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10 00 a. M. In france when the two suspects believed to be the brothers everybody has been searching for especially the Thousands Police and counterterrorism experts in france han vuled intohas been called into action since wednesday. There has been an exchange of gun fire. Perhaps the most distressing of the entire situation if there is a hostage situation. At least one of the hostages believed to be a woman. So the suspects now there is a lot of gray area here because they havent connected all of the dots. We do know that when we went to bed last night we heard the story about how apparently the two brothers had robbed a gas station, stole some food and then made off into the woods either on foot or via a stolen car. That part is unclear. It went into this very thick forest. We hadnt really heard from them. However we do know half a dozen helicopters were over head during the nighttime hours they used night vision goggles. Apparently they saw something. Thats when the swat team did arrive near this it may have flushed them out into this small village in paris. Then they the swatbrothers took hostages in the small town 22 miles northeast of paris. It is a very small village, this particular area described as an Industrial Park. It sounds like a business area. Right. You have about 1500 police in the area. You talk about a country it is another definition of high alert a country of 88,000 Security Forces. There have been at least 5 choppers. Leah gabrielle has just come up from the studio. The Security Force you talk about a country not only is dealing with the horror of having 12 killed butand at least 11 wounded in a horrific shooting. You also have a country dealing with weather issues it has been pouring on and off as you start the intense manhunt. We know there are two gunmen believed holed up in a building. There is a report of at least one hostage and there have been reports of shots fired in a car chase. That is why suddenly the entire police force for france is in this town a couple dozen miles to the north and east of paris. These guys are so well armed they have shut down the airport because they did have high powered automatic weapons. They also did have some rpgs. There is nothing safe in the sky. Also you know sadly because of the video that has been obtained from the crime scene these guys are ruthless. They will take anybodys life wherever they are. From a military perspective france does have excellent Paramilitary Forces excellent swat teams. But we do know from what we have seen and the method these two men have used in their attacks that they are trained, that they come across as trained, that they are not your jv operatives when it comes to using weapons. We have seen they act calm, cool and collected under pressure. Some of the experts we spoke with this morning say when they start taking hostages that indicates they are really breaking down. Thats a desperate act. End of the road for them. Talk about training, we do know the older brother said kouachi involved in the murders of those 12 people at the newspaper on wednesday he was trained by al qaeda in yemen. We also know both of the brothers have been under the observation of french authorities apparently for a while. We do know the younger of the two brothers apparently was radicalized. He fell into a crowd where he loved to listen to one particular radicalized imam in one of the paris neighborhoods. The imam himself apparently a former janitor but he was a fire brand and he radicalized this particular brother. As question see now the older brother along for the ride. The younger brother had been convicted of terrorism charges in 2008. He had been assisting people who wanted to go into iraq to assist in fighting u. S. Forces. One of the questions that have been coming up these two men were on the u. S. No fly list. France is of course one of our allies but what kind of intelligence sharing has been going on that this ends up happening these were two people identified by french authorities. They also have strong ties to al qaeda and one at least trained in yemen. A man who has been fighting them for the last 13 years Gary Bernstein also understands the hostage situation. Put into perspective the mind set of the terrorists. Gary, you are seeing this unfold over the last hour or so. What is your take on whats happening right now . speaking on telephone whats happening in france is now they have identified the location they have probably brought in the gign. The intervention group. That is frances equivalent of delta force. These are the guys that did the rescue of flight 8969 in 1994. There were hundreds of hostages on a plane. They eventually breached the door killed the terrorists and saved the passengers. This is one of the greatest counterterrorism successes done by the gign. They are well thought of. By now they have their senior offices on the ground there. They are the guys that will be running this. You see them there that tells you the gign will be there. Also we know al qaeda we know they live to kill and they live to die. I suspect this is going to end at this location. The question is how many people did they take with them . I strongly suspect they will take many of the gign people. They are highly trained they will be armed defended they are going to do this systematically. They are going to do whatever possible to save the hostage. The leader got shot four times but rescued those people and survived. That was a grgn guy. Amazing guy. A major who led that team. These are very brave guys these french people that are going to do this. I would suspect it is not going to move from this location it will end at this location. These guys live to guy