Moments and 2 30 the Department Of Justice and Jeff Sessions and others at that point. You mentioned Kirstjen Nielsen and she will have commentary in the next hour, too. Sandra we look forward to that. Thats it from americas newsroom. , right now. Melissa fox news alert, President Trump will address the investigation into the mail bombs just moments from now. As fox news confirms, a man has been arrested in florida and connection to the devices, to cope more devices were found today. One in New York City. Addressed to former james clapper, and went to florida, addressed to senator cory booker. Catherine herridges live in washington, d. C. , right now with more as we watch the van of the suspect thats what youre seeing on your screen, they are it is being taken away to be examined. We wait for the president. You see that above us on the screen. Catherine, what you have . Thanks, melissa. They are very fluid moving quickly this morning. About an hour ago we confirmed through fox news that a male suspect had been arrested in florida in connection to the dozen suspicious packages sent to different parts of the United States. We also understand that they are considering whether other individuals were involved. At this point, the single arrested. The venue see there on the left, we believe blocks individual. The blue tarp has evidence. We were told after the reporting of my colleague, rick rosenthal, that the individual had lived in the New York City area. He is in his 50s. He was more recently living in florida and was already known to federal authorities and Law Enforcement authorities for prior terroristic threats. Terroristic threats under the law are threats to commit an act of violence against an individual, individuals, or property. It can also encompass threats of a political nature to influence a branch of government. That something we will be watching forward to hear from the Attorney General about two and half hours from now. Now that we look back on the last 12 hours, it seems clear that the fbi investigation was moving very quickly and very aggressively. Some of our contacts here at fox news said that the bureau is being held little cagey and tightlived about the geographic location they were focused on with the bomber. But we knew from our own reporting that florida had become an area of interest. After that, there was a search of a postal facility just outside of miami, or the miami suburbs. There was a particular attention played too, as you expect, Security Camera video at the selfservice kiosk. Also, cctv footage at surrounding businesses, as well. Just to not draw to find a line under it, we have known for a reporting in the last 72 hours that they really has been a wealth of forensic evidence that was available to the fbi, and that has certainly facilitated this investigation. We were told this morning that, had advanced to the point where the fbi was reaching out to retailers to determine the point of purchase for elements s packages. Things like the Manila Envelope. Also, the pipes. Also, the explosive powder that was inside. Finally, what i would say is that there has been reporting sort of across the spectrum as to how dangerous these devices may or may not have been. I was told that some of the devices were considered so dangerous and unstable thats the key freeze here, unstable that they were transported to quantico, virginia, the hub for the forensic analysis. Melissa catherine, thank you so much. We understand we will hear from the president and a short time. Will they reveal the identity of this man . Do you have any idea . I dont want to speculate, for folks at home. Typically, the identification of a suspect would come from the Attorney General or the fbi director. We are expecting a News Conference at the Justice Department just a couple of hours from now. Thats not to say we couldnt get an identification for the president , but that would not be typically how its done. It would usually be done by the Justice Department branch or arm of government, if you will. The president could speak to the larger issues as he has throughout the week about securing the country. Also, finding out who or what was responsible and bringing the full force of the u. S. Justice system to bear on that individual or individuals. Harris the president has tweeted. He said i will be speaking at the young Black Leadership Summit in 15 minutes where i will address the investigation into the bond packages. So we know that will be coming up in the next minutes, because that wasnt that long ago. Catherine, you mention something that was the first time we have heard some detail about this. People have asked Why Didnt The packages exclude . Think of a board they didnt. Were talking, though, about some of them being so unstable they felt that they couldnt get to quantico with them. Thats an important individual n interesting detail. Speak of the information has been shifting a lot this week. I think its a reflection on how quickly investigations have been moving. You dont have a complete picture. The latest information i have this morning was that some of the devices were considered very dangerous and unstable. That is the the key descriptor there, unstable. That they were destroyed instead of transported to quantico, virginia. Melissa what does unstable mean to you . We heard Rick Leventhal say that some of the didnt have triggering devices. That the powder and trigger could, with static electricity, blow up on its own. Again, i dont want to speculate. Its just too serious a discussion to do that. The description i was given was unstable. Melissa harris when youg yesterday with us on outnumbered and outnumbered overtime, you were just starting to learn that authorities were zeroing in on what parts the country. Later in the day we saw an arrival of the feds. That antiterrorism unit, we were learning, might include nypd. Then, of course, we saw today that it did. Maybe the connection might have been that this man had lived in new york. Whatever it was. As you are learning, this was eerie in zeroing in. Was florida early on . Based on information i was able to obtain along with our producer, we were told that florida it was described to us as a region of interest. That, in some ways, on its face, it is pretty selfexplanatory when you look at the big picture, here. A number of the devices i dont want to say originated, but im going to say at that point will be new is that they were coming to addresses in florida and, of course, the Return Address was this A Misspelling of Debbie Wasserman schultz. A member, the device sent to former Attorney General eric holder field to be delivered because the address was not correct or it just wasnt the right address for him. So we went back to congresswoman Debbie Wasserman schultzs office, and