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Hernandez has been charged with Capital Murder but he was on parole for aggravated robbery at the time of the shooting this morning. A Hospital Police officer shot hernandez injuring him, so for the victims have not been identified and a motive for the shooting is still unclear, joining me with the breaking news Criminal Defense Attorney and former homicide detective ted williams also fox news contributor, thank you so much for joining me on the breaking news. I was just talking with my sources within dallas, they tell me the police chief is very upset about this matter, the sky was released on parole and then he was let out, reoffended again and they released him again and of course he has killed two people, what is your reaction . This is a tragedy and is it a tragedy that could very well perhaps be avoided, are there more questions at this stage then we have answers but i think at the beginning you summed up what chief eddie garcia had to say and that this is a tragedy an important failure of our criminal Justice System so that tells me lawenforcement no more about this guy Nestor Hernandez who is 30 years of age he was out on parole when an Ankle Bracelet. Now he has been, from what i understand charged with Capital Murder. The investigation is continuing but just think about it lawrence, this was the Maternity Ward where mothers go to give life and here it was that to Healthcare Workers Life was taken by allegedly this guy Nestor Hernandez. Ted, its important for people to understand, obviously this is my home, dallas, this police chief has now been elected to the major president for the major cities across america. Dallas did not defund the police, they have seen a decrease in crime, for him to come out swinging against our Justice System, what do you expect you expect a response from the da, the parole board, what do you expect to happen . I think in coming days all of those entities will are going to be under a microscope or the parole board, why was this guy out on parole when he had been charged aggravated robbery. Why was he wearing an Ankle Bracelet or that to limit where he could or could not go and he had a gun, he goes into the hospital all of those things will be part of the investigation. Ted we will be watching the story our prayers are for my city of dallas. Thank you. Pleasure. President biden ringing all eyes to pennsylvania this week as he tells democratic donors the world would be looking at the outcome of the midterm, that is just two weeks away. If the world was really looking to pennsylvania, what do they see and i argue with the president , the looking for all the wrong reasons. Philadelphia loan they would see police try to punishment responsible for sexually assaulting teenage girls, those girls were just trying to get to school that morning, then they see those risking their lives to protect and serve in cops being harassed and targeted, they see a prosecutor is supposed to be the chief Law Enforcement officer, instead hes doubling down on the decisions that make this Community Less safe. Thanks to the Philly Da A Man who had been convicted in a prison for murder was released and now theyre sayin same man s linked to another killing but when the pressure is on and the threat of impeachment looms over his head, he says those who want to focus on the crime crisis in this country are simply races. What we see is a single playbook which is about coded and racist messaging, it is about blaming the biggest city in pennsylvania with the most diverse population for having the same National Struggle that we have a gun violence everywhere. I met with minorities and they are a group of people that are from philadelphia but they beg to differ, watch. The feeling i get when the head is on the swivel and evening daytime now it can be a problem we see all day long on television on social media at any given moment anybody can be a victim. Pennsylvania state representative represents 190th District and born and raised in West Philadelphia he watch the city of brotherly love the devolving to violence, he was shot when he was just 14. My lived experiences give me a seat at the table to be part of solving the problem. You have people in my party who think otherwise. He decided to become a leader and take action so whos to blame for the downward spiral, brown blames larry krasner. You have a certain population of folks who believe if you dont support my policies or what i believe in that i cant work with you. You talking about the progressive. Of talking about the far left. A Progressive Prosecutor who just let out a convicted killer that suspect is in custody tonight in connection with another homicide. The victims family speaking out and mr. Heartbreak. They have no consideration for the victims. This is to put prisoners that are been convicted back on the streets, the system right here proves that this does not work. The Defiant Democrat District Attorney is doubling down despite his imminent impeachm impeachment. Straight up this is an effort to impeach someone for political purposes who have done nothing corrupt and nothing illegal because they want to erase philadelphias votes, straight up, thats what it is. Diamond wilson is one of the philadelphia voters a mom and sadly a victim of the crime crisis. Tell me why do you have the sunglasses on. I