idie, i dont think they are going to negotiate out of this. The local authorities are telling the local people of this small town lock your doors dont let anybody in. There is a high school it is locked down. They are closing a couple runways at Charles De Gaulle airport. For what purpose . Why would they close it down . One of these guys may have had an rpg a couple days ago at the newspaper. They may be fearful. They may know there will be significant gun fight there they dont want the chance of any low flying aircraft. You dont know the approach patterns right over the top of this. With employing every mechanism of safety for the general public the french are going to go through these steps. The french are quite capable of handling these types of incidents there. It is on right there. As i said i do not think it is going to move from there. It will end in this location. I suspect it will end with terrorists hopefully they will be able to save the hostage. The older brother trained in if yemen. He has been linked to a huge prison break there as they tried to get out a few of their islamic terrorist friends and buddies. A couple of the prison breaks sadly were successful. Tell me about the fieptype of fighter i think of alabama whackfal al lack can i that was there for a long time. It is the National Home land of osama bin laden. The majority of the al qaeda guys were all yemenis. The vast majority we are holding at gitmo are yemenis. Yemeni yemen is the center of providing personnel for this. There was training done on the afghan pakistani border. You have a control in yemen. You will see more people continued to be trained in yemen. The other thing which as we study france and their country side they have essentially according to reports have almost given up on these muslim communities said essentially 2k3w06r7b yourselves. Govern yourselves. There is the Muslim Community and the rest of france. This is a tremendous problem across all of europe. Even if you look at places like sweden there are dozens of no go zones if the police go in there they are attacked by locals who set up governing counsels. This is a terrible pronblem in europe. A population of brussel is islamic now. Many of the belgian citizens not liking what they have seen have fled the city. You will probably have your first muslim mayor elected in brussel in the coming year or two. Gary, we are looking at pictures of a helicopter. We are seeing and hearing reports of a large military style operation on the ground there. Can you tell us whats happening from the airplane to the helicopters to the negotiations that may be taking place to the people on the ground . All of the aircraft that are there are there to deliver the people that are going to be managing the crisis. You have likely a gign officer the commander has a lead dern then an assault team which will be separate. You will have a Logistics Team a Communications Team a Public Affairs team that will deal with the public. The on scene commander will manage all of that. The on scene commander will have no direct toncontact with the hostages. Commanders neve negotiate and negotiators never command. It will be separate. We should explain whats happening on the left part of the screen as the camera guy cleanses the lens. That is the president to tell the world press what they know so far. If you are just getting up it is 12 minutes after 11 00 in the morning in france. Two suspects in the attack on the french magazine Charlie Hebdo surrounded by police in a building near paris in a small town by the name of denmark an goal. They are suspected of killing 12 people. Shots were fired earlier as the Police Chased a car believed to contain the suspects. There is one hostage according to police at this point. Details on the ground in france in paris. President hollande will be speaking to us. Will it be details or more warning to the people . I think it is a combination. He has been telling people to unite, mobilize and stand behind the authorities and stand behind the principles of this country. He has been very firm the french authorities will get their man and get their main suspects in this horrendous terror attack the biggest deadliest terror attack in 50 years. We are getting more information about what is going down and it is in dramatic fashion. Backtrack a little bit today apparently another car was hijacked by the two main suspects. They had been on foot abandoned one car they had over night. They were being chased by police through the forest about 45 miles northeast of paris. They came up to a sickedecondary road and waved down a car a compact car here and they hijacked that car and apparently got rid of that passenger. Discarded the passenger on the side of the road. We know that because that passenger then got in touch with police and the driver got in touch with police and identified the two main suspects. This happened early this morning french time. Now police know they are in this car and the car is heading toward paris. Thats a worse Case Scenario for french authorities. Yesterday the entire city was shut down with fears the terrorists were going to come back into the city and stage another terror attack. A roadblock was set up along this highway not a fourlane highway a secondary road. That is where a shootout occurred. Police exchanged fire with the terrorists. There were no casualties we are told at that point. They drove further in and road to their Current Location which is a Business Park an Industrial Park in a small town population 8,500 about 25 miles northeast of paris. They are hold up in a small business. It is a Printing Company. What is crucial here is that hostages were taken. Initially this is new information. Initially it is reported they