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Absenteeism. Then, no parent should ever wonder what is being said or talktalk to their child in the classroom. Parents come in on the government should be responsible for determining the education of their children bricks. Shannon gop cannot slip to take a put page out of Glenn Youngkin playbook we will ask celinda lake and kellyanne, what Role Education may play in the next election. Quicksand. Good to see a. Are the feds handling the challenges facing students . From the failing and National Report card map scores, reading scores, down. This is very bad for the future of the country. Shannon over Credit Classrooms strained by a surge of migrants progress we are welcoming all these new migrants into our schools with open arms a bit. To the return of mask mandates. Has School Districts in maryland now imposing k and 95 masked mandates on schoolchildren . Are you kidding me . We will discuss with Becky Pringle president of the National Education association the nations Largest Labor union. Plus piglets 6880 plus 27000. Shannon would explain why it more and more families are choosing to homeschool and ask the things Everyone Wants to know. What about the question you always get are they getting socialized . Shannon out right now Fox News Sunday goes inside the state of education. Hello from Foxnews In Washington we begin with some breaking news. Rescue crews are struggling to get to the roads and rebels to search for survivors after a massive earthquake hit morocco this week and killing more than 2000 people and injuring over 2000 more. The quake causing major damage in the city of marrakesh. Some of the aftermath. The biggest quake at two at the North African country in decades but fox news Foreign Correspondent trey yingst joins us live from casablanca. Quick shannon, good morning paid more than 2000 people are dead. Many still missing after a massive 6. 8 magnitude earthquake rocked morocco on friday evening. Overnight Rescue Workers continuing their tedious efforts to find survivors under the rubble for the moroccan government has deployed specialized Military Units to the epicenter of this quake that sits just to the southwest of the city of marrakesh. We do note those soldiers wont just be digging through debris they are setting up Field Hospitals and housing for the now thousands of Displaced Moroccans of aging of a sense of the terrain in this area, the bulk of the destructors or the base or within the high Atlas Mountains so Rescue Workers will need time to get to some of these more remote villages big earthquakes are rare in morocco this was the largest tremor to hit inside the country in 120 years. The initial shaking was felt all the way in portugal was followed by a number of aftershocks. More funerals were held today for the victims in this disaster as King Muhammad the sixth has declared a three day period good morning we are all still in this critical 48 hour period following the earthquake in southern morocco with each passing hour and the probability that people are pulled out alive decreases. Back to you. Shannon trey yingst reporting for morocco thank you very much will continue to monitor that and helping sort turn out to the state of education here in the u. S. There is a debate in this country about the role that schools should play in american life. What say should parents have about what their children are learning . How much information should educators be required to give parents about their childrens experiences behind Classroom Doors . Those are some of the questions we will attempt to answer today. But first Mike Emmanuel reports from the Virginia Suburbs just outside washington d. C. Which has become ground zero in the fight over schools. Shame on you for. Moms and dads are during the pandemic were alarmed by covid restrictions for what they felt like was a political agenda in their schools. And virginia Glenn Youngkin recognize the harbor and run for governor in 2021 on empowering parents. Becoming the first republican to win statewide and what had become Blue Virginia and stu thousand nine. Creating a new political playbook for other republicans to follow in swing states or where democrats are dominant. Glenn youngkin had new policies insisting students use bathrooms and locker rooms matching the birth of g gender increasing pal notification requirements. Parents should be the absolute primary advisor to close them out of this does not make any Sense Piglets in several districts the blue Northern Virginia suburbs, Fairfax County Prince William county, arlington and alexandria Glenn Youngkin has encountered some resistance per. They are worried their names, pronounce impact their very identity will no longer be honored at school. A recent foxpro reveals more than half believe theres not enough focus on reading, writing, math and science. While close to half believe theres too much focus on Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity. Fairfax county schools are defined the states of transGender Policies. The superintendent argues the local Gender Policies comply with the federal and state antidiscrimination laws. This showdown could end up in court. Shannon and Mike Emmanuel reporting from virginia thank you very much joining is now here in washington Virginia Governor Glenn Youngkin welcome back to Fox News Sunday. Good morning. Thanks for having me and happy anniversary. Its your First Anniversary of your show what a great accomplishment. Shannon i hope thats a good sign thank you much governor. Struck by the headlight i saw a few days ago it says this democrats and republicans have been talking about School Reform for years while everything has gotten worse but this is written by english teacher in dallas he says republicans are marginally better than democrats but they really had not articulated a clear vision on this issue. What can your party do better . Whats lets just begin with the fact theres nothing more important than ensuring a quality education for our children the future of virginia, the future of america will be