Month unconscious in his jail cell with bruises on his neck. He was reportedly placed on suicide watch after that incident, but it is unclear if any safeguards were in place today. Former prosecutor trey gowdy weighing in on cavuto earlier saying epsteins death closes the criminal case against him but not others. Well, the case against him is other, but to over, but to extent there are others who aided or abetted or had knowledge of these crimes and a duty to report, failed to do so, if there is sufficient factual predicate, they could still be charged. Arthel Jacqui Heinrich has more on this developing story. Reporter well, arthel, the fbi, as you said, is investigating, and thats important because theyll determine whether a crime was committed and whether there was foul play. Epstein was in a special housing unit which would indicate he was no longer on suicide watch because of the policies in the prisons Suicide Prevention program. What we dont know is when he was taken off suicide watch or even if he was in a cell by himself at this point. Epstein had been placed on suicide watch nearly three weeks ago now after he was found in his jail cell with marks on his neck. He reportedly hung himself. He was found unresponsive this morning around 6 30. Despite lifesaving efforts both at the prison and downtown hospital, epstein was pronounced dead. One of his attorneys, mark furnish, blasted the government, the judge and the media upon hearing of his clients suicide, telling fox news in part there seems to be plenty of blame to go around for this unthinkable tragedy; jailers who appear to have recklessly put mr. Epstein in harms way, needlessly putting his life at risk and failing to protect him, and needless crimes by the media. Now, attorney general william barr said that he is taking this investigation to highest level writing, quote with i was appalled to learn that Jeffrey Epstein was found dead early this morning from an apparent suicide while in federal custody. Mr. Epsteins death raises serious questions that must be answered. In addition to the fbis investigation, ive consulted with the Inspector General who is opening an investigation into the circumstances of mr. Epsteins death. The question now will become where was the oversight. In order to be removed from suicide watch, epstein would have had to have cleared a psych evaluation proving he is no longer a risk to himself, and the fact this somehow happened at mgc is, of course, very upsetting to those who were seeking justice. A lawyer representing some of those victims and accusers says they want all of epsteins assets to be frozen pending the civil cases. Arthel Jacqui Heinrich, thank you. Eric so what does this mean for the victims of his alleged crimes, and where does the astounding case against him go now and perhaps to others . Ted william, former d. C. Homicide detective, criminal defense attorney and fox news contributor, joins us now. Its shocking but really wasnt surprising. What do you make of it . Only 18 days ago he apparently tried to kill himself before. Something really went wrong. Yeah, absolutely right, something really went wrong, eric, and i ununequivocally there are going to be some heads rolling over this one. What we know is on july the 26th epstein was alleged to have had tried to kill himself. And he was put on suicide watch. And we dont know when he was taken off of suicide watch, but we know that it would have had to have been with the assistance and the chief medical psychiatrist would have had to have given the okay for that to happen. And then he was put back in a special prevention unit, and that is certainly also questionable for a man who was supposed to have alleged to have tried to commit suicide only three weeks ago. Why was he back in that prevention unit. Eric yeah, i talked to a former top Law Enforcement official from new york this morning, this person said just astound thing that epstein apparently was taken out of suicide watch and into a special housing unit. As you said, less than three weeks since he tried to kill himself. You know what people are saying, some believe he was murdered, theres a conspiracy, and this was not suicide. What do you think the chances are of that . Well, i think that youre going to probably find, unfortunately, that he did, in fact, hang himself. But the bureau of prison, this is the federal bureau of prisons, they need to get out in front of this one right away. Because as you just said, there are a lot of conspiracy theories out there who are making certain representations about what happened to this man, epstein, in light of the fact that he had a lot of information on a lot of powerful people in this country. And so the bureau of prisons, as i said, needs to get out in front of this one. Eric hes been tied to prince andrew, i saw him walking down the street on madison avenue with famous people, former president clinton and others. Just yesterday there was that document in one case against a friend and is accused of being involved in all of this too and has denied this. I mean, look, could it be that he had a lot of knowledge about a lot of people, and either he did himself in because he didnt want to have to get that out and he didnt want to face the rest of his time in prison and end this luxurious are lifestyle, or there could be something more nefarious going on here. It could be more nefarious, but also the sad commentary on what we are now left with is to guess. And under the circumstances here, Jeffrey Epstein has now taken everything that he had in his head concerning these very