had four hostages. That is probably the four people that were in the business. They entered the business somewhere between 8 309 00 in the morning friday morning. They for some reason we dont know why, for some reason through thethree of the four left, fled, were allowed to go. We dont know. We know there was one hostage being held it is reported it is a woman hostage. We dont have that confirmed. Let me just interrupt for a second. When they stormed the building killed 12 and wounded 11, they did go in there with the report now from an eyewitness not that they had an attack planned it was to kill the editor and everybody else. One of the attackers was heard to have said, we are not killing women. But yet the only hostage they have right now is a woman. Joining us now to help us with this hostage situation is jonathan giln. Not only is he somebody who is a navy seal an fbi guy and helping us out throughat fox news through all of the terrorist situations. It is hard to see this ending well with these two dead enders. We are looking at the way they started this the coordination they had the veracity of their fight, it is likely it will not end well. Not only not end well but end in a some what coordinated fight. That to me is probably the most worrisome thing right now is they have shown they have the ability to not only shoot move and communicate but also to shoot at targets and not just throw rounds down a range but to be effective fighters. Jonathan lets talk about the negotiations formerly taking place now with your experience with the fbi. France since the 60s they have been the target of terror attacks by algerian groups palestinian groups. Unlike the u. S. It is policy not to negotiate with terrorists. They have made deals with terror groups in the hopes of doing different things. New york times for example reported that france funneled 58 million in ransom payments to terrorists since 2008. Thats the most of any country. Should that give any hope that this hostage may make it out alive that potentially these two men may want money that there may be negotiating room that may get a hostage out alive. What is going into the hostage negotiations that are reportedly ongoing . speaking on telephone i tell you something the negotiations we never really had to negotiate with a hostage situation that was here a terror situation that was here. And i think over there probably what they are trying to do is if possible calm the situation down and then string it out to the point where they can handle the person similar to the way it was in australia where they continue to keep the individual talking for a long period of time and wear him down that way. That is what i perceive probably happening right now if they have them that cornered. We can give you information on that. We just understand they report now that the attackers, the men who were hunting the brothers that were hunting have been in communication with the French Police and want to make it clear they want to diaz martyrs. That was easy to see coming right there. You dont go over to yemen and train with someone like al qaeda and yemen and carry out an attack and be the type of person that doesnt want to die. Thats the mo, the standard mo is that their mission goes all of the way to martyrdom. It is a very scary thing because it is another factor you are adding into the fact that they can shoot move and communicate. Now you have guys that are also wanting to die not just willing, but actually looking for it. The chances are it is not going to end easily is a big thing. Hang on a second the president of france is speaking right now. We are hoping and we have simultaneous translation otherwise it will all be in french. speaking french okay that didnt last so long. These are the believed to be in the small town of dammartin engoele. Our own gregg palkot told us what happened in the last couple of hours is these two guys who we have been looking for car jacked another car, a small car and were heading back to paris and at that point they were engaged by police. Lets try once again to listen to the president of france francois holland. Precisely he can have confidence in you you are the state and you must approve so that the state is there in its place and itss place is to dae ploy all deploy all of the means necessary where this arises or places where it is targeted. You also have to reassure the population and thats certainly the idea. We have the deployment of forces more intensified in the last few days. The goal is to tell the population they are living in a state of law and with the desire to be together to actually refuse stigmatization caricatures and from that point of view the most upsetting therefore to ensure all our citizens can be fully involved in the recovery and also have to realize that we have to make sure we have Even Stronger prevention that we try to prevent the repetition of the events that have just taken place. Because after all one does know that certainly other similar events can take place for example in december there was a particularly serious events and where in fact sometimes one disaster can be used to provoke another disaster. So prevention intelligence, all of our systems of intelligence. I would like to salute the forces responsible for that intelligence. And finally we also have ensure the safety of the demonstrators that are taking place spontaneous ones and they were dignified and respectful. Demonstrations all citizens can come to participate in demonstrations, no control. Very simply with the same kind of determination and same kind of conviction that a number of our citizens will be present on sunday no doubt of it. Political forces or union forces to demonstrate but it is up to the citizens to