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We will be back next week. Greta goes on the record right now. Tonight, all your news right here and donald trump is sitting down with us at trump tower. That interview starts in seconds. Also, who is on trumps vp short list . Trump gives you the inside scoop and he does drop a few clues and dr. Ben carson, is he here. Is he going it tell you all about his call with Speaker Paul Ryan. Plus, desperate search for this 9yearold girl who vanished and the suspect made some really weird purchases. And then, a fox weather alert. Violent weather could be headed toward you. New video of devastating tornadoes. Vicious storm about to blanket much of the nation. Right now donald trump today he talked about working with the g. O. P. Tomorrow is he a meeting with Speaker Paul Ryan. This election is too important to go into election at half strength. That means we need a real unification of our party. So what does donald trump think about that . Well, he also drops a few clues about picking his v. P. Nominee. There is more. He has some surprises in store for the republican convention. Donald, nice to see you. Thank you. Congratulations on your win last night. It was a great gleenk always fun to win. Much better. We have had both ways much better. Republican party, who is the leader of the Republican Party today. You are the presumptive nominee not the nominee yet. We have the speaker much the house paul line. Who is the leader . I would say paul ryan. I would really think that im doing very well. Im leading in every category and i think im going to have a Record Number of votes. I already have a Record Number of votes, come to think of it. And millions of votes more than they had four years ago. Alltime record for votes gotten by a republican candidate. But, i would say paul for the time being and maybe a long time. More than a meet with paul ryan and reince priebus. Whats the goal . Unity. I think it will go well. Paul is a good person. I dont know paul well. Thats part of the meeting. He knew everybody else because they are governors, they are senators. I am a businessman. And i think we want to get to know each other. I think we want to see if we have the same ideas because i represent a large group of people with very strong ideas and foundations and i think we want to see a little bit about that. And, you know, hopefully, it will work out. Were going to have a very successful campaign. The polls have been through the roof. In fact, i guess over the last three days they have gone up amazingly. Im now winning in ohio and winning in a lot of places. So its been a very interesting week you can have unity with speaker ryan when have differences on immigration. Important topics to the rest of the nation. He thinks you should tone it down a bit on your language. You always have differences no matter what you have you will have differences. If you agree on 70 . Thats always a lot. We will have, you know, im a Strong Border person, and so are millions of people, obviously. Because thats one of the reasons im here. Thats one of the reasons youre interviewing me longer canone of the people interview. It wouldnt make sense. So i think you can, actually, greta. I think you can. You mentioned these other people. Some of them signed a pledge and arent going to endorse you or said they havent. Your thought on that. They are dishonorable people. Anybody that signs the pledge, i can think of jeb bush signed the pledge. And he is not going to honor it. So thats a dishowrnl person. Now, i would imagine he will ultimately honor it because they wanted me to sign the pledge. Everybody wanted me. I was the big one that everybody wanted me to sign. You held off at first. You remember the raising of your hand and the whole thing. So i ended up signing the pledge and then these people dont honor it i think that somebody like Lindsey Graham will end up signing the pledge because i actually think he is an honorable person and i think he will sign the pledge. Jeb, i dont know what is he going to do. Going back to immigration and speaker ryan. I heard today that you had at least discussed a possible immigration commission; is that right . Im looking at it very strongly with Rudy Giuliani heading it. Has he said he would . I have spoken to him a little while ago. We are going to put together a group of probably five or six people, very, very highly thought of people and i think rudy will head it up. And we will look at the muslim band or temporary ban as we call it i have a lot of confidence in Rudy Giuliani. Have you decided whether you will back off on the ban. I realize it was a temporary ban but unlimited temporary period could go on forever. No. It was never meant to be. Thats why it was temporary. Sure, i would back off on it i would like to back off somebodys possible. Because, frankly, i would like to see something happen. We have to be vigilant. There is a radical islamic terrorism problem that our president doesnt want to talk about. All you have to do is take a look at the world strayed center or San Bernardino or paris. Just last night in germany, look what happened on the train. Its a big