Transcripts For FOXNEWSW FOX And Friends 20140910 10:00:00

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anymore. school lunch was bad enough before. >> don writes what happened to the time when they concentrated on teaching? get back to the basics. put the effort back into education, not social change. thanks to everyone who responded. >> i agree with him. "fox & friends" starts now. >> bye. good morning. it is wednesday, september 10. i'm elisabeth hasselbeck. while you were sleeping republican scott brown declaring victory in new hampshire but his primary wasn't the only one last night. we're going to break down all the results and explain how they could change the balance of power in washington. >> the big question for the president before he makes his speech tonight -- >> if he's now here one year later making the case potentially for expanded military action in that region, does it not suggest that maybe he was too quick to get out? >> good question, ed. why the president's new plan is coming under fire even before he says a word tonight at 9.
>> roger goodell speaking out over how the league handled the ray rice video. >> we assumed that there was a video. we asked for a video. we asked for anything that was pertinent, but we were never afforded that opportunity. >> what about the interviews? did it make things better or did it make things worse? we'll debate it, we'll talk about it because mornings are better with friends. >> good morning, "fox & friends." >> good morning, "fox & friends." >> "fox & friends," good morning. >> yes, indeed. operators standing by to tell you the news. welcome back. >> thank you, steve. >> this is your monday. >> this is my monday. >> yesterday election day across a number of states. so today the post game show. while you were sleeping scott brown declaring victory in new hampshire. >> thank you very much! all right!
thank you very, very much. >> come on up, honey. results pouring in from last night's primaries before the mid terms in november. joining us live from washington to break down the big races, elizabeth prann. >> let's start with the former massachusetts senator scott brown winning the new hampshire g.o.p. senate primary doing so before a challenging senate election fight against incumbent jean shaheen. brown with a little foreign policy politics in his speech. >> he needs to lead, folks. and if all these jihadists, they need to be dealt with where they are. they shouldn't be able to use their citizenship and passports to come back because they're not coming back to buy a house with a white picket fence. they're coming back to hurt and change our way of life, to kill us. >> other races making headlines in massachusetts, martha copely, the woman who lost the 2010 special election to scott brown,
wins the democratic primary for governor. with 42% of the vote she'll be facing republican charlie baker in the november election. with the democratic congressional upset in the same state, former marine iraq war veteran and a political newcomer defeats representative john tierney. tierney is the first incumbent to lose the primary since 1992. back to you guys. >> senator scott brown a little bit later will be on our show live to tell us how he wants to win in november. >> he had a big year, planning a wedding in his family. >> two. it would weddings. >> a lot has been happening overnight including details pouring in over joan rivers' death. heather nauert is here. what did we learn? >> welcome back.
great to have you here. new information about joan rivers and folks who have these routine procedures, in an outpatient facility need to listen. the surgery that led to joan rivers' death, a new report says her doctor decided to perform an unplanned biopsy that ended up cutting off her air supply and that is what ultimately killed her. according to new york's daily news that procedure is only supposed to be performed at a hospital. rivers only signed off on having an end scop parliamentaryy performed that day. a record number of people, children, are sick with that powerful virus that leaves kids gasping for air. it is now affecting children in 12 states. the cincinnati children's hospital in ohio just admitted 540 children with severe asthma-like symptoms in one day. in st. louis, missouri, one hospital now rolling out a mobile triage unit to handle all of the extra
patients flooding in. 12 states reporting that outbreak of that virus. she is the american who wanted to help wage jihad across this country. instead 19-year-old shannon conley will be in a courtroom today to plead guilty to terror charges. f.b.i. agents arrested her in april at the denver airport. she was trying to board a flight to get to syria. she told agents that she was going to marry a tunesian guy who is a member of isis and use her skills as a nurses aide to help militants there. >> in an open letter the baltimore ravens owner apologized to the fans for not pursuing a more vigorous investigation into ray rice. he claims no one in the nfl had seen that surveillance footage. >> did you know a second tape existed? >> we had not seen any videotape of what occurred in the elevator.
we assumed there was a video. we asked for a video. we asked for anything that was pertinent but we were never granted that opportunity. >> coming up in about ten minutes you'll want to listen to this. legendary coach lou holtz and former football player randall hill are here to react. and i'm sure coach holtz will have more to say. >> six minutes after the top of the hour. secretary of state john kerry in iraq. a new iraqi government, welcome aboard, make sure you include the sunnis this time and try to give equal access to the kurds, the sunnis and the shia. by the way, we're going to need some troops in place. the president will also -- excuse me, the secretary of state will also make it clear, and the president should make it clear tonight, we understand, that he's going to be asking for rebel forces to be trained outwardly and openly in jordan, in portions of syria that can be safe, possibly even turkey and what's left of the iraq armed forces.
>> more of an open operation ranging from 500 billion in terms of cash, a train and equip program. upping the ante here from years back leading ed henry to ask questions of josh earnest yesterday in the white house pressroom saying wait a minute if he's asking for more troops to beef it up for funding here, will the president in doing that be admitting that we actually left iraq too soon? >> if he's now here one year later making the case potentially for expanded military action in that region, does it not suggest that maybe he was too quick to get out? it does not, ed. the reason for that simply is that we cannot be in a position -- the president believes firmly that the united states should not be in a position of placing the burden on our american military to be solely responsible for fighting security in iraq. >> okay. ed asked a great question. if mr. earnest was honest, he would have said
everything the president has said so far has been wrong. everything he said about iraq -- now we're left with this terrorist army that is bigger and bolder and in many ways worse than al qaeda ever was. >> not so j.v. >> so what's the president going to say tonight? dr. krauthammer has some observations. >> he should stop talking about what he's not going to do. there is no need to talk about that. just don't do it. and i also think his mission tomorrow night is not to lay out a plan, because the enemy is watching. it's to lay out the mission. what is it he wants to accomplish? no time lines. not like afghanistan where he said i'm going but i'm coming back. not like any of the other operations where he does one step this way and one step that way. he's got to say here's the mission. here's how we know it will succeed. and i'm going to give the military the authority to go ahead and pursue it.
>> that's great. don't give out details and please don't tell us what you don't want to do. don't tell us that we're getting out. also, can we mention what the other nations are going to be doing? the secretary of state is going from there to saudi arabia. the u.a.e. is ready to help, eight other nations ready to contribute. are they going to provide checks? going to provide soldiers? >> not if we don't allow our military to get the job done. >> a troubling story. darrell issa, chairman of the house oversight committee, says they essentially caught the department of justice trying to coordinate with the democrats on the house oversight committee to coarve for the white house e-- to cover for the white house essentially. last wednesday a department of justice official called the republicans on the oversight committee. he meant to call the democrats. they called the republicans and said can we send over secret documents about the former i.r.s. guy now at
the department of involved in the i.r.s. investigation? because they said we cannot release documents about him and talk about them until somebody else does. so what we would like to you do is we would like you to leak them to the press. didn't realize he was talking to the republican staff. how unbelievable is that? he meant to call the democrat side. >> wrong number. >> wrong number. how embarrassing is that. >> instead of 1-800-elijah cummings they called 1-800 darrell issa to tell them their secret plan. they put him on hold for thee minutes. >> the guy came back, audibly shaken and said we're having a change of plan. never mind. click. ladies and gentlemen, it looks like the department of justice which is not supposed to be political, very political covering for the white house. >> that is what we know. imagine what we don't. >> coming up straight ahead, after the ray rice controversy, should
pro-athletes be held to a higher standard or is there role to simply play the game? we'll debate it with two of the best next. >> that's right. this new political ad attacking republicans has a secret behind it. this story behind these photos democrats do not want to you hear. ♪chico's new so slimming knit pants -- the peyton! we think they're the best-fitting pants in fashion. with technology that slims and shapes and five-pocket styling. they'll be the star of your wardrobe. chico's so slimming peyton pants. we're famous for our legs. at chico's and angieby making it easy to buyng and schedule service by top-rated providers, conveniently stay up-to-date on progress, and effortlessly turn your photos into finished projects with the angie's list mobile app. visit today.
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welcome back. nfl commissioner roger goodell playing defense over the ray rice video. >> did you know that a second tape existed? >> well, we had not seen any videotape of what occurred in the elevator. we assumed that there was a video. we asked for a video, but we were manufacturer granted that opportunity. >> did anyone in the nfl see the second videotape before monday? >> no. >> this morning his reaction coming under fire and this question: should professional athletes be looked up to in the first place or simply play the game? here for a fair and balanced debate, legendary football coach lou holtz and former nfl player randall hill joining me now. good morning to you both. coach, i'm going to start with you. what was your reaction to roger goodell's statement in that interview? >> well, i have to believe him. he makes an awful lot of money and done a great job. i can't believe anybody who
says the head of an nfl organization would lie to the public. i can't believe that. did they pursue it as vigorously as they should have? i don't know. but i can tell you this, i don't believe he lied. >> randall and coach, you know, there is a ton of film watched in the nfl pregame. this may have been the only hit someone in the league didn't ask or want to see in terms of playback. randall, your response? >> when you're talking about law enforcement, as a federal agent, i can tell you the hotel definitely did not have to turn overbmó
is the standard too high? is the bar too high in terms of what we should expect from them? coach? >> no. i tell you, i don't believe so. if you sign an auto dpraf, you have to be a -- autograph, you have to be a role model. you don't ask for an autograph from a homeless individual or a mailman. although a mailman might be a better model than an athlete. when you sign an autograph that is because somebody wants to be like you. if somebody achieves something, accomplishes something. not only do you represent yourself, you represent the team, the league. everything you do when you're a public figure good or bad is magnified. i also say this: part of our problem is with society. the one thing you should be taught at home is how to respect law, how to respect parents, how to respect coaches, how to respect women. that should be reenforced in the schools and it's not. when you grow up without a father teaching you how to do it, people make bad choices.
wherever you are good or bad is because of choices you made, not somebody else. >> in light of reports like this, incidents like this, a lot of people are saying we should just give up. randall, what do you say? >> i guess the coach is going to have to agree with me on this one because he did recruit me out of high school to go to the university of notre dame. i believe parents and people you keep close to you should be your role models. why have a stranger be a role model and even a priest in light of things that happened over recent years. but your parents who actually raised you and take care of you and provide for you. i believe at home my mom and dad are former educators, my dad being a retired principal and my mom being a retired teacher. and i think that is where it starts, in the home. >> when you look at statistics like this, 719 nfl arrests in 2000. 86 nfl domestic violence arrests, 18 domestic violence arrests with nfl discipline. you want to talk role
model, i think most people right now are just begging for a law-abiding citizen, bottom line. where do we start? >> i totally agree. you need to obey the rules and the laws. and this was a definite tragedy, what occurred with ray rice. that's why again i believe that your parents should be your role models, your teachers, people you keep close to you and surround yourself with. >> coach holtz, you've been a role model. what do you say? >> we're always taught we should emulate successful people, try to be like them. read their books and their actions. the other thing, i have great respect for m hill and his -- for mr. hill and his accomplishments and glad fr his success but he also mentioned about his parents. parents are great and important in anything you do. but so many times an athlete coming through grade school, coming through high school will do different things and people get them out of it. they never have to pay the price for the bad choices they make.
