As an n. F. L. Team is protect him in the pocket and transition him to a dropback guy. He is not there yet, you have to lean on his strength. To say my comments were taken out of context, that is what you said and feel like, they were not taken out of context. I understand his feeling there. Icism brian third hour of Fox And Friends starts right now. Lawrence oh, yeah, you are looking at steaks, different type of steaks. We are in open range in bozeman, montana. Sir, what are you cooking up for us right here . Dryaged ribeyes. This guy has been sitting for the last 28 days and we just cut it off fresh for you. Lawrence i got to have a little bite of this, too. Thats good. Oh, thats real good. Okay. Were going to go meet some folks. All right. [cheering] lawrence its a beautiful day. Hello, montana. [cheering] lawrence let me tell you, the people in montana are so kind. I have enjoyed my time for my first week on the couch, but being with gods country, people that love the country and fired up about what is happening, it is great this morning, guys. Steve that place looks great temperature is normally a steakhouse, best steaks in big sky country. Lawrence, just before you shake hands, you better wash your hand. You did just pick up a couple pieces of beautiful ribeye. Lawrence steve, you are right, the flavor, if my mother wasnt watching the show, i would lick my fingers, i dont want to get in trouble. Ainsley she raised you right. That is great. How many hours behind are yall . Lawrence two hours. Ainsley everyone in the restaurant lawrence look how full it is. Ainsley so nice of them to wake up. Excited to see you, lawrence. Lawrence they are excited to be a part of the fox family. That is why i say every morning, good morning, family. The folks say, i feel like we know you, already met you before, that is the way we conduct our show. You see the real us on tv everyday. Steve that is why open range opened early today to host this. Lawrence will talk to the folks and well talk to him in a minute. Brian you live in texas, wouldnt cowboys wipe their hands on their jeans . Lawrence again, brian, my mother would not like that. Trying to be a good texas boy and have manners. You yankees out there, you dont care, wipe it anywhere. Brian get him a dude wipe. Ainsley my mom doesnt like it either. One time she saw someone lick her fingers on tv, my mom said i am not as much a fan anymore. Why . She licked her fingers. Brian that was carley shimkus. Steve every time we eat, chris brings us a wet wipe. Standby. Ainsley turning to the border crisis, Texas National guard is working to replace the razor wire to stop the migrants entering the united states. Brian Governor Abbott is defending the move. Cartels, one of mexico largest employers. Steve that is right, alexandria has the latest. Alexandria hoff. Alexandria Governor Abbott says his replacing and doubling the amount of razor wire along the Southern Border. You can see National Guard members reconstructing a bit of that. This is reinstallation, the governor says President Biden ordered border to cut it down earlier this week. An obstructionist to texas, who is trying to impede flow of Illegal Immigrants by us building our own border wall and putting up barriers and not allowing people to pass. By deploying the National Guard. What do we have . Joe biden is interfering with my effort to secure the border. Alexandria on wednesday, 10,000 Migrant Encounters at the border. President biden says the fault is maga republicans. President biden we need our colleagues to acts, for decades it has been bipartisan in this country. Maga republicans of my predecessor spent four years gutting the Immigration System and continue to undermine Border Security blocking bipartisan reform. Alexandria criticism from democrats, as well. In eagle pass, texas, thousands of migrants are camped under a bridge as overflow location. The city mayor sounding off. We shouldnt have to be dealing with this, this is a federal issue, i made invitation to President Biden, anyone from the administration, please visit eagle pass, at the very least. We know what is going on, acknowledge the situation. Put out a statement, call me. Call us. Let us know what you are doing to deter and control this situation. Alexandria the situation is one of human trafficking. Journal science article says cartel have 175,000 members on the payroll and become mexico fifth largest employer. To put in perspective, fifth largest employer in the u. S. Is target. Guys. Steve wow, that is extraordinary. Thank you very much. In last 10 years, 40 of Cartel Members have been incarcerated or killed at their day job, but cartels continue to increase because every year they recruit 20,000 more. 10,000 is the number bill melugin gave us that crossed in a 24hour period thachl is a jawdropping number. Our correspondent at the white house tried to ask the White House Press secretary about that. Watch how she answered him. What do you call it at the white house when 10,000 people illegally cross the border in a single day . What do you call it, peter, when gop, wait, no, no, no. Im answering. Well move on. Were moving on. Please, you said you were stopping flow at