problem. People were going to have to solve the problem. I think by putting together a commission, a group of people that are highly respected in this field like rudi and others. The ban the way its described even as a temporary ban would have, for instance, barred amir heck mattie the marine who is over in iran held prisoner, he wouldnt be able to come back and muslims serving in our military overseas, they wouldnt come back. Again, its temporary and ultimately its my aim to have it listed. I would like to see there has to be an idea. There has to be something. Because there is some pretty bad things going on. I have muslim friends. Great muslim friends who are telling me you are so right. Its there is something going on you have to get to the bottom of it i think by putting five, six, seven people together that have expertise in the field i think that would be good. Rudy is a smart guy. Is he a tough guy. He gets it he understands the problem and he is willing to talk about the problem. He will head it up and he has agree to do do so. I dont want to beat a dead horse. Its a ban on muslims with exception and temporary. Of course have to have exceptions. The way everybody read it. Across the table. You have exceptions ideally you wont have a ban very long. We have to find out whats happening. You take a look whats happening im not just talking here im talking about all over the world. You look at germany. Its a mess. You look at sweden where they have a section that they just started. Its a total mess. I mean, something has to happen. I guess its a constitutional implication is certainly why we are pressing you on it. Take a look. As far as the syrians coming. In thousands and thousands of syrians coming in immigration. We have to build a safe zone. We will do something. Frankly the gulf states to put up money and they will be willing to put it up, i guarantee you they will put it up because they havent put up much right now. I dont want to spend the money on it our country doesnt have any money. We are 19 trillion in the hole. We are going to be 21 trlt very, very soon because of the budgets that were recently passed the omnibus budget, et cetera. And we are really a nation that doesnt have the money. We have to pay off debt. Not create more debt. We will get a safe zone some place in syria or numerous safe zones and we will build and use other peoples money, meaning other countrys money. The gulf states in particular and we will do something very good. But i am absolutely against having more people flowing into this country, no documentation, no papers, no nothing. Nobody knows where they come from. This is what obama is taking them, tens of thousands. Hillary clinton wants to double and triple the earth. She wants to do it even more so. We have problems like you have never seen before if we do that. Tax returns, you said you dont intend to release your tax returns i didnt say that i am being audited. What about the returns not. There is a link. How far back are you being audited. I dont know. I would have to ask. Long enough it would matter there is a link between that and other things. And as soon as the audit is finished. Which is when . , relatively simple audit. I will tell you whats unfair. Every year for many years i have been audited and i have friends that are very rich that never get audited. I get audited every single year. And i think its actually very unfair. Do you think its deliberate, intentional . I dont know. I have friends that are very wealthy people. I say how often do you get audited . They didnt know what i meant. Im audited every single year i think its very unfair. If it goes back seven years would you got eighth year back it . Would be meaningless. I would have to go. People are suspicious that you are not releasing because in january of 2012 you said to me that mitt romney was making a big mistake by not releasing him. He wasnt under audit. No lawyer would say release it. I agree. I wouldnt have someone. You represented me and im under audit. I would tell you not to release. I agree. If i were your lawyer. The answer is hopefully before the election i will release and i would like to release. By the way, you learn very little from a tax return. I have released my financials and my financials show tremendous numbers. Very little debt all of that you dont learn very much from a tax return. Part of the thing with releasing those it dispels that argue. Something going on that you are you dont learn anything. A tax return you learn very, very little. I have released highly complex, detailed financials in line with the federal Elections Commission we put them in 99 pages or close to 100 pages of detail saying what a Great Company i built i built a company with very little debt. All of this stuff certified numbers. Very little debt. Tremendous cash flow, tremendous value, great assets, thats something and people go over that and theyre very impressed. You learn very little from a tax return. Heres the thing, greta, when you are under audit. I totally agree if you were my client and under audited i would say dont release them. Some years outside of audit. If they are, they are meaningless. It doesnt