powerful people to the grave. But i would say to these powerful people, youre really not off the hook. Because it may now have field a lot of the witnesses who would not have come forward because they may have been intimidated by epstein or now that hes dead, these people may very welcome out of the the woodwork and talk about a lot of the, these powerful people and them taking these young girls to bed. Eric so you think even more names will come out and therell be more accusations because of his death . It very well could happen that way, eric. Because a lot of people have been afraid, a lot of people signed certain kind of agreements where they would never speak about what took place between powerful people and epstein. And i think that now that may now open the door for these individuals to come out. Eric and finally, can anything else come out, paperwork and this sort of thing . Weve heard reports that he was running an alleged blackmail operation, trying to blackmail, perhaps, some of these powerful people and maybe brought them down to st. James island in the caribbean for, perhaps, sexual favors . Do you think theres proof, evidence that he was running this type of ring with others, and that could all come out with his death . I think that could. I think that the federal prosecutors prosecuting epstein know a lot more than theyve let the public know. And it is alleged that epstein was at one stage or another ready to cooperate. And so that also now purely conspiracy theories that perhaps he was murdered while in custody. Theres a lot to come in this, eric. Eric yeah, certainly is, thats an understatement. Ted williams, always good to see you, thank you for your insight. My pleasure. Eric of course. Arthel . Arthel also major news overseas. North korea test firing two shortrange missiles into the sea of japan. President trump not closing the door on can diplomacy, saying in a tweet he looks forward to seeing kim jong un, quote, in the not too distant future. Gillian turner has more from washington. Reporter President Trumps got the north korean dictator on his mind this weekend. In particular he says hes impressed by his penmanship. The first part of his tweet this morning reads in a letter to me by kim jong un he stated hed like to meet and start negotiations as soon as the joint u. S. south korea exercises are over. It was a long letter, much of it complaining about the ridiculous and expensive exercises. The president says he agrees despite the fact that his own military advisers believe the exercises are a crucial element of the bilateral relationship. As you know, ive never liked it either. Ive never liked it. You know why . I dont like paying for it. We should be reimbursed for it, and ive told that to south korea. But i dont like it either. Reporter the second part of the tweet just a few hours ago addressed north koreas launch last night of two more missiles into the sea of japan. He writes it was also a small apology for testing the shortrange missile and that this testing would stop when the exercises end. I look forward to seeing kim jong un in the not too distant future. A nuclearfree north korea will lead to one of the most successful countries in the world. Now, the pentagon confirmed to fox news last night this was the fifth time kims regime launched missile tests in two weeks, but the president s not letting that stop him from pursuing another face to face. I think well have another meeting. He really wrote a beautiful threepage, from top to bottom, a really beautiful letter. Reporter the idea of yet another meeting between trump and kim is something the secretary of states talked about several times in recent weeks. Pompeos also backed up President Trumps claim that the firing of the shortrange missiles doesnt violate the agreement the has with north korea in hanoi earlier this year. Arthel . Arthel all right, gillian turner, thank you. So so is kim jong un sending the u. S. Mixed messages . A little later in the show retired fourstar general jack keane will join us with his analysis on that and the stakes involved. Eric well, President Trump firing back at critics of his longtime new york friend and fellow Real Estate Developer billionaire stephen ross. That after ross, whos the owner of the Miami Dolphins and two fancy fitness centers, equinox and soul cycle, he hosted a fundraiser for the president at his home yesterday in the hamptons on long island. As a result, ross is facing growing calls for boycotts of his businesses in the hatchtons and manhattan hamptons and manhattan. Rich edson, the president is spending his working vacation at bed with minister. Hi, rich. Bedminster. Reporter good afternoon, eric. The president on his first full day of this weekandahalflong trip in new jersey, he went to a couple of fundraisers, one of them hosted by steven ross, as you mentioned. The billionaire developer, but also his companies own equinox, soul cycle. The president says despite these boycott threats and the attention hes been getting from it, actually, this helps ross in the long run. The controversy makes steve ross hotter. Hell figure that out in about a week. But hes very happy. Hes got a very successful a lot of people are going. We have two fundraisers. One is steve, one is another gentleman, and i guess theyre going to raise 131 or 12 billion Million Dollars 11. If. Reporter the president says the rnc says the president hit the top of that range in 12 million. Chairwoman ron Ronna Mcdaniel wrote, quote the president raised 12 million today, 2 million more than originally expected. Support is