Coming forward. Announcement of what day it is. We celebrate something new in this country what is it. Pete today national be an angel day. Be nice to people. [angelic music] pete going to be a tough one for me. Will. Jedediah im ready i have my halo on. I was one for halloween one year. When i leave my house now, its dark outside. Suddenly, thats how you always know the seasons are changing. All of a sudden it was dark when its light. I like when its light early in the morning. Pete sounds a lot like the Democratic National convention. Maybe thats why. Jedediah we had a big week this week watching the dnc unfold. Obviously a big upcoming week with the rnc. Make lots of notes what the contrast will be. There will be a lot of contrast in tone delivery, certainly in content. Joe biden has been talking a lot, rightfully so about covid19. About the impact of the coronavirus. That will be a key topic in the election with respect to openings, closings, whats going to happen with schools. Potential shutdowns. Joe biden did an interview on abc. He was asked by david muir questions about a second shutdown and whether or not he would be open to a second shutdown. Lets take a listen to what he had to say on that. If you are sworn, in come january, and we have coronavirus and the flu combining, which many scientists have said is a real possibility, would you be prepared to shut this country down again . I would shut it down. I would listen to the scientists. I would be prepared to do whatever it takes to save lives, but we cannot get the country moving until we control the virus. That is the fundamental flaw of this administrations thinking to begin with. In order to keep the country running and moving and the economy growing and people employed, you have to fix the virus. You have to deal with the virus. Jedediah yeah, so this will be a key contrast with the Current Administration in terms of you who they will respond to a question like that is my guess. I could be wrong. I just dont know that there was another way for him to answer that question though. Because, when you are asked would you be willing to do it. We really dont know whats going to happen here. Joe biden certainly doesnt want to be on record right now saying i would never shut the country down again or i absolutely will shut the country down again. You cant say those superlatives because we dont know. Remember, our advice has changed. Over and over again masks, no masks. Antibodies do, this antibodies do that it seems like every day we open up. We see schools opening, shutting down and reopening. This dialogue is going to change. So from a strategic perspective, i think he had to say all options are on the table. Job if there is another way to answer that question, given all the unknowns that happen every day with covid19 right now. Pete i dont know, jed, he sounded pretty certain i would shut it down. A lot of different ways to answer that question. Now, he has been on script. Every seemed to love his speech on thursday. A lot of hyperbole you how wonderful it was. The bar was very, very low. This interview is actually going to air on sunday on abc. We are getting snippets of it now. Of course joe biden and Kamala Harris run to david muir of abc and get tons of softball questions. If they had a tough question they would have released right now so they could get buzz about the interview. Of course it was an easy, straightforward one. We didnt elect a scientist. We are electing a president. And the science part of it is just one factor. The economic guys, i was at the bacon beach grill on thursday for fox friends talking to regular folks. The amount of economic and mental anxiety around the fact that they were told, hey, 15 days to stop the spread. Now its been 150 days, i cant run a gym, i cant run a salon, i cant have diners inside. All they want is to be respected as individuals are will making their own choice hey if the business isnt safe or uncomfortable. I dont have to go. When they hear from president ial candidate president shutdown hey we are going to shut down there is push back. Will let me push back i think it question from david muir gave us a revealing answer from joe biden. Jed, if i may, i think i would have answered the question like this. Leaders make hard choices. They balance competing interests. Right now in our country we are suffering economically through mental health. We are suffering through a society thats falling into a malaise. All of that has to be balanced against the of the virus. He has to make tough choices. Nonoted a abdicate them to scientists. Elect fauci not joe biden. Not as simple as yes i would shut it counsel if the Scientists Say we should. Stark contrast as you point out, jed, to President Trump. The wall street journal says bidens plan is very similar to trumps. Here is the head of. Mask mandate aside, trump is already doing what joe recommends. Goes on in the article to say mr. Bryden is right that mr. Bidens get the virus under control. No miracle is coming including from his own plan which is mr. Trumps without the bluster. Last night on hannity by the way, representative Steve Scalise was talking about trump vs. Biden. The elm brace of science like we are talking about here today and wondering is biden really somebody who embraces science . Listen to this. Joe biden says that he would listen to the scientists, look, he was the first one to criticize donald trump when President Trump took Decisive Action to block flights from coming in from china. When dr. Fauci and others testified under oath that President Trump made the right decision and, in fact, that President Trumps decision saved american lives. Not just blocking flights from china, blocking flights from europe. Those were all things that joe biden criticized and it was the scientists that actually said President Trump saved lives. Jedediah thats a great point by Steve Scalise. Obviously the biden isnt going to give credit to trump or anyone else if he tries to win this election. Rapid testing and the mask mandate were the two things he separated out and said this is what i would do. Receive that well, i dont know. Sort of. We sort of had. Pete 700,000 tests a day right now. Jedediah pete, unfortunately, a lot of people go and try to get tested for covid19. Pete a lot of people are being tested that dont need to be tested. I mean, its. Jedediah true, if you are going to say we have Rapid Testing that needs to be happening and that in a lot of cases not happening. That was a point he could have ham erred home. Regardless, i dont know how the public is going to receive. This i dont know if they will listen to joe biden. Maybe they own a small business. And they say heck no, this doesnt resonate with knee at all. Remains to be seen. The house is returning to capitol hill for a rare saturday session. Lawmakers are set to West Virginia in on that 25 billion usps bailout today there are threats to veto the measurable already. Davidavid spunt is joining us. This may come to a head despite over funding the Postal Service cash strapped for 12 fiscal years. Take a live look at capitol hill. As you mentioned members of the house will be heading back today to vote on that 25 billion cash infusion. Normally in august the capitol is silent because of august recess. This is not a normal year and congress will vote on 25 billion bill to boost the agency. Yesterday postmaster general lewis dejoy took a grilling at Senate Hearing about changes he took the hymn in june. Some of these include the removal of mail sorting machines and policy to leave mail behind if it disrupts. That mail would be moved to the following day. Lajoie said no more changes until election day. He promised mailin ballots are not in any danger. Listen. I think the American Public should be able to vote by mail. We deliver 443 million pieces of mail a day. So 150 million ballots. 160 million ballots over the course of a week is very small amount. Adequate capacity. The president is sloughing off any criticism is he slowing down the Postal Service. You also think im trying to steal an election. Just the opposite. I wanted fair results of an election. Yesterday the white house issued a veto threat hr 8015 seeks to exploit the covid19 pandemic as a pretext for placing counter productive restrictions on u. P. S. already limited operational flexibilities. Jed, talking about already limited for the past fiscal year since 2007, the past 12 or 13 fiscal years the post office has lost 78 billion with a b, jed. Pete pete with a b. David. The postmaster general has said under oath he doesnt need the money they want to spend. Its become politicized. As we watched this last week, we watched especially will joe biden on thursday he talked about darkness and light. The gloominess of that convention came out as they really could only coalesce around one thing, their hatred of donald trump it came out in joe bidens speech and those who spoke on tape. President spoke in Arlington Virginia in front of a raucous crowd and pointed out the difference he will bring in the two conventions,. Oer the last week the democrats held the darkest and angriest and gloomy convention in history. They spent four Straight Days attacking america as racist and a horrible country that must be redeemed. Joe biden grimly declared a season of american darkness and, yet, look what we have accomplished. Until the plague came, in look what we have accomplished and now we are doing it again. [applause] its the most successful period of time in the history of our country from every standard. Where joe biden sees american darkness, i see american greatness. [applause] no party can lead america that spends so much time tearing down america. Bill will a season of darkness you heard the president refer to joe bidens speech as one that focuses on the tough times we are living fly right now. They focusing on an indictment of america. The darkness, pete, is something they suggest goes deep into our history. Deep into the core of who we are. And i hope that the Republican National convention reiterates how great this country has been and can be again. Pete i think its a great point. They are basically saying we have always been dark, elect joe biden and the clouds will part. We will see if people buy it. Jed . Jedediah yeah. Curious to see if there is a tonal difference. Obviously its tough now with the tone that we are n the country. Businesses are shutting down. People are feeling sad in many respects with the virus. I think they are looking for something uplifting. Something to say listen, we are in tough times but this is how we get through it. This is something we do solutionbased it will read gloomy at times of course there were highlights with jill biden and whatnot. It will be interesting to seat contrast coming this week. Im exseat sighted to see what they do with it. We have this fox news alert. Portland police declaring a riot overnight as protesters clash with officers outside the citys north precinct. Mr. Is the Portland Police bureau. This has been declared a riot. All persons Must Immediately disperse. Jedediah police arresting several after they threw bottles, smashed cop cars and pointed lasers at officers. A number of federal buildings were closed yesterday as the fbi investigated a car bomb threat. The city facing more than 80 days of unrest. And President Trump holds a private funeral for his brother at the white house. [bagpipes] bagpipes playing as robert trumps casket is carried out. He worked with the Trump Organization managing the companys real estate holdings. President trump sending his condolences tweeting robert, i love you. Rest in peace. He died a week ago in a new york hospital. Robert was 71 years old. And hundreds of raging wildfires in california doubling in size killing at least six people. Terrifying dash cam footage showing the devastation in wine country. Nearly 200,000 people forced to flee their homes. The fires torching 771,000 acres. The lightning complex fire alone burning 57,000. Governor gavin newsom now requesting help from other states and countries. 12,000 firefighters are currently fighting 560 fires statewide. Wow. Will thanks, jed. Democrats largely failed to address the violence rocking major across the country. A Business Owner back in june was looted and he is here to join us to sound off next breathing and breathing and breathing its time for the biggest sale of the year on the sleep number 360 smart bed. You can adjust your comfort on both sides. Your sleep number setting. Can it help me fall asleep faster . Yes, by gently warming your feet but can it help keep me asleep . Absolutely, it intelligently senses your movements and automatically adjusts to keep you both effortlessly comfortable. Will it help me keep up with mom . You got this. So you can really promise better sleep . Not promise. Prove. And now, all beds are on sale. Save 50 on the sleep number 360 limited Edition Smart bed. Plus, free premium delivery when you add a base. Ends monday. To learn more, go to sleepnumber. Com. That selling carsarvana, 100 online wouldnt work. But we went to work. Building an experience that lets you shop over 17,000 cars from home. Creating a coast to Coast Network to deliver your car as soon as tomorrow. Recruiting an army of customer advocates to make your experience incredible. And putting you in control of the whole thing with powerful technology. Thats why weve become the nations Fastest Growing retailer. Because our customers love it. See for yourself, at carvana. Com. The religion of Climate Change the economic downturn caused by china and, of course, their hatred of President Trump. Democrats were largely silent opt violence gripping major u. S. U. S. Cities like chicago. Our next guest is a Business Owner in the city who watched helplessly from home as looters ransacked his restaurant in june. Here to weigh in is the vice chair of the Illinois Restaurant Association Sam sanchez. Sam, thanks for being here. Give our viewers an update. The didnt talk about this. What have you seen and how has it affected your business and community . Well, our business, due to covid, now crime is down 80 . We dont see any safety in the city definitely our customers dont want to visit from the suburbs and missing other tours coming into town. It is dangerous. Pete covid is one thing if its basic crime and stuart, you are right. Customers dont want to come back to that here are stats in chicago. 473 murders as of august 16th. Up 53 from last year. Shootings up 47 from last year. You even had some chicago alder men call a City Council Meeting to push a resolution that says chicago has never seen more unrest or looting. Whats a biggest risk covid, your to your business or crime. Crime. There is cure eventually for covid and we could manage covid. We cant manage this crime. There is no vaccine for crime. I mean, we have seen children getting killed. Carjacking, just yesterday two blocks from my restaurant, two cars carjacked. One ran into another restaurant. We have people sitting outside. Outdoors sidewalks and streets. People are scared. We are worried. We definitely need help. We want crime to stop. Right now the increasing of gun violence in chicago is out of control. Pete you want crime to stop. The democrat had four days to talk about it. They didnt. Have you heard a single proposal from democrats or joe biden that you think would address this, get and create the kind of environment that you need to run a thriving business . No. Democrats have not addressed this issue. I mean, i know we have some good democrats in the city of chicago and they are being ignored. Theyre asking for help. I know the city this counsel has asked for safety. There are different rules on safety here. And different crimes. I mean, you have the looters, the opportunists and ones damage like destroyed two of my restaurants and then you have the killing children and carjacking. Pete all you are looking for is a fair chance to succeed. Keep it up. Good luck. Thank you. Pete Lori Loughlin and her husband learned their fate. The full house star will spend just two months behind bars. Does the punishment fit the crime . A criminal defense attorney will answer that next you say goodbye and i say hello hello hello i dont know why you say goodbye i say hello. A high profile couple sentenced. Actress Lori Loughlin will serve two months behind bars while her husband will spend five months in prison. Will is this too lenient or harsh. Jonah spill boar is with us this morning. Good morning, jonna. Good morning. So two months for Lori Loughlin. Five months for her husband. Why the difference in the two sentences and is this an appropriate sentence for the crime . First the difference is the courts and prosecutors claim that Lori Loughlins husband actually had a little more to do with this crime than she did. He made some comments and criticisms of his childrens guidance counselor and that helped the scheme go undetected for as long as it did. They gave him they threw the book at him a little bit harder but not a lot. But, look, in terms of two months, five months, the longest sentence in this case has been nine months. And i do think justice has been served for this reason. Justice doesnt always mean jail. The world is not going to be a safer or better place if we lock up lor Lori Loughlin and throw y the key. Serious light on a problem that look, this is not the first time it happened but the world finally figured out this was happening. Because of this even though they seem to be slapped on the wrist, i doubt this type of scheme is going to happen in the future and in that sense, justice has been served. Pete less parents taking pictures of their kids faking to be row athletes. So absurd. So absurd i dont want to talk about it anymore. Lets talk about this. New york city and Indoor Dining something affecting real peoples lives. Bill de blasio here is what he said about the plan to open Indoor Dining. Watch. Indoor dining, there is not a plan right now. There is not coon text for Indoor Dining. We are never saying its impossible, but we do not, based on what we have seen around the world, we do not have a plan for reopening Indoor Dining in the near term. Pete Everyone Wants to hear their leaders say there is no plan, especially Restaurant Owners and Colder Weather is coming you cant be outside. What do you say to that . First of all, lets not refer to bill de blasio as a leader. Lets refer to him. Pete good point. Sorry about that. The worst mayor the city has ever known, number one. Number two, there are 300,000 people who now dont know if they are going to have a job. If they are going to have a business he has single handedly driven a stake through the heart of this city. There is no business being conducted. No money being earned. No money being spent and now the Restaurant Industry is trying to institute a Class Action Lawsuit. I dont blame them but im also disheartened because, look, even the courts are slow to reopen. By the time the Restaurant Industry gets any relief in court, bill de blasio will be out of office which, incidentally will happen 497 497 days from now. And im counting every one. Pete as you should. Jedediah yeah, johnna, unfortunate reality that Restaurant Owners feel they have no recourse. They are going to file these but when are they going to get processed. By the time they get processed are the people going to have any businesses left . Exactly. Jedediah remains to be seen. My heart breaks for these people who have worked so many years. Thank you for being here. Appreciate your input as always. Thanks, guys. Have a great day. Will he will lose in 400 and some days. Im not so sure i share her certainty. He has been elected. Pete is he term limited he will. Will wont lose an election just cant run again. Nypd officer gives me unfiltered look at what its like being a Police Officer in america today. People who are saying that were afraid, were not afraid. We just want to be supported. Will more on my oneonone sit down after the break. Book two separate qualifying stays and earn a free night. The open road is open again. And wherever youre headed, Choice Hotels is there. Book direct at choicehotels. Com. Where Everybody Knows your name and theyre always glad you came you want to be where you can see the troubles are all the same you want to be where Everybody Knows your name applebees. All your favorite burgers, all just 8. 