matter because they are so far back, at the right time i will release them. I hope to release. I would like to release them. When im under audit can i cant do that. Terrible situation in baghdad today. Throw bombs wept off. 100 people killed, probably more die from their injuries within a short time. If you are president today and you get the news you get awakened, what do you do . Look, the war in iraq is a disaster. I was against it from the beginning. We should have never been there. I always have to preface by saying that thats bad judgment. Raised your hand, bad judgment on email. She has bad judgment on everything. We should have never been there okay. Now were there, we have a crooked government. We have a government thats dishonest as hell. Money is being squandered and stolen and oil is being stolen and everything is a mess. Now they have probably isis going in and bombing the hell out of the place. Horrible bombs that kill lots of innocent people, it is a hell hole, its a mess. Its something we should have never been involved in. Now were involved. What are you going to do . You have to be very tough. You have to be very stringent but you have a government there thats totally corrupt. You have a bunch of corrupt people in that government and the whole thing is a shame. Okay. Thats the problem. What do we do . We have 5,000 troops there now. I mean, if you are president , do you do more . Do you do less . Get rid of isis. When its not isis it will be somebody else. Look, we have been over there so many years. We have spent probably now up to 5 trillion in the middle east. 5 trillion in the middle east. At some point you have to get the hell out. Isis, you will knock them out, it will be somebody else. It is going to continue to form. Its a mess. We have to get rid of isis. They chop off the heads and drown people in cages and we have to do it. Blow up people. Probably this is isis or isisrelated that took place in baghdad. But at some point, we have to get back to our country. Our country our infrastructure our bridges, our airports are falling apart. We are like a third world country. 5 trillion we could have rebuilt our country and had plenty of money left over. And there is much more from my interview with donald trump. We talk some convention surprises he has planned plus his possible vp picks. You dont want to miss this its all straight ahead. On the democratic side of the race secretary of state Hillary Clinton still struggling to get Bernie Sanders shoved out of the race. Both seem to have thought they have won the nominations because they are pretty much ignoring each other and aiming at the elephant in the room the g. O. P. Presumptive nominee donald trump. With the race not yet decided why are they already taking aim at donald trump instead of securing the nomination. On the record Political Panel is here from the Washington Post philip bump and real clear politics caitlin huey burns. I will say one exception is that Bernie Sanders did say last night that nominating secretary clinton would be courting disaster. Its not a totally free Hillary Clinton zone for him. Most of the attention is on the general election. Yeah. I mean i think there is two reasons for that Hillary Clinton recognizes that her delegate lead right now, Bernie Sanders isnt going to touch. She is essentially the nominee of the Democratic Party based on the math at hand. She recognizes that. She is trying to focus on trump. Bernie sanders wants to keep pulling her to the left. Bernie sanders main argument right now is im the only one that can beat trump in november and is he trying to persuade the super delegates to adhere to that argument and come on board with him. Thats why they are both focused on trump. I dont think its because either of them is under the alowtion. Its a tossup. Any thought what this contest would be in the democratic side right now . Well, Hillary Clinton is still leading among pledged delegates and she makes a point at that of nearly every turn. He at this points to win states and he has a couple more states coming up where he could do well. And his supporters are saying, you know, you are winning states, how come you arent leading the contest . And thats something that has been apparent on both sides, confusion about the process and that sort of thing. But, what it causes her to do, also, is that she very much wants to focus on the general election, especially as trump is trying to unite the Republican Party by going after Hillary Clinton. And now she hasnx . E2 to run basically two separate campaigns. Also running add ads in kentucky Bernie Sanders while going after donald trump on the campaign trail. Kind of a confusing time on the democratic side. Her attention is drained pause she is fighting two people trump and sanders and her money must be drained. Yeah. She has already been outraised by Bernie Sanders pretty consistently. He has been spending a lot more money in part because he has to win this fight now. No question Hillary Clinton does not want this fight to go on. Great irony is this is exactly what she did eight years ago to barack obama. Barack obama wanted her to get out of race. She refused to do