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Culture there are plenty of people willing to point out the problems. But every now and again it would be nice to have answers, we know the challenges. What are the remedies . What are the solutions . That is what were going to focus on tonight, find the solutions or at least begin the process of looking for them, we start with obvious, people lost trust in the institutions we used to rely on, government, politics, media, Health Care Even the church. People have lost confident, they have lost confidence in polls too. Our first guest served in military, still does, has been for State Government and federal government and ran for president , she is unafraid. Aloha Tulsi Gabbard Happy New Year. Aloha, my friend, Happy New Year to you. Trey lets start with politics as a whole. You were in , you got out, is something politics you could encourage people to get involved with . If not what can we do to change that. That. The people who are must hungry for power and fancy titles and fame are those who should not be getting into politics, the people that i encourage to run for office are those who are unwilling but feel they should because of a sense of duty, that is what is missing, the value placed to service, true success and happiness and fulfillment is found who doing your best in our own ways to be of service to others. As a teacher those working in business and education, whatever part of society that we live in, the message to each other, our young people as a whole, we can find happiness when we ded cadedicate our skills and service to others. Thats that it has been lost, we have too money w many who are focused on serves the themselves. Trey you were not only popular when you served in congress, but you were respected. You were both while there. On both sides of the aisle. Im gointo jeopardize that by asking you to maybe make changes in congress. If you could change anything about the body that we served it what would it be . Take the power out of the hands of the, you know less than 6 people who really make the decisions in that body, actually empower every Single Member of congress for the john they have been hired to do, to represent those who september them to wash sent them to washington to be their voice and cast their vote based on their conscious and have a sale in what bills come to the floor, there are practical changes that could be made so democrats and republicans and independents can do the work of the people and focus on delivering results rather than being limited to whatever those in power say, they are allowed to vote on and co do. Focus on delivering results rather than what the party boss wants. Trey you have been in every form of public service. Local, state, federal. I want to ask you a question, design for people who will never serve in office, how can we get along with people who dont see life the same way we do. If you had told me that Tulsi Gabbard would wind up being one of my most treasured friends, i would have said who are you talking about, what are talking about. Were from different parties and different parts of the parties and different generations, how can we get along with people even if we dont agree on the issues. Treat each other with respect, we started this conversation with allo aloha, treat each other with aloha, were all gods children, when we treat each other with respect and have the conversations that are real, then we can have real dialogue that allow us to better understand each other and move forward. Be in politics or families or communities we need to respect each other as fellow americans and remember the fundamental principles that country was founded upon, it really was about being able to disagree without being disagreeable, finding the areas of Common Ground and move forward together. If we share th same shared objective that is how we make progress and bring civility, respect back to our society. Trey The One And Only tulowitzki. Actual Tulsi Gabbard. I hope you have a fantastic beginning to 2023, i look forward to visiting with you soon. Same to you, my friend, thank you. Trey up next. Our nations young people are struggling i get refunds. Com powered by Innovation Refunds can help your business get a payroll tax refund, even if you got ppp and it only takes eight minutes to qualify. I went on their website, uploaded everything, and i was blown away by what they could do. Getrefunds. Com has helped businesses get over A Billion Dollars and we can help your business too. 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Good question, it has been trending this direction for about a decade. Yes, something is going on, it called covid, impacted our adolescence and young adults and parents as well, its has impacted things like mood, excess worry and alcohol and drug use. Those can combine to really be a heavy burden on your young adults as well as their parents. We know covid impacted that group more than any other, what it has done, has pushed some of those source issues. Like mood, and anxiety and substances pushed them in a challenging direction. Trey we know thin challenge and now we know the cause, lets get to solutions if we suspect someone is on the vempl verge of giving up, losing hope or hurting themselves. What should be the first thing we do . Well first thing. Is that is a symptom of that source. But we have to dol to deal with both, parents, dont be afraid of the thin subject. Get information and a strategy, not unusual for those sources to combine to lead to feelings like they dont want to be around or they dont see Life Worth Living or they think about hurting themselves. When that happens, we have to ask about it and Pay Attention to things that sometimes come be before those thoughts, that mood retailing off, look for change, significant change, withdrawal from other people and community and things they loved. A little bit more Argumentativeness