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Welcome to fox news at night. We begin with the nominal footage from the Demilitarized Zone separating the koreas where the two leaders make history as they shake hands. The meeting and on the heels of mike pompeos historic meeting with kim jong un. Kim jong un telling the south korean president he doesnt want to repeat the past. The white house as it is hopeful that talks will achieve progress toward peace, a potential summit with donald trump. Chief National Correspondent ed henry has all the details from the white house and Senior Foreign Affairs correspondent with us from seoul where we begin tonight. Hello, greg. A new history starts now. Those are the hopeful words from kim jong un on this historic morning in south korea. The First Time Since the korean war a north korean crossed into south korea, shaking hands with his host, the south korean president moon. I have seen this youngster a few times and never seen him this assured. And the korean honor guard, a carefully staged ceremony. Some commentators said he made a point of not looking into the eye of the south Korean Military president. In the guestroom, the socalled peace house in this joint security area, talked about an age of peace. At avast oval conference table where the first two sessions began north and south leaders face to face sitting across from each other, government insiders tell me much has been agreed on today, and there is still work to be done, how far kim is willing to go with denuclearization. The last year of missiles from the north, this is a big concern of the united states, the white house going on to say looking forward to more discussion leading up to their own summit with kim jong un and donald trump. Another major session this afternoon between the two leaders of north and south korea and a final statement should be coming from these two leaders, we should be if theres any substance on this important day. Heather north korea on a day of the confirmations for the pres. Ed henry here with the latest. You heard Donald Trumps frustration with democratic instruction is him during his interview with fox and friends. There is a backlog of his nominees, that it would take 9 years to get all his nominees confirmed, longer than he would be in office even if he serves two terms. Trying to get senators to work weekends if they have to, get this back on track, and there were two victories for the pres. Mike pompeo sworn in by Supreme Court Justice Samuel alito after winning, much smaller than major bipartisan support Hillary Clinton and john kerry got but the white house trying to turn the page by noting the prominent role in talks with north korea mike pompeo is playing, the first photos meeting secretly with dictator kim jong un over easter weekend, great to have secretary pompeo conference, he will do an excellent job helping to denuclearize the korean peninsula. Another win for the president , rick brunel confirmed ambassador to germany after months of delays, obstructionism would have been magnified if he was not confirmed by tomorrow when Angela Merkel arrives. Not just iran but north korea as well, a big loss for the pres. Rear admiral Ronnie Jackson pulled out of consideration for sec. Of veterans affairs, put out a statement declaring he would not dignify the baseless charges with any more comment. The pres. Unloaded on democrats, signed autographs for the children of reporters who came to the white house for take your kid to workday. A great man, treated very unfairly. He got treated really unfairly. The president is what caused this problem by not properly vetting or making these decisions on the fly, by making sure they dont count. Reporter the white house seems to because offguard by these allegations but they went through a series of performance reports and reviews for jackson, glowing reports from barack obama, the real story, democrats running down someone they call a good man. Take your child to workday. My daughter is only 13, i know shes kind of interested in journalism, she keeps a journal, in the rose garden, i had no idea she was going to jump into this, had a chance to meet donald trump and did what kids do today, she turned on the smart phone and started taking video in the office while i was not there. I think there is some sound. Heather she was up close with the president. Starts tugging these kids talking about the Fake News Media and all that and what is interesting is he was saying your parents are so tough on me but you guys seem really nice, you dont see this behindthescenes side of the president hugging people in the rough and tough president so got a little nice behindthescenes view. Today, mike emanuels on got to ask nancy pelosi, the House Minority leader a question. They dont need us anymore. A note on secretary pompeo, calling his nomination a victory, the president of the Susan B Anthony list says he is committed to upholding the dignity of every human being has americas top diplomat. Planned parenthood apologizing to the world for what they call the confirmation of an antiwoman, antilgbt you and antimuslim secretary of state. Guilty on all counts, bill cosby once known as americas dad was accused of 2014 of sexual assault, whether being dozens of women coming forward. In norristown, pennsylvania trial concluded, more details. Guilty guilty guilty, the verdict after 14 hours of deliberation for a jury made of 7 men and five women. The 80yearold comic legend a convicted felon accused and charged of sexually assaulting Andrea Konstantin at his home in 2004. He left the court with a smile on his face as though he was acquitted, put his hand in the air, ran back into his car, he is now on house arrest, released on a 1 million bail. The judge taking away his passport to make sure he does not flee. Big