unprecedented and growing. The president is scheduled to have some campaign, at least a campaign element toward the end of next week, scheduled to be up in New Hampshire for a rally. Back to you, eric. Arthel President Trump voicing support for strengthening background checks after two Mass Shootings last weekend left at least 31 people dead. Right now im working with the democrats on or background checks. That thats a big thing. Hopefully, we can do something. Arthel so what are some of the potential proposals both president and lawmakers are weighing, and how likely is it that that the country could see bipartisan gun reform . Thats up next. You wouldnt accept an incomplete job from any one else. Why accept it from your allergy pills . Flonase relieves your worst symptoms including nasal congestion, which most pills dont. Flonase helps block 6 key inflammatory substances. Most pills only block one. Flonase. I can taste my beer i can taste my beer. I can taste his beer. I can taste your beer. 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Easy. Awesome. So come ask, shop, discover at your xfinity store today. Eric well, despite pressure from democratic lawmakers, it looks Like Congress will not be returning from august recess early to pass gun control legislation. That, of course, following those tragic back to back Mass Shootings in el paso, texas, and dayton, ohio. But Senate Majority leader Mitch Mcconnell, he is saying the issue, though, will be front and center when lawmakers return to capitol hill next month. Mark meredith is live in washington with what we can expect. Reporter President Trump says hes spoken with both democratic and republican lawmakers as well as the nra and that he believes following last weekends two Mass Shootings, like you mentioned, nows the time to discuss expanding background checks for gun purchases. I think we could get something really good done. I think we could have some really meaningful background checks. We dont want people that are mentally ill, people that are the sick, we dont want them having guns. Reporter the president said he was open to new gun control laws after the shooting in parkland, florida, back in 2018. However, the white house later pulled back from that effort. One 2020 democratic president ial hopeful said today the president is not serious about addressing the issue of gun violence. He has no empathy for the suffering and concern that families are facing, because if he did, hed stand up to nra, hed ban assault rifles, ban large magazines, pass universal background checks and demand Mitch Mcconnell go back into congress to get that done. Reporter Senate Majority leader Mitch Mcconnell says he has no plans to Call Congress back to work, but he does plan to allow a debate to go forward next month. Hes asked Key Committee chairmen to discuss what a bipartisan gun control bill would look like. Hes rejected it in the past. The National Rifle association has come out against these latest proposals though being pushed by lawmakers. This is the statement, quote the proposals being discussed by many would not have prevented the horrific charges in el paso and dayton. Worse, they would make millions of lawabiding americans less able to defend themselves and if their loved ones. President trump says the nras views on gun rights will be fully represented and respected as this debate plays out here in d. C. , and eric, really all across the country. Eric mark, thanks so much. Arthel for more, were going to bring in steven nelson, White House Reporter for the washington examiner. Steven, you know, at this point does the buck stop with President Trump on gun control . It does, and, of course, President Trumps support for gun control legislation is what could really help it to pass. The last time we saw a big push for expanded background check legislation was after the sandy can hook shooting, and in 2013 just four republican senators backed the efforts. President trump conceivably could bring more onboard and perhaps make this pass. That possibility, of course, is worrying some gun rights advocates, and, of course, the battle lays ahead. Ing but President Trump, the thinking is certainly that he could pull this over the line and actually get it done if there is a serious effort to do so. Arthel and if you dont think, steven, that its necessary to interrupt the august break, do you think the president should tell senator, Senate Majority leader mcconnell to put gun control at the very least the background checks to a vote immediately upon return in september . Well, it does seem that theres a narrow window of opportunity here. The news cycle changes very quickly in the trump era, and as soon as the focus shifts to another issue, this may well be back burperred. After the park burner. After the parkland shooting President Trump was talking about, quote, how he wanted to take the guns first, due process later. He floated the age to buy rifles. Ultimately, a committee was formed and almost a year later nothing passed arthel are you saying they should be called back from break . Well, i mean, that certainly is an option, i suppose. This could happen a little bit later. Senator manchin said that President Trump told him he wanted legislation by september. You know, perhaps thisll still be a hot button enough issue by that point arthel i mean, it will. Listen, i think americans are really disturbed, and theyre tired. I dont think theyre going to let this die in some political backroom, if you will. Talk for me, steven, right now about the house bill that was a passed and sits