built by then and they need to be prepared to take on the challenges take advantage of the opportunities that are ahead of them. When i came into the rose governor virginia was elected in novnovember 2021. I came into a virginia that had been at the heart of the parents matter movement. And what we saw of course was the ffirst of all an effort to systematically lower expectations by the Progressive Left as the standards were lowered on top of that parents are pushed out of their childrens lives. And on top of that schools were shut for an unnecessary period of time virginia was 44th in the nation getting kids back into school. The Learning Loss as a result has been catastrophic. So we went to work right away first raising expectations and a second, empowering parents make sure they are at the head of the table in the childrens lives. And finally the fact we have to combat this persistent Learning Loss virginia at which used to have the best schools, all the sudden it was ranked the bottom of the pack in fourth grade reading and math and Learning Loss. We have launched a high intensity tutoring program in order to help her to clear third through eighth graders regained what they have lost. We have got a whole generation at risk we need to go to work right now. We have been clear in our policies we have been systematic and moving forward. And i think we owe it to these children who will infect define our future. Shannon you mentioned this weekly test scores came and were not great theres Room For Improvement and virginia as there is in many places you talked about this program you launch there are critics out there, not surprisingly the head of the virginia Education Association James Fetterman says this, after two years all he has a shows a string of bungled proposals, and midstream scandals, proposed budget with cuts to 12 spending and a second year end stagnating test results. Are the challenges bigger than you anticipated is that a fair criticism . Ask first if i want to step back and say as we came in as a new administration, what we inherited was a group of children who had been infected damaged by schools closed and lowered expectations. And of course what is clear third through eighth graders had never been taught the foundational elements that were going to underpin the rest of their education. And so the Learning Loss was not only deep but it was persistent. Therefore we have got to put politics down and go to work. That is why this High Intensity Program is important is three five hours a week of tutoring for reading and math in the classroom either before, during the day or after the School Systems get to decide its not going to cost families a penny. Its being funded by the state and we have this moment where we see almost two thirds of our third through eighth graders at risk or failing their math standards. More than half at risk to fail or failing their reading standards. There is no time for political jargon its time to go to work and we have got to get this done now we have a whole generation is at risk for. Aware of this to be a bipartisan discussion today we repeatedly asked the u. S. Secretary of education to come and join us on the show we were turned down we offered a pretaped interview were turned down for that. I has been out on a bit of a backtoschool tour going to play you a little bit of what he says about republicans for. We have a party that is bent on creating division so they could privatize schools. Shannon that division shows up in toxic disrespect for lgbtq people. You are banning books he says that is your party. I believe this is representative of what the Progressive Left has been championing which is the first you dont know is good for your children were going to push parents and other kids life. Second of all we are going to emphasize equal outcomes over excellence make sure all children get the same education when in fact we know onesizefitsall means one size fits none. And finally on top of that no one can argue with the fact that we have seen catastrophic Learning Loss across this country because of bad policies by the Progressive Left. This is not a political statement it is common sense. And on top of that one of the Biggest Challenges we see in virginia and across the cou countrys chronic absenteeism. What they taught our kids and families was being not in school, thinking a 12inch screen was a quality education was okay. But what we know is it is not okay and weve got to get kids back in the classroom weve got to give them intensive support weve got to rescue this generation is at risk. Shannon lets talk about some of the policies your administration has put forward Mike Emmanuel is reporting that some the controversial ones there were you given guidance to School Districts they need to have kids using facilities and a functioning with the gender assigned at birth and also parents have to approve of a minor student is asking for changes to names and pronouns, those kinds of things a judge in new jersey as black similar policies parents are backing up there he says hes worried about evidence of Mental Health issues, suicide, illicit drug dependency affliction of emotional harm by immediate Family Members for students who wereforced to reveal leasing so first of all, do you acknowledge those potential risk . Second give a number of districts who sit are not going to complain or can you enforce it . Let me just start where our policies are rested its empowering parents to be engaged in their childrens lives. The previous policy specifically excluded parents and we know this is not right. A child Cannot Go On A Field Trip without parental consent a child in school cannot get an aspirin or a tylenol without parental consent how in the world is it appropriate for a child to be guided and counseled by folks outside of their family on these most important issues when they are questioning their identity at school . Parents must be at the head of the table this isnt controversy of the issue at hand is of course there are protections in place if there is abuse at home. Those protections