Reporting. Bill you will hear a lot about it in prime type. When you look at the scope of world events, when you think about nice, france and or land coand dallas and baton rouge, and San Bernardino. It fits under the same umbrella. There are a lot of thing that are a mess. The candidate who addresses security for people at home and around the world will get a leg up in this election. Martha threads of the fabric that hold everything together are strained. We have three officers who were killed. Another three who were wounded. Yesterdays round of breaking news was another huge a swath of anguish we feltth this country. The shootings in louisiana. In cleveland thousands of delegates are gathering for the big convention. Onroberts is live at trump tower in new york city as donald trump prepares for day one of his convention. Will car is on the ground in baton ruining. Lets start with john robert, our Senior National correspondent, the man of the moment. Today is the day. He says his Real Campaign will begin in cleveland. What is he up to today. Reporter donald trump is upstairs huddling with his staff. The campaign rollout. Melanias speech is also tonight. The theme tonight is make america safe again. Immigration reform and securing our borders. Donald trump yesterday in the wake of the shooting and president Obama Holding a press conference tweeted out his displeasure with the way the president had been handling it saying president obama just called a press conference but he doesnt have a clue. America is a divided crime scene and it will only get worse. Suggesting on fox and friends, the fact they dont agree on everything is not necessarily a bad thing. I think we are different people, mike pence and i are very different, and thats part of the reason it works. By the way, he was my first choice. Reporter what trump is referring to is reports that in the 11th hour he had Second Thoughts by the. He may have had Second Thoughts about picking pence, but he was chagrined that the word was beginning to leak out. Martha thats one of those bookstoreys that one of those back stories that those of us who watch this are interested in. They were sitting together on 60 minutes. But your sense from your reporting that pence will be a real voice in this team . Reporter there is no way to tell how this is ultimately going to turn out. But at least the word is in the early going that yes he will have a say. Donald Trumps Campaign said donald trump did not want to pick a yes man. Mike pence said he plans to walk through that door and talk to donald if they disagree on something. I promise you when the circumstances arise where i have a difference on policy, or on presentation, i have i can tell you in my heart, i would have no hesitation were i privileged to be Vice President , to walk into the president s office, to open the door and share my heart. Reporter we learned a couple minutes ago that donald trump not only will be there tonight to watch melanias speech, but he will introduce her on stage to the Republican National convention. Bill i want to bring you byron york now. Byron, good morning to you. You wrote a piece. Law and order becomes a major theme for the gop convention. When you hear, make america safe again, what does that mean given the context of events here at home and overseas. Donald trumps overarching theme has always been make America Great again. But after the attacks in paris he said make america safe again. He meant from isis and terrorist attacks. But now after dallas and baton rouge, there is a more Domestic Crime angle to what trump is saying. Tonight what you will see at the convention is a mixture of National Security safety and safety at home, especially a real pro police message. Bill Paul Manafort talks about how this theme is evolving given the events of the day. When we were putting the program together we were talking about it from a National Security standpoint, but we also thought the lawlessness in the cities was something we needed to focus on. Well adjust that in the program and its even more appropriate tomorrow. Bill you will hear that tonight. What can donald trump say or suggest that draws voters to him when he says i am the law and order candidate. One person in the trump circle said basically law and order is more of an approach than anything else. Hes telling voters he will be tougher on crime, especially antipolice crime than Hillary Clinton will be. Then there is the question of what you can do specifically. I spoke to Newt Gingrich and he suggested trump could talk about using all the powers of the f. B. I. To investigate police attacks. He could talk about having a no zero tolerance policy for violent protests around this convention. He could send actual messages that rather than just saying he will be tough on crime, that he actually will be. Bill martha, whats next. Martha we are learning more about the gunman on this second ambushstyle attack on Law Enforcement in two weeks. Three officers were shot dead near the Police Station in baton rouge and three other officers were wounded. Reporter while the investigation continues, one Police Officer is still in Critical Condition here at the hospital in baton rouge. At the same time we are learning more about the three officers shot and killed yesterday. 41yearold matthew gerald, 45yearold brad garafa lo and montel jackson. He had an emotional post on his facebook page. A black officers perspective on the dallas shootings. All three officers were married and all three had families. I think what happened this morning is unfathomable. I was in the hospital with the governor, with our police chief, with our shaffer. Just the raw emotions from the family that were there was unbelievable. To tell a family identifying their family, listen to that he. The individual i saw yesterday, i watched the emotions and its very, very difficult. Reporter we are learning more about the suspect. He was wearing body armor. He ambushed the officers with a rifle. He was in the area tore six days hunting location where officers may have gathered. While it appears Law Enforcement tells us he was the only gunman at this point, they also tell us they are not ready to say he was the only one who acted alone. Martha thank you very much. Bill as will was just talking about there, one of the victims of the Baton Rouge Police shooting leaving behind chilling woods of the challenges he faces. His name is montrel jackson. After five officers in today thanks were shot dead this is officer jacksons full post from a few of days ago. He writes, im tired physically and emotional. Disappointed in fs and officers for reckless comments. Martha he goes on to say, i swear to god, i love this city, but i wonder if this city loves me. In uniform i get nasty, hateful looks. Out of uniform people consider me a threat. I experienced so inch my short life and these last three days have tested me to the core. Look at my actions. They speak loud and clear. Bill wow, hes a great man, and now hes gone. Now we have to figure out how we make sure it doesnt happen again. The president was out yesterday afternoon and there is a lot of discussions about his comments and how we as americans absorb this and try to figure out how to make it better. Martha he was a man on both sides of the equation. When i have my uniform on people see me as a threat. When i dont have my uniform on, i get nasty looks. He summed up the arguments and discussions we have had so many times. This man was snuffed out, his life taken with a 3monthold bieby at home. Bill well get to more on baton rouge later. Martha the republican tickets first joint interview turned into sort of a monologue. I was one of the few that was right on iraq. Martha mike pence struggling to get a word in edgewise. Bill lots of talk about security in cleveland. Donald trump says hes the man to make things safe again in america and the world. More out of cleveland as our coverage rolls on. Its day one at the rnc. We are the law and order candidates and the law and order party. We are going to change things around. There will be respect again for law and order. Everything youre pretty good at now, you were once. Pretty bad at. Its the same for credit. Because credit isnt just a score. Its a skill. Go to experian. Com and start Getting Better at credit today. Its so important everyone, regardless of race or Political Party or profession, regardless