on the president s desk. Well, im not sure that the bull sits on the president s desk right now. There may be something youre thinking about that im not its not triggering for me. But, certainly, President Trump can call on the senate to act, if he call on mcconnell to allow a vote, that could be very influential. We can look back to criminal Justice Reform in september. Mitch mcconnell looked ready to allow that effort to die. President trump called on mcconnell publicly to allow a vote, and him doing so resulted in the bill passing. President trump has a lot of influence here, and he could really cause mcconnell and senators to do something on this. Arthel speaking of influence, the nra is in the red. Ceo Wayne Lapierre himself is reportedly under fire for misusing nra funds. Do those circumstances, steven, lessen the grip that the nra has on the president and how strongly hes willing to strengthen background checks . Right. A lot of people see this as almost the perfect storm for new gun control legislation with the nras leadership really weakened by scandals. Of course, the nra has about five million members. Its a pretty large, influential group, but there are other gun rights organizations. Theres gun owners of america which has about two million members. Theyre very focused on this as well. Very opposed to this as well. Its not going to be a simple fight in the senate. Arthel there are actions and there are words. Should President Trump address americans clearly and loudly denouncing racism and White Supremacy . In President Trumps mind, he has done this. Of course, in other peoples minds he hasnt done enough, and, you know, critics say that he has enabled these kind of views. I think that were going to continue to see trump say that, you know, he condemns this sort of extremism, but, of course, his critics will point to his very harsh rhetoric on illegal immigration and other matters and, you know, argue that potentially he has not gone arthel i dont want to confuse the immigration issue with what i asked you, and so part two of the question is should do you think the president should or will clearly denounce racism and White Supremacy or white nationalists on twitter as well . You know, i think that would, you know, probably be smart for him to do. I think that President Trump is very defensive about this kind of criticism though. He feels that he has condemned this and that he is being unfairly attacked. You know, perhaps were seeing more of it and perhaps more clarity from him going forward. Arthel all right, steven, well keep an eye on it. Steven nelson, thank you. Thank you. Eric and breaking now from hollywood, the controversial film the hunt reportedly canceled. Critics say it glamourized the killing of Trump Supporters called deplorables in the film by wealthy elites. Universal studios says the film will not now be released. Well have the latest in a moment. Meanwhile, north korea conducting its fifth missile test in just over two weeks. This as President Trump hints at a third possible summit with kim jong un. What this all could mean. Jen jack keane standing by general jack keane standing by to discuss it next, as you can see, here on the fox news channel. Do you have concerns about mild memory loss related to aging . Prevagen is the number one pharmacistrecommended memory support brand. You can find it in the vitamin aisle in stores everywhere. Prevagen. Healthier brain. Better life. At vand look great. Guarantee youll see great guarantee. We uh. We say that too. You gotta use these because we dont mean it. 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Lets bring in jack keane, retired fourstar general and chairman for the chairman of the study of war. Good to see you, general keane. If kim jong un is not technically in violation, should we be okay with him testing his conventional capability with those shortrange missiles . No, i dont think we should be. Hes in violation of u. N. Resolution, and i do think the president should call him out on it. I know the president and kim had an agreement about no Nuclear Testing and no longrange Ballistic Missile testing. Nuclear testing in terms of weapons themselves. So that was the agreement they had as a result of the first summit. So this is not in violation of their agreement, but it is in violation of the u. N. Resolution are. And heres the other problem it has, i mean, kim jong un knows what hes doing here. He wants to put pressure on south korea who has a much softer position towards north korea than the United States and japan has, to be sure. And so all of these missiles can range most of south korea. So that is one of his objectives. His other objective, arthel, is in preparation for negotiations, which are going to take place. And i think he indicated as much to the president in his threepage letter. But hes leveraging himself for those meetings, because when he walked out of the hanoi summit, he walked out in terms of their objectives, emptyhanded. They wanted sanction relief, and hes been repositioning himself ever since the end of that summit. And this is a step in that direction. Also he does object to the military exercises. Arthel okay. Well get to that in a second. Let me go here first. Should, as you mentioned south korea, south korea and japan, should they Work Together without the u. S. To devise their own backup plan, if you will, on how to deal with the threat of north korea . Well, south korea, that would be almost impossible, because were joined at the hip. Arthel yeah. And thats what these military exercises were about, the practice on a much lower scale than what weve done in the past because we canceled the big exercises. One of the things is how do we turn over command to the south koreans and were in support of their efforts. Japan and south korea have a lot of issues between the two countries. We dont have time here to go into the details of all that, but japan and south korea are clearly under the military umbrella of the United States. Arthel so they have to, i mean, theyre our allies, and theyre depending on the u. S. Here in terms of defense from north korea. Lets pull up the tweet now from the president. 