are appropriate. This is where the argument becomes politicized luster start the truth. Family counseling is the most effective counseling. Parents have a right in Virginia Fundamental right to make decisions with regards to their childs education, their upbringing and their care it is clear we are going to make sure parents have that right and finally the School Divisions that are thinking they have a choice here, dont our Attorney General came out with a very, very clear opinion that it is in code, passed by the Previous Administration and signed by the previous democrat governor. I will issue model policies the schools will adopt a policy is consistent with those. There is no choice here the old toys they have is to adopt policies that are exactly the ones we have laid out for ones that are consistent with them. Unfortunately they have been mistaken in their belief and they need to go back and adopt policies consistent with the ones we have passed. Shannon in winchester or the sprinters made headlines. A lot of people member the case that showed on the Loudoun County which is outside d. C. Here he had a daughter who had been sexually assaulted. He went to a school board was demanding information trying to get answers. It got pretty heated at one point he actually got arrested his name is scott smith. He expressed frustration this fe summary found is going to have to face trout this fall on a remaining charge he said ive yet to hear from our governor Glenn Youngkin is your administration in contact with him about his case . Once we are in contact with him in fact they i spoke with mr. Sh on friday. At the privilege of telling mr. Smith i would pardon him and we did that on friday. We rented a wrong he never shouldve been prosecuted here. This was a dad standing up for his daughter. Just to remind everyone his daughter had been sexually assaulted in the bathroom of a school and no one was doing anything about it. In fact it took the election of a new governor, me and my directive to our Attorney General to investigate this to uncover the fact the superintendent had in fact covered it up. He was immediately terminated when the final report from the grand jury was issued. Mr. Smith did what any father would do any parent would do was stand up for their child. And even worse with then happened was the perpetrator was moved to another school and sexually assaulted another young woman. This was a gross miscarriage of justice are so pleased to speak with him on friday be able to issue a full pardon for him. Youve talked a lot about virginias fall elections everyone is up for reelection in the state Assembly Said that it should focus for now but the Wall Street Journal notes this if the november 7 elections go well for his party could make a late entry for 2024 president ial race the prospect he has not ruled out. Some National Republicans have pined for, one player little bit of an add your pack head up earlier this year. We can usher in a new era of american values. Shannon is not a campaign at Youandyou Cannot Run again for governor in virginia, when he thinking about 2024 are you definitively ruling it in or out . She and ive been really clear them so focus on 2023 its the most important election in the nation in my view we have a chance to demonstrate common sense conservative policies can in fact result in great outcomes. When i look at whats happened in virginia over the last 19 months is with a great privilege of being hired, i am so encouraged. We have all the sudden gun from near the bottom of job growth attended the top and job growth we have seen the largest workforce and virginias history more virginias working than ever we have reduced taxes we have back to Law Enforcement we have reestablished expectations of excellence in school and empowered parents. What gets me most excited is yes people around the country are noticing. They think it is good. I am most focused on virginians. And thats what we are focused on the quickset sounds like a stump speech per. I dont think it sounds like a stump speech it sounds like the truth. The reality is we have in fact brought a whole new way of governing for two virginia way of governing that reflects work and results and reflects conservative common sense values. We have made great change in very short period of time to. Shannon anyway you take those skills to run in 2024 for the presidency . As i said im not in iowa at the state fair i was actually the Rockingham County fair. Yesterday was supported one of our delegates outside peters petersburgi am campaigning in Vr Virginians that are in the country. Shannon i will leave that as a door that maybe has a little crack open their governor thank you for your time permits thank you thank you for covering education theres nothing more important than our nation and making sure these future generations a i re receive the y education they deserve to lead and to face the challenges we all know they will. Shannon thank you syrup next u. S. Reading and math scores have dropped to the lowest levels in decades. Mullions of students falling behind. Becky pringle president of the nationalNational Education asson joins us like to talk about what administrative and teachers are trying to get kids back up to speed plus time for a pop quiz for which states have the highest and lowest Math Test Scores for eighth graders. The answer when we come back. Ids to support immune, muscle, bone, and heart health. Yaaay woo hoo ensure with 25 vitamins and minerals and ensure complete with 30 grams of protein. If they wou were to bring ine Critical Race Theory and it just what it should be up to the parents. And The School Board to make this decision and not the federal government and the state perfects no one knows better what is good for their kids and the parents. Physics thoughts in Public School prince i talked a few days ago about how to handle Hot Button Topics in the classroom. At the answer to your first quiz which states have the highest and lowest Math Test Scores, the answer it massachusetts, utah and idaho have the highest eighth grade test