have my sunglasses on because i was shot with a 40 caliber weapon on october 8, 2021. He was shot in the face customer. In the face, yes. Before that or after your boyfriend as well as of other view children was also shot and killed. About six and half months after i was shocked he was shot and killed doing the same thing i was doing going to the store going to purchase food late at night, my son was actually attacked after i was shot they broke our car window and broke the window. Now my son is scared to go to school and thats another part of crime, such as gun violence its all crimes together it makes one big violent city. They prais pray that justicel be served. As a mother of two boys Diamond Wilson was the city of brotherly love to be safe again. What keeps you pushing forward . My boys, my boys is the only thing that i look forward to. If not i would not want to be here. Outofcontrol, its obvious tonight the criminals all across this country had 0 fear in Brooklyn Retired nypd officer harvey croft was the target of an unprovoked attack part of the socalled Knockout King but craft was not knocked out, instead he chased his attackers, those assailants have not been captured Officer Craft joins me now to tell the story. Thank you for joining me. Tell me a little bit about that day did you see the attack coming . No i did not serve, it was totally unprovoked, unpredictable and i had my back to them, they approach me and blindsided me with a Roundhouse Punch as hard as he could throw it was three of them and this is the leader of the pack. This is the socalled knockout game, they think that is something to glamorize, give them notoriety, something theyre proud of they post it and look for the 15 minutes of demented fame, this is what the society is coming to when people like these are roaming the streets and its happening because there is no consequences, no fear of being locked up, going to jail, however, they did not knock me down, i had no result of pain or injuries, there was some swelling but i turned it around immediately. I challenged my sense in which to them and then they took off like lightning, the three of them. In new York City Police department is doing their best to locate them, track them down and bring them to justice. Hopefully in this case justice will prevail in the get the punishment that they deserve. One thing i would like to address all i dont think that term game is appropriate. Anytime you intent to inflict serious damage and injury to someone it is no game whatsoever, lets call it what it is. It is an attack, a violent act and i want to address one other thing there are certain crimes that are classified as violations, misdemeanors, felonies and i think when an attack is totally unprovoked injure blindsided regardless of the extent of injury, that should be elevated to the staff of a felony. We do that with hate crimes and with these attacks to certain individuals that you seek out, you seek out the asian faith, people who are religious especially jewish satire but muslims have been attacked also, they seek out the elderly, they seek out the most Vulnerable People that they can attack because their objective is to knock you out and incur serious physical injury, even if you die and actually elevates their stature, this is how sick this is. We are dealing with cowards that are been bolded by the das that are just allowing them to roam our streets. We thank you so much for coming on the program to tell your story. Thank you, sir for having me. Coming up i spoke to a group of hispanic voters in florida and they are sounding the alarm about the democrats trying to make socialism the new normal in this fall, Xfinity Rewards is thanking you with spooky perks and surprises. Enter for your chance to win a trip to universals Halloween Horror Nights for a terrifyingly good time youll never forget. Or bring the scares home with movies that will frighten up your night on us, and a host of other chilling halloween activities all on the xfinity app. Explore your rewards today. Xfinity rewards. Our thanks, your rewards. The midterms are only 17 days away and democrats chances of maintaining control of congress have gone from bad to worse. One of the reasons theyve struggled is because they keep pushing radical policies that alienate the average american. The one group that democrats continue to take for granted is the hispanic community. I went to miami, florida and spoke to hispanic voters about whats driving them to the polls and away from the Democratic Party. Watch. Was the number one issue facing you and your family today. The economy in a few for my grandchildren. The violence, its everywhere. The economy, inflation you go around in miami and the is a dollar 50 and always 3. Its also that were seeing how this administration and the policies that are pursuing are so similar strikingly similar to the policies that they have in place like cuba and venezuela and nicaragua where our families fled from. Assisting the economy its funny when i heard her say the grandkids thats foremost in my mind because i have to no one born july 4 and i look to him and thought is there going to be socialism when you were growing up and i wont be here, what can i do what can i do now when i wont be here have to leave something for them in the scares me what thats going to be like. My concerns are for my children very