no matter what happens, they look over it. even in this case, let's remember ray rice was not charged. he was put into a program. they get away with so many things and all of a sudden it builds up, they make a bad decision and one like this hurts an awful lot of people. >> well said. wisdom coming from each today, randall hill and coach holtz, we thank you both for joining us. coming up, a new study has parents scratching their heads. children with autism showing no signs of it after being treated at six months old. can it be true? that story coming up next. we've heard so many stories with what you can buy with welfare. now we just found out can you buy weed with welfare money? yes. this is nothing the government can do to stop it. we'll tell you why. ♪sic
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some headlines now. two v.a. employees busted for running a coke ring inside the mail room of a veterans hospital. this going down in the bronx, new york. cops say both men have been distributing the drug since at least november of last year. fantastic. welfare for weed? the health and human services department confirming there is no federal law stopping people tbr -- from using their e.b.t. cards to buy pot. laws only bans the use of them in casinos and strip
clubs. >> it's a shocking statistic. one in 68 kids in america have autism or a related disorder. two groundbreaking studies now reveal a way to perhaps reverse and perhaps a possible cure or a cause. joining us is autism specialist dr. kenneth bach where he joins he is from phoenix. good morning. this first study came out and said while most children are not diagnosed until they're thee or four years old, the key is to figure out as early as possible; isn't it? >> definitely. the earlier we can figure it out and diagnose it, the earlier we can intervene. it's clear that the earlier the intervention starts the better outcomes. that was the really positive message from this study for sure. >> for parents watching or people who are interested in what the signs you, with the little baby, what do
you look for? do you look for unusual visual fixations, abnormal repetitive pavers and decrease -- repetitive behaviors and decreased interest in interaction. what does that mean? >> it can be subtle at that age. it is important not to put it off and wait until they're older. a child who is six months old just looking very strongly or persistently at an object or perhaps putting their fingers in front of their eyes and just looking at it or rolling an object over and over and over, not gesturing to parents to get them to the crib or not looking at parents and being more interested in objects than parents, those are some of the keys. >> i would imagine, though, doctor, even though most kids aren't diagnosed until three or four because if they start to notice things at six, seven, eight, nine months they figure well, and they are told by people in their family well intentioned, just a stage,
they'll probably grow out of it. >> the key is i think parents are aware. grandparents are aware. and pediatricians are aware. that is a very important point. >> in addition to the early diagnosis study that came out, another one came out from princeton where they say there could be an injury to the brain during preg man is -- pregnancy that could be the root cause of autism? >> i think that speaks to the fact that there can be a lot prenatal factors not just postnatal. this verifies the theory out there that is very much explaining what is happening. it is not just genetics. it is genetics plus environmental factors. this is very important for research, that not all the research and money goes to genetics but we figure out what's happening in the environment that's contributing to this devastating epidemic. >> you take those two things, the early diagnosis and possibility of early brain injury. if you have any questions people should obviously
talk to their family physician as early as possible. dr. ken bock jing us -- joining us this morning from phoenix. thank you. it is 27 minutes after the top of the hour. an army officer blocked from entering his daughter's school because he was wearing that uniform. the reason the school's going to give you, tell you is going to have you furious this morning. all of these people in this political ad are motte what they seem. the story behind the photos the democrats don't want you to hear coming up. first happy birthday to bill o'reilly. by is -- bill is 65. ♪ ♪
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it's your shot of the morning. democrats trying to fake out voters with this new ad. you see the republican candidate for arizona governor and former c.e.o. of cold stone. here's the problem, though. all the victims you saw are actually stock photos. they were purchased on geddy images, they can be found by searching for mature men. this was paid for by the democratic governors association. >> that is embarrassing. he is an awe then ter du -- he is an authentic ducey, just spelled differently. it is time for you choose the news. we're going to tell you three different stories going on around the world and here in the united states to prove we are in
the midst of a p.c. battle unlike anything we've seen. we're going to tell you about them. then you are going to write in to us at facebook and tell us which one you would like to hear more about. >> and who really outrageous -- who really outrages you the most. my story reinvolves around lieutenant colonel sherwood baker. he wanted to walk his school over to rochester adams high school. he decides he's going to walk his daughter in and he had a problem. the security guard stops him saying, hey, if you want to come in here, take the uniform off because your uniform could actually offend some other students. really? a 24-year veteran offend some other students? that's outrageous especially to his wife. listen. >> before he was allowed in, the security guard stopped him and said, sorry, you're not allowed in the school. the security guard told him that men and women in uniform weren't allowed because it may offend another student.
>> that is crazy. >> he got apologized to by the superintendent. >> here's story number two as we give you the opportunity to choose the news. fire fighters were told in maywood, illinois -- not far prosecute chicago, illinois -- they got to remove the flag from their lockers and their helmets. apparently the chief ordered the u.s. flag to be removed prosecute station station -- removed from station number two. they weren't told why so they put the flag on their lockers. then out came a memo. the union president said they would not take that -- he would not take down a marine decal on his locker, the same locker that his father had when he was a fire fighter and a vietnam vet, and that guy was relieved of duty. what was going on? the chief said he had nothing against flags or vets. it is just a culture of racism in that particular station house. but considering that there is an african-american, a
cuban and two white men, they all say not racism. we don't know what the chief's problem is but it's a problem. >> here's number three. meatless mondays hitting the bay area schools. so not a totally new thing. this has been sort of happening in districts around there. they will be offering grilled cheese, cheese pizza, alternative sources of protein they say that are not politically motivated but the animal agriculture alliance published talking points and addressed the situation saying it is a well funded radical campaign pushing an extreme animal rights by providing false claims about animal agriculture. they have posters in the school saying meatless monday sending a message to the children what this is about. many don't understand why. they asked a seven-year-old why they have meatless mondays and she said because we don't have meat on monday. >> you can't make people do that. you could make it pizza wednesday, give them another option. >> i got a feeling the
number of kids who bring their lunch on monday is going to surge. our facebook question, go to facebook, the "fox & friends" account. you can choose the news, which politically correct story outrages you the most. we'll read some of your comments one hour from now. >> we'll take it personal if you don't choose ours. >> heather is going to tell us what's going on now. >> great to see you. i've got an update on the story about the federal air marshal and officials with that agency say they believe it was a deliberate attack. brand-new details about that syringe attack on an air marshal in nigeria. the f.b.i. according to preliminary test results did not find toxins in the liquids. it was injected into the air marshal's arm by a complete stranger. that air marshal is still under observation in houston, considered one step below isolation. no arrests have been made.
the i.r.s. already under fire for targeting conservative groups now has a new target. the company that runs a conservative news site says the i.r.s. is now auditing them. the executives suggest the politically motivated, the president of breitbart says we stand ready to cooperate with the i.r.s. service but this will not deter from our continuing aggressive coverage of the president or his administration. we've got heartstopping video of a guy's extremely close call with a tornado in russia. take a look at this. the guy pulls out of his garage and into his driveway. but at the exact same moment strong winds and the rain pick up. it blows trees and debris around like crazy after it hits his car. he then -- give it a second -- tries to turn around and drive back to his garage but it is too late which is certainly a good thing because look at
that, his garage completely blown away. amazingly that guy was not hurt. again, that happening in russia. you know the popular website essie, the site is banning the sale of all products that contain the washington redskins name and logo. the policy went into effect last night. that night is now contacting sellers that violate that website ban. those are your headlines. >> heather, thank you very much. >> they released a statement saying they don't put out violent art or messaging points on products. >> what about the other 80 years in which you did carry the redskin stuff? >> i went shopping there and found some things. i'll post them later. the anticipation over the new apple did not disappoint. apple unveiling the iphone 6 along with the foip watch. clayton morris joins us
from california. do you have an iphone watch on? >> if i did, i wouldn't be able to tell you. but i might have gotten my hands on time yesterday in secret layer where everyone got a chance to look at it. i'm in front of an apple store with about a week, on september 19 people will get their hands on the brand-new iphone. yesterday tim cook taking the stage making the point that steve jobs has passed away and gone and we want to pay tribute to him but this is my apple. he wasted no time when he got up on that stage. take a look. >> today we are launching the biggest advancement in the history of iphone. ♪ >> time for hands-on time with the brand-new iphone 6. here we have both of the brand-new phones, the 4.7
inch iphone 6 and 5.5 inch iphone 6 plus. the iphone 6 plus is a thinner design plus a brand-new camera that includes a new mode for the front-facing camera. it also comes with image stabilization so when i'm shooting video and it gets a little bumpy i don't have to worry about the shaking as much as i would usually when my kids are running around like crazy. i think one feature i'm more excited about more than anything else is getting rid of my giant wallet that sits in my pocket. apple lets me pay for my iphone when i'm near the payment system. touch my finger print on it, it has my default card and i'm done. we heard about screen sizes. the real star of the show was what took place for the next hour and a half at this event, the apple watch. the apple watch comes in three different styles
starting with the apple sport watch, the apple watch middle edition and finally wind up on the apple edition which is the glitziest and perhaps the most expensive. how does this get people closer to being healthier with a new watch and your app? >> to allow people who don't feel their best to connect with the health care system. for the first time i can tell you things you didn't know. >> it wouldn't be an apple without glitz and glamour. the whole event ended with bono and u2 taking the stage. ♪ ♪ >> and the brand-new u2 album available for free for anyone with i tunes. all the new phones come out on september 19. here are the prices and models. they start at $199 for the iphone 6, up to $399.
if you want the iphone 6 plus, the big, big daddy, $299, up to $499. that is available september 19. and the apple watch that is available in early 20 is 15. that starts at $329. we don't yet have a price on the glitziest of the watches going up into the gold edition. get yours now and get your preorder started for the iphone guys on september 12. >> clayton morris joining us from california where it is suddenly christmas. thank you very much. >> i have 5,000 questions but we're out of time unfortunately. >> i do too. coming up, from her parents' house to the statehouse, this 23-year-old millenial is florida's newest lawmaker. what inspires her to serve the people. meet her next. >> and what happens when jesus is put on trial? our next guest david
limbaugh, rush's brother, did exactly that. wait until you see what happened. it is all in his new book, and he'll be here in person. ♪ guys! you're not gonna believe this!
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[ male announcer ] ship a pak via fedex express saver® with up to 27% more brush movements patented sonic technology get healthier gums in two weeks guaranteed. philips sonicare discover the brush that's perfect for you. from her parents house to the statehouse? this 23-year-old is halfway through college and still lives at home but she'll now represent 150,000 constituents in the florida statehouse. i'm talking about jennifer sullivan and she joins us right now. jennifer, why did you want to do this? >> well, good morning. thank you for having me on. i wanted to do this because i wanted to be a voice of the people. i think that people are disenfranchised with politics as usual and i truly wanted to be able to let their voice be heard them first andhem and
foremost. >> what motivated you? you had very little money, didn't have a ground game or pricey consultant to help you through this process. what made you jump in? >> well, actually it was being asked by other people in the community that made me jump in the race. among the board. lake county republican party which makes up two-thirds of the district. when this house seat came available, i was approached and asked if i would consider running and spent two months with an exploratory campaign doing that to see if i would have the support of the community, if they would vote for me, invest in my campaign and knock on doors and they said they would so i thiew -- threw my name in the race. >> your point had a lot -- your opponent had a lot of more money but you won by six points. you used your family and friends in what way? >> to build relationships with individuals. before we got in the race i
wrote a 23 point plan to victory. that plan was to connect with voters, build relationships by having meaningful conversations at the door and doing more listening than talking. i think all too often people running for offices and even elected officials spend far too much time talking at individuals instead of listening to concerns so they can best serve them. that is what my team set out to do. >> i understand the first campaign you were active in was for mike huckabee then you switched over to sarah palin in 2008. at a time in which jaleno is making people laugh about young millenials in finding out how much they don't know or care about the government. why are you different? >>ness going to -- this is going to affect my future. i may only be 23 but i still pay taxes and have a job. i can't sit back and allow
it to fall apart. i want to be part of the solution. i want to be the change i want to see and i want to inspire other millenials that this does affect us and we can get involved and we can make a great difference even at a young age. >> home schooled, always active, obviously extremely intelligent, congratulations jennifer sullivan on a big victory. best of luck along the way and at college this semester. she is at liberty university. 11 minutes before the top of the hour. two months after radio host casey kasem's death, a bitter family feud rages on. his daughter joins us with the latest. what happens when jesus is put on trial? our next guest david limbaugh did that. he put jesus on that. he talks about his return to the christian faith. ♪ ♪ ♪
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in a new book that's come out this week, jesus on trial, our next guest examined all the evidence he could and putting christianity on the witness stand, he came to find otherwise own faith. now he's encouraging others to dot same. joining us is the author of that book, attorney and columnist, david limbaugh. good morning to you. >> good morning. >> i understand you went to a high school reunion and said, i don't understand how any rational person could believe in christianity. >> we were having dinner with a grade school and high school
friend, two guys. they're both real good friends. one of them is an avowed atheist. actually calvinist because he believes he's predestined to be an atheist. the other claims to be a deist. so he believes in god, but not the god of the bible. he says i don't see how any rational person could believe in christianity. i studied this stuff for 20 years. i initially fell away from the christian faith. not that i ever really acquired it. i don't think it took with me when i was a kid. so i had my doubts. i never doubted jesus was god. i think it's absurd to look at the glories of creation and to believe it happened on its own and i think scientific evidence is pointing to the fact that it couldn't possibly happened on its own. and i get into that in the book. but he said that and i go, man. so i inoddly gave my defense of the faith, very inadequately. i wasn't prepared for that. i thought we were going to talk about women or something. >> is that why you decided to
put jesus on trial here and go through point by point as if you were being questioned in the court of law? one of the things you point to is archaeology. >> there is a great amount of evidence, lo of archaeological discoveries that corroborate the facts and events in the bible, old and new testament. that and the scientific evidence is pointing toward it. there is secular sources that corroborate it. >> you use your legal background and mind to say, i'm going to look at this clinically. i'm going to move myself away from it and came up with yes, it exists and you're more of a christian than ever before and goes back to the suffering? >> yes. ultimately the reason i doubted christianity was the god of the bible is omnipotent, all powerful, all loving. how can an all powerful and all loving god allow the kind of suffering and pain we see in the world? that's an obstacle to a lot of people. so i addressed a captain tore
that very question. first place, you can't even talk about evil if you don't have an absolute moral reference of what evil is. people deny that. atheists and agnostics deny that. we couldn't rationally say there is a difference between hitler and mother theresa if there wasn't a outside reference. the bible accurately depicts the human condition. no other holy book describes the condition. when i see what's going on in the world, it used to be an obstacle to my faith. now it's reaffirmation because the bible accurately portrays the human condition. we're fallen. >> we're just scratching the surface on your book. but congratulations on it. i think you really defined it well and it's rocking up amazon and the list. >> the book is "jesus on trial." thank you very much. >> thank you for having me. coming up, this should be an easy question for any american. >> do we deserve to be bombed? >> that is an easy question. why this liberal professor
thinks we deserve to be bombed. and did you fight with your husband last night or wife? a new study knows why. it's because you slept in the same bed. >> that explains a lot.ivew >> doesn't it? to ♪they ♪ needs fixing, and what stuff can wait. high-five! arg! brakes, tires, oil, everything. (whistling) you can eat that on weight watchers? looks amazing. dine out on favorites or cook up something new. with weight watchers you can enjoy the food you really want. join for free and start losing weight now. learn how to eat healthier, while enjoying the foods you love.