scores in math the bottom through new mexico, washington d. C. And west virginia. At the center of much of the Education Debate are our nations teachers groups that push for change on a national level. And advocate for teachers and School Support staff are jumping joiningoften the Largest Labor n the country Becky Pringle the president of the National Education association for a thank you so much for coming in today because its good to be with you shannon. We talked for the break you are a long time teacher my mom spent decades in the classroom two. The last three years have been so tough private students, administrators, teachers going through covered. Now we have numbers from Gallup American satisfaction with the quality of k12 education and the u. S. Has fallen six points in the past year to match the record low of 36 . Fighting for like americans feel like the Education System is not working . Whats only begin by saying ive had the opportunity over the last three weeks to go and visit students and educators throughout the country. It is that time of year. I taught for over 30 years the wonders of science to middle School Students that excitement and hope and enthusiasm is that thereright now as school begins. But there is no question there are challenges, lingering challenges from the pandemic. Gaps in academic, social, and emotional learning. That existed before the pandemic but the pandemic like Everything Else made it worse. And so as we go Back To School what educators are saying to me and what i know as a longtime educator is that the focus we need now is on solutions that we know work. It is important we ask and listen to educators, to parents, to the students themselves because they will tell you what they need. Shannon looks at us of the test scores as you mentioned covid it was really Learning Loss is real. U. S. Reading and math scores dropped to the lowest level in decades weve got stats that look at 13 ye 13 yearolds on g and math down 4. 9 points in math. Compared to precovered but compared to 10 years ago down seven points a in reading and 14 points in math. How do we hold anyone accountable for that . Would we find the solutions . The question is what are we going to do about it . One of things we are focused on our solutions that work. Even through the pandemic we were watching in gathering information and data because many of our schools though scores whether we are trying what test scores over talk about other measures because thats important like absenteeism and the ability and desire to continue to learn. When we look at those solutions we see them right in front of us. Solutions like schools where they are created in a way they understand they are teaching the whole student and its everyones responsibility what the they can buy the assets of the community they can promote Student Agencies so students are involved in their own learning. But we now a student cannot learn if they are hungry for they cant learn if they cant see. Those kind of solutions were everyone is involved in making sure we are closing those gaps. By the way existed before the pandemic, build on inequities that are in every single social system that impacts whether students are able to come to school ready to learn every day. Those are the kinds of things we need to focus on that it is our shared responsibility to do it pickwick chief talked about this gaps how we need to close them and their sister that has to be made up for and fix with the schools no matter where you live or who you are you can have a quality education no matter where you live. The Wall Street Journal this week is talking about a Chicago Teacher she is the head of the union there setting her kid to a private Catholic School they praised her for that said she desired she was best for her child is laudable but what is not his to do that while denying other families the same choice of this idea of School Choice keeps coming up. Wanting to center tim scott running for the gop nomination started School Caucus School Choice caucus years ago its a civil rights issue of our generation heres a little bit more of what he had to say. It is to restore hope. You have to have every kid in every family and every zip code having access to quality education. When a kid has a good education, all things are possible. Coquincy is a product of Public School so point out he lauds them, he wants them to flourish and do well but his concern is where there is not a good option what about School Choice . Rep Charter Schools, homeschooling, different options you agree with him on any of those points . 98 of our students go to Public Schools. I dont know if you know this or not, but 83 of the richest people in america send their children to Public Schools. We note any kind of scheme that takes money out of the Public School system robs them of resources that are desperately needed. But we need to be focusing on something weve never done that is equitably funding our schools so that we say every student has opportunity, access to learn we actually mean every student. Shannon we have this issue with migrant students coming into in new york they are sounding the alarm center overburdened republicans and democrats alike we do not have the resources to treat everyone humanely and take care of everyone. The city a has attempted to create some sort of plan theyre still just not enough there. Not enough resources to go around. Mayor adams has said this we dont have the money we dont have personnel for the schools are you worried about the impact on kids no matter what their background or Immigration Status is, the Current Situation with schools and places like new york . I am worried when that burden is placed on the back of our parents and on our students themselves. In our country it has never been a matter of whether we have the wealth. It has always been about whether we have the will to meet the needs of our students. So whether we are talking black or white, native or newcomer, indigenous students, lgbtq are differently abled students we know we have the resources in this country to close