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Censorship. And dont forget on tuesday of next week we have got our town hall with rfk and New York City and tickets are free. First we begin tonight, and it is now very clear that a malignant cancer is within and surrounding Joe Biden Pres presidency. It is growing, and it is growing daily, it is compounding. It is also clear that joe biden may be the most corrupt president and american history, and certainly in the modern era. Investigations are heating up, the walls are absolutely closing and it, and this is very real. House republicans are seeking answers on the white houses everchanging story about joe biden involvement which he denied repeatedly during the campaign with hunter biden foreign Business Dealings noting that there was a clear shift any messaging, and other words he lied and demanding to know if this if this indicates that President Biden knew a lot more than what he was telling us. But biden bad week designed to begin to start there. On wednesday we have explosive testimony from two extremely credible irs whistleblowers, one who previously testified, and that is that Biden Department of justice slow walk the hunter vied an and so they would and Felony Charges would go away also revealed that the biden have taken an 27 and joe biden, it is now clear that almost everything about hunter biden foreign Business Dealings and assisted on many occasions on these deals. We have a lot of evidence to that fact. Coming on the heels of this weeks bombshell hearing, the longawaited fbi form was made public after months of stonewalling by the fbi. After reviewing the document it is not clear what director ray and the fbi wanted to keep it hidden, also implicates them for not doing their job. The former ledges that the Biden Work Racing to pay millions of dollars to help fire the prosecutor and the company that was paying his son a hunter, and apparently it worked. Joe biden even bragged about having the prosecutor fired in 2018. He bragged about it all and it is all there on tape. Take a look. I got a commitment from them that they would take action against the State Prosecutor and they didnt. I said that i am not we are not going to give you the billion dollars. They said, you have no authority, youre not the president. Thats why im telling you, youre not getting a billion dollars. Im going to be living here and it was about six hours, im leaving in six hours, prosecutor is not fired then youre not getting the money. Son of [bleep] got fired. Sean son of a b, got fired. The allegation that the breese men knew that hunter biden had no experience and they thought that he was down. They alleged to hunter as Dumber Then My Dog he acknowledged, that he had no and gas, coal, or ukraine and would not be hired if it was not his last name and his dad was not the Vice President. What was your qualifications to be on the board . I was on amtrak, i was a lawyer and one of the most prestigious law firms in the world. You do not have an extension of his knowledge about natural gas or ukraine itself . I have as much knowledge as anybody else on the board, if not more. On the list you gave me you did not list the fact that you are the son of what role did you think that played . It is impossible for me to be on any of the boards ive just mentioned without saying i am the son of the Vice President of United States. If your last name wasnt biden would you be asked to be on the board . Probably not. I dont think thats a lot of things that would happen on my life that if my last name wasnt biden. Sean amtrak, u. N. , im a lawyer, probably not. The source of the form with the fbi credible whistleblower, to guide that interviewed, deformed also says that the payment made to the bidens was elicited, but the cl bragged that they covered their tracks. The form comes after the whats app message showing the breakdown and his father was sitting right next to him, thats when they revealed that. Text to his daughter about complaining about giving half of his income to pops. And the infamous message about holding to profit to the big guy who we all know is joe biden. The revelation of all of this evidence republican calls to impeach joe biden are growing day by day. I would say a more important issue would be to special counsel, more and pray she would be a criminal investigation, an elf is enough. It is time for real special counsel, A Real Criminal Investigation to take place to investigate what is rampant corruption. This is no longer about hunter biden, any other member of the biden family. Nine of them got paid. This is about the president of the United States joe biden. We have a trove of credible evidence that he is the power of his office as the Vice President of this country to secure massive amounts of money for his own family. He has without a doubt, and my mind at least, the most corrupt president in u. S. History, at least modern history. All Evidence Points to joe playing a major role with Hunter Biden Shading Business Dealings, does not stop them from is nonstop lying about it over and over again as he denies any knowledge during the campaign. Take a look. Mr. Vice president how many times have you spoken to your son about his overseas