of what organizations you are a part of, everyone right now focus on words and actions that can unite this country rather than divide it further. Bill that from yesterday afternoon, president obama calling for unity after the deadly backtoback attacks in dallas and baton rouge. Donald trump took to twitter and said how many Law Enforcement and people have to die because of a lack of leadership in our country in we demand law and order. Governor Mike Huckabee is with me. I just came in from nice, france, where people were mowed down by a refrigerated truck. They had no chance. At the same time you have American Families turning on their tv. Whether its orlando, San Bernardino before that, dallas before that or now baton rouge. Who in this world is speaking to the levels of fear and anxiety and anger that so many hundreds of millions of people are feeling today . I think donald trump is the closest to getting to the heart of people. Hes expressing the rage, the frustration, the absolute justified anger that people have right now. Because one thing you want to do is protect your family. There were americans on vacation in nice. Two of them arent coming home. People dont want to think every day of their lives they have to think of themselves as soldiers in a war rather than citizens in a free country. When we can talk again about what its like to live in freedom where where we respect law and order and respect the cops that enforce it. There has got to be a sense of responsibility. If we cant get there, the civilization that we love and appreciate and enjoy, it collapses. Bill when we were preparing for our show today we had our computers on and another killing crossed the wires. It was in kazakhstan. One of our producers said please no, not again today. It especially hits families. There is a protection instinct that every parent has. So when you see just kids killed for no reason, indiscriminate murder, shooting at people. I think that thats what gives people anxiety. Then you ask this question, how can i protect them . What can i do . If somebody is willing to say well identify the enemy, we wont be reticent calling out the enemy. That gives people the greater sense of confidence that well take it to them. Bill one of the more disturbing thing about nice, france. Idyllic scenery. Independence day. 24 hours after that atab they had the road reopened. You see it in israel. They come out and literally hose down the sidewalk and life goes on. That cannot be an acceptable form of life, period. In the case of the israelis. They have said you are not going to make us coul cower. We are going to say if this restaurant was the scene of a shooting at noon, it will be open for dinner tonight. Like it was a few weeks ago in tel aviv. And i was there just after the happened. Israelis are saying well destroy anyone who tries to destroy our sense of peace and safety. But we wont let it change the way we live so we live in absolute fear. Bill thank you very much. Mike huckabee here. Martha no republican has ever won the white house without winning the state of ohio. Does donald trump have a shot at ohio . Thats next as our coverage from cleveland continues. You do all this research on a perfect car, then smash it into a tree. Your Insurance Company raises your rates. Maybe you shouldve done more research on them. For drivers with accident forgiveness, Liberty Mutual wont raise your rates due to your first accident. Just one of the many features that comes standard with our base policy. Call for a free quote today. Liberty stands with you™. Liberty mutual insurance. Now its war, they band i want them dead lves. The fleas and ticks . Their whole gang. We can do that. Only bravecto kills fleas ticks for up to 12 weeks with one tasty chew. 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The candidate who can speak to that has an opportunity to take ohio. Martha unemployment was 5. 1 in the month of may which is higher than the national average. The unemployment dont always express people who stopped looking for work and cant find it. The real Unemployment Rate in Northern Ohio could be close to double that. Martha people two out of five living below the poverty line. There was a piece in the post that said your sister who has been a longtime supporter of you and president obama, you talked about how she has a picture of her with president obama in her home. She is going to vote for donald trump. What do you think about that . I talked to carrie and heard her concerns, then they mirror the concerns of a lot of americans. People are concerned about security. You have hundreds of millions of americans who are concerned about safety and security it has to be addressed not just with rhetoric and tough talk. But how are you going to make sure people are secure. So terry has a mind of her own and i never tried to politicize members of my family. But what she had to say reflects what a lot of people are thinking. Martha i want to bring up a quote from a Police Officer whose life was torn down yesterday in baton rouge. He said some poignant things in a facebook post. He said im tired and torn down physically and emotionally. I get hateful looks in and out of uniform and some people consider me a threat. Are we doing young black men a disservice to give them the mess and that Police Officers are the biggest threat that they face . Well, you know, we dont want to simplify a tremendously complex issue. I know we are not going toe. We have to recognize there are disparities in our country that are economic and racial. That can never be used as an excuse for violence. But we have to recognize it exists. And we have to find a way in our society to look at the concerns people have about safety and security and harmonize and we cant pit people against each other pnt polarization further divides people. Martha the polarization is coming from the top. Its coming from president obama and the things he said like the cambridge Police Officers acted stupidly. Things he said at the dallas Funeral Service where he said we all share the blame including Police Officers while there were families of five slain officers sitting in the front rows. I challenged president obama many times on his policies. On this one i dont know that we can blame him for the violence. I dont think thats right. I think anything he says, hes walking a tightrope. Martha but what if he spoke by the differently. We have to at it from a spiritual perspective. We are all brothers and sisters under the same god. That we have to reconnect with that brotherhood and sisterhood and remember our common talts as americans. Well have more division. If we appeal to unity. Well be able to knit back whats been torn in society. The violence our society is real. The candidate who was able to address that in a solid way will win support from the american people. But it has to be about more than law and order it has to be about social and Racial Justice as well. Martha great having you. Always a pleasure. Bill we have got you covered all week. Head to foxnews. Com. Bill the outnumbered hosts and Shepard Smith are online. The first joint interview for the republican ticket. Martha there is another step happening in cleveland. Outside of politics its home to the iconic rock n roll hall of fame. Before we got so busy here we got a chance to go there. They have Elvis Presleys army uniform. He had a huge impact on our history and music history. Well show you when we come back. [ ] martha we are in cleveland, home of the Republican National convention. Donald trump and indiana governor mike pence gave their first joint interview on 60 minutes, which is always interesting to see the chemistry when they get together. Trump did most of the talking. Here is some of what we saw last night. I have a great deal of respect for john mccain. Do you think he went too far. I think you can say yes. You can say yes. He speaks from his heart. Anne i speak from my heart and my brain just so we understand. I support free trade and so does donald trump. Im free trade but i want to make good deals. We could do well individually with countries. Well bring back our jobs to gain the information to protect the people of this country. Martha okay, right . Katie pavlich is the news editor what did you think . Donald trump is the man of the show we we saw that in that interview with 60 minutes. But whats interesting is the way