moment happened inside, he was stoic when the verdict was read which happened in the courtroom but there was a big moment when he lashed out, when the da asked the judge to revoke his bail citing that he had a private plane and could flee so he thought he should remain in jail, be put in jail immediately. He said he, quote, doesnt have a plane, you ahole, i am sick of you, he yelled at the da. And that is the real bill cosby, not the actor. We have shown from our record that money and power are who you are, will not stop us from a criminal investigation or prosecuting the case. What was revealed was a man who had spent decades praying on women, he drugged and sexually assaulted. Reporter Andrea Konstantin said bill cosby gave her pills and sexually assaulted her. Bill cosby said it was consensual. The jury in this case obviously believing Andrea Konstantin. She went through this last summer and there was a hung jury after 52 hours of deliberation. The big thing in this case the 5 women that were allowed to testify that accused bill cosby of the same thing in the 80s allow the prosecution to layout a pattern of behavior, bill cosbys lawyer said they are going to appeal. Is his defense attorney. Bill cosby, the comic legend, the convicted felon, could likely die in prison, 30 years in prison. Heather lets bring in an attorney who is familiar with the details of these allegations were present 7 women who have sued bill cosby for defamation, a Trial Attorney joins us live, great to have you with us. Were you surprised by this verdict . There was one unsuccessful trial already. Know. I sat through most of the evidence and it was overwhelming that bill cosby engaged in a pattern, practice of mentoring and abusing young women for personal gratification and the jury saw that and did the right thing which was to convict bill cosby. Heather five of his accusers were allowed to take the stand and testify, what difference did that make . It wasnt just Andrea Konstantin and her telling of the story, that i was mentor and given a drug and abused. We had other women who talked about their similar stories, bill cosby ingratiating himself with parents or grandparents come mentoring these young women and giving them drugs or alcohol and using them. It was a common scheme he employed for his personal gratification and the jury understood that and said we are not going to tolerate this in our society. Heather lets get reaction from his defense team. We are very disappointed by the verdict. We dont think bill cosby is guilty of anything and the fight is not over. Heather they are going to appeal. He is free on bail. The prosecutors asked for him to be jailed right away but sentencing in the next 60 days is my understanding that he is free at this point. One of the first questions, can you explain to me why he is allowed to remain free in the meantime . The judge takes certain factors into consideration, is he a flight risk, they determined he is going to be under house arrest, put on a monitoring bracelet or what have you so they know his whereabouts. To listen to the defense teams reaction, we dont believe he is guilty. And heard the evidence and knew he was guilty, resoundingly convicted bill cosby of heinous crimes. Patty 1 is there any reversible error or obvious point of appeal as they take this to the next level . The judge was measured, he allowed all the evidence in and the jury considered all and determined in their society we will not allow predatory behavior of young women regardless of position of power and we will hold you responsible and will be accountable, they resoundingly rebuked bill cosbys claims of innocence. Heather will that go back to active litigation . Clients are anxious to tell their story but they are not liars like bill cosby branded them and they look forward to having a good name and reputation restored. Heather thank you for coming in tonight. The interview we have been waiting for, you wanted answers including comeys reaction to donald trump calling him a leaker and a criminal. Facts really do matter which is why i am on the show to answer your questions. That memo was unclassified than it is still unclassified. The fbi cleared the book before it could be published. That is a false statement. Heather bret baer talks about the newsmaking interview and tom brokaw, car up in the me too movement, details on the allegations against him coming up. It took guts to start my business. But as it grew bigger and bigger, it took a whole lot more. Thats why i switched to the spark cash card from capital one. With it, i earn unlimited 2 cash back on everything i buy. Everything. Whats in your wallet . Dray, when he was younger, he loved to smile; and we knew he would need braces because his teeth were coming in funny. Thats when he had the bunny rabbits. We called him the bunny rabbit. Now, those are the same two front teeth, there, that they are now. Then dray ended up having to wear braces for 5 years because he never made it to appointments, because he was busy playing basketball. If he missed practice, he dont get to play in the game. This is the picture that was on the front page of the newspaper. 