Transcripts For FOXNEWSW Fox News Night With Shannon Bream 20180728 07:00:00

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A recap of the day's headlines and a look at what's in store for tomorrow.
before the boom went bust until end of the clinton administration. in 1984, three years after the first reagan tax-cut the annual gdp had 7.2%. many critics believe we will never hit those sustained numbers again. the 2008 recession weeded out antiquated jobs especially manufacturing. now replaced by automation and industrialization of third world countries but new jobs are coming back in advanced manufacturing, hence the need for retraining. that is what matt told the president of iowa tuesday, he has one and 50 employees and needs a lot more. >> the jobs are out there. they don't know what to do. we are so busy we have guys on mandatory overtime, they are great guys, i just want more of them. i saw a guy, always hiring, that is a good sign. >> whether those gdp numbers are sustainable may depend on whether employers like that can fill those vacant jobs. they are trying to do that by setting up expensive job retraining programs made possible in part by donald
look for a job, great numbers came out today and when you couple it with regulatory reform building for the last year and a half, when we ran on these policies, we could run on them again and continue this expansion voters have a choice, do you want more jobs and high wages or more government and higher taxes which is what democrats are selling. >> how much credit do you give that to tax cuts? >> significant credit but it is also the regulatory changes. i remember reading a story last year that because of the overregulation in the financial sector alone, 650,000 fewer small businesses created over the last eight years than otherwise could have been, 61/2 million jobs, the same economist talked about the two speed economy. the big businesses were just fine, but small to medium-sized
other numbers, the number of people able to find jobs, the number of postings out there. this is all very good, consumer confidence, any number of pieces of data pointing toward the strong economy and i see that when i talk with voters in western pennsylvania. >> as we look ahead to midterm elections 100 days away how will people feel a strong gdp? >> they will see more money in their pocket, understand where we have been the last eight years prior to this administration, the slowest economic recovery since the great depression that was out there. the financial services committee, chairwoman yellen talking about persistent economic headwinds, those headwinds are abated because of the regulatory reform we have done, the tax reform we have done, this is all very good news for the small business community and the american consumer. >> how optimistic are you for
your fellow republicans heading into the midterms? >> we were just beginning the august recess, we talk to our voters and see what is happening and continue to do things the american people look us to do, we want to secure the border, take care of immigration, we had a good bill a couple weeks ago. we came up short, we will work on that. people want the borders secured, we need to know who is coming into this country. the bill we had was a strong bill, we hope we can move forward on that. it is helping the economy on the energy sector. this is good news for the american people. do you want to go to a more stagnant economy or a healthier economy. hard-working taxpayers want a healthy economy, more jobs,
higher wages, we don't want to pay more taxes, that is the chance nancy pelosi and democrats are offering because they want to cancel the tax-cut which means canceling things like opportunity zones. great part of this tax bill that looks at communities across the country, communities right here in western pennsylvania with opportunities drawing private-sector capital into these communities, good news for those communities. >> if you keep the gop majority in november work at this economy go over the next two years? >> look at the economy we had in the 1980s and the 90s, sustained growth rates, 5% in some quarters. you don't want to go backwards and continue to do what we did during the obama administration, over regulate this economy, have people in washington dc pick winners and losers, people in washington dc micromanage this aspect of the economy or that aspect of the economy.
that is not the way the economy is supposed to work, you want a freer economy, healthier economy, more opportunity for people, democrats are having a problem right now, primaries in new york, people calling themselves democratic socialists, take a look at the socialist website they want to transition to a socialist society where the means and resources are democratically and socially controlled. that is a recipe for paralysis of an economy so now we want to continue moving in the direction of a freer economy with more opportunity for people. >> thanks for your time, sir. >> there is growing concern about china's long-term goals, american intelligence officials worry beijing has its sights set on replacing the uss top economic and military superpower. chief intelligence correspondent catherine herridge looks at the evidence.