the questions were asked. Report and anchor asked donald trump and mike pence questions to pit each other against each other. When Hillary Clinton is interviewed with her Vice President i doubt well see questions like that trying to find the differences between the two. Instead of asking mike fence what he actually believes. Martha the first thing was what do you think about the mccain comment. I dont think sit comes as a surprise to anybody that donald trump is the star here. Hes the top of the ticket and thats always the person who does most of the talking. He was the alpha dog. There were moments when he would touch mike pences leg to say you can talk or cant talk. There were moments when he was giving him permission. It would be nice to have a oneonone interview with mike pence. I do think he has some specific differences between donald trump. But it will balance out the ticket more, especially given donald trump will have to move towards the center. Especially on trade issues. I was surprised to see donald trump said he was for free trade when hes trying to attract voters who are against free trade. Martha he made it clear he wants to see trade deals that are more fair. We have a couple of sound bites in the control room. I wanted to go to the second one which is mike pence talking about whether he would feel comfortable standing up to donald trump and saying i disagree. I can tell you would i have no hesitation to walk into the president s office, close the door and share my heart. And i also know this good man would listen and has the Leadership Qualities to draw from the people around him. Martha thats what people who are happy about the mike pence pick want to hear. Donald trump said he will put the best people around him. He put his money where his mouth is on the mike pence pick. He served on the Foreign Services committee. He has experience in warn and as a republican governor. Republican governors around the country have pulled us out of the obama economic crisis we have seen in if the last 7 years. Well have mike pence advising donald trump. And i think donald trump will take advice from mike pence because he has experience inside and outside of washington. Martha a lot of comments on the chairs they were sitting on. It looked like they were sitting on thrones. King of my castle. Here is my other throne, my Vice President. I saw a tweet from someone who said i am persian and even those chairs are over the top. Martha they were not brought in for any special purpose. Donald trump seems to have gotten people to be sort of embracing his wealth and happy hes successful, the people that support him. He got a lot of comments online and social media. Katie, thank you very much. Bill its like a game of thrones anyway. This our work facility for the next week. And we brought 400 people in from all across the country to help us with fox news and fox business. There is so much activity. You see kilmeade on the radio. They are checking the signal to make sure we look good. All this transmission and our tech folks here. We are going to kill it, arent we . I know we are. Lee ross is one of our head directors over here. Lee, you have been here since what, january . For a week now. Its very busy. You describe yourself as a traffic cop. In what sense. I need to know all the guests on fox news and fox business and i have to decide when they are going to be here and i have to decide where they are going to go. Bill well show the guts of the operation and the cue for our prime time coverage. Martha we couldnt do without lee ross. Following what we have been covering, very tough stuff this week. A wave of Police Shootings across the country. Departments are on edge as their tactics have to change to keep their officers safe. New information on what was over the scanner during the ambush in baton rouge. Officer down shots fired officer down unknown where the subject is shooting from. People, and partners to help companies be. Local global. Open secure. Because no one knows like at t. Bill we have two horrific attacks in two weeks time leaving two officers dead. Many departments around the country changing the way they patrol. Putting a premium on the way they patrol the United States of america. The sheriffs deputies and the city officers. Incredible human beings, and to stand here with my brothers that we grew up together. Some see their emotion this morning in the hospital makes me want to do my job even heard. I tell my troopers to be aware of your surroundings and be safe. Bill the former commission of the Boston Police department who led the response after the boston bombings. There are Police Departments across the country changing the way they work. Specifically in boston or somewhere else, what do you want our viewers to understand how police are operating in paris and some places like new orleans. They will only take two squad cars no less to the scene of a call that comes in to police. That must put enormous pressure on cops across the country. It does. Police officers respond to the environment that presents itself. These are common sense measures being put out there. I worked in countries where police had to be escorted by the military to do their job. Thats not what we want to see in this country. The United States is not set up that way. Its a tragedy that we are at this level. Something has to be done to reduce the fear among the Police Officers who are out there and to put things right. Bill bill bratton, the Police Commissioner in new york says the United States right now is in uncharted waters. How do we bring down the temperature. I agree. I will see bill this evening. The on way to bring down the temperature right now is to improve communication. We need to get the truth out there on the table. Leaders have to step up and tell the story exactly as it is. And there is a lot of work that police need to do. We need to increase our training. We need to increase the escalation training. There is a lot of things we can do. But there is a lot that can be done on the other side and we are not hearing that call. And i think it will take both sides of this very difficult situation to solve bill what do you mean on the other side. Help us understand that. Im referring to some of the black lives matter is one of the groups that need to tamp down the rhetoric when they are talking about incident that happened in the past. There are thing that happened that are being retold or and over again that arent truthful. Im speaking more to that fringe of individual out there like the two shooters in the dallas and the baton ruining situation, when baton ruinin baton roug. When good people fail to get the truth out, people will react to those on the fringe. Bill wow, when good people fail to get the truth out. Thank you to all your men and women on the streets of boston and elsewhere. Day safe, and thank you again. Martha we have brandnew polling that shows this race is getting quite a bit clears. Hillarys lead is shrinking with certain key groups. She spent summer bingewatching. Soon, shell be bingestudying. Get back to great. This week these 1subject notebooks just one cent each. Office depot officemax. Gear up for school. Gear up for great. On a perfect car, then smash it into a tree. Your Insurance Company raises your rates. Maybe you shouldve done more research on them. For drivers with accident forgiveness, Liberty Mutual wont raise your rates due to your first accident. Liberty mutual insurance. When you didnt know we had hundreds of thousands of places to stay all over the world. Or that we searched billions of flights to get you here. A few weeks ago, you didnt even know where here was. Now the only thing you dont know, is how youre gonna leave. Expedia. Technology that connects you to the people and places that matter. Martha we have to new numbers for you. A washington postabc news poll reveals clintons lead has dropped considerably month to month. It showed her ahead by 12 points last month. Now she is ahead by 4 point among registered voters. How does he close that gap . Joining me is the chair of the Republican National committee. Lets take a look at some of the internals of this poll. Lets look at how trump is doing with women. There is the number with women voters. Thats a big deficit. Any republican candidate will start out with a deficit among young women. The convention is an opportunity for donald trump