so. He ended up winning. She is hoping she doesnt have much ground i think she is hoping this ends sooner rather than later. Donald trump is eating this up. He lets them try to kill each other a little bit and they waste their energy and he focuses on the general election. Sure. One thing saving him right now while he is trying to unify his very fractured part. Y. He is meeting with the speaker. He can point to the Democratic Party. They are in shambles. We have time to figure this out and coalesce the party. You mention that big meeting tomorrow with speaker ryan which are all eyes are on. Philip, caitlin, thank you both. Once again, senator ted cruz is getting geared up for an election fight. No. Not that one. Not the 2016 president ial election. No, were talking about senator cruz has just filed for reelection to the United States senate. The texas senator is hoping to win his second term in the 2018 election. My thought . Senator cruz might want to watch my offtherecord comment tonight. Its at the end of the show. And, donald trump is working to unify the g. O. P. But can he . One congressman who is not entirely sold is here next. Plus, i asked donald trump who is on his short list for v. P. . Surprisingly, he dropped some clues. Coming up. A man went on a killing spree and tonight a teacher is being hailed a hero. A live report is coming up. You totaled your brand new car. Nobodys hurt, but there will still be pain. It comes when your Insurance Company says theyll only pay three quarters of what it takes to replace it. What are you supposed to do . Drive three quarters of a car . Now if you had Liberty Mutual new car replacement, youd get your whole car back. I guess they dont want you driving around on three wheels. Smart. With Liberty Mutual new car replacement, well replace the full value of your car. See Car Insurance in a whole new light. Liberty mutual insurance. He has a sharp wit. A winning smile. And no chance of getting an athletic scholarship. And that is why you invest. The best returns arent just measured in dollars. No question about it, its been a slug fest. Donald trump is the sole survivor on the g. O. P. President ial candidate island. So, now on to trumps next big test. Can he rally the Republican Party to get behind him . I want to be a part of that unifying process so that were at full strength this fall so that we can win this election. We cannot afford to lose this election to Hillary Clinton. He is the nominee of the Republican Party or the presumptive nominee nominee i respect that. Thats not going to change the reservations about his campaign. Got more votes than anybody else. We respect the voices of the republican primary voters across the country. I said i would support the nominee of the party. I am. This election is too important to go into an election at half strength. That means we need a real unification of our party. Labrador says he will vote for trump in unusual twist he says trump has not yet earned his endorsement. What does donald trump need to do to get the party around him. Congressman labrador goes on the record. Good evening. Good evening, greta. Nice to be on your show. What is this dance that donald trump is supposed to do on capitol hill tomorrow with the speaker and leadership in the Republican Party and the house and the senate . What is he supposed to do or say . There is two issues here. Every republican should be supporting donald trump. He earned the nomination. He went out there. He made his case to the american people. He spoke to them about what he wanted to do. And he was able to win more votes than anybody else. 40 of the party approximately voted for him. He has earned the nomination, he has earned our vote. He does need to come to washington, d. C. And explain some of the things that we have that evan talking about. What are the things that he wants to do . What is his vision for america and is he going to work with congress . Those are important things. He needs to make sure that members of congress, especially the conservatives in the house are behind him so he can get all of us working together so we can defeat Hillary Clinton. All right. Well, my guess is, just going down the list a little bit, when you say whats he going to do about the debt . If im donald trump he is going to say im not going to do what you all did about because look at the mess we are in. I grea with you. And i dont think he needs to be diplomatic. I think he has earned the right to give us what his vision is going to be. And if he says that, you all going to say you dont like his rhetoric that he doesnt use nice words. Its sort of a peculiar thing. It seems to me that he has to go with his hat in hand and talk pretty and court the republican vote. And, yet, the republicans out there seem to be voting for him. They did. I dont think its about the rhetoric in certain cases. I do think he needs to stop being child other. For example, when Lindsey Graham came out and im not a big fan of Lindsey Graham. When he came out and said he wasnt going to support him. Donald trump destroyed Lindsey Graham in the primary. He just needs to ignore people like Lindsey Graham. He doesnt need to go