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are you down with crestor!? ask your doctor if crestor could help you. if you can't afford your medication, astrazeneca may be able to help. good morning. it's wednesday, september 10. i'm elisabeth hasselbeck. republican scott brown declaring victory in new hampshire. who else came up big last night and how will this change the balance of power in washington? we have all the breaking results from late last night. meanwhile, nfl commissioner roger goodell speaking out over how the league handled the ray rice video. >> we assumed that there was a video. we asked for video. we asked for anything that was pertinent. but we were never granted that opportunity. >> well, did the league make things worse? we're going to talk about that. this should be an easy question for any american to answer.
>> do we deserve to be bombed? >> wow. this liberal professor says yes. wait until you hear why. by the way, mornings are better with friends. >> it's time for "fox & friends" welcome to the program. the facebook account is lighting up. we asked you which of the three pc stories we were talking about this morning you're more interested in. thousands of you already gone to our facebook page. >> right. and the first one was on the army dad who was told to get out of the school because he was wearing a uniform, might offend people. steve, your story was about? >> how illinois, the fire chief said you got to take down the flag, keep them off your helmets. decals, everything. people are outraged. >> the bay area saying meatless mondays are the new trend. forget about throwback thursday. go to our facebook page, let us know what you think and join the
thousands sounding off on these stories. >> don't let me lose. >> apparently it's a competition. >> heather nauert, you have something else to do. >> that's how you look at everything, brian. good morning. i have new information about joan rivers and it's pretty stunning about what led to her death. there's a new report out this morning that says that she brought her own doctor with her and that he decided to perform an unplanned biopsy that cut off her air supply and ultimately killed her. according to this morning's new york daily news that, procedure is only supposed to be performed in a hospital setting and rivers had reportedly only signed off on having an endocopy. scott brown declaring victory in new hampshire. >> all right! thank you very much! all right! >> the former massachusetts senator beating a crowded field in the new hampshire republican senate primary. he faces a pretty tough general election fight against the jean
shaheen. he included foreign policy in his victory speech. >> america needs lead, folks. we need to lead. if all these jihaddist, they need to be dealt with where they are. they shouldn't be able to use their citizenship and passports to come back. >> scott brown joins us live on "fox & friends" just ten minutes from now. in the meantime, there are a few other races making headlines in massachusetts. martha coke lyrics the woman who lost the special election to scott brown wins the democratic primary for governor. she'll now face republican charlie baker in november. and then in the same state, major upset in the u.s. house. former marine and iraq war veteran, seth molton, defeats john tyranny on the democratic ticket. a record number of children are now sick with that mysterious and powerful virus that leaves children gasping for air. the cincinnati children's hospital in ohio has just
admitted 540 children with severe asthma-like symptoms in one day alone. then in st. louis, missouri, one hospital rolling out a mobile triage unit to handle all the extra patients coming in. right now 12 states are reporting an outbreak of this virus. young children particularly at risk. and talk about a really bad call. congressman darrell issa leading the investigation into the irs targeting of conservative groups. he says a justice department staffer accidentally called his office asking for help spinning the scandal. he claims the aide was audibly shaken when he realized his request was mistakenly made to the very office he was trying to undermine. issa thinks it was for elijah cummings' office. oh, my. and those are your headlines. >> that's our justice department. there for law, justice and order. >> all right. thank you very much. fox news alert.
early this morning, secretary of state john kerry arrived in baghdad to meet with leaders in an attempt to gain support in the battle against isis. this as the president prepares to address the nation just about 14 hours from now. doug luzader is live in washington, d.c what can we expect? >> reporter: good morning. first of all, this is a prime time address and this is one of those things that can cut both ways for a white house. the political theater behind it generates a lot of attention. on the other hand that attention can really raise expectations with what the president is going to say. here is what the white house will say about this address. >> the president will lay out what he clearly sees as american interests in this situation. he'll talk about the risks that the united states faces. and he'll talk about the strategy that he has put together to confront those risks. >> reporter: the president did meet with congressional leaders yesterday, but he has made it clear that he does not think he needs congressional authority to
expand the campaign against isis and that could include even air strikes in syria. still he would like support from congress, although the jury is still out. >> when i hear what the president has to say today, we'll make decisions about how we go forward. but until we know what the strategy is, we don't know what's going to be involved. so it's critically important that we take these in some organized steps. the first step is what's the plan? >> reporter: part of the plan apparently involves partnering with other nations. secretary of state john kerry arrived in baghdad this morning to meet with the new iraqi prime minister. he will also visit saudi arabia in jordan. we say the white house is not going to seek congressional authorization here, there is one aspect to this where they may seek congressional approval and that is to go into syria and train and arm syrian rebels to go after isis targets on the ground there, perhaps back by u.s. air power. steve, brian and elisabeth, back
to you. >> doug live in dc, you'll see the speech with the president tonight at 9 right here on fox. >> we'll see if the president does want to train the pharmacist, the dentist and the doctors that he said couldn't really be a visible -- >> if he can shoot straight, okay. >> i thought so. let's talk about the other major story. elisabeth, you're catching up to it, following it while you were out. we're talking about the ray rice situation. he's banned indefinitely, suspended immediately by the ravens after this video emerged. roger goodell, beside has sit-down and tell his story to cbs to say if i saw this tape earlier, i would have acted differently. we asked for everything and we saw what we saw. here he is. >> we had not seen any videotape of what occurred in the elevator. we assumed there was a video. we asked for video. but we were never granted that opportunity. >> so did anyone in the nfl see this second videotape before
monday? >> no. >> no one in the nfl? >> no one in the nfl, to my knowledge, and i've been asked that same question and the answer is no. >> how is it that the nfl couldn't get their hands on this second tape, because web site called tmz could? >> well, i don't know how tmz or any other web site gets their information. we are particularly reliant on law enforcement. that's the most reliable. it's the most credible. and we don't seek to get that information from sources that are not credible. >> to suggest that tmz is not credible had harvey levin on greta a little upset. >> when goodell was saying we want to do get it from a credible source, why on earth does he not think the casino video, which is the basis for what the police have in the first place, why does he suggest that the casino isn't as
credible as the police? the police got it from the casino. so why didn't goodell go to the casino or his people and say, hey, we'd like to see the video. we are told by people who worked at the casino that they never did that. he's doing summer dsaults to explain why he didn't go to the casino. >> there are reports that that perhaps the account the teams were given from law enforcement of what occurred inside the elevator there matched up with that newly released video that they're saying they never did see. so the question, did they just want plausible deny ability when it came to this? we don't know. >> the ravens said they made a mistake. they deferred action 'til the completion of the court proceedings. he said we stopped seek additional evidence like a copy of the video, we halted our fact finding mission and that was a mistake. i also think it's a mistake for them to say the commissioner
should resign. some said he was acting too strongly and individually and unilaterally. now for people to say he's too strong is kind of odd, especially when the owners who he represents and got hired by seem to have expressed their extreme support for him. >> in the "wall street journal" today you see that as well. so this leads you to the question, fantasy is big, football is big. people are watching, not to mention a huge audience of women. but when it comes to kids, do the players have a responsibility to be a role model? we asked coach lou holtz and randle hill, two of the best that, very question today. >> so many times an athlete coming through grade school, coming through high school will do different things, and people will get them out of it. they never have to pay the price for the bad choices they make, no matter what happens, they overlook it. even in this case. >> parents who raised you and provide for you. i really believe at home, my mom and dad are former educators.
my dad being a retired principal and my mom a retired teacher and that's where it starts, in the home. >> speaking of home, janay palmer ray, his wife, went to instagram yesterday and essentially blamed the media for airing the video that it wrecked their life. >> like a death in the family. >> it is 7:11 in new york city. thank you for joining us on this wednesday. republican scott brown declaring victory in last night's new hampshire senate primary. but no time to rest. he joins us live with reaction straight ahead. and what's worse, banning soldiers in uniforms from visiting schools, firefighters not allowed to wave their stars and stripes, or schools celebrating meatless mondays? vote right now on our facebook page and remember, i take it personal. ♪ ♪
i'm so grateful tonight. i'm honored to be your nominee for united states senator! all across new hampshire, people are voting for change because they want the best for our state and for our country. >> former massachusetts senator
scott brown clinching the republican nomination for the senate seat in new hampshire and he did it last night. defeating former u.s. senator bob smith, former state senator jim rubens with 50% of the vote. there were anyone people in the race. next stop, november. he'll face jeanine shaheen in november. joining us is the man who beat out nine competitor, scott brown. many are surprised in most polls you were within two points of the sitting senator. how have you done it? >> ly by taking my message to people's living room, holding town hall, which is still a big deal in new hampshire. she has not held any town halls. going door to door and looking people in the eye and saying, i'm scott brown and let me tell you how i'm different. let me tell you that i will be that independent voter and thinker. 'cause as people know and they're finding out, senator shaheen has endorsed and supported the failed policies of
president obama over 99% of the time. what does that mean for people? that means that paying more for energy, they're paying more for health care. we have problems at the border. we have problems with our world policy. there is so many things we differ and they want change. >> i mean, to win in massachusetts is different from winning in new hampshire. i was personally surprised that your aggressive stands on enforcing the bordered with it comes to immigration resonated with the people of new hampshire who aren't necessary flee a border state. not close. >> it is the live free or die state and people care very deeply, as you know, what happened recently with beheading of one of our own. there is deep concerns that there are members of isis coming through the border right now. she voted against sending troops to the border twice. she's voted against securing the border. supports the president's executive orders and enhancing that status of refugee to allow people to come here illegally. it's creating great discourse in new hampshire and the rest of the country. she's wrong on those issues.
we need to secure the border once and for all. we need to make sure that we have an immigration policy that works, but not one that rewards illegality with incentives. the president needs to really rethink very, very seriously what he's about to do. >> so senator, most people on both sides say you're one of the top retail politicians in the country. essentially because you actually like people and like meeting them. but the republican party seems to have poured more money in north carolina, georgia and alaska. is that true and will that change now that real clear poll has you trailing by just five points, that's a consolidation of all the polls, 47-42? >> there is going to be plenty of money on both sides. i'm taking my reject right to the voters. people understand that senator shaheen has changed. she's become a washingtonian insider in that she -- remember, she was elected. she was elected with president obama. she has endorsed those failed
policies of president obama. and now she has to try to explain over the last 5 1/2 years what has she done for new hampshire? how is she putting new hampshire first? the fact that she's supporting the president's failed policies 99% of the time, it's very difficult to explain. people are asking those questions and she wants to talk about anything but. so it's going to be a lot of fun, brian. i'm looking forward to it. >> i know when it comes to the endurance, no one is going to outwork you. now i got to get your perception of what the president has at stake tonight at 9:00 o'clock. what do you want to hear and what don't you want to hear? people say every speech is a mixed message. >> that's the problem, he does too many speeches and there is too much rhetoric and our allies don't trust us. our foes don't fear or respect us. the vice president and senator see han coming to the naval shipyard saying we're going to chase tout gates of hell. well, we've seen what the results are as a direct effect
as a result of the people being beheaded from our state. it's not coherent. does it mean boots on the ground? everything should be on the table. of course we don't want another world war. but to immediately take things off the table is wrong. we need to target assets to make sure we can push them back. make sure the kurds have the assets they need to do their jobs. have the iraqis regroup and reform and push back against isis. their goal is put a flag in the white house. our goal is to make sure that that doesn't happen. and that's why i'm deeply concerned about the president's incoherent and potentially dangerous policies. so i'm hopeful, i'm always hopeful. but we need to make sure that there is real action and concerted action with our arab league partners. >> senator brown, let's see if the fall is as productive as well. thanks so much. >> thanks, brian. people can go to
let's make harry reid the minority leader. need your help. thank you. coming up, two months after casey kasem's death a bitter feud rages on and casey doesn't have a final resting place. up next, his daughter kerri with a live rare interview whenwork with equity experts who work with regional experts that's when expertise happens. mfs. because there is no expertise without collaboration.