Andagetation th andagetation th agitating, when you ask you will save lives, just ask if they fell hopeless or like hurting themselves, if they say they have, you need to act immediately, minimize harm, make sure things in the home are locked away safely such as medications and firearms, parents, you are not alone, use your resources talk to your doctor. The school counselor, Suicide Prevention hot line, you have resources talk to professionals that can help you get your young adult engaged with a counselor. You should lead by example, there is a difficult to imtime to be parenting, reach out, your insurance company. Call me i cant return all those. Call your insurance carrier. Get connected and develop plans that address the symptom, which is very dangerous. As well as the sources. , we could use a little help parenting and lead by that example. Trey a young person out there, that says if i ask for help, it is like an admission of failure. There is a stigma attached to asking for help, how can you debunk, those who think it is a weakness for me to say i need help. First. It is not. That is just a truthful statement, i promise you, if you talk to people you admire, mom, dad, uncle, coach, teacher, i promise, they will share their own struggles, sometimes when we struggle our thoughts can be negative and dark, we can feel hopeless, that is what happens when were in a difficult phase of life it is not a weakness this is a symptom of something else, there are more people right now, that feel the same way you feel and worry about the same things you worry about. It is a great opportunity to step in and to have other people say, i know what you are feeling, i know what you are going through, the best part s they will talk about what i that done, it is in those discussions we start to feel connected and hopeful it is a very common feeling, be different than generations before that didnt talk about it. You young adults are great at that, have a conversation and solve the problem, that assault you are doing meet with someone, a counselor and start a conversation that solves that problem. Trey dr. Kevin gilliland, giving us a little dose of hope and a game plan for those struggling, dr. Gilliland, Happy New Year, thank you for joining us. Happy new year, good to be with you, as always. Trey if you want to change the world, teach. Teach someone to do something they have cannot already do, most of us cannot imagine navigating this World Without being able to read or write or analyze every day issues we may take for granted someone in our lives helped us learn to leave, education should always be in the forefront of our minds. Our students have lost valuable time because of the pandemic. We know the challenge, what issue the solutions for our teachers, and students . Were joined now by a former schoolteacher, founder of Zinc Learning Labs mr. Matt barton. We know that things are tough, what can adults do to help. Thank you, for having me on, trey. First off, i think i would want parents to understand, all of us that when you say things are tough, were all aware of the pandemic. There is a couple of deeper currents making it tougher. The education is fearbased that is a system that has worked for almost no one. Fear as a motivate or, grades, i mean, impressing your parents, worrying about what your parents think and what kind of job you might get. We know that research has shown only real safe motivate or is lovebase. When we do things out of love, that is when we can bring our fullselves. The other current that is affecting young people, i love what dr. Gilliland said about the pandemic. But a bigger wave under that. Which is, the guy here. The digital shock to all of us, imagine if sugar were suddenly discovered. And instead of it taking centuries for it to develop all sorts of products, then all of a isnt it was boorm isnt that was all of a sudden, it is all every everyone, and we have kids on their phones their phones present them with love but the lowest form, we need kids to love effort and more challenging things that will be more meaningful. I think as parents we have to understand how hard it is. You cant just say to your kids, get rid of your phone, you want to get them engaged. Engaged their love, engage what they care about. Engage your love for them. And that is always a much more effective strategy and lead to a better outcome for your kid and for their life. Trey you know matt, sometimes, sessioni significant challenges call for radical remedies, if we lost a year or so, due to the pandemic, do we need to explore things like repeating grades . Or going to School Year Round . Is this too t to the 30eu7point that we need to try something we have not tried before. I think, the opportunity here is education you know is going to have to shift. I dont think going to School Year Round is the solution. There are efforts going on, i think of accelerate lead by kevin huffman, trying to figure out, how we do high volume tutoring. I think one thing that is a mistake, thinking your kid cant catch up, of course, they can. The brain is incredibly malleable. Even before the pandemic and all this learning loss, tons of kids were behind. The mistake we make is we give up on those kids, we think by time you reach Middle School and my school if you have not learned the basics, you are done. And you are out of the game. That is wrong. You have to believe in your kid, and have to get them believing in themselves, when a human being, a young person engages, they can go to the moon. Trey you know matt, i love what you said about motivating with love, rather than fear. I wish i could go back, i wonder if i would have done better in school, i went to college with dr. Ph dr. Gilliland, we spent 4 years in fear, i love what you said about it look forward to having you back again, thank you for dedicating your life and career to education. Amen, trey, thank you. Trey coming up, is fiscal responsibility possible