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Starts at a disney theme park spreads across the country of the big question tonight, should parents be forced to vaccinate their kid. Millions of faulty airbags that were fixed now need to go back to the shop for a second fix. Well investigate a new problems. Which super bowl ads were the most and least effective . Which ones got highest score with viewers . We have scientific analysis. All that and more coming up on the willis report, where consumers are our business. Gerri we begin tonight with president obama blowing the lid off any notion of spending restraint in washington with a brand spanking new 4 trilliondollar budget. The plan is more spending and more taxes to pay for it. It is being sold as a blueprint to help the middle class but nearly all the proposals are retread of failed policies of the last six years. With us to break it down, fred barnes executive editor of the Weekly Standard and Fox News Contributor dan mitchell senior fellow at Cato Institute and Heritage Foundation senior economist and Fox News Contributor steve moore. Steve, i will start with you. You know it really is groundhog day, isnt it . Like, tax, spend, repeat, tax spend if Punxsutawney Phil were in this room he would run away and never come back. What do you make of the 4 trillion budget. Im old enough to remember as fred is when president reagan used to release budget to Democratic Congress and remember fred, they say dead on arrival. This was dead before arrival. President told us what is in here in the state of the union speech. There is nothing in here that would appeal to any republicans in congress. They will drop the budget and move into completely different direction. There is higher taxes. Remember we have the budget caps set in the 2011 budget control act. This would obliterate them with runaway more spending how many ways can you get it wrong . Doa, fred, is that what steve is saying . I think he is right. One of the things that is different this year, congress always plays a bigger role than the president in actually fashioning the real budget that becomes law and republicans have control of congress in both houses now. So, they really they really do have stronger hand. You know what i wonder is, what do the American People think of this. We had election message was not spend more and tax more. If you look at polls only about 16 of americans, rasmussen poll came out, saying that 16 want to increase spending and then of course we get these spending caps that steve was talking about and sure enough couple years later, well, president anyway, frequently Congress Just says, throws them out the window. So gerri we have a long way to go on this one thats for sure. Dan, you wrote interesting stuff about this budget. You were implying it was dead on arrival but you know that is 9 , 4 trillion is 9 increase over the spending that actually exists in this calendar, this fiscal budget year. Where is the restraint right . Where is the restraint . 18 trillion in debt at the federal level. For you and me that is 50,000 per american, 150,000 for every tax payer in america. What do you make of it . Not just that we have huge increase in spending in obamas budget between 2015 and 2016 you look at 10year numbers he is increasing government more than twice as fast than inflation. I agree with steve and fred that some parts are dead on arrival. The class warfare tax hikes on Capital Gains increased death tax, that stuff wont happen. But i am worried there are still some republican big spenders in washington who might strike a deal with obama to get rid of spending caps. All those spending caps do, they simply limit how fast discretionary can grow. No cuts are required. You have to at least not increase spending faster than the private economy. Steve to you you know the republicans have been talking for a long time about Corporate Tax reform. We have to do something. Now the president s version of that is that we increase taxes on corporations overseas. What is going to be the net effect of that . Just when you think that the Corporate Tax couldnt get any worse. Gerri, the president found a way to do it. He would put in place, i believe 14 tax on money that is stored overseas in these accounts. If you do that then what is going to happen all these multinational companies, they wont be American Companies any longer. They will be British Companies or Irish Companies or gerri that is my view. By the way, give every company a 5 tax holiday. Bring that money back to the united states. Raise some money. Bring jobs here rather than tax them and leave the companies gerri being logical again. Fred, i have to give you to, the president wants to take money from corporations to spend on building bridges and roads. Half trillion toll lars. I recall shovelready projects that werent shovelready before. It didnt work. Even the president admitted there is no such thing as a shovelready project. This is spending he wants to do. One word always missing from the president s vocabulary. That word is incentive. There are never incentives to produce growth and jobs where it really comes from. That is the private economy. Everything he wants to do is just done by Government Spending whether it is roads and bridges or whatever. He wants to have, in other words to give government a complete