thats when it was we thought we had to packages, but in fact, there was one. On this point, of florida, we talked a bit about forensic profiling based on the evidence and individual. There is also some may call geographic profiling. I was talking about last hour. When you have different data points, so you know how many packages you have. You know geographically how they spread across United States. You also know the timing of when they have been discovered, and you can look back in some cases to when they were processed through postal facilities. You can triangulate that information using algorithms, and you can start to see areas where the suspect or suspects were likely operating out of in order to get the packages to all those destinations with the time frame that you have been able to identify. So you can translate that information down into areas wheu can really start to drill down. I think one of the things that we may find out today is that this investigation was really moving at a lightning pace, because of a number of factors. Not just the evidence, not just what they were able to process. What they saw from cctv. But, now, Rick Leventhals information about this person being known to them thats a huge leg up in any investigation. Harris i had been reading about the mail center they were focused in on late yesterday, and into today. It handles hundreds of thousands of packages per day. They were looking at that, as well, in terms of that original or originbased information that they might get. Not saying they all came from there, but they were looking for that. Plantation, florida is where we were watching this. Catherine herridge is a long with Breaking News for us. Catherine, before he let you go, we can see on the lefthand side of the screen, live, is a tarp ed van. It was taken from the premises of the suspect. This 56 euro man. We dont know his name yet. We could learn that from the authorities coming up. The president is set to speak within a short few minutes here, we are told. He lived in South Florida. What more do we know, or what more are be gathering at at ths point about anything on the premises . About him, but anything connected to him . I just want to stick with what i think we can say with confidence. They are treating that van, or that a vehicle, a crime scene evidence. We want to be able to do is determine whether he was building these devices in his home, may be in his van, and whether he had any kind of assistance from other individuals, either and knowingly or unknowingly. One of the reasons they secured the van if you think of it like a murder scene, if you will, you want to have everything attacked because you want to be able to have, number one, an effective chain of evidence for any prosecution. Number two, you want to see if any of the devices removed in that vehicle. Number three, whether any of the devices were even constructed in that vehicle. Whether you are finding dna of others which can be explained away because of contact that he is having with other individuals, as opposed to individuals who were in some way part of wittingly or unwittingly inputting the devices together. This is like taking a piece of evidence from a crime scene. It just happens to be a huge piece of evidence. Its a vehicle. Harris one Law Enforcement official described to me yesterday that the bombs themselves anything this individual would have touched would be a forensic bonanza. Catherine herridge is always leaning on you for a great reporting today. Well bring you back as you learn more. Steve rogers is here. Steve, you work in counterintelligence in the state of new jersey. You have been with us on many occasions. Unfortunately, for these things. Today, though, good news none of these devices have exploded. No injuries at all, and they have a suspect in all this. Yes, i will build a little timeline for you. President trumps quick decision to mobilize the full weight of the u. S. Governments Law Enforcement agencies resulted in what we have today. I will tell you why. He mobilize the atf, the fbi, Military Intelligence agencies, local state and county Law Enforcement. When Catherine Herridge said it was a Rapid Response very rapid all these agencies were brought together at all of these experts were able to use their skills and talents to bring us where we are today. Melissa i know you were a member of the Fbi Joint Terrorism Task force. Thats one of the reasons we always bring them on the situations and talk to you about this. You have a lot of insight. Looking at what we know so far, in terms of the devices, the event being driven a. Do you think someone else is behind this . Could one person could have dol this caused mark what is the profile, generally . I believe this is one person. Because of the quickness of the devices that were mailed, he could have had them pilot. Every day, may 1, male and other, male another. Just a crazed individual who decided to take this action, for whatever reason. Believe me, the motive is going to be very important. Police are going to find the motive from this individual. But i believe it is one person. By the way, they are rudimentary devices. They were never meant to blow u up. It was made for fear. Harris the new reporting from catherine as they were dangerous and unstable. We always err on the side of caution. On the scene, if they believe there was a possibly something to happen, lets err on the side of safety. Thats why they say it was unstable. Be one all right, we are all checking our devices right now. We are still working to confirm. Always most comfortable with resources, police got two on the name. A second federal source identifying suspected arrest as caesar of aventura, florida. As we look at this, we have been looking at notes for about an hour now because he been coming in. We have been waiting for a strangulation of confirmation. This is a singular source close to the white house, first. And now a source the federal level saying that caesar say out, 56 years old as Catherine Herridge was telling us, known to authorities. Why is that so important at this point . That information that the police have on them, they like to be him great he had to be in a database paid somewhere in the radar. Maybe perhaps he was arrested for a terrorist threats. Maybe in the past he had something to do with devices. Thats why it is very important. A very important components. Melissa catherine said he did have a history of terroristic threats. How do you define that in general . See what he did with these bomb devices . Thats terroristic threats. He could have a history of doing Something Like that. Arrested, may be served some time. We will find out. Release. Sometimes you define a person who commits terroristic threats, who commits active terror like this. Even a verbal