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Hello, everyone. Donald trump says his tax rate is nobodys business. And American Voters do not have a right to see his tax returns before the election. He made those comments today in an interview with abc news. Frankly, our country doesnt know what theyre doing with our money or tax money. Thats part of the problem. So i fight very hard to pay as little tax as possible. What is your tax rate . Its none ofio your busines. I fight very hard to pay as little tax as possible. The Presumptive Republican nominee still says he will release his tax returns as soon as the government finishes a routine audit. More on that later. He hopes that might be some time before the november election. The billionaire says americans wont learn anything from his returns. But critics have been blasting him for refusing to release them. Donald trump also today denied that he is softening his stance on banning foreign muslims from entering the United States. But he also called it, well, kind of a suggestion. And said he is always flexible on issues. Anything i say right now im not the president. Everything i say is a suggestion. I feel strongly we have to do something about when you look at radical islamic terrorism we have a president that as you folks know very well, we have a president who wont use the term. Everythings a suggestion. And trump has also scheduled his first fundraiser, set for may 25th in los angeles at the home of real estate developer. Trump estimates he spent 50 million of his own money on his primary campaign. A general election fight, well that could cost a billion dollars, maybe more. The Associated Press reports that trump is close to signing a deal with a gop to let him ask supporters for donation of more than 300,000. Hes been beefing up his staff. Fox news confirming he has chosen north dakota congressman kevin cramer. He says global warm associatini fraudulent idea. John roberts joins us on the news deck. Whats the thinking on whether the tax return thing could hurt trump . Thats the interesting thing about donald trump is that even on a down day there is so much to talk about. Greg, what hes doing really is hes handing his opposition more ammunition against him. The Clinton Campaign is going at him hard on this thing. For trump to come out and say theres nothing to learn from my tax return giciis not true. You can learn a lot which is one of the reasons mitt romney didnt want to release his. You can find out how much is investment income, your extent of charitable giving. Its not just the Clinton Campaign thats after donald trump on taxes. Mitt romney himself, again, about three days ago came out and said there could be bomb shell in the taxes. Whats donald trump trying to hide . The thing that donald trump has going for him on this issue is his supporters dont care about it. He needs more than his core supporters if he wants to become president of the United States in the election in november. Another area where trump runs afoul of the conservative party, is the issue of transgender bathrooms. He came out in opposition oo the North Carolina law. He was asked about the letter that the Obama Administration is sending to School Districts across the country on the issue of transgender bathrooms. I think its much better as a local issue. I think its a federal issue where the federal government gets involved. I see whats happening, its become such a big situation. Everybody has to be protected. And i feel strongly about that. Youre talking about a tiny, tiny group of population with that being said, everybody has to be protected. I would leave it up to the states. On the one hand he runs afoul of conservatives by saying its too expensive to do it any other way, then says its a states issue. Which conservatives love. Well be talking about tit with a legal analyst a bit later. Talk to us about this audio recording that has now surfaced. 25 years old. Kind of sounds like not kind of, it sounds like donald trump. It does, this is what happens, greg, when a newspaper like the Washington Post assigns 20 reporters to come up with everything they can on the guy who looks like hes going to be the republican nominee. This is from 1991. Its an audio tape of a re guy who says his name is john miller and a People Magazine reporter theyre talking about donald trump and marla maples. Donald trump sounds an awful like john miller, but, here, well play it, you decide. Whats your name again . John miller. You work with thats correct. What kind of comment is coming from your agency . Well, its just that he really decided that he wasnt, you know he didnt want to make a commitment. He really thought it was too soon. Hes coming out of a marriage. Now, dont forget the voice is 25 years younger, but the cadence and inflection points on many of the words are the same as we hear donald trump today. In 1991 marla maples confirmed that that was the deed donald trump. It was on the audio tape. And that he had just engaged in a joke she said went too far. But this morning when asked about it, donald trump insisted no, thats not me. Its not me on the phone. It was not me on the phone. And it doesnt sound like me on the phone. I will tell you that. It was not me on the