on twitter page and start going after somebody who he already defeated. He needs to concentrate on Hillary Clinton. What are we going to do to unify the party so we can defeat Hillary Clinton. Thats really the only important thing to me is so we can make sure that we have somebody in the white house thats going to pick the right people for the cabinet thats going to pick the right people for the supreme court. Those are the issues that are important. I agree. I dont like taking to twitter and saying nasty things. I dont like that either. The reality is all those people sort of nice, those are the other 16 that arent there anymore. Whatever he has done he has been effective. He has won. I dont know what to do. I dont like that stuff either. Yet, apparently it works. It worked with 40 of the party, greta. And what he needs to understand is that he needs to get the party behind him. And he needs to go beyond the party and reach out to other disaffected voters out there and reach those who felt left behind. Is he reaching out to new people. We as a party need to be intro speckive. Why is it that a total outsider came out of nowhere and actually won this nomination. Too many people in washington are not asking the right questions. Why is did that so many people are behind donald trump and we need to be asking those questions congressman, thank you, i hope you will come back soon, sir. Thank you very much. Now your chance to vote at home on twitter should Speaker Paul Ryan endorse donald trump tomorrow tweet yes or no using greta. We will show you live twitter votes throughout the show. Horrible story 9yearold girl kidnapped by her uncle. Wait until you hear what he bought the day he took her. A live report is next. Plus, what tricks does donald trump have up his sleeve for the g. O. P. Convention . Trump will tell you coming up. Were out of ink. Ink. Not ink. Getting ink doesnt have to be painful. Staples just cut ink and toner prices. Add in our 110 price match guarantee and our prices are unbeatable. Staples. Make more happen. Itsand your doctor at yoto maintain your health. A because in 5 days, 10 hours and 2 minutes you are going to be 67. And on that day you will walk into a room where 15 people will be waiting. 12 behind the sofa, 2 behind the table and 1 and a half behind a curtain. Family surprise but only one of them will make a life long dream come true. Great things are ahead of you when your health is ready for them. At humana, we can help you with a personalized plan for your health for years to come. This is a fox news alert. A desperate search is on for a missing 9yearold girl carlie trent was taken from Tennessee School by her uncle one week ago. And that uncle made chilling purchases the day before he took carlie. Josh divine goes on the record. Good evening, sir. Good good evening, greta. Thank you for having me on. Thank you for being on and putting the spotlight on this. As i understand it carlie was taken from the school by her uncle; is that correct . Exactly. And that happened one week ago today so we are talking about one week that this girl has not been with her family. One week that this community has been searching for her and one week that we have been trying to do everything we can to bring her home. He went to the school. He told a lie. He said release the child to him because her father was in a car accident; is that right . Thats exactly right and that was a lie. He obtained the child under false pretenses. Why would he do that . That is the milliondollar question. We are working to try to understand exactly what the relationship looked like previously between carlie and gary simpson as part of our investigation to find them. All right. Before he went to the school to pick her up, he made some purchases. Where did he go and what did he buy . Exactly he went to walmart and purchased items consistent with camping. He he purchased a girls bikini and nail polish, lipstick, camping chair and blanket. Things that did not leave us with a comfortable feeling in the pit of our stomach. When i was studying for this segment tonight, i read that he had custody of her for a while. That her mother has aapparently flown the coop. She is nowhere to be found. The reason why the father had the reason uncle had custody was because her father was in prison or jail, right . Thats exactly right. The father did have some previous drug offenses but regiven custody back in 2015. The pij call father had full custody. So this uncle by marriage, incidentally has no custodial rights to this child. What kind of car is he driving . What should would he be on the lookout for . So we are looking for a white, 2002 dodge conversion van. It has a pretty easy to remember license place. 