control and to give it to, the private sector, no incentives at all. Gerri well, i want to have a little fun with you guys. I forced my senior producer to watch bill maher. So i dont have to. But he says something that knew would get under your skin. Here is bill maher. No one selling it the truth which is that the large, thriving middle class, that america used to have didnt just appear out of the blue. It was created using an economic tool called socialism. All right guys. Look at steve laughing. If you go back to 18 hundreds when weigh went from agricultural poverty to middle class prosperity, total Government Spending was 10 of gdp. Federal government was 3 of the gdp. We had no income tax. Of obamas recipe is to become greece not a recipe for how socialism makes us richer. I was only going to say only socialists left in the world are european leaders and cuba and on hbo. Gerri there might be another network out there. Fred, you go ahead. President obama agrees with bill maher. He just wont say so. But it is same thing. Higher taxes, more spending, the more government control. Gerri more government control. Guys, you did a great job tonight. Thanks for coming on, fred dan steve, appreciate your time. Avoid that snow. Another important story, speaking of snow to bring you now. Severe weather across much of the eastern u. S. It is second storm in a week to dump more than a foot of snow in some parts. Chicago got more than a foot of snow from the storm. Northeast is getting buried under snow and freezing rain, that wintry mix. Leading to long delays on roads and airports. We have the founder of air fare watch. Com joins us to explain what to do if youre supposed to be traveling during the storm. Welcome back to the show. Good to see you. I was looking for a list of numbers of flight delays. Some 5734 delays, 4300 cancellations out there. Is it going to get worse before it gets better, george . I think this winter it is going to get worse, gerri. There are many things you can do. I always say there are two types of people. The one who is have to get there and ones who didnt want to go any wear. Gerri what do you mean by that . If youre going to wedding or funeral or another very important event, there are strategies you can use to make it easier to get your flight but a lot of people can just get a full refund if their flight is canceled or severely delayed. So i think that is important to keep in mind. Gerri give us the best advice what to do if youre in a situation where youre worried that your flight is going to cancel. Maybe youre going to something super important like wedding in the family or funeral for goodness sakes and you dont want to miss what is going on. What should you do . One thing people can do buy a backup flight. The problem if your flight is canceled, you are not going to get any priority to go on the next day. The people who are reserved for next day get priority. So the airlines dont want to anger two people when they will just anger one person. So i always recommend people book a backup flight. So fully refundable ticket, for the next day and maybe the day after that. That way, if your flight isnt canceled you get your money back. If it is canceled you have a backup flight to take. Can we, wait, wait george. Can we really trust airlines to give us our money back . Yes. Absolutely. If it is refundable ticket. Also if its a nonrefundable ticket and your flight is canceled, almost every airline has rule in their contract of carriage with you look at online, that says, we will give you your money back. Even if it is like a two or more hour delay, if youre at airport, i didnt want to go anyway, i didnt want to go to aunt ednas bride dal shower anyway, give me my money back, they will give you your money back. Gerri when i spend enough money to buy a ticket i pretty much want to go where im going. Costing of flight delays, just to let you know, costs airlines 8 billion a year. George, thanks for coming on. Great to see you. Sure, thanks, gerri. Gerri lots more to come including Measles Outbreak that started in disneyland continues to grow. Should parents be forced to vaccinate their kids. That is the question today. Selfhelp guru tony robbins taking a break from fire walks to pitching you annuities. His recommendations landing in hot water with one consume advocate. Gerri well, oprah, calls him, superhuman and selfhelp books sell millions. People swear by the advice of tony robbins. His new book is already a bestseller but not everybody is convinced that the Financial Advice in it is good advice. With us longtime consumer advocate, clark howard. Clark, thanks for coming on the show tonight. My pleasure. Gerri so the big sell that is getting criticized in the tony robbins book is annuities, indexed annuities fixed indexed annuities. What is your problem with that . Right. Theyre trash. Theyre garbage. This is a terrible, terrible product. And all different levels. First, you look at these indexed annuities. The contracts for them are as thick as a phone book, if we still had phone books. There is page after page that i would, bet you lawyers couldnt tell you what all of it means. But ill tell you, if you boil it down the problem with these indexed annuities and fixed index annuities they have extremely high costs, and strict limits on how much you can actually earn. The theory