4 55 a. M. This morning, the president tweeted in a letter to me sent by kim jong un, he stated very nicely e that he would like to meet and start negotiations as soon as the joint u. S. south korean joint exercises are over. It was a long letter, much of it complaining about the ridiculous and expensive exercises. It was also a small apology for testing the shortrange missiles and that this testing would stop when the exercises end. I look forward to seeing kim jong un in the not too distant future. A nuclearfree north korea will lead to one of the most successful countries in the world. General keane, first of all, were those joint military exercises, quote, ridiculous . And was the president doing the right thing by extending yet another highly politicized summit with kim jong un in and the next one, as he said, in the not foo distant future, most too distant future, most likely going to happen in washington d. C. That would be interesting. As for the exercises themselves, i do think theyre valuable. We gave up on the major exercises, and this exercise, ive participated myself in this type of exercise as a twostar general. Most of it is computerbased tabletop exercises to determine all the big issues in a war fight with north korea. What we have to remember so our viewers understand this, north korea has a significant conventional capability. And this is a country that clearly can rain down on seoul, korea, with thousands of artillery shells and conduct a very serious invasion of south korea. In fairness to our troops there, to the south korean people, to our own families that are there, it is right that we practice at some level a war with south with north korea. So i think its responsible, what were doing. I do agree canceling some of those other exercises was in our interest as well to help bring north korea to the table. Arthel i uhhuh. But overall, some of them are definitely necessary. General keane are the letters, quote, the beautiful letters, are they just a way for kim jong un to placate President Trump . You know, a slight of hand in the form of a love letter . Well, somebody i know whos read most of the letters except for the most recent one indicated how warm and affectionate they are, and its almost like a father son relationship. And, obviously, yes, i would agree with you that, clearly, kim jong un is using a letter as a way of establishing a personal relationship and then using that relationship to his advantage. But clearly, the president has been here many times before he ever became president in deal making. So i think he sees right through all of that, but he does recognize that there is a relationship where the two of them can talk. And he puts a lot of weight on personal diplomacy, much more so than previous president s. And well see as a result of that, you know, how effective that perm diplomacy will be personal diplomacy will be in the final analysis. Arthel absolutely. Listen, we hope the president s personal charm can be effective with kim jong un and get him to eventually and ultimately denuclearizement i want to switch to a natural gas pipeline directly from russia to germany through the baltic sea. The u. S. Ambassador to germany says germany and europe are making themselves dependent on russia. If you would, general keane, expound for us the potential danger from a military perspective on this. Yeah. Russia and china both, and in this case russia, use energy as a means to create geopolitical influence over countries by creating economic and energy dependence. That is what this really is. The goal is their geopolitical influence on western and eastern europe. Thats what theyre trying to achieve. China does the same thing in other parts of the world. The United States in the past under the Obama Administration took no issue with it, arthel. This administration has seep it for what it really is. As have the congress of the United States, the senate and do do and the house want to impose sanctions on companies that are assisting. And interestingly enough, the European Union parliament disagrees with northstream ii. Arthel yeah. So, yes, this is russia gaining influence in europe at a time when russia is at its most aggressive and most nakedly ambitious that they have been in decades. And this should not be tolerated. Arthel and if i could, give me 20 seconds on this because im running out of time, but ambassador get knell also saying the u. S. Should pull the 34,000 u. S. Troops out of germany since germany has not increased their dues, if you will, to nato defense spending. Meanwhile, all politics aside, of course, considering National Security and military logistics and strategy, should the president transfer those troops from germany to poland . I agree with positioning more troops in eastern europe, and poland is the centerpiece for that strategy. I dont agree that we just summarily lift up and move out of germany with all the infrastructure that we have of and the cost to the american taxpayer