Business Dealings . I have never spoken to my son about overseas Business Dealings. Ive never discuss with my son, brother, or anyone else to do with business period. Same thing i will do in our administration it will be an absolute wall between personal and the government. You stand by your statement that you did not discuss any of your sons Business Dealings . Yes, i stand by that dealing. Sean does not only. 2 what is a massive coverup by his doj trusted because date paid this source hundreds of thousands of dollars the fbi was well aware that joes associates called them the big guy and said that the fbi began receiving Information On D Bidens as early as 2017. And why are we just learning all of this, why has it taken so long for them to release the serious allegations to you the public, why has the fbi covering in hiding for the bidens. These are highly disturbing claims, and if true would pose a major threat to our national security, and that means that we have a compromised u. S. President. The public has a right to know, sadly, this is far from the first biden coverup. A breaking report from the New York Post says that fbi told twitter that hunter biden now if you miss was very rail, but the Social Media Giant censored the story anyways because of a supervisor told all the other fbi agents to be quiet after that. We deserve every answer to every serious allegation against the first family. It is now clear that these groups are working hard to protect joe biden, the most corrupt president in american history. Herewith reaction is former white house chief of staff, texas congressman ronny jackson. Congressman i will begin with you tonight. This has been a bombshell week, when i say quoting the cancer surrounding the presidency of joe biden it, am i overstating that fact . Not overstating. The evidence is building and if you look at all of the stuff it is absolutely unbelievable how much stuff is out there. The picture has been fully painted and we know what is going on. I find it encouraging that we have an aggressive members in these committees are looking into it as aggressive chairman on oversight and judiciary, and ways and means, looking into a variety of issues, all paths lead to joe biden, and hunter biden, every single one of them in the family, and all the payoffs. This is getting out of control and i will tell you that it is going to get tougher and tougher to get information initially, but the dam is going to break because there is going a lot fbi agents and other people doj theyre going to be implicated. They have covered it up for the biden family and criminal activities that they are going to be criminally liable for some of the stuff thats going on here. They will have their own incentive to cover the stuff up. What i will tell you is that documents are going to continue to leak out, whistleblowers are going to continue to come forward, and i promise you, i will put this out as a member of congress, if youre part of the problem, part of this organization and you know is going on come forward and tells what is happening because we will get to the truth and we will find out. Better for us to find out what these whistleblowers and some of the people and organization telling us that for us to find them because the coverup is always worse than the crime, and as what we are going to see. These crimes are pretty horrendous. Sean let me ask you with this confidential informant for the fbi speaking with the head of paris summa after he talked about the prosecutor and he forced to be fired and the guys name is he actually answering the question about victor and asked about the investigation into burisma. He just replied something to the fact that hunter is going to take care of all of these issues through his and the informant goes further suggesting that he hired some attorney to litigate the case. It goes 5 million to pay one biden, and another to pay the other biden pier and hes making a comment that it was the, the money was buried so deeply that it would take ten years to find the records. It is pretty and we have covered a lot of corruption on the show. You laid it out masterfully and Congressman Jackson as well. Chuck grassley said that there were tapes and what would be very interesting as the connectivity between this allegation and joe biden it, we note that when you laid it out, but if there is indeed takes and conversations with joe biden name on it. That is the kind of connectivity that gets to the ballot box. That is the connection that equals the corruption in the minds of those independent voters that are out there in wisconsin, pennsylvania, and michigan that can make a big difference. Joe biden had a terrible week this week. He cannot get his message straight on biden now makes. His polling is still upside down with recent polling showing that American People saying that we are on the wrong track with the economy and it is the number one issue while he is out there spiting. They have cornell west who is wellknown running as a Green Party Candidate got a note labels for tuition and they have got three entities swimming in the same democrat pond, and on top of it all you laid out what could be a growing cancer that if this connectivity is there with his