>> would like to repeat there was no collusion. >> the news cycle remains fixated on russian election meddling, in recent days the nation's top intelligence officials have warned china is rising. >> we have economic espionage investigations in all 50 states that trace back to china. >> the long-term threat is clearly china. the economic power of a country that size, it's ambition. >> during a senate confirmation hearing. >> consistent with the rest of the intelligence community china is one of our biggest focus areas or should be in terms of the threat now and threat looking into the future. >> experts describe the chinese government strategy is ambitious and designed to dominate robotics and artificial intelligence by inquiry or stealing american secrets.
this nondescript high-rise in shanghai, unit 69318, the chinese military unit is blamed for the most aggressive and organized cyberattacks. the debate reached a senate panel where us trade representative defended tariffs against the aggressive china. >> if your conclusion is china taking over our technology you are right. we should capitulate. my view is how we got where we are. >> it goes beyond the threat of intellectual property expanding its physical reach through a dispute in the south china sea. >> you see them spreading the coral islands or strategic and so forth. they have a long-term strategy. >> reporter: director of national intelligence who oversees 16 agencies emphasize the us must decide whether china is a true adversary or legitimate competitor adding in a short-term beijing must understand the us will no longer tolerate theft of american secrets. >> the helsinki summit with
donald trump and vladimir putin has drawn criticism from across the political spectrum and the pair are readying for round 2. the president's firing back at his former personal lawyer michael cohen. allison barber has all the details tonight. >> good evening. it was an invitation for vladimir putin to visit dc in the fall, then it was postponed, two days ago the white house that the meeting would take place after the russia witchhunt is over and after the first of the year now. another invitation for vladimir putin. >> translator: we are ready for such a meeting, we are ready to invite donald trump to moscow. he has such an invitation. i'm prepared to go to washington but the appropriate conditions for work are created.
>> it is unclear what those conditions are but the white house seems to like the idea. in a statement sarah sanders said donald trump looks forward to having vladimir putin in washington and trump is open to visiting moscow upon receiving reciprocal, formal invitation. as for michael:the president's former attorney once known as his fixer, is willing to tell robert mueller that donald trump knew about the notorious june 2016 trump tower meeting after it was reported by cnn were donald trump junior agreed to meet with russian officials and claims to have dirt on hillary clinton. trump junior says he did not tell his father about the meeting before or after it took place in the senate judiciary committee when he testified before them. it is also what he told sean hannity. >> it was such a nothing there was nothing to tell. >> donald trump used twitter to criticize the russia probe and
special counsel for examining brought instruction and pushed back on the alleged cohen claims writing and part, quote, i did not know of the meeting with my son don junior. sounds like someone is trying to make up stories to get himself out of an unrelated jam. the personal lawyer rudy giuliani says this situation, the liar here or even if not, donald trump, the liar here is:. >> number one he has lied to people about taping them. both the president and other people and went to subterfuge to do it like a whole little game showing how pathological he is. >> reporter: in an interview with abc two months ago, giuliani called:and honest honorable lawyer. >> thanks a lot. we will head out to indiana where red state democrat joe donnelly is up for tough reelection facing a tough
confirmation vote on supreme court nominee brett kavanaugh. and nancy pelosi feeling the wrath on social media for how she referred to 9/11. >> i said when i had the commission reformed. the louisiana purchase, is complete! instant purchase notifications from capital one . technology this helpful... could make history. what's in your wallet? at outback, there's one way to cook a steak. perfectly. and three ways for perfect shrimp. introducing steak & shrimp, starting at $15.99. whether you choose bbq, garlic butter or sweet & tangy shrimp, it'll be perfect. hurry in! steak & shrimp ends soon. i never count the wrinkles. and i don't add up the years. but what i do count on... is staying happy and healthy. so, i add protein, vitamins and minerals to my diet
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>> a democratic senator in >> democratic senator in indiana agreed to meet with brett kavanaugh. joe donnelly is the second democratic senator who has agreed to speak with him and his decision to do so reflects the tough spot he is and as he is seeking reelection this fall. mike tobin has more. >> indiana incumbent senator joe donnelly is one of those red state democrats up for reelection who is in a pinch over donald trump's pick for the supreme court, brett kavanaugh. the republican challenger is in a comfortable position as his opponent is caught between the senate minor leadership schumer who vowed to fight the cavanagh confirmation of the will of hoosier voters who voted overwhelmingly by 19 points in favor of donald trump. >> tough when you belong to a party like joe does where he