as opportunity access gaps. And as educators, as a teacher i have to meet my children where they are. At Public Schools we take them all we take them all. Our job and our responsibility is to work collaboratively with our parents and with others within the community to make sure that everyone of our students gets what they need and what they deserve. Shannon Supreme Court is guaranteed education for all kids regardless of the Immigration Status in our schools and oats finding that balance for thank you for your time. Are good to jointed this morning fix and all of your decades of teaching too. Cap next posters for both sides of the aisle way and i want you at home think about our schools were education figures in the race to the white house. Plus its time for the next pop quiz which states spend the most money per students k12 education is your state on the list question the answer when we come back. The Massage Chair at the mall. But. He wasnt. Gain flings with oxi boost and febreze. Age is just a number, and mines unlisted. Try boost® high protein with 20 grams of protein for Muscle Health versus 16 grams in ensure® high protein. Boost® high protein. Now available in cinnabon® bakeryinspired flavor. Learn more at boost. Com tv providing for your family is a top priority. But what happens when you need Affordable Health care . Christian Health Care Ministries could save you up to 40 today. As a member, you can choose your provider without network restrictions. Sign up at your convenience with our anytime enrollment. 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Is one of the highest spenders per student was near the bottom of the list for the same Math Test Scores. All right we went to a deep dive and now on what American Voters think about the state of education and who they think has the best plan to solve the toughest issues facing schools today time no education posters Fox News Contributor kellyanne conway. And celinda lake president of Lake Research good to see a progress nice to be a thank you. We have new polling on the specific issue. We asked not long ago but local Public Schools. Are they teaching too much too little on the very subjects question what it comes to reading and writing was a consensus a majority of people think we are doing too little on that front. Too little on good citizenship. Too little on math, science, tech. But it came to Sexual Orientation and gender of the Largest Group that we were spending too much time on that. Anything surprising to you . That we have a Parent Rights renaissance sweeping the nation. Its not just parents us non parents its future parents. People are very concerned about the quality of education in our classrooms with those numbers do not surprise me basically because people still look at schools as a place of learning. Parents dont want their kids to have their values subverted and subsumed by a different curriculum by day. Now i think all the metrics you have discussed with your other guests today and all the metrics we all know are incredibly important to this point also. Because i dont understand why the entire Political Party of democrats who are against School Choice and Charter Schools and educational freedom and opportunities when they are proven to help these kids trapped in failing schools to have a third way. And i just cannot justify white 60 years after bigots and south stood at School Hester is refusing to let kids of colors in the night have biased people all across this country preventing kids from exiting the failing schools and accessing a quality affordable education where they have their humanity and dignity. I think this is going to continue to be 50 of the students in washington d. C. Are virtually absent last year. Across the country 6. 5 Million Students as 25 of the Public School students. And yet youre showing we spent so much money here in washington d. C. Where i live. That is making people feel better we spent more money but it does not correlate to the fact that we are shoving all these kids to college but we are not preparing them for college. Some should do what we did in our administration which is also access for these kids another way so they have a skill set when they graduate high school when they graduate High School Diploma and a Skills Certificate let them go to work right away instead of shoving them into college, all of them and not preparing them for college. Shannon us up for everybody want to play a match up with and of the gop contenders at our debate a couple weeks ago talking about the issue of education in the united states. We need education in this country not indoctrination in this country prote big bucks tog to the Department Of Education checked on the head of the snake the Department Of Education. Take that 80 billion put it in the hands of parents across this country. I will also shutdown the federal Department Of Education andthe owner will be change education this nation is to break the backs of the Teachers Unions. That either what to really hamper or cut the doe. Want to get rid of unions. Thats the pitch they are making to the primary voters. Is exactly right its a pitch to primary voters that is a wildly unfavorable with General Election voters but let some of the Department Of Education was started by george bush and promoted by george bush a republican president. 