decide whether they want to be involved or not. If they decide to go and there are very many of them then we have to also be able to reassure access and protect them. It is our responsibility they will be demonstrating in paris for sure. There will be some other demonstrations through out the country. Yesterday the president of the france he told me he assured me even in villages there would be some demonstrations. They must take place in the spirit of dignity which must characterize our response today. Also we must ensure security and protection of the demonstrators. Finally, there is an International Solidarity that has been expressed. It is really strong. First of all on the european level because after all we are all affected. The attacks which have also affected our friends and those countries also could be involved. Of course they are. They are also going to act at the european level. On sunday there will be a meeting of the home of his ministers which will take place here. The european home of his ministers and also cooperate with other ministers with other countries that are not here in the United States and the Prime Minister also is working very closely with certain other countries with regard to intelligence information, and there again that is something that is particularly important. It should stop us though, from surveying the borders. But at the same time we must also make sure that people have a right to asylum. That also is our responsibility. Therefore we must make sure our response is at the right level of International Scale and european scale. I would like to finish by telling you that i have full confidence in the work of our civil service. I wasnt able to express myself on the very day of the attack of this drama of the ordeal that they went through. Therefore i am doing this today in front of you. France has a state and that represents a strength. It is a guarantee. France has a state. It has a state with Civil Servants every single day in the name of general interest and they are well aware of their missions and they are well aware of what they have to do. Civil servants of all levels and we are able to see today precisely how useful they are. We are talking about police officers. We are talking about the magistrates, gendarmere. Civil servants who allow our citizens to be protected when necessary, and to ensure intervention at the opportune moment. And they are a presence and france through its values through its principles but also through its fate and through those it represents Civil Servants it will be able to resist all kinds of ordeals all ordeals. I have confidence in you i have confidence in my country. Our country has a great capacity to unionize. Of course that can always be a certain number of things that are lacking, there can certainly be some awful things that they can read about or live through however, our capacity is great when we can gather together and hear the public you have in fact have a responsibility to ensure that french people can live together, live in Safety Security and have confidence in their future. Thank you. You have just been hearing president hollande address the press, address the french people. He did say it is a test when a magazine is attacked because it is a symbol of freedom. We decided to enter into a coalition in iraq to fight against terrorism. Everything is being done for our fellow citizens. He did celebrate the joys of Civil Servants and the good work they do in france. He did under line as well some of the attacks that have been twarted over the past few yeeks. He also did reter to essentially france as the key. Essentially we are learning more about what makes up the French Community and what is going on in that country. You are joining us is Fox News Contributor kt mcfarland. It wont be business as usual in france right now. You are right. France has a problem. France has a big problem. Europe has a big problem. This is the new face of terrorism. This is not just people who are in pakistan organ stan planning to take town people or buildings in the west. These ra people who are citizens of these countries who somehow find their way to the gat el ground. They train and become very experienced fighters they know about warfare and car bombs and recruiting and they go back to their home land. If you look at the perspective of this whole take the big picture of this. These guys were successful. They launched a successful attack. They had the world attention for several days. Now they will probably diaz martyrs. This die as martyrs. These guys are role models for the next group who wants to do this. Interesting when you say that kt and you look at the resources they are able to draw from if france right now. We want to add we are going to report in the runways that had been shut down at the airport close by have been opened. Does that indicate to you this could be coming to a close . Why would they have closed the runways . For several reasons. They dont know what kind of weapons these people still have with them. Would they have the ability to shoot down an airplane. Its a long shot but maybe. The other thing is would they want to be in a situation where theres an airport is open that maybe if they take they could take new hostages. This was it was a fruprudent thing to do. The third reason they dont know where else this goes. How many more people are involved . How many people are going to be inspired . How many people are already in the pipeline ready to go with an additional attack. We haventprpt even looking for werent even looking for this type of training. The younger brother went to france yemen and trained and came back. He has been convicted of recruiting other terrorists. We are looking more today at