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Still yes xfinity delivers gig speed to more homes than anyone. Now you can get it, too. Welcome to the party. Shannon President Trump calling his former fbi director the one he fired, a leaker, and a liar. James comey got a chance to Heather Donald trump calling his former fbi director, the one he fired, a leaker and a liar. James comey responded with bret baer about the wideranging interview beginning with dozens of questions he fired off tonight. What most struck me was the fact that he said as of tonight he still cant say that definitively the steel dossier was funded. Heather that caught everyone off guard. I still dont know that for a fact, funded first by republicans. That is not true. The dossier Christopher Steele worked on. The activity was begun, steel was hard to look into was first funded by republicans, then picked up by democrats oppose to donald trump. Reporter this was used for all kinds of things including applications that led to fisa warrants but i didnt know he is still unaware where the funding came from. I dont understand how that is possible. If you are head of this investigation for weeks you are lying and he says it was a smaller part then we hear on capitol hill. But lying on a salacious document. And it doesnt seem to add up. Someone opposed to donald trump, republicans and democrats. Briefing the president elect and pres. Obama on what this really means. What they meant, he needed context for that, whether it was valid and unbiased. And be questioned. Including candidate trump. Deals with the bleach bids and server and cheryl mills. He interviews Michael Flynn and intragoal in this case. He was one of many people involved, a reasonable question to ask and when i saw the text i was deeply disappointed but never saw any bias, any reflection. He went on to say couldnt read the context. And those two fbi agents. And the inherent animus toward donald trump. And tweet in by a viewer, what was meant by the insurance policy when stzrok and page were talking about it. It really does go to a Bigger Picture of what was happening behindthescenes. He had lied four times 2 beaking information to the media. There has been back and forth on that. He coordinated with comey, you asked him how he feels about the relationship, publicly supported him. He stood tall for the agency and stood up against small people to tear the institution down. After seeing the ig report i asked him does it stand tall . A whole list of questions. It was a good one because he stood by mccabe, a stellar career, should pay for that. That is not my job. He decided not to go forward with prosecution on Hillary Clinton. Heather he was late but got a lot of time. You were barely through the question and so many things he hasnt been asked. I had a long list of other followups and questions, his decision not to call for special counsel in the Hillary Clinton case, he had a question about Loretta Lynch but doesnt call for special counsel, he writes in his book it would be brutally unfair, to interpret something on special counsel. In the trump case he gets to a different place and leaks the memo for special counsel even though he doesnt know us tonight, the dossiers. Heather tension between him and Loretta Lynch, more information by leaps and bounds we heard of to this point. This is a fox news alert, Kristin Fisher is checking out what we know about the new Text Messages, what are you finding out tonight . Previously missing Text Messages were so controversial because they cover critical time in the russia investigation was the firing of Michael Flynn and james comey and appointment of the special counsel took place between december 2016 and may 2017 and now cnn has gone its hands on some of those Text Messages that were turned over to congress and they do include discussions of those very events. And after comey was fired a tough time processing tonight. And i feel the same loss. And the vision of greatness for the strong but flawed organization, angry and morning. Some are raising more questions than answers, right after comey was fired. We need to open the case, unclear what case he is referring to or why it needed to be open, recently fired Andrew Mccabe still in charge. And deeply disappointed in the antitrump bias displayed in these texts. The level of animus they had, what have you done . With significant investigations. Reporter they were later removed from the russia investigation by the special counsel, the president and his allies say it is too late, the damage has been done. When asked about Text Messages this morning on fox and friends. Look at the corruption at the top of the fbi, in our Justice Department which i tried to stay away from but i wont, our Justice Department, looking at that stuff. Collusion with russia. There is no collusion with me and russia. Heather the fbi blamed these missing texts on a technical issue with samsung phones and use terrific forensic tools, and some are simply impossible to understand. Hard to understand. They need more questions than answers. Numerous atty. Gen. Ron osco with welcome to both of you. I will start with you. Talking about these messages between the two fbi employees, comey was disappointed but didnt see bias. What do you see . They were biased against a lot of people. The relevant question, did their political leanings or personal beliefs impact the case, the Inspector General is looking for that, it out to be considered in any discipline being planned, no agent should be putting themselves in that position where your personal biases. And what they wanted to know. And and the content of them. Here is what House Oversight Committee Chair got from comeys description of what he did. It is a felon. It was what he did. Looking into the news of those memos and how they were handled. What were seeing here is mr. Comey lives by one set of rules, and applied to the agent in the fbi. The only question is the information leak was classified but already privileged, he is leaking confidential conversations between the fbi director of the pres. To the media without the pres. s position. This is a great damage to the fbi internally and externally. What pres. And the future is going to trust another fbi director that you can discuss confidential matters with him. Fbi agents are going to trust their leadership to understand they live by the same rules they hold their agents to the rest of us in the public. Heather i want to ask