time for news by the numbers on this wednesday. first, nearly $600,000. police say that is how much one man ripped off the welfare system by pretending to be his dead twin brother. scheme lasted 20 years until he was busted by facial recognition technology at the new york department of motor vehicle. next, $375,000. that's how many tax dollars were spent on this puppet show for kids. reggie veggie and judy fruity were created to urge kids to eat
more fruits and vegetables. finally, 6609. that's how many children formed the largest living american flag ever. look at that. it was done in fort mchenry. baltimore, maryland, celebrating the 200th anniversary of the writing of the star spangled banner. that's the news. now over to you. >> thank you. he will forever be remembered for his iconic voice, casey kasem, america's countdown king. >> welcome to american top 40. my name is case cree kasem and i'm ready to count down the most popular songs in the nation. >> yet two months after the death of this legendary radio host, a bitter dispute rages on, both in court and on the streets over where he will be laid to rest. casey kasem's daughter, kerri, joins us today to tell us about her efforts to stop her father's burial in norway and the law she hopes to pass in california to prevent this kind of
disagreement from happening to other families. thank you for being with us. >> thank you for having me. >> in such a short time, i know this has to be ultimately one of the most difficult things you've ever gone through. >> it is, but i had to fight. i had to fight. if i wouldn't have fought, i don't think i'd be okay right now. and i am okay. people say, are you okay? oh, my gosh. and i am okay because i got to spend the last 15 days of my father's life with him. he didn't die alone in a nursing home which is where he was headed. it was me, my brother, my sister. his brother, his aunt. one of his best friends. we were all around him. when he passed, he knew he was loved. >> that's all you can ask for, plus one thing, that you're fighting hard to make sure of and that's that his body right now is set to be buried in norway. what's the status of that and what would your dad want? >> my dad wanted to be buried in forest lawn, california. that's what he told me and told
his best friend, mike, who was former lieutenant governor of california. and mike actually wrote a letter and said, look, casey told me he wanted to be buried in forest lawn and i said, i'll pay for the funeral. so he offered to pay for the funeral. his security guard wrote the same letter. we all knew that he wanted to be buried in forest lawn. he told us all. >> where is that letter? >> it's actually on line. it's on my facebook page, my twitter. we went it to oslo. there is a letter with 20 of his closest family members and friends saying we know that casey wanted to be buried in forest lawn. >> why would jean want him buried in norway? >> that's the million dollars question. i mean, she took him from -- she put him in washington. why would she put him in washington? she took him from washington to monday real. we know that's the hometown her boyfriend. and then she decided, let's just put him in oslo.
there is no rhyme or reason. she's not norwegian like she claimed. i called her family. they have no norwegian roots or blood. in fact, some of her family members signed a petition as well. >> to have your dad's body not buried there. >> yes. and they wrote a letter and a statement saying we're not norwegian as she claimed. >> this is what she had to say. >> judge and kerri kasem and her attorney have blood on their hands and i will hold all of them, each individually and collectively as conspirators for my husband's death. >> let me tell you something, right after that, she went to malibu to see her boyfriend and was spotted making out in a car by the neighbors right after that. it's pathetic. >> do you believe she has blood on her hands, if things had turned out differently for her dad? >> he would still be alive today, 100%. if she didn't take him out of
the nursing home that she put him in where he had no bed sore, no infections. when i saw him, he was able to talk, able to say i love you. when are you coming back? he was able to talk to my brother in singapore. we were with him for three hours. he was completely cognizant. he was there. some days he had dementia. some days he was right there. he knew he was being kept from us. it's really sad. he was taken at 2:30 a.m. after we saw him and then taken to nevada from nevada to arizona, from arizona to -- she was trying to find a hideout. from arizona to washington. >> how did that affect him? >> he had a bed sore about that big on his back. he had a urinary tract infection and he had a lung infection when i got to him. he was in a house where he was sweating and hot and he had no pain killers. do you know how ex cruciating that is? when i took him to the hospital,
we gave him one milligram of morphine and he completely relaxed. to know he was suffering for three weeks was horrific. >> hearing that is difficult. living through that has to be horrific for you. does she have blood on her hands? is this what you're saying? >> i'm saying if she wouldn't have taken him on this vacation, he'd be alive today. that's what i'm saying, yes. do i think she hastened his death? 100%, yeah. of course she did. and these rants and raves, there is an ongoing investigation right now and when they charge her and you hear from the people that were in the house for the year that she blocked us, you hear from the care takers, you hear from the doctors and the nurses, we won't have to say anything and anybody who doubted us, fighting for our father and thinking it was for money,
'cause we've been in court for a year. we've never asked for a dime. they will change their tune. people will see what she is. >> what would your dad say about you fighting for him today? >> i think he'd be very proud of me. i think he'd be very proud. >> i think he would, too. >> thank you. >> thank you for taking the time to be with us and please come. i know decisions may be made this week. please come visit us again. >> there is the petition and my foundation and getting the bill -- i need to get the bill in 50 states. >> is it on facebook? if people are going through the same thing, please write me because it will help get the bill passed in every state. >> you stay strong. we will put that also on our "fox & friends" web site. more to come in just a minute. m
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♪ ♪ >> what? >> wow. it's your shot of the morning. a new cliff house redefining living on the edge. it's not yet built, but it was designed by the firm mood scape and inspired by the way barncals stick to ships' hulls. it hangs off the side instead of sitting on solid ground. i can't get my eyes off the picture. the entrance is on the top floor and you use an elevator to move through the five stacked modules. a room with a view. >> that's a hangout. >> that is a hangout. living in that would be like living in a permanent stair master. it's all stairs, up and down, a little room here. another room down there. down there. >> i -- in the odd couple, they saw barncals and thought it would be a great glue. remember? this guy sees barncals and see
has house on the side of the cliff. >> all in the beholder. an hour ago we gave you the chance to choose the news. we gave you three stories and they were these and you chose the one. we'll reveal it in a minute. the first story was? >> okay. >> firefighters were told to remove flags and emblems from their lockers and their helmets. they're upset. the chief had said i'm doing this because of racism. the firefighters say that's not true. >> right. and meatless mondays are hitting the bay school area there. they are asking students to eat no meat, they're taking it off the option list of menu and having them go without their chicken or beef on monday. >> yep. and this one army officer, 24 years in the military, thought it would be a good idea to walk him to the high school, a security person not with that uniform. he was told to go home or change if he wants to go in. the superintendent says sorry about the security. we apologize. the superintendent is a veteran, too. but still damage has been done.
bad message sent. >> so which of those three stories got the most responses from you on facebook? take a look. overwhelmingly, you are bugged by the school that told the army vet you got to change clothes if you want to come in. 77% of you weighed in. meatless mondays, apparently 2% outraged. so let's talk a little more about this particular story, about how the guy was told you got to turn around and change clothes. bunch of comments on facebook this morning from awful you. >> here is one who says this uniform should be allowed in every place in this country, period. no kidding. >> well said. and pamela on facebook said this is disgraceful. people enjoy the freedoms our soldiers fight for burks don't show them the respect they deserve. >> carol on facebook said, things are bad when the things that represent the country are possibly offensive in our country. >> a little twist there. >> no kidding.
>> he was just going in. this is a person in uniform, service member, going in to help his daughter with her schedule. so they're supposed to meet thursday with the head of the school as well coming up. i'm sure more i'm sorries will be had. >> one thing that's heartening, for the most part when you wear a uniform, it's almost like you're a celebrity. if you see when they walk through airports and go to different communities, the first question is, where did you serve? how long you been in? and this is just totally reverse, which is why the outrage was so high. >> if there is a silver line to go this story, it's as soon as the superintendent, who is a vet himself, heard about it, he goes, what? called the family in, apologized. family, including the father, probably in his uniform is going to visit the school next week to talk about the daughter's schedule. >> what a great dad. >> go ahead. continue to weigh in on facebook. >> that's right. as we turn to heather with some headlines for us. >> i have another story about veterans and while other news organizations moved on from the v.a. scandal, we are still
following this. a startling snapshot into rampant wrongdoing at the veterans administration. a federal watchdog now telling lawmakers that managers at 13 v.a. clinics lied to investigators about their scheduling practices and other issues. the v.a.'s inspector general testifying on capitol hill, he says his office is investigating allegations of wrongdoing at 93 v.a. sites across the country. then just days before the anniversary of 9-11, the liberal professor, ward churchill? he has a sickening response to what should be a really simple question. listen to this. >> do you believe the united states ought to be bombed? >> i think the united states by its own rules is subject to being bombed. >> you can't answer the question. >> yeah. i have answered the question. >> yes or no? >> if it does not comply law, it opens itself up to it, bombing
that is. >> okay. in an essay, churchill wrote the 9-11 attacks were a natural and unavoidable consequence of u.s. policies. this comes as a new poll shows 47% of us feel less safe since 9-11. a city worker in florida demoted after he sparked a whole lot of outrage when he used the american flag as a drop cloth. take a look at this. the lake hamilton, florida city council vote to go remove johnson as the head of its public works department after someone snapped a photo of the stars and stripes on the floor of a dirty city garage. >> i'm sorry about that flag. if i had to do it again, i wouldn't do it. just something that happened, you know. that's all. >> what was that guy thinking? johnson was already on probation and despite doing demoted, he'll get to keep his 21-dollar an hour salary. what would you do if you won the lottery? for these new millionaires,
rhonda and joe meath of minnesota, the answer is no way. they won $11.7 million. rhonda says she'll keep waiting tables. her husband says he's happy with the same old truck. >> my truck has 280,000 on it and i'm going to try to get 500,000 on it. i'm not going to get anything. we're not doing anything special except help our kids and family. >> nice. their prize is the largest lotto jackpot in minnesota history. that guy reminds me of my father-in-law. >> isn't that the key to surviving winning the lottery? not changing your life that much? invariably, so manysay. of your family members and total strangers start contacting you with their sob stories about how they need -- you just won $11 million. 200,000 would really get me out of a jam. >> i know how they said, no, we're just going to help friends and family. coming up on this wednesday,
the federal ban on snack foods in school isn't just cutting down menu options. it's also cutting education options as well. the consequences the federal government did not see coming when it stepped in to the police cafeteria business. did you fight with your husband or your wife last night? >> maybe. >> a new study knows why you slept in the same bed. the sleep doctor is here to explain what you're doing wrong and how to fix it. wilma and fred had it right. separate beds. ♪ ♪
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quick headlines now. alarming study revealing an increased number of pilots involved in deadly crashes have
drugs in their system. the number of cases quadrupled since 1990. in 2012 it was 39% of all deadly crashes, according to the national transportation safety board. that doesn't make me feel better. and new report revealing red eye cameras -- red light cameras are giving the wrong drivers speeding tickets. i knew i had an alibi. washington's dc inspector general says it's been happening in the district when more than one car appears in a traffic camera's photo. analyst has to decide who deserves the ticket and sometimes just randomly picks one. >> that's not good. the federal initiative to overhaul school lunches not only leaving kids starving for food, soon they might be starving for knowledge. that's because school convenience stores like this one in south carolina are seeing their profits plummet. they used to raise tens of thousands of dollars each year for tutoring by selling some snacks right there. now they can't do that. debbie struckland is the
chairman of the school improvement program in greenville, south carolina and joins us live. good morning to you. >> good morning. >> nice to have you. now, the way we understand it, the school store under these new federal restrictions, school store used to sell snacks. now they can't. how is that impacting tutoring? >> well, it's not currently impacting tutoring right now, but it is impacting our ability to raise funds in the short-term. in the past we have raised about 30, $40,000 and we had a wide range of healthy choices as well as some under the new guidelines considered not so healthy choices. of that, half of it was funneled directly back to the school which was used for transportation and after school tutoring. >> got you. okay. as i understand it, with these new federal requirements, at the end of the year when you start
totaling things up, it's going to cost your school district a million dollars more to make the changes. >> that's where we're headed right now. we are noticing sales in the cafeterias of what they call a la cart items are down $5,300 a day, which is ironically cutting into our ability to pay for the locally sourced fresh, high quality food that we had tried to put into the schools starting about in 2009. >> right. your school district had been doing healthier options, making them available. then the feds stepped in and the food police came in and they made you change everything. you're not pro-junk food. but you're a parent. >> not at all. >> you're not pro-obesity, but you're son runs cross-country. and at the end of the day, he comes home and he says what to his mom? >> he says, i'm hungry, mom. he does return cross-country and
cross-country starts immediately after school. the new school lunches are not providing him enough food to make it all the way through 'til practice is over at 5:30, 6:00 o'clock. >> and i got a feeling and we've talked to other parents in other school districts who are saying exactly the same thing -- the new requirements leave the kids hungry because they don't like the choices or there is not enough there. debbie, i know you're not in the department of education, but if you were in washington, what would you say to do to fix this thing, 'cause right now it ain't working? >> well, in my opinion, the closer a decision is made to the community that it impacts, the better the decision is going to be. so i would try myself -- this is just me speaking -- i would rye to give the communities and the local school districts the maximum flexibility to be able to do what is best to combat this problem in their community. because each community obviously faces different problems. >> absolutely. they're local schools. they should be dealt with
locally. debbie joining us from south carolina. thank you very much for telling your story. make sure your son has a big breakfast today 'cause he'll be hungry later on. >> i will. >> thank you. coming up on this wednesday, did you fight with your spouse last night? a new study knows why. because you were in the same bed. our sleep expert explains how to fix that for tonight. first on this date in 1987, la bamba by los lobos, number one song in america. ♪ ♪
because of differences in the way we sleep, nearly one in four couples across the united states are now sleeping in separate rooms. >> not separate beds, separate bedrooms. according to a study from the university of pittsburgh, couples on different sleep schedules that we can all identify can expect an even rockier relationship. >> oh, boy. so how can you keep your sleep schedule while also keeping your significant other happy? joining us now is dr. michael bruce, a clinical psychologist, better known as the sleep doctor. good morning to you, doctor. so what are the main issues that couples are facing now when it comes to sleep? we have snore versus the light sleeper, right? >> we sure do. we see that quite a bit where one of the people is snoring while the other person is trying to fall asleep during that period of time. of course, that can have a pretty major effect on somebody. pretty significantly. there is data to show if you sleep next to a snoring bed partner, you lose approximately one hour of sleep a night.