173gps. A lot of us have g. P. Ss. We are encouraging people tuck away g. P. S. In the back of your mind in case you see that on the back of a conversion van. Its not a caravan or conversion or a minivan its coon version van. Larger van. Was he asking for the child or anything like that . No, not necessarily. All of these people live in close proximity. This is a family that is a pretty quiet family. They live a simple life here in rodgersville which is a rural town in east tennessee. He has no criminal history there was really no inclination he was going to do this when all of this occurred last wednesday. Josh, thank you very much. And a reminder to viewers if you have seen this van to call the police right away and this missing 9yearold girl is in his custody. Anyway, thank you, sir. And a massachusetts teacher is being hailed a hero. A major update on the mall stabbing spree we broke last night right here on the record. George stabbed to death. Murdered by evil man in order to save the life of a woman he didnt know. Today we are beginning to learn why the killer may have gone on killing spree. Molly line is live in taunton, massachusetts. Molly . Greta, taunton is a community in mourning but today prosecutors held victim of stabbing spree a hero. Investigators idid. The attacker as 28yearold arthur da rose satisfy taunton took two lives and severely others in a rampage. It ended in at the mall. Da rosa took irrational series of actions. He had just attended his childs soccer practice yesterday evening. Upon leaving he crashed the car he was driving into a pickup truck and then began to try to get into multiple homes eventually gaining entry to ha home where a mother and daughter were having dinner. He stabbed both killing 80yearold patricia and her daughter kathleen survived. Witnesses say he tried to car jack multiple vehicles before going back to the honda he originally crashed. He drove that car to the mall and smashed it into the front of the macys. Prosecutors say da rosa assaulted multiple people before heading to store. He armed himself w. A knife and stabbed four more people there and targeted pregnant waitress. 26yearold sheena savoy survived but in serious condition. A man now hailed as a hero came to her aid. 56yearold george heath a teacher at a local Vocational Tech School he lost his life. The only bright spots in this terrible incident is the conduct of two individuals at the restaurant. He saw the waitress being stabbed and without concern for his own safety he intervened and quite possibly saved her life and the lives of others, including his own wife. This shows extraordinary character and courage that tragically cost him his life. The rampage ultimately ended when an offduty Deputy Sheriff james creed took da rosa down with a single shot to the stomach that deputy now praised for likely saving lives. Eyewitness inside beruccis described the vicious attack. It was surreal. I heard a waitress scream. I looked to my left. And there was a man with a knife that was stabbing her. The gentleman at the bar, who was behind the guy with the knife ends up reaching to try to get the knife, which gave me an out, you know, a strategy to get out. He was a hero. Investigators have not publicly revealed a motive. Da rosas family is speaking. They have say he suffered from depression and mental illness. They say he sought Psychiatric Care on monday and they blame the hospital for releasing him on Tuesday Morning early hours before the carnage began. Greta . Molly, thank you. Better brace yourself more powerful tornadoes headed your way. The forecast is next. Who will donald trump pick for Vice President ial nominee . I got the inside scoop from trump himself. Find out coming up. It really opens the passages. Waiter. Water. So why would you invest without checking brokercheck . Check your broker with brokercheck. Of worryfree nights . M im linda, and like millions of women worldwide i trust tena. And with new tena overnight underwear i can now sleep worry free all night. The unique secure barrier system gives me triple protection from leaks, odor and moisture so i can keep being a sweet dreamer. Tena overnight underwear and pads. Only tena lets you be you. [ boss ] it is a very smart plan. So were all on board . 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The Liberian Coast Guard searched the ship but found none of the crew. Parts of the ship, including the bridge gutted by far. An two life boats on board is missing. This is a fox news alert. Buckle up. This is awful. More wicked weather is on the way. The already storm battered midwest and south are going to get hit again. Nor severe storms are expected and that means more tornadoes could be coming. Fox news meteorologist Rick Reichmuth is tracking it all. Rick . We have some going on right now. Very close to where we saw them yesterday. You have to keep in mind, this is may. This is the peak of tornado system season. It doesnt mean you dont get damage from these. Tornadoes across western parts of kentucky. A lot of areas getting storms today. Kind of a widespread area. But you notice these last little frames right here going back very close to where we saw it yesterday. In fact, now we have tornado watches excuse me severe thunderstorm watches across parts of kind of where the ohio valley and Mississippi River meet and then back here across texas. I want to zoom in on one though here towards mississippi and ohio river. This line of storms right here has a lot of wind, a lot of hail with it and we have tornado warnings right here to the south of interstate 64. Southern parts of illinois and a