99. Now thats eating good in the neighborhood. Will recently is sat down with nypd officer who hear his experience front lines first handled. Law enforcement and politics and failures of local leaders. At his request we have hidden his face and altered his voice so he could speak freely. Take a look. When i became a Police Officer many years ago, i never thought that i would have to put this uniform on and be looked at as the enemy and to be hated. And its not fair. Because we sacrifice ourselves every day. No matter what your skin color is its sad. In my tenure here at nypd i can never imagine that it would be this bad as far as not being supported. Will when you say there is a lack of support and those that have an agenda towards police, who are you talking about . The makers the city council, the d. A. s office. How do you feel about mayor de blasio . That man does not care about the police he doesnt care about black lives. You know, he is more concerned with painting murals. Our crime rate has skyrocketed almost i want to say triple last time i checked our shootings were about 777 whereas if you look at the comparison from 2019, we were at that for the whole year and we still have about six months left. How widely held within the Police Department are the opinions of de blasio that you just voiced that you hold . I will put it to you like this. The term for nypd that is going around in every command in the city is the job is dead you would be crazy to take this job this day and age. Lack of support from the d. A. s office. Lack of prosecutions. Criminals being released from prison. Possibly criminals that you had busted at one point. Yes. Now being released. How does that make you feel . Why would you even want to put the uniform on to do your job if we are putting them in jail for the crime and the da is just going to release. They whats the point of doing the job . It defeats the purpose. Its just a revolving door. Will officer you have had a lot of criticism from mayor de blasio, many in the new york political administration, have you always been someone critical of democrats, critical of this administration. You know, i would never look at myself as one to follow politics. I used to be a democrat. I would have to say im a republican. You believe President Trump supports Law Enforcement . Absolutely, absolutely. Will from what are you seen do you believe joe biden and Kamala Harris would support Police Officers . Absolutely not. Absolutely not. They would not support us. People who allow these protesters to talk about how they want to defund the Police Department, were there to make sure that nothing happens to them, but they are the ones saying that they want us dead. Will sorry you feel that way. That morale within the department, how widespread . Its not just in nypd, its across the United States. Its sad that thats where we are at right now. People who are saying that were afraid, were not afraid. We just want to be supported. Will the job is dead. This isnt just a new york story, pete. Its not just a new york story, jed. This is happening across the country, san francisco, chicago, portland, seattle. This is what i mean when i bring up the bidenharris proposal when it comes to policing is empty, ready to be filled by people like bill de blasio. This is what will be left of Police Departments. By the way in the second hour of fox friends this morning, we will be playing part 2 of my interview with that Police Officer. Jedediah. Jedediah yeah, i underline that statement that you just repeated the job is dead because thats what we are all afraid of, right . We are afraid that Police Officers are being treated so badly and feel that they cant do their job the way they are intended to that they are just going to plea. We see them fleeing and saying i wouldnt recommend that my son or my friend become a Police Officer. So i think this is really important that you did this because you see you feel the emotion from this man who unfortunately felt that he had to hide his identity to express these realities that are happening and i think its important that we hear from Law Enforcement like him and from Police Officers and saying, listen, were not afraid. That was powerful. Were not afraid. We just want to be supported. Pete will, great job. I hear in that sentiment exactly what i would hear from a sergeant in a platoon whose commanders doesnt support the actions they take every day. Its the same dynamic. Awesome work. I cant wait to seat second part. Former green beret charged with sharing military secrets with russia for decades. Peter defense gave russian intelligence agents details on his assignment between 1996 and 2011. The agents worked for the gru. Hacked the dnc emails in 2016 according to some. He considers himself a son of russia and believed the u. S. S. Needed to be cut down to size. He faces up to life in prison. And seattles democratic mayor jenny durkan from the block details the citys Budget Proposal to slash Police Funding calling the plan inadequate. The budget as passed by council would offer few additional cuts or changes but could myer the city in extended bargaining and even lawsuits. I continue to have concerns with the councils decision to make cuts before developing a plan. Pete the left at war with itself. The proposal includes reducing salaries of the departments top brass. Layoffs for nearly 100 officers and eliminate the citys Homeless Outreach team. The council could have enough support to override the mayor. We will see. And, karma hits hard. Police are searching for this man shown running into a glass door while looting a chicago store. You can see the shattered glass in the door next to it. Okay, police are also looking for several other suspects broke into the business. Authorities say misinformation regarding a Police Shooting led to the lootings and the riots. I guess democrats are just call them protests. An idaho man may be blue in the face after breaking this world record. David rush eating 107 blue berries in one minute beating the previous record of 96 pieces. Rules require you can only pick up one hand to pick up one blue berry at a time. Rush has broken more than 150 records to promote stem education. Those are your headlines. I would like to try that. Will i would like to watch you trirgets you need to try it, too. That would be something to try one at a time. Will real handeye coordination. Pete can you scoop off the table into your mouth . I dont know. Got to be different techniques. Jedediah we can have a contest. I always envy people do hot dog. I always want to nominate. I dont eat hot dogs i eat blue enters were maybe we could do a blue berry contest between the three of us. I would be down with that. Also down with it is adam klotz. I love blue berries and love this idea. Please, please, please. Eat as many but berries as we possibly can. Any reason to try to wheat pete at something. Pete thats not hard. Adam thats what im all about. I will dive right into this forecast, guys, something unique happening across the caribbean. We have two Tropical Storms going to be entering the gulf of mexico at roughly the same time just off the yucatan peninsula marco and little farther off to the east laura the ones we are paying attention to and could be news makers. Currently Tropical Storm marco 45 mileperhour winds off the yucatan peninsula. Not particularly strong or doing damage but it is going to be running up into the gulf of mexico and landfall texas coast. Show you really quick Tropical Storm laura. This one is going to be entering the gulf of mexico also making landfall close to louisiana. All of this happening on tuesday and wednesday. So two storms out there spinning right now and, we will be watching them. Back out to you. Two hurricanes at one time as if 2020 couldnt be any worse. All right. Coming up. Democrats deliver their message to americans trying to sell the country on joe biden. Did the pitch resonate . Lee carter tracked voters live reactions to the biggest dnc moments. Share her results next big shot did you u. Had to open up your mouth you had to be a big shot did you oh your friends are so knocked out you had to have the last word last night so much its time for the biggest sale of the year on the new sleep number 360 smart bed. What if i sleep hot . Or cold . No problem, with temperature balancing you can sleep better together. Can it help keep me asleep . Absolutely, it intelligently senses your movements and automatically adjusts to keep you both effortlessly comfortable will it help me keep up with mom . You got this. So you can really promise better sleep . Not promise. Prove. Its our weekend special. Save 500 on the new sleep number 360 smart bed. Plus, free premium delivery when you add a base. Ends monday. To learn more, go to sleepnumber. Com. That selling carsarvana, 100 online wouldnt work. But we went to work. Building an experience that lets you shop over 17,000 cars from home. Creating a coast to Coast Network to deliver your car as soon as tomorrow. Recruiting an army of customer advocates to make your experience incredible. And putting you in control of the whole thing with powerful technology. Thats why weve become the nations Fastest Growing retailer. Because our customers love it. See for yourself, at carvana. Com. Of what was said and then get your reaction and your feedback as to how democrats and republicans and i wants, perhaps, most importantly responded. So the first one is Kamala Harris saying biden will turn challenges into purpose. Lets take a listen. Right now we have a president who turns our tragedies into political weapons. Joe will be a president who turns our challenges into purpose. Joe will bring us together. Jedediah lee . You can see there, there is a huge divide in how people are responding. The democrats loved it. They gave it an a. Republicans not surprisingly gave it an f. Independents that yellow line only gave this a c. Heres the reason. The reason they said is joe will bring us together only what it means joe will bring those agree with us together. There is a huge sentiment the idea of uniting not about uniting us all. It was about uniting people against donald trump. Not for america. And thats a huge distinction and one thats really really important going forward. We have a second column clip to go to now obama hasnt taken the presidency seriously. Lets take a look. Did i hope, for the sake of our country, that donald trump might show some interest in taking the job seriously. That he might come to feel the weight of the office and discover some reverence for the cream crazy that been placed in his care. But he never did. Jedediah how is the grading on this one, lee . You can see, again, its really, really similar. Democrats an a. Republicans an f. And independents a c. Not moved by the attacks on trump. People said over and over again when we were testing this is, listen, we get that you are against donald trump. Thats why we are tuning in. We want to know what you are for. Not what you are against. This is not just about being against donald trump its not enough. And not enough for joe to be a desent guy which is the language they used over and over again. By the Time Thursday rolls around people are eager to hear what joe biden was all about. Jedediah next up, we have Hillary Clinton on trump stealing the election. Check this out. And dont forget, joe and kamala can win by 3 million votes and still lose. Take it from me. So we need numbers overwhelming so trump cant sneak or steal his way to victory. Jedediah terrible grades on this one, lee. This was not good. Again though, democrats are okay with Hillary Clinton. They gave it an a. Independents a c minus and republicans an f. Just time to move on. Jedediah finally we have biden saying we are in the battle for the soul of this nation. Remember what the president said when asked, he said there were, quote very fine people on both sides. At that moment, i knew i would have to run because my father taught us that silence was complicity. And can i never remain silent or complicit. At the time, i said we were in the battle for the soul of this nation. And we are. Jedediah lee . So you can see this is, again, really divided. Democrats loved it. They gave it an a. Republicans an f. Independents only a c in this moment. Overall though, they did like his speech. This moment in particular though, this idea of silence is complicit, shaming people, making people feel pretty negatively. Thats why you didnt see independents respond very well to his speech which they did respond very well to. Jedediah wow, lee, really interesting stuff. Lots of cs from independents and thats not a good thing if they want to win that election. They need to do better with the independents. Thank you so much. It was cool to see. Thank you. Jedediah coming up, parents of big ten athletes demanding answers about the postponed College Football season. Were going to talk to one of the parents who protested and hear why he is calling for more transparency. Thats coming up next. I am totally blind. And non24 can make me show up too early. Or too late. Or make me feel like im not really there. 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Will and, at this point, rodney, big 10 commissioner kevin warren whose son plays by the way at Mississippi State in the sec which plans to play football will have his child playing this Upcoming Season where your child and other parents across the big 10 will not be able to play. How does that make you feel . Kid of disappointing but i have no control over what the sec does. All we are worried about is just the big ten. If sec can play, why cant we play . Simple as that. Will what do you hope to hear from them ultimately . What do you hope to hear . Do you hope to see College Football reinstated in the big ten or simply looking for answers that you havent yet received . Were looking for both. We wants answers. And we are looking for our kids to be able to play. There is a lot riding on the line for some of these kids. Like mr. Way from ohio states son. A few seniors have iowa. We are looking for some transparency, some answers. And we are looking for them to reverse their decision there is a lot riding on the line for a lot of these kids. Will your own daveon is set to play at the university of iowa. The cost of not playing College Football, rodney, seems to be clear not just for your son, not just for College Football players but news yesterday that iowa without football revenue is cutting four other mens sports men and womens swimming, tennis and other sports. Its quite a loss for nibble in the College Community and im sure nobody feels it more than you and your family, rod anymore. We wish you the absolute best in hoping to find answers and reinstate College Football this coming season. Thank you, rodney. Thank you so much for having me. Will you bet. These are Public Employees. The University President who have voted, were not sure who and which universities have voted to cancel College Football. As Public Employees i would think people like rodney have a right to search for answers. Still ahead, each more proof that joe biden is a trojan horse for socialism. What bernie just said that gave away progressives game plan i like liberty mutual. They get that no two people are alike and customize your Car Insurance so you only pay for what you need. What do you think . I dont see it. Only pay for what you need. Liberty. Liberty. Liberty. Liberty. Truck loaded up. Window cracked good vibe roll. Jedediah welcome, everyone, we are here for the 7 00 a. M. Hour of fox friends this morning. Thank you all for joining us. I hope you have your breakfast in hand and ready to roll. Some big news happening last week and this week with the conventions, will. Some good stuff to break down. Will a little bit dark and gloomy this past week. A little bit of Bleak Outlook on not just the future but the past of the country. We turn the page jed and pete, we look forward this week to the Republican National convention where the message should be much more optimistic. Pete it will be entirely different message. You heard generic speech how terrible things are and the promises that will be made as opposed to what the president will do this week here are the promises i made and all those that i kept and how it bettered your life and what we are going to do in a seconds term. I think you will see a massive, massive contrast. Im also grumpy, guys, because i tried to go to mcdonalds in the commercial break and it was full. I dont have any food yet. I hope have you eaten at home. I havent yet. Im a little hangry but maybe it will help with these headlines here. Now to a fox news alert. Protesters storm a Portland Police precinct overnight. The fbi closing a number of federal buildings yesterday as they investigated