to solidify the base. Thats why you see up an emphasis on his family during the convention. He has all his children speaking. Ivanka will speak thursday night just before her father. Thats a way of bringing young women into the fold to show she herself has been a successful business woman. Martha she talks about how her father encouraged her as a young woman to get into business and do well. Well see how that goes before he gets on the big stain. Lets look at how hes doing with voters under the able of 30. Hillary clinton did terribly with young voters against bernie sanders. But among young voters against donald trump, she is up 20 on him. Thats not good. Any republican candidate will have that problem. Martha that was supposed to be fixed the last four years. We are working to make sure our mess and gets communicated directly to young people on campus and online. Hes already talking like a millennial. He talks in a way thats familiar to young people where Hillary Clinton has to go through a multiperson press team to get out a press release. I absolutely think Hillary Clintons trust issues with young voters will come back to bite her. President obama had 2 3 of the youth vote in 2012. And thats a huge problem for her at this stable of the game. Bill the ticket is set. The question for you today. How do pence and trump divide and conquer on the campaign trail. Brit hume is on deck next. Day one, live in cleveland, ohio. Ive been blind since birth. 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Bill we tried thursday. Martha took us a while to get you here. Turned out for the best you didnt get here wednesday night. Bill the unfortunately events overseas. All the stuff going on in france, everything happening here at home, wrapped up into the convention here this week and democrat next week. Great to see you here in person. Thats what i want to say. Martha great to see you here. Bill we have a plan, at least trump does, after day one, introducing governor mike pence as his running mate over the weekend. Make america safe again is the theme for day one. Before the convention gets underway, team trump finds itself defending ticket, that trump was getting last minute Second Thoughts about choosing mike pence s that true . Here is Campaign Manager talking to Chris Wallace sunday. There was never any doubt thursday. Because of the tragedy in the world, postponing the announcement on friday morning. He made his decision. He called governor pence on wednesday. Governor pence was in new york. He was not there to shop. He was to be announced. As far as trump was concerned, details we were talking about, not the decision. Martha brit hume, fox news senior political analyst joins us now. Good morning. Good morning, martha. Martha theyre swatting away stories whether or not they had a Second Thought at midnight the night before about mike pence. How do you think this launch has been . I think that story fits squarely to the category of the world well little note or no longer remember. What will matter what the two men say. How they relate to each other. The rest of it, mike pence had to abandoned some previously held views on number of things important. Trade being one in particular, in order to accommodate himself to Donald Trumps views but i think so far he is a safe and sensible choice that reassures republicans worried that trump is not one of them. That he is willing to choose somebody at his side who is indeed one of them. Martha when you look at events weve witnessed over the past several weeks, you see what happened in nice, the turkey coup that was not to be, 24 hours later, still so much unrest in that part of world, dallas, baton rouge, feels like the country is crying out for somebody to take charge and somebody to tell them it will okay and give them a road map how theyre going to get there. That is the work cut out for donald trump at least to try to persuade people of that. That is his opportunity and also his challenge because you have people who want a strong leader and he is certainly a strong voice but i think people, because of his inexperience in government and flamboyance and occasional wanders away from his message and unpredictability may be disinclined to see him as the safe choice. He has to be strong and safe. I think that will help him and remains to be seen if he will be able to do that we keep hearing, Reince Priebus said it ain the other day, the pivot is coming, pivot away from freewheeling character of the primary season into more president ial image. It is coming. It is a little late. Its a little late but we may yet see it. Martha this is clearly unwith of those markers. You can argue whether or not conventions matter. Donald trump said his campaign will begin in cleveland. We havent started yet he said a few weeks ago. Well start in cleveland. This is one of the moments he will have to use it to his advantage or it will go by the wayside and footnote later what went wrong. Exactly right, martha. A candidate get as handful of chances during the course of a election cycle to introduce himself or reintroduce himself to the public. The Convention May be the biggest one. There is moment when you reach the nomination, where you have gotten necessary delegates you are the winner. He had that it didnt go well in immediate aftermath. He has a couple things going for him. He has trouble in the world. Basic face plant the Clinton Campaign done for a while seen her lead in the polls shrink. He has some oppo he is in a pretty good spot right now, if he can take advantage of it. Martha so much has been said about who is not going to be in the room and who is not going to be speaking. Romney, the bushes, all of the people that weve all grown so used to. The governor of ohio. Martha the governor of ohio will not be speaking. How does that play . I dont think it helps. Mitt romney won 93 of the republican vote. Donald trump at the moment appears, he will get a huge majority of the republican vote. Most republicans will vote for him, he will need because of disadvantage all republican president ial candidates have, he will need all the republicans he can get and more. Remember romney won republicans overwhelmingly and won independents and still lost the election. That sets out a marker for every republican can day. Youre in a real disadvantage. Not insurmountable but it is real. You have to build out the electorate that gave him the nomination is not nearly large enough to give him the presidency. That is sore of where he is and that it is on that base he has to start building. The big question that remains is, is thereunder lying surprise here . Is there a brexit . Is there something were not seeing in the electorate that will make everybody after this election say, wow, i guess there were a lot of surprise trump voters out there or not . I dont think you can rule that possibility out. When you start breaking down the electorate however you choose to do it, by race or income strata or whatever, you still end up with him in a deficit. And to start out. And there may be, there may be in this country what the brits call the shy tory factor. People wont tell pollsters wont voterry or conservative and go to the polls and do it. Look at dennis kucinichs sister, i spoke to him earlier, she sported him and president obama their whole life. They will vote for donald trump. They have grown up in ohio. Tired of what is going on in the economy. That is very interesting. There are people out there at that could or already have come to donald trump, you know who you couldnt imagine ever voting for a republican before. He has got some people that would not vote for another candidate who will vote for him. Martha he said he will win and lay that marker down. Said he will win california and new york. Martha california, new york. If i had money to bet, i wouldnt bet. I have wont say he wont win but i dont think he will win those two states. Martha good to have you with us. Thank you. Bill goat this fox news alert right now. Police ambush in baton rouge. Dramatic new sound from Communications Officers after a gunman opened fire. This is part of what happened here. Officer down, shots fired. Got a city officer down. Shots fired i dont know where he is shooting from. We do not have a 20 on the shooter. He is not in sight. Possibly sniper. Supposedly at dennys car wash still shooting. Bill as were learning more about