It is a tough place. It is all based on whether or not you buy it. What we do know is this, gold prices obviously correct it in the spring. Though goldmining stocks came down 60, 70, 80 . It has been cheaper to buy gold on the new york Stock Exchange. You have to be prepared for the volatile ride. Tracy we have to talk about the trade that you offered. It is very typical. Valuations on the russell 2000 are expensive in our opinion. We are not a big fan of the s p either. You take a Little Market risk out of the valuation. Tracy that is good stuff. I love when people bring us traits. Thank you very much. Ashley facebook founders did not graduate college. By some may be calling him professor zuckerberg. Tracy researchers think you can be addicted to orioles. That may be my sons problem. The nine a deal may be done in washington. We will be right back. I want to be prepared for the long haul. Ishares minimum votility etfs. Investments designed for a smoother ride. Find out why 9 out of 10 large professional investors choose ishares for their etfs. Ishares by blackrock. Call 1800ishares for a prospectus, which includes investment objectives, risks, charges and expenses. Read and consider it carefully before investing. Risk includes possible loss of principal. Ido more with less with buss energy. Hp is help. Soon, the worlds most intelligent servers, designed by hp, ll give ups over twice the performance, using forty percent less energy. Multiply that across over a thousand locations, and theyll provide the same benefit to the environment as over 60,000 trees. Thats a trend we can all get behind. Try align. Its the number one ge recommended probiotic that helps maintain digestive balance. Stay in the groove with align. Adam i am adam shapiro with your fox business brief. Bernanke does not have to testify about the government bailout of aig while he is in office. Hank greenberg is suing the government alleging the bailout was unconstitutional. Jury deliberations are underway against mark cuban could General Motors will build a Chevrolet Impala next year that runs on both natural gas and gasoline. It will be the only fullsize car that can run on both. That is the latest from the Fox Business Network giving you the power to prosper. Tracy 90 bids until the close. We were just talking about the banks. Jpmorgan, bank of america. Sandra smith. Sandra you have to at this point. The u. S. Dollar is typically seen as the safe investment globally. We are seeing a risk off trade. We did see the u. S. Dollar pass against most global currencies. Hitting a three week high. It is pretty much neutralized right now. Looking for more information. More developments from washington. Basically responding to currency. The latest developments out of washington are nearterm positive for the u. S. Dollar. The house will agree to a deal. That will be a good short term positive for the greenback. Longerterm, it will take a lot more than this to see any kind of significant if permit in the value of the u. S. Dollar. That will turn into a fed situation at the end of the year. We did hit multiweek highs for the greenback. We are seeing a lot of movement there. Traders are still in the sort of wait and see. Every single commodity that trades here and across the globe is pretty much denominated in u. S. Dollars. Tracy they do not realize how much uncertainty, they are spreading around the world. Thank you very much. Ashley it is time for your tech minute. The winner is the new york talk exchange. It twitter has picked the nyse for its ipo. The target for trading is no better 15. Twentyone of the last tech ipos began trading through this year. They have listed on the nyse. Maybe the trend is changing. Apple traded above 500 today. Analysts had hoped though five cu would be apples response to Samsungs Galaxy note. Bill gates and Mark Zuckerberg are headed back to school. Working with code. It is a weeklong event. It will be in the form of a video lecture. Tracy it reminds me of backtoschool. All right. A quarter till. Time for stocks now as we do every 15 minutes. Jason weissberg. What are you guys talking about . What is going on down there . We are talking about chasing yields. They have about three months. The bank set there, as you just pointed out, it is amazing. The government keeps taking a pound of flesh and they figure out how to make money. That sector is starting to lift off. A very healthy time for a sustainable market. Tracy maybe they should go down to d. C. I hate to sound like a broken record. The time has come. When december 31 columns, that is when they spend the next few days trying to figure out wholl manage their money the following year. We all know that they will not pick the government. The performance numbers will tell the story. Nothing else. Tracy have a great night. Ashley are you ready for more football . The second nfl game may be added to thursday night. You may be watching it on youtube. Dennis kneale ahead with more. Tracy what is your message to congress . Tweet us. No profanities. [laughter] when we made our commitment to the gulf, bp had two big goals help the gulf recover