voice, has been alleged, and who knows where this thing is going to go, sean. Sean thank you both. We appreciate it. We turn our attention to other news tonight and in our disturbing story. John solomon has compiled footage and angles of the suspect placing the bombs with a clear image of what the bomb looked like up close as well as Kamala Harris being driven past it without Secret Service having any idea, make no mistake, this could have been a catastrophic event for our country, thank god they did not detonate and nothing horrible happened here. How is this overlooked during Security Sweeps connect the corporate must of found and this case has got to be held responsible. John solomon is with us, editor in chief. Tell us what we are looking at. We will reshow it. Way youre seeing is the night before the january riot there is a person, dont know if it is a man or woman who goes through a series of cameras and down the street and goes and sits on a park bench right near the Democratic National committee, right near where Kamala Harris the next days going to be driven and for a meeting at about 11 30 and the morning i generate six. They take out an explosive device and put it down on the bench and the little bush that is there. Very clear to see that when you see the photo is six out and it was so easy to find a pedestrian ultimately sees it and has until the Secret Service that there is a bomb outside, Secret Service does a sweep the next morning and they dont find it, they whisk the Vice President through the drive for a data sitting 10 yards from the box. 10 yards from the bomb, she is in the building for 90 minutes and they dont notice it. It takes a pedestrian did knock on the door of the police and Secret Service and say, there is a bomb out here. I never mistake that the secret Service Makes is that they dont get the pedestrians name. They dont even know who found that bomb. Sean one of the sad things about the January 6th Committee with the predetermined outcome. Even lester holt reported how there is actionable intelligence, Real Intelligence with the days and weeks leading up to january 6th. Law enforcement did not think, and of course the police chief son was also warning them that he needed to guard troops nobody listened to him. The Security Failure as she was dealt with and to prevent Something Like that from ever happening again, putting our institutions and our elected officials at risk, this transcends party, i did never put in measures to fix it, john, because they never wanted to get to the bottom of what they need, and why Law Enforcement did and act on that intelligence. You are exactly right. The man who got this footage said to me that the capitol is no more safer than it is on january 6th. It is a travesty. They failed to get to the bottom, but he will get to debono. Sean ask a question on a scale of one and ten with all the news that we have this week. How much danger is joe biden and in terms of its prejudice presidency president c. Five and ten. Our interview next time. That will advance us and a big way. The temperature in the danger is rising. Sean you expect that devon archer, how honest will he be . He is a straight shooter. He would not look to help joe biden, he will be very factual. Sean great work all week john solomon, we appreciate your hard work. Democrats will do anything to protect joe biden and that means going all in on the rfk attacks. Jason chaffetz reacts next. More of town hall. With donald trump and took questions from the audience. That straight ahead. How has it grown since you decided to run for presidency, and who has been with you. Sean President Trumps responses coming up next. My most important kitchen tool . My brain. So i choose neuriva plus. Unlike some others, neuriva plus is a multitasker supporting 6 key indicators of brain health. To help keep me sharp. Neuriva think bigger. Your wyndham is waiting. To help you check things off your bucket list. And his. With 24 trusted brands by wyndham to choose from, your wyndham is waiting. Get the lowest price at wyndhamhotels. Com vo in two seconds, eric will realize man [laughs] vo theyre gonna need more space. Gotta sell the house. vo oh. Open houses or, skip the hassles and sell with confidence to opendoor. Wow. vo request a cash offer at Opendoor Dot Com A federal judge have sent a case. Jury selection is to begin on may 14. If it holds that trial would have been ahead of multiple g. O. P. President ial primaries. Was hoping to postpone it until after the general and 2024. Trump and his aide are accused of obtaining obstructive conduct, they have both pleaded not guilty. The doj is suing texas on eight barrier made up of Wrecking Ball sized buoys and the Administration Says that the barrier is illegal because it poses a risk to Public Safety and navigation. Texas governor says that we are acting within our rights and defending our party. Im kevin and washington and now back to more hannity. Sean at the democrats and their partners in the media mob are having an absolute meltdown over rfk president ial campaign and his very respectable Polling Numbers and now news that we spoke to an expert with russian disinformation. Here we go again, they told us that rfk campaigns being emphasized