similar to the violence in schools the lack of education its hard for the children. With everything thats going on learning off of a computer which is been challenging for everybody. Carlos you voted for obama twice and you voted for trump twice. How do you feel the biden a administration is doing. There going backward there on doing what trump did for us and its sad to see. Maria do you agree with some of the statements are here . Yes. Are an independent voter, former democrat. I was republican that i became a democrat but right now im questioning my political thinking. Because the binding administration doing as it relates to the economy. As to the economy is not doing a good. As to immigration is doing really bad. Lets talk about that thats a perfect segue. How much time. You can talk as long as you want. How is them biden a administration doing as it relates to the immigration policies. Its horrible, the economy is bad and then people are coming in from other countries and its filling up and filling up. I dont know where were going with us trump started the wall. You support the wall . Yeah bimah now we should just tear down everybody can enter. At think i speak for everybody there either immigrants or our families are immigrants. We support Immigration Process that is legal and orderly but what were seen at the border just doesnt make any sense were going to have over 2 Million People crossing the border those are people that we know what about the people we dont know. Tickets are easy for joe biden who lives in a Manchin In Delaware to talk about that but those people conjoining for his so i think its worth making a lot of people really change in our Community People that i know that were democrats or maybe they voted for biden now how bitingly more. Is very sad was happening and we have to do something about it. In an emergency the first thing that you do when theres blood coming out you have to stop the bleeding first and i think thats where we have to start. I think trump attempted. Now its like taking off in the bleeding has begun again and we need to put a stop and see how are going to treat these people that are here now what are we going to do now but we cannot lose control away because we are a society and we cannot take into new people and put them onto society and have perfect lives, you cannot assimilate the amount people in such a short amount of time. Carlos someone looks voted for both local parties how do you feel but the Democratic Party heather handling immigration. There dropping the ball. I dont understand having a border when did i become about thing every country has a border every country enforces it but we for some reason dont want to do it, i dont understand we can at least that you. They say the people on the other side the people have no compassion, would you tell them. Im from immigrants how are you going to tell me we all come from immigrants, country of immigrants its not that i dont have compassion. It is common sense plain and simple demand do you worry and you hear this from a lot of hispanic and latino voters that there is fear from the socialism is not a concern of yours. My parents are from ecuador we had a little bit about was socialism and we locally got out of it. But it was a concern people from those countries we know about and we dont like it. The themes of socialism, free, free, free, does not concern you . Really does. All of us have some Home Family Members who have suffering through this personally my family is from cuba. What they had to suffer and endure it is horrible and its on paper it might seemed like a good idea but in practice its not. We are all individuals so you cannot expect a group of individuals to think the same, act the same, be the same its not feasible. Socialism you always think it didnt work over there because they did not do it right they did not know how to do it right, we are going to know. Because humanity is humanity. And all these things factor in. And it might be nice for a year, five years from now, no, five years later its miserable, everybodys miserable then everybodys insane but nobody has no ones happy and everyones miserable. Strong words from them. We will be in the keystone state next week. If youre a voter in pennsylvania email crosscountry fox. Com. We would love to have you on. The latest mustsee moments from the chaotic Christmas Parade trial and how the over 5 Million People have fallen in love with a portable blender. Blendjet 2 gives you icecrushing, big blender power onthego. So you can throw in your favorite ingredients and blend up a delicious smoothie anytime, anywhere. 