and learn from what happened so we could be a better, safer energy company. I can tell you safety is at the heart of everything we do. Weve added cuttingedge technology, like a new deepwater well cap and a stateoftheart monitoring center, whe experts watch over all drilling activity twentyfourseven. And were sharing what weve learned, so we can all produce energy more safely. Our commitment has never been stronger. I am very sad about the way our congressmen have behaved. If we behave that way and our personal lives ashley we would, indeed. Senate leaders have reached a budget deal. The white house is looking for quick approval. Stay with fox business for up to the minute coverage. The dow is up 170 points. It has been a strong day for the markets. Ten a strong day for football, too. The nfl may offer a thursday night package to netflix or google. Dennis, what is going on. Dennis here is the story. I have this pretty ironclad on the record denial. Well put this in caps so there is no appearance of parsing words. No, we are not thinking of a doubleheader on thursday night with any potential partner. Directv spends a billion dollars a year on it. A deal like that would make youtube ready for prime time. It may just be an nfl moved to scare direct tv into a higher price. The nfl ping me know. Not so much. It does tell you that guys that own the content are looking at online players as new outlets for their company. Ashley with the expression where there is smoke there is fire, is there some element of truth to this article . Dennis yes. They talked about various items. Netflix could never afford an nfl package. Tracy you are taking away a sunday game. Dennis in their most recent contract, they won the right. The nfl look into going out to bigger platforms. You kind of wonder, how much is too much . A Different College Football Games going on on saturday. Tracy people actually do have other things to do on the weekends. Ashley dennis, thank you very much. Love it. Are you in for an oreo . Do not be surprised if you are. Oreos can be as addictive as drugs. Rats that were fed oreos formed associations as strong as rats that were inject did with cocaine or morphine. There you go. Tracy if you have a double stuffed, is that like ashley i am not that surprised, actually. Tracy the dow is up 160 points. Countdown to the closing bell is next. Can they get it done . We will talk to some businesses around and how they are preparing. Dont go anywhere. We will be right back. Wow. Look at you. Ive always tried to give it my best shot. These days im living with a higher risk of stroke due to afib, a type of irregular heartbeat, not caused by a heart valve problem. At first, i took warfarin, but i wondered, could i up my game . My doctor told me about eliquis. And three Important Reasons to take eliquis instead. One, in a clinical trial, eliquis was proven to reduce the risk of stroke better than warfarin. Two, eliquis had less major bleeding than warfarin. And three. Unlike warfarin, theres no routine blood testing. [ male announcer ] dont stop taking eliquis unless your doctor tells you to, as stopping increases your risk of having a stroke. Eliquis can cause serious and in rare cases fatal bleeding. Dont take eliquis ifyou have an artificial heart valve abnormal bleing. While taking eliquis, yomay bruise more easily and it m take longer than usual for any bleeding to stop. Seek immediate medical care for sudden signs of bleeding, like unusual bruising. Eliquis may increase your bleeding risk if you take certain medicines. Tell your doctor about all planned medical or dental procedures. Ive got three Important Reasons to up my game with eliquis. [ male announcer ] ask your doctor today if eliquis is right for you. And this park is the inside of your body. See, the special psyllium fir in metamucil actually gels to trap some carbs to help maintain healthy blood sugar levels. Metamucil. 3 amazing benefits in 1 super fiber. Liz good afternoon, everybody. I am liz claman. This is the last hour of trading. What a day it has been at it is not over yet by a long shot. We need to remind you it is a game of inches right now. Anything can happen when it comes to washington, d. C. , but for now the market using the word optimism when it shows how it is trading. Stocks took off at the open, never really looked back after we got where dissent has has plans to end the budget and ceiling impasse. At one point the Dow Jones Industrial average was up 206 points. Right now what do we see . A gain of 158 points. It decent percentage but look at what is leading the bank higher. We should get to jpmorgan. News it agreed to pay 100 million admitted employing many Bluetooth Devices revolving the multibillion dollars wrong way trading scandal. The s p 500 knocking on the door of the record close back on september 17. 1726. Right now 1716, we are not that far behind there. The high of the for the s p 500 was up 23 points. A nice night to move there. But we are also watching big names here it American Express, ebay and ibm. All reporting earnings after the bell

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