the border, 10,000 i tried to answer the question, you stopped me, lets go. Steve she answered a question with a question, peter started answering, she said she would go through. She did say to edward lawrence, blame the republicans because they cant get the Spending Bill passed. People down at the Southern Border because they are republicans. When you look at republicans, one of them increases Border Security. It ramps it up, builds a wall, hires 22,000 more custom and Border Patrol agents, of course she didnt mention that yesterday. Ainsley here they are, everyone at home, blaming the republicans, everything is maga republicans, the maga republicans did this. They have the border open, its their fault. They are not passing this in congress. No, been three years since President Biden has taken office. 3. 8 million crossed the border since hes been in office, doesnt account for the gotaways. This is his problem. They are not addressing it. Kamala harris never goes down there. She is supposed to be the border czar. Where are they . They try to take the Razor Wire Out and buoys out of the water and trying to take away the wall and big Shipping Containers they put up on the wall, moved them in place and they said that was unlawful, move those out, then they are blaming republicans. It is obvious what they are doing, are they doing this for votes . Do they want everyone to come over wearing the biden tshirt and vote for biden . Just own it, 50 of the country steve they own it. Ainsley they dont, they blame republicans. Steve it belongs to them. Ainsley they should own it. Brian republicans would never buy it. New york city councilwoman palladinno, says those people at the border will be in new york city. They are considering lip service to removing the right to shelter law in place since the 19sevens under ed koch and 29 million put into tent cities because that is how many they expect coming to chicago. You tell me they wouldnt be better using those funds elsewhere . That belongs to washington, d. C. And 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue and the president will not meet with the governors and they are all democrats. Lawrence yeah, so true. You have the black residents in chicago saying, mayor, what are you doing . We have our own crisis, our kids education is not the best, we have Homeless People on the streets of chicago, crime is out of control and were using our resources for this . Bring your attention to ainsley, ive been watching this show for years and i can count on one hand ive seen her this fired up. No one likes being lied to. This administration is lying to the American Public acting as if republicans are responsible for this. They know this, pick your talking point, either republicans are or they are open border, it doesnt make sense. Steve are you fired up . Ainsley i am fired up, i love everybody and they are gods children, but they have to do what we do and that is work hard and do it the right way and dont break the law. You are welcome to come over, do it the right way. We live in new york city, melting pot of all people and a lot of our friends have said, i do it the right way, you talk about school and tax dollars, you got up at 1 00 in the morning and flew out there to meet our folks and you love it. You are working hard and half of your paycheck is going to pay for this issue, it could be going to baltimore to pay for schools or texas to pay for your needs down there. Baltimore, students are failing, they took project baltimore and found 40 of High Schoolers where the state exam was given, everyone that took the test, 40 did not have any student, not one that was proficient in math. Steve of high schools, 32 high schools in baltimore, 13 of the 32 high schools, not one kid could pass the State Proficiency Test when it comes to math. An Organization Called people empowered by the struggle said this is educational homicide. Theyre right. Back in 2021, they were calling, given the fact baltimore has done badly in all sorts of testing, they called on the ceo of the Baltimore School to resign and she did not. This is out, 40 of High School Kids cannot be proficient in math and shes being called on to quit, she is blowing it, not working for kids. Brian Baltimore City schools said we acknowledge some High School Students experience challenging in math following the pandemic, especially if they were struggling beforehand. Work on underway to improve outcome for students. That is the deal in baltimore. Worse than anyone thought and i wonder if anybody has the money, a voucher to get themselves to a Private School or Charter School in the area. Lawrence such a good point, brian, ive been covering this crisis in baltimore and other nation cities for a while. Why are they so opposed to School Choice . There used to be a notion brian union. Lawrence used to be a notion that poor kids, which i used to be, could not learn. We have seen them get educated and they get full rides to college. What is the stumbling block . You go straight to it, steve, teachers union. Democrats have the run on this. I dont understand why republicans are not going to every single urban American City and letting them know, these