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I dont like your tone and the way that you are talking to me. I dont appreciate it. Mr. Brooks sits down. Nothing about this is a joke. Would be fair to say the allegedly defended that you just identified on the record for the court does not have here . You have shaved your head, yes. Youre trying to address me like recall you dont have integrity how can you call yourself a judge. If you tuned into Cross Country last week you know this trial has been crazy, the suspect charge of the deadly attack on last years Christmas Parade in waukesha wisconsin continues to aggressively argue with the judge, Disrespected The Court to where he had to be removed again, joining as former prosecutor current defense attorney david bruno, thank you for joining the program. We have been following this case he continues to disrespect the court he does not understand criminal procedure or basic fundamentals in the courtroom. He has not turned over his witness list, he has not said if hes going to testify or not but he did say this in his Opening Statement he said it was not planned or intentional, what you make of it. We can to excerpts all night from this trial. It should be a key study on why someone should not represent themselves. Theres an old adage he who represents himself has a fool for a client and its no different for Darrell Brooks right here. It is a complete dumpster fire. In the judge and the prosecutor right now what theyre doing there trying to save the conviction because we all know how this is coming out. His behavior in the courtroom doesnt do justice. He is going down in flames once this jury has the opportunity to bring back the verdict, i would imagine its one of the quickest verdicts weve ever seen in the history of Criminal Justice based on the way that this individual has acted and the facts are not with him whatsoever. He says its not intentional everyone sees the video you can use your common sense that car tore down the street when there were people in the middle of the street in the parade and he did not call any expert this going to challenge the automobile or the mechanical defect. The throttle worked, they showed that, the brakes worked, they showed that and thats all they really need to prove this case. David have to ask you, how much does Injury Matter in this . Ive seen the Court Dismiss the jury and then bring them back and forth but are they witnessing some of this that is happening in the court . Oh yeah, the jury is the only thing that matters, the jury is the one that has to be the factfinder and they get the law from the judge. The judge right now is just maintaining order and ruling on objections and this behavior has been happening pretrial happens outside of the presence of the jury but also happening in front of the jury and they are seen all three of his objection, he objects to his name. When people call him Darrell Brooks he objects and says im not identified as Darrell Brooks. He is using this bs immunity defense. Is out of control. I would be so glad when justice is finally served hes lucky not in texas because he wouldve got the chair, thanks so much for joining the program. Voters in florida issued a stark warning how students are getting indoctrinated by the woke agenda in my name is Ashley Cortez and im the founder of the stay Beautiful Foundation when i started in 2016 i would go to the post office and literally fill out each persons name on a label and now with shipstation we are shipping 500 beauty boxes a month it takes less than 5 minutes for me to get all of my labels and get beauty in the hands of women who are battling cancer so much quicker shipstation the 1 choice of Online Sellers go to shipstation. Com tv and get 2 months free tony here from creditrepair. Com, helping people see the true cost of bad credit. What are you doing to improve your credit . Should i be doing something . Absolutely, unless you like paying thousands extra in high Interest Rates. Did you know repairing your credit could save you thousands of dollars in lower Interest Rates . Wait, i can repair my credit . Of course you can. Even if you have a good score, repairing your credit can make it better. Start working to improve your credit. Get started at creditrepair. Com. Back when i spoke to a group of hispanic voters in miami, all of our conversations lead back to the fear of democrats pushing through a socialist agenda. In one area that seems to be a major concern is the indoctrination of americans children in the classroom, take a look. I love ron desantis what can i tell you, i donate i have my hat, you have to have somebody in there is one word that you dont see in washington anymore i think and its called accountability. You have to be accountable for the people that you are leading and he is accountable. You love him or hate him, hes not there to be your friend hes there to do your job. Maria, hunter governor doing right now, do you like them, do not like him. Im in between hes doing a good job for schools, the only thing i would like for Governor Desantis to do is to do Something Better about the lgbtq community. And thats why im in between. He should treat the community better. They are human beings. My son is transgender, their human beings whether the gay or not gay or whatever have to be treated with the same respect as all the other people that exist in this world. What she was saying transgender or lgbtq community. Im not sure that its true that there being treated correctly. Ive had people around me and known people around me that her lgbtq, whatever so many different letters now and things to describe how they want to be but ive been fine with that. The problem i have with bringing the stuff into the school the way its been brought into the school has been very sexualized. With books that contain sexually explicit details that is not correct. I dont even think teachers should be discussing this and for teaching math, or english, it is not correct. I never knew of my teachers were married, i did not know anything about the private life. Is not the way its supposed to be. To hear