is, that you earn the return of the stock market but you dont really. Because your return each year is capped by a predetermined contractual amount. In addition you dont get a benefit of dividends which is a big part of the overall growth of stock markets over time. The lure is that you wont lose money if the stock market craters, but get this, gerri. Thats not necessarily true either unless you jump through every hoop in the contract. These things are something no one in their right mind should ever buy. Well, you know, i was laughing but it is because i love how youre so district when you talk about the stuff. Here is what. Sec Securities Exchange commission, here are regulators, here is what they say. Indexed annuities are complicated products that contain several features that affect your return you can lose, money, lose money buying indexed annuity. Tony robbins in the books describes them as having upside without the downside. Clearly not true. I wondered when i saw that, i had to say to myself clark why is he recommending this . Why do you think he is recommending this . Well the only thing i can tell you i cant verify this but there are published reports that he actually has a financial interest in the selling of the various annuities that he is recommending. I will leave that to others who have done vecttive work. But maybe. Leaving that out maybe he is actually misinformed and think this is is good good choice for an investment. On top of all the complexity and all the downside of something supposedly without downside risk, the tax treatment of indexed annuities and fixed index annuities is rotten and terrible, compared to buying, lets say a plain simple vanilla index fund. These things are bad at every level for your wallet. The only real winner from these indexed annuities is the insurance salespeople that sell them who make guy again tick commissions gigantic commissions from selling this stuff to you. Gerri lots of money that. We reached out to tony robbins for comment. Clearly, clark, he is very popular person. Sure. Gerri unlike any personal finance writer in the country, he managed to go to top 10, number one spot with this book. He is doing really well. But i wonder what you think about celebrities writing about money . Well it is an area, it is so much part of Popular Culture now that people do this. So, people give advice in every possible area and publishers know if somebody has got a name, that theyre going to sell a certain number of copies. Gerri right. They will be alisted on lots of shows. And you dont take your advice from Somebody Just because theyre famous. Nobody has the one magic answer. This book is all about one magic answer. I long for one magic answer, let me tell you, clark. I never found it. Always good to have you on the show. Thank you so much. Thank you. Gerri and are you hooked on fox businesss new hit, strange inheritance . If you havent seen it, youre missing out. Here is a sneakpeek at tonights episode. She had a box of items in her closet and, i got the box out. The nickel was there. Ryan takes the envelope with the nickel in it and places it on his nightstand. I used to look at late at night. One time i just imagined she is sitting there saying to me, they say im not real. What do you think . Gerri strange inheritance is hosted by jamie colby tonight at 9 00 p. M. Eastern. Its a show the whole family can enjoy together. Tune in. Later in the show, is your car one of the two million affected by the latest airbag recall . Well tell you. Next the measels outbreak spreading across the country. It is pitting parent against parent. What you need to do to protect your family. Let us know what you think. Tweet me gerriwillisfbn. Send us an email through our website. Go to gerriwillis. Com. Well be right back. The real question that needs to be asked is what is it that we can do that is impactful . What the cloud enables is computing to empower cancer researchers. It used to take two weeks to sequence and analyze a genome; with the microsoft cloud we can analyze 100 per day. Whatever i can do to help compute a cure for cancer, thats what id like to do. If youre taking multiple medications does your mouth often feel dry . A dry mouth can be a side effect of many medications. But it can also lead to tooth decay and bad breath. Thats why theres biotene available as an oral rinse toothpaste, spray or gel. Biotene can provide soothing relief and it helps keep your mouth healthy too. Remember, while your medication is doing you good, a dry mouth isnt. Biotene, for people who suffer from a dry mouth. Gerri measles highly con stage just virus was contagious virus was dough declared eradicated in 2000. Doctors are blaming parents who refuse to vaccinate their children. Dr. Kevin campbell universities of North Carolina school of medicine explains why the outbreak should not be taken lightly. Dr. Campbell, 100 people, four states. How did this get out of control. Because were not vaccinating kids. Gerri who arent the people not vaccinating these people . Couple of groups, particularly in california want to go to all natural living. Another group of people cite religious reasons. There is another group of people who dont want to vaccinate their person because of faulty data saying it was associated with autism which has been completely debunked. Debunked and even pulled