people fighting syria and iraq. There are over 1,000 french men doing that. There are even more brits who are doing it. Belgians have a problem. There are european natives who have gone gone to fight in iraq. There is an army in each one of these countries. There were 1,000 people from trance who went and fought over in syria and elsewhere in sighsisis. That is the trouble of how hard it is to keep track of them. Kt mcfarland. It is 11 31 in the morning as Police Continue to stream into the small French Community of demartinengoele. The two suspects in the murders of the 12 people at the newspaper Charlie Hebdo are hold up in a Industrial Complex in a small town 20 miles from france. They have apparently taken one hostage. They probably had 3 or 4 earlier but they have a hostage at ctd printing. They told the locals keep your lights out dont let anybody in. Stay away from your windows. They are at a local high school they have a lock down of the school as well. It looks as if the noose is tightening on the kouachi brothers. We have special agent with joint Terrorism Task force who knows a thing or two about this. Jonathan at this point what is your assessment of where this will go based on the facts we have . speaking on telephone i think it is definitely not going to end well. I am hopeful they somehow can get this hostage out of there. I think the reality is you are going to see a minimum of two geed guys dead guys and possibly three depending on where the hostage is and if they let him go. When you hear the brothers want to die as martyrs it doesnt seem like it will end well here. What will be your goal . With these guys withhat is different from them and moest people is they are not just two guys who want to martyr themselves they are two well trained guys who want to martyr themselves. Depending on what actual equipment they have and how well they are able to use it and we have seen they probably do have good equipment. You will see a pretty good fight against the Law Enforcement or military they bring in there. Our real hope is that they get everybody around there out and that the police are ready to dig in. Because that could be what needs to be done is for them to dig in and kind of wear these guys down. The thing is, who has the time, for example theres a threeday manhunt going on since the horrific shooting. Everybody is on edge through out europe and through out the west. Knowing that, if you are on the ground right now surrounding these two brothers are you thinking drag this out because your outcome is at least to get the hostage out . There are a couple things you can think. It is an eminent situation where they are going to kill a hostage or there are other factors in play that maybe arent being reported. You may see an approach by Law Enforcement where they have to go in. I am sure that is being looked at closely because of the nature of who these people are they have already killed 12 people in an effective manner. The other thing is if they have the ability to push this thing out. Maybe they want to not only kill somebody but they have a message they want to share. That may be something the negotiator is able to use and string this out a little bit and look for the opportunity to strike. If you can do that that is where you really have the ability to hit more precisely if you can get them a little tired or a little bit they have to be exhausted let alone the adrenaline of what they pulled off. Being on the run we also know if the reports are true about them robbing a gas station. We dont know if they are linked at all to the taking out of a female police officer. A man in plaque was seen black was seen to have killed her. They are seeing if these are related. You wonder if you are on the other side of this the longer you hold out, we dont know what they have eaten and been through. They will start to make maybe possibly some mistakes. Right. These guys may have planned for that. I want to. 1 thing out. All of these different tablectics that attacks that happened we go all of the way back to boston you see people trained by one group by the chechnyans. We see groups that were trained by the yemenis. Here we see groups in the past trained by syria isis or iraq. You are starting to see that these are tactics that are shared tactics because their battlefield tactics. Jonathan can i ask you this . We saw the machinery the weaponry of the terror attacks they left the video earlier this week. My question is, does it matter how much weaponry they have right now what they have access to in terms of the damage they could potentially do . Well first and foremost if they are accurate shooters and shooters that are calm and can get good cover they can do a lot of damage. Because by and large, a lot of these home grown terrorists that have not gone through a Training Camp they are not necessarily accurate shooters or they dont know how to handle the pressure these individuals seem to be able to shoot and move and communicate under pressure. That just shoots the danger exponentially because theres more than one and they can move and shoot and communicate together. Thats a very dangerous thing. You also pointed out to me when the officer was slain in cold blood outside you saw one brother provide cover while the other one pulled off the assassination. They have coordination and know how to work together. And they are disciplined in the speed at which they move. Everything they did that day was quick but it wasnt fast. We have a saying in the team slow is fast and fast is slow. You want to go fast but you wanted to be smooth. I think these guys the way they were working not only are they moving in a smoothed fashion but they are thinking in a smooth fashion. When you add that to the fact