the shooter, gavin long who attacked police on his 29th birthday. Three officers killed. Matthew gerald, brad guerra follow la and montrell jackson. Are we sure whether gaffe enacted alone at this moment . They are sure he was lone shooter. Whether he or not he had accomplices before, they dont know. Theyre looking at two people. One person they have been able to speak with. Another person they are looking for. Gavin long came to baton rouge came hunt Police Officers. Area of Convenience Store and car wash, dispatch tapes area known to be frequented by Police Officers. Theyre pretty sure why gavin long chose it. He was known for arent at this white, antipolice rants that gorefied cop killers. They dont know who called 911 saying. The officers that responded to the 911 call walked into an ambush. Why did he come to baton rouge . What was his motive and why did he kill the Police Officers yesterday . Why did he do so targeting Police Officers . It was an ambushstyle attack. We have to put the puzzle together to find out exactly why it happened. That is important. Reporter Law Enforcement feels theyre in uncharted territories where they have a target on their back. To that end, discussion about the bulletproof vests in officers wear in patrol, we learned in dallas and deadly consequences, bill, those do not protect against rounds from highpowered rifles. Bill what about the injured, how are they doing, do we know, leland . Reporter one officer in very grave condition, fighting for his life his words the sheriff used. Two sisters are expected to recover. Loss of three officers have brought grown men and hardened Law Enforcement officers to tears. They were all family men. Keep in mind seven children will grow up and go through life without their fathers, all dedicated to their community. Specifically montrell jackson, the black officer killed was really struggling with the racial divide laid bare in baton rouge over last couple weeks. Writing on facebook at one point. I love my city. I wonder if my city loves me. Bill . Bill Leland Vittert in baton rouge. More headlines in a moment, leland. Thank you. Martha clearly tensions are high across the country following the ambush in baton rouge. Theyre heartbroken. We have, we feel that were out here on a limb by ourselves. Were looking for leadership, whether state level through governor kasich, if he cant do it legally he can help us do it. Martha president obama is also facing some criticism following all of this, what his critics are saying our country needs in the wake after second mass shooting attack on Police Officers in as many weeks. Bill all this folds into our coverage today. Day one, Republican National convention. Tonights theme is make america safe again. Well talk to a trump advisor about the trumps plan to do just that as coverage continues. Live in cleveland, ohio. Day one next. Are you ready . Who is going to pay are to the wall . Mexico i dont hear you. Who is going to pay for the wall . Mexico get ready. To show your roots. With root touch up from nicen easy it blends with leading shades, even salon shades. In just 10 minutes. So pick your shade. And show the world your roots. With root touchup. This is todd hardy. A fitness buff, youth baseball coachand lung cancer patient. The day i got the diagnosis, i was just shocked. The surgeon in dallas said i needed to have the top left lobe of my lung removed. I wanted to know what my other options were. And i found that at Cancer Treatment centers of america. At ctca, our experts examine a variety of therapies, treatments and technologies to identify a plan specifically for each patient. 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But it wont last forever, so hurry in. Bill some major names headlining tonights Convention Program at quicken loans arena, hammering home todays theme which is make america safe again. That is a look inside just across town were here in the convention center. Part of trumps National Security strategy, fix the broken immigration system. He talked about this a lot. His border wall plan a official part of the platform. Building on the promise before he announced his bid to the white house. I would build a great wall. Nobody builds walls better than me, believe me. I will build them very inexpensively. I will build a great, great wall on our southern border and i will have mexico pay for that wall. Mark my words. Bill kansas secretary of state is one of trumps advisor on border wall. Helped draft the legislation, helped draft the platform last week. Nice to see you. Great to be here. Bill specifically the language says what as the language says wall. Should extend along the entirety of southern border. It is is not a pretend wall. Where you have censors under the ground and drones in the air. This is real physical barrier. It is really important that the party stand firmly behind mr. Trump on this as you may recall, bill, in 2006, Congress Actually passed a law that said we will build a 700mile wall. Never happened. Bill it has been in the platform Reince Priebus said. What is the difference between a fence and a wall . You say there is a difference . Number one people think after wall, it is physical, solid barrett year. Sufficient to stop pretty strewn and vehicle travel traffic. Like what you have in san diego. Something that says america is concern and you will not get over this easily. A great contrast between what the Republican Party saying explicitly i in the platform. The democrats are saying they are for he open borders. Bill how will a wall make america safer . It will make us a lot safer. We have many documented cases of terrorists using open southern border to get into the United States. Is it absolutely impossible to get over the wall. Its a force multiplier. Bill i will hold you there, on topic of security in america. There is News Conference happening. We have breaking news to go to that right now. Local media was told there would be plenty of Police Officers patrolling neighborhoods but this past weekend actually turned out one of the deadliest of the year, five cops shot this weekend. Up to 20 people. Were more cops in the neighborhood . Yes, there were. But as i stated to another outlet a few days ago, you know, urban issues and urban crime has cycles. Sometimes well get a weekend with nothing at all happening, and sometimes well get a weekend as violent as this past weekend but we did have plenty of officers out. As a matter of fact, one of the shootings that we had near east 55th and euclid we actually had a car on 55th. The shooting happened a block over on prospect. The officers were actually right there in that area, actual heard the shots, called it out themselves and responded with other cars to that shooting. Clarifying what you were asked a couple days ago, the opencarry, one is legal for open carry and when does the person violate the law and officers will respond . Well the person violates open carry ordinance when they brandish that weapon and threaten someone with the weapon. The ordinance requires a person to safely handle a weapon so you cant point it at people. You cant threaten people with it in any type of gesturing or mannerisms. So we mick sure that people that open carry understand those rules, understand that part of the state law and if they violate that, theyre subject to sanctions. One more question on the heels of the tragic shooting in baton rouge. Number of departments around the country are beefed up, twoman cars. Are you changing the way youre staffing based on that . Our officers have been in twoman cars right after dallas, the tragedy in dallas. [inaudible] open carry and concealed carry . Ill wait till open carry is like the way im dressed today. Your weapon out so that it is visible. Concealed carry is the weapons not visible. For concealed carry you need a permit in this state. Excuse me. There is a class that you have to go through. There is a shooting class. There is a written class and you have to be certified by the county sheriff to get a concealed carry permit in the state of ohio. Yes, sir . Other than twoman cars is the baton rouge situation changed [inaudible] not for the convention. For the officers out in the neighborhoods, again, just like the tragedy in dallas, you know, officers are more keen to things that are happening and our officers are told to be especially cautious during their tours. [inaudible] a week