90 he students go Public Schools. We have to be committed to in this country is a good Public Education for every child in america. That is something parents and teachers can be united in and Work Together on. People want to focus on the basics they want to focus on reading and writing and math as you said they want to focus on Mental Health which is a crisis they want to focus on skills training. So children have more options. People are fine with lots of different choices education but they dont want to take public taxpayer dollars out of Public Schools and put them into Private Schools. Shannon have a p poem that sine you brought that up 50 of people so they do favor putting public money to Charter Schools most of them are Public Schools when it comes to Private School or a Religious School thats been a debate that had the Supreme Court as well they do not which is to see the money go there but they do these polls show they do think some of the e topics schools are seemingly focused on getting a lot of headlines on they dont think that is where the focus should be big. The more clever democrats run on this issue but even that they do not fulfill that promise. Take new pennsylvania governor josh appear elected in this last year he ran on saying he would support the 100 Million Scholarship Program basically School Choice in charters which shows 63 of pennsylvania support yet he gets into office and did was predecessor tom wolfe that he standing in the schoolhouse doors refusing to make good on the campaign promise. That means he politicized initiates near and dear to each of us. He is denying the skids a better chance i do not begrudge it all the obamas and the clintons and their three daughters from the finest Private Schools in this country. Here in washington d. C. If the girls wanted to go there, they can afford it perfect. But why would you, just as joe biden is doing a why would you veto the deceased Scholarship Program when every survey says if you are a member of that, if you are a kid that benefits are not your 12 were likely to benefit from high school. Why the resistance question facing because Teachers Unions on them or telling them what to do. It is beyond that now. Youre being hostile if not in opposition to what we know works for kids. Shannon it doesnt poll well the idea of letting dollars follow students in them is where they go. Especially Public Schools not and option thats ideal. Only 28 of voters have children under 18. I dont have any children i have never voted against a school levy. I strongly support tax dollars going to Private Schools that the parents are a silent text i was going to good Public Schools for every child. I also think that was what really is upsetting as the public is united on focusing on opportunity at improving quality and reading and writing an individualized learning and Mental Health in skills training. Why are we having the divisive issues . Particularly at this critical moment we are trying to help all of our children catch up. Shannon and new york mayor eric adams at our compassion is limitless about our resources are thats a conversation we have devon fighting those out for kellyanne thank you both for coming in today. Cap next our sunday panel on the return of masks in some school the debate here in washington over mandates plus on this day in 1988 president Ronald Reagan delivered an address to the nation on education. The education our children to serve as a kind no american should be deprived of four its the basic instruction and what it means to be an american. Shannon will talk with other some degree of foxbusiness to be the reagan president ial library later this month for the second republican president ial primary debate you can watch all their aunt on f Fox News Channel september 27. J. P. Morgan Wealth Management knows its easy to get lost in investment research. Get help with j. P morgan personal advisors. Hey, david ready to get started . Work with advisors who create a plan with you, and help you find the right investments. So great getting to know you, lets take a look at your new investment plan. Ok, great this should have you moving in the right direction. Thanks jen. Get ongoing advice; and manage your investments in the chase mobile app. Shannon the debate over masking has returned following uptick in kobe case lets talk about with our son get married Catherine Fox foxnews a senior political analyst Juan Williams Josh Kraushaar Jewish Insider editorinchief and former state a permit spokesperson morgan ortagus. Welcome back everyone at some of you have little kiddos in school or heading to school. And the idea of the masking. This week senator vance try to pass a measure that would ban for putting masks in school and Public Transit their post to oppose it and said masks work and we got to use them. Heres the thing all the things in school go back to trust, trust, trust trust was broken really huge ways particular in americas metro areas by School Boards and School Policy teachers he refused to go Back To School. Caused a lot of problems becaue other problems or a year more than here in some places we are a global out wire on the School Closures and masking. Piss is like denmark did not mask after may 2020 places like france and no one under 11. In Middleton Kate middleton does meet and greets in 2021 easily with Young Children the cdc and europe says do not mask them in Primary School at all. We are the outlier on this citizens are demanding this time around prove to us this is actually doing something instead of them imposing whatever they want to cause damage and less le people are upset about it. Shannon france have not really talking Learning Loss, developed for kids with mask the whole debate over that theyre all kinds of other legal issues i want to talk about one in new jersey and i talked about this with governor jon for the students the schools the policies they want the parents want to be informed of this going to be changed with regard to Gender Transition that kind of thing. A judge there is a block to their efforts he says that the statistical possibility that even one transgender student affected by the amended policies could run away from home or attempt to commit suicide. That is sufficient to tip the balance of inequities in favor of the state. Organ ruling against the parents wanting more information. It seems like throughout the country what i am sensing from parents is this ability that you dont feel you are in control. Whether its a masking, or transgender ruling you just talked about. It is this underlying fielding the government is trying to control how you parent instead of you making those decisions. And i think that is one of the reasons white parents get so upset about the masking because its not just about the masking. One day its masking the next days but