people do not care about you. Brian Vivek Ramaswamy did. He went to the south side of chicago and talked to people. Lawrence yeah, he did. Steve talk to some of the people behind you about this. Lawrence lets go talk to some folks about this. How you doing . How do you feel about our nations Education System and the fact some kids in Urban America cant read and we invest money in illegal education and taking care of and educating their kids . Yes, sir, it is shocking. You mentioned Charter Schools, they are rewriting the way we do school. Money going to a third party and teachers union, interest is not the kid, their interest is the union. Lawrence how do you feel about this issue . Madeline is a teacher. Im a teacher, yeah, it is a big problem, were not putting money into education and not spending where it needs to be spent. There is weird lack of patriotism in our schools in america. [applause] that bothers me as a history teacher, we are focusing on the wrong part of education and not teaching our kids. Lawrence thank you so much, thank you for what you do for our kids. Sir, how you doing . What do you think about the state of our Education System and how it is impacting kids today . We are spending more money than countries around the world and getting less results. Look at the data, it is not working. Lawrence why is that . We have extreme lack of leadership and lack of accountability in our country right now, that is what im looking for, true leader that can take our country and unite it in some way. Lawrence so true, there is an agreement amongst everyone here that we have to do Something Different with the Education System. It matters what is happening with our kids, it is a real crisis going on in america. Back to you in new york. Steve kids are our future, where are we heading if they cant add . You dont know how bad inflation is, if you cant add. 17 after the top of the hour and carley joins us from denver, colorado. Carley Denver Police are searching for a woman who shot five people outside of Dirks Bentley whiskey row bar. She opened fire after being denied enter when he was believed to be using a fake id. The woman is wanted for eight counts of attempted murder. California democrat and daughter of david foster is calling out governor gavin newsom for failed policies. Listen to this. Newsom is trying to, i think it is newsom, i blame everything on newsom. They are trying to charge you for leaving, where if you leave the state, you are like, im unhappy here, crime is through the roof, Public Education is not great, i want to leave. They are trying to pass a bill, where you pay for 10 years. Newsom is the worst. I hate him. Is the goal to be venezuela, a socialist state . I dont know. Carley sara foster admitted she was jealous of her sister who moved to nashville, tennessee. And oscar meyer mobile is back. After four months, the company is reversing course, asking fans to help welcome back the Wiener Mobile as it travels the country. It is the Wiener Mobile, cant be called anything else. Steve frank mobile is a bad idea. Carley one time it was in front of fox, part of the show . Steve it was part of the show and they gave Wiener Whistles to everybody. Steve i drove it through time square 1 day. Brian it is hard to Parallel Park and not electric. Ainsley you rather drive the wiener dog on the highway or the dumb and dumber . Carley tough one, ill be thinking about it all this morning. Ainsley i love that movie, it is so dumb. Steve channel our lloyd christmas. Thank you, carley. Stay there, counting down to debate day with dana perino and Stuart Varney, who is in, who is out . What is on the docket . They are coming up next on the show. Ainsley plus, highflying surrender, the Somer Salt End to a police chase. He doll it, wait for it. Brian the king of the senate worst dress list says he will wear a suit if they avoid a Government Shutdown. Tyson got dressed. Steve tyrus. Brian i called him tyson. Which hotel . Ah did somebody say which hotel . im great at this. Dance to your faves in the spalike bathroom or enjoy local craft beers, with breathtaking views at the cambria. Hey peyton, thanks for hosting Slider Sunday. You got it but arent we missing something . Hmmm. Look who saved Slider Sunday again wow. Eli eli eli here we go. A perfect kings hawaiian slider. Tastes good too classic eli. Love that guy seriously . Kings hawaiian Slider Sunday. The only way to sunday ainsley better days ahead. Senator John Fetterman has a deal for republicans outraged over his attire. Avoid a Government Shutdown and ill dress up. Schumer, Second In Command dick durbin is blasting the change saying the Senate Chamber needs to have standards. Here to react is tyrus. What do you think . I couldnt agree more. You wouldnt wear pajamas to church. You represent the people of your district and you should dress up. He is shouting from another room for votes. Ainsley because he cant go in the chamber. Do you want the job . You ran for the job and made promises and they are asking you to get suits and chances are they are tax writeoffs anyway. We are seeing this behind and it is not just senate, there are certain rules and decorum. I wear what i do, there