threat. If the person believes that this individual will kill you or harm you, you charge them with terroristic threats. Hes on the radar. Melissa the biggest concern right now would be, are there more devices out there . That would be the value of interviewing him immediately and trying to figure that out. What do you think are the odds of that, and how do we know for sure . We wont know for sure, but im sure we will tomorrow or the next day. If he did have more devices and he believed that the police were getting closer, he could have dumped them in the mail rep for the Police Arrived on the scene. Harris we will be able to look at things before we necessarily share them without attribution to our audience, but just from what we are knowing about him, his connections to the northern part of the east coast, its interesting because of your background. We saw that nypd jacket on the ground. We knew there were people from this area. This metro area, who had gone down. Would it necessarily be that he lived a new art, to get that kind of or is it because some of these packages went there . He could have traveled to new york, and traveled back. We dont know. The point is, the police are certainly going to ask those questions, and they are going to do a lot of investigating. Melissa im going to put on hold for a quick second. Catherine herridge has new information. We want to get it from her right away. Along with my colleague we have been able to confirm that there were five penned Register Warrants launch with the Southern District of florida, and the date is yesterday. That is an investigative device that allows the fbi to see exactly what numbers are coming from your telephone. Whether it is a land line, whether it is a cell phone. This helps them understand your web of contacts. It also helps them understand who you were in touch with at the time that the devices were mailed. Before and after. These were under seal, but we were told that the registers were for cesar sayoc. I want to draw your attention to the timing. This Pen Register Information absolutely backs up what Rick Leventhal was saying earlier, which is that they had the suspect on the radar for at least 24 hours. I can tell you for my own experience, you have to have sufficient evidence to show probable cause to get a pen register, so that takes us back as early as october 24th. Much earlier this week. Again, more evidence of how quickly this investigation was going. They had five penned Register Warrants. They were sealed in the Southern District of new york. We have confirmed that they were for cesar sayoc, suspect of these suspicious packages. Allows them just to see the nus called by the individual and received by the individual. This goes with the effort to determine whether it was a lone actor or whether other individuals were involved, willingly or unwillingly. Harris we will go back, this van is headed someplace. The fbi office in miramar, florida is where we are told they are taking that suspects van. Phil keating is on the ground there. Phil . Harris, this is the spot. The headquarters of the fbi Miami Division where we believe the suspect is probably already inside being processed, finger printed, perhaps read his Miranda Rights and further questioned on this investigatio investigation. National interest. We believe that the convoy of about five or six unmarked suvs belonging to the fbi which is escorting the tow truck upon which is the suspects van, which was put onto the flatbed tow truck implantation. Thats really just five or 10 miles due north and northeast of us. Right now, according to the Helicopter Arrows we are seeing live on television, that caravan with a suspects vehicle, which they covered with at plutarch. We did see aerial prior to them covering it with the blue tarp just completely plastered with what appears to be political propaganda all over it. Including written out phrases for the drivers around the road and traffic to read. Not just pictures and little slogan bumper stickers. On the dashboard, when they zoom in tight you can see, it is just covered with items. It is unclear what all that is, of course. Aventura pd, which is a allegedly where the suspect resides. He used to live in new york. 56 years old, as you just heard. He was arrested, apparently come implantation. Perhaps he was driving around in his van, had been followed. The fbi, the Department Of Justice will clear up all of this at their 2 30 News Conference from washington, d. C. , from doj headquarters. We are expecting that big caravan, and of course everyone will be looking directly at the blue covered tarp white van belonging to the alleged suspect here in this massive wave of 72 hours worth of domestic terrorism package mail bombs sent to facilities. Its been a very busy 24 or 48 hours here in South Florida. Going back to wednesday, when one of these Package Bombs in a Manila Envelope arrived to congresswoman Debbie Wasserman schultzs office in sunrise, just west of plantation. We thought it was odd that all the packages around the country sent to president obama, as well as president bill and Hillary Clinton house up there in new york, all had a bogus Return Address of Debbie Wasserman schulte his congressional office. Certainly melissa i just want to study for second here. What we are watching on the site is they have pulled over because the tarp has come off the van. It has flown onto the side of the road, uncovering it. Everybody can see some of the things that are on the side of the van they are stickers everywhere. Not a terribly subtle way, if you are trying if you are a male bomber or a pipe bomb or who is trying not to get caught, the van is just covered with all kinds of you would turn and look look at that van a matter where you work, no matter what you are doing. They have now pulled over to the side of the road here, trying to get the tart back on. We were talking about this idea of its not just obscuring whats on there, its trying to preserve what is essentially a crime scene. I dont know phil, your thoughts . Go ahead. They got it back on. We have all seen the cars and trucks and vans like this around the country, covered with political or ideological or just issues that are important to them. Turning the vehicle into a public billboard to drive around and influence others mines. Of course, very extremely rarely do those people then try and carry out some sort of active domestic terrorism or any sort of crime. Which is what the suspect is currently standing accused of. They will soon be an route here back to that Mail Processing facility near the airport. That was where the fbi agents in Miamidade Police with their bomb teams and their dogs, they went in yesterday afternoon as a cautionary measure. Something certainly triggered federal investigators to