would like to vote otherwise but has to check with chuck schumer on every vote. >> donnelly voting for brett cavanagh would not come as a surprise, he is a pro-life democrat who voted to confirm neil gorsuch. he is under pressure on indiana's airwaves to do the same for brett kavanaugh. >> he came to the extreme left to confirm a new justice and protect our rights. >> the story remains the same. >> tom huff says his listeners want donnelly to give an unbiased look. >> people are tired of the vitriol and folks want a fair hearing for this guy and you hear democrats say we are against this guy without even knowing who he is. >> with the race won't indiana voters think donnelly will need to cast a trump friendly vote. >> he has to disappoint his party and vote in favor of the nominee and then we will see where the chips fall. >> donnelly has been
noncommittal on this sensitive vote releasing only a statement saying he will take the same approach he did for the last supreme court vacancy adding that he, quote, will carefully review and consider the record and qualifications of brett kavanaugh. senate democrats have been refusing the customary meeting with brett kavanaugh demanding republicans produce paperwork about his past before hand, senator donnelly scheduled a meeting anyway, the campaign accused him of caving to pressure. >> thanks a lot. time now for your real news roundup. six women coming for accusing cbs chairman and ceo less moonvess of forceful advances according to a bombshell new report. mendez responding to the allegations in a statement to the new yorker saying, quote, those were mistakes and i regret them immensely but i always understood and respected and abided by the principal that no
means no and i never misused my position to harm or hinder anyone's career. nancy pelosi catching a lot of heat on social media referring to the 9/11 terror attacks as an incident. take a listen. >> i said to some of you before that when we had the 9/11 commission formed and they made the recommendation they made recommendations to protect america. >> a harvard university sorority that said the push to go coed says it will no longer just recruit women. greece fadeout will disaffiliated from its national organization and rename itself they do theta sigh following recent efforts by the university to punish heads of single-sex groups. talk about a prickly warning. abuzz feed technology reporter tweeting this about her experience on san francisco's
transit system this morning, please look around you for needles before you sit down. there is at least one needle in car 1551 and there may be others. thank you. up next, the remains of more than 50 korean war service men are returned from north korea. trace is here to tell us how the remains will be identified and returned to their families. on the 65th anniversary of the end of the conflict donald trump says this is just the beginning. >> we have many others coming but i want to thank chairman kim for fulfilling a promise he made to me.
strategists are pushing party candidates to campaign on the president's relationship with vladimir putin in hopes of attracting independent voters. is a smart strategy? tonight's panel is here to debate. the cohost of the five juan williams and editorial director of the daily caller. thanks for being here. is that the key to winning over moderate democrats? >> this is such an interesting strategy because thinking of it from a democrat's point of view i would think what happened in helsinki did not benefit the president although afterwards polls indicated republican voters did not move away from him on the basis of the harsh criticism he received even from his most loyal supporters like newt gingrich who described it as one of the worst moments of his presidency. >> your reaction and what about using russia as a campaign issue? >> the president's approval
rating techstep during the helsinki event. this is a guy who continues to defy political gravity. he has done this throughout his political career. this idea democrats want to push russia is the thing to run on, i think you'll have some republican strategists very excited by that notion. gallup tracks most important issue in the country to most people, 22% say immigration. they can't even track concerned about russia. is not above half of a percentage point, democrats are picking an issue average americans don't care about but in washington -- >> mike said it was republicans thinking of running on this issue, not democrats. >> speaking of democrats, democrats sounding the alarm about upcoming midterms. listen to chris murphy and i will get you to react. >> russians are right now as we speak attempting to interfere in
the 2018 election and they are regularly using their army of bots, army of internet trolls to support trump's agenda. schumer shutdown was trending online a year ago only because of russian government bots. this is a present and clear danger to the united states, not just about finding out what happened in 2016 but stopping it today. >> is that over-the-top? >> know. it is important and the president has expressed that a bunch of times in the white house has been big on the cyber security efforts they are undertaking to stop any incursion by russians or any other various actor. >> donald trump is eager to sell the economy. listen to this. >> we are the economic envy of the entire world, the leaders of countries, the first thing they say invariably is mister president, nice to meet you,
congratulations on your economy, you are leading the entire world. they say it almost each and every time. america is being respected again and winning again because we are putting america first. >> what about the -- >> it is his strong suit, today was good news for the country and good news for the president. obviously he tries to take the credit as if we haven't had a long trend of growth over many quarters now, the longest in the country's history but he deserves credit in the sense that it has continued under his watch. the problem is republicans hoped the tax-cut package was something they can fly the flag on going into the midterms. it has not proven to be that. people complain about not seeing wage growth, disparities in terms every wards of the tax package going to big corporations and the rich without having impact on ordinary workers. that is why he was out in