as the National Level . Can we get the deficit and debt under control . If so how . Were joined by the president of Committee For A Responsible Federal Budget on sunday night in america. When your cats hungry, you definitely know. When he wants your attention, he makes it clear. When he wants to be left alone, he makes it obvious. But if your cat has oa pain, also known as osteoarthritis pain, he may be saying ow in different ways. Its a longlasting condition that makes it painful for your cat to move like they once did, like when walking or climbing. Red flags are everywhere. But cats are really good at hiding their pain, so you just need to know what to look for. Visit catredflags. Com to learn about the signs of oa pain and how your vet can help. Trey welcome back to a Special Edition of sunday night in america, every year, we run a deficit, which means the National Debt keeps going up, both parties have presided over increases in the debt, that required to balance the budget even for a year would be very politically unpopular, perhaps a political death sentence. What are the solutions to get our spending under control . Joining us now president of the committee for Responsible Federal Go Maya Macguineas and iowa congressman randy feenstra. My maya can the budget ever be balanced without tackling mandatory spending . Absolutely not, biggest Growth Component of our federal go situation right now, it is bad, is our growth and big healthcare and retirement programs, picboth of those areas are growing faster than the overall economy, we made promises in them, that we dont have resources to keep, for decades weve been delaying necessary changes to shore up those programs, so benefits that we promised to people will be able to make good on, that is what contl should be. Trey congress than,f work thats you to vote on tough issues, you have to be there to di to do it you have to get alleged, voters elected, voters say they want a balanced budget, this will require sacrifice. How do you balance delivering bad news to people that have to vote for you . The bottom line is, i hear from my 39 counties that i travel to every year, that people are seeing the problems, they are seniors they are starting to worry what happens to Social Security and caddie ca medicare and it goes bankrupt. If you look at what is happening people are seeing that with out of control spending, which created inflation, all of a sudden then interest goes up on their house and credit card on their car payment, they are realizing, we have a Budget Problem and they are coming to give grips with we have to do something about it. Trey rome was not built in a day, they tell me, the cumulative debt is overwhelming. Rather than get depressed, lets say we want to make progress today. Incremental progress. Congressman well start with you, then you maya. What is something if we cant fix it all today, what is something we can do that at least starts it in the right direction . I think there are three things, we have to stop digging, into further debt, we have to look o you on do we manage or Discretionary Spending and putting a framework together that will dig us out of a hole, we have to look at mandatory spending and create sustainability longterm. We dont have a Social Security trust fund that will go bankrupt in 10 years, that we can do things to make it sustainable for Jep Reactiogenerations ahead. We have to control inflation, that is the biggest precursor that we have, with bond yields 1. 5 a year and a half ago you now they are 3. 7 , were doubling our cost on interest on your debt. They need to be worked on. And they can be accomplished. Trey maya . Let me say, i agree with the congressman, take a step back remind people the reason you need to do this a debt out of control weakening our economy, but it leaves us u unprepared for emergencies, and weakening us geopolitically, were borrowing a good deal of money from aboard becoming more dependent on other countries that is a National Security threat. W the first step we need to start passing budgets, it has happened years on end we dont pass a budget, we need to do put forward a plan for how to run the nation and it needs to have a fiscal goal, that fiscal goal cant be, oh, you can borrow as much as you want because you dont feel like paying, we have to have incredible deatdebt targets. We need to think about how we pay for any new priorities, we should make a deal this year, in 2023, no new borrowing unless it is for a legitimate emergency. If you want to have new spending how do you pay for it. No new por borrowing. We have made the people who depend on them, much more vulnerable that is not fair to the people who are part to the program, that is a simple goal. Trey maya and congressman thank you for joining us. I cant tell you the number of times i am in a room, i ask how many of you want a balanced budget, every hand goes up but i dont think they know what that means in terps terms of cuts. Hopefully yall will come back on and we can can talk about it again, Happy New Year to you both. Happy new year, trey, thank you. Trey up next. How can we address crime, prevent crime, Make Society Safer for everyone . And improve the Justice System from project hood, pastor corey brooks and former Deputy Assistance Attorney General john yo tech when you have auto glass damage, trust safelite. This dad and daughter were driving when they got a crack in their windshield. [smash] dad its okay. Pull over. Tech he wouldnt take his car just anywhere. Pop rock music tech . So he brought it to safelite. We replaced the windshield and recalibrated their cars advanced safety system, so features like Automatic Emergency Braking will work properly. Tech alright, all finished. Dad wow, thats great. Thanks. Tech stay safe with safelite. Schedule now. Singers safelite repair, safelite replace. Trey welcome back to a Special Edition of sunday night in america. Crime impacts all of us either