a car bomb threat. Will police declaring a riot as protesters violently clashed with officers and vandalized property. This is the Portland Police bureau. To those in the area north precinct this has been declared an unlawful assembly. All persons should leave the area. Jedediah police arresting several protesters after they threw bottles, smashed cop cars and pointed lasers at officers. The city facing more than 80 days of unrest. You know, when you see this footage, its feel feel in this city poorltd and other cities around the country unsafe. Some days of people feeling like they cant answer their businesses and flee the city to get their family out of there destruction pete of what is going on. Things up in flames and up in smoke. Its heart breaking to witness. Pete it is. I was saying to will here on set it feels like groundhogs day. Here here comes the police again with their bull horn, all right, were declaring yet another state of emergency this is a riot how many days do you have to do that to hear the protesters claim, the left claim, you heard it on news channel walltowall, this is because federal authorities are there and trump troops are here and thats causing the violence. They are not there. Thats not the issue. These are local Police Officers these row rioters, antifa anarchists causing violence and yet, will, we had a whole convention this week which could have talked about it and didnt seem to hear much about it. Will you know, pete, this could be dismiss it as portland has lost its mind. Its happening not just in portland but in seattle. Crime on the rise in chicago and new york city. Its happening across this nation. And President Trump noticed that the very little of that was pointed out during the Democratic National convention. Its what he didnt say. Shortest speech ever made of its kind. It was short. Didnt talk about Law Enforcement. Didnt talk about whats happening in all these democrat run cities like chicago, new york, portland and many others i thoughts that would have been a big factor. Will just to hammer in the point. This effects peoples lives on the ground, in their every day interaction. A little bit earlier on fox friends, pete spoke to sam sanchez who is a chicago Business Owner on the impact rioting and violence has had on his business. We see children getting killed. Carjacking. We have people sitting outside, outdoors on the sidewalk and streets. We are afraid i mean, people are scared. We are worried. We definitely need help. We want crime to stop. Right now the the increasing of gun violence in chicago is outofcontrol. Jedediah yeah, the violence is horrific in so many cities. Whats interesting is that democrats made empathy a key point in the convention. Joe biden kept talking about empathy. Obviously wanted to be viewed as empathetic figure which it comes to covid and other issues. Yet, you didnt see a lot of the empathy for these businesses around the country that have been struggling. You didnt see a lot of empathy for people in these cities suffering at the hands of violence because democratic mayors and governors have failed to do their job and stymied Law Enforcement. If they care about empathy and i think they should, that should be across the board. Because some people have come to this country and at the hands of democratic policies and people likes likes of mayor bill de blasio completely abandoned Law Enforcement in these times of distress, pete. Pete very much. So at least the president of the United States got to see wear a college shirt. First time ever i have ever seen it. Exactly right there. Is a clip right now mashing up joe bidens speech from the 2008 convention, vp nominee to 2020. The promises are the same. The language is the same. The floury rhetoric is the he has been saying the same thing for 10, 20, 30 years promises about what he would do. We have the record of the Obama Administration and the president is right to point out there. Is a reason he was elected. Its because of the 8 years of obamabiden that the American People wanted something different. They didnt want the same politician making the same promises. Especially one that ignores reality. But now the convention is done. So, are we going to get press conferences from uncle joe or not . Well, it turns out this sunday there will be an interview. Is he doing his first with Kamala Harris with the network anchor. He went to a nice softball location david muir. They are releasing some of the early clips of this. One of these will make your heads explode. He is say no, no, no. Not joe biden the left that wants to defund the police. Its actually President Trump. Watch. President trump says that you wants to defund the police. Do you . [laughter] no, i dont. By the way he proposes cutting half a billion dollars out of local police support. I dont want to defund Police Departments. I think they need more help. They need more assistance. We have to make it clear that this is about protecting neighborhoods, protecting people. Everybody across the board. So the only guy that actually put in a bill to actually defund the police is donald trump. [laughter] will sorry i didnt know Robin Roberts was in there to throw more softball. A problem with his base who is demanding defunding the police. There is antiPolice Movement. Second of all this accusation, will, that its actually the president that wants to defund, this is all over the big bailout money that washington, d. C. Wanted, of course there is a reach why all these unions are coming out and supporting the president. This is fake news fake news to the fake news. Will to your point if President Trump is looking to defund the police as joe biden alleges. Its certainly escaping the urge attention of Police Officers police unions. Unions endorsed President Trump. Nypd been november lens association. Police Officers Association of michigan, Florida Police ben november length association. National associations of police organizations. New England Police ben november length associations. International union of Police Associations and new jersey. It goes on and on and on. It seems to be escaping the attention of Law Enforcement if its true as biden alleges, jedediah, that President Trump is not really for Law Enforcement. Jedediah thats not the impression Law Enforcement has. I speak to Law Enforcement people all the time, Police Officers, saying that they dont feel that that a Biden Administration would have their back at all. The question for all of success what would a Biden Administration actually do . What would they accomplish . Because the sense is that biden is this vessel and that if he wins, a far left wing of that party is going to usher in and everyone starts dictating to him listener this is what you need to do. Well Bernie Sanders came out and said something that should perk everyones ears up a little bit. He is saying that a Biden Victory in november would be followed by a serious debate. Listen to what he had to say. The day after biden is elected, were going to have a serious debate about the future of this country. But will be done within the framework of a democratic society. But what you are seeing now is what i call a united front. A people of many different points of view. You have some honest conservatives who are saying you know what . Im a conservative but we have got to get rid of this guy because he is just not what america is supposed to be about. And you are working with progressives. So, this is what Coalition Politics is about. Pete threw go, there goes bernie telling the truth again. Go ahead, jed. Jedediah he is telling the truth. Is he saying essentially in biden wins im going to come in me and aoc and warren and the left wing essentially tell him what to do because is he this vessel that is supposedly catering to moderates and if he wins its not goingout agenda is not going to be moderate at all. Will jed, this is absolutely wrong. The time for debate is now before an election. Not after an election with a candidate who is a throw jab horse for whatever policies you want to fill it with. This is Bernie Sanders as you point out, pete, telling the truth that biden will be who we want him to be once we get him elected. You have the debated before the elections. Not after, jed. Pete elect him and then the socialists will take charge. Yeah, wonderful. [ laughter ] jedediah i like that, your little scheming hand gesture, pete. Jedediah we are going to turn to headlines for you now. Russian opposition leaders arriving at a berlin hospital overnight. The kremlin critic is in a coma but stable condition after a suspected poisoning. He was flown out of siberia after getting sick thursday. His original doctor said they did not find any poison and oned to the transfer. Supporters accused them of stalling so poison wouldnt be found. The kremlin has denied any role nut incidents. And former red hot chili pepper guitarist sherman has died. He joined the group in 1983 playing on the debut album and first usa tour but kicked out a couple years later. The group posting this photo to instagram with a caption in part he was a unique dude and we thank him for all times good bad and in between. Peace on the boogie platform. A cause of death has not been released. Sherman was just 64 years old. And steve bannon is vowing to fight after being arrested for allegedly stealing money donated to help build a wall along the southern border. I am not going to back down. This is a political hit job. Everybody knows i love a fight. I was called honey badger for many years. Honey badger doesnt give. Im in this for the long haul. Im in this for the fight. Accused of funneling more than a billion dollars and using it on personal expenses. I faces more than 40 years behind bars and expected back in court on august 31st. There is a new giants panda club at the national zoo. Giving birth to the bundle of joy. Stafferrers say mom is off to a good start cuddling and nursing the new arrival. The 22yearold has given birth to three cubs since 2005. They have all been returned to china under an agreement between beijing and washington in an effort to save the panda population. I definitely want a panda, pete. This will surprise no one. I will take six pan does for christmas. Thank you very much. Pete pandas are dangerous. I think they would maul you, arent they . They are bears. Will yes, absolutely, totally. Jedediah guys always put a rain on my parade. Will looking out for you. Pete , a who cabal spying on the Trump Campaign but we are going after bannon. Some insightful stuff. Here shut reaction to the lefts messaging after the break. Plus we have new jersey congressman Jeff Van Drew. I cant talk. Famously switch parties. We will get his take on the dnc its velveeta shells cheese versus the other guys. Clearly, velveeta melts creamier. I do motivational speakingld. In addition to the substitute teaching. I honestly feel that thats my calling to give back to younger people. I think most adults will start realizing that they dont recall things as quickly as they used to or they dont remember things as vividly as they once did. Ive been taking prevagen for about three years now. People say to me periodically, man, youve got a memory like an elephant. Its really, really helped me tremendously. Prevagen. Healthier brain. Better life. Pete this week fox friends breakfast with friends push back with a vengeance. Spoke to folks in new jersey got their reaction to the dnc and the state of the president ial politics. Take a look pete have you watched any of the dnc and your reaction to that . I have a real problem with the hypocrisy. If he they were willing to stop the attack and get to the issues, maybe more people would tune in. Its this constant barrage of attacks. There is no substance to the Democratic Party. Really hard to swallow because there is nothing but hate mongering. I havent heard anything on policy. All they talk about is what he did wrong. They dont have any answers to what has to be done right. The Current Administration has done a great job. He has done some great things for the country. I think it should be pretty much of a shoe in for President Trump. As a Law Enforcement officer, he is backing the blue, still, whats your reaction to kind of where we are . The Republican Party is the only one thats Backing Police and Law Enforcement at this point. Its terrible the way Police Officers are being throated. Again a black eye and these liberal mayors are letting it happen. Pete the democrats talk about the battle for the soul of america. Explained that to me. They are battle ling for our souls point the finger at President Trump for all of his faults. But is he not battling for our souls. Is he battling to uphold the constitution, to keep us safe. To fault rule of the law. These are the things that we want. When you talk about battling for our souls. I dont need a politician to battle for my soul. Pete great point. A lot of common sense in there lets bring in new jersey congressman Jeff Van Drew that was long branch. Maybe north of your district. A little bit. Pete i have got to believe you hear a lot of same sentiments. What are you hearing from constituents when they watch the dnc and look at the characterization of President Trump . What you hear in general when they watch the dnc or they actually watch congress, whatever it is that they are viewing and seeing, people put us here to get things done in washington. Its so unfortunate whether its a convention that talks about the same old thing and, by the way. Isnt intellectually honest. What they are doing is what they did in the last session of congress. If you all remember you cant have a short memory, there was this new idea that there were going to be these new moderate Congress People come in. I was one of them that they were going to come in and that they were actually going to be have a real voice and be moderate and actually bring the Democratic Party to the middle and do a lot of good moderate things and we were all going to work together. Remember that . There was going to be and we werent going to have impeachment. Do you remember that . All these things that were promised. None of them were kept. Its the same deal. There is absolutely no way joe biden is going to be able to maintain a moderate position. The squad. Pete go ahead. The squad and the new people that are being elected whats happening happening, if you really study this in district by district, people that are similar to the squad are being put up for election and actually removing the existing democratic Congress People there who are by no means conservative or even moderate. They were traditional liberals. But now we are moving to radical. People dont like seeing that they dont believe what theyre seeing. Pete leftist troop inside the trojan horse i bet you were happy this week to have switched parties. Again, get back to memories, 67 house members boycott the inauguration of a duly elected president in donald trump. How do you how can you claim to be the party of unity when you are the one chasing division from minute one . You cant. You cant claim the party, this is my argument. Personally, i think we should have never taken any kind of a break. You want to get stuff done . Tell congress, our speaker should say to congress you have tngs done. Ere 24 7 until we get until we get the ppp adjusted again and until we get more work done with the vaccine. More work on education with covid. More work on, you know, the host of issues that are out there. Pete let me ask you about that real quick. Im sorry to cut you off. Instead you are talking but the u. S. Postal service today. What do you make of this lastminute bill . Well, the problem is. This i support the Postal Service. Hands down among many of the bills. This is what is so typical. This is a good example. Im glad you brought it up. Can you have a good bill. I dont care if its stand alone or do it with other things. Frankly i think we should do it together because there is a lot of good things we could get done. In a new bill they suddenly put in there that now you can sue the post office. Were going to have a lot more liability issues a lot more costs and money for attorneys and taxpayers. Who told them to do that who wants that . Why are we doing that . I dont understand what actually doing sometimes rather than getting good work done accomplished for the people of the United States of america. Its just folks arguing with each other and democrats not wanting to cooperate, ever. Ever. Pete as they point at President Trump going to sabotage the election they hope people buy it. Representative Jeff Van Drew, thank you so much for your time. Great to be with you. Pete up next, a School District is under fire for calling on parents to promise to not eavesdrop. Parents, you cant watch your kids virtual classes. Why . We will answer that question next. Book two separate qualifying stays and earn a free night. The open road is open again. And wherever youre headed, Choice Hotels is there. Book direct at choicehotels. Com. That selling carsarvana, 100 online wouldnt work. 