from the lancet, is that right. Exactly right. Gerri we have groups of people that are saying theyre not vaccinating their children. Then the federal government comes out, just over the weekend and says well, maybe you might want to get that done. Why is there a such a lax response to this . I think like most issues i think our administration politicizes everything. It bothers me our president and his press secretary josh earnest was very wishywashy about it friday on the weekend. We need to tell parents the vaccinate your kids. Gerri isnt that the president s base lefty libs it will kill somebody to get your kids vaccinated . I think it is. I think he remains wishywashy because were still raising funds for the next election. Gerri it goes on and on. These are super contagious, how dangerous are the measles . Kids can die from the measles. 15 of the kids can get encephalitis which causes inflammation of brain and die from it. These kids shouldnt have to suffer we have responsible adults that vaccinate their children. Gerri super contagious. What happens if we dont get this under control . My fear is that were going to see larger and larger outbreaks. Just as you know, from things like polio we eradicated polio because of the vaccine. We eradicated measles because of the vaccine. If we stop vaccinating and with larger and larger populations were going to spread it even further. Gerri 94 of our viewers tonight are saying people should get vaccinated and i mean theyre speaking with one mind here on this topic. Are there any dangers beyond getting measels to nonvaccination . What else are we flirting with here . There is no evidence it produces autism. At that that was pulled from the lancet as we mentioned earlier. There are mine minor sideeffect, one in a thousand. Nothing lifethreatening nothing as severe as complications from the measles. I say vaccinate. Im not for Big Government but i think government needs to step in. Gerri is this one of those rare occasions where it is right for the government to step in, a, and b the government cant really force it can they . They can mandate it and require it. Gerri what does ha mean . Right require it for kids to go school. Homeschooled kids could slip through. That really and truly we have to do something on governmental level. Gerri it is crazy. Numbers are climbing. 102 cases but proportion of kids not vaccinated very high indeed. Dr. Campbell thanks for having me. Should parents vaccinate their kids . Long on to gerriwillis. Com. Vote on righthand side of the screen. I will show results at end of tonights show. Later in the show which super bowl ads scored and which ones left us bored . Tax time unfortunately. Many families getting backed into the corner over the president s signature legislation, either get Health Insurance or pay the Obamacare Tax penalty. Well examine hard decisions after the break. Is it the insightful strategies and Analytical Capabilities that make edward jones one of the biggest Financial Services firms in the country . Or is it 13,000 Financial Advisors who take the time to say thank you . night jim. Gonna be a while . I am liz got a little writing to do. Its why edward jones is the big company that doesnt act that way. Theres nothing more romantic than a spontaneous moment. So why pause to take a pill . And why stop what youre doing to find a bathroom . With cialis for daily use, you dont have to plan around either. Its the only daily tablet approved to treat erectile dysfunction so you can be Ready Anytime the moment is right. Plus cialis treats the frustrating urinary symptoms of bph, like needing to go frequently, day or night. Tell your doctor about all your medical conditions and medicines, and ask if your heart is healthy enough for sex. Do not take cialis if you take nitrates for chest pain as it may cause an unsafe drop in blood pressure. Do not drink alcohol in excess. Side effects may include headache, upset stomach, delayed backache or muscle ache. To avoid longterm injury, get medical help right away for an erection lasting more than four hours. If you have any sudden decrease or loss in hearing or vision or any symptoms of an allergic reaction stop taking cialis and get medical help right away. Why pause the moment . Ask your doctor about cialis for daily use. For a free 30tablet trial go to cialis. Com music. The getaway vehicle for all the confidence you need. Td ameritrade. You got this. Gerri welcome back. In a moment we have a hard choice is obamacare is putting on families. But it is time for looking at other stories. Oil is up slightly as investors shrugged off the Union Strikes at u. S. Refineries as guests gas prices are on the up since hitting the lowest level since 2009 and aaa says prices would keep rising and most packaged foods for toddlers contained too much sugar and salt it devises parents to read labels carefully to make healthier choices. Apple stores are protecting some of their new smart watches retailing for thousands of dollars and will be kept hidden away. The battle of the groundhog Punxsutawney Phil saw his shadow that means six more weeks of winter. Only time will tell but keep in mind according to the data center his predictions have missed the mark more than 55 percent of the time. Those are some of the stories in the news tonight. Getting back to obamacare attacks to persuade