you to weigh in on Hillary Clinton investigation. What are you going to be looking for . More detail. I think brett did a great job tonight in starting his q a with jim comey asking how the Hillary Clinton investigation was conducted, asking details why no grand jury, there were a number of grants of immunity, not great by jim comey, and it is exposed to the light of day. Heather or comments . Whatever the ig report shows come you cant get away from the fact that mr. Comey violated Justice Department guidelines several times by discussing publicly, and reopening it and closing it again, last thing you should be doing in an Election Year is naming the targets of investigations when you drop them in the end. Heather we will wait for that report, thank you for your time. Another bigname television incorrect used of sexual misconduct, nbcs tom brokaw, and an update on baby alfie, the british Healthcare System coming up. Hold on dad. Liberty did what . Yeah, Liberty Mutual 24hour roadside assistance helped him to fix his flat so he could get home safely. My dad says our insurance doesnt have that. Dont worry i know what a lug wrench is, dad. Is this a lug wrench . Maybe . You can leave worry behind when liberty stands with youâ„¢. Liberty stands with youâ„¢. Liberty mutual insurance. Have discovered something strong. E dependable. Long lasting. Theyve found themselves in a chevy truck. And now, you can too. See for yourself why chevrolet is the most awarded and Fastest Growing brand the last four years overall. Switch into a new chevy now. Current competitive owners can gethree thousand dollars total cash allowance on most colorado pickups. Find new roads at your local chevy dealer. I no wondering, what if . Uncertainties of hep c. 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Linda vester, veteran journalis a veteran journalist from is nbc, cbs and this network accusing tom brokaw of sexual harassment. The woman speaking against him on the condition of anonymity making similar claims. This breaking story, more on this front. Because of matt lauer, linda bester has nothing to gain from telling this story, shes not seeking a job. She spoke to variety, a former war correspondent for nbc, pretty gripping detail in the 1990s a couple separate instances. I jammed myself up against the back of the sofa and like this, to show, with all the body language i can muster that i am terrified, i dont want him here. Im not interested. Reached behind for a couple min. And shook out of sheer panic. And said i am safe. She shared this variety spoke to at the time. And she felt trapped in these instances, when in london, this man could destroy my career. The Washington Post is reporting similar allegations. Heather this is what tom brokaw says, i met with linda bester on two occasions at her request, 23 years ago, because she wanted advice with respect to her career at nbc, the meetings were brief, cordial and appropriate despite lindas allegations i made the romantic overtures towards her at that time or any other. Nbc has no further comments but i covered most of brokaws career at nbc. I never heard a whisper or rumor about this sort of thing, married to the same woman for 50 years but if this account is to be believed it shows how these things could have happened allegedly, intimidating younger women, isnt it striking it happens the day bill cosby, icon of a different sort, convicted in the retrial, accused by 60 women. After going through the matt lauer situation, who was accused of far worse, through forcible attempt kissing, nbc it seems has a problem with its culture. This happened in other news organizations including fox. The question is what is nbc going to do . Will he speak out rather than issue a statement . Being in this business, i have heard similar allegations. Interesting to see what comes of this. As you mentioned she doesnt want anything, suing anybody, the primary purpose is she wants other women to be brave enough to speak about their own experiences. What happened in the past, released to allegations of mr. Brokaw, how did the matt lauer situation go on for decades, were there others, and i think the network will address it more forthrightly. Heather you were in the middle of that story. All the networks very swiftly against matt lauer but tom brokaw was an icon, the face of nbc news for 25 years. Making changes we have here. Thanks for coming in late. Citizens protesting fight as the fight for baby alfies life continues was we have an update, we will follow up from the parkland shooting, the Broward County sheriff being scrutinized. Tracy gallagher has that story next. It. 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A huge review for the sheriff, rick scott to replace israel, heres a union spokesperson. Watch. We ask you to change policies that are failing, ask you to change your leadership to make it resembling reporter israel responded he is only accountable to citizens of Broward County, with this inconsequential union vote which was designed to 6. 