by russian state media. And over at msdnc theyre not taking well either. That is one of his house at about him last night. I am reluctant to speak about Robert Kennedy jr. On this program because i do have wanted to enable his access to the Drug Addiction that he has never conquered, Drug Addiction that has been with him for all of his adult life, the addiction to attention. The very same addiction that has driven donald trump and all of his adult life. Sean how can anybody watch that. Cnn knows Better Writing that rfk and canon city the both people on both Network Staff lied repeatedly about a coalition of hoax that never happened. The left is treating this guy almost as badly as they treat most republicans, but luckily it yesterday he got a chance to answer back, democrats tried to censor him in a censorship hearing. Cannot make it up. Take a look. I have big censored here through this target, through smears, from misinterpretation through lies, through association, we have to stop trying to destroy each other. We have got to find that place inside of ourselves of flight, of emphases, of compassion, and above all, we have to elevate the constitution of the United States which was written for hard times, and that has to be the Premier Compass for all of our activities. Sean Programming Reminder that we are hosting a town hall with rfk jr. In New York City. We have galaxies and you could sign up and tickets are free at hannity. Com. Here we have got Jason Chaffetz and a host of D Tudor Dixon podcast, tudor dixon is with us. Jason, i will give you first crack at this. I sense that a lot of democrats want somebody else, but they dont want rfk jr. That is why paying attention as gavin newsom because i think that he is probably derek first choice, am i wrong . I think that gavin newsom thinks that he is the first to chew it twice. I think there are, i think there are millions of why think kennedy democrats. I think of that as Reagan Democrats and these are people who believe in the first amendment, they believe in the fourth amendment, they believe in physical responsibility, and they believe in a Strong National defense, and that is why when Robert Kennedy jr. Starts talking Dialogue Conservatives and liberal leaning republicans say that he has got a good point, he sounds like us, and he found a hole talking to people like thomas massie, and only washington, d. C. , can you have a hearing about a censorship any democrats are trying to censor them. There is no room for that traditional Liberal Democrat in todays Progressive Democratic party, and ages like Bernie Sanders predicting that joe biden is the most progressive president that we ever had and are literally about 30 of that democratic base, day dont want anything to do with joe biden at a progressives. They need to have to find a home and that is the opportunity for republican. Sean why do this town hall with him and unlike these are networks who think that the hosts are to debate the candidate, im not running for president , i know he has controversial views, but i want to listen to what they are, want to hear him out, and i believe the audience is smart enough and sophisticated enough that they can determine on their own whether they agree with him, disagree with them, dont believe him, and i have a hard time understanding why people, even unwilling to hear and our point of view. Im not unwilling to hear other points of views. The most interesting part of that that because this guy is a democrat. I want to know how his views are, i want to understand where he comes from with that party, and what are the parts of his platform that identify with the democrats. The establishment democrats have decided that he is not the one. Now we are seeing something new. We have seen them attacking our candidates, trying to destroy our president ial candidates, and even our president s as they are in office. Now theyre going after one of their own and so im curious how this is going to play with the entire base of the Democratic Party because we have been hearing over and over again people saying that this is not kennedys Democrat Party anymore, this is a kennedy, and theyre trying to silence him, and so what this is due to the base . A certain faction of them say that this was okay when it was republicans, but you cannot silence our candidates too. Sean who is going to be execration. Jason, i was there with you. Who will be the democratic nominee in 2024 . Will not be joe biden or Kamala Harris, both of them, at least joe biden is not going to be a candidate at the end of this calendar year. My guess is gavin newsom, and my wild card has a Vice President is susan rice. Obama loves her and that is my wild card. No base talking about her, but me, but i think she might be in the mix. I agree that gavin newsom wants to be that, but i will tell you that someone else wants its really bad and as gretchen whitmer, she is out there every single day saying how wonderful she has, getting more pieces on every News Magazine can probably imagine, and i think that she is going to get it, and will be interesting to see if that Democrat Party splits and there is a chance for rfk jr. , but it will be tough. Sean a very interesting guests on both of your