americans to get Health Insurance but for many paying the penalty is a better deal. Rebecca says her family is opting of any coverage and all. We make 80,000 per year and we find it to pay for a Health Insurance every month is a ridiculous cost to what we would selfie pay gladiator Business Establishment being done have to pay that much. Plus we have to include that penalty and it is cheaper than to pay monthly for health care. Gerri you could negotiate away thousands of dollars . Last year my son had an unexpected surgery the bill came in the mail 22,000. They found out we were still paying if you could pay 4,000 within the next 30 days than that is your bill. Gerri should more americans think like her . What is your reaction . I am astonished. I get it. That penalty is to under 85 per family or 1 that is bigger still is a hundred dollars in insurance is more than 800 she is running for the risk of the big catastrophic insurance that paul would bankrupt them. Gerri but she could have bought that through obamacare. It is crazy we have outlawed that. Evidently she is a fabulous and negotiator bay want her to isnt blood dash negotiate for the policy that fits her familys neece but with a cookie cutter size all fits one now it is a risk. Gerri i think others are making the same choice. So obamacare was a lot to provide for coverage was to give in fact, doing the opposite. And we saw in massachusetts the pattern of people getting insurance thank getting the care and drop the insurance they would go through this penalty is not big enough to stop that. So they will shift the cost in the way this was supposed to fix. Gerri and the penalty only goes up so it will become more of the barrier that doesnt solve any problems but there are 1 billion exemptions. I have an exemption and so i am al. [laughter] there is a list of 14 if you have bankruptcy or Domestic Violence or any of their our chip. One is homeless. If you are homeless you are not filling out any tax forms. It is so disconnected from reality. The only reason were in this position is the Supreme Court gazetted is just attacks in april 58 will be a meltdown first of all, there will be a lot of people have no idea they owe the penalty it will shoulder as attacks penalty coming out of their refund and another group who filled out the forms to the best of their ability and then maybe they got a raise and the government will want to back and take it out of the refund. Chaos will prevail after a couple of months of those who dont normally have to worry about this that they dont understand. But all thanks to obamacare. But first i need to defend Punxsutawney Phil. With 55 percent is not bad. Gerri and he was wrong 55 . Anyway. [laughter] we will take your word for it. 2014 is the year of the recall but it doesnt look any better. Now to go back to the shop again. We will be right back. At ally bank no branches equals great rates. Its a fact. Kind of like mute buttons equal danger. That sound good . Not being on this phone call sounds good. Its not muted. Was that you jason . It was geoffrey it was jason. It couldve been brenda. If a denture were to be put under a microscope we can see all the bacteria that still exists. Polidents unique micro clean formula works in just 3 minutes, killing 99. 99 of odor causing bacteria. For a cleaner, fresher brighter denture everyday. Want to know how hard it can be. To breathe with copd . It can feel like this. Copd includes chronic bronchitis and emphysema. Spiriva is a oncedaily inhaled. Copd maintenance treatment. That helps open my airways for a full 24 hours. You know, spiriva helps me breathe easier. Spiriva handihaler tiotropium bromide inhalation powder does not replace rescue inhalers for sudden symptoms. Tell your doctor if you have kidney problems, glaucoma, trouble urinating, or an enlarged prostate. These may worsen with spiriva. Discuss all medicines you take, even eye drops. Stop taking spiriva and seek immediate medical help if your breathing suddenly worsens your throat or tongue swells,. You can get hives, vision changes or eye pain or problems passing urine. Other side effects include dry mouth and constipation. Nothing can reverse copd. Spiriva helps me breathe better. Sfx blowing sound. Does breathing with copd. Weigh you down . Dont wait ask your doctor about spiriva handihaler. The real question that needs to be asked is what is it that we can do that is impactful . What the cloud enables is computing to empower cancer researchers. It used to take two weeks to sequence and analyze a genome; with the microsoft cloud we can analyze 100 per day. Whatever i can do to help compute a cure for cancer, thats what id like to do. Startupny. Its working for new york state. Already 55 companies are investing over 98 Million Dollars and creating over 2100 jobs. From long island to all across upstate new york, more businesses are coming to new york. They are paying no property taxes no Corporate Taxes no sales taxes. And with over 300 locations, and 3. 7 million square feet available, theres a place thats right for your business. See if startupny can work for you. Go to startup. Ny. Gov. At ally bank no branches equals great rates. Its a fact. Kind of like shopping hungry equals overshopping. Gerri major automakers are recalling 2. 