5 pay raise, a big part of the no vote stems from sheriffs real, and Marjorie Stoneman douglas high, and despite knowing the shooter location, sheriffs real, watch. Went in, addressed, killed the killer, remained outside for upwards of four minutes. Devastated, sick to my stomach. There are no words. Reporter deputies believe sheriffs real should have waited for the investigation to be completed before weighing and considering there are reports that during the parkland shooting other Broward County sheriffs deputies took cover behind cars and trees even though they too knew where the shooter was inside the building. Coral springs police say they saw deputies taking shelter as they rushed past them to get to the school. And Governor Scott is, quote, disgusted with School Resource deputy did not rush into the building. Heather protesters are lined up in the fight for baby alfies life goes on. An update on that next as we learn more about why the uk is blocking his parents from getting treatment. People said it just made a mess until exxonmobil scientists put it to the test. They thought someday it could become fuel and power our cars wouldnt that be cool . And thats why exxonmobil scientists think its not small at all. Energy lives here. They have businesses to run they have passions to pursue how do they avoid trips to the post office . Stamps. Com mail letters ship packages all the Amazing Services of the post office right on your computer get a 4 week trial plus 100 in extras including postage and a digital scale go to stamps. Com tv and never go to the post office again go to stamps. 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Shannon as you know, weve heather we have been reporting lightly on baby alfie, the british toddler fighting inside a british hospital that refuses to feed him because he is suffering an undiagnosed neurological degenerative disorder and refusing to take his let his parents taken elsewhere for treatment, the power of the state of the individual, James Freeman with an editorial board, thanks for being with us tonight. What do you make of this case and what we are seeing play out . It is chilling. A lot of americans just tuning in, i should be interviewing you on this topic but it is surprising because we normally think of these horrible situations when a government run Health System runs out of money and they start going to the death panel nightmare scenario. It is not about the money, it is about power. The british legal system says it is not up to parents. It is up to hospitals to decide when a situation is hopeless and time to give up care. Shannon there has been air ambulance and their transport standing by, italy granted citizenship, there are other hospitals and doctors, give this a try and the uk, the parents are praising the hospital for doing the best they can with this difficult situation. Withdrawing food from this little boy. Why wont they just let him go . Interesting piece, a lot of people wondering the only conceivable reason the uk would refuse to let him go is they are terrified he might be successfully treated. If they are wrong on the question of life and death being scrutinized internationally no one would trust and end of life assessment again. This would require the british healthcare and judicial system to do the one thing bureaucracies bristle at doing, knowing how it undermines their institutional authority. They have to admit they were wrong. They cant do it. To preserve the public trust the child must start. The doctors at the british hospital have not been able to diagnose the problem. They say he is certainly doomed but they dont understand what happened to him. If you point out on previous shows, monday when they turned off his ventilator the expectation was he would die. In february the hospital told the court it would be a handful of breaths, he would pass away in moments, couldnt live without the ventilator. Call it a miracle, collect confusion on the part of the doctors asserting their authority, he survived and here we are thursday night. They did allow him the ventilator and water even though it was clear to tuesday he was surviving on his own despite their prediction he would die monday. Shannon a lot of people have shown up at the hospital, some say they have been there peacefully, they have been out in force. The police tweeting, we want to make people aware social media posts being posted in relation to the alfie evans situation are being monitored and may be acted upon, the link to the full statement hemingway adding not only are we going to kill this child but throw you in jail for complaining about it. This has a lot of people very upset. Warning against threats of violence, they are monitoring peoples messages on social media. Having no rights for the parents to decide how the child will be treated and people dont have the right to comment, really chilling. I hope it is not a preview of the united states. If you want to take comfort we see hundreds of thousands of people across britain saying this is not the system we want, we want the parents to have rights, the patients to have rights and the polish government as well wanting to help. Heather wrote an excellent piece on this, you talk about issues in the united states, people say that is fear mongering but you have specific cases. Thank you very much and thank you at home for joining us tonight, mostwatched, most trusted and most grateful you spent the evening with us, see you friday. From capital one. With it, i earn unlimited 2 cash back on everything i buy. Everything. And that 2 cash back adds up to thousands of dollars each year. So i can keep growing my business in big leaps whats in your wallet . Ive been making blades here at gillette for 20 years. I bet im the first blade maker youve ever met. Theres a lot of innovation that goes into making our thinnest longest lasting blades on the market. Precision machinery and highquality materials from around the world. Nobody else even comes close. Its about delivering a more comfortable shave every time. Invented in boston, made and sold around the world. Now starting at 7. 99. Gillette. The best a man can get. Heather friday, april 27th and this is fox and friends first is happening right now on the east coast a fox news alert. History being made with a single handshake. Kim jong un promising a new beginning in the landmark interkorean summit, live with what this critical step means for Donald Trumps upcoming sit down. Did you leak things to mr. Richmond . I am smiling but i dont consider it a leak. We can argue

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