is a reason they are willing to accept this. This is not the senate, this is tv. He dresses just like he got out of a bad breakup, not even casual. He dresses like she left him and hes been watching old love movies all weekend. Ainsley so true. Is there a fine line . Our grandparents would never have stepped foot in the hill or white house without a tie, suit, everything. Couldnt even go to a restaurant or movie. Ainsley i will visit casual churches and i know anyone is welcome, sometimes i see Flannel Pajamas on an airplane, what . Airplanes, should be a rule, at least sleeves, no tank tops. Are you serious about this job . It looks like hes not. It is a simple thing. If you told me to represent my people and wear a suit, i would be charles payneed up. Not kilmeade. When his tie is off, it is serious. Brian i can hear you. I know. Ainsley brian said, i can hear you. We need to have what do you call it, round two of the Wrestling Match between you and brian, that was the funniest television ive seen in a long time. Ill find him a trainer. Ainsley he jumped on your back. Brian he retired. I would come out of retirement. Ainsley how is that going . Its been my injury is healing up, that is good. I had to go to the hospital, i had blood clots from the chair shot. Im going through and watching it more than i should kind of thing. I had this happen in football, when that part of your life is over, there is a month, you dont know what to do. Fox doesnt give me many days to dress like John Fetterman and sit on my couch and complain about life. Ainsley new chapter for you. Im excited, no regrets, it was time. Ainsley your kids wanted you to do it. They rather me watch them than them watch me. Ainsley glad you are not retiring from fox. Coming up, a guy flips himself out of a mercedes in a police chase. The gymnastics move before his arrest. 1st setting the stage for the second republican debate, who is in, who is out and which elephants are not showing up . Moderators dana perino and Stuart Varney will preview it for us. There they are. We believe at newday usa we have a noble purpose. Our purpose is not just closing a loan. 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Dana the economy is front and center issue and the economy affects everything. If you are concerned about the border, what resources do we have to place there . If you are concerned about education, what are you willing to do about it. Think about how exhausted americans feel from politics. They want to be able to sleep well at night, high amount of anxiety across the issues and the economy is front and center and the river that runs through it all. Nobody wants to hear about the financial and business news, that is not there, the economy will be there, along with all the other subjects which americans are concerned with candidate have an opinion on. Steve stuart, when you are out and about, people see you, know you, you have friends, they call you up, stuart, here is a good question. How are questions coming from everybody . They are coming from everybody. I dont necessarily pick up on them, i take note of them and i never respond, i dont want anybody to say i got that question on the debate. They are coming from all sides, yous well. Dana i have people i havent heard from they they have thoughts. My favorite my uncle matt had ideas for ranchers and farmers, this was way back. Early on vivek in his career, he was Writing Books and had written about inheritance tax, that is on the mind of people who are interested in vivek, but thinking about that. He rescinded that. Ainsley donald trump will not be on the stage and will not debate, he refused toin zoo the pledge. A few want on the stage and have not qualified. Qualifications for this debate are steeper. Dana i think for some in the republican party, not steep enough. You have six, you had eight in milwaukee. You have to show 3 in three credible polls and have 50,000 donors across 20 states. You have until monday to meet the qualifyications. What are you going to inject in this . A british accent. It is charming. Brian that is not real. I know you study a lot everything all the time, what did you take away from the first one . Vivek emerged as a target and nikki haley surged. Dana there is consensus no one had a big breakout moment. Trump has a big lead. I think the next debate for the candidate, is where the rubber meets the road. They have to have something that says, i can be his main rival. They will not up end his numbers, his donors and numbers need that kind of moment. If they want to take on trump, the field has to consolidate and after this debate would happen. What came out of the first debate was the level of control martha and bret were able to exercise. They are urgent to get on and bret and martha did a great job and i hope we do the same. Steve im sure you will. Brian crowd of 700. Ainsley and millions watching. No pressure. You are used to millions watching you. Dana thanks for having us. Steve go to Lawrence Jones in big sky country, in bozeman, montana at open rank, a place that opened early. Lawrence Hello To Dana and stuart. Lets go talk to folks. We want reaction from folks about the big debate