1 million vehicles for another airbag defect the automakers have issued at least two earlier recalls to fix the same problem is your vehicle of the listed why can automakers fixed these problems the firstever around . Afford bin mr. For the nhtsa in currently the president of when there does public citizens. There is so many recalls everybody is confused but this is different. Tell us about it. Is a defect with the electronics of the vehicle to cause as inadvertent adjuration with aldus said it deploys without a crash. It is scary and can cause people to crash. And also it can cause injuries. We think it is important if the public address the of the is a crucial defect in the half to get it fixed as soon as they have a notification. Gerri i saw a tweet from a jeep liberty driver airbag deployed if she could not see anything. Though whole dash board the cabin was filled with smoke she almost had a crash because of that. But it is really trw which is an american company. So here we are again with a potential recall and we cannot even get these fixed. What is a solution to that . Bin acknowledges the first to be aware to know is the possibility. As soon as theyre available get the car fixed. You could have the airbag did your face but put your hands over the airbag to push it down so it would be less likely to cover the windshield and you could see gerri toyota or fiat or chrysler and the beats boson for people who want to know more about this go to the website to get the makes and models if you know, if your car is involved. But the toccata story goes on. What is the latest turn in that story . To compass said it will not doing a separate recall from the manufacturers themselves but they are trying to manufacture as rapidly as possible so the air bags dont suddenly blew up to send shards of metal into your face which is the most serious defect of the Safety System argue. So i think the nhtsa ought to test the replacement systems before they are made available to the public to make sure their operating properly. With an inadvertent action ration with those nine different models this is the second time there has been a recall. Someone did not test them properly before they made them available to the public. Gerri when will nhtsa step but to do its job . Isnt that who we should look up to . The agency has gotten much better. Reacting positively to all the criticism to have a wonderful new administrator that just get approved in december in he came from the National Transportation safety board. He is very, very active, very involved. He will get this wrapped up as soon as possible. I think we will see a different nhtsa leveraging pretty quickly. Gerri his expertise is sleeping patterns but not what were interested in providing support coming of the show. But he is a scientist but he has been working on cars and transportation for a long time. Gerri now on to another problem thousands of consumers rush to file to the Victim Compensation fund. And the deadline is this weekend for with the firm that filed the first classaction lawsuit. Welcome back to the show. Thousands of claims pouring in of the last minute does not surprise you . Had no. Because there is a deadline. The concern is perhaps many of the folks involved in accidents many years ago never heard about the fund. Today should have known about the recall did not hear about it so imagine how much more difficult it is if you were in an accident eight years ago suddenly wonder if this fund applies to you. So we have talked about before so we have to decide whether to except the offer prebankruptcy. So to say what should they do . I cannot tell them if they will see inside of the courtroom because the bankruptcy judges judge made determine it is a bar to the claim so the offer baby inadequate. Gerri are any clients taking your view . Yes. Those who have suffered wrongful death claims almost all of them have taken in the deal and ken feinberg has been very fair. Those that are not our have suffered significant personal injuries and they find the offers have been inadequate, and i agree. Gerri you told us there would be Something Like 5,000 claims in the original estimates was far lower. You were much more on target with your estimation. What is the status of your class action suit at this time . The judge just set the first trial in 11 months so in january next year the Southern District of new york will pick a jury and that evidence about General Motors conduct, gross negligence and criminal culpability will finally be presented for the first time in front of a jury and we will see through that verdict out of the jury feels about what occurred in the coverup that happened over 10 years. Gerri bob, thanks for coming on the show i expect to hear from you soon. How this super bowl advertisement game came out we will look at the best or the worst coming up. The future of the market is never clear. But at t. Rowe price we can help guide your retirement savings. Our experience is one reason 100 of our Retirement Funds beat their 10year lipper averages. So wherever your longterm goals take you we can help you feel confident. Request a prospectus or summary prospectus with investment information, risks, fees and expenses to read and consider carefully before investing. Call us or your advisor. T. Rowe price. Invest with confidence. No pictures of trucks pulling boats. No photos of men working on ranches. Just a ram 1500 ecodiesel