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Jedediah a School District in tennessee is taking heat for asking patience to sign a form asking them not to eavesdrop on kids virtual classes over concerns they could overhear controversial information. Will after push back rutherford is allowing them to tune in with permission from the teacher. But parents are not allowed to record the classes. Pete here to react proclaiming justice to the nation and mother of five lori core doza. Thank you for being here. Thank you for having me. Pete help us out. Why would a school i think i might know the answer, why would they not want parents to see what teachers are teaching their kids . Well, obviously, because they are teaching our children propaganda that they should not be teaching. They are not they are trying to socialize our children. We have had a major problem. [clearing throat] excuse me. We have had a major problem in education not just here in tennessee but across the country where they are indoctrinating our children with propaganda. Not only that they are telling parents in this agreement that they had to sign that if they violate or they know if they know that somebody else is violating and tuning in, they are to tell on that parent. If they violate after they sign the agreement, if they violate it, then they can remove the child from the Virtual Learning classroom. What does that mean . Does that mean somebody from the School District is going to knock on my door and pull my kid out of my home . His virtual classroom or is it going to be my tax dollars that funds my childs public education, my child wont get to participate in education because of it. What are they trying to hide . What is the problem . Jedediah yeah. Why wont they jedediah lori, its absurd that theyre asking. This the statement about confidential information is having taught in these classrooms for many years. We do have a statement from the Rutherford County schools i want to read that and get your reaction in particular. We are aware of the concern raised about this Distance Learning letter sent to parents. We have issued new guidance to principles that parents can assist their children during Virtual Group lessons with permission of the instructor but should refrain from sharing or recordings any information about other students in the classroom. So, it sounds to me like now you cant record the session when, in fact, students may need that reinforcement later. They may not have been clear on something that happened in class and need it to be replaced are we disadvantaging kids now with this ridiculous policy, lori. Its so ridiculous and so hypocritical. They have been data mining our children for years. Pete thats true. Compliments of common core. You are right. What if our children wants to go back and relisten to that segment of the class . What is ited that the other kids are sharing that has to be confidential . You know, it used to be, back in the day, when parents could tweap sit in on a class and they could monitor. But things have changed. Because were not using education to teach our children how to read, how to write, how to do math. No, now we are social justice teaching our children. We are teacherring them things that we dont want our children and thats why as we are called helicopter parents parents. Will i understand we have privacy concerns recording other peoples children. We should be understanding what our children are learning in Public Schools and listening to what they are hearing. Thank you for your time this morning. Thank you for having me. Will up next, part two with my sit down with an nypd officer where we discuss the impact that verbal and physical attacks have on. We are backing up instead of going in and taking action. What does that say to the public . A taste we all could use right now. So lets make the most of it. And make every sandwich count. With oscar mayer deli fresh. To soccer practices. And new adventures. You hope the more you give the less theyll miss. But even if your teen was vaccinated against meningitis in the past. They may be missing vaccination for meningitis b. Lets help protect them together. Because missing menb vaccination could mean missing out on a whole lot more. Ask your doctor if your teen is missing meningitis b vaccination. Will welcome back to fox friends. Last hour you saw my sit down with an nypd officer who talks about the effects of policy and politics in the defund the Police Movement have on our Law Enforcement. Now, we will hear more of his personal story as a black hispanic officer his warning to americans traveling to new york city. Here is part two. [chanting] will we have seen videos of rioters getting in the face of minority officers calling them a traitor. You are black, you are puerto rican. You are a Police Officer. How does that make you feel . Well, i can tell you being a black hispanic i have dealt with that my whole life even before i became a cop. But for anyone to point the finger and call someone an uncle tom is just ridiculous. Will i wonder someone who has been a lifelong new yorker and Police Officer when you look over the past six months whats the most vivid example of you who different than it was a decade ago . You could actually, as a Police Officer, walk down the street and feel loved and respected. And now when you walk in certain areas, people start calling you a pig curse at you for no reason. Make threats to harm you while you are walking. Its like living in the twilight zone. We are backing up instead of going in and taking action. What does that say to the public . You are allowing your criminals to run the streets. How can anyone feel protected . Will would you advise tourists to visit new york city . I would not. I would not. No way. I even tell my own family members not to come to new york city. I would not recommend anyone to come to new york. Will why did you originally become a Police Officer . You know, i always had the heart to help people. I guess it was like a dream that i have always had as a kid. Will would you encourage your kids to have that same dream . Would you encourage your son to become a Police Officer . [sigh] 10 years ago i would have said yes. Now . No. There is no way. Absolutely not. I would not have him to come a Police Officer. Will who do you think suffers the most from this change of policing . The hardworking people of new york. The hard workers who want to come here and make a living. They are the ones affected because they have to walk around, you know, in fear just like we do. You know, every time i interact with another officer i tell them make sure you keep your head on a swivel. Will i had a conversation with a grend who spoke to an officer who said im making my way to retirement. Im not going to chase down the purse new hampshireer unless violence has been committed. Yes. I dont have time nor do i have the will to essentially protected people from these smaller crimes. Yes. Do you see stuff like that, those types of choices being made on the streets of new york city . Yes, i do every day. Every day. Like i said to you before its sad its come to that but, you know, the Violent Crimes are the ones we have to go after. The smaller stuff we really cant spend too much sometime on. And its sad that its like that. I always say why how can you do your job effectively if were not given the tools or support to really do it . The cops are the backbone of the patrol. We need more of a voice and its not happening. And thats why im here today. Will pete, jed, the rationale that he explained officers go through when theyre on the street is this if i interact with a suspect, its possible i will get sued. Its possible i will get fired. Even if he is go ahead and i arrest him, its improbable the d. A. Will press charges. And even if charges are pressed. He will be released from prison. Whats the point and here is the effect on morale. Here is the effect on the career choices. I want to read you this one stat. I find it fascinating from. May to august. This is a number of officers who have filed for retirements in new york. Its 1130. At the same time last year it was 424. There are some other stats on your screen. Officers are filing for retirement at triple the rated, guys. Pete so well done, will. Its kind of depressing revealing. I mean, this is a guy who entered a profession because he wants to help people. Now he says, i mean, criminals run the street and he points out there are the stats right there that you mention, will. He points out properly its the citizens and taxpayers, the law abiding folks that suffer when they cant police the small stuff and, of course, the big stuff. So well done. Will the big stuff comes after the small stuff. Let the big stuff go and the small stuff starting to occur. Pete broken windows policing of the Rudy Giuliani era. Jedediah i have lived in new york city my whole life and i have loved this city so much. I dont feel safe Walking Around but just a short time ago so many safe areas of manhattan. To watch him talk about that hit home for a lot of people. That trending is not only happening in new york but happening in so many cities around the country. People are watching their cities fall. And theyre watching their Police Officers be treated so badly. Its really horrible. But its an important reality that we need to hear from those Law Enforcement officials. Good on you, will, for bringing that to everyones attention. I think its a really really Important Message and did you a beautiful job with it. We are going to turn now to your headlines because at least four people are missing after a pipeline exploded in corpus christi, texas. The coast guard says a barge hit a propane pipeline sparking the fire. But how that happened is still under investigation. At least six people were hospitalized with one in serious condition. The pipeline spilled 6,000 gallons of diesel into the channel before it was shut off. And attorney general bill barr is quote vehemently opposed to a pardon for nsa leaker edward snowden. Barr telling the ap in part snowden was a traitor and the information he provided our adversaries greatly hurt the safety of the American People. He was peddling it around like a commercial merchant. We cant toler rated that President Trump recently suggested he might consider it. Snowden was charged with violating the espionage act. And a school is apologizing after an assign wanted that was apparently to teach students on their right to protest. A cartoon was included in homework show casing a slave owner, a ku klux klan and Police Officers kneeling on a black mans neck. Police association calling the comparison abhorrent and disturbing. Many calling for the teacher to be displingsd. The district has since canceled the assignment. And craving some more pumpkin flavored drinks with more kicks of caffeine . I might say this wrong but vive hard seltzer starting september. Each can has 5 alcohol content. Only snag the fall season beverage in ohio, kentucky or tennessee. Six packs sell for 9. 99 at k rogers. And those are your headlines. I dont know, pete, i feel like thats something you might try out. It sounds disgusting. I have never tried anything with pumpkin in it that tastes good. Will . Will i think we have shark on the steltzer trend and pumpkin surprise is the ultimate moment. Pete its true. Speaking of that i have no idea. I dont know pumpkin sharks, take it wherever you want. Adam i like seltzer but i will dive right into the forecast. Tropical storm marco sitting off the yucatan peninsula. This is going to be lifting up into the gulf of mexico over the next couple of days. We have a couple storms both could ultimately become hurricanes before its all said and done. Right now winds 45 Miles Per Hour. This is going to be making landfall along the texas coast. Flirting with Hurricane Force winds. Again, thats going to be happening late tuesday night into wednesday morning. And we have got another one. This is Tropical Storm laura currently just sitting outside of puerto rico. Going to be running over the island in the next couple of hours. And then this one runs up into the gulf of mexico. This likely becoming a hurricane, also. That will be making landfall near louisiana, again tuesday night into wednesday morning. So, guys, we we have a couple of storms we are tracking as we head into the week. Back out to you. Pete thanks, adam. I didnt mean to dodge your question, pited. The answer is yes there are things that i have had with pumpkin in it that tastes very good pumpkin pie, man. Pete pumpkin pie when you could have apple pie . Jedediah exactly. Will yes. Havhave you ever heard of thanksgiving. Pete things reserved for once a year are not that good. Otherwise you would eat them every day. Will christmas once a year makes it no less special . Pete oh my goodness. Jedediah pumpkin and music seem to be the too so far that work out really well and you highlighted. Will i stand here today for pumpkin pie. Joe biden is pushing several progressive policies. Many dont seem convinced by the former v. P. View quintd essential biden element of the biden platform right now. I dont know if its a brilliant issue for me its the fact that he is not trump. When campus rye form spoke to Young Students they arent convince bidens progressive policies are really his own. Joining me more campus reform editor and chief cabot philip. Welcome to the show. Before we even talk about this topic, i want to toss over to your exchange. This is George Washington university with students on joe biden. Lets take a listen and then have a discussion about it. Lets see. Who do you think of as a face of the Democratic Party. Definitely not joe biden. Not quite sure exactly who but i dont think its biden. I dont view him as the face of the Democratic Party. I think he is more collecting ideas from what democrats are saying. I think Progressive Forum jump on to secure his place as a nominee. What would you view quintessential element of the biden platform right now. I dont really know. Really an issue kind of for me the fact that he is not trump. Jedediah cabot, tell us what you found here. I have found what i have seen over the last three or four years and talking to thousands of young voters on thousand plus campuses on leadership reform. A lot of young people want someone to come in and break up the status quo and someone push their radical leftist ideas. The Bernie Sanders and liz warrens of the world. Right now they are disaliewtioned with joe biden. Even the ones that do come out and support him do so begrudgingly. Pandering. Feels like he is trying to give us this wish list. They know many of the ideas arent coming from him from his advisors or from his desire to try to win over the far left. That might be working in some of the polling when you ask young people there is this reflexive instinct where they are afraid to support conservings. Well i support the democratic candidate. They want to prove to everyone they are going along with it. In reality thats not going to bring voter enthusiasm. Its going to take enthusiasm to get young people to the polls. If they feel like he is parroting ideas that he has heard from other people and doesnt really believe them thats not going to get them out to vote. I do question the enthusiasm of the biden young supporters. They feel pandered to. They dont feel like he is supporting what they want. Jedediah you know, cabot, i keep trying to figure out how many of them will stay home versus vote against trump and whether Kamala Harris will at all be able to excite young voters to get to the polls. What do you think on harris . Well, we had a similar video where we asked young people about Kamala Harris and one of the most common things that kept coming up was her Law Enforcement background. You have to take into account the irony of the Democratic Party embracing anticop rhetoric. Elm bracing this idea of defunding the police and all cops are terrible people and then they have someone in Kamala Harris on the ticket who spent a lifetime in criminal justice reform. Many times unfairly sentencing young people that these same people would now look at as this terrible person because she is in Law Enforcement. So it is interesting to see that dynamic and a lot 6 young people we have spoken to on campuses around the country have not been thrilled by the pick and they feel a pressure to support it though. Thats another element thats here. We have robbed the Younger Generation of the ability to think critically. They are told you have to support leftist ideas. You cant even ask questions about conservative ideas. They automatically support the democrat liberal candidates they want to show everyone else that they are on board with that. Thats dangerous and that will have an impact on the polling and the election in 2020. Jedediah yeah. It will for sure. You bring up an important point on criminal justice. A lot of young voters have done their research on issue that on Kamala Harris and they are fired up on it. Curious to see how this all plays out. Cabot phillips thanks always for being here and love the videos. Appreciate it. Jedediah up next, explore america without leaving your house, sounds like a plan to mile. Abby hornacek just returned from an rv adventure with her parents. They join us live to tell us all about it after the break. Jedediah take a trip and explore Americas National treasurers without leaving the couch in season four of the fox nation show parked. I am so excited. Oh, look at that jack rabbit. Llama, jack rabbits. Mom and dad. We got the whole crew here. [laughter] pete this season host Abby Hornacek joined by her parents for a 12day rv adventure. Abby, jeff and steve hornacek with a preview. Good morning. Good morning. Pete thanks for being here. Abby, we love parkd. With the covid thing have you done it differently instead of a producer you have your parents. How is it going . Unfortunately i didnt bring the lamb mass with me to the segment. It was so nice for them to be able to come along. I think a lot of people are with their families right now. And getting out in nature is what you need to be doing right now because you can social distance and stay safe but also enjoy the beauty that god has given us. We were able to do that like 12 days five national parks. Two state parks. One National Monument and then a lot of really great activities along the way. Right, mom . Yes. Absolutely. Pete jeff, talk to us. Whats it like . You have been roped into this episode. How is it going . Well, it was fun for us. I got to drive th the big rv whh that is a first for me. Abby didnt do it very well. I agree. Its great to see how much work she put into it. Because of covid she was home with us. So we saw her prepare for the show and now to see it on tv and see the show, you know, the beauty of the parks. The be with the family was great for us. Pete, you are about this far away from the cars away from you on the highway. You cant blame us for maybe think he didnt do a great job he really did. We were very safe. So it was good. Jedediah looks amazing. I cant wait to check it out and looks like you guys had a great time. Everyone can stream the latest version of parkd on fox nation. Dont want to miss it. For everyone stuck at home, you will get to live virtually through their experience. I cant wait. Thank you so much abby, jeff and stacey it looks amazing. Pete thank you, you guys, appreciate it . Thank you. Pete back to bed. Jedediah still ahead. Lawmakers summer recess early to bailout the Postal Service. More on that coming up next. So whats going on . Im a talking dog. The other issue. Oh. Im scratching like crazy. Youve got some allergic itch with skin inflammation. Apoquel can work on that itch in as little as 4 hours, whether its a new or chronic problem. And apoquels treated over 8 million dogs. Nice. And. The talking dog thing . Is it bothering you . No. Itching like a dog is bothering me. 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Where Everybody Knows your name and theyre always glad you came you want to be where you can see the troubles are all the same you want to be where Everybody Knows your name applebees. All your favorite burgers, all just 8. 