her talk about it, do you agree or disagree, did they go too far by having a lot of these conversations in the classroom . I think they are going too far, they are going too far. Small children, it should be in the home where the children should be taught what to do or what to say or what to think, it should not be in the classroom. Im angry with her. I think its interesting. At the end of the day at least public schools, that is the government. Again. So is in my ear telling me the government has no right to be telling your children these things that is up to the paren parents. A bunch of my grandmas friends there. Send them to the United States because they do not want to be indoctrinated and the communist classroom in cuba. The whole idea of peddling whatever it is lot next, woke on children little kids, kerrigan, first grade, thats what i think so many people in our Community Wake up and realize this is strikingly similar to what goes on back home. Dont tell your parents this, you need to tell them if they dont agree with the government. Anytime we talk about schools you have to bring in Mama Bear Panel joining the New York Post columnist and Deputy Managing Editor of red state karen davis. Carol this is part of the reason why you moved to the state afford is because of education. To hear people talk about is exactly the conversations are constantly having in florida because a lot of the conversation start with did you move here recently, why did you move and people say the same things they say they came there for the sanity and to be free and not to worry about the kid being indoctrinated in first grade. The woman who said she wasnt sure what she thought of ron desantis, i was really listening to that in its immediate creation that he doesnt think gay people are human or anybody who opposes Gender Ideology and elementary doesnt truly lgbtq people as equals. Its just that we dont want this indoctrination in our schools in as a next cuban said, i know about this. My ex soviet background tells me to be wary of anybody who tells my kid not to tell their parents whats going on in school. Is so easy to have this conversation in a place like florida. But you are in l. A. , youre in california you run the site injure daylight but now youre running for school board there as well. How is that message being received there . We are the forefront of this type of ideology so we have an uphill battle. One of the reasons i chose to run for school board is because i was watching parents be belittled and threatened and called domestic terrorist by our own federal government for standing up and saying what carol just said. We dont care for this content to be taught teach the basics to leave the moral values to us. By the way the Gender Ideology and Gender Theory is not appropriate content to be discussing with her kindergartners or middle schoolers even. There is no reason for a teacher, an english teacher or a math teacher to be talking about sexuality in the classroom and to be parents, just saying that, were being made out to be horrible people, domestic terrorists, bigots, the lies that are being told about me and my School Board Race civil because they dont want sexually explicit materials in my daughters classroom are absolutely insane and that is because this is a religious battle. It really is. The far left has devoted themselves to Gender Ideology as a religion and so youre saying i would like freedom as an attack on their faith. It is so crazy. Another issue they are focusing in in on is the issue of abortion. How do you see that playing in the midterms. When i look at the list i see inflation, economy and did i see crime. Abortion, the conversation from the left seems like a last ditch effort to Scare Americans into voting for them. When you look at it there views are not mainstream when you asked if you want any limits on abortion, none of the candidates can say no i want some limits or first trimester or any limits at all even the ones living in purple areas are not claiming that they want limits at all. I think the out of step with the mainstream in there so we know scare tactic. The attack on our democracy would not work. A 30 seconds how do you think is going to work . I dont think it is going to work when im out campaigning every day for my School Board Race and im thinking its the last thing that were talking about when we talk about previously in this segment its whats on their mind. I would like to make one more last pitch for my School Board Race go to keira school board. Com and help support me parents like me all over california running to change your system and i think were going to see a real see change this midterm. Tissue all for joining tonight. Lawrence Stacey Abrams wants to be governor of georgia again. According to oprah it is too frightening to consider any othe if you have diabetes, then getting on the dexcom g6 is the single most important thing you can do. It eliminates painful fingersticks, helps lower a1c, and its covered by medicare. Before dexcom g6, i was frustrated. All of that fingerpricking and all of that pain, my a1c was still stuck. My diabetes was out of control. 