in reality or perception. Some people live in real danger, others live in fear of danger. Crime impacts the families of victims and perpetrators, somewhere today a young person is growing up without a partisan a parent at home because that parent is incarcerated or the victim of a violent crime. We know about arrests and prosecution and incarceration, how do we prevent crime . Reduce crime . Give people an option better, joining us. Parpastor brooks, thank you for joining us pastor. How do we reduce crime . We have to roll up our sleeps get involved in our communities, we cannot continue to wait for government to come in and safe us and fix the problems, we see that is not going to happen. We have to got involved, figure out programs and get people recruited from programs, and get them an opportunity to give them a different mind set to change their lives, hopefully change the trajectory of their families, that how is we reduce crime. Like were doing here in the city of chicago, the woodland area. Trey sounds like reducing crime may be connected to increasing hope. What is the best way for us to inject hope in a Young Persons life is there is a better path than what you are being offered from somewhere else. We have to let them know this jesus christ is the way we believe, they must have a god consciousness, and opportunities and options they thought were not afforded or avaluable to them, we let them know, just because you live in the hood, does not mean the hood has to be in you, there are options and opportunities, and things available to you to help you change, and a lot of times, when these young men, who have been having criminal backgrounds and living in a sorted past when they have the options and the opportunities and men, mentors come along side of them to help them stay accountable, They Oft Times Hit their goal and change their lives that is what its about. Trey pastor, i used to marvel at the i did valuing of life. Devaluing of life, whether. The defendant or victim or moms that are watching young people be buried or sent to prison. How can we communicate to people that think they will live forever the value of life. We have to let them know, first, they are created by god, and because they are created by god they have a purpose in their lives when people begin to understand that purpose and see themselves towing Somet Themselve doing something other than violence, they can start to value the lives of others, we teach people, you have to be neighborly and love your neighbor, you cant continue to go a eye for an eye and a tooth far tfor a tooth. That leaves us in a bad situation, we have to put in their minds how important it is to value the lives of other people, that starts with loving themselves, it i. We have to teach them the principle of love. Trey pastor, ill let you go with this, government takes lead when it comes to investigating and prosecuting crime, and running the prison system, we dont have to wait for government when it comes to prevents and reducing crime there is a role for all of us. Absolutely, we. We see a lot of urban areas in u. S. Are failing because they keep waiting on government to come in and solve their problems, those who continue to vote a certain way all of the time, obvious that the issues will never be resolved by those individuals, we must take responsibility, we must be accountable for our communities we must decide were taking our communities back and put the work involved in transforming it, making it a better place when we do that, we can start to transform the urban areas that have been impacted by violent last year. Trey pos pas pastor, God Bless You and your work, Happy New Year, we look forward to visiting with you again soon. Absolutely, thank you soy very much. Trey best job i had, one that made me proudest to go to work was being a prosecutor, politics never came up, i didnt know the politics of either person in the office decide me until i raran for office myself, why waste time to vagaries of politics what you can devote your energy to time lease trtimeless truth of justice, most of us want a based on fact. These are tough times for the women and men in Department Of Justice and others who work in the system, what can we do to get back to the facts and facts alone era of justice . Joining us now former Deputy Assistant Attorney General Professor Joh john yoo, thank you for joining us, Happy New Year. You are in charge of fbi, what would you do to prestore restore public nerves confidence if you agree it had opinion lessens. Happy new year, trey, that say tough job. The number one thing that distinguishes us from other countries, how Many Americans voluntarily follow most of the law, most of the time. We dont need a huge police force in our country. Try to guarantee that everyone is doing what the government said, we rely and give people, our constitutional system protects peoples right to freedom and liberty. We have lost faith in our Law Enforcement because we see partisan influences in Law Enforcement. The last 6 years weve seen fbi get involved with spreading things like russia hoax, targeting president trump. For extraordinary measures. I think one of most important thing to do is to get the fbi, out of the business of both doing counter intelligence, cashing spies then trying to catching spies and trying to enforce other federal laws on the books. Most other countries in world dont have their two. It creates problems. Trey for our viewers, that are not as familiar with the subject matter, the fbi both investigates National Security matters, Intelligence Matters and has a law enes kanter free Enforcement Or Criminal Component which sun is unusual. Okay, now you are head of the entire Department Of Justice, Attorney General for the country, what would you do to make sure your boss, the president knew, you work for lady justice and she alone rather than any other agenda, is that possible . Interesting there is a