>> then how do you fix it? >> there is a couple of different things. remember that snoring is -- sound is a matter wave. so one of the first things i tell people to do is create a pillow wall in between you and that snoring individual. okay? that's certainly one thing. 'cause if they're facing you and snoring at you, that could be a problem. ear plugs can be helpful. one of the things i tell people all the time is decon jest for better rest. whether it's using a breathe right strip, something to clear that congestion out of your nasal cavity is going to help lower those decibels and help you sleep better. >> my friend is doing the commercial. i would do it just because he needs money. all right. what about the tv watcher against the silent partner? that's a big one. but aren't there head sets now? >> there are. so one of the things i talk about with people is getting these blue tooth head sets so wirelessly you can have head phones. they now make pillow speakers that can actually pick up the sound and you can place them inside your pillow.
these things are great. one person can be listening to the tv while the other person can be sleeping in silence. >> that's great. and finally what, if one partner is a night owl and the other is an early bird? >> so this is genetically predetermined. we're now learning that our genes tell us if we're night owls versus early birds. i tell people all the time that if you're in the dating situation, that may be something you want to talk about is what's your sleep compatibility with your partner. but if you're already married, one of the things i tell people to do is if you're the night owl and you sleep next to an early bird, go ahead and stay in the bed, allow that person to sleep. maybe read using a book light so you don't disturb your bed partner or using these pillow speaker or ear buds. something like that can be helpful. >> get christian mingle to put that as a box on the perfect match. >> right. >> dr. bruce, thank you so much.
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♪ "here i am. rock you like a hurricane." ♪ fiber one now makes cookies. find them in the cookie aisle. good morning. it is wednesday, september 10. i'm elisabeth hasselbeck. while you were sleeping, republican scott brown declaring victory in new hampshire. his primary wasn't the ohm one late last night. how the results could change the balance of power in washington. and the nfl commissioner original goodell speaking out over how the league handled the ray rice video from that elevator. >> we assumed that there was a video. we asked for video. we asked for anything that was pertinent, but we were never granted that opportunity. >> okay. but did that just make things worse? we're going to tell you what is being said this morning. okay. american terrorist working at one of our nation's airports? >> to know that we had somebody
like that doing the security searches, it is absolutely terrifying. he secured the aircraft below. >> brand-new revelations that has his co-workers refusing to fly. they'll have you thinking twice. on an upbeat note, mornings are better with friends. >> this is eric stonestreet from "modern family" and you're watching "fox & friends," a modern new show. >> thank you, eric. >> what a great guy and what fan was he again that we forced him to wear a jet jersey? >> you're right. >> what was that? >> hockey. >> we forced him to wear a ranger jersey. >> that's right. >> i think he was repulsed by it. >> but he was a good sport. >> right. >> and it was great that he was on the program. this morning we were doing news you could choose and you know what? you selected of the three stories that were outrageous today, the story of that guy
there, 24 army vet, he was told in michigan when he tried to go into his kid's school, sir, you can't wear a uniform in here because it might offend a student. that was the number one outrageous story you say in america today and coming up within the next half hour, we've got his wife joining us live to talk about it. >> right. >> one thing burr plead that story, it was the story i read. a lot of people are focusing on the soldier and the incident. not enough people are giving me appreciation for it. >> enough about you, brian. what about everyone else because while they were sleeping, we know this happened. fox news alert for you. scott brown declaring victory in the new hampshire state primary. >> all right. thank you very much! all right! >> and more results pouring in from across the country in final elections before the midterm. joining us live in the studio to break down the big race list is ainsley earhart.
good morning. >> good morning. thank you so much. let's start with former massachusetts senator scott brown, beat ago crowded field in the new hampshire gop senate primary. he faces a tough general election fight against democrat jean shaheen. according it most poll, he's within two points of her. brown said this about his strategy earlier on "fox & friends." >> really just going door to door and looking people in the eye and say listen, i'm scott brown. let me tell you how i'm different. let me tell you that i will be that independent voter and thinker. >> meanwhile, there is other races that are making headlines in massachusetts. martha coakley, the woman who lost the 2010 special election to scott brown wins the democratic primary for governor. she will face republican charlie baker in november. and in that same state, a major upset in the u.s. house. former marine and iraq war veteran, seth molton, defeating nine-term incumbent, john tyranny on the democratic
ticket, he's the first sitting massachusetts congressman to lose a primary since 1992. back to you. lots to look forward to in november. >> right. >> finally the primaries are over. now it's four minutes after the top of the hour. heather nauert joins us. so many people wondering what perhaps killed joan rivers. today maybe we are a little closer to the truth. >> yeah. a lot of people who get these outpatient things performed in doctors' offices need to listen to this because it is a cautionary tale. a bit of one. a stunning new detail about the surgery that led to joan rivers' death a. new report says she brought her own doctor with her to the clinic and he performed an unplanned biopsy on her that ended up cut o'clock off her air supply. that is what ultimately killed her. according to this morning's daily news out of new york, the biopsy procedure is only supposed to be performed at a hospital and not in an outpatient clinic. rivers had reportedly only
signed off on an endoscopy. >> children are now sick with a mysterious and powerful virus leaving some kids in intensive care. the cincinnati children's hospital in ohio admitted 540 children with severe asthma-like symptoms in one day. then in st. louis, missouri, one hospital having to roll out a mobile triage unit to handle all of the extra patients coming in. 12 states are reporting an outbreak of this virus. we're getting new details about that bizarre and frightening syringe attack on a u.s. air marshal at an airport in nigeria. representative for federal air marshals believe it was a deliberate attack and as for the marshal's health, the f.b.i. reporting it has not found any toxins, including ebola, in the liquid that was injected into his arm by a complete stranger. that is a preliminary report. so that could change. the air marshal remains under
observation at a hospital in houston. no arrests have been made. democrats trying to fake out voters with a new ad attacking the republican candidate for governor in arizona, doug doocy. he's a former ceo of cold stone creamery. check this out. >> what if you lost everything, went bankrupt, lost your home, your life savings? that's what happened to a group of cold ste of cold stoneowners. >> well, there is a bit of a problem with that ad. those victims that you just saw right there are actually not victims at all. they're just stock photos from the company gety images. those pictures can be found under generic sad woman and mature man. and those are your headlines. you can buy photos from them and use them for ads. but in this case, the people in the ads had nothing to do with that. >> how much does a hasselbeck photo go for? do we know? >> an actual one? >> they've been taken down. they're offensive. thank you, heather.
>> more and more info keeps coming out with ray rice and that video of him beating at the time his fiance. this is the part two that initially was not disclosed and roger goodell was actually asked about this version of the tape and did the nfl have access to it and did they try to get it? this is what he had to say. >> we had not seen any videotape of what occurred in the elevator. we assumed there was a video. we asked for video. but we were never granted that opportunity. >> did anyone in the nfl see this second videotape before monday? >> no. >> no one in the nfl? >> no one in the nfl, to my knowledge, and i've been asked that same question and the answer to that is no. >> how is it that the nfl couldn't get their hands on this second tape, but a web site called tmz could?
>> well, i don't know how tmz or any other web site gets their information. we are particularly reliant on law enforcement. that's the most reliable. it's the most credible. and we don't seek to get that information from sources that are not credible. >> not credible sources. he said he assumed there was another video out there. if you look at the police report, it's very clear that the atlantic city police watched the video. so for him not to try to go out and get it, people are saying, the league should have tried harder. they should have gone to ray rice's attorney or just to the hotel itself. but for him to suggest that the casino or tmz not credible, that has a guy at tmz a little upset. >> when goodell is egg we want to do get it from a credible source y on earth does he not think the casino video, which is the basis for what the police have in the first place, why does he suggest that the casino
isn't as credible as the police? police got it from the casino. so why didn't goodell go to the casino or his people, and say, hey, we'd like to see the video. we are told by people who worked at the casino that they never did that. he's doing somersaults to explain why he didn't go to the casino. >> there is people who say the commissioner should resign. still has full league support from all the owners who put him there, pay his salary and he's considered one of the most powerful and the most successful commissioners ever. if anything, the players have a little bit of anger toward him because he's too tough with them. i just can't see an angle in which the nfl benefits from going easy on ray rice. you might have a situation where they should have been more aggressive with police in providing the video, but in turn, the ravens owner has taken a different stance. in an open letter to f they said seeing the video changed everything. we should have seen it earlier. we should have pursued our own
investigation more vigorously in an open letter to the fans and the local newspaper. >> but were they actually privy to the information in the log of what happened in that video? that's the other question. seeing it is one thing themselves. but if there is an indication that in the report a play by play existed for the events that we're now seeing in this part two of the video, which is part of the original, we may have some more questions that will be asked to the commissioner there. another question that is being asked is do players have the right to the role of being a role model for kids? >> let aknown not breaking the law. this is flat outbreak the law, let alone being a positive thing. >> let's start there, not entering into criminal activity as deemed here perhaps. lou holtz was with us, legendary football hill. randle hill as well, and we discuss fundamental players should be role model. >> so many times an athlete coming through grade school, coming through high school will do different -- people will get
them out of it. they never have to pay the price of the bad choices they make. no matter what happens, they overlook it. even in this case. >> parents who raised you and take care of you and provide for you, i really believe at home, my mom and dad are former educators. my dad being a retired principal. my mom being retired teacher. i think that's where it starts, in the home. >> there is a handsful of players when the coach said arkansas, right before a bowl game who broke team rules, he left them all home. they were all starters. and he said are you crazy! do it next season. he said no. rules are the rules. they won anyway. >> when i walk into a store, the kids are always saying can i get that jersey. you don't know what's going to happen. >> 'cause they are burning ray rice jerseys at the ravens game. >> they're allowing people to exchange them right now. you can go and exchange your
jersey. >> it's 11 minutes past the top of the hour. coming up, an american turned isis terrorist working at one of america's biggest and busiest airports. >> you had something like that actually doing the security searches and things, it's absolutely terrifying. he was the one who secured the airplane. >> the brand-new revelations that had his co-workers refusing to fly. they will have you thinking twice. the president spends a lot of time on golf courses. so why is his administration attacking them with regulations? ♪ ♪ [ breathing deeply ] [ inhales deeply ] [ sighs ] [ inhales ]
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wondering how we're going to build a better truck. we get out there and walk a mile, thousands of miles, in the footsteps of the guys we build trucks for. the groundbreaking ram heavy duty with 30,000 pounds of towing and 850 pound-feet of torque. ♪ days ago we learned a minnesota man with alleged ties to isis was a former delta cleaning worker with high security clearance. >> now new information has emerged showing just how shoddy the security checks are perhaps at the minneapolis-st. paul airport. tom lyden is with our affiliate
in st. paul and broke this terrifying story and has the latest details. so we talked a little bit about it last week when we first heard about it. this is the guy who died alongside douglas mcarthur mccain. there he is right there. this guy worked at the airport doing what? >> he worked at the airport for ten years, both cleaning planes and also fueling planes. most recently cleaning planes. after we did this story, revealing he worked at the airport for a decade, we started hearing from all these other cleaners who worked for delta global services, the cleaning company owned by delta. they really came forward with some amazing stories, including a whistle blower who actually took pictures of some of these security violations. he spotted a guard sleeping at a checkpoint where there was only really a cursory inspection of the vehicle. no search of bags and spotted weapons on the tarmac. the biggest thing was this sign that was put up in the break room. it says, ths is out. they've been hiding test
objects. what tsa would do is hide objects about the size of a gun that would be orange. they would hide seat backs or galley and they would hope that the cleaners would find it. a little test. this sign says, remember, when asked if your check is complete, tell tsa no and then go get a supervisor right away to check your work. basically instructing the cleaners to mislead tsay. is this so important? you may not realize, but those clean railroads a line of security. they are securing the aircraft, checking on the seats, making sure there is no guns. our person who went to fight and die for isis, if he had been workingthere at the time and tht happened this year action if he had been working there, he could have put a weapon under the seat, overhead, any place on that plane and then know where a co-conspirator would be sitting in the plane and all of a sudden, he would have a weapon right there on the plane already waiting for him. so the security violation is pretty clear about what could happen here.
we asked delta about this. they no longer have the cleaning contract. that came up in april. someone else now has it. but delta told us this isn't their procedure, obviously. and they disciplined the manager who put these signs up. >> when you hear what is next and this is a whistle blower explaining the state of security or lack thereof while working at delta global services, take a listen and i'd like a reaction. >> it's an important job that goes -- you have to lift up the seat cushions, rub them down, feel them down, make sure there is nothing that's been stuck under the cushion. numerous times where that object was not found and then tsa comes aboard after the aircraft is secured and they find these objects and realize that these cleaners had not been in any of those places that they were supposed to. to know that we had somebody like that doing the security searches and things, it is absolutely terrifying. he is the one who secured the aircraft. >> there is more guys like this out there?