illinois and iowa talking about subsidies for farmers given the possibility of a trade war. >> the suggest the president is taking credit in spite of donald trump, the tax package played a role in helping gdp and deregulation donald trump put in place had a tremendous impact on pushing it forward, and -- >> i don't think you can quantify it. >> trucking, all the vital signs of a healthy economy the president played a role. >> i don't see that we see the investment in capital infrastructure by corporations and that -- we are in store for growth but i don't see it based on that. >> looking for weakness in these numbers is a sign it is working for the president. >> have a great weekend. new tonight using signs to bring closure to the remains of dozens of us military personnel lost in
the korean war twee 7 decades ago heading home tonight, trace gallagher tells us about the diplomatic just to that could enter painful lingering questions for hundred of american families. >> this was a rare trip by a us plane into north korea to retrieve 54 cases of remains of soldiers killed during the korean war from 1950 to 53. returning the soldiers part of a promise made to donald trump during their summit in singapore last month. the remains carried inboxes and covered in blue united nations flags our military base in south korea where they will be honored and flown to hawaii for testing. a series of examinations will determine if the remains are american or allied troops, 7700 us soldiers are still listed as missing in north korea, 36,000 americans lost their lives there. here is donald trump. >> i want to thank chairman kim for fulfilling a promise that he
made to me and i'm sure he will continue to fulfill that promise as they search. >> but identifying and returning the remains tend to be a challenging process, the biggest forensic anthropology lab in the world. first the remains are examined to determine features like sex, race and age of death, genealogists look at the soldier's family trees for possible dna samples, 99% of service members from korea have no dna record on file that forensic anthropologists will examine remnants such as military uniforms, belongings and identification tags. expert say teeth and bones could be the source of mitochondrial dna which is used to match dna sequences on the mother's side of the family. bottom line the process can take months, even years. defense attorney james mattis was asked about of the remains
not yet released. >> a first step to restart the process. we want to explore additional efforts to bring others home. we are looking at this. this is the first step. >> it is believed north korea has 200 sets of human remains. today they released 54. >> many are hailing the return of the remains as a positive first that there is still speculation north korea could use the return of future remains as a bargaining chip against the trump administration's push for the kim regime to fully denuclearize. daniel hoffman, fox news contributor and former station chief who served in moscow, iraqi and pakistan, great to have you here, thanks for being here. the families of weighted decades for the remains of their loved ones to come home. listen to this. >> the return of remains of men
who died 60 some years ago should not be a matter of politics. we are pleased diplomacy and humanitarian approach to this matter has taken hold. there is a lot that needs to be done. this is a very exciting time for us. >> you served a lot of dangerous places, what does it mean to get remains decades later? >> i can tell you from having lost friends, there is nothing more solemn, more poignant, more meaningful than when we return the remains of the fallen to the families. and kim jong un knows that. he knows the value we place on human life in our country coming in. contrast to him who has assassinated members of his own family and horrific ways. the other part of that equation for us even though this is a
major win for the trump administration and the families, the remains of 55 fallen soldiers, estimated to be 7000 unaccounted for. the other part of the equation is kim jong un is a ruthless dictator, cynical and will seek to use this as part of his negotiation strategy to drag out negotiations and give him as many free passes as he can get on sanctions relief in return for this. we are holding firm to the sanctions but he is already trying to get sanctions relief from the russians and chinese and would like to get them from us. the president was very tough today, he said this is a first step and we are on a path toward denuclearization but it is going to be a challenge. >> a meaningful step. >> absolutely meaningful step. i remember working with the
israelis and they would trade 1000 s guys for one of theirs soldiers and that reflects again the importance to us to respect the fallen who gave their life for the freedom we enjoy in this country. it is a meaningful day for us all. unfortunately we have to take into account the geopolitical challenges we face. >> there are a lot of americans missing during the korean conflict, those killed in action. the regime is believed to have a lot of information about those folks. do you expect them to drag this out? >> given the nature of the kim jong un regime i think they will use those people as bargaining chips as despicable as that might seem to is all but credit the trump administration for
holding kim jong un to the agreement made in singapore. i was there for the summit and we tracked on this as an important element of these negotiations. this is part of the denuclearization effort. >> thanks for your time and expertise. when we return the trump administration wants to include a question about citizenship on the 2020 census. that has brought lawsuits to block it. we will hear from both sides of the argument, you are the jury, night court is next.