phone. And when was this, 25 years ago . So he says it wasnt him on the phone. It wasnt 25 years ago. Marla maples says it was him on the phone. The question you have is, if he knew it was him, now he would be on record as lying about it. 25 years later. Why is the president ial candidate do you want to do that . It may matter to some people, other people may say it doesnt matter. Expect more of that. 20 reporters digging up all this stuff. I wonder how much of that was prompted by president obamas remarks you need to really dig in to the candidates. As if they needed an excuse. No kidding. All right. In dallas this weekend, the Gop Convention for texas and ted cruz is going to be there. He is. Hes going to be speaking tomorrow afternoon. Divvying up the 155 delegates that texas will award and send to the National Convention on july 18th. Ted cruz won 104 of those. Donald trump got about 48. Ted cruz is going to try to put as many of his supporters in the delegation as he can. I have it on Good Authority when he speaks tomorrow even though governor greg abbot called for him to get behind donald trump. You wont hear similar language from ted cruz. Abbot did not mention trump by name. He encouraged people to get behind the republican nominee. The reason for cruz is he doesnt want to mention Donald Trumps name. Hell run again in 2020 if trump loses. He may run again in 2020 even if he wins. Thats right. All right. John roberts good to see you. Lets bring in chris wallace. Several things to ask you about. We played the clip a moment ago, donald trump kind of became unglued when he was asked about releasing his taxes. Theres nothing about an audit that prevents him from releasing his tax forms, nixon did it in 73. I wonder how much will hurt him down the road. It gives the Presumptive Democratic nominee something to hammer him over. If theres one person in american politics thats not going to be able to hit donald trump on transparency in Hillary Clinton. Hillary clinton has refused to release the transcript of her 225,000 speeches to goldman sachs. She decided not to release and supposedly destroyed 30,000 emails she said were private. Of course had a private email server in the first place. This gives her something to try to blunt trumps attacks on her she was going to deliver anyway. She certainly cant go after him on the transparency issue. Maybe they fight to a draw on this. I want to ask you about the comment that donald trump made that some people are saying its a flipflop. Back tracking. He now says his muslim ban is just a suggestion. He went further and said everythings a suggestion. To folks who care deeply about consistency, does this will this bother them . Theyll say, well, this is more than just an amendment. Its an outright change . No, i think that its a legitimate issue. And a concern for voters. And its not just on this. Certainly when we all remember so explosively after the attacks in San Bernardino and paris, when trump came out and i remember reading it in a statement saying that he was calling for ban, it was not im suggesting a ban he was calling for the ban. Hes also flipped on the minimum wage. There was a time back during a Fox Business Network debate in november he said we cant afford to increase the minimum wage because it will price us out of the international market. Hes for an increase in the minimum wage. And there have been some inconsistencies in where he is on his proposal to cut taxes dramatically. Across the income spectrum but including for the wealthiest americans. So, i mean, he has flipped on those issues. Thats obviously a concern. Its probably a concern when you talk about the meeting up here on capitol hill, yesterday, between donald trump and the speaker ryan and a number of other Top Republicans theyre talking about trying to come to some accommodation. The concern, i think, one of the concerns is can you trust that what he says today is what hes going to say tomorrow. Maybe hell switch on that. Heres another one, you know, for the longest period of time almost at every campaign stop, he would promise the supporters there as president ill be beholden to nobody because im selffunding. All of a sudden, hes throwing that out the window. He is, in fact, going to be doing some substantial fund raising. So, again, does he lose a bit of credibility on that one as well . Yeah, but i dont know thats as serious as the others. Frankly, its a different situation. I mean, not to say that he didnt stick by a principle he was going to be beholden to no one and called the people who were accepting money from big donors puppets. Those are his words. Its almost impossible i dont doubt hes liquid enough, even donald trump. He needs a billion dollars plus to run a general election campaign. Hes hundreds of Million Dollars behind Hillary Clinton already. He needs to raise a lot of money in a hurry. And, you know, i think the only way he could do that is by getting donations from a variety of sources and combining his resources with the republican party. Maybe it was convenient politically to say that in the primaries and inconvenient in a realistic sense to hold to that when he got to a general election. Its a flip on his part. Chris wallace, great to see you and thanks so much. We