that gets 156 more miles per tank than the ford f150 ecoboost. Get more facts at ramtrucks. Com. Gerri super bowl xlix is shattering records making it the most watched broadcast in Television History according to the nielsen ratings but advertisers also have a winning day with their commercials . We have the breakdown. His company tracked and score the commercials tell their resonated with viewers. Wow what a turnout. The audience on twitter was huge how this reverberates for the watching on tv tweet you were on facebook the and it goes on and on. Does that help advertisers . Is certainly is especially with the game like that that goes right to the last place the Fourth Quarter advertisers dont have to worry about it being a blowout. Gerri so what was the most effective ad . The one that absolutely killed them was from mcdonalds. It scored in our database over 700 that is 0. 6 percent scores that i. America loved it is a commercial that is right on the edge but also very surprising for of mcdonalds and those positive emotions. It was the big winner. Gerri they played loving it and said if you can talk about love and families we would give you food for free. Some people responded so were not too happy but people like it. You also like snickers . That was one of the funniest. A great takeoff of the brady bunch but its whole campaign you are not yourself when youre hungry hungry, it weaves celebrity very cleverly into the script. Is not too obnoxious but it is a very funny way it was a great takeoff of the of Marcia Marcia marcia. Gerri i that was effective and intelligent but that budweiser advertisement made me cry like a baby. Did your groups say the same thing . That was the second most in the database it was just the animals and as they said they have done this three year four years in the still make a very emotional story. Gerri it is so effective about the 34th time you see this you realize i have been manipulated but yet you still like it. And a lot of the top ads are trying to tug at the heartstrings with the emotional overload that you just want to see the chimps and again just to light it up but budweiser was pure of the animal relationship. Gerri which was the worst . If it does it work is about a polarizing message or celebrity or confusing. We had one of those yesterday with the square space at with jeff bridges with every new pledges to do we in the bedroom. Nobody has a clue what that was about. You see that every once in awhile. The other one where celebrities polarizing pete rose and others like the pharmacy with a guy from breaking bad samizdat confusing or polarizing . Gerri i also like the teenage schumer adds to break it up. It is good to break it up. We will be right back with the answer to the question of the day. Stay with us. The world is filled with air. But for people with copd sometimes breathing air can be difficult. If you have copd, ask your doctor about oncedaily anoro ellipta. It helps people with copd breathe better for a full 24hours. Anoro ellipta is the first fdaapproved product containing two longacting bronchodilators in one inhaler. Anoro is not for asthma. Anoro contains a type of medicine that increases risk of death in people with asthma. It is not known if this risk is increased in copd. Anoro wont replace rescue inhalers for sudden copd symptoms and should not be used more than once a day. Tell your doctor if you have a heart condition, or high blood pressure. Tell your doctor if you have glaucoma, prostate or bladder problems, or problems passing urine as anoro may make these problems worse. Call your doctor right away if you have worsened breathing chest pain, swelling of your mouth or tongue, problems urinating or eye problems including vision changes or eye pain while taking anoro. Nothing can reverse copd. The world is filled with air and anoro is helping people with copd breath air better. Get your first prescription free at anoro. Com. Gerri the centers for Disease Control say the Measles Outbreak has topped over 100 confirmed cases. Should parents vaccinate their kids . Heres what some of you are tweeting me about our poll question. If i cant send my kid to school with peanut buttedder, then you cant butter, then you cant send yours unvaccinated. Rich on facebook posts that it would, it should be up to the parents. And we asked the question on gerriwillis. Com, 90 said, yes, 10 said no. Be sure to log on to gerriwillis. Com for our online question every single weekday. And thats it for tonights willis report. Dont forget to dvr the show if you cant catch us live. Making money with Charles Payne is next. Have a good night. Charles im Charles Payne, and youre watching making money. Another wild day for the markets, but this time the dow closing up almost 200 points, and despite the biggest decline in Consumer Spending since 2009 a shocker, what happened to that cheap gas . I thought it was burning a hole in your pocket. When are you going to spend it . Plus, president obamas 4 trillion budget, how does it help the muddle class . It will punish them in more ways than one. But first, to Nicole Petallides on the floor of the new york stock exchange. No one knew which way this market would go today. How about we ended up almost 200 points. How does that even happen . Certainly, a wild day on wall

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