lot of these storms are moving directly to the east. Have a tornado move over your area in another 15 to 20 minutes later another storm move over your area. A lot of damage across parts of this ohio river valley. We have some Severe Weather we are going to deal with across the carolinas tonight. Back up here into indiana, illinois, into kentucky. And then it stretches back down here towards the texas area and the red river valley where i think we stand the best chance do to see tornadoes is back here illinois and indiana. Go dark overnight. Thats where things become so dangerous. This right here is the future radar where what we are going to see over the next 24 hours or so. At hough rain. Some of these areas going to have slow moving thunderstorms. Could be watching spots pick up four to five inches of rain very quickly and cause localized flooding. Keep in mind all the flooding we have had especially down across parts of texas. Some spots just to the southwest of dallas may be seeing another four to five inches of rain and that threat for flooding continuing. Greta . Thank you. Britains Queen Elizabeth caught on hot mike criticizing chinese officials. She is speaking to a Police Official about a meeting ahead of last years visit by president that visit the queen was talking about with the chinese president and his wife in october of 2015. Get ready to speed read the rest of the days news. It was a criminal act, a fire that led to the april 2013 texas fertilizer blast was set on purpose. 15 people, including 10 First Responders were killed in that massive explosion. More than 500 homes wiped out in the town of west texas. Town is still rebuilding. Video showing desperate attempt to save the home from a wildfire. Firefighters in fort Wayne Mcmurray seen dousing the flames. 90,000 people have been evacuated from the area. And update on the music icon prince. Prince saw his doctor the day before his death. The doctor wrote prescriptions that very day. Interviewing the doctor. Prince found dead in his home april 21st. Results of autopsy still pending and thats tonights speed read. Ben carson donald trump called paul inryan. First, i asked donald trump who is on his short list for v. P. . He gives us some clues next. I invest with e trade, where investors can investigate and invest in vests. Or not in vests. Her long day as anne. 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Last night, governor jan brewer said to me that she thought you ought to look at governor mary fallon of oklahoma is she one of the woman. And also jan. Jan brewer has been fantastic. She has been so fantastic. I won so big. Her territory and we won so big. And she is a fabulous woman. I agree with you governor of oklahoma a fabulous person. Governor christie, is he still sort of in there. I dont want to say in there but he is helping me and he was an enearly endorsement and enthusiastic one. Good guy and talented guy and he is helping us a lot. One last question you told me once before you are looking for someone who has experience in government. Most likely. That hasnt changed. Most likely. I have one that may be could fit the role nicely wouldnt be government related as much. I do like the concept of we are going to be passing legislation. We are not going to try to do all the executive orders like obama. No executive orders . You are not going to do executive orders. We may be forced. We will see. Gends on, what . But president obama is signing a lot of executive orders. Nobody ever heard of executive order before. I know bush signed them and other people signed them. All of a sudden like a major event to get things done. It would be nice to go back to the Old Fashioned way its called passing legislation, having people get together and pass legislation. So, i like the idea of somebody helping me with that, somebody very political. All right. The convention, we hear its going to be spectacular. Different from other conventions or the same. I think it will be spectacular convention. Were involved. I would like to bring some entertainment. You hear a the hough speeches and people start falling asleep after the 19th speech. So if we could bring some great entertainment. We have some incredible country and western people. I happen to love that we have some great country and western people who want to come in. We have great entertainers who want to come in. Some want to come in but they cant because they happen to be on the other side of the ledger. Its a little bit tough. But we have some great entertainers that want to come in. Any thought on a keynote, who would be inspiring as keynote speaker. We actually have thought of keynote speakers. I think we will have a very good one. I have to keep this a surprise, greta. I told you its a parlor game. I know. Im trying to get some clues like the parlor game. You know the Vice President , whoever that may be, and i think it will be somebody who will be very good. Whoever that may be will be announced some time during the convention. I want to keep it that way. Thats the way its been typically. Keep a little suspense, at least, right . Donald, thank you very much. Thank you very much, greta. Well, another