look forward to your program this weekend. Which im going to promote right now, this weekend fox news sunday. Chris is going to be talking to Republican National Committee Chairman Reince Priebus who was in the room between donald trump and paul ryan. Also Newt Gingrich a trump supporter who said hed love to be his running mate. And and texas congressman who is refusing to support trump. Thats this sunday. Check your tv listings for that. Bernie sanders says forget what anybody else says he can still win the nomination. Some Democratic Leaders who support Hillary Clinton say hes hurting the partys chances of defeating donald trump by sticking around. Well talk about it next. Nothing unleashes power. Quite like the human foot. Introducing the 241 horsepower lexus is 200 turbo. With almost twenty percent more base horsepower. Once driven, theres no going back. And youre talking to your doctor about your medication. This is humira. This is humira helping to relieve my pain and protect my joints from further damage. This is humira helping me go further. Humira works for many adults. It targets and helps to block a specific source of inflammation that contributes to ra symptoms. Doctors have been prescribing humira for over 13 years. Humira can lower your ability to fight infections, including tuberculosis. Serious, sometimes fatal infections and cancers, including lymphoma, have happened, as have blood, liver and nervous system problems, serious allergic reactions, and new or worsening heart failure. Before treatment, get tested for tb. Tell your doctor if youve been to areas where certain fungal infections are common, and if youve had tb, hepatitis b, are prone to infections, or have flulike symptoms or sores. Dont start humira if you have an infection. Ready for a new chapter . Talk to your rheumatologist. This is humira at work. Some Top Democrats who support Hillary Clinton are now suggesting Bernie Sanders get out of the race. California senator Dianne Feinstein said this, quote, its harmful because she cant make the pivot the way she should and donald trump has made the pivot and is going at her. New york congressman steve israel who used to be in charge of keeping democrats in the house tells the Associated Press, quote, i would just hope that he would understand that we need to begin consolidating our votes sooner rather than later. Today the head of the democratic National Committee told fox news she is not worried about bringing the party together. Joe biden and barack obama are going to be out there for our candidates all across the country stumping for our nominee. We are in good shape. Were on track. And i will tell you that im quite confident about where we are in our campaign. Sanders promising to keep fighting until the convention. He insists he can still win the nomination by getting clintons superdelegates to switch sides. Mike emanuel live in washington. How has sanders handles these calls, you know, to get out and folks saying he has no shot . Greg, he seems to be ignoring them Bernie Sanders fighting to the finish. Campaigning in june 7th primary states out west. Hes about to hold a rally, and an earlier stop in grand forks, north dakota he continues to ask his supporters to believe he can get it done. Hes talked about winning in november. Im not here to say that Hillary Clinton cant defeat donald trump. I absolutely believe that she can. But i believe quite honestly that Bernie Sanders is the stronger candidate. Sanders is still aggressively campaigning and is expected to return to kentucky for a two day swing before tuesdays primary. Greg . I love it when people refer to themselves in the third person. When does Hillary Clinton return to the campaign trail . Hillary clinton is expected back in kentucky on sunday. And monday a real showdown this week. Clinton made stops in lexington and louisville this week. Her campaign is also running some tv advertising. Her husband, former president bill clinton is campaigning for her in new jersey today. He took a swipe at sanders and donald trump while praising his wife. Shes the only candidate left in the race in the primary or the general thats actually got a record of getting things done with members of the other party. The Clinton Campaign eager to shift to the general election. First she wants to drive turn out in the blue grass state. Thanks. More ahead on the democrats. Well be talking to a correspondent covering the 2016 campaign about whether Bernie Sanders really can pull off a huge comeback. Or if hes doing donald trump a favor by staying in the race. This is joanne. Her long day as a hair stylist starts with shoulder pain when. Hey joanne, want to trade the all day relief of 2 aleve with 6 tylenol . Give up my 2 aleve for 6 tylenol . No thanks. For me. Its aleve. 