and what do they expect. Wra do you want to hear from the candidate on the debate stage . Border, education, inflation, policy. Lawrence Policy Whachl about you, sir . Like to see someone strong come up. Last debate, no one really emerged as someone who looks like they could win the income election. Lawrence what would you like to see in the next debate . Same, talk about issues and policy and like to see more from desantis, i really like desantis, but i lawrence want to hear more. Absolutely. Lawrence sir, we were talking and you said there was someone missing you want to see him. I would like to see the former president in these debates. [cheering] lawrence everybody agrees with you. I think anybody on the stage can beat joe biden, robust debate is healthy for our party and helps American Public understand what our ideas are and former president should be part of that. Lawrence yes, sir. Maam, quickly, what do you want to see on the debate stage . I would like to see Nikki Haley Go at it with trump, i would like to see them go at it. Lawrence whoever wins out of those two, would that be your candidate . I believe so, i would like to see nikki emerge, either way, id go with either one. Lawrence thank you, maam. These folks are fired up. They said they want to see the former president , lets see, Will Donald Trump make a surprise appearance . Back to you on the couch. Steve if he does, he has to sign the pledge. Ainsley that would be huge if he did. What if he signed over the weekend and on the podium. Brian sorry. Ainsley they would have enough time to get a podium, stuart said they have to know by monday. That would be so fun if he was like, i will do the debate. Steve stay tuned next wednesday. Up next, republican key could be in the keystone state. Dave mccormack is back with a second bid and he joins us live, coming up next. janet so much space . That open kitchen tanya oooh definitely the one ethan but how can you sell your house when were stuck on a Space Station for months . . . brian no guys, opendoor gives you the flexibility to sell and buy on your timeline. janet nice intercom flightdeck, see you at the house warming. To finally lose 80 pounds and keep it off with golo is amazing. Ive been maintaining. The weight is gone and its never coming back. With golo, ive not only kept off the weight but im happier, im healthier, and i have a new lease on life. Golo is the only thing that will let you lose weight and keep it off. Who loses 138 pounds in nine months . 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Cmon, were right there. Cmon baby. Its the only we need. Go, go, go, go ah Touchdown Baby touchdown are your neighbors watching the same game . Yeah, my 5g Home Internet delays the game a bit. But you get used to it. Try these. Theyre noise cancelling earmuffs. I stole them from an airport. Its always something with you, man. Great solid greek salad . Exactly dont delay the game with verizon or tmobile 5g Home Internet. Catch it on the xfinity 10g network. Brian back with a fox news alert, bus crash leaves two adults dead and five High School Students fighting for their lives. They were heading to band camp and their bus tumbled down an embankment. For more, here is todd piro. They are from farmingdale. Todd you know this area well, brian, investigation points to a blown front tire. It happened yesterday afternoon, when the group was only about 30 minutes from the band camp. The bus tumbled 50 feet down the slope between the lanes, it killed a Band Director and a teacher. Steven neuhaus said it was a scene. It was so chaotic and the people on the other buses were so emotional, we cant make positive conclusions until it settles down. Todd rescue crews using a ladder to get passengers out through the window. Students taken to six hospitals and remain in critical condition. Those who were not seriously hurt were taken to the Community Center to be reunited there parents. There is an investigation to determine the exact cause. Back to you. Steve it is being called one of the biggest races of 2024 and could hold fate of senate in his hands. Republican businessman Dave Mccormack announced he is running for senator, challenging bob casey and dave joins us from pittsburgh in pennsylvania. Dave, good morning to you. Good morning, steve. Steve last time you were that close to winning the nomination, it was between you and dr. Oz who wound up with endorsement of donald trump. What is different this time . This time, you learn lessons when you run in the past and there are things you could have done different. The key is contrast, ive been blessed, im a pennsylvania kid, born and raised, had opportunity to go to west point and serve my country and was a successful business man and im running against bob casey, a career politician who has been a rubberstamp for joe biden. Contrast between a pennsylvania Success Story and a career politician. Most americans think the country is going in the wrong direction. If you want to continue the status quo, that is bob caseys lane, if you want to shake up washington, that is the platform im running on. Steve i think democrats are worried about you, ive noticed there are a number of stories that you, mr. Mccormack dont live in pennsylvania, you live in connecticut. They have given me lots of attention, which is nice. Here is reality, born and raised in pennsylvania, created jobs in pennsylvania, i lived in pennsylvania. I am also divorced. My youngest daughter is know iffing high school and lives with her mom in connecticut. I will spend time in connecticut being a good dad. If there is a political problem with that, so be it. Democrats are focused on this, because they do not focus on record of an 18year senator who hasnt done anything and votes with joe biden 98 of the time. Steve speaking of joe biden, our top story this day is the crisis at our Southern Border. 