that they want to have a gun fight that is a dangerous conversation. Mes most people dont want to do the gun fight but they want to do their operation and get out. Like kt was saying earlier its another evolution. We have had one offs, one offs, one offs where it has been one person or two people but now we have an attack with three people who were trained and coordinated together. We saw evidence of this before we knew who these guys were. The sad part about all of this is that they do know who they are. They knew who one of them were before this happened and it was a breakdown in the system. Not in our system. We had them on the nofly zone and we knew they were training in yemen in 2011. We did but there again slipped through the system. There has to be cooperation between intelligence apparatus. Also we are noticing the locals posted a sniper on the roof across the street from the building. We have obtained a picture of the particular building where the hostage and the kouachi brothers are. We are going to put it on the screen. Cbt Printing Company in demmartinengoele. We know of one hostage being held there right now. Jonathan former fbi special agent thank you very much. Joining us is Lieutenant General jerry boykin former secretary of defense under president george w. Bush. General, as you look at whats happening right now in the French Country side what are your observations . Well, my observations are is there a not a real good outcome of this sad at that say. When you have a hostage situation where the hostage takers know you are there and they have the determination and the professionalism of these, you expect it to end in somebody dying. Not only the hostage takers but history says that you lose some hostages as well. I am sad that say that, brian. You remember the original delta force you dealt with hostage negotiations going back to the iranian hostage crisis. The key is you say this generally ends badly in a situation like this. The key, though, is the element of surprise. If you can surprise them, you have a chance of getting the hostage out alive. When you have 88,000 cops around you, the surprise is probably not there. Remember these are real professionals. These are not your run of the mill as we call them lone wolves. These guys were prepared for this. They are idea logs they were willing to die for what they were trying to achieve here. I think they will drag it out for a period of time. You they are not going to let themselves be taken out. If you jeopardize one all you have is the who is taj. This mitt gates against a successful operation. They are not going to be talked out or negotiated with. You have seen the situation many times before in panama specifically when you are looking at this you have the element of surprise. The goal is to get the hostage out alive, is the possibility still there or does that dwindle as well . Keep in mind these are not just criminals or a bunch of guys that came in to this with a bank robber mentality we are looking at what insinned yar redevices they have. Unless you can surprise them and have it over with in a matter of seconds it will be very difficult to get a positive outcome on this. General boykin who has been around since the iran knee hostages the hunt for Pablo Escobar and involved in the movie black hawk down and knows the terrorist mind set up close and personal. Do you take anything away from this, the interchange when they entered the building we dont kill women. One brother said to the other this hostage believed to be a woman. Does it mean anything now . I dont understand that to be honest with you. First of all you know what the attitude toward women a hardcore jihadist she is a woman is channel. I dont understand that statement. I dont trust that statement. These are hardcore jihadists we know a what their theology and attitude is. They did kill a woman at the hostages. They killed a psychologist who writes an advice col lem. Oo backing up these guys probably realize they are surrounded. That is a gigantic building. The Printing Company what are the chances they try to blow up the building or burn it down . If they have the withherewithal to do it. There is pranting company there is probably something there to blow up if they knew what it was. Most likely. They have trained in yemen. At the Training Camps thats one of the topics they cover is improvised explosive devices. What about just a fire a fire that would set the building on fire. If it is a Printing Company there are plenty more that would burn. Let me finish by saying this. France as well as the rest of the European Union has got to take a look at their multi culturalism, their programs that dont i am great the immigrants into their society and allow these no go zones to exist. A lot of these are where they are radicalized and the french have made a huge mistake here. General, stay right there. I want to go into that mindset as we continue to watch this hostage situation where the two brothers believed to be in the northeast of paris and seem to be hold up and have been for the past couple of ours as we bring in walid phares. We talk about meshing in it and getting the Muslim Community in frafrn the france the largest in europe somehow into french society. They seem to have separated from britain. Thats the same situation now. Can you talk about copy cats . The first concern is that what we saw in this operation is very different from any previous operation. These are not individual jihadists that can make solo acts as a soldier or even suicide bombing. This is a military unit. A jihad military unit even though it is two or three individuals. The way they proceeded is similar to what they are showing on their videos in the region. My concern is this