and the Defense Budget would be significant. I believe were on the right path of pushing back on germany. Clearly, germany doesnt ante up either in terms of defense spending. Theres going to be a new leader in germany and, hopefully, well have more influence with that leader than weve had with angela merkel. Arthel thats probably what President Trump is anticipating. General keane, thank you very much. Good talking with you, arthel. Arthel likewise. Eric the movie the hunt has been killed. That controversial film will not be released by universal in the wake of last weekends two Mass Shootings. Universal studios confirming that decision. The movie happened to be based on a satire where elites human victims, in the film theyre called deplorables, doing that for sport. President trump accused it of intending to enflame and cause chaos, and he put the blame directly on hollywood. Jonathan hunt live in los angeles with more on these latest developments. Hi, jonathan. Reporter eric, in the wake of the Mass Shootings in el paso and dayton, universal has found itself under pressure all week over the movie, and now it has bowed to that pressure, releasing a statement on its web site that reads, quote while Universal Pictures had already paused the Marketing Campaign for the hunt, after thoughtful consideration the studio has decided to cancel our plans to release the film. We stand by our filmmakers and will continue to distribute films in partnership with bold and visionary creators like those associated with this satirical social thriller. But we understand that now is not the right time to release this film. Now, the Hollywood Reporter had previously said the original title of the hunt was red state versus blue state and that early in the script one of the characters says, quote, Nothing Better than going after the manna and slaughtering a dozen deplorables. That, of course, is the same word Hillary Clinton famously used to describe donald Trump Supporters during the 2016 president ial election campaign. We have not seen the movie, nor read the screenplay, so we cant independently confirm that line about deplorables is in the movie. What we have seen is one of the trailers released by universal in which two characters talk about the right of wealthy 1 ers to hunt the less well off. We pay for everything. The country belongs to us. Hunting human beings for sport. Theyre not human beings. Reporter just yesterday President Trump, without specifically naming the movie, had lashed out at hollywood. You talk about racist, hollywood is racist. What theyre doing with the kind of movies theyre putting out, its actually very dangerous for our country. What hollywood is doing is a tremendous the disservice to our country. Reporter it should be pointed out, eric, that as far as were aware, no one has suggested the movie had anything racist material in it. But clearly, it did have overtly violent political overtones, and in pulling the movie, universal is acknowledging the view of many that this was an illconceived idea in a time of such Political Polarization across our country. Eric . Eric all right, jonathan, thank you. Arthel . Arthel senator Kamala Harris landing a major endorsement from an iowa political power couple as the candidates make their pitch to voters in the early caucus state the where the iowa state fair is a mustdo when youre there, and we are live from the Hawkeye State next. There are people in this race who have had National Profiles for many years. 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Well, in, weve announced that congress and the president have certain authority, and among them is the authority to be concerned about commerce, for example. In any event, weve done the legal research. Im sure therell be challenges, but its strong. Reporter senator Elizabeth Warren also rolling out her own gun control plans today that would include executive action as well. Shes also pledging that her plan would reduce gun deaths by 80 . He bowed to the nra. As long as the nra is calling the shots, theres not going to be meaningful change in this country. Reporter former Vice President joe biden does not see the nra as big of a problem as warren does and says people prone to gun violence need other options. Yeah, man, id like a gun, i can do that. Get them, give them an alternative to get out of harms way. The nras not the real problem, the gun manufacturers are. Reporter we are still waiting for senator Elizabeth Warren, Kirsten Gillibrand and cory booker to make their appearance here at the fair today. Eric another note, have you had a fried oreo or fried twinkie . Is the butter i cow there . And we were told that the hot beef sundae do we know what that is . Reporter its just a lot of meat piled on top of each other, and i have seen the butter cow, and it is beautiful. I have not had a fried oreo, but i have had pork on a stick which is really the famous thing to get here. They sell 90,000 of those throughout the state fair every year. Eric pork on a stick. All right. Try some of that fried stuff, its really great. Man. Arthel anything fried is delicious. [laughter] all right. The Border Patrol seeing some improvement at the southern border with apprehensions down for a second straight month, but the department of Homeland Security says the situation there still remains at crisis levels. Well take up this story up next. If people come into our country illegally, theyre going out. Theyre not coming in illegally and staying. We have bad laws. Eric well, we are told there are new developments on the border. Officials