size and great job. We appreciate it. Jason thank you. And up next conservatives and standing to the woke mob, and also coming out on top, and we will explain all of that with Kaylee Mcghee white, and they will react. Here is in our Sneak Peek Audience Question that President Trump received in cedar rapids, iowa. Take a look. As a Security Officer im dealing with more drug users and overdoses every day and i have three beautiful daughters at home and im concerned about their future, how will you address the Drug Epidemic that this country is facing . Sean trumps a very strong response may surprise you. Thats coming up as you continue this friday night on hannity. But with my moderate tosevere eczema, it can be tough. My skin was so uncomfortable. The itching was so bad. Now, im staying ahead of my eczema. Theres a power inside all of us to live our passion. And Dupixent Works On The Inside to help heal your skin from within. It helps block a key source of inflammation inside the body that can cause eczema. So adults can have longlasting clearer skin and fast itch relief. Serious allergic reactions can occur that can be severe. Tell your doctor about new or worsening eye problems such as eye pain or vision changes including blurred vision, joint aches and pain, or a parasitic infection. 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Sean far left radical climate protesters are having a busy Summer Staging as many protests as they possibly can and including recently spending the day harassing patrons at one of the premier golf courses in the country with a golf club in the hamptons for no apparent reason and of course these tactics are not anything new for the radical left, but now the right is standing up to the woke mob and their very own way. Considered a recent attempt to cancel Jason Al Deen about his new song, and is not working, number one on itunes sales chart and at several republican candidates are playing at at their rallies. Imagine that. And hows that bud light boycott going . Pretty effectively. As been so successful that data shows that is the fourth most popular in several venues and when they used to be deeper and teal number one, anyways, and there is the new film, sound of freedom, hollywoods biggest studio trying to keep it under wraps. Offer to 70 outlets and they did not wanted it. Now it is a massive hit in the box office and has earned over 100 million. 14. 5 million budget. Here was reaction is lisa lisa boothe, Kaylee Mcghee white is with us. The bottom line and i dont like cliche, woke helps you go broke, but you know what, it seems like a backlash israel israel. This jason out the ending is very a big example and people are fed up and they are taking action and they are serious about it. Deluxe to see it. Lets be clear about jason, it is not the words and the song, not to location, it is about being a conservative, thats why hes being punished for not submitting. The problem right now is that republicans were too long, we have this mentality of live and let live as long as it is not bothering me, while we have done that the left has taken over institutions and our being with this woke crap. They featured drag queens and conservatives now are so fed up with being inundated with all the stuff that we are fighting back, we are flexing her muscles, these Companies Need to be punished. We have to do is because theyre trying to shut us out of society and we cannot allow that. Sean the thing about this video which got everything our base so upset, while people dont understand is that they are licensing rights, at that particular building with the Lynching Video was used in the Hannah Montana movie, lifetime Christmas Movie, the images that we see of violence, they are all rail images from the 574 riots in December Of 2020 that most democrats and the media mob were lecturing that they were most pt killed dozens of americans, entered the town says of cops, and caused property damage. If that is peaceful that you need a new definition for the word. The leftists backlash is pure hypocrisy because i dont remember anybody accusing destiny of racism. Of being prolynching when they filmed a recent Christmas Movie there. For that matter i dont remember anybody complaining about violence when snoop dogg released a music video where he points a prop gun at killing kids. None of these complaints matter in any of these examples because i would even go one step further and i would say that the problem is not even jason or his political views, the problem is the message of the song. The problem is that the left hates the idea that there are entire communities in america at that believe and what jason is singing about. They believe in faith, they believe in family coming to community, thats what the left hates about the song. Sean thats why i love got, faith, and family. Ask a question for both of you. It is really simple. Will corporations learn the lesson and state the hell out of politics, provide products and services that people want and need, and stay away from the political arena gmac we are starting to see a shift in that direction because as consumers have had enough and are seeing o punch these corporations and shareholders are going to start paying attention. Shareholders