99. Now thats eating good in the neighborhood. Wake me up before you go go dont leave me hanging like a yo yo. Will good saturday morning to you on fox friends. Im will cain along with pete hegseth and jedediah billa. Pete hegseth has been failing all longer to get in line at mcdonalds for a coffee. Pete im working on it. I cant see mcdonalds from here. You are empty and i will fill it up. I will note we are the weekend crew. We get the back up my desk says anxiously. Will mine says steve that would make you brian, jed. Jedediah i guess im brian today. My apologies for having to deal with a pee hangry pete hegseth. Pete who has not had a mcif you have fin. Pete there is no greens, fruit, blue berries no, green juice. None of that. Jedediah cant even improv your way through this one. We have a big news day today. As always. Last week was the democrat convention. This coming week we have the Republican Convention. And lots of topics have come up. One of those being covid19,obviously. The country is looking for leadership on that issue. The biden camp and the Trump Administration having very different perspectives on that. Joe biden, in particular, weighed in on abc, there is a big interview thats airs this sunday night on abc news. We have a clip of him talking to david muir about the possibility of of a second shutdown and whether or not he would be willing to shut the country down a 60 time. Lets listen to what he had to say on that. If you are sworn in come january, and we have coronavirus and the flu combining, which many scientists have said is a real possibility, would you be prepared to shut this country down again . I would shut it counsel. I would listen to the scientists i would be prepared to do whatever it takes to save lives. We cannot get the country moving until we control the virus. That is the fundamental flaw of this administrations thinking to begin with. In order to keep the country running and moving and the economy growing and people employed you have to fix the verizon. You have to deal with the virus. Pete joe is going to fix the virus. So, first of all, joe biden was on script, on prompter, gave, i guess a decent speech if reading off the teleprompter classifies as such. Then he goes for an interview to the friendly confines of david muir on abc where he gets nothing but softballs. We are all waiting for that interview with Chris Wallace or bret baier or somebody here at fox where he will get asked real questions that he wont have answers to because is he not prepared for it. At the same time, if you wanted to be president lockdown, president shutdown, that is an alternative. That is effectively what he is saying. If you actually look at the details in that interview and elsewhere of what joe biden has said. Its not all that different of what President Trump has done except he wouldnt have done the travel ban from china and number of other early actions the president took. Dr. Marc siegel was on tucker last night talking about this. Heres what he said. Thats very disturbing because, first of all, were not even predicting a severe flu season because in the Southern Hemisphere we are not seeing it. But that aside, that aside, what about all of the costs of another lockdown imposed . Kids that cant get their teeth taken care of or eyeglasses. No nutrition. Problems with mental health, problems with physical health. Operations that are put off. People many more people will die of Heart Disease and cancer from extended lockdowns than will ever die of covid19. Thats not to mention that the depression and the suicide and, again, locking the whole country down, locking down montana with no cases. Locking down maine. Maine, 19 cases. Will we might as well let dr. Fauci be our next leader. Pete, i actually think this question revealed a lot about joe biden. I think this question shows a stark contrast between biden and trump. You mentioned if you want to be president lockdown. Leadership is not abdicating to the scientists and shutting our country down. You have to listen to the other elements of society. Business owners, parents, people suffering with no school. With a totally shutdown economy. A leader must balance all of these competing interests and find the course that worked for everyone in society. By the way centers for Disease Control directors Robert Redfield he said this verizon might be within control during a press conference he said. This it is going to require all of us to embrace these mitigation steps we are going to need to do that 4, 6, 8, 10, 12 weeks. Then we will see if this outbreak sunday control. Jedediah he says by the way i dont know what under control means, jedediah, he said within 12 weeks could potentially be held under control. Jedediah yeah, i dont know what under control means either. I also dont know, you know, joe biden is trying to distinguish himself from the Trump Administration on a few issues. He is talking about this National Mask mandate. Is he trying to present himself as someone who he feels i amount person who will take this seriously. If you are disheartened with the way the Trump Administration has handled this for whatever reason, i am the person who will lead you out of harms way. And into peace. The bottom line is, you know, i dont know that joe biden has a fix to this virus. We toll wait and see what happens with the vaccine. I dont know if people will oblige in terms of masks and whatnot. We look at the centers for Disease Control recommendations that require people to wear a mask, i dont know that they will do that i dont know mask mandate. Bottom line is you hear me saying i dont know a lot. Guess what joe biden doesnt know. Many people dont know. The information changes day by day. Find someone listen to the scientists and have the leadership skills and defer a little bit to that local leadership. As we know many cities and states saw this manifested in different ways. So one size fits all not always the answer here feel about joe bidens response there. Pete thats the glaring difference in this. The left says heres what were going to make do you from the top down whether its rural montana or new york city. And President Trump respects individuals and individual Business Owners enough to say can you make your own risk calculation about your livelihood, entice customers to come in, you dont want to go out, you dont have. To say if you dont want to open, you dont have. To say i think thats a personal responsibility respect perspective that citizens appreciate and they are graiving for. Hey, if i can open up indoors, i should be able to open up indoors. Walmart has been wide open for six months. Everyone is going through there. I cant open up my nail salon or restaurant. That doesnt meet with National Mask mandates and shutdowns. Jedediah top down approach doesnt only apply to covid when it comes to democrats many areas in Life Education and healthcare. Thats a distinction that people need to see and they have their chance to make their voices heard with their votes. In the meantime, another big story that we are following and this is an important one because the house is returning to capitol hill today for a rare saturday session. Lawmakers are set to vote on a massive bailout for the Postal Service. David spunt joins us live as the white house threatens to veto the measure. David, what is the latest on that . Jed, good morning to you. As you mentioned an incredibly rare session. Right now congress will meet in several hours, coming back into washington this would normally be august recess. They are talking about a 25 billion cash infusion for the usps. The organization has been in the red for at least 12 fiscal years right now losing some 78 billion. Yesterday postmaster general louis dejoy testified on capitol hill. He has been at the helm of the agency since june talking about several of those changes. One of them removing mail sorting machines and instituting a policy to leave mail behind if it disrupts timing. Of course that mail would then be moved to the following day for delivery. Dejoy has since said no more changes through election day. Is he promising mailin ballots are not in any danger. He also brushed off any criticism yesterday that he is working with the white house specifically the president of the United States to delay the delivery of ballots. Listen to this. Did you discuss those changes or their potential impact on the november election with the president or anyone at the white house and i remind you are under oath. I have never spoken to the president about the Postal Service other than congratulating me when i accepted the position. Yesterday, the white house issued a veto threat hr 8015 seeks to exploit the covid19 pandemic as pretext for placing counter productive restrictions on the uspss already limited operational flexibilities. The president denies he is trying to effect the Postal Service. You are also saying im trying to steal an election. Thats not the true i want to fair election. Reason democrats say we should fund it. Back to you guys. Pete its been in the red for 12 years but its all Donald Trumps fault. What a saturday show and a sham. All right. Turning now to your headlines. Turn to a fox news alert. Protesters are not protesters. Rioters storming a Police Precinct overnight. The fbi close ago number of federal buildings yesterday as they investigated a car bomb threat. Yeah yep, im going to do a protest bring a car bomb with me. Police declaring a riot as protesters violently clash with officers and vandalize property. Those in the area of the north precinct this has been declared an unlawful assembly. All persons are to leave the area. Pete police arresting several criminals after they threw bottles, smashed cop cars and pointed lasers at officers. Democrats call them protesters though. Moments ago the president of the United States tweeting, this quote another bad night of rioting in portland, oregon. A small number of federal troops there to protect court house and other federal property only great job. Wanting to be asked by city and state to stop the roitsd would bring in National Guard and end problem immediately. Just ask. See if they do. And larry king mourning two unimaginable losses. Two of the anchors children dying in the last two weeks. Kings 65yearold andy died sudden and Kings Daughter 51yearold kya lost her battle with lung cancer. The veteran caster has not spoken publicly. Wow, sorry for that and the u. S. Tops 175,000 covid related deaths as the Kentucky Derby announced it will not allow spectators despite some efforts to have some fans. The historic track said friday no fans be allowed at the 146 running of the derby. The president of the track citing increases in covid19 cases in the area and across the state. Although the media not doing much to reported the drop in cases across much of the country as well. All right, hollywood is hoping Russell Crowe has what it takes to get people into theaters. You are requesting to need it. Pete crows film unhinged first major movie released sings the start of covid19. The studio says its research most people wanted to see a thriller. Most theaters have been closed sings march and those are your headlines. I guess, guys some stating movie voters open others not. Will i love going to the Movie Theater. Im afraid the hab bit has been broken with everything streaming and as long as we have been out of theaters, i dont know how ready americans are ready to jump back into theaters. Pete hackets more than a covid thing you are saying. Will absolutely. Jedediah the Movie Theater pop corn cant be beat. Will you are right. Jed. Pete they have Movie Theater popcorn they can put in the microwave. Sacred jed doesnt taste the same. Will gout to run because we have big exciting guests coming up. Message to voters. Can we become a country that lives up to the truth that black lives matter . Will would he be the generation that finally wipes out the racism . Will but that exciting guest is football great Herschel Walker and blasting democrats for playing the race card. He sounds off next what do you look for when you trade . I want free access to research. Yep, Td Ameritrades got that. Free access to every platform. Mhm, yeah, that too. I dont want any trade minimums. Yeah, i totally agree, they dont have any of those. I want to know what im paying upfront. Yes, absolutely. Do you just say yes to everything . Hm. Well i say no to kale. Mm. Yeah, they say if you blanch it its better, but that seems like a lot of work. Now offering zero commissions on online trades. We charge you less so you have more to invest. Todays discussion will be around sliced meat. Moms want healthy. And affordable. Land o frost premium no added hormones either. Its the only protein ive really melted with. Land o frost premium. Fresh look. Same great taste. Can we become a country that lives up to the truth that black lives matter . Latino and Indigenous People are suffering and dying disproportionately. This is not a coincidence. It is the effect of structural racism. Will would he be the generation that finally wipes out the span of racism . Jedediah democrats making racial reconciliation a key issue at the convention. Calling out heavy hitters for staying sigh length violence rocking major cities. Joining us now is Herschel Walker. Thanks for being here with us this morning. Hey. Thank you for having me on. Will herschel, you heard some of the statements coming from the stage at the Democratic National convention. What did you think about the message coming from democrats . Well, it was upsetting to me because its sort of like they are shutting downtown American People down a rabbit hole. I love america i love, love, love america. I believe in the lord jesus christ. And for them to play the race card when they racism going on but they dont acknowledge whats going on on in all of these cities. They dont even acknowledge god and then all they want to do is talk about race and i are doing nothing for race if you look at it neartd booker and said biden had racial tendencies in the 1994 crime bill and then also with the busing. Now he is the best thing since sliced bread. And then everyone acts like he was a baby taking his first step because he can make a speech were voting for the most powerful man in the world you are happy because a baby can take a step today and make a speech . I want, guys, i want people to be honest. Right now, i love america i want the right people person in the office to run this country. And if he is not ready, the people need to know it and people need to quit pretending that there is a race problem out there. There is a problem of equality we have got to fix. I dont know if its a problem that i think the Democratic Party is making it out to be because they wont even address it. Remember they have had all these years have they had a hearing on that yet . No. You talk about love of america love of jesus christ. Taken out of the caucuses there at the event. You heard the platitudes from joe biden. A lot of the big rhetoric but ultimately not a lot of talk about what those policies would mean that is the an mating motivation of the Democratic Party today . They want us to become a country we are not. Thats why the reasonable im speaking out i want the American People to stand up and not be a be afraid. Venezuela was a wonderful country at one time. But today its not. I dont want to become that country. And i said thats whats happening right now im not going to be mean, but i want to say, you know, biden has been in office for 40something years. And not to be mean, but what did he do in 40something years . And im not you know, he may be a great man. I think he is a wonderful, wonderful man. And im not going to say anything. But if he hasnt did anything in 40something years and today he is in his 70s and they say he has got the juice now to go out and change the world. Im like, guys, lets be real here. Quit selling the American People down the river. Not make it out as oh im going to help africanamericans today. Im not here to do all of this. Personal people need to wake up. And africanamericans needs to wake up. Because every four years oh, we get on the plate now. We are excited. We are the fresh thing out there right now. Thats not true. Because, if that is true. Things would have changed a long time ago. And they keep throwing that world out systemic racism. First of all, we just got over a black president , what, a couple of years ago which couldnt have happened over 30 something years ago. Also, we have so many africanamerican men in the United States which couldnt have happened 30something years ago. So things arent changing. So dont keep throwing that world out right now i get so upset right now we are going to voting pretend now if anything happen trump wins its rigid. First of all the first rigging that ever started was in 2016 when you guys decided you didnt want to go by the electoral votes when you knew thats the way this country do it go by the popular vote. You know good and well that we go by electoral votes. Quit leading the American People down this rabbit hole. Jedediah herschel, i hate to interrupt you because you are making such amazing points. I feel like we could talk to you for the next hour. Thank you so much for being here and echoing and speaking a perspective and echoing the thoughts of so many around the country right now. We appreciate it. Thank you so much. Pete thank you, herschel. You are very welcome. Jedediah coming up, Lori Loughlin and her husband just learned their fate in the College Admission scandal. The full house star will spend just two months behind bars but does the punishment fit the displim shthecrime . Nancy grace is here next after the break. Nowhere to run, baby nowhere to hide. Its pretty inspiring the way families redefined the word school this year. Its why, at xfinity, were committed to helping kids keep learning through the summer. And help College Students studying at home stay connected through our university program. Were providing affordable Internet Access to low income families through our internet essentials program. And this summer, xfinity is creating a Virtual Summer camp for kids at home all on xfinity x1. Were committed to helping all families stay connected. Learn more at xfinity. Com education. Will time for news by the numbers. First up, 24 minutes, thats how long joe bidens dnc acceptance speech lasted it was the shortest since Walter Mondale in 1984. Bidens speech was watched by 22 Million People. A 21 drop from Hillary Clinton in 2016. Next, 