before the convention tipped off we initiated a tip line that the fbi is manning for us. 18002553234. That is see something 18002255234. We encourage people to use the tip line if they see something suspicious in the neighborhoods, or even downtown during the convention. [inaudible] there have been no real threats, either to the convention or to the division of police itself. Yes, sir . Chief, tell us how you handled the protest march yesterday and how are you going to handle events today. There did seem to be very large police presence, with bikes, horses, people on foot. How many Law Enforcement people were there at that protest yesterday . What is the protocol for handling this . The protocol is enough officers as we need to keep it safe. We want to make sure that the demonstrators are safe walking through the streets of city of cleveland. We want to make sure we have enough officers to respond if things turn otherwise. Based on the commanders on the ground and necessary what ensure both of those things. Chief, in the wake of baltimore, several Police Officers pulled back to the perimeters and did not go in to prevent crimes was alleged. Do you see that happening . We dont do that in cleveland. No, our officers take care of business. Theyre paid to protect and serve. Theyre paid to go in harms way. They make sure theyre cautious and make sure they do things properly. Yes . Yesterdays protest about 6 15 when the pointed unit came in behind the officers who were standing about shoulder to shoulder, it looked as if those protesters were going to breach that Security Check point. Was that was happening . To be honest i didnt see the end of the protest because i was on my way someplace else. We monitored the to point it got here on 9th and lakeside. Our officers on the ground and supervisors and commanders they know when to bring in more officers. When to pull back. When to give protesters room. We constantly, constantly communicate with what we perceive to be the leaders of these marchs and protests. We kind of give them the dos and donts that will keep everybody safe and we try to get them to comply when things start to, you know, get a little bit either out of hand or unsafe for the general public. And if that happens, then we bring in Additional Resources and we try to make sure that people stay within bounds. Chief . Yes. Just to clarify on the open carry question about how it was vetted upward, was that did either you or the mayor ask for guidance whether or not open carry should be suspended or did that come from another source . No the conversation started in the executive Steering Committee for the rnc, which is headed by the secret service. As part of that committees duties we had to assemble and vet all of the Operations Plans from the airspace security plan, dignitary protection plan, all the way down to the mass demonstration plan, has to be vetted through the Steering Committee. Part of the conversation was about the open carry law in ohio. We basically had conversations amongst ourselves, the legal Team Assigned to that committee. Then there is a legal subcommittee that took up that he question and took it to columbus and met with either, met or talked to the legal staff in columbus and the determination was made that the governor did not have the power to suspend that particular law. Yes . Theres a report of protesters breaking windows near [inaudible] entering, exiting the building and arrests were made. Was that actually the case . What do you mean . Right now or yesterday . Yesterday. No. We didnt have any property destruction. Again we only had the one arrest yesterday. I thought you were telling me something i didnt quite know about. This thing is ringing while upup here. Yes, sir . Is there a restrictions what type of guns you can open carry . The. The law has no restrictions. It states handguns and rifles. All right . Anything else . [inaudible] yesterday the appears bicycle patrol were wearing padded gear and coming to the media saying riot gear. I believe those two are different but can you clarify on that. Just so everybody is clear, the city of cleveland does not have riot gear. From our standpoint there is no such thing as riot gear. There is personal protective equipment for officers. It is not an offensive material or protection at all. It is defensive for the officers to make sure theyre protected in the event something is thrown at that officer. We dont use the term riot gear at all. It is personal protective equipment. And some of the bike officers, if you have ever seen motocross or bmx bike racing or those participants wear sleeves with padding and things like that with padding in the event they fall. Our officers have that gear. Some of the officers were in reserve doing stuff at another location. They were called out to assist in this protest. They actually had some of that gear on when they were called out, yes. All right . Is that gear new to the city . The. We, we reinstituted a bicycle unit for the city and that is part of the gear we purchased for the rnc. Thank you. Thank you. One guy on foot. Bill that is the latest from the police chief in cleveland, ohio. We knew protesters would be a big story at the convention in cleveland. We know it will be a big story potentially in philadelphia. What we did not anticipate a month or twoing a, the events in dallas and the events in baton rouge, louisiana. This story is taking on a whole new texture. How do you keep a city safe when you cant keep the police safe . Theyre traveling in twos or pairs i should say in cleveland and new orleans. Theyre going with in a car when theyre called. All the police are reacting how they stay safe, how they stay alive after the events of dallas and baton rouge. Martha has a bit more on that now. Martha steve loomis was with us yesterday. He is back with us today. Was a detective with the Cleveland Police department. President of the cleveland patrolmans association. You spoke out about unsafe practices going on and leadership in this country when it comes to Police Officers. Good to have you back, steve. Yeah. Martha this is calvin williams, the police chief who we just heard from. He said that there will not be using riot gear and that all police in cleveland are traveling in pairs as we just talked about. Is that true . Out in neighborhoods it is. We still have officers that are standing a post, as far as away as east 30th and chester at this point. So that is very dangerous situation. We hope the chief changes that very quickly here. Martha in terms of the open carry law which you and i spoke about yesterday, he was clarifying some of what that means here in cleveland. Explain your perspective on whether or not it should be suspended during the period of this convention. Well, sure. Just common sense tells you that you know, when you have two very passionate groups of people, introduction of open arms is not, it is just not responsible. So were asking the governor to suspend the law, not change the law, not change the constitution. My gosh, you should see emails from some of these Second Amendment folks. Im a Second Amendment folk you know. Im one of them. So, were just asking for our safety and for our betterment of the safety of the Police Officers, the safety of the people that were here to protect, just dont introduce open carry out here. Were asking the governor to help us out with that. If he claims he cant, which is not true because, i couldnt, i couldnt get within a sixblock radius of quicken loans arena right now and im a Police Officer. I went over to media row over there and secret service took my gun because i didnt have the right credentials as Police Officer. So dont tell me it cant be done. It can be done. Were not asking for something unreasonable. Help us out. Martha they are, you can not bring any weapon into the convention perimeter. That already has been established. Youre saying if that is the case, why not expand it beyond the perimeter and have that shot down so to speak through the rest of cleveland. Absolutely. Martha what are you hearing about what protesters are planning, what theyre up to, black lives matter, antitrump folks, what are you guys watching . Were watching we want people to come speak their mind. That is what is great about this country. Say what you want to say. Dont throw a brick at my guys. Dont throw a brick at each other. Dont start tearing our