>> well, i think that's really the question. i mean, the cleaning population there that actually cleans the airplane, very high population of east african immigrants. so i got to tell you, among the cleaners and also among tsa agents who i talk to off the record, there is a real concern about these background checks because many of these workers coming into this country and we don't know what their background was before they got here. so the kind of typical background checks that are done may not be enough at the airport. >> he's from my fox 9 out in minneapolis. tom, thank you very much. >> thanks. >> congratulations on the story. great work. >> need to know it. 20 minutes after the hour. coming up, you can already buy beer. you can already buy cigarettes and he got a lap dance with welfare money, but you can also buy pot and the government knows about it. >> when it comes to the u.s. open, the players take the spotlight, of course. but there are some unsung heros who are critical to that very game. find out what it takes to be a ball person at the highest level
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got some headlines for you. two v.a. employees busted for running a coke ring inside the mail room of the veterans hospital. terrific. went down in the bronks, new york. cops say both guys had been distributing the drugs since at least november of last year. and welfare for weed. health and human services department confirming there is no federal law stopping people from using their federal card, the ebt or snap cards, in pot
shops. current law bans the use of them in liquor stores, casinos, strip clubs, but not pot shops. on monday, the men's final at the u.s. open. it was a huge moment for the men who were playing in their first grand slam ever. for two lucky people, it was an afternoon they will never forget. this year my america was invited to see just what it takes to be a ball person on center court and why they come back year after year. >> the first four people and like i said, you're brought back for the back positions. so let me see kyle, liam and matthew first. >> first of all throw down the
line. so three in a row. in a matter of five seconds, you're trying to get it past the baseline. >> the number one thing we're looking for initially is their athleticism. they have to either be able to throw the full loaning of the tennis court quickly and easily, or really fast to work at the net to get the ball off the court once it's out of play and as play continues. >> i came here because i saw the kids out there. i said i want to be one of them. >> kathy, the assistant director takes a closer look you will find more. >> my brother took my shoes. >> four other people trying out. i got to be tough. if they can't handle it, then it's my way of eliminating them. attitude, very important. i'll take someone with a great attitude and desire to do well and be here every day over someone that just has a great arm, just wants to do it for the
money. >> at 7.75 an hour, no one is getting rich. but the experiences on the court can be very rewarding. >> each time i go out there, it's memorable. when andy murray won the men's time, i had the opportunity to be a ball person for that match. and just being on court on a finals match was almost surreal. >> a ten-year vet, jill is an evaluator and heads up his own crew with the open. >> for the net position, we're looking for speed, agility, returning to your spot. we'll have dan run across. >> every year about 400 compete for 80 to 100 open slots. even though most won't make the final cut, it doesn't seem to stop them from trying again. >> we're open to having you come out and try out for the next five years if you'd like to. we have a young man who did that and wound up being rookie of the year after five years of trying out. finally working for us: our ball people are focused. they might fumble a little bit, but they get that ball off the
court and let play continue. >> while there is a lot of fun to be had on this job, today it's all about business. >> it may seem silly to some people, but it's very, very important. we're not really supposed to be seen. i like it describe it as a bunch of blue ninjas. it's one of the best experiences you'll have. >> that experience pays off later life. >> we've got doctors, lawyers, stockbrokers. before they write their contract with their business, they make sure they contract in that they're going to be working the u.s. open. >> don't think this is just a job for kids. ages range from 14 to 63, believe it or not. and nothing can keep these die hards away. >> it would mean everything, really. coming out here to the u.s. open every day for about two weeks, being on court with the players, running back and forth, it would mean everything. it would be great. >> yeah. two of the greatest players on the court right out in front of you, almost touching distance. it's so thrilling out there and
just watching every point unfold. you can't experience just watching on tv. >> unsung heros of the court. joe who you saw in the piece worked this year's final. had to be an unbelievable experience. apparently 75% of those ball persons come back every single year. and now you can see why. i think brian and steve, i think you should think about that. you're quick, nimble. >> i have to tell you, i was at a few matches with conner and mcenroe, they scream at the ball boys sometimes. the guys that don't bounce it right to them, what's the matter with you! give me the ball! i need the ball! >> i might try out 'cause i'm not that great at tennis. >> every once in a while you see guy go to great quarterback it and they wipe out. >> a little embarrassing. what's coming up next. coming up on the next my america, we'll have the story of linda justin. she saw heroin taking over her
town in vermont. but instead of leaving, she cashed in her 401(k), built a community center and is trying to save her town one block at a time. it is one story you will not want to miss on the next my america. >> that sounds terrific. you voted and the most outrageous politically incorrect headline of the day, the army officer banned from entering his daughter's school because his uniform might offend somebody. that officer's wife will be here live when we come back. and did you fight with your significant other last night? >> how did you know? >> that was elisabeth's voice. a new study knows why. you slept in the same bed. what were you thinking? we'll explain. >> where are my glasses? >> you're snoring. ♪ ♪
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see car insurance in a whole new light. liberty mutual insurance. we have the pc police. 77% of you said it's a story that outraged you the most this morning. this army officer denied access to his daughter's high school because he was wearing his uniform. the reason is even more outrageous, the school said the uniform might offend a student. joining us on the phone is the wife of lieutenant colonel sherwood baker, rachel. good morning to you. and congratulations. we understand you just got married two weeks ago. >> yeah. we did. thank you. >> okay. so tell us what happened yesterday when your new husband was trying to take his daughter to school. >> she was already at school. we got a note from her that she was in the counseling office trying to change her schedule.
so on our way to work, we pulled into the high school. parked in the parking lot. i stayed in the car and he went up, talked to one of the security guards and said he just needed to go into the counseling office. the security guard at the door told him that he wasn't allowed in, that they had a policy against people in uniform and that he couldn't go in. >> because? >> because he had his uniform on. >> was it something that someone would look at and feel offended? that's what we read. is that what occurred? >> it is, yes. they told him that some kids might not understand and might be offended by that and they weren't going to let him in the school. so they gave him a choice. told him that he could phone into the office and speak to people in the office that way or he could go home and change his clothes. >> wow. >> yeah. he came back to the school, we called the superintendent's office from the parking lot. at that point somebody from the office came out and got him and walked him into the school.
at that point they started to tell him, we'll look into this. i'm not sure what the policy is. his response was, i don't want to talk about that. i just need to get my daughter squared away. i'm not going to discuss that with you. >> so rachel, we're outraged. how do you feel? how did your husband feel? ter about it daughter feel? now than i did 24 hours ago. we have since received phone calls from the principal and superintendent. the superintendent was a combat marine, so he understood this. he was just appalled, frankly. so they have taken steps to correct what happened yesterday. certainly hearing that all he wanted to do was going to school and help his daughter. brand-new in the school district. it's a huge school compared to where she used to go to school. he just wants to do help her. and he was told that because of what he was wear, he wasn't allowed in. what i told the superintendent's office yesterday was i'm sitting in your parking lot looking at
an american flag and you're telling me that somebody who served in the army for 24 hours isn't allowed in the door of your school? what is that? >> if they said the security guard was right, you might have had to take different options. >> oh, absolutely. i don't know what i would have done if the answer would have come back and said yes, absolutely, you're not allowed in that school in uniform, i don't know what i would have done. but i know that i wouldn't have -- i wouldn't be breathing easily. there would be lots of decisions that would need to be made. and there is other military members that have children in that particular school even. >> at least this superintendent was smart enough to realize that whatever the guy at the gate said was stupid and they fixed all that. thank you very much for joining us and talking about what your family went through yesterday.
>> we thank you your husband for great service to this nation and we wish your daughter a great school year and all the kids. >> congratulations once again. they got married two weeks ago. heather nauert joins us right now with a look at the news. we start with somebody who had been very, very famous. >> casey kasem. two months after his death, a bitter family feud continues to rage on. the legendary radio host still doesn't have a final resting place. casey's waive, jean, wants to bury him in norway, despite his request to be laid to rest in california. casey's daughter then started a petition to stop jean from also prevent other families from having to go through the very same thing. she joined us earlier on "fox & friends" in a rare tv appearance. >> if she didn't take him out of the nursing home that she put him in where he had no bed sore, no infection. when i saw him, he was able to talk. he was able to say i love you. she's trying find a hideout. if she wouldn't have taken him on this vacation, he'd be alive
today. that's what i'm saying. do i think she hastened his death? 100%. >> now jean kasem is under criminal investigation for elder abuse. he spends a lot of time on the golf course. you know who we're talking about. president obama. he wants the epa to join him, the agency has a new proposal to police the majority of the country's streams and wetlands and teeing off the golf industry. several groups claim a new rule would expands the epa's jurisdiction to include all drainage and water ditches, including storm ditches, water storage, the ponds and all of that on golf courses. they say it would add an unnecessary regulation and burden already affecting a struggling industry. a big deal. did you fight with your spouse last night? it may be because you slept in the same bed. there is a new study out from the university of pittsburgh that finds that couples on different sleep schedules can expect an even rockier relationship. one in four couples actually now
sleeping in separate bedrooms. that's because some of us prefer the television on or to stay up late or read in bed. then there is always that snorer. earlier on "fox & friends," we asked a sleep doctor how you can fix the problem. >> one of the first things i tell people to do is create a pillow wall in between you and that snoring individual. okay? that's one thing. if they're facing you and snoring right at you, that can be a problem. obviously ear plugs can be helpful. one of the things i tell people all the time is decongest, something to clear that congestion. >> on average, those who sleep next to a snorer lose an hour of sleep a night. you got that, honey? those are your headlines. >> outing your husband. >> one swift kick works for me usually. >> it's sleep talking. >> thank you very much. >> you're hearing from a lot of people on it. >> a lot of people weighing in on this. angie tweets, what's wrong with
that? creates a loving family. aka husband snores and wife says prayers in peace. >> that's one way to handle it i guess. brian says this on twitter, nothing new. don't you remember lucy and desi and rob and laura? >> back then, everybody was sleeping in twin beds. >> were they happy? >> they were in the same bedroom, though. >> right. you just got to wonder what happened when the tv series wasn't being taped. >> that's what we saw. >> right. that's only what we saw
bush rallied a nation. can president obama do the same tonight? what the american people want to hear from their commander in chief next. ♪ ♪ woman: everyone in the nicu -- all the nurses wanted to watch him
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we all remember the iconic speech given by president george w. bush in the days after september 11, 2001. >> i can hear you! [ cheering ] i can hear you! the rest of the world hears you! and the people who knocked these buildings down will hear all of us soon!
>> just about 13 years ago. tonight the country is waiting for president obama to inspire that same courage and strength in the american people. so will tonight be a turning point for the president and his administration? fox news legal analyst peter johnson, jr. has been thinking about it. >> good morning. we may witness the rebirth of a new president obama tonight. maybe the adopted brother of george bush born of the ashes of ground zero. so in choosing the eve of 9-11, the anniversary of 9-11, is he now wrapping himself in the american flag? in the same flag that he eskewed. in 2007, he said he wouldn't wear an american flag pin and he said the truth is that right after 9-11, i had a pin. shortly after 9-11 particularly as we're talking about the iraq war, that became a substitute for true patriotism, which is speaking out on issues that are important to our national security. i decided i won't wear that pin on my chest. so it seems tonight that he's going to wear that pin on his chest proudly as he has been for
several years. he's cast off his own history in terms of terrorism and perhaps this is a new president obama inspired by one too many nightmares of a city in flames triggered by one too many intelligence briefings that he's probably getting about the threat of isis in iraq, syria, and maybe here if new york, los angeles, chicago, or any city in america. >> you know what? the american people have eyes and we know that this isis threat is real. we've seen the beheadings and there is now a brand-new poll out, we're not make the progress. right now 47% of americans feel less safe -- half the country feels less safe than 9-11. >> and this is a frightening picture for the president on this day as he gets ready to make this speech. time will tell whether the words generated by the frightening picture that he may have conjured in his own mind that he may not understand in terms of global politics are confidence
command rather than placate the american people, and about his mental evasion in the past. and his inability to grasp world events. i saw a tweet yesterday. i'd like america to see it. i'd like the president to see it. never, never, never, never, never forget. it shows smoke and tears surrounding our lady of liberty in the harbor on that day. that's an image that we will never forget and that i think is seared now in the president's soul. let's see if the words and actions meet in a way that helps protect americans going forward. >> will the president reboot? we'll know tonight at 9:00 o'clock. thank you very much. >> i hope so. >> see you back here tomorrow. he was found not guilty after the drunk driver who killed his kids turned up dead. dr. phil just spoke to that father who has never spoken publicly before. dr. phil is making a couch call and joins us next
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>> tonight the president will tell us how he plans to destroy isis. we'll talk to ed henry, buck mckeon as the "wall street journal" says the president must acknowledge as they put it, dick cheney is still right. we'll see about that. roger goodell fights to right the ray rice situation. we're going to talk to tmz this morning and our exclusive talk with the tsa, are we ready for the isis threat here at home when we see you at the top of the hour. all right. thanks a lot. he was found not guilty after the drunk driver who killed his kids turned up dead. for the first time ever, he is speaking out publicly and he spoke to dr. phil. joining us now here on the couch is dr. phil mcgraw. he has not spoken publicly since the trial. >> he did not testify during the trial. he didn't give a statement to the police.