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Is it hard for clinton to argue that sanders should get out now when she refused to get out eight years ago in a race against obama until close to the convention . It was june when she finally conceded. Right, it certainly complicates the argument for her. She cant make it cleanly. She cant say once the math is in her favor in the front runners favor the challenger should get out. Thats not what she did in 2008. Increasingly what the problem is for clinton and for democrats who support her isnt simply the idea that sanders is staying in the race. Its that he continues to make the argument hes the better democratic candidate to compete against donald trump in the fall. He continues to try to take shots at her undermine her candidacy. And its all happening at a time when she still has to fight this two front campaign. Both fending off sanders, trying to push back against him but also really trying to turn her attention toward november. Well, you know, increasingly, the things that he quite critical of Hillary Clinton just two days ago. His Campaign Said that nominating clinton is quote, courting disaster. I mean, boy, that is something that is certainly republicans can use as well against her. Absolutely. And one of the difficulties for clinton here is that she will need sanders supporters. If he continues to stoke their anticlinton sentiment, it could make it harder for her to bring them into the fold in november. So, again, they dont necessarily mind him being in the race. They look for any sign he has an understanding of where the math is and what the reality of the situation is. And then maybe will back down. Even when we think that maybe thats happening, when we see an inkling of that in a speech or interview he very quickly reverts back to the tough criticisms of her. As long as sanders is in, of course, president obama, Vice President joe biden who would be powerful advocates on the campaign trail on behalf of Hillary Clinton, theyre sidelined, right . Absolutely. And you can almost feel especially with president obama him just itching to get out there. He has been pushing back on donald trump in his capacity as president. But he cant proactively right now make the case for Hillary Clinton without looking as though he is getting ahead of the voting democratic voting process. Looking as though hes essentially ignoring Bernie Sanders supporters. Vice President Joe Biden has bit a bit more forward leaning on this. Hillary cant get them on the trail for her. She cant have them out there making the case robustly while the democratic primary is still happening. Sanders has won 19 states, which is nothing to sneeze at. And since march first, he has won a majority of the delegates. If he wins the final ten states, lets say its a sweep, some are proportional delegates. There is a conceivable way that, you know, he could actually make huge gains on Hillary Clintons lead in terms of the delegates. And then could he go to the superdelegates and say, wait a minute, look at the polling data. Im a better candidate against donald trump and Hillary Clinton. Second of all, you guys clearly have buyers remorse. And, third, shes got some problems. The fbi primary as its being called. Well, that really is his only option at this point. Its almost impossible i think mathematically it is impossible for him to overtake her in the pledge delegate count between now and the california primary on june 7th. Hell need the super delegates to flip to come on to his side. He does have some arguments he is making to the super delegates. One of the things ive heard from super delegates that is a knock on him. Hes been unable in the process of the primary to prove he has really any appeal with black voters. Who are a huge part of the democratic constituency. Important that black voters show up in large numbers in the general election for democrats. And so he may say, you know, you can look at these polls that show me performing better. Its hard for him to show super delegates he has the coalition that could beat donald trump in the fall. Julie pace, White House Correspondent, Associated Press, great to see you, thank you. You have probably heard the predictions of long lines this summer at airports all over the country as security screeners struggle to keep up. But would the proposed solution to this huge mess still keep passengers safe . Plus, funeral for an American Hero killed fighting isis terrorists in iraq. A navy s. E. A. L. Laid the rest coming up. Ed. And you work hard to keep it that way. Sometimes, maybe too hard. Get claimrateguard® from allstate. 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More of todays headlines, the very last american born in the 19th century has died in brooklyn. Her name was susanna mushatt jones. She was 116. She grew up in a small farm town near montgomery, alabama. A massive fire has been burning for hours near madrid. Officials have ordered 9,000 people to evacuate and told drivers to close their window oz. Its believed to be the largest in all of europe. It forces a nearby school to cancel classes. Investigators say they think somebody set the fire on purpose. It looks like microsoft wants to help control how youre feeling. The company filed a patent for a new shirt. Its censors try to get a hold of your emotions it would get hot or cold or apply pressure like a hug. Whats going on here . Im val, the orange money retirement squirrel from voya. Were putting away acorns. You know, to show the importance of saving for the future. So youre sort of like a Spokes Person . More of a spokes metaphor. Get organized at voya. Com. Thats life. You diet. 