city up. Dont come here from somewhere else to start tearing our city up. People in northeast ohio, residents of this city take tremendous pride. This is tremendous city to live around tremendous group of people. Doesnt come here with your agendas think you will tear our stuff up. We will not allow it, Police Officers will not allow it and citizens will not allow it. Martha i i have a agree with y. Police officers out on the streets are wonderful to all of us and working us hard to keep this safe and keep it open as you point out to allow people to protest. Yesterday we were blocked off in the street. As soon as protest goes by we can open the gate and let everybody continue on the way. It is just tremendous. California Highway Patrol is here. Guys on bicycles going down euclid avenue. You would have thought it was lebron james. People cheering and that is the vast majority, silent of majority of people out here. Martha thank you very much have. Good work. Thanks for being here. Thank you. Well take a quick break and be right back. When kevin jorgesn needs light, he trusts duracell quantum because it lasts longer. duracell slamtones bill the Convention Live here in cleveland, 10 35 local time. A difficult time for our country and a lot of indecision around the world. Youre looking live at quicken loans arena. We will see melania trump, introduced by her truss, donald trump. The unrest is becoming issue for 2016 elections t could set the tone, it will set the tone for this convention. Darrell glen, commissioner of el paso county, colorado, former air force Lieutenant Colonel and republican nominee for u. S. Senate. How are you . Im doing great. Bill you are speaking later tonight. Yes i am. Bill 9 30 eastern time, east coast time. What is the message. The message we need to come together as a country. What has been truss straighting is the fact after seven 1 2 years of hope and change, you know, we are more racially divided today than when the president ran. I think it is now the time for us to stand up and understand that this isnt about black america, White America, brown america. This is about the United States of america. It is about us coming together as a people. Bill as an africanamerican you also talk and write about racism being real in america. How do you help people understand perhaps what you experienced personally and what perhaps White America is seeing in baton rouge and in dallas and on . I think it is important to understand that there is a level of personal responsibility but, our men and women, our heroes in blue, theyre part of the solution and not the problem. And the one thing that we found, especially looking at dallas, even in my own county, when we sit down and get to know one another, where you bring polly leaders, Law Enforcement and Community Leaders together, you talk about these issues, you develop a relationship. Your First Encounter with a Police Officer should not be in a negative context. You should be able to basically get together and Work Together as a community. Bill your hometown newspaper writes this. Glen will have the entire countrys attention monday. Americans are likely to see a rising political star, plucked from relative obsecurity of local Elective Office in colorado springs. Statewide and National Media made a big mistake mostly ignoring him. Is trump a tough editor . No. You know, the one thing bill are you going to be able to say what you want to say . Or is the campaign giving you direction that you will heed . The message that i am going to deliver is my message. Because the message is about america coming together. And once we have come together as a nation we will be stronger it is not about dividing. Looking back what is unique in america how well we get to know each other and Work Together, once we focus on the objectives and stop worrying about issues that divide us were a stronger nation. Bill you think somebody is leading this in america . Do you think there is a leader in the world right now, addressing fears and anxiety and the anger . Yes or no . No. That is what is disturbing. America has taken a back seat instead of leading. What im trying to show is american exceptional system alive and well. The world is a safer place when america leads. That doesnt mean we have to be Nation Builders but we need to understand that freedom and liberty rests right here in america. When were out there showing that example, thats what makes us strong. Bill good luck tonight. Okay. Well be on the floor with you. Darryl glen. Get ready. Were ready. Bill practice that prompter. Thank you very much. Martha you cant come to cleveland and not check out the rock and roll hall of fame. That is exactly what we did. We got inside look at one of the really interesting exhibits they have right now. Watch. In america there always has been a strong connection between music and the times were living in. Here at the rock and roll hall of fame in cleveland the exhibit is called, louder than words. Its a walk through president ial politics and music that instantly transports us to that moment in history. So here we are with greg harris. He is the ceo and president of the rock and roll hall of fame. We want you to take us through some of these items that are so iconic and part of that louder than words exhibit. This is bill clintons saxophone. Think about it. Bill clinton was the first baby boomer president. He was a young guy coming into office. He was listening to Fleetwood Mac was his song and playing music on a latenight talk show. Not something you would see from other president s. You reach out and say, that is something we need to have here . We do. We, think about what is the story we want to tell. We want to tell a story that connects with each of the president s. In the exhibit we go through administrations what is happening in the world, what is happening in rock and roll and how they come together. Martha this one stops everybody in their tracks. Elvis presleys army uniform. Elvis is the king and iconic, and idea elvis went from height of stardom in the late 50s, he is in the u. S. Army. And he is private elvis presley. It was a bit unprecedented. Somebody from elviss magnitude becoming a regular citizen. It spoke to service and spoke to selflessness and that time in americas history. I was very surprised at the reception. I wasnt expecting anything quite that big. And i dont only regret i didnt have more time to stay there with them. Martha when a lot of musicians were protesting the vietnam war, johnny cash had a very different message. Johnny cash, rock and roll hall hall of fame inducttee, related to common man. Folsom blues. And had country hit, one on the right, one on the left. He was criticizing his fellow folksingers. Martha this is Jimi Hendrixs guitar he played the starspangled banner at woodstock. At woodstock. The one of the most important events of 20th century history, being played in the circumstance where people are questioning what does it mean to be an american. Furthermore it is played by jimi hendrix, a veteran in the 101 first air born division. Doctor airborne division. Mr. Gorbachev, tear down this wall. Martha rork and roll this came into light with the fall of berlin wall. Rock and roll artists from the england and germany performed at wall before it came down. David bowie played at the wool. You rythmics played at wall. Springsteen played on the other side of the wall. They were symbols of west. When the wall was being torn down, they werent playing mozart, they were playing rock and roll music. Martha there are moments you come back to when you think about musicians at that time and music they were making. Music is often a place we go go to after 9 11, alan jackson the iconic song he delivered was so important to the country. Bono at the super bowl after 9 11, wearing patriotic outfits. Martha this is amazing collection. Everywhere you turn you see moments that remind you of your life. Music does really connect all of us. Martha its a great place. Bill yeah. Martha it is just so much history there. You walk into different rooms and push the button and hear music and learn more how they wrote the lyrics and what inspired them. Movies in different spots that take you book to a lot of different movements. Bill done a great job. When it first opened, they really made it they werent playing mozart when the wall came down. They were playing rock and roll in the moment, the world is a mess. We know that trump blames that on a lack of leadership. What would he do better . Senator tom cotton is our guest next to explain as our coverage continues in cleveland live after this. Awwhawhwhawh. This this is why i love it here. That fresh air all up in your face. My cousin wilbur in the city has to wear a leash just to go for a stroll. Im sorry, that. No. But with propane, you can live where you want and how you want. And since its both clean and reliable, you could say propane is mans best fuel. She knows what im talkin about this is my retirement. Retiring retired tires. 