926,000. Thats how much tsa collected last year in forgotten pocket change. Finally 25 hours and 39 minutes. Thats the new world record set for the cannon ball run. Hitting speeds as high as 175 Miles Per Hour new york city to los angeles. Burt reynoldss not involved as far as i know. Back to you, jed. Jedediah Lori Loughlin and her husband will face time in prison for College Prison scandal. Telling the judge quote i made an awful decision. I went along with a plan to give my daughters unfair advantage in the college ghitions process and in doing so i ignored my intuition and allowed myself to be suede from my moral compass. Host of crime stories on fox nation nancy grace. Welcome as always. First of all, does the punishment fit the crime and is it odd that her husband got five months in prisoner and she only got two . Number one, the punishment does not fit the crime. Now, when you compare what Lori Loughlin and her husband well, you know. What they did is not a Violent Crime its not like anyone was murdered and a dope deal went wrong. They attacked an institution, the h education instiewtion. So when he and his wife Lori Loughlin agreed to enter this scheme, it wasnt as she said a bad decision. It was a crime you could compare it to a shooting of a president a life of a cop. There life is no more valuable than any other life. Institution being attacked. Think become what you went through to get in college or grad school i literally threw up trying to run track. Softball team. 4h projects. You name it. They wrote a check. As the judge pointed out, the incredible greed behind what they did is overwhelming. They have a net worth of 100 million. But, instead, they wanted more its so much more deep than what we are hearing. If you look at olivia jades resume it. Says that she, quote one gold medals san diego crew classic dating back to 2000 146789 it wasnt just a payoff. It was an intricate deal and they brought their girls in on it. Made them come police sit. Im surprised the girls werent charged. Jedediah i think people saying thats it . The stories you always have on fox nation is one of my favorite shows to watch. Whats coming up on crime stories . Well, you know, every single day at fox nation on crime stories we cover breaking news. Missing children, missing moms. Crimes ongoing. Unsolved homicides. We have just completed a special on the Elizabeth Smart kidnapping and the ongoing story of gillian maxwell, which right now, we believe that other mistresses of epstein who trafficked underaged girls for sex are going to be indicted. We have our eye on that as well. Every single day we serve up real crime and justice in the hopes that we can help solve the cases. Jedediah can i attest can i add something, please . Jedediah sure. The big slap on the wrist is that they had to give up their country club metropolitan and down size from 18 billion home to 10 million home. Thats not justice. Trying to get grad school and college. I consider this a slap on the wrist. Jedediah yep. I worked my butt off to get into grad school and many other people around the country did as well. I know you did. Jedediah exactly the way you just expressed, nancy. Everyone, remember to stream crime stories, i promise it is a fantastic show. You will not regret it on fox nation. Just so you know today is the last day can you get a free copy of Sean Hannitys new book leave free or die by shining up for fox nation one or two year plan. Head over to fox nation. Com. Get your book and check out crime stories. I promise you will not be disappointed. And still ahead, violence is escalating in major cities nationwide as officers clash with rioters and protesters. This as resignations and retirements from the force are on the rise. Our Law Enforcement panel is here to discuss that coming up next. Its time for the biggest sale of the year on the sleep number 360 smart bed. Can it help with snoring . Ive never heard snoring. Exactly. No problem. And done save 50 on the sleep number 360 limited Edition Smart bed. Plus, free delivery when you add a base. Ends monday. When you start with a better thats no way to treat a dog. You can do no wrong. Where did you learn that . The internet. Yeah . Mmm with no artificial preservatives or added nitrates or nitrites, its all for the love of hot dogs. Try wayf r. You got this perfect. Youre welcome. I love it. Howd you do all this . Told ya wayfair. Lets talk dining tables. Yes blow it up. Wayfair youve got just what i need will welcome back to fox friends. Last week i sat down with an nypd officer to hear his experience front lines first hand on defund the Police Movement, evening the politics on our Law Enforcement and the failures of local leaders. At his request, we have hidden his face and we altered his voice so he can speak freely. Take a look. When i became a Police Officer many years ago i never thought that i would have to put this uniform on and be looked at as the enemy and to be hated. And its not fair because we sacrifice ourselves every day no matter what your skin color is its sad, its sad. And, you know, tenure here in the nypd i can never ever imagine that it would be this bad as far as not being supported. When you say there is a lack of support and those that have an agenda towards police, who are you talking about . The mayor, the city council, the mayors office. How do you feel about mayor de blasio . That man does not care about police. He doesnt care about black lives he is more ceshedz with painting our crime rate has trip pelt. Our shootings were about 777 whereas if you look at the comparison from 2019 we were at that for the whole year and we still have six months left. How widely held within the plement are the de blasio just voiced that you hold . I will put it to you like this. The term for nypd that is going around in every commands in the city is the job is dead. You would be crazy to take this job now in this day and age. Lack of support from t ds office. A lack of prosecutions. Criminals being released from prison. Possibly criminals that you had busted at one point. Yes. Now being released. How douse that make you feel . Why would you even want to put the uniform on to do your job if were putting them in jail for the crimes that they commit and the d. A. Is just going to release them. Whats the point of even whats the point of doing the job in it defeats the purpose its a revolving door. Will have you had criticism for de blasio and many in new york critical administration. Have you been critical of democrats and this administration . You know, i would never look at myself as one to follow politi politicsused to be a democrat now im a republican. Will you believe the President Trump supports Law Enforcement. Absolutely. From what you have seen do you believe joe biden and Kamala Harris would support Police Officers . Absolutely not. Absolutely not. They would not support us. People who allow these protesters to talk about how they want to defund the Police Department were there to make sure nothing happens to them but they want us dead. Will sorry you feel that way. That morale within the department. How widespread . Its not just nypd, its across the United States. Its sad thats where we are at right now. People who are saying that were afraid, were not afraid. We just want to be supported. Lets bring our Law Enforcement panel to react joining me now is black lives matter nyc founder joseph pair trees. Dr. Darrin porcher and former nypd detective dr. Oscar odom. Dr. Porcher, let me start with you. I think the risk anything, when you are asking someone about their experience with morale is you just might be getting one persons point of view. But now we luckily have two other officers who served with the nypd. Im curious, can you tell me what you hear from your former colleagues . Do you hear that morale is as low as was just described . Absolutely. I was a cop during the early 1990s when the crack epidemic was plaguing new york city. Morale was at an alltime low because had you officers not only fighting the crack wars but war on crime. No support coming from the community. When we fast forward to todays day and time. We see the morale is at a complete alltime low. We have politicians that are aligning themselves with the radical left and subsequently creating a state of anarchy and this is something thats reflective in cities such as seattle, portland, chicago. And new york city you will as we move forward we need to do whats necessary to bolster the morale because the tea leaves clearly reflect that when the morale is low, the crime goes up. Will seeming to illustrate your point. I want you to take a look at this, this is the number of resignations, retirements and filings since may 25th at the nypd. Up 8 . From may 25th to august 11th. Almost 2,000 filings to leaf the force where it was just above 1,000 at the same time last year. Dr. Odom, how do you explain this . What has changed . Well, as stated earlier. The political backing has definitely changed. There is no support for the Police Officer. If you look at the morale being low. You will look at the recent federal judge ruling to make Police Records public. Also, the question that i would then ask, i would say do you make criminal records public for everyone to look at. [do you make criminal records public for those who have been arrested and not been convicted . You want to make Police Officers records public but you dont want to make the criminal record public. So there we have a lot of issues going on there. And then we have a lot of officers that are also veterans that served their country and also served in a war. And these people sleep under the blanket like a blanket of the very freedom is that we provide and this is how we are repaid. They have a short memory. They forget 9 11 and let people come out and attack Police Officers on camera and being incock doctrine nateed and nothing is happening. I sty them to please read the data. Look at the numbers. Look at the crime going up. And then make a decision. Not only that get rid of the detail. If you think crime is at alltime low and you feel safe, get rid of your police detail. Let your protection go. Walk around yourself and walk around in your utopia say the magic words to make it disappear. Will joseph, it strikes me if officers leaving the force is at alltime high who will be left that chooses to be a Police Officer . Well, the problem is there is always people leaving. I took this job because its in my blood. My grandfather was a cop. Detectives are so proud to go bad guy but they are released backed into thbacked into the st more crimes. Officers are afraid to put any pressure on a suspect because they are afraid of going to jail and these politicians and the city council and mayor selectively enforce penal law. We swore an oath to protect the constitution and the people we serve. But though dont allow us to go out there and do that job. That officer i have to give so much credit. Some officers feel that way. You wouldnt think it. But the truth needs to come out and things needs to change. Will striking. What will be left of our Law Enforcement offices across this country . Who will be left to police our streets . Dr. Darrin porcher, dr. Oscar odom and joseph imperatrice, thank you this morning for your time. Thank you. Thank you for having us, will. Will Bernie Sanders is doubling down on his quest to push joe biden to the left. Now that he has the nomination locked up should he go back to the middle . Charlie hurt is on deck i want to wake up where you are i wont say anything at all why dont you socialist senator Bernie Sanders doubling down on crusade to push joe biden even further to the left. My campaign worked with joe bidens campaign six Different Task forces dealing with the major problems facing america. Those proposals were to be implemented as i have said repeatedly, it would make biden the most progressive president of the United States since fdr. Pete but strategically speaking should the democratic nominee shift over to winning swing state voters. Charlie hurt, thank you for being here this morning. Good to see you. Pete good to see you. He also said if joe biden wins, the debate will happen the next day about where we go. What is this telling voters . Is that not the most amazing thing to actually come out of somebodys mouth in washington . I mean, if a gaffe is when a politician accidentally says something that they actually mean . This is the biggest gaffe of all times. I mean, think about that. He is talking about making all these decisions after the election, after and thats really what their whole mentality is this whole election is nothing but a farce. Its just sort of window dressing. But once we get joe biden in there, were going to put the frankenstein candidate together with all of his frankenstein ideas. And then were going to tell what you it is we are going to do to you. Its terrifying. And we know and, of course, you know, Bernie Sanders is a guy who resoundedly lost the democratic nomination this last time. But, he clearly believes that that doesnt matter, he is undeterred. All of his crazy policies, all of his looney policies that even the Democratic Party couldnt get around, he thinks he is going to get under the line with a joe biden presidency. Pete charlie, you didnt hear many policy details. Is that because joe biden knows they would scare people or because, as bernie points out, he is just willing to be, you know, hey, im uncle joe. You want to play shuffle board. You like me. But dont worry about the policies. Right. Vote for me, im nicer than the other guy is basically their campaigns strategy. Yeah. No, i have never heard a Convention Speech in my life that was so utterly devoid of any sort of policy talk. And quite frankly, think about it. Thats why that whole convention watching it on tv was so painful because its this whole thing, i mean, its all their identity politics and they are just sort of talking about the stuff that doesnt unify america whatsoever. And i think its an opening for republicans for President Trump that can make the Republican Convention a very interesting one which is to talk about these issues and talk about these ideas that unify not just conservatives and republicans but all americans. Whether its equal justice under law of doing something about the lawlessness that we seed in the cities. All of those things that unify the country across the political spectrum that can make a convention really, really interesting and entertaining to watch. Pete charlie, have you decided whether you are with the darkness or the light yet . Exit question. I always was the light. I have always drawn im like a moth. Drawn towards the light which is why i often get bruises on my face because i keep running into the light bulbs. Pete so does joe. Charlie hurt, thank you some. We appreciate it. Good stuff. The light is getting closer. Coming up, seattles mayor just vetoed the city budget that proposed cuts to police. The very changes that led to the Police Chiefs resignation. But Community Leaders are now calling on chief carmen best to stay on the job. Wife the change of hearts . We will bring it to you. The open road is open again. And wherever youre headed, Choice Hotels is there. Book direct at choicehotels. Com. You can adjust youriggest sacomfort on both sides. Eep your sleep number setting. And wherever youre headed, Choice Hotels is there. Can it help me fall asleep faster . Yes, by gently warming your feet but can it help keep me asleep . Absolutely, it intelligently senses your movements and automatically adjusts to keep you both effortlessly comfortable. Will it help me keep up with mom . You got this. So you can really promise better sleep . Not promise. Prove. And now, all beds are on sale. Save 50 on the sleep number 360 limited Edition Smart bed. Plus, free premium delivery when you add a base. Ends monday. To learn more, go to sleepnumber. Com. 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Jedediah after serving up meals for more than 500 veterans this year he was nominated for and ultimately won sparkling ices cheers to heroes of war for 10,000 and it couldnt have come at a better time. He is owner, manager and chef of rosakos soul food and barbecue in texas he joins us now. Good morning. Good morning. Will so tell us how you got started on this project. What an amazing project by the way very hard time for everyone including yourself. Tell us how you got started on this project . Well, when i first opened my restaurant, i noticed that somebody was cutting open my garbage bags. So i started doing some investigation and then one night [inaudible] so i ran outside to find out who it was. And when i actually took off running to a car. And so i followed him. And i noticed that a couple more boxes on his front seat. I tapped on the window and asked if he was okay. He put his head down. I saw that he had food boxes. I was like sir, you dont have to eat out my garbage can i will feed you. He said thats okay. I said no, sir if you are hungry. He said no. You are packed. I will make room for you. He come in. I made him a bunch of meals and he started to cry. And so one of my customers in the restaurant he was like whats wrong with him . I was like well, he is a vet. He lost his job. He living out of his car. He is having a rough time. The people in my restaurant was like put together money for him whatever you put together im in. I ended up adding 400. He started crying profusely. I said what can i do to help vets . So i started my pay it forward program. [inaudible] my son apartment restaurant and we turned this corner and it was like hundreds of people laying on the ground in fort worth and so my kids asked me what are they doing . They were like i was like they are homeless. My son looks at me dad can you help them . I son thats too big of a project. Thats too many people. My son started to cry. I said son whats wrong . Dad i know you can help them. You own your own restaurant. You are always helping people. So i went home talked to my wife wife. Jedediah rosako i hate to interrupt you. Its an amazing endeavor have you done such an incredible time when so many people are struggling. Always love gestures made like this large for veteran. Thank you so much for everything you do. I wish your business the best of luck. I know a lot of businesses are struggling right now. More fox friends on the other side. We made usaa insurance for veterans like liz and mike. When their growing family meant growing expenses, our agents helped make saving on insurance easy usaa. What youre made of, were made for. Usaa. Pete welcome to the final fourth hour of fox friends, you might call it the fourth quarter, the 20yard line, the eighth inning, you got another one . Bring this thing home. You know what they do at the end of the Football Game . You know what they do . Jedediah no. [ laughter ] they hold up the four. Pete right here. Its crunch time. Pete i knew youd bring it. Absolutely. Jedediah i will always defer to you, will, on sports. You can occasionally pass the baton back or you can share it when it comes to fitness, but sports, that is your world, my friend. I finally got my mcdonalds, maybe ill share it with you. Jedediah everyone can be hangry. Now that petes not hangry, its a good show. Pete wha. What did you get . Pete sausage, egg and cheese, of course. Jedediah some things never change. Were going to head to a fox news alert. Protesters storm a Portland Police precinct overnight. The fbi closing a number of federal buildings yesterday as they investigated a car bomb threat. Pete police once again declaring a riot as theyre not protesters, theyre rioters, violently clashed with officers and vandalized property. To those in the area of the north precinct, this has been declared an unlawful assembly. All persons Must Immediately leave the area. Pete Police Arrested several rioters after they threw bottles and pointed lasers at officers. The city facing more than 80 days of unrest. Jed, pete, i think it can be tempting for someone to dismiss this as, a, a local story in portland, and b, a bunch of crazies. This is happening in portland, seattle, chicago, rising crime rates in new york. What i think weve learned in the last six months is security, safety, theyre very fr fragile consistenconcepts. They can be taken away at a moments notice and we should not take them for granted, jed. Jedediah 80 days, i mean, just let that number sink in for a second. 