he had not spoken until he sat down and he wanted to talk about this. >> you've got a snippet, we do as well. here it is. >> at what point did the two of you realize that both of your sons were gone? >> he never realized. he didn't stop giving mouth to mouth to my son. he was still holding on to him, but the police didn't let me go back to my kids. they said if i did, i'd be arrested. >> do you blame yourself for being on that country road that night? >> i don't think that there is a parent that doesn't sit there and blame themselves. >> times i do. >> when you sit there and wonder why didn't god take us instead? >> dave barajas killed the drunk driver who killed his kids? >> well, he was found not guilty and the prosecutor stood on the courthouse steps and said this man got away with murder because of sympathy. and it really raises a question. what would you do in a
situation -- one of them was actually dismembered from the impact. the other killed. and a few minutes later, the driver shot in the head and they're on a country road. he says he didn't do it. and i asked him the question, if you didn't do it, who did? his answer is very, very interesting. this is such a layered story. but it makes every parent think, what would you do in that situation? none of us want to endure vigilante justice, but our normal compass goes to spinning. >> did you ask him about how he >> at this ask him.ver being i don't think i have ever seen a man more anguished in trying to answer a question. he was so torn because he wanted to say i don't want him to be dead. but you could tell he really did. >> but here you are, it's a tv show, but yet your profession is giving people help through times like this. what did you say? what do you say? >> of course, at this point you have to focus on the healing. they didn't get an opportunity
to really grieve their children because soon after they had the loss, he was charged with, arrested, put in jail for murder. now she faces losing two of her children, now her husband could go to jail for life. they are just -- they've been in disarray, which is why they came to us. we need help here. >> and if you want to see the
martha: president obama posts the worst approval numbers a president has seen right before the mid-terms as democrats are worried about what will happen to their party come november. i'm martha maccallum. eric: i'm shaker sean in for bill hemmer. a nbc news poll

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Breakfast Cereal , Popcorn , Cereal , Muesli , Sweetness , Chocolate , Granola , Formula One Tyres , Tire Care , Tread , Metal , Steel , Composite Material , Cylinder , Concrete , Gas , Synthetic Rubber , Automotive Exhaust , Jet Engine , Exhaust System , Automobile Repair Shop , Race Car , Pipe , Automotive Lighting , Mirrorless Interchangeable Lens Camera , Vintage Car , Compact Car , Auto Show , Driving , Helmet , Symbol , Animation , Trial , Laser , Led Backlit Lcd Display , Night , Downtown , Video Game Arcade Cabinet , Stairs , Tobacco Products , Smoking , Barechested , Cigarette , Crop , Cigar , Sausage , Fish , Soil , Smoke , Drink , Alcohols , Alcoholic Beverage , Beer , Liqueur , Distilled Beverage , Action Figure , Peking Opera , Atmosphere Of Earth , Atmospheric Phenomenon , Midnight , Horizon , Traffic Sign , Street Sign , Love , Wildlife , Microphone , Makeup Artist , Eyelash Extensions , Mascara , Headphones , Wind Turbine , Clothes Hanger , Handwriting , Calm , Writing , Drop , Sphere , Natural Environment , Emblem , Commemorative Plaque , Award , Porch , Suburb , Disaster , Geological Phenomenon , Freezing , Winter Storm , Vegetable , Tobacco , Ping Pong , Clothes Iron , Small Appliance , Heat , Brain As Food , Modern Art , Lingzhi Mushroom , Fiction , Music Artist , Album Cover , Song , Supervillain , Singer , Entertainment , Performance Art , Musical Theatre , Performing Arts , Theatre , Dance , Singing , Fashion Show , Music Venue , Nightclub , Rock Concert , Concert , Skin Care , Cream , Personal Care , Plastic Bottle , Solution , Fluid , Liquid , Personal Lubricant , Chemistry , Solvent , Anime , Class , Collaboration , Training , Museum , Construction , Brutalist Architecture , Scaffolding , Reinforced Concrete , Race Track , Traffic , Parking Lot , Plaza , Workwear , Apple , Fruit , Eating , Reading , Head Restraint , Car Seat , Family Car , Personal Luxury Car , Tesla Model S , Electric Vehicle , Executive Car , Volvo Cars , Bedroom , Bed , Bed Frame , Bed Sheet , Mattress , Bedding , Boutique Hotel , Mattress Pad , Duvet Cover , Comfort , Box Spring , Linens , Groom , Pleased , Darkroom , Musical Instrument , Folk Instrument , Percussion , Club , Captain America , Superhero , Armour , Avengers , Conference Hall , Leather Jacket , Refrigerator , Cooking , Pet , Mammal , Vertebrate , Canidae , Dog Breed , Dog , Carnivore , Great Pyrenees , Sporting Group , Ragdoll , Australian Shepherd , Golden Retriever , Retriever , Siberian Husky , Felidae , Alaskan Malamute , Non Sporting Group , Cat , Tongue , Diet Food , Natural Foods , Tomato , Solanum , Superfruit , Junk Food , Nightshade Family , Local Food , Whole Food , Vegan Nutrition , Legume , Cranberry , Labrador Retriever , Companion Dog , Working Dog , Puppy , Insect , Mantis , Bud , Pollen , Invertebrate , Lily Family , Anthurium , Icing , Watercolor Paint , Painting , Floral Design , Wood Stain , Handrail , Laminate Flooring , Baluster , Plywood , Molding , Pointing Breed , Weimaraner , Spaniel , Gun Dog , Guard Dog , Cavalier King Charles Spaniel , English Cocker Spaniel , Pembroke Welsh Corgi , West Highland White Terrier , Basset Hound , Old English Sheepdog , Welsh Corgi , Acrobatics , King Charles Spaniel , Dog Food , Dog Supply , Border Collie , Canis , Miniature Australian Shepherd , St Bernard , Japanese Chin , Kiss , Underwater , Swimming , Swimming Pool , Marine Biology , Water Park , Freediving , Underwater Diving , Individual Sports , Pond , Beak , Bird , Goldfish , Pet Supply , Freshwater Aquarium , Fishing Lure , à La Carte Food , Flowerpot , Flyer , Picture Frame , Kindergarten , Toy , Mother , Sharing , Toy Block , Birthday , School , Sibling , Daughter , Academic Institution , Family , Party , Party Supply , Plastic , Brunch , Lunch , Cake Decorating , Supper , Homework , Videoconferencing , Automotive Navigation System , Display Case , Interview , Army , Troop , Military Uniform , Marines , Non Commissioned Officer , Airman , Crew , Race , Woodland , Rural Area , Parking , Brickwork , Brick , Paramedic , Firefighter , Emergency Service , Ambulance , Truck Driver , Scoreboard , Talent Show , Motor Ship , Cruise Ship , Passenger Ship , Ship , Ocean Liner , Airport Terminal , Watercraft , Naval Architecture , Ferry , Newspaper , Publication , Precipitation , Rain , Blizzard , Street Light , Natural Disaster , Thoroughfare , Track , Freeway , Haze , Grass Family , Nonbuilding Structure , Fog , Explosion , Tsunami , Storm , Cumulus , Fire , Riot , Pollution , Neon Sign , Professional Wrestling , Boxing Ring , Contact Sport , Card Game , Playstation Vita , Adventure , Electronic Instrument , Wireless Router , Portable Media Player , Cellular Network , Pda , Rubiks Cube , Mechanical Puzzle , Watch Phone , Fencing , Poker , Convention , Musical Ensemble , Drums , Drummer , Drum , String Instrument , Bassist , Artist , Guitarist , Percussionist , Jazz Club , Bass Drum , Membranophone , Drumhead , Tom Drum , Flag Day Usa , Holiday , Veterans Day , Independence Day , Memorial Day , Net , Skyline , Intersection , Traffic Congestion , Cityscape , Parachute , Extreme Sport , Parachuting , Air Sports , Statue , Motocross , Morning , City Car , Fast Food , Sandwich , Street Food , Hamburger , Market , Supermarket , Floristry , Fried Food , Fried Chicken , Chicken Meat , Crispy Fried Chicken , American Food , Appetizer , Chinese Food , Chicken Nugget , Mcdonalds Chicken Mcnuggets , Deep Frying , Comfort Food , Karaage , Frying , Chicken Fingers , Side Dish , Southern United States Food , Southwestern United States Food , Dinner , Indonesian Food , Buffet , Foot , French Fries , Food Court , Dip , Mexican Food , Bakery , Bread , Bun , Bread Roll , Pastry , Polish Food , Kids Meal , Sidewalk , Carpet , Kitchen Appliance , Sculpture , Coffeemaker , Home Appliance , Window Blind , Business School , Palm Tree , Arecales , Animated Cartoon , Tropics , Caribbean , People In Nature , Clip Art , Comics , Desert , Plain , Water Transportation , Yacht , Dusk , Panorama , Headquarters , Convention Center , Reflection , Penthouse Apartment , Loft , Library , Toothbrush , Brush , Hand Tool , Moisture , Liquid Bubble , Astronomical Object , Outer Space , Toothbrush Replacement Head , Festival , Parade , Filling Station , Highway , Arch , Military Vehicle , Combat Vehicle , Bulldozer , Construction Equipment , Convenience Store , Grocery Store , Aisle , Shopping , Customer , Outlet Store , Convenience Food , Marketplace , Shopping Cart , Inventory , Chocolate Chip Cookie , Cookie , Cookies And Crackers , Chocolate Chip , Soda Bread , Panettone , Oatmeal Raisin Cookies , Black And White , Plaid , Tartan , Button , Polka Dot , Polo Shirt , Vest , Sleeveless Shirt , Sweater Vest , Board Short , Trunks , Active Shorts , Pajamas , Bermuda Shorts , Cardigan , Jersey , Sewing Machine , Tradition , Computer Keyboard , Chef , Cook , Drama , Cornrows , Walkway , Courtyard , Gate , Cottage , Alley , Balcony , Hacienda , Monochrome , Monochrome Photography , Moonlight , Windsports , Book , Book Cover , Paint , Futon , Sleep , Figurine , Glove , Home Door , Door Handle , Icon , Breakfast Sandwich , Veggie Burger , Bánh Mì , Cheeseburger , Mediterranean Food , Pan Bagnat , Ham And Cheese Sandwich , Greek Food , Blt , Lettuce , Garnish , Man Go , Salad , Meat , Iranian Cuisine , Cherry Tomatoes , Plum Tomato , Chili Pepper , Leaf Vegetable , Herb , Arugula , Coriander , Cruciferous Vegetables , Spinach , Taco , Ceviche , Tostada , Thai Food , Horsd Oeuvre , Subcompact Car , Hybrid Vehicle , Sedan , Hyundai , Lexus , Sports Sedan , Rolls Royce , Action Film , Phd , Cathedral , Church , Gothic Architecture , Digital Compositing , History , Cg Artwork , Land Vehicle , Mercedes Benz Vito , Mercedes Benz , Mercedes Benz Sprinter , Mercedes Benz Viano , Rv , Mercedes Benzv Class , Speedometer , Measuring Instrument , Odometer , Tachometer , Range Rover , Gauge , Automotive Tail Brake Light , Headlamp , Hot Hatch , Concept Car , Supercar , Hatchback , Infiniti , Steering Wheel , Porsche Panamera , Steering Part , Porsche , Acura Rdx , Cadillac , Subaru , Lexus Is , Full Size Car , Lexus Gs , Coupé , Road Surface , Rallying , Rear View Mirror , Windscreen Wiper , World Rally Championship , Racing , Auto Racing , Motorsport , Sports Car , Rallycross , World Rally Car , Performance Car , Off Roading , Batman , Shopkeeper , Bowling , Ten Pin Bowling , Ball , Bowling Equipment , Bowling Pin , Bowling Ball , Stethoscope , Health Care Provider , Medical Assistant , Coach , Boston Terrier , Cage , Dog Crate , Animal Shelter , Motorcycle Helmet , Sports Gear , Soccer Ball , Swiss Ball , Endurance Sports , Projection Screen , Bowler , Pumpkin , Air Hockey , Plumbing Fixture , Bathtub , Aquarium , Amusement Park , Helicopter , Radio Controlled Helicopter , Rotorcraft , Natural Material , Sea Cows , Sea Lion , Amusement Ride , Boeing 737 Next Generation , Airbus A320 Family , Airbus A330 , Boeing 