suspect that perhaps some, if not all, of the packages had gone through that main South Florida facility where all outgoing mail from broward county, Miamidade County, and monroe county, goes through it. Disseminated around the country. As well as allmale coming in from around the country goes through there. It is believed that the package that arrived at Debbie Wasserman schultzs office was the one addressed to eric holder, and return to sender. In last night surge, where they cleared the building, the dog team somebody visually notice the package that looked very similar to all these other pipe on packages. Thats what the fbi confirmed that 11th package here in South Florida this morning. Harris well met, thats incredible detail. Phil is reporting for us in miramar florida, thats where the van on the left of your screen, life. As most sub pointed out a few seconds ago, they had to put the tarp back on. It was covered with ulcers of stickers and whatnot. Its also a moving crime scene. As Catherine Herridge had talked about, you got to protect it, inside and out. They are beating the struggle of driving down the highway against a lot of wind to try and keep it covered up. Phil, where you are, you were talking about the Aventura Police and we have learned about the suspects connection to cities in South Florida. As his van makes his way to the Fbi Headquarters for forensics. We will lean on you for a little bit more detail. Before we do that, on the right side of your screen, the top box above my head, that is inside the white house. The president of the United States is to be making a comment very shortly. He is at a youth leadership, black Leadership Group today that he is speaking with. That was a big event already on the calendar. He has already tweeted out by himself that in the next couple of minutes he will be talking about whats happening with the bombing package investigation. With phil keating on the ground, phil, this van is pulling slowly now off the freeway. Melissa i just want to point out to people, you see human beings on the back of that van, they are. They have climbed aboard. These are some of the forensic investigators. They have climbed aboard to try and hold that tarp on the back of the van because it did blow off. In case youre wondering why there are people sort of dangling off the back of the truck, they are, thats what has happened. Harris two things, too. End of the screens as plantation, florida. Its not as large as it would appear. Now we are inching our way toward miramar, florida. As soon as the van stops on the back of that tow truck, i think are graphic to the top and the left screen oh look, it just changed. Broward county. We want to make sure we read about this. We have steve rogers sitting with us, too, phil. We want you to stand by because this thing is rolling toward you. Steve, with all of your forensics background, melissa just noted youve got human beings trying to preserve the moving crime scene. Absolute right, the tarp is there to preserve evidence. The one thing they dont want to have happen is people see those written things on the van and take pictures, and then you have the internet problems. People were formulate motives in their own mind. This is not going to be effectually evidencedbased investigation, let the police figured with the motive was. Melissa i think the cat may be out of the bag. I know, but we have learned in Law Enforcement that its best to complete investigation with all the facts before we start pointing fingers. Harris just try not to make it worse. Exactly right. Harris so, phil, we have adjusted the name on our screen. Broward county, and we are rolling. They have a Plantation Rolling toward you in miramar. Whats on the other side, as far as you know . Some interesting background, wsb m, the fox news affiliate in South Florida, they are learning from Miamidade Police sources, they are reporting that the suspect had been arrested in Miamidade County in the year 2002 for making a bomb threat and again in 2012 or 2014 for allegedly shoplifting at a walmart. Investigators did have his fingerprints from those incidents. Whether that was then used with all of the forensics that we suspect were all over these packages that did not explode at all of these homes of very prominent democrats all over the country, it would seem very likely that they could easily match up those forensics if they were able to pull those off the packages. Search the Fingerprint Databases nationally, give us a name. In conjunction with that, all of the packages sent out and arriving on wednesday and thursday and another one this morning all had the Debbie Wasserman schultz, the congressman from broward countys, address as the Return Address. Maybe we should check this u. S. Post office sorting facility, may be the pieces of mail went through there. Melissa okay. Phil, thank you for that. A couple minutes ago we were able to see a piece of the van and we are able to get a screen grab of it. We want to show you how much we could see from there. You can see how many stickers there are all over this van. I have no idea how you would even see out in order to be able to drive a lot of those have to do the president and the Vice President to come as you see there. Every single window if you or somebody was trying to hide from authorities, i dont know that this is such a smart way to do it. Harris steve rogers, of course, joining us. Its interesting, because that person had to be aware that authorities were aware of them. What phil keating just give us is a history. Part of a criminal history that we can gain from our local fox nation, wsb n, down in florida. I saw you out of the corner of my eye nodding saying thats what i was talking about. What did you mean . I was talking about the terroristic threat end of it, when she mentioned what is a terroristic threat customer and phil described it, as a result of his prior arrests in 2002. Here, they had in their data bank they had the fingerprints. They had the police reports. They had this guy on their radar. Amazingly, because of how quick they were able to do comparative analysis with regard to this guy, we have him now. Harris 2004 was shoplifting from a retail store. So it was separate from that 2,000 was it 2014, okay. Its interesting, because you start to pile on with their forensic evidence. Even if the crimes are connected. Even if they arent even similar to each other. They are in the same report, the same rap sheet. You are right, they dont have to be connected. In effect, the totality of information about a suspect. Melissa we can see the truck pulling in here. This is miramar, florida. Where are reporters on the ground. He has seen this is a Vantage Point you are seeing, as this truck arrives and they are beginning to do analysis on