80 days of unrest. 80 days of violence, 80 days of Law Enforcement feeling unsupported by local democratic mayors an governors, oftentimes in their communities. I think, will, to your point, at first it was very easy to see this as a local issue you. People would be able to look at the footage and say this is horrible, this is terrible but its not happening in my backyard. Guess what . It has spread. This has had a domino effect. Even if it hasnt hit your city, in many cases youre sitting at home saying guess what, i could be next. People are rallying in large part around Law Enforcement, rallying against the Defund Police movement and calling for logic and common sense to be returned to the debate, pete. Pete yeah. I dont care if its portland u its still america. It started in minneapolis with the Police Precinct overtaken by rioters. We read through it quickly. Its important to emphasize. They stormed the citys north Police Precinct. And federal courthouses under siege. The president tweeting hes willing to send in the national iguard if they cant take care f it themselves. Remember the Democratic Party said its about the federal troops there in portland, theyre causing the violence. Theyre not out there. These are local Law Enforcement being assaulted by rioters night after night, the president willing to do something about it. If you watch they called it a convention. I dont know if it was a qvc or bad internet show, the democrats the police. Of course, we know thats silly because its all about defunding the police and undercutting them. But maybe at least a mention of the violence that it should stop, that they disavow themselves of it. President trump, they didnt talk about it, so the president will, and he was on the next revolution with steve hilton, heres a portion of what he said. Its what he didnt say, it was the shortest speech they say ever made of its kind so it was short. Didnt talk about Law Enforcement, didnt talk about whats happening in all these democratrun cities like chicago, new york, portland and many others. I thought that would have been a big factor. Pete will, instead we got platitudes about darkness and light, unity from the party that boycotted the inauguration of the newly minted President Trump and not a lot of policy. Will . We were not left with a lot of answers. What were left with is whats happening on streets, in cities across the country. Cities run largely by democratic politicians. Well, former governor Chris Christie of new jersey said if there were a biden policy it would scare americans. Heres what he said. You didnt hear any specifics last night from joe biden and the reason for that is because his specifics would scare the bejeezus out of america and he knows it. Its a crazy, left wing, liberal agenda that hes been captive of and he gave in to in order to get the nomination and he will pursue if hes elected. Pete and that, jed, i think is the point. When you hear from the stage of the Democratic National convention that joe biden is a decent guy, you have to ask yourself how decent are the policies that he is caving to, how decent are the policies hes willing to embrace to get elected. Jedediah it can also be said that he was afraid to marginalize the base or offend the base by talking about the riots. What does that say about the base . Where is that base of the Democratic Party . If youve got cities on fire, quite literally, around the country, they are on fire going up in flames and no one and you do a whole convention, a week long and you dont allowed to it or allude to it or mention it or call it out. That was a moment for joe biden if hes a leader to come out and say we respect peoples peaceful protest and we support that, we do not support this violence, we do not advocate for violence. He missed that moment. People should remember that. We had a fantastic guest on last hour, her 14e Herschel Walker wd about the convention and said biden hasnt done anything after 40 years in office. They want us to become a country were not. Thats why im speaking out. I want the American People to wake up, i want them to stand up and not be afraid. Venezuela was a wonderful country at one time. But today its not. I dont want to become that country. And i said thats whats happening right now. Im not going to be mean but i want to say biden has been in office for 40 something years and not to be mean but what did he do in 40 something years . Jedediah yeah, and its not mean. Its i love that he laughed through it. It is absurd what were living, this idea that biden is going to be this revolutionary person that is going to effectuate change. The guys been in politics since the day of the dinosaur and nothing has improved. Hes talking about criminal justice reform. What did you do about it . Enough with the speeches. Lets look at peoples records and be honest about it. Pete break out the record players joes about to read to you. Thats what it was. Quite a contrast well see this upcoming week. Well preview whats going to happen at the rnc. If you lets stay on the west coast and talk about seattle. Formerly the the former location of chop and chaz. The city council has previously voted to defund the police, cut over 100 members of the Police Department there, as a reaction to the riots that they saw. Well, seattles mayor, jenny durkin, herself a liberal, a leftist, she actually vetoed it. Sheers what she said about it. I continue to have concerns with the councils decision to make cuts before developing a plan. I do not believe that the 2020 budget in its current form moves us closer to those shared goals. I truly believe that we can and must find Common Ground on the vision for spd. Pete the reaction was defund the police and cut the Police Department. Yet the mayor who is actually responsible for maintaining public order says whoa, that happened way too fast and, will, there was a police chief there, a black female who is well respected who recently resigned and a lot of people are rethinking that. Carmen best stepped down in seattle. Leslie braxton said this, she said she is a unique package of things that make her the right person at the right time. I would hope that members of the city council had long, thoughtful, troubling nights where maybe they rethought their actions and the motivation behind them, because i believe her return would be a moment of redemption for the city. If it remains as it is i think we will have a difficult path moving forward. What were finding is cities across the country, these ideas, these policies, these concepts that are filling the trojan horse of the democratic platform are even too far left for seattle. [ laughter ] jedediah yeah, you see good people stepping down because their hands are tied. They cant do their job. They they feel like they dont have support. Its going to keep happening. Eventually, i do think that these local mayors, these governors, are going to have to push back on the defund the police because theyre going to see their communities destroyed and at some point they will be held accountable for that. People will look and say what did you do while my business was getting looted, what did you do while my neighborhood went up in flames, what did you do. So they will be held accountable at some point its just a matter of how long thats going to take. Pete ideas have consequences, its hes to opine as a graduate student as to how the world ought to be. Then the graduate student is elected as mayor and says those things and the city is burning and you need the police. Turning to headlines. Hundreds of raging wildfires in california doubling size, killing at least six people. Dashcam footage shows the devastation in wine country. Nearly 200,000 people forced to flee their homes. The fires torching 771,000 acres, the czu lightning complex fire burning 57,000. Governor gavin newsom requesting help from other states and countries. 12,000 firefighters are currently fighting 561 fires. New york city mayor bill de blasio moves dozens of homeless men to a hotel. Its being converted into a mens shelter. This comes days after mayor de blasio says hes looking to end the citys emergency covid19 Shelter Program but hes going to keep that Indoor Dining shut. All right. Former cia director john brennan was interviewed for eight hours as part of john durhams probe on the origins of of the russia investigation. Brennans spokesman said he was questioned as a, quote, witness and not the target of a criminal investigation. Durham probes got the first guilty verdict last week after Kevin Clinesmith pled guilty to falsifying a document to get surveillance on a Trump Campaign advisor. A colorado teacher finds a fun way to get kids to Pay Attention to covid safety instructions. Don dont show up. Dont come out. You must quarantine in your house. Pete this video makes me sad. Nick odells music video uses singer dualipa, dont start now melody, lighting up social media with thousands of views, even convincing other Staff Members to get involved. I suppose its supposed to be fun but its depressing. Why dont we teach our kids other things . Jedediah i liked it. Listen, sometimes youve got to get make things exciting or they dont listen. Youve got to give him credit. They probably were ignoring him. Youve got to make the kids listen somehow, right. Pete i feel like kids get taught how to wash their hands. Did you . Jedediah well played. Still ahead, new york city mayor bill de blasio admits theres still no game plan to bring back Indoor Dining and restaurant and Business Owners are fed up. Were going to discuss that. Dont miss it, coming up next. Theres nothing i can do. I only want to be with you. These are real people, not actors, whove got their eczema under control. With less eczema, you can show more skin. 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Were never saying its impossible but we do not based on what weve seen around the world, we do not have a plan for reopening Indoor Dining in the near term. Jedediah new york city mayor bill de blasio revealing he has no plans to resume Indoor Dining by lifting lockdown restrictions. The decision under fire from many Restaurant Owners of and our next guest is joining their calls, telling the mayor the city has had enough. New York State Assembly member and gop congressional candidate nicole malitokus joins us now. Hes supposed to be the mayor, he has no plan, no explanation for the hundreds of restaurants that are sitting waiting, losing a ton of money every day . He has no plans for anything. He has no plans for the skyrocketing crime, does nothing to stop the rioting. We had breaking windows and businesses being attacked last weekend in brooklyn. He has no plan when it comes to schools reopening. I mean, the mayor is a complete disaster and under him and one party rule were seeing crime skyrocketing, businesses being crushed and Small Businesses are starting to fold. This week we announced a Class Action Lawsuit against him and the governor to get our Indoor Dining back on track, particularly in new york city. Every municipality in the state right now, we meet the metrics as well, yet were the only one not opened in any capacity for Small Businesses and restaurants and theyre truly suffering. Jedediah just to present a stat on how bad this actually is. More than 80 of restaurants were unable to pay full rent in july. More than 80 . What are all those businesses going to do. I want to shift to another important topic. Covid19 has had an enormous impact on the new York Real Estate market. People have fled the city in large part. Its not just covid19, nicole, but its also the massive crime and violence spikes that youve had in the city because the likes of bill de blasio are not doing their job. We see the wall street journal headline, covid19 count, new York Real Estate worse than 9 11 and the financial crash. Your take . Its absolutely a result of the deteriorating quality of life and skyrocketing crime under one party rule. They need to roll back some of the policies they put in place. The bail reform was a disaster. Theyre releasing prisoners that are recommitting crimes. Defunding the police. And so the wealthier new yorker whose are a large part of the tax base are leaving and businesses are leaving too. Who wants to be in a city where theres lawlessness. This is important for the entire nation. As you know, new york city is the economic engine of this country. And we cannot afford to allow new york city to become the next detroit which is why im running for congress to try to work with the president to help restore our economy and american jobs. We need to start with that in new york city. Jedediah nicole, thank you for being here. Its been horrible to watch whats happened in new york city and other cities across the country. Hopefully some real leadership will step up and you do and do what needs to be done. Coming up, craving a summer staycation . One app is making a big splash with private school rentals. The cyber guy, Kurt Knutsson, gives us a preview and thats coming up next. Vacation, all i ever wanted. Facing leaks takes strength. So heres to the strong, who trust in our performance and comfortable, longlasting protection. Because your strength is supported by ours. Depend. The only thing stronger than us, is you. Beca mastersdgren,th youin chemical engineering. , and youre technically a genius. And it appears youre quite the investor. I like to trade. Well, Td Ameritrade has pros ready if you need help, say talking through a new strategy. Just in case things, you know, get a little rocky . Im sorry on the upside i think thats waterproof. Maybe not. Simon pagenaud takes the lead at the indy 500 coming to the green flag, racing at daytona. Theyre off. In the Kentucky Derby. Rory mcllroy is a two time champion at east lake. He scores stanley cup champions touchdown only mahomes. The big events are back and xfinity is your home for the return of live sports. Pete way nowill no pool . No problem. Jedediah and app helps users rent a private home pool or let you rent out your own pool. Pete the cyber guy Kurt Knutsson joins us from a pool rented in beverly hills. I have a feeling your pool would go for 100 bucks an hour. Its called swimmily, the app, private pools can be yours by the hour. If you own one, you can make money doing this. Some people are making as much as 5,000 a month renting out their pool. The app has 6,000 listing already throughout the country including this one here in california, which im just bananas about. This motorized thing, its about bringing the gear. When you rent, you want to bring your own gear. You bring your own towels and toys because in this covid time we dont share. This pool is an electric powered dual motored item that will tool around a lake or a pool for hours on end. You can find the perfect shade, the perfect sun, get to the averages on the sidehese inflatables from pool candy they sent to us, i asked do they want to give the they said sure, how about 20 . I said sounds good to me. If y. Net, all this will be 30 off. Dont tell me you dont need a glitter unicorn. Pete i dont need a glitter unicorn. Maybe i do. This right here, that ive got, the pouch is incredible. This is the aqua vault waterproof pouch and this is how it works. Go swimming with it. And you can go down 30 feet. That will keep it safe in the water for hours on end. You can still use the phone, fully functional. 40 off with the code, fox, at the aquavault. Com. And finally weve got this you bring your own entertainment. This is a cool wonder boom, version two. Its about 99. 