737 , Boeing 777 , Jet Aircraft , Fokker 50 , Airbus A380 , Ice Hotel , Adventure Game , Massively Multiplayer Online Role Playing Game , Major Appliance , Microwave Oven , Mixing Console , Cdj , Printer , Agricultural Machinery , Field , Tractor , Crane , Plough , Playground , Grassland , Agriculture , Mower , Lawn Mower , Outdoor Power Equipment , Riding Mower , Tool , Power Tool , Lawn Aerator , Walk Behind Mower , Hardware , Snow Blower , Farm , Radio Controlled Toy , Go Kart , Double Decker Bus , Tour Bus Service , Trolleybus , School Bus , Dancer , Kung Fu , Street Dance , Tango , Latin Dance , Folk Dance , Line Dance , Salsa , Opera , Country Western Dance , Modern Dance , Concert Dance , Ballet , Evening , Theater Curtain , Brass Instrument , Carmine , Triangle , Little Black Dress , Still Life , Drawing , Rabbit , Rabbits And Hares , Domestic Rabbit , Phare , Sketch , Whiskers , Tail , Line Art , Wing , Coloring Book , Outdoor Shoe , Walking Shoe , Athletic Shoe , Sneakers , Clog , Hiking Boot , Helicopter Rotor , Acrylic Paint , Mo Ney , Video Game Software , Clown , Mascot , Banana , Banana Family , Lampshade , Lamp , Meadow , Quilting , Quilt , Groundcover , Artificial Turf , Photobombing , Traffic Light , Spring , Golf , Golf Equipment , Golf Club , Grandparent , Volvo Xc90 , Kia Sportage , Volvo V70 , Volvo Xc70 , Sun , Sunrise , Lens Flare , Backlighting , Mountainous Landforms , Butte , Formation , Badlands , Geology , Canyon , Plateau , Wadi , National Monument , Unesco World Heritage Site , National Park , Escarpment , Outcrop , Bedrock , Cliff , Ancient History , Wonders Of The World , Castle , Coast , Terrain , Wave , Coastal And Oceanic Landforms , Archaeological Site , Promontory , Fault , Klippe , Wind Wave , Jacuzzi , Great White Shark , Manager , Baseball Field , Pool , Gelato , Ice Cream , Dairy , Office Equipment , Baggage , Hair Iron , Gun , Hood , Bar , Capellini , Spaghetti , Italian Food , Spaghetti Aglioe Olio , Noodle , Taglierini , Spaghetti Alla Puttanesca , Pasta , Bigoli , Spaghetti Alle Vongole , Naporitan , Carbonara , Pasta Pomodoro , Bavette , Bucatini , Clam Sauce , Chinese Noodles , Hawaiian Food , Frozen Dessert , Sundae , Whipped Cream , Parfait , Affogato , Frozen Yogurt , Sorbetes , Mousse , English Cuisine , Pudding , Automotive Mirror , Car Dealership , Pickup Truck , Audio Engineer , Disc Jockey , , Shooting Range , Globe , Atlas , Peripheral , Tap , Hearing , Mouse , Headset , Plucked String Instruments , Guitar , Neon , Vehicle Audio , Air Force , Air Show , Boeing 767 , Military Aircraft , Takeoff , Fighter Aircraft , General Aviation , Boeing 757 , Flap , Air Racing , Propeller , Aerobatics , Landing , Trijet , Fokker 70 , Military Transport Aircraft , Ground Attack Aircraft , Supersonic Aircraft , Runway , Missile , Signaling Device , Electricity , Security Lighting , Electrical Supply , Security , Basketball Court , Fence , Zoo , Park , Mural , Public Utility , Column , Monastery , Shipping Container , Hall , Pantry , Food Storage , Present , Flower Arranging , Vending Machine , Slam Dunk , Playstation Portable , Teddy Bear , Macaroni And Cheese , Christmas Eve , Bookcase , Sofa Bed , Loveseat , Wall Ball Sports , Choir , Private School , Drum Machine , Photocopier , Office Supplies , Electric Car , Honda , Echinoderm , Marine Invertebrates , Reef , Coral Reef , Coral Reef Fish , Coral , Octopus , Seahorse , Cephalopod , Giant Pacific Octopus , Anemone Fish , Crab , Decapoda , Crustacean , Molluscs , Mythology , Starfish , Hardware Accessory , Brass , Screw , Middle Ages , Jungle , Wilderness , Trail , Rainforest , Old Growth Forest , Miniature Schnauzer , Schnauzer , Mask , Birthday Cake , Cake , Buttercream , Torte , Cowboy Hat , Fedora , Bear , Campfire , Military Organization , Safari , Infantry , Backpacking , Adventure Racing , State Park , Caving , Rope , Syngnathiformes , King Crab , Seafood , Dinosaur , Extinction , Chevrolet Uplander , Trip Computer , Bmw , Car Seat Cover , Honda Element , Beach , Horse , Stallion , Mare , Body Of Water , Tide , Surfing , Surface Water Sports , Channel , Boardsport , Surfing Equipment , Surfboard , Water Sport , Stand Up Paddle Surfing , Seabird , Harbor Seal , Outdoor Recreation , Kitesurfing , Bodyboarding , Windsurfing , Kite Sports , Towed Water Sport , Wakeboarding , River , Skimboarding , Wakesurfing , Kayak , Inlet , Sea Kayak , Kayaking , Powerboating , Fox Terrier , Dog Walking , Terrier , Off Road Vehicle , Rickshaw , Jeep , Light Commercial Vehicle , Minibus , Washing Machine , All Terrain Vehicle , Packaging And Labeling , Carton , Turquoise , Gemstone , Pill , Drug , Pharmaceutical Drug , Capsule , Heart , Crystal , Perfume , Computer Icon , Culinary Art , Pastry Chef , Chief Cook , Cookware And Bakeware , Plan , Swimwear , Swimmer , Synchronized Swimming , Thermae , Water Polo , Water Polo Cap , Bathing , Swim Cap , Freestyle Swimming , Medley Swimming , Underwater Sports , Lamniformes , Shark , Lamnidae , Cartilaginous Fish , Dolphin , Cetacea , Open Water Swimming , Tubing , Breaststroke , Backstroke , Loch , Watercraft Rowing , Reservoir , Canoe , Waterskiing , Rowing , Boats And Boating Equipment Supplies , Lake District , Canoeing , Bank , Waterway , Paddle , Oar , Skiff , Wetland , Floodplain , Bayou , Marsh , Lacustrine Plain , Model Car , Sports Car Racing , Touring Car Racing , Endurance Racing Motorsport , Police Car , Audi , Pilot , Fighter Pilot , Cockpit , Nissan Altima , Nissan , Second Generation Lexus Is , Custom Car , Suzuki Kizashi , Suzuki , Suzuki Sx4 , Ford , Lamborghini Aventador , Road Trip , Lamborghini , Drifting , Stock Car Racing , Drag Racing , Autocross , Tandem Skydiving , Mercedes Benz Gl Class , Mercedes Benzm Class , Cadillac Cts V , Honda Cr Z , Hydrogen Vehicle , Pit Stop , Formula One , Formula One Car , Motorcycle , Motorcycling , Road Racing , Indycar Series , Formula Racing , Open Wheel Car , Tesla , Nissan Sentra , Nissan Teana , Ford Motor Company , Toyota , Bagel , Spanish Cuisine , Focaccia , Vodka , Airport Apron , Propeller Driven Aircraft , Gas Pump , Payment Card , Calf , Ankle , Sandal , Lingerie , Undergarment , Brassiere , Underpants , Garter , Briefs , Prairie , Yoga , Pilates , Deck , High Visibility Clothing , Electronics Accessory , Cable , Wristband , Umbrella , Street Fashion , Cosplay , Shadow , Silhouette , Bicycle Motocross , Freestyle Motocross , Pasture , Steppe , Fire Department , Rescue , Dawn , Wind Farm , Windmill , Afterglow , Sunset , Transmission Tower , Tall Ship , Sailing Ship , Mast , Ferris Wheel , Galleon , Ram , Fender , Dodge Ram Srt 10 , Truck Bed Part , Hardtop , Dodge , Fordf Series , Coupe Utility , Ford Super Duty , Off Road Racing , Nissan Titan , Rally Raid , Dirt Track Racing , Dirt Road , Mud , Tank , Twinjet , Moon , Eclipse , Tunnel , Tennis , Tennis Court , Sports Training , Racquet Sport , Soft Tennis , Padel , Tennis Player , Racket , Tennis Equipment , Track And Field Athletics , Badminton , Tennis Ball , Putter , Heptathlon , Athletics , Hurdling , High Jump , Pole Vault , Running , Decathlon , Jumping , Net Sports , Real Tennis , Basketball Moves , Elliptical Trainer , Bar Stool , Small To Medium Sized Cats , Persian , Himalayan , British Semi Longhair , Asian Semi Longhair , Kitten , Domestic Long Haired Cat , Norwegian Forest Cat , Sashimi , Japanese Cuisine , Rodent , Muroidea , Hamster , Napoleon Cat , Gown , Bridal Clothing , Wedding Dress , Soup , Tom Kha Kai , Stew , Filipino Food , Turkish Delight , Sushi , Smoked Salmon , Crudo , Fish Slice , Salmon , Shrimp , Lox , Kasuzuke , Salmon Like Fish , Bony Fish , Ray Finned Fish , Carrot , Birds Eye Chili , Bell Peppers And Chili , Chard , Serrano Pepper , Capsicum , Peperoncini , Root Vegetable , Seafood Boil , Asian Soups , Sinigang , Cup , Coffee , Coffee Cup , Latte , Espresso , Flat White , Domestic Short Haired Cat , Pomeranian , Maltese , Bichon , Turkish Angora , Turkish Van , Lemon Chicken , Lemon , Peruvian Food , Portuguese Food , Scampi , Caridean Shrimp , Dendrobranchiata , Curry , Tacacá , Moqueca , Yellow Curry , Caldeirada , Brazilian Food , Rice Noodles , Sōmen , Iceburg Lettuce , Meringue , Milk , Diamond , Transparent Material , Body Jewelry , Recruiter , Football , Volkswagen , Blackberry Pie , Oatmeal , Vitis , Espresso Machine , Scale Model , Kart Racing , Tugboat , Carting , Race Of Champions , Hobby , Goggles , Handgun Holster , Endurocross , Motorcycle Racing , Auto Race , Biathlon , Mini , Locker , Sole , Metro , Gridiron Football , American Football , Football Gear , Football Equipment , Football Helmet , Hockey Protective Equipment , Goaltender Mask , Arena Football , Canadian Football , Mazda 787b , Group C , Sports Prototype , Ammunition , Bait , Arena , Baseball Park , Triathlon , Long Distance Running , Softball , Temple Fade , Stuffed Toy , Plush , Indoor Soccer , Soccer Specific Stadium , Lawn Game , Rackets , Forward , Futsal , Goal , Goalkeeper , Cross Country Running , Marathon , Half Marathon , Ultramarathon , Strongman , Racketlon , Racewalking , Duathlon , Kettlebell , Weights , Baseball , Goaltender , Ice Hockey , Cheerleading , Sprint , Middle Distance Running , 800 Metres , 4 100 Metres Relay , Longboard , Skateboard , Street Stunts , Skateboarding , Volleyball , Throwing , Tennis Racket Accessory , Tennis Racket , Strings , Historic House , North American Fraternity And Sorority Housing , Home Fencing , Picket Fence , Snowman , Snow Removal , Landscape Lighting , Astronomy , Star , Aurora , Concrete Mixer , Cupboard , Emoticon , Memorial , Water Bird , Ducks Geese And Swans , Lighthouse , Beacon , Giraffe , Giraffidae , Control Tower , Energy Drink , Snooker , Golf Cart , Precision Sports , Professional Golfer , Golf Course , Golfer , Match Play , Pitch And Putt , Wedge , Hickory Golf , College , Palace , Listed Building , Château , Stately Home , Almshouse , Courthouse , Sail , Sailboat , Nap , Crash , Collision , Presidential Palace , Manor House , Risotto , Pomegranate , Gallo Pinto , Stuffing , Pilaf , Hoppin John , Rice , Food Grain , Biryani , Jambalaya , Paella , Fried Rice , Nasi Goreng , Korean Food , Steamed Rice , White Rice , Steak , Rib Eye Steak , Korokke , Cola , Botanical Garden , Driveway , Path , Hedge , Patio , Chest Of Drawers , Drawer , Nightstand , Filing Cabinet , Banknote , Casino , Toilet Seat , Output Device , Scale , Laser Printing , Rock Climbing , Bouldering , Fisheye Lens , Graffiti , Orienteering , Whiteboard , Slope , Office Instrument , Writing Implement , Bike , Road Bicycle , Freestyle Bmx , Racing Bicycle , Bmx Bike , Cycle Sport , Gym , Weight Training , Public Library , Bookselling , Self Help Book , Collage , Original Chicken Sandwich , Bocadillo , Bouillabaisse , Linguine , Coleslaw , Segway , Street Sports , Flatland Bmx , Cycling , Street Hockey , Bicycle Frame , Bicycle Saddle , Bicycle Part , Bicycle Wheel , Mountain Bike , Hybrid Bicycle , Road Cycling , Bicycle Pedal , Bicycle Handlebar , Bicycles Equipment And Supplies , Bicycle Racing , Bicycle Drivetrain Part , Road Bicycle Racing , Bicycle Tire , Cyclo Cross , Bicycle Fork , Recumbent Bicycle , Swamp , Canal , Fluvial Landforms Of Streams , Hill Station , Hill , Highland , Village , Afro , Jheri Curl , Cool , Stimulant , Veterinarian , Escalator , Aircraft Cabin , Energy Shot , Dietary Supplement , Chemical Compound ,

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