a breaking point where we will see similar two or three in different places not just in france but also in other European Countries and probably across atlantic as well. Copy cats are where jihadists have the same training and follow the same way you and i are following it and learn their own lesson. For the next time they will say we need to have an exit strategy not like the two brothers at this point in time. I wanted to get to your ex piece in terms of all things that would involve training in yemen. One of the brothers got training in yemen. What can they apply in that situation specifically . The bad news the major training in al qaeda has been taking place in yemen the legacy by the way with an american jihadist it is still there. The al qaeda forces in yemen have launched areas and they have many Training Camps but i will stop there. We are not sure. Even if they receive training in yemen it continues to be al qaeda or shifted to isis this is what the french will have to know later. At what level these yemeni Training Camps for al qaeda of course the big question is whether there was coordination between al qaeda in yemen kouachi brothers do something big, Great Britain is bracing for some sort of al qaeda attack. At what level of expertise are these Training Camps in yemen . How good are they . How do they stack up to something here in the United States . Obviously noty anywhere near. First of all we know how good they are because al qaeda has been ceasing village after village after village. In some areas yemeni units have melted mostly in the center. Even in the operations that we saw which is so impressive to us because it is happening in france and in paris this is very minimal minimal. This is a tactical assault. It happens every day every sixhours in yemen or iraq or syria. My concern is how many other units are there are these all fighting connected to a chain of of of events. If i look back to the debates between al gore and george bush nobody knew who he was. The now Everybody Knows who they are. That was a turning point for us. Let them deal with their own issues. That has changed today. If you had i94 druthers how old you prefer a change. What should change as this crisis comes to an end. I have talked to many experts this past summer. French british and other europeans knew already eight months ago that thousands of jihadists were fighting on the back and eventually they are going to come back. This is the early come back or one of the incidents that will tell the french or european what will come back as the french are engaged. You just mentioned the discussion in america wruzas not able to detect them. You remember the incidents about 10,000 cars were burned in 82 cities. If the networks were able to pull that mobilization that big in two weeks what the french are talking about now or thinking about at least is the presence of hundreds maybe thousands of jihadists. They have found an army of jihadists in france not just paris. You are going to look at the muslim communities and muslims in frafrn, the public might be behind that. In 2005 i noted also that they were tin instructions that they were organized by the events not to use firearms. They knew because at that time they had used firearms the frefrp army wouldnt move. Even to the no go zones. Now they have no choice now. It is no longer a go. If i could, socially civilly when were discussing this, when you hear that this is not identified by some as radical islam, what are your thoughts there . Is there danger not naming this as it is . This is total denial. The whole world now, they are talking about jihaddism. A few days ago the president of the largest arab sunni country, egypt was talking about this. How can arab leaders be talking about this point and then western leaders hiding . They dont want to talk about it. I think now the west and the United States and france are meeting reality. This incident maybe other incidents will bring them back to reality. Walid phares, thank you for joining us. If youre just waking up in the east, it is ten minutes before noon in france. An operation started hours ago to neutralize the couch couch the kouachi brothers, the guys accused of the terrorist attacks. The president of france within the last 20 minutes called on the people to unify. All the roads around this town are blocked. Schools are locked down. One child was quoted in the french media as saying we are here. We are all scared because apparently the bad guys are inside a Printing Company called c. T. D. Printing company. Its gigantic. Apparently there were a number of people in the building when they stormed inside after they carjacked another womans dar who did identify womans car who did identify them. Look how big that building is. They have one hostage now. They are somewhere in there. These are people who are french. They trained in the area. They have yes they have yemeni background. With us is Lieutenant Colonel ralph peters. Youve been watching this unfold. Youve been indicating to producers that this is a situation that although they are holing, these two brothers, they are actually in control. They are not in physical control. French police and French Special forces are on the ground. You see them the army helicopters. It is a big operation. The french cops and special operators are not going to let these guys go anywhere. There is not going to be a ransom. It could be 15 minutes could be over 15 hours. On the ground the french cops, theyve got the initiative. But theres not just one hostage here. Were all hostages. The global media is a hostage. The global audience is a hostage and the brothers are well aware of that. There may be a tv in the office. Certainly they have been following this on