may not have a lot of desire to go into the social issues, but they care about profit, we will see that backlash coming. I think they are starting to feel the impact, and look at how much target that disney and bud light have been punished. They are getting the message. Conservatives and republicans should not let up. These Companies Need to be destroyed and they need to push the message that they will face the brunt of it. Sean thank you both and have a great weekend. Make sure to check out lisa this weekend. She will be Cohosting T The Bige can show it was several of our other friends at fox 7 00 p. M. Tomorrow night. Lisa will do a great job and you dont want to miss it. Straight ahead as more of my exclusive town hall that we have not had time to air the other night with former president donald great doubt alls wouldnt qualify for an erc tax refund. You should get a Second Opinion trumrefup sometimes you need a Second Opinion. [coughs] good to go. Yeah, i think ill get a Second Opinion. All these walls gotta go ah ah ah id love a Second Opinion. No. Im going to get a Second Opinion. With innovation refunds, theres no upfront cost to find out. So why not check like i did for my Small Business . Take the first step to see if your Small Business qualifies for the erc. vo in three seconds, this couple will share a perfect moment. woman is that . Oh wow but we got to sell our houses vo dont worry. Sell and buy in one move when you start with opendoor. woman yes vo close in a matter of days. Start with an all cash offer at Opendoor Dot Com when nature and science get together. Pretty sweet things can happen. Like our senokot laxative gummies. To relieve occasional constipation, senokot starts with the Natural Senna Plant that science transforms into a yummy gummy sweet senokot laxative gummies. Hi, im jill and ive lost 56 pounds on golo. Hi, im barry and ive lost 42 pounds. Jill and i are a team. If she tells me to do something, i usually jump on board. Golo was doable, its realistic, and its something we can do the rest of our lives. Sean so at our exclusive town hall with donald trump at cedar rapids, iowa, on tuesday i asked the former president about biden policy and woke gender ideology. I have proof in alaska that this is the biggest field in the world, bigger than side of arabia. We were going to make so much money, we are going to make this money, were going to lower taxes and we were going to pay off debt, you have received the balance sheet. They did not know what i was talk about. We are going to and we are bigger than saudi arabia, we are bigger, we have got liquid gold, we are not doing it. We are getting it from venezuela and they have tar, you have to heat edge, and it is a mess, if youre a big believer environmentally the only place they can do it and houston, texas, and they are spewing stuff into the air. That is what caused the inflation. The energy went from a dollar 50 for gasoline. Your electric rates for dabbling and theyre putting windmills all over the place. You look at these windmills and theyre all over. We like windmills in iowa, but they have got to be selfsustaining because we have so many forms of energy, remember this, i say this mostly for the people in this room, im the one who said with ethanol you and i have it if it was not for me. It is a big industry in iowa. Im the one who saved it. John , i would believe that we have to i did it once fully and i was so stocked up with ammunition and so now more than anything out to build up the ammunition because we dont have any any mission. Think about it you are a country watching the United States and yet fear of the United States and respect, and that you have a president who cant even speak properly, and he saying that we dont have any ammunition. Who would say that. And by the way, even if its true true, who would say it. We would have, we would have very shortly, we would have an economy. Once you solve the inflation that you have got to solve inflation then you can bring down the interest rates. People will buy homes again, the homebuilders and a lot of great things are going to happen. With iowa, with iowa and in particular, a lot of the farmsteads i sit at the very beginning go out and buy more land and go out and buy a bigger tractor. The remember . More land and a bigger tractor. I was right. I got china to pay Us 50 Billion a year and a trade deal that only men talk about. Sean because we are almost out of time. You read all of the stories about biological men and women sports, all the stories about indoctrination for kids in sports, and you here, look at the attacks on the supreme court, the culture war battle, and how do you handle it . It is common sense. When they say you are a conservative, yeah i am, but im a person with common sense. Orders, low interest rates. These guys want no taxes, no borders, everything is crazy is like april fools day. It is common sense and i would stop the cutting of children. They cut children and they want to do things to children, and now it is even at a young age without their parents approval, and it ends. I would just end it. Sean coming up we will show President Trumps response to audience and our town hall. Please stay withplus us. Neuriva plus