99, available on amazon. It also floats. But you wont hear the sounds in the pool. Yeah. Will all you need is a pool and you can rent it. You just need your drink. Jedediah ill take petes glitter unicorn. Can you put that on hold for me . Ill take it. Are you kidding . This has got your name all over it. Go to cyberguy. Com, well show you the details if you missed the codes, ive got them up on the website. Pete good stuff. Kurt knutsson, i hope theres liability waivers involved in booking the pool. Its a lawyer in me. Im sure there is. Up next, i sat down with one nypd officer who gives me an unfiltered look into his experience serving on the front line and the lack of support from local leadership. Dont forget your lunch im making pizza on kings hawaiian mini subs. Yum kings hawaiian. announcer improve your health, and strengthen your immunity. , yum starvation dieting, processed foods, shakes, and diet gimmicks have made us heavier and sicker. The solution for losing weight the right way is golo. We help transform your body and change your lifestyle, so you can lose weight and get healthier. Over 20,000 people of all ages, and entire families, switch to golo every week, because golo works. Golo is a unique approach to weight loss that targets insulin resistance and body fat. Insulin resistance makes it easy to gain weight and harder to lose it. Golo is a patented system that uses natural plants and minerals, and sound nutrition to help your body convert fat to energy faster. So youll lose weight while improving your health and immunity. Join over 1 Million People who found golo, a smarter way to lose weight. Let golo help you lose weight and reach your health goals quickly. Head to golo. Com. Thats golo. Com. Pete during the 8 00 hour you saw my sitdown interview with an nypd officer who remained an on uanonymous, you wanted to she he wanted to share his firsthand experience. Now we hear more of his personal story as a black hispanic officer and his warnings to americans traveling to new york city. At his request, he remained anonymous, we altered his voice so he could speak freely. Heres part two. Black lives matter weve sf rioter traitor. Youre black, youre puerto rican, youre a Police Officer. How does that make you feel. I have to tell you, being a black hispanic my whole life, even before i became a cop. For anyone to point a finger and call someone an uncle tom, its just ridiculous. As one who has been a lifelong new yorker and Police Officer, when you look at new york city over the past six months, whats the most vivid example of how its different than it was a decade ago . You could actually as a Police Officer walk down the street and feel love and respected and now when you walk in certain areas, people either start calling you a pig, curse at you for no reason, make threats to harm you while youre walking, like living in the twilight zone. Were backing up instead of going in and taking action. What does that say to the public . Youre allowing the criminals to run the streets. How can anyone feel protected . Would you advise tourists to visit new york city . I would not. I would not. No way. I even tell my own family members not to come to new york city. I wouldnt recommend anyone to come to new york. Why did you originally become a Police Officer . You know, i always had the heart to help people. I guess it was like a dream that ive always had as a kid. Would you encourage your kids to have that same dream . Would you encourage your son to become a Police Officer . Ten years ago i would have said yes. Now, no. Theres no way. Absolutely not, i would not have him become a Police Officer. Who do you think suffers the most from this change in policing . The hardworking people of new york. The hard workers who want to come here and make a living. Theyre the ones affected because they have to walk around in fear just like we do. Every time i interact with another officer, i tell him, you know, make sure you keep your head. I had a conversation with a friend who spoke to an officer who said im making my way to retirement. Im not going to chase down the purse snatcher unless violence has been committed. I dont have time, nor do i have the will to essentially protect people from these smaller crimes. Yes. Do you see stuff like that, those types of choices being made on the streets of new york city today . Yes, i do. Every day. Its sad that its come to that but the Violent Crimes are the ones that we have to go after. The smaller stuff we really cant spend too much time on and its sad that its like that. I always say why can how can you do your job effectively if were not given the tools or the support to really do it. The cops are the backbone of the patrol. We need more of a voice and its not happening and thats why im here today. Pete, jed, as i mentioned earlier, its not long until small crimes metastasize into big crimes. Security is very fragile and must be held onto very tightly. Thats the reason why its called the thin blue line. The line between civility and law and order and equal treatment and chaos, are those men and women, who had to hide his face to you to speak truth. When you talked to that Law Enforcement panel earlier in the show, they echoed it. They said this guy is speaking for all of us. This is what were hearing from the nypd and Law Enforcement across the nation. Jedediah the moment when you asked him if he would want his own of son to become a Police Officer and he takes that long, very honest pause and then says no, thats what we all fear, right, is that thats the message being sent to Police Officers that this is too dangerous, that its too risky and not rewarding anymore because theyre not supported and thats a sad place to be in new york city and cities going through similar struggles. Great job, great interview. Were going to turn to headlines for you now. Minneapolis will spend 4. 8 million to replace the Police Precinct torched by rye jolters. City rioters. City Council Approved the 3. 6 million three year sublease with 1. 2 million going to renovate the new building. The new location is roughly half a mile from the old of precinct which was burned down back in may. The Trump Administrations Opportunity Zones Initiative potentially lifting 1 Million People out of poverty, according to a white house study. An estimated 75 billion of private investment was attracted to underprivileged neighborhoods, money that would have likely gone elsewhere without the zone. They offer Tax Advantages for those who invest in underprivileged neighborhoods. And check this out, a Daring Rescue in idaho, an atv rider stuck for hours on a back woods trail after a crash. Emergency crews made several attempts to get him off the rough terrain. Air National Guardsmen were able to hoist the rider up and bring him back to his family. The rider got lost in the rough terrain. And for the dearly depinted, discontinued ben an ben and jers flavors have their own graveyard. You can pay your respects at the cemetery. Its on a hill overlooking the companys factory in vermont. Thats quite something. Im not sure what to say about that. Pete i wish we could bury ben jerrys ideology. Lets toss it out to adam klotz who knows whats happening. Were tracking two what could evidenc eventually become hurricanes moving through the caribbean. Tropical storm laura will run over the island of puerto rico, eventually making its way to the gulf of mexico where it will strengthen, im taking you to a wednesday timeframe. Were looking at perhaps a louisiana landfall getting into wednesday. Were another one off the yucatan peninsula, another Tropical Storm that has a chance of getting up to hurricane status, this one is going to be probably a little weaker. It gets to the gulf of mexico of around the same time, probably late tuesday as a landfall, somewhere around the texas coast. We are in the heart of hurricane season. Theres a lot of activity out there and we will be watching it. Pete wednesday, two Tropical Storms possibly two hurricanes adding to 2020. Thanks, adam. Coming up, the dnc officially in the books and now the spotlight is on the republicans, so you how is the gop planning to upstage democrats next week . Trump 2020 Senior Advisor Katrina Pearson will lay out the rnc agenda. Shes on deck. Sometimes you want to go where Everybody Knows your name and theyre always glad you came applebees. Now thats eating good in the neighborhood. Inflammation in your eye might be to blame. Ck, looks like a great day for achy, burning eyes overthecounter eye drops typically work by lubricating your eyes and may provide temporary relief. Ha these drops probably wont touch me. Xiidra works differently, targeting inflammation that can cause dry eye disease. What is that . Xiidra, noooo it can provide lasting relief. Xiidra is the only fda approved treatment specifically for the signs and symptoms of dry eye disease. One drop in each eye, twice a day. Dont use if youre allergic to xiidra. Common side effects include eye irritation, discomfort or blurred vision when applied to the eye, and unusual taste sensation. Dont touch container tip to your eye or any surface. After using xiidra, wait 15 minutes before reinserting contacts. Got any room in your eye . Talk to an eye doctor about twicedaily xiidra. I prefer you didnt xiidra. Not today, dry eye. Raiders owner mark davis welcoming his team to the new las vegas home. Dubbed the death star. Excuse me, the death star is where the cowboys play in dallas. I assume theres a cease and desist later on the way. The players practiced for the first time in the 1. 9 billion stadium yesterday. There wont be any fans at the games this season. And wrestling fans will be interested in the wwe u. Ss new thunder dome set from home. It is orlandos amway center. You could see it last night on the summer slam event. Catch the hottest moments today on fox. They call it the death star . They call it jerry the em pourer. With the dnc now on the books, President Trump is blasting the message from democrats and their nominee, joe biden. Over the last week the democrats held the darkest, angriest, gloomiest convention in american history. They spent four Straight Days attacking america as racists, horrible country that must be redeemed. Joe bidens sees american darkness. I see american greatness. No party can lead america that spends so much time tearing down america. That was President Trump yesterday. What can we expect from republicans at their Convention Next week . Lets ask trump 2010 again Senior Advisor, Katrina Pearson. Thanks for having me. Pete the president laid out what americans saw last week. What are folks going to hear as you preview the rnc this week . Well, you know, pete, i think its what we saw last week, i dont believe Many Americans were even tuned in according to my analysis. But the president is absolutely right. We are going to go from a league of doom and gloom, hate for our president , and true disdane for the American People because most of the people during the Dnc Convention criticized the 2016 election because, you know, those americans just cant get it right. And i think what were going to see next week is a complete contrast. We are going to focus on the American People, the way that President Trump has always done since his election in 2015. Its going to be about the love for our of first responders, its going to be about the love for the American People. And now that the president has a record, he will be able to make this point all next week without a media filter to tell all of america exactly what hes been able to accomplish for them in one term in contrast to joe biden and barack obama in eight years and joe biden specifically over half a century. Pete here are the themes that the rnc has released about what the entireity of the rnc will be honoring the Great American story. Wednesday, will be land of heroes. Thursday, land of greatness. Weve been covering portland. Weve been covering the heroes, the Police Officers there. But no mention at the dnc of these riots. Ive got to believe youll see quite a contrast. Its going to be a huge contrast. Its not going to be the gaslighting from the dnc. Americans turn on their tvs and they can see whats happening. And the democrats wont even acknowledge it. I think that is a true indicator of what type of leaders they would be. They would ignore the American Public as their cities are on fire, as their businesses are burned to the ground and as their stores are looted. President trump is going to acknowledge these hot spots, talk about the solutions that he has and has been offering to these democratcontrolled cities that have really gone snubbed. The contrast is going to be great. The president has a positive message to deliver. He has many policies hell be able to talk about and people and this is the important thing, pete, hes going to have the people, not the politicians, not the hollywood stars, but the people talk about the president s policies and how they benefited from them so all a of america can see how great our president is. Pete katrina, real quick, how will it look different . We effectively had two hour infomercials from democrats. As a viewer, what should i expect . I think you should expect greatness. It is donald trump, however. So you know its going to be entertaining, its going to be phenomenal, going to be wonderful. Lots of secrets to keep and no one is going to be lets just say bored to death as they were last week. I encourage everyone to tune in. Its going to be a great week next week. We are so proud of our president and happy to be out there touting his accomplishments for the American People because the best is yet to come. Pete will the president have an audience on thursday at the white house. Will there be applause, people there watching . You know, i dont know if theyve announced that yet but i will definitely be there and i will be applauding. I think once we have this speech at the white house and you can Better Believe its going to be a great speech because its President Trump, definitely not a snooze fest like we had last week. Its going to be exciting, energetic. Ive been all over the country and people are excited and enthusiastic about reelecting our president so its going to be a fun time. Pete Katrina Pearson, thank you very much. Appreciate your time. Our next guest, a former dallas cowboy, will. Will yes pete and denver bronco but i shouldnt say that. Is tackling a new ledge end, football legend, Demarcus Ware on deck. Youre strong. You power through chronic migraine 15 or more headache days a month,. Each lasting 4 hours or more. Botox® prevents headaches in adults with chronic migraine. 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Even in these uniquely challenging times were still fighting with dedication and devotion. California law gives survivors a chance to take legal action, but only for a limited time. If you were sexually abused by a priest, scout leader, coach or teacher contact us confidentially today. Its time. After nine seasons with the Dallas Cowboys and a few super bowl winning seasons with the denver broncos, Demarcus Ware is making a play. Jedediah hes teaching us how to train like a pro with his new gym. Pete here to give us a tour and a morning boost, former cowboys linebacker and founder of three bull fitness, Demarcus Ware. Thanks for being here. Im going to hand it over to will, a huge cowboys fan, let him ask the first question, because thats the way it should be. Will i would have so many questions about your career, about your super bowls, your time. We have to talk about what youre doing now. The gym youre opening, its an amazing project. Youre opening it at a hard time. Why now . Why in the midst of a pandemic. Ive been trying to do this before covid happened. Im trying to get people to be motivated to live a healthier life. If you have great immunities, you can beat covid. Im trying to show you the message. This first room is about activating. So its all about core strength, core stability, but this is just the first room. Lets get to the next room. I know weve got to hurry through the interview here. A lot of people are getting ready for the beach, they want to talk about burning calories. Here in the tread room, this is all about burning calories. Well use extension training, stepup boxes, dumbbells. The main thing is the treadmill. You saw me running earlier on the treadmill, youll burn 3 30 more calories on the treadmill. Thats the second room, second method of fitness. As you wake through here, youve got to look good too if you want to work out. Youve got pe nation, alow, ultra core, chrome. Lets get to the last room, which is the hit room. Thats where all the magic happens. Right. This is the i call it the big boy room. So actually i have one of the owners here, angela daniel. I know i really zoomed through all the rooms but im going to turn it back over to you guys because i know youve got a couple questions for me. Pete to wills point, what happens in that room . What makes what you do different . Youre a topical better athlete. When people top caliber at athlete. Youre talking about people feeling better. Its all about the vibe, right. We want people to come here. We want you to get electrified when you come in here to get a vibe from not that you cant get from any other gym. What we ended up doing is putting the method of how i trained as a professional athlete, being able to stabilize, being able to activate and being able to perform. I took you through the first three rooms, the form room, the tread room and the hit room. This is the performance room. So the more avid [ indiscernible ]. So we will lift weights, because youre trying to build muscle. Youre trying to go through the strength and power phase when you get to that point. Jedediah demarcus, can you show us a couple of fitness tips that we can see from here . Actually, heres some exercise you can do at home. Angela demonstrates. This is a pop squat to pushup. This is a pop squat here. This is a full body intersize to push exercise to pushup. Pop squat, push up here, using your core. This is a full body exercise. The next exercise, it is very complex. Its a courtesy, squat, reverse lung, to su sumo squat. You can do this at home. Courtesy, squat, reverse lung, to sumo squat. This right here is a leg bunker. Pete weve got to live it here, listen, a minority owned of business opening in the middle of a pandemic. We wish you the best. Looks like you could play right now if the cowboys called you back. Good luck. Youll be a hall of famer one day. More fox friends moments away. Im walking on sunshine. We see you. Looking out for all of us. But you cant lose sight of your own wellbeing especially if you have a serious chronic medical condition. At aetna, were always here to help you focus on your health. Because its always time for care. Jedediah now pete, youve been talking about mcdonalds all morning long. I heard you got a special delivery. What happened . Pete steven pete from tennessee sent a mobile order of mcdonalds to us onset. So thank you, steven pete. We love you. And the mcdonalds has been awesome. Here you go, dave, stage manager, you get one. Will. You know what tennessee is, right . The volunteer state. We love you america. Well see you tomorrow. Neil it is a saturday in august and the house is in session, soon to vote on the measure to shore up support for the United States Postal Service, its a 25 billion measure at that and it also goes back retroactively to where the monies were at the beginning of the year, before there were efforts by the postmaster general to introduce a lot of new things like new equipment, take out some old equipment, deal with the limited budget, all of that. But nancy pelosi called the troops back in to vote on a measure that by

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