radio. Their own adventures as theyre driving around france. And they want to go out in a big way. Its tough because theyre cornered. How do they go out in a way that really blazes a trail . There are a lot of facts here. Obviously theyre tired. Theyre worn down. Physical reactions take over. The physical biological theory you cant get past. We cant say exactly what theyre going to do and hopefully the french will they do anything. But what we do know is one of the fundamental goals of jihadi terror is to command the worlds attention and for three days they have commanded it. And by god they got you out of bed early this morning. We were up. We just werent here. You say they have captured a hostage. They have already taken the lives of 12 when they turned that newspaper into a war zone and took the lives of too many already. When you understand the landscape here moving back and the history of france and the negotiations that they have entered into, bargaining at times and trading at times what do you predick here in terms of how much leverage these two terrorists may have in terms of negotiations and getting what they want . Zero. Because this is a game changer. Those hostage ransoms that were paid, that was all deep behind the scenes top secret stuff. This is happening in the public eye. And the french first of all, the french population is angry many the french cops are angry. And the french cops, there are a lot of factors they usually dont discuss. French police and the french government want to look good in this, so they would like to get that hostage out of there alive. But what theyre not going to do is theyre not going to let these terrorist brothers retake the initiative. The brothers had the initiative initially in the great attack that slaughtered Charlie Hebdo. When they fled the initiative turned to the french. The cops know you never give up the initiative. I mean, the terrorists control this tiny space in a printing plant. They control a hostage and they control the global media. But they are not going to be begin a free pass to fly to yemen in exchange for a hostage. Nothing like that is going to happen. Another factor here the french government is thinking about, i guarantee you is france doesnt is the death penalty. If they take these guys alive, that is when they become marytrs. Trirts terrorists are not marytrs. You put these guys in prison for life and you get no end to kidnappings trying to free them, no end to spectacular events in their name. We know what were doing with prisoners, letting them out because we have nowhere to put them. One of these guys was suspected in a huge prison operation to free one of these guys in the 1990s. Prison is a delay for them. One of the smart things the french cops are doing is keeping the media at a distance. That gives them much more freedom. We may nr know exactly what the circumstances are when the final bullets went into these guys. Thats important because naturally our hunger is for news. We want to see it and we want it to happen now. Were watching television. Its electric and we want to see something happen. For the french cops its advantageous to draw it out. Wearing these guys down. You know what, Lieutenant Colonel ralph peters, the media are being kept at a great distance. I dont know how were getting this particular shot of this particular building where they are holed up. Ultimately you painted a great picture about the police. Youre right the French Police are angry. Keep in mind we saw one of these kouachi brothers assassinate on a sidewalk a member of the French Police team and vengeance, they would like to revenge. This is the video right here. There is the poor guy laying right there. Ultimately ralph its all about terrorism. Its about scaring people. For the last three days the people of france have been terrorized because nobody knew where these creeps were. Thats actually true. A key goal is to capture the world attention, to keep us focused on them. It creates copycats. These guys, theyre certainly not heroes for us, but for some of the young muslims, the unemployed in these nogo areas in france not quite no go, but theyre nasty areas these guys are heroes and so youre going to see copycats and not just among the french. I cant stress enough that right now there are people in argentina watching. There are people in beijing watching. For the price of two lives and some weapons maybe a few the jihadis managed to own the world attention for three days. Speaking of owning attention, youve got to give the reporter props. His reporting is great. Weve got three hours of nonstop coverage and 24 hours on the channel as these two brothers suspected as the killers of 12 on wednesday, this manhunt could be coming to a close any moment. Ralph, thanks so much for your perspective. My pleasure. Were here live in the morning for a reason. The threeday manhunt for these brothers they are inside that big White Building surrounded by Counter Terrorist experts. There are 1,500 police surrounding the bad guys. It is 6 00 in new york city. It is noon in france. You are watching continuing live coverage on fox friends. Two brothers suspected of carrying out the deadly terror attacks in paris appear to have taken a hostage and right now they are surrounded. A massive operation to capture them is currently underway. Heres what we know so far. At least one sniper is now in a position across the street from the c. T. D. Printing company where the suspects are holed up. This is in a small town to the north and to the east of paris. Those suspects holding a hostage believed to be a woman. French officials have been in contact with the two brothers. The two brothers say they want to

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