it. Steve, what are the very first things that they are going to do . They are going to take pictures of everything. Thats the first thing. They always take photographs. Secondly, they will be looking for physical evidence that they can see with the human eye, and then they will bring forensic teams in to look at even for microscopic evidence. Youre looking for dna, for fingerprints, you are even looking for a strand of hair. Believe me, it gets drilled down that far. However, keep in mind they also are going to be looking for the possibility of maybe Somebody Elses fingerprints. Harris steve, i will ask you to stand by for one second. Phil keating can see this as the happening. Phil . Yes, this is five lanes away from us right now. You can see that massive convoy of federal Law Enforcement agents. You can see very clearly, the agents there on top of the flatbed tow truck, on the backside and in the front keeping that blue tarp down. It is now entering the very secure gates of the fbis Miami Division headquarters. They are following the route for delivery. It would be processed and held here for all evidence that fedel agents can glean. Cesar sayoc is the suspect that has been named, now, as a suspect in these package pipe bombs. That is the vehicle that was taken into custody, as well as him, in plantation earlier today. Back to you. Harris phil keating, we are going to break for the president inside the white house. He is at a youth black Leadership Conference but expected, according to his own twitter feed, to begin with comments about the suspicious packages investigation. Lets watch. [cheers and applause] President Trump thank you very much. What a group. What a group. What a great honor to have you. Thank you. It is a great, great honor to have you in the white house. Thank you very much. [cheers and applause] they call this, as you know, this is a young black leadership. It is the summit. To have you here is truly my privilege. We are going to have a lot of fun. We are going to talk, we are going to meet. [cheers and applause] but before before i do, i would like to begin you are leaders, you are real leaders. I would like to begin todays remarks by providing an update on the packages and devices that have been mailed to highprofile figures throughout our country and a media organization. I am pleased to inform you that Law Enforcement has apprehended the suspect and taken him into custody. [cheers and applause] an Incredible Job by a Law Enforcement. We have carried out a farreaching federal state and local investigation trying to find the person or persons responsible for these events. The events are despicable and have no place in our country. No place. [applause] i have instructed authorities to spare no resource or expense in finding those responsible, and bringing them to swift and certain justice. [applause] and, we will prosecute them, him, her, whoever it may be, to the fullest extent of the law. [cheers and applause] we must never allow political violence to take root in america. We cannot let it happen. We are committed to do everything to stop it. To stop it now. Stop it now. I have just concluded a briefing with the Department Of Justice, following the apprehension of the suspect. I want to applaud the fbi, secret service, the Department Of Justice, the u. S. Attorneys office for the Southern District of new york, the nypd, and all Law Enforcement throughout the entire country. Incredible partners. These people have worked so hard, and to have done it so quickly its looking like a needle in a haystack. How do you do this so quickly . They have done an incredible, Incredible Job. I want to congratulate them. [cheers and applause] americans must unify and we must show the world that we are united together in peace, love, and harmony as fellow american citizens. There is no country like our country, and every day we are showing the world just how truly great we are. You are really very special people. I wanted to say that before our little talk. I appreciate the time you have given me. Boy, one day, one of you is going to be standing it could be three or four of you, actually. But you are going to be standing right here. [cheers and applause] you will be standing right here. I have no doubt. I have no doubt. Who in this room wants to be president someday . [cheers and applause] so its an ambitious group. Its an ambitious group, thats great. Anyway thank you all very much. I really appreciate it. For the media, thank you very much. I thought i would do that. We feel very strongly. Again, congratulations to all Law Enforcement. We have the best in the world, and they just showed it. Thank you very much. [cheers and applause] now, to the subject at hand. [cheers and applause] it is my great honor to be with so many brilliant and thats what you are, brilliant, courageous, patriotic, and proud americans. [cheers and applause] seeing all of you here today fills me with an extraordinary confidence in americas future, and the great, great future of our country. Each of you is taking part in the young, Black Leadership Summit. Because you are true leaders on your campuses come in your churches, and in your communities. You are leaders. Leaders of the future. You are leaders of the present, also. Remember that. You are leaders of youth. Harris the president of the United States, with the 2018 young Black Leadership Summit inside the east room at the white house, asking them who wants to be president consumer cheers there. But the cheers first came when he announced that there had been an arrest. An individual taken into custody in the bomb scare series that we have been terrorized with in the United States over the past couple of days. At one point, he said i am pleased to tell you that a suspect has been arrested and taken into custody. We will prosecute them, him, or her whoever it may be to the fullest extent of the law. And then he made a plea for togetherness. He said we must show the world that we are united as american citizens. The president , at the white house, in the east room. The 2018 young Black Leadership Summit. He began with those comments, as he promised that he would, any tweet about 30 minutes ago on the investigation. This scene is unfolding. Look at what is happening on the left side of your screen. That truck that has struggled mightily to keep the tarp on the evidence, that the tow truck is caring on the back, has not arrived at Fbi Headquarters in miramar, florida. They will commence immediately with forensic investigation. Our guests alongside here on out numbered today, steve rogers has pointed out that will begin with taking pictures. They have already been some pictures taken of that suspects a band that they have taken off the premises of where he lives parlous in South Florida. We have seen