the fact your child could be going through some think they could change their Gender Identity there name in School Things that have lifelong repercussions for their child and you could be informed about it . As governor Glenn Youngkin said in your interview tapping cold and form for your child to take an aspirin but not to make a decision that might change their ability to have children the reproductive abilities later in life . It is crazy parents feel like it is crazy. Let me just say your interview with governor Glenn Youngkin were so good a in effect he finally brought up things that could fix all these problems we are having in school the School Tutoring i thought we have been complaining onset you have been your for a year. We have been complaining for your buck covid policies what theyve done for the first time we are Hearing Solutions to get children back and in the right direction that is were i think is a member of their public and part of the need to be headed. Shannon collects a level set on Gender Transition parent should be in Fort Monmouth pulling 81 of parents of minor say this should be a requirement that they are informed and also one in new jersey there trying to block similar legislation 77 of parents you are not on the controversial side of this of wanting to know. Potential lifelong ramifications are some of this is being fought out in california to the Attorney General they are filed suit against a School District that wanted to inform parents think this the forced outing policy wrongful endangers the physical, mental, Emotional Wellbeing of nonconforming students who lack accepting environment in the classroom and at home. Joshua goes back to and calvary there considering if you do not affirm what your childs choice is in the Transition Journey it could affect your ability to maintain custody of your child. This is a battle between states in the college of blue skate by california facing a red county, governor was time but the issues hes having with some of these deep blue counties in Northern Virginia trying to get them to go along with what is pretty popular guidances administration offer but thats going to be the big challenge politically for republicans if your governor do you pick a big fight with Fairfax County over there transgender guidance . They say were not going to follow your lead and governor sound like hes leaning in a little more from the interview. He has not been Governor Desantis hes not someone who is eager to pick these fights. And now these blue areas are sank new jersey, virginia, california they are saying we want to have this fight are you going to make this a big National Issue . Thats going to be the big question virginia simplistic, california is a blue suit new jersey as a blue state to these big fights have political residence throughout the states . Works one might argue the commonwealth might be purple with mike to see how the fall elections go. This is the president of the chino valley School District The School Board out there who they are being sued over this issue. She wants parents to have more information heres what she says. You know our kids cannot even take a tylenol without our permission. Yet he is picking and choosing what he wants us parents to know. I think that sends the message they have a clear agenda. They want control of our children. B61, parents are suspicious big quick sure parents want control and im a big believer for example in School Choice, why . I think parents really are the best people to look out for their children. But i listen to this conversation and think to myself less than 1 of Children School age children people between five and 17 are considering transitioning. Roxy numbers have exploded though. Wire will make a big issue out of this . I guess its politics. People who want to politicize every difficult decision. I went to high school a long time ago but i did. And a lot of people are exploring Sexual Identity and sex during high school. That is just a reality. Dont think theres any need for State Governments or courts to be telling parents or kids how to behave. Shannon about parents wanting to know its going on there. Panel, thank you very much for education died today will see you next sunday. That was parents and pulled their children out of Public Schools in the past three years up next we take a look into one of the alternatives these families are turning too. Its time for the Fox News Sunday quiz. Which states have the highest and lowest sat scores you have Bragging Rights customer answers only come back. I brought in ensure max protein with 30 grams of protein. Those who tried me felt more energy in just two weeks uuuhhhh. Here, ill take that woohoo ensure max protein, 30 grams of protein, 1 gram of sugar. Enter the 10,000 powered by protein max challenge. Not flossing well . Then add the whoa of listerine to your routine. New science shows listerine is 5x more effective than floss at reducing plaque above the gumline. For a cleaner, healthier mouth. Ahhhhh. Listerine. Feel the whoa vo ultimate endless shrimp is here with a limited time flavor drop. New crispy dragon shrimp. One of seven endless choices for just 20. Right now, only at red lobster. Welcome to fun dining. Shannon back to the state of education special the answer to our quiz which states have the highest and lowest median sat scores. Accordior just a part of educatn minnesota, north dakota have the highest scores there in your screen. Delaware, idaho washington d. C. Have the lowest median scores but it has been more than three years since the start of the pandemic that disrupted pillars of all of our everyday lives. Early on schools close their doors leaving millions of students locked out, left behind forced to learn virtually. A noun of the concerns about Learning Loss were valid for School Enrollment dropped and guess what Homeschooling Increase by 30 resetting of the few of those parents who decided to try a new way of educating their kids. My youngest was in kindergarten. He would sit with me while he was logging into his class. And i mean it was not