is a multitasker supporting 6 key indicators of brain health. To help keep me sharp. Neuriva think bigger. Artificial intelligence. Wow its something that everybodys talking about. And i think about that, but i think about the one who created all intelligence. Almighty god, who created this earth, the universe, created you and me. But what are the problems . Why do we see war, and famine, and all of these things . Well, its because of sin. The world is infected with sin. And sin separates you from god. But god sent his son, jesus christ, from heaven to this earth to take your sins. And he died and shed his blood on a cross for your sins. And god raised him to life. If youve never invited jesus christ to come into your heart and into your life, you can do that right now. Just pray this prayer with me. Just say, god, im a sinner. Im sorry, forgive me. I believe that jesus is your son. I want to trust him as my savior. And i want to follow him as my lord from this day forward, forever. Amen. If you prayed that prayer, call the number on the screen. At the end of our town hall in cedar rapids, iowa on tuesda President Trump took a Number O Questions from the audience tak a look. We are back in cedar rapids iowa with former president donald j trump, perhaps the nex president and the very first Republican Caucus will be held here in six months. You all excited about that . What is your name . To keep my name is Rhonda Mille Paradigm from carrie, illinois. I want to say i love you both, and im so excited to be here for eight its a birthday and what a great day to have. My question for you, President Trump is what would be your First Priority when you are reelected in 2024 . Im going to give you. At the border, it makes it toug to let people in if they qualify. They drill for energy. To use our liquid gold government reduce our debt and reduce our taxes. I gave you the largest tax cuts in history. If it they will follow that and rebuild our energy. So we have to rebuild not only are energy complex, but we have to now rebuild our military. I rebuilt it once, but we have to load up our ammunition i would also the ukraine aggression situation i wanted t end and i wanted to end fast. What your name quest. As a Security Officer, i am dealing with more drug users an overdoses every day. I have three beautiful daughter at home. Im concerned about the future. How will you and for us the Dru Academic The Country is facing great. If you really want to solve the problem ill tell you how t do it. We had the best border for people we had the best border for drugs weve ever had that weve had in recorded history. I was spending millions and millions of dollars to catch th drugs coming in. Of gorgeous certain type of german shepherd, there is no piece of equipment for 10 million in all the money they cause theres nothing like this particular dog. We talked about it. Its incredible. Do you have time for one more question . Final question, which are name . Barbara, harris. I am from south english, iowa. I am so glad youre here and i feel so blessed. Do you have a question . My question is, how has your faith grown since you decided i 2015 to run for president . And who has mentored you in you faith journey . Such a great question. Ive seen so much heartache and turmoil. I was a developer and other things. I had a wonderful life before all of this. I didnt know what a grand jury was. I didnt know what a subpoena was. I had a wonderful life. Let me ask you question are you glad you didnt . I couldnt be more glad. Im so happy i did it because i made America Great and we can d it again right now we are not a great country. But i have gotten to know because of evangelicals, i mean and omit so many people and the feel so good about themselves and their family. I had never had that kind of an experience i mean asa know so many people who are so incredible religious people, no just christians, when i look at the catholic faith, you take a look at the fbi, lick it with the fbi is doing very catholics made them like the enemy. Its horrible. How could a catholic ever vote for a democrat or a guy like biden after the experience . I have met some of the finest people that i wouldnt have had the privilege of meeting in their religious leaders in they really are incredible people. Before we go to quick programming notes on tuesday of next week, july 25th we are hosting an exclusive town hall with Robert F Kennedy jr. In ne york city. It will be a live studio audience. If you want tickets and if you. Com, tickets are free. Live shows next thursday in friday night. Again, tickets are free. We hope you will join us. That is all the time we have left this evening. Set your dvr so you never ever ever miss an episode monday, tuesday, wednesday, thursday, sign up for every day of the week. Thank you for making the show possible and thank you for bein with us. Stay tuned, let not your heart be troubled, gutfeld is next, h will put a smile on your face. Have a great weekend. [crowd noise] lets welcome tonights guests, he performs for Hospital Patients to remind them that things could be worse, founder of the leftist party. Com michae loftus. When she wants your opinion, sh

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