>> time for night court. on the docket tonight a federal judge >> time for night court. a federal judge giving the green light to a lawsuit to block the addition of a citizenship question on the 2020 census meaning a trial this fall putting 2 dozen states and civil rights groups against the trump administration. federal officials say it will enforce voting rights laws but critics call it discrimination saying it will discourage both legal and illegal immigrants from filling out the form. joining us to make their arguments for and against, a former criminal defense attorney and federal attorney and eric duster, civil and committal trial attorney, great to see both of you. why does adding this question to the 2020 census go over the line? who does this hurt the most? >> it hurts all of us. in order to get an accurate
census we need to know who is living where. it has a great impact on benefits, tax dollars and more importantly we know what the population is in each area to provide social services and many immigrants who are afraid to let people know they or here or may not be here may not go through the process, they are afraid to let people know where they are was hurts all of us in the allocation of services and education. >> you hear about the number of illegal immigrants in this country wouldn't this help us get a better handle on it? >> in part but that is not what the purpose is. the lawsuit proceeding and macrolevel of the lawsuit itself, tackling the judge's reasoning, letting this lawsuit
proceed against the trump administration, he cited commerce secretary ross avenue statements as potentially untrue and probably misleading in terms of adding the question because the judge said the department of justice goes from 0 interest in enforcing the voting rights act but that is exactly what adding the citizenship question does in the 2020 census, to gain an accurate data for voting age adults in order to know what the population is comprised of and secondly i know that he in his analysis of candidate and donald trump avenue statements called them racially charged. that is a conclusion that should be reserved for the jury moving forward. the judge said they have potential to be construed as that. for that reason alone that lawsuits should not have proceeded and there are additional issues with the lawsuit itself. >> a response? >> emily had a great point. the jury should decide. that is why the lawsuit should go forward. it is up to a jury to determine
whether this question is a valid question or not. we all must account for every person in a geographic area. it does impact voting and allocation of services and educational funds even if a person is not on the voting role, they may have children who depend on education services and that should be allocated based on the population. if you don't know where people are, we can't properly allocate funds and that hurts all of us including those who are against this. >> with this question have a better chance of making it onto the 2020 census if congress passed legislation authorizing it? >> yes but that is what i was about to say, that the appropriate vehicle for this is congress itself because since 1996 federal law dictator you must be a citizen to participate in a federal election. penalties up to deportation, imprisonment, disability and fines.
you can construe their intent. the appropriate vehicle is changing legislation. is not a lawsuit against the enforcers and if congress were to legislate this it would be a done deal until the courts lawsuit was filed again against those legislations. >> what would be the practical impact of this question went on the 2020 census? the states claim there would be a massive undercount. >> people will be afraid to answer. if you ask people you here illegally or not they won't answer the question because they are fearful they will alert ice and law enforcement of where they are and they will concentrate on those people. if you want an accurate count of head count is 12345, not who is here illegally and who is not. that is how you accurately get a census, not based on nationality or immigration.
>> emily and eric, thank you for your time, great to have both of you, have a wonderful weekend. when we return, iconic video viewed more than 2 billion times but what you say may not be what it claims to be. where in the world, next. of nowhere. you do, too, but not in time. hey, no big deal. you've got a good record and liberty mutual won't hold a grudge by raising your rates over one mistake. you hear that, karen? liberty mutual doesn't hold grudges... how mature of them. for drivers with accident forgiveness liberty mutual won't raise their rates because of their first accident. liberty mutual insurance. ♪ liberty. liberty. liberty. liberty ♪ with who we are as people and making everybody feel welcome. ordering custom ink t-shirts has been a really smart decision for our business. i love the custom ink design lab because it's really easy to use. they have customer service that you can reach anytime. t-shirts help us immediately get a sense of who we are as a group. from the moment clients walk in, they're able to feel like part of the family.