fundamental tension in the Law Enforcement system in our country. As opposed to say the states like South Carolina or california. States where we get the right to elect an Attorney General. For example. In our system, the constitution places the responsibility for Law Enforcement in the president and Attorney General is his or her aide in carrying out that job, never really possible at federal system to exclude political considerations, but what the president can to and Attorney General can do make themselves less partisan. That is different from having a political consideration. You dont want Attorney General to be close to either party. This is important thing, people in congress, the senators, must step up and place the far more suit he on the nominees for Attorney General, and the other positions that assist the Attorney General. To make sure they are less partisan, less connected to the political parties, the other thing, i would do is get the federal government out of enforcing so many lives, so intrusive. To our every day activities, let the states and cities and their Police Forces and prosecutors, take the primary job for Law And Order and have the Attorney General step back and only focus on a few things that truly threaten the country at a National Level. I think your Attorney Generals try to do too much rather than too little that pulls them into trouble. Trey Professor John yoo, Happy New Year. Happy new year to you, trey. Trey coming up we hear from you and what you want to see in the new year. Next on sunday night in america. My name is joshua florence, and one thing i learned being a firefighter is plan ahead. You dont know what youre getting into, but at the end of the day, you know you have a team behind you that can help you. Not having to worry about the future makes it possible to make the present as best as it can be for everybody. Why are 93 of sleep number sleepers satisfied with their bed . Maybe its because you can gently raise your partners head to help relieve snoring. So, you can both stay comfortable all night. The queen sleep number 360 c2 smart bed is only 899. Save 200. Ends monday thamerica. My resolution this year, Law And Order. I want my grand char grand charge t children to are safe. I want everyone to love on each other, and Everyone Needs to learn how to love some jesus. Trey my wish for the new year is more equity, respect, andism these f empathy. Trey welcome back to Special Editions of sunday night in america. So here we are. What is perhaps most under rated of all holidays, new years day, it can be a new start, a fresh beginning, time for reflection and change, to me, resolutions are promises we make to ourselves, there are 364 other days in the year when we can think about what other people need to change, this could be a day for us to change whatever we most desire for our family, community, state and nation. Sometimes it seems as if were awaiting on others to do whatever it is we think ought to be done, as if we go through the year wishing that mayor would do this formore or the governor would do that or counselor or president would do that, i get it. They are the ones that ran for office. Who said pick me. Sometimes we neil powerle feel powerless because we dont have title or staff or access to media. I get it, that feeling for us to be be the country we want to be, others need to do something about it. If you want to feel overwhelmed, do what i used to do, fly into a city named for Washington Airport Named for reagan, flyover monuments from lincoln, jefferson and king, and walk in buildings named for people we read about in history books, you could be in politics and still feel powerless, from a year i surveyed washington from a plane and felt that feeling of inadequacy or lacking power to change the country for a better,. But i figured out there were two sides to the plane on the lif left luminaries of yesteryear. And on the right the gently rolling hills, with white crosses. We would be lucky to name many people at all who were buried at Arlington National cemetery. If i were to ask you when built this country, and defended and protected this country, if irp to ask you where i were to ask you where real service and sacrifice lie, you would say it lies with those names we dont know, the average, ordinary americans who resolved resolved to do their part to make us better. We see so many people waiting on others to make the change they want to see, i am grateful for men and women on right side of the plane who did not wait on others it would be a good resolution for us all to not wait on others either. My regula resolution this year to be grateful for the gift of life. Mindful of people that have lost loved ones, and mindful of the fact that one day my own number will be called. We have this gift of life, the graveyard is full of people who would give anything to have that gift and that gift alone. Times may be tough, we may lose a job or suffer some it is appointment. Since we have life, we have a chance to rebound, a chance to make things right, a chance to write a different chapter, hopefully we can be grateful. If we can utter this or hear this, then we have the gift that surpasses all other gifts,y which is the gift of life. Thank you for spending part of your sunday with us, have a great start to the new year, you can find us online. Or on the trey gowdy podcast, Happy New Year. Ed if night from South Carolina i am congress. Any crucial Decision Point will he run for reelection . President biden will return this week from an Island Paradise to a bitterly divided capitol city. The white house already pushing back on threats of a blistering Oversight Hearings as republicans gear up to take the gavel in the house. It is Time Congress conducts real oversight because the Supreme Court says it will hear arguments on title 42, keeping the trumpet era policy in place for now amid

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