say theres been a drop in apprehensions for a second straight month. Nearly 72,000 migrants in july compared to about 82,000 who were arrested in june. The department of Homeland Security is warning there still is an ongoing crisis at the border. Tom to 40man joins us now tom homan joins us now. Based on the fact that the numbers seem to be going down, do you think the president s policies are working . Oh, absolutely. Some of these numbers go down for seasonality. During the hot summer months, the numbers decline some, but just to decline 20 the last month if, 40 in the last couple months, its 100 because of President Trumps decisions on the border, his agreement with mexico, his agreement with guatemala, his decision to put up more assets,dhs and dod on the border, the president s making all the right moves. Eric theres been a 26 decline in guatemala. Explain why thats so significant. Can that also be placed in el salvador, do you think, and honduras . I think guatemalas the place to have it because people from el salvador and honduras would have to claim asylum in guatemala. People in guatemala would have to claim asylum in mexico, so theyre both important parts of the process. The conversation with mexico is still ongoing. The guatemala piece is huge because folks from el salvador and honduras would have to claim asylum in guatemala, the first country they come to. If theyre really fleeing and escaping persecution from their home government, theyve escaped that when they get to another cup. Eric are you satisfied with what the officials are doing . I always hesitate. Im optimistic, but it has to be a sustained operation. Cant be a 30day or 60day thing. It has to be sustained. It has to be ongoing for a long time to really have an impact. And i really think its not going to be a big program for very long because once folks realize they cant get to United States because this is about getting to the United States, right . 90 percent of these people never get relief from the u. S. Government because they dont qualify for asylum are. This is about getting to the United States, and once you realize that avenues been cut off to a lot of them, youre going to see the numbers go down drastically. Eric so what do you predict in the long run . Theres a syracuse study that said upwards of 70 of Asylum Seekers from those three countries, theyre turned down, turned away. The asylum court judge basically saying theyre fleeing poverty. As sad as that is, it is not a reason to seek asylum. Well, look, right. I mean, i cant blame anybody that wants to come to the greatest country on earth, thats us, the United States. I understand it. But that doesnt qualify them for asylum. I think as the numbers continue to go down, Congress Still needs to act. Its still a crisis down there. 70,000 a month, theres still over 80,000 a year. 800,000 a year. Congress needs to step up and do their job. And i think we need to help these Central American countries with some prosperity, help some Companies Move down there and create some opportunities for those folks down there so they dont have to leaf their homeland leave their homeland. They can find a job and support their families in their homeland. Eric do you see some type of potential Marshall Plan that the president is establish and integrate that with the immigration situation . Yes. I think the administrations working on that. Before i retired, we were down there in miami, met the three countries, and we talked about security and prosperity. We met with a lot of big businesses and banks about creating opportunities in central america. That works still going on, so i think thats part of the longterm plan, and i think this president has proved hell be successful. Hes not going to fail on this border, and hes proven himself. I think youre going to see a lot of action next year. I think youre going to see a big change down there. Eric finally, quickly, what do you predict . These numbers will continue to go down or, as you say, summer will be ending . If mexico continues doing what its doing, guatemala steps up on this program, we can get a third country agreement with mexico thats implemented, the numbers continue to go down. However, were not going to get to the level we need them out without the work of congress. Theres no downside to lessen illegal immigration, on criminal organizations that smuggle people into the United States, no downside on less Sexual Assault to females, less children dying. Congress needs to step up and do their job, then youll see the big difference on the border. Eric tom homan, former director of i. C. E. , thank you for your service to our country. Thank you, sir. Appreciate you. Arthel thank you for joining us. Well be back at four eastern with more news, hope you can join us. Eric and the journal editorial report is next, so after that, you can watch us. Moving into our new apartment. Why dont we just ask geico for help with renters insurance . I didnt know geico helps with renters insurance. Yeah, and we could save a bunch too. Antonio fetch computer antonio . Ill get it. Get to know geico and see how much you could save on renters insurance. 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Welcome to journal editorial report. I am david asman in this week for paul gigot. That, obvious, was President Trump responding to last weekends pair of Mass Shootings that left more than 30 people dead in el paso, texas, and dayton, ohio. Those shootings spurring calls for gun control legislation and expanded background

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