one of the big names that has been thrown around for trumps Vice President former speaker of the house newt gingrich. And now speaker gingrich is joining team trump. Here is what he secretary of defense to sean hannity in an interview you will see at 10 oclock p. M. Eastern tonight. I endorse donald trump. I want to work very hard for the republican nominee. I didnt get involved at that level prior because i had very good friends. John kasich is a great, personal friend of mine. Ted cruz ran a great campaign. I tried to be objective observer. And now former 2016 g. O. P. President ial candidate dr. Ben carson is playing a big role in helping trump choose a Vice President ial nominee. He joins us. Good evening, sir. Hi, greta . How far along is this Selection Process for Vice President . Various names are being vetted by the team. And looked at very carefully. You know, donald is not going to take this lightly. And wants to make sure that we have somebody who is really compatible who really is a person who understands and upholds the constitution and has some of the traditional values that made america into a great place. Well, of course its such parlor game in washington both sides of the aisle. Here is what governor Chris Christie said when sort of the news is leaking or the rumors that he might be on the short list. Donald trump is a very persuasive guy. The fact is i was on the short list last time, too. It doesnt mean a whole heck of a lot. The list becomes very short. There is only one. Being on the short list obviously an honor to be considered for that position. I was on mitt romneys short list and came up short. One more question dr. Carson, do you think the people on this socalled short list as they van contacted asked do they want to be vetted . Has it gonna far or in the trump tower people looking at names . Some of them have. But, for the most part. We want to do a great deal of due diligence. The team is doing that. Donald trump has an Excellent Team doing excellent work. I wouldnt be concerned with that. We will come up with somebody who will help unite the party and will be an excellent representative. Now to the phone call to Speaker Paul Ryan last night. What did you two talk about . Well, first of all, you know, this is like at 9 30 at night and he still had more meetings. This is a man who works like crazy and true example of a servant leader. I want to do make sure that he had a good understanding of who donald trump was. I know he hasnt had a hot of time to spend with him. He is not a politician. He doesnt believe in political correctness. He is very much like me in that regard. Sometimes things are misinterpreted primarily by the media not so much by the people. They understand what he is talking about. You know for instance the entitlement thing the newsed me is all over saying donald trump doesnt believe in entitlement reform. What he movies in is fixing the economy so you wont need to have all these people on entitlement programs. We have fun seeing what happens tomorrow at that meeting. Thank you very much, dr. Carson. And, coming up. Thank you, greta. I have to tell you something offtherecord. See your lexus dealer. At ally bank, no branches equals great rates. Its a fact. Kind of like social media equals antisocial. Hey guys, i want you to meet my fiancee, denise. Hey. Good to meet you dennis. Safety doesnt come in a box. Its not a banner that goes on a wall. Its not something you do now and then. Or when its convenient. Its using stateoftheart simulators to better prepare for any situation. Its giving offshore teams onshore support. And its empowering anyone to stop a job if something doesnt seem right. At bp, safety is never being satisfied. And always working to be better. 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So america, lets go. Know. Ahh and take control of your health. Cigna. Together, all the way. Lets all go offtherecord. I know they all do it. Really . If you dont show up at your job for months on end. Would you still have it . No. Fired. Today senator ted cruz back in the senate casting first roll call vote since president ial campaign. The last time he showed up to vote in the senate his job and salary you pay february 10th. Three months ago. Senator cruz has missed 64 of 70 roll call. Senator marco rubio missed 34 of 38 votes january through march when he suspended his president ial campaign. What about democratic president ial candidate senator Bernie Sanders he has missed 69 of the 70 roll call votes this year. Running for president time consuming. We have three airports in the d. C. Area. Each of the candidates flying around on plift planes. That means it could have been no sweat to show up at work once a week or once a month to vote. Think about it. If they cant multitask enough to show up once a month to do their jobs. Jobs they ask for and we pay them to do how can they expect to be president with obvious they cant multitask and thats a bad sign. Take your pick. Both lousiy. Thats my offtherecord comment tonight. Thats all for now. 7 00 p. M. Eastern. Good night from new york city. Make sure you go to

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