some of those stickers and things, but its also the totality of that crime scene. The inside, as well, that they will look at now at Fbi Headquarters. This is not quantico. What is it in miramar, and what are they capable of . There is no doubt in my mind that the Fbi Headquarters in miramar have the equipment they need in order to collect dna. In order to even microscopic evidence. Keep in mind, as they go through that van and they start analyzing fingerprints and other evidence, the question is are Somebody Elses finger prints and they are . This is a white support to take those pictures and secure that crime scene. Melissa thats what i was going to ask him is that question number one customer because of the top priority, as you comment . Is there Somebody Else out there . Exactly right. Theyre probably going to do a lot more, as was reported earlier by a reporter i think was kathryn who was this person calling, at what time are they calling . That doesnt mean the person they were calling is involved. But, a lot of these guys they start making phone calls to their friend saying look what im going to do, watch tv. Because we dealing with somebody very unstable. Harris or, in this sense, since he was already on their radar and was driving around something so decorated you could pick it out probably in the dark, he may have been having conversations more about what are you seeing customer sometimes we will see that with criminals, too. What are you seeing of the outside . How worried should i be customer dig in, i know you been looking at other aspects of this. You have to be careful what you see and read on social medi. The pictures we are seeing in terms of when the tarp off the van, we could all see the conspiracy stickers. Information that is covered in the van. But the speed with which they apprehended the suspect is really astonishing. To quote Catherine Herridge, which she has been saying earlier, the wealth of forensic evidence that they have because of these 12 devices some of which were not even sent down to quantico and virginia because they were unstable and detonated before they were sent but in terms of, they had already reached out to retailers locating where the pipes had come from. Where the explicit powder, the actual Manila Envelopes, the devices were sent in. All of these individuals. Then, the fact that this man had a lengthy Arrest Record based on our reporting and other reports out there. Not just in recent history, but according to the new york times, going back to 1991. Thats how far back as Arrest Record goes. Harris you know, dagen, as you look at that the one that burst, if you will, for the Fox Affiliate Wsb and out of florida is that the 2002 arrest was specific to the topic of what we are looking at now. Thats a bomb threat. We know that he is on the radar, but specific to what we are seeing, charges that may be pending against him at this point, there is that history. Dagen driving on a vehicle, parked in a Shopping Center near where he was apprehended four days and days it drew attention. Melissa thats what boggles my mind. Dagen it was so conspicuous p. I was pleased to see and hear the president talked about the fact that there was no place in our country for this kind of thing. That we need to come together as a country, because we have really seen too much of this in the country. You have a prominent leader on the left receiving explosive packages. You have republicans being gunned down at a baseball event In The Name Of health care. We have had republicans during the Kavanaugh Hearing having to have protection because of the Death Threats against them. We cannot live in the country where you are serving in the position of leadership, this is what you are on the Receiving End of. Thats where the conversation needs to stay as the country from the president to politicians on down. Antjuan julie says point, the best of Law Enforcement. To her point, lisa, perfectly. We all came together. No matter what our political ideology is or Palooka Party is, americans came together and they got the culprit. Harris one thing that the president said, also, in the context of that, was to let the world see. When this happens, we all know that our heart stopped when they saw people spilling out of time warner in evacuation mode. Onto the streets of manhattan, 58th street and Columbus Circle there. Its jarring. Its jarring. The whole world watches us in this metro recoil and be resilient. Then these devices showing up in other parts, all the way the way to the other coast. So it is the world watching. In remind me of what Ronald Reagan once said, that we bounce back because we are americans. Melissa can i ask you to look at the screen will quicken you can describe what youre seeing, here . It looks like possibly somebody taking pictures. They are coming out we get a closer look to kind of see how they are approaching this vehicle. We had thought they were going to back it into a closed area, so we wouldnt be able to watch it. But can you see any of the things going on over there . They will look at the undercarriage, they will look to make sure as they move that vehicle, they dont touch even the outer parts of that vehicle. There may be finger prints on the doors come on the hoods, on the trunk. They are just being very, very careful. Melissa do they already know there are no expose the devices this point . They wouldnt have im sure they had dogs, they had some forensic teams going there to make sure there were no expose the devices. To be when they couldnt even keep the tarp on. I think if they thought there was some device under there, that would be melissa can ask another detail that we heard early today . They were talking about the print on the notes that were on the outside of the packages, the blocked printing, saying that within that Block Printing there are actually numbers that are hidden in there . That specific kind of print . So they could do tracing back to what type of printer and what printer it was . Do you know about that . I do know that there are certain Printing Outfits that do have hidden numbers. It is actually used if there is a Product Recall. They are like Product Recall numbers. They were able to capture that, they were probably able to lead back to who printed this paper and what retail outfits do they sell this paper too. Thats how efficient their word. Melissa interesting. Harris as moser pointed out, the at one point were backing this vehicle into that location. They pulled it back out. We cant see as much of that vehicle as we had been able to on the freeway, because the wind isnt helping us out in terms of going back that chart. Picture a hospital room. Clean as a whistle, no dreams. Thats where that vehicles going. Its going into a very clean, secure environment where