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As your listening to all of those what will happen if you dont, it is really frightening. Welcome back to crosscountry were in atlanta were the governors rematch between brian kemp and Stacey Abrams is heating up according to oprah despite the strong approval and stronger lead if abrams does not win all freedom will be lost, here to break this down host a fox across America Jimmy phelan. Does she care about the black folks, freedom in atlanta, georgia, alanna is modernday black wall street, they lied and said there was a jim crow 2. 0 and took all the money and resources away from them, does oprah care about that. No she does not care about anything she is doing a virtual meeting, she really care shes down there on the ground leaving the house, nobody wants to hear a gloom and doom speech from oprah who is so rich she uses people as furniture, they dont have couches facing another people she has that kind of money but the whole scam Stacey Abrams is a scam her going into this is not when but lose by a close enough margin to claimant stolen. She does not want to win she is gone so rich from losing and refusing one way or the other. Why doesnt she get pushback for failing to concede in a race in an election denial. Out of time that was all the left that wanted to scream about. Stacey abrams lost georgia by five times as many votes as strong. Never expected anything. I dont concede this is in the concession but they let her get away with it which exposes the fraud of the whole thing, just the same as Voter Suppression it is a fraud early voting is up 87 . I dont know what you know about jim crow but it was not bigger turnout. They are doing just fine, i have to tell you this you have to see the border chief, the border is out of control hes falling asleep in meetings and all of this. Working have record crossings going right now. What is that you for the men and women in green. Be careful they keep falling asleep in public they will make you president. Now he has a more difficult job. They have crushed morale even the borders are, kamala harris. We hired a borders are who has not been to the border. Imagine if you hired him for a restaurant but hasnt been there two years in, littl wire. The Migrant Deaths show 356 of the issue but they dont want to talk about that. If ron desantis puts 52 people on airconditioning bus. If you grounded in the real you would sign up for a bus. Thats where they lost the room and deserve everything thats coming into the midterms. But they know they do it is a now problem the border is on fire. If your house is on fire now you know conduct a study on the root causes of immigration if your house is on fire you call me and then i say youre in luck were going to conduct the study on the root causes of fires. No i just want to check with water. I would be pretty upset. Honest youre not a good friend if you letting my house burn. Thats exactly what shes doing she will go to a border restaurant nothing. Up next the moment everybodys been waiting for, th as you may know the crosscountry family recently opened its arms to my new dog. Now im taking you behind the scenes to show you how this elite team is helping veterans with k9s. He specializes in a wide range of training from obedience to protection work. They separate themselves from the pack with their philosophy. Open and direct communications between dog and handler. The dog is raised the same for Military Application as it would be for family protection. Our philosophy is unless you use all the natural godgiven abilities and they are controlled through communication, then you have a weak link in the chain. I had my own k9. We have undergone training to teach obedience on and off leash. Go, go, go go go, go, go, go, go keep moving. You are letting the new guy beat you. Our training takes full advantage of Obstacle Courses to create trust between dog and handler. The organizations work doesnt top there. Due to their partnership with the Navy Seal Museum the k9 project emerged. Donate working dog to deserving veterans. Many suffer from post traumatic industries. This Program Helps veterans adjust to civilian life. It takes a holistic approach to provide the kind of care thats needed for these veterans. The dogs are able to provide something even a human cant. They can detect chemical changes in the brain. So when somebody is stressed, cortisol is released and the dogs can detect that. They are loyal. They are always there for the operators through thick and thin. You can look over at this dog and tell him how you feel and what dreams you had and they dont give you a we are look. Im not saying they are the all for healing. But over 50 years we have partnered with the k9 museum at the Navy Seal Museum and we have seen them impact tremendously. If you look at the screen, you will see thek9prong. Org. Its the least we can do for them serving our country. Its the honor of a lifetime to hang with these vets. Well be back here next Saturday Night at 10 00 p. M. Eastern time. Until then you can fine us at social media. Season us your stories at crosscountry fx. Com. Set our tvr so you are never miss a show. Good nightmare today brian welcome to Saturday Night. It is indeed one nation. Im brian kilmeade. What will happen on the 8th Of November when it comes to the midterm elections . If past is indicative of the present we may have a clue looking back in history at these three president s. But to the midterms we go. Taking time off the Campaign Trail just for

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