good. Perhaps many parents jon and sandra faced a dilemma during covid. How to keep their children engaged and learning when zoom school fell short . Whats i just knew he would be better doing stuff alongside us. It was a pretty easy decision to make progress he decided to give homeschooling a try. It was riskfree in a certain sense. I felt like we werent going to be left behind because everybody was struggling at the time with education. You found not to be true that story other parents it was the pandemic that kind of gave them the push to try this. Were the playgroups im in the kids were from Public School they said hey were going to try homeschooling. And for the most part they have ststuckwith it just because thes were so beyond anything that bad them. The pandemic was the Tipping Point for jon and sandra attitudes about Home Education more broadly have been shifting. Jena is an educator who left the traditional classroom to teach her family and others in a home school setting. Chris owed to stay home with my children i really miss teaching. Someone brought the opportunity for me too teach her to homeschool coop its okay ill check it out. I feel it is going to be a weirdo. Weird. I had preconceived notions. I visited and the moms are so welcoming and the children were so bright they were all eager to learn i was like okay i can try this. Carla fuller his children are now grown educated them at home all the way from kindergarten through high school. The decisive moment for her came in an unexpected way. It was a brick Team Recruiting event one young woman was very different from the other girls. She was still very useful but not as. Driven there something about her that made me ask when you go to school . She said i am homeschooled. That is will begin might introduction to Home Education for quicksort at the question always get are they getting socialize . Quick socialization is the big one. Socialization happens in a number of different ways. Its not the narrow thing we think about they have to beat with peers. My kids are still involved in sports. They play tennis on a team. My kids are more active than ever. Recently an int been interactioh one of my moms friends and he said to us i cannot believe how your son, who is nine can have a conversation with me. My own grandchildren dont talk to me. It is just because he is interact with adults, people of different ages different situations. And so he can talk to anybody for. And there is the other critical question. What kind of education our kids actually getting from parents who arent trench educators . What test of the worry people have there isnt regulation of what youre doing with the kids are outside of a Public School system. Nobodys keeping track of what theyre learning with the progress is. I was on my principal concerns. As word about the regulation the standards that we would have to meet your quick sanders had herr status mandatory but reasonable regulations and testing schedules they give her concrete measurements for how her children are doing. Would you say the level of detail now about knowing where they are in these different subjects in their Development Versus three or four years ago . We know everything theyre working on because we have to do it. Of Accident Misconception Abt Homeschooling is that you have to do it all yourself. My son was interested in Playing Chess we had a chess set. So i put them in a chess class that i dont teach since i am not a chess player. So he takes that class. My daughter wanted to be in a Classroom Setting so we found a coop that has a teacher. She went all year long and did the Sixth Grade Math Class last year in person with three other kids with a teacher. Jon and sandra both work remotely while simultaneously overseeing their childrens learning. People like i dont how you work and home school that is to make any sense because theres not enough time. But really were doing targeted schooling i will sit down with emily and wild when a mom has 20 minutes until her next meeting were going to knock these five problems out than in egypt to go to these 15 problems yourself. Is once you hit your targets everyone is more flexible. When you tell people about homeschool and why you like it whwhat works for you guys . Hours a day. When you get home you still have homework. And you get back at like two or 3 00 oclock Progressive Dpick Accidentallymore time to s and hit with each other as we were all in like Public School or private we would not have that done Progress Homes going Advocate Site Flexibility and freedom as key benefits. I think tailoring Home Education to your childs needs is such a great benefit. When you have a child that is Special Needs or gifted you can really lean and a little bit more. Find out what works for them is not onesizefitsall brick works do find you learn things to . Whats far easier you do need to be refreshed from these things its not calculus not yet. [laughter] im going to stay away from that. High school math. All right before we go check at this moment we caught when tim scott made a stop at a Charter School in New Hampshire on friday. He was there to encourage the students, watch what happened. Big dreams . The bigger your dreams the more you will accomplish. Parks i have nightmares. [laughter] me too. [laughter] [inaudible] shannon it probably that little kid is not the limit i have nightmares kids just keeping it real. While we all enjoyed that kids just speak the truth but that is it for today thank you for joining us. I am Shannon Bream have a fantastic week we will see you next Fox News Sunday. Dagen good Sunday Morning, welcome to Sunday Morning futures, im Dagen Mcdowell in for maria. President biden is set to hold a News Conference in hanoi, vietnam, any moment now, minutes from now potentially. Hes running about 90 minutes late so far, this after biden left the g20 summit in india. Hes looking to strengthen economic and diplomatic ties to counter chinas influence. For reaction, lets welcome South Carolina republican congresswoman nanc

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