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Republican senator tom cotton serves on the Senate Intelligence committee and Senate Armed Services committee. Served with the u. S. Army in iraq and afghanistan. He is a supporter of donald trump. Senator, welcome, good to have you here today. Good morning, martha. Good to be on with you. Martha good to have you sir. Hard to imagine really the kind of events weve had, confluence of events in nice. Brutal carnage in the street there by a crazy man with some, you know, out of whack ideology driving that truck, and saw what happened in terms of chaos in turkey with the government and Police Shootings here at home. A lot of people feel so unsettled. Theyre looking to somebody to tell them how to fix it. Is donald trump up to that task . Well, it is understandable that so Many Americans feel the world is in chaos because it is. In the last week weve had two different assassinations of Police Officers in dallas and baton rouge. Republican party is the party of law and order. We are always going to black the blue and give them the benefit of the doubt until facts and investigations are completed and understood. Overseas well always stand for Strong National defense and make sure terrorists feel theyre on the run, that theyre not putting america on the run. Martha donald trump talked about being the law and order candidate several weeks back. He sort of coined that phrase. Once again events come right in line with his narrative i guess you could say in political talk. What are we going to feel on that stage in the terms of presence for support for Law Enforcement . Well i think you will see Law Enforcement officials this week and next four months rallying to the Republican Party because the Republican Party is the party of law and order. We always back the blue. We give them the benefit of the doubt. We wait until facts are collected and investigations are complete to make sure that we are not jumping to conclusions or inflaming racial tension as opposed to bringing us all together and supporting the people that keep us safe. Martha senator, you served in iraq and in afghanistan. We have seen a rise once again of the taliban. We know al qaeda is far from over and isis clearly is working on continuing to have greater outreach in this country and in europe as well. What do you think is the solution for that . Do you think donald trump has a Firm Understanding what needs to be done and can he do it . Well, we need to do more and we need to do it faster. Seems like every time there is an attack barack obama announce as new policy maybe a few more troops. Maybe putting troops with lower levels with the iraqi army. We should do all of that right now. We should get serious about our detention and interrogation programs. We should recognize once again that we can not win the war on terror on defense at home. We have to take the war to them in places like iraq and syria and libya and afghanistan and eliminate terrorist leaders from the battlefield and deny them safe haven which they can plan attacks like we saw in nice last week. Martha senator, its a tall order. Whoever takes it on will have their work cut out for them. We look forward to see youing on the stage. Thank you, senator tom cotton for being with us today. Bill big week. Night one. Whats going to happen . Well tell you next. You both have a perfect driving record. Until one of you clips a food truck. Then your rates go through the roof. Perfect. For drivers with accident forgiveness, Liberty Mutual wont raise your rates due to your first accident. And if you do have an accident, our claims centers are available to assist you twentyfour seven. Call for a free quote today. Liberty stands with you™. Liberty mutual insurance. Martha the home of the cavs. Weeks ago it was rocking with basketball fans as they took home the nba championship. Hours later the transformation started. They turned it into what you see before you. Theyre still putting finishes touches on it. Donald trump said Tampa Convention was most boring thing he had ever seen. Paul manifort, Trumps Campaign manager, promises ultimate reality show next week. Can he deliver on the promise. Well see. That is the big question. Well see the speaker list. How different will it be under a trumpled regime here . Well see. Bill led regime. Convention regime. You and i were in there on august 6th for debate number one. That kicked off entire process. I remember before we were out there on the debate, we talked about, we have no idea going in how it is going to come out on the other side. You had 17 men and women on stage that night. Martha very few people predicted way it would turn out the way it has. Bill i dont know if anyone did. Martha some people will claim. Donald trump said all along he was going to win. He said he will win the election. Next stage of that begins tonight in the arena, bill. Bill yes it does. Were in cleveland, cuyahoga county, reasons why republican chose the town. Importance of ohio, no republican wins white house without it. Think about this, democrats to republicans are three to one in cuyahoga county. Enormous advantage not just for here but for the rest of the state. Clearly rnc, Reince Priebus and others, they wanted to make their mark. They wanted to put a many stop on this state, a stamp on this city and this county to say, that theyre listening to you. And were going to see whether or not the concerns are heard with make america safe again which is the theme on day one. Martha you know clearly that will be something on the minds of a lot of people and a lot of women. Remember the security moms, that is a group that the Trump Campaign will try to ignite here. And eight president s have come from ohio. All democrats. But it has been a long time since that happened. Bill martha, just flying on the plane back from france, yesterday, the women on the plane who come up to you sand a, im supposed to come back here in a month with my kids. Should i or not . If theyre thinking that way, think how many others are. Make america safe again the theme. Back live in a moment after this. And these are the lungs. boy sorry. dad dont worry about it. vo at our house, we need things that are built to last. Thats why we got a subaru. avo love. Its what makes a subaru, a subaru. Words you dont often hear. Words we at panera live by. Because clean food is food as it should be. With no artificial flavors, preservatives, sweeteners,. Only about 80 of your part b medical expenses. The rest is up to you. So if 65 is around the corner, think about an aarp Medicare Supplement insurance plan, insured by unitedhealthcare Insurance Company. Like all standardized Medicare Supplement insurance plans, they help cover some of what medicare doesnt pay. And could save you in outofpocket medical costs. So dont wait. Call to request your free decision guide. And gather the information now to help you choose a plan later. These types of plans let you pick any doctor or hospital that takes medicare patients. And theres a range of plans to choose from, depending on you needs and your budget. So if youre turning 65 soon, call now and get started. Because the time to think about tomorrow. Is today. Go long. So your back. Tonights thebig nice, we will be on the floor during prime time. Ready to go and melania will have a big moment tonight, the first lady. Bill we will see you tonight. Jon fox news alert and not a good one on this monday, another chilling attack targeting Law Enforcement, three Police Officers shot dead in the city of baton rouge. Good morning, i jon scott. Melissa im Melissa Francis in for jenna lee. Authorities call yesterdays shooting and ambush , saying six officers responding to a call walked

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