there is going to be no way that any evidence will be contaminated. Thats very important. Dagen i was going to say, given the condition of this band based on when the tarp flew back he you could see what wasn the dashboard. In terms of the time it would take to process this vehicle. Its going to take quite a bit of time for Law Enforcement to take care of that. Harris steve, if we can and of course we will keep this on the screen, because we didnt anticipate wed see this much of the first work of investigation, here youre grateful to see them begin this. I want to concentrate on the Human Element in all of this, somebody has been driving around in that van. We think that person has been arrested and taken into custody because this was taken off the premises. Thats weve been told. Whats happening with that suspect . Criminological psychological profiles. They will be interviewing him, as well as the criminal element investigators. They want to figure out why he was doing that. Why were you writing around the open . Did you want to get caught . Was very interesting was the fact that none of these devices exploded. Theyre going to try and get into his psyche. What was your purpose . What did you actually try to gain from this . Hes going to be interviewed by, obviously, the ground of the skaters. Also, very important, those who could look into his psyche. Its very important. Lisa how long could that process take . It could take many hours. They will try to befriend him. The one thing investigators will do is try to befriend the suspect, get him to talk, get him to talk about his past and a little bit of a history of the environment they live in. Et cetera. Then they begin to talk. He may be able to turn over a lot of information with regard to who he was in contact with. To lead him to others. It may take a few hours, maybe eight or nine hours. I think it is going to be done pretty quickly. Something tells me that this guy knew he was going to get caught and may be at one point wanted to get caught. Melissa i thought it was interesting what Catherine Herridge was saying earlier when she was talking about the algorithms that are used at this point in time. This is really it goes back to that whole thing but you dont do anything without people knowing where you are and what you are doing. Sort of organizing where the packages were sent from, based on the stand. How long it took for them to get to each place, and if they were mailed at similar times. Kind of spanning out from there, things you bought. You begin with the help of algorithms to triangulate back and forth until you find somebody who could have achieved all of the different markers. To your point, dont be surprised if people start coming forward and say i saw him go into the post office the of the day i saw him buying this. Or there was something on social media i saw, and a chat room. Most of the time youll see people come forward now and say i saw something, i should have said something. Harris the one at robert de niros place, the person who was working there, the Doorman Mailroom crew realized that wait, didnt i see something a couple of days ago . And that package had been sitting. Dagen one of the first things he would do is running looking for people who had been arrested prior for making bomb threats. This individual, based on our reporting so far, had been arrested at least at one point for making a terroristic threat based on a bomb. So that the speed with which the suspect was identified and taken into custody is kind of astonishing. If if you think back to like the anthraxlease letters sent back in 2001, it took years. The fbi hounded an innocent man for years and eventually it was in 2008 that the individual who is responsible committed suicide. This is a matter of days that they were able to arrest this individual. Harris with the bombs themselves and we learned this morning, out of all of them, this was before the 11th and 12th had been looked at as closely as well at the crack of dawn, nine of them had been confirmed to be explosive devices. A lot of times, what you will have is a fake device. You talk about them not pulling up, but they were clearly capable of something because we have learned from Catherine Herridges reporting and others that they were unstable and dangerous and needed to be blown up and not transferred right away intact to quantico. You mentioned, steve, what was first. What is next . In all of this . It doesnt they are taking their pictures, they are sticking stuff up under the man to take pictures. We dont know how much of this is going to unfold in front of us. It is very valuable to get your perspective on what they are doing. The next is going to be, obviously, the interview. If there is anybody else involved, he will lead them to harris i mean for this van. For the van cuesta marco. They are going to bring it there, remove the tarp, take more pictures inside. As dagan said, was on the dashboard. They will take pictures up and down. Harris look at the screen or not. They are moving it. They have moved it away from that opening that they were going to take it in. Maybe theyre taking it elsewhere, as you say, steve. The photographs are important because they want to make sure that especially when they go prosecution that they can say or place a particular piece of evidence in that event at that time. Then, the collection of evidence from the Forensics Team is very important. Its all it all might be right there, what they need. They may find fragments of different Bomb Making Devices in that van. It looks like they are taking it off, the van. Harris look at this. They may just push it into the garage. Maybe they couldnt get that truck into the garage. Maybe that was the problem. We dont know. They had tried initially, steve, your observation a very strong, i get it. They may have been a height situation. Now they are lifting that van off of that tow truck bed. Perhaps, as you say melissa you can say theyre at it, theres another image of the side of the van. During the speed of time in the tarp came off, and you could see closely, a lot of the stickers this monitored his work, but we can see over here. Harris we dont want to miss them rolling the van. Melissa you can see was on there. My guess is that youre right, that they couldnt fit the van because of the height. Harris you never saw it breach the doorway much. Melissa there we go. Harris wow, look at how much information there is. We did have wsb end, our fox affiliate, following along from the air. We had a different Vantage Point of images, because that is back where the band was originally parked. I remember that pole was in the original pictures. As we look away from that, we have got some interesting Points Of View from the air. They have a zoom lens up there, all salsa. Its