doo they. >> do they go with the basement approach leading toward the convention? >> yeah, and i totally agree with monica. them i think that, you know, they realize that this is a can' for themy and they they can't ignore it. they have to address it. the proble notm this is not an effective way of addressing it . and honestly, the only thing that they really can do, i think, is to protect him and keep him from engagingm engp you know, from talking to the press, keep him from engaging. d i think they're desperate to keep him from debating. ebi don't i don't believe it's e that he doesn't wind up his,ting and so at the very least, they're going to try to downpla know,eptiony his, yo, expectations as much as they can. >> s performo that when he does perform, they'll just they'll just plunge him with every cocktail of drugs known to manes to get him through just maybe one debate. and if he doesn't completely fall outulls, he pulls off cal