10,000 streamed across in one 24hour period. Extraordinarily, this administration, mr. Mccormack, blaming the republicans for inaction in congress. Is it the republicans fault what is going on down there . No, this is really an outrage and this is pennsylvania cares about this. The border crisis is affecting pennsylvania in a huge way. The fentanyl crisis, we lost 5000 people last year, directly connected to the border. That fentanyl comes across the border, it is going down route 80 or route 81 in pennsylvania. It is a major issue for pennsylvania and the border policies of joe biden have been disgraceful and there is a real contrast there with the very strong and thoughtful border policies of president trump. Results speak for themselves. Steve speaking of results, if you do win, will you wear a tie in the u. S. Senate or will you go the John Fetterman way and wear Pajama Bottoms or shorts or whatever . I went to west point and served in the military, im a uniform man, i will show up in the kind of attire that is appropriate to show the respect that is necessary for being in one of the most important legislative bodies in the world in the greatest country in the world. I want to be respectful of the great honor that comes with being a senator of the great commonwealth of pennsylvania. Steve pleasure talking to you, good luck to you. Eight and a half before top of the hour, straight ahead go back to bozeman, montatana, Lawrence Jones is having breakfast. There is lawrence. [cheering] i look back with great satisfaction on my 32 years in active duty. I understand the veteran mentality. These are people who have served. Theyve been in leadership positions. Theyre willing to put their life on the line if necessary. And they come to us and they say, i need some financial help at this point in time. Theyre not looking for a handout. Theyre looking for a little hand up. My team at newday usa is going to do everything we possibly can to make sure that veteran gets that loan. [applause] we have had a great time here at open range. We have to top it off talking to some of the folks here. Maam, the president ial debate coming up. What would you like to hear from the candidates . How knee will protect our children. What they do to get the schools back in line. Im not a birthing person, im a mother and the first one out there to fight for my children. I love it. Thank you so much. What would you like to hear from those folks on the debate stage . Im a mother first as well. I would also like to hear more about how to protect our borders and National Security is a big issue for me. I wake up most mornings afraid of whats going to happen next. Yeah. So you moved from washington to montana. I know where you stand when you said dont trust the government. What do you want to hear from folks on the debate stage . Im concerned with a lot of issues. The number one is covid lockdowns, main dates. Those are dumb and gone for good. Im tired of states being locked down endlessly over five cases and two hospitalizations. Im part of a Political Group called Young Americans for liberty where we started a petition to get rid of a mask mandate. The most signatures out of any petition in campus yesterday and protest and phone banked the administration and got the policy gone. No more mask mandate. Everyone is happier. I want to see candidates enact policies that get freedom back to the people. Thats our next generation. Maam, what do you want to hear from folks on the debate stage i would like to hear solutions and they work for us. Were the taxpayers. The government has no money without us. [applause] thank you so much. Listen, it has been a great time being here in montana, gods country. We want to thank the diner. These folks are amazing, opening range. Thank you for opening up your doors and also Summit Sports that gave us that rtv. It was so incredible they gave us the fourwheeler. I will send it back to you guys in new york. Great. Thank you. Brian if you work at twitter now at x, you suspended my account because you said it was suspicious. It was me. I changed my password. Ainsley if you are watching. Brian if the janitor has the keys to the twitter box, it is x, twitter. Ainsley you will get unlocked. Twitter misses you. Steve lawrence, well see you back on the couch next week. Ainsley great job. See you monday. Steve thats it in studio m. Now we go to the radio. Bill good morning, everybody. The border is boiling over. Monthl

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