fascinating. If you go background to the left pictures, because we dont want to miss the backing this off of the tow truck bed, to see where they will take it now. If they are actually going to push it into that garage. We will wait for them to go back to the left pictures. Again, that is miramar, florida where they are backing they are lifting that van up. This is complicated, too, steve. I dont think you necessarily want to turn the engine on. You dont want to disturb any of the evidence. No, you dont. Exactly. The important element here row is the preservation of evidence. They want to make sure that nothing on the van especially out of services they want to make sure its protected. There being very careful, and my guess is theyll push them into the garage and close the garage door. The preservation of evidence is key. Not only to prosecution, but its key to further the investigation if they have to. It may lead them to some other suspects, if there are some. Melissa is it odd for him to be so overt with these stickers on the truck, or is this something you have seen before . Where the van, rather. During my Law Enforcement career, these people arent stable. They are really unstable. Believe me. In this case, it may lead to something. Some part of the investigation, maybe not. Whats important is that the preservation of all of it. He may have written on some of those stickers that are in the window. That may be very important. Dagen this man was so conspicuous melissa i wanted to tell you what youre seeing on the side of the screen, they are. Theyre going over to the auto zone we go. This is where the suspect was arrested earlier. It was in plantation, florida. I guess we are looking through the window inside of the store. You can see there some fbi officials inside, doing work. Wearing their jackets. But this is where they actually found the suspect, and where they found this van. Go ahead. Dagen i was just going to say, this van was so conspicuous and, quite frankly, stood out so prominently. People in florida, around the suspect, cesar sayoc, lived in aventura. That southeast of the plantation where he was arrested. In past days and weeks, people had taken photos of the it is n and reposting it on social media earlier saying that the van was so absurd. Thats how conspicuous he was. See something, say something. Dagen, thats great. Thats the point that Law Enforcement brings people. Your gut feeling says that there something wrong. People felt there was something wrong. They took pictures, they posted it, and look what we have. Harris we look at the different parts of this, Community Working together, Law Enforcement working together. I go back to what lisa was just asking. You are driving around in something that is a billboard. Was the goal really to get caught . We dont know. You mentioned the criminal psychological investigators who will be interviewing him for hours. That will be a very intriguing scoop of information, because you couldnt even drive around at night much with something this melissa i dont know how you can see out he could have been driving around sing hey guys, here i am. This is me. This is the type of people we are dealing with. Very conspicuous. The fact of the matter is, it all becomes part of evidence. Dagen can i say, we dont know who that man is registered to. Do we . We are making the assumption harris i said it was taken from the premises of the home where he lives. We are told that its the van the suspect owns. We havent had a chance to do the dmv or something. Only his name in the last hour or so. Clearly, theres a lot of information on the outside of that van. When it was parked, if you go back to that picture where it has the pole in it, earlier on and people were snapping and putting it all over twitter from their tv sets you could see even more information. There probably is a way to find it through the dmv, i would imagine, at this point. But it is the Human Intelligence that has made such a huge impact, as we can see that autozone in plantation, florida. That goes back to what we call the investigators are built into their infestations. A lot of footwork, a lot of Human Intelligence come as you say. A lot of interviews. You can have a lot of video footage, you can have a lot of forensic evidence, but there is nothing like a human being saying you know what . That person was in the store. Yes, they bought this. They bought that. They drove here in that van. I saw them. Melissa one more question before run of time you have a van that looks like that lets say it is his how do you start an interview . Has that changed the way you approach someone . If thats what they are driving around in while they are, in theory, trying to get away with this crime . We have you, we have your van, we have everything in the band is now becoming part of evidence. While i . Tell the truth. They figure you come forward and thats we put it. Obviously, we live in a 24hour news cycle paid how much information will the public find out, do you think im in the next 24 hours or so . You will find information that will not compromise this investigation because its ongoing. We dont know if theres anyone else involved. Regardless, Excellent Police work. Dagen we have a very lengthy Arrest Record, going back to at least 1991 for a variety of different crimes in South Florida. There is also a report that there was a Bankruptcy Filing about six years ago. The filing says that this individual lived with his mother. People who had seen this van around aventura, florida when the doors of the van would be open, the presumption was that the individual was living in the van. At least part of the time. There is a phrase we use in Law Enforcement that we dont know what we dont know. Thats why you have to go after, to find out what you need to know. Dagen and to build a case. Lisa what do they need to know right now . They need to know right now, immediately they have him and enough evidence was there anyone else involved . Did anyone else have information . Who are you talking to on the telephone during the period of time this was going on . That is absolute important. It may lead to police to either more suspects or to a dead end, and he would be the only person involved in this. Melissa i would be surprised if he learned there were other people who tipped off the police. You talk about looking at what numbers were going out and coming in and out of his phone. We dont know at this point that there werent other people calling in and saying hey, the van, the person i know this guy. You are right. We will get limited information from Law Enforcement because right now its an ongoing investigation. The thing they do not want to do is compromise the investigation at this point

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