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world. national geographic says it wen >> time for where in the world, national graphics it went too far using this video folder bear dying in the canadian arctic to promote climate change. the video has been viewed 2.5 billion times. national geographic issue a correction saying while science has established a strong connection between melting sea ice and polar bears dying off there is no way to know for certain why this bear is on the verge of death. a biker gang job vladimir putin's angels reportedly setting up a military camp in slovakia. the group is believed to have settled into an abandoned military camp in the eastern european nation, slovakia's foreign minister is concerned about the anti-nato group's presence and monitoring his activities. is zoo in egypt rejecting
accusations it painted a donkey to look like a zebra. this viral image after visiting the international garden, let you be the judge. time for an update on a midnight hero. we showed you officer tony carlson of the tallahassee police department helping a homeless man shave in preparation for a job interview and the health did not stop there. after nailing his interview he was told the only thing standing between him and job was a government issued id card, carlson worked with marco rubio and the florida to permit of motor vehicles to help obtain proper identification and today started his new job at mcdonald's. best of luck. look at these incredible images from earlier tonight, the longest lunar eclipse of the
20th century, sky watchers viewed the eclipse that lasted an hour and 40 minutes. folks in north america were not able to see this eclipse but you will have a chance when the next eclipse happens january 21, 2019, that one will be visible in north america. good night. i just switched to go and got more. more? got a company i can trust. that's a heck of a lot more. over 75 years of great savings and service. you can't argue with more. why would ya? geico. expect great savings and a whole lot more. who would have guessed? an energy company helping cars emit less. making cars lighter, it's a good place to start, advanced oils for those hard-working parts. fuels that go further so drivers pump less.
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Hannity , Father , Hillary Clinton , Trump Tower , 2016 , June 2016 , Nothing , Probe , Twitter , Someone , Counsel , Instruction , My Son Don Junior , Cohen Claims Writing , Liar , Situation , Number One , Stories , Jam , Rudy Giuliani , Interview , Game , Subterfuge , Abc , Joe Donnelly , Reelection , Red State , Indiana , Thanksa Lot , Lawyer , Brett Kavanaugh , Social Media , Confirmation Vote , Supreme Court , Wrath , 9 11 , History , Wallet , Commission Reformed , Purchase Notifications , Louisiana Purchase , Shrimp , Steak , Ways , Bbq , Outback , Garlic Butter , 5 99 , 15 99 , Protein , Count , Minerals , Vitamins , Wrinkles , Add , Diet , All , High Protein , Body Needs , Boost , Great Taste , Upside , 33 , 26 , Life , Senator , Decision , Spot , Mike Tobin , Pick , Pinch , Party , Leadership Schumer , Favor , Position , Confirmation , Challenger , Will , Opponent , Points , Minor , Hoosier , 19 , Chuck Schumer , Pressure , Vote , Think Donnelly , Same , Rights , Voting , Justice , Listeners , Surprise , Airwaves , Left , Neil Gorsuch , Tom Huff , Folks , Race , Hearing , Won T , Indiana Voters , Vitriol , Chips , Friendly , Approach , Vacancy , Record , Paperwork , Campaign , Qualifications , Hand , Caving , Women , Chairman , News Roundup , Ceo , Advances , Cbs , Less Moonvess , Six , Saying , Allegations , Report , Mistakes , Principal , Bombshell New , New Yorker , Amendez , Career , Listen , Anyone , Heat , Terror Attacks , Incident , Commission , Recommendations , Recommendation , Push , Greece Fadeout , Sorority , Organization , Harvard University , Efforts , Experience , Reporter Tweeting , Groups , Heads , Single , University , Theta , Warning , Abuzz Feed Technology , San Francisco , Others , Car , Transit System , Morning , Up Next , 171551 , Families , Remains , North Korea , Men , Korean War , Conflict , The End , 65th Anniversary , 65 , Promise , Beginning , Strategists , Panel , Director , Relationship , Candidates , Hopes , Cohost , Juan Williams , Five , Thinking , Key , Daily Caller , It , Polls , Basis , Point Of View , Helsinki , Presidency , Supporters , Campaign Issue , Reaction , Approval Rating Techstep , Newt Gingrich , Thing , Event , Gravity , Run On , Issue , Notion , Gallup , Say , 22 , Percentage Point , Running , Average Americans Dont Care , Russians , Alarm , Chris Murphy , Army , Bots , Support Trump , Agenda , Internet Trolls , Shutdown , 2018 , Danger , Over The Top , It Today , Know , Times , Incursion , Bunch , Cyber Security , Actor , Leaders , Nice To Meet You , Congratulations , America First , Growth , We Haven T , Longest , Suit , Trend , Sense , Watch , Workers , Impact , Something , Corporations , Tax Package , Wage Growth , Tax Cut Package , Disparities , Wards , Rich , Possibility , Farmers , Put , Subsidies , Spite , Trade War , Iowa , Illinois , Trucking , Vital Signs , Store , Investment , Capital Infrastructure , Closure , Weekend , Signs , Weakness , Military Personnel , Dozens , Home , Questions , Trip , Hundred , Plane , Trace Gallagher , 7 , Soldiers , Cases , 1950 , 54 , 53 , Summit , Inboxes , Singapore , Military Base , Hawaii For Testing , South Korea , United Nations , Allied , Series , Examinations , Lives , 7700 , 36000 , Process , Death , Soldier , Sex , Age , Dna Samples , Family Trees , Genealogists , Forensic Anthropology Lab , Features , 99 , Members , Service , Dna Record , File , Anthropologists , Family , James Mattis , Source , Mitochondrial Dna , Teeth , Side , Bottom Line , Identification Tags , Military Uniforms , Belongings , Remnants , Bones , Mother , Dna Sequences , Step , Return , Human Remains , Many , Speculation , 200 , Bargaining Chip , Fox News , Station Chief , Contributor , Loved Ones , Kim Regime , In Moscow , Iraqi , Daniel Hoffman , Pakistan , Matter , Hold , Politics , Diplomacy , 60 , Places , Kim Jong Un , Friends , Equation , Human Life , Contrast , Value , Win , 7000 , 55 , Negotiations , Dictator , Negotiation Strategy , Sanctions , Passes , Denuclearization , Challenge , Path , Israelis , 1000 , Fallen , Freedom , Importance , Regime , Challenges , Account , Information , Killed In Action , Bargaining Chips , Nature , Holding , Denuclearization Effort , Agreement , Element , Question , Lawsuits , Jury , Expertise , Citizenship , Argument , Sides , Courts Lawsuit , Docket , Voting Rights Laws , Trial , Addition , Criminal Defense Attorney , Filling , Lit Discrimination , Form , Arguments , Civil And Committal Trial Attorney , Eric Duster , Both , Order , Most , Line , Tax Dollars , Benefits , Services , Population , Allocation , Area , Education , Hurts , Handle , Purpose , Wouldn T , Lawsuit Proceeding , Reasoning , Macrolevel , Itself , Department Of Justice , Commerce Secretary Ross Avenue Statements , Interest , Voting Age , Data , Voting Rights Act , 0 , Reason , Statements , Issues , Avenue , Candidate , Analysis , Potential , Point , Emily And Eric , Response , Person , Funds , Children , Voting Role , Legislation , Congress , Vehicle , Law , 1996 , Citizen , Disability , Deportation , Fines , Imprisonment , Penalties , Deal , Intent , Enforcers , Legislations , Ice , Head Count , Undercount , Law Enforcement , 12345 , Nationality , Video , Where In The World , Nowhere , 2 Billion , Liberty Mutual Won T , Drivers , Rates , Mistake , Liberty Mutual Doesnt Hold Grudges , Karen , Accident Forgiveness , Ink , T Shirts , Liberty , Accident , Everybody , Feel , Liberty Mutual Insurance , Group , Business , Customer Service , Ink Design Lab , Clients , Design , Shipping , Products , Spokesman , Logo , Customink Com , National Geographic , Graphics , Video Folder , Climate Change , Canadian Arctic , Correction , Science , 2 5 Billion , Military Camp , Biker Gang Job , Bear , Polar Bears , Melting Sea Ice , Verge , Connection , Angels , Slovakia , Eastern European , Foreign Minister , Presence , Activities , Egypt , Garden , Accusations , Image , Donkey , Zebra , Update , Midnight Hero , Job Interview , Tony Carlson , Health , Preparation , Standing , Tallahassee Police Department , Homeless Man Shave , Motor Vehicles , Identification , Id Card , Mcdonald S , Marco Rubio , Florida , Images , Luck , Lunar Eclipse , Eclipse , Sky , 20th Century , 40 , 21 , 2019 , 20 , January 21 2019 , More , Savings , Heck , Company , 75 , Geico , Fuels , Energy Company , Cars , Working Parts , Oils , Making Cars , Energy , Efficiency , Hotels Com , Venture Cardholders , Dollar , Hotels , Chills , Brrrrr , 10 , Practice , Miles , Kidlots Of Practice Tion , Kids , Essentials , Breakfast Essentials , Best , Carnation Breakfast ,

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