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Other side effects are genital yeast infections, kidney problems, increased bad cholesterol, and urinary Tract Infections which may be serious. Taking jardiance with a sulfonylurea or insulin may cause low blood sugar. Tell your doctor about all the medicines you take and if you have any medical conditions. So talk to your doctor, and for more information, visit jardiance. Com all right. Weve all waited in long lines at the airport, security, of course, but you may have noticed they keep getting longer and longer. Now Homeland Security official jeh johnson says the department has come up with an aggressive way to deal with lines and wait times and still keep us safe. Lawmakers yesterday questioned vigorously the tsa administrator Peter Neffenger on capitol hill and called for serious improvements in the agency. Just last night as chicagos Midway Airport passengers said they waited more than an hour to get through security. The line reportedly reaching all the way to a transit train stop about a quarter of a mile from the tsa checkpoint. Airport officials across the country have threatened to switch from tsa to private security operators if the feds dont start doing something to solve the long waits. Peter doocy live at Reagan National airport just outside washington. Peter, the tsa claims theyre more concerned about keeping travellers safe than they are about wait times. How is this going to work . Well, the secretary of Homeland Security, jeh johnson was clear. They are not concerned from a security standpoint about these waits. He came here to Reagan National airport earlier this afternoon and said, yes, a three hour wait in a security line, not ideal if your flight is going to be 90 minutes long. They have no interest at dhs in sacrificing security to speed things up. Part of the reason for that is because theyve seen what terrorists try to do at airports abroad. Local authorities, private security and the like are also looking at Airport Security. Thats something weve been focused on since the recent events, brussels, others, and so with local Law Enforcement weve been partnering to focus on Airport Security as well. And believe it or not the 2016 race is partially to blame for the problems with the tsa right now. Something weve noticed some of the very large rallies trump rallies, sanders rallies across the country. Attendees are being checked in and screened at arenas and stadiums and open spaces by tsa agents. Johnson told me today that having those agents away from the airport is contributing to these problems. He said, really its not going to get better until Campaign Season is over. All right. What is in this socalled new plan . There is ten points. Some of the highlights theyre allowed to maximize overtime. Theyll bring in new k9s and expediting the hiring of 800 new screeners. Thats way less than the 4,300 workers they let go. One bright spot, they said yesterday for the First Time Ever they got 10,000 people to sign up for precheck in one day. That is a record for them. Well, im not buying johnsons explanation, theyre excused. Its man power, federal organization hes not doing it. Peter doocy e thanks very much. More than 3,000 bags missed their flights in phoenix because of a tsa security problem. And take a look, here they are lined up in the parking lot yesterday at sky harbor airport. A spokesperson for the airport said tsa had a technical issue with the computer server that screens luggage for explosives. They had to send the bags to other airports that could screen them and send them on to their final destinations. Tsa reports the screening system at sky harbor is up and working again. The u. S. Airport is missing something important these days, were talking about war planes. The pilots who fly them. That according to a fox news investigation. They found many of the planes are simply falling apart and there arent enough people to fix them. Also, the air force is having a tough time keeping pilots on the job. National security correspondent Jennifer Griffin got a first hand look at those problems. Jennifer, what did you find . Greg, we visited the b1 Bomber Squadron in south dakota this week and found a shocking amount of wear and tear on the force. Out of 20 bombers there, only nine could fly. Pilots are doing admin work because the civilians who used to do it were fired under recent budget cuts. Even though the b1 is central in the fight against isis. The first jet i worked on 20 years ago it a 1,000 flight hours on it. Now were looking at some of the airports that are pushing over 10,000 flight hours. Its not only the personnel that are tired, its the aircraft thats tired. We are deployed over and over again and you work as hard as you can work to get these thing in the air the airmen are starting to get burnt out. We visited an f16 squadron in south carolina. When they arrived in the middle east the f16th were missing 41 parts. Im almost afraid to ask this next question, what are they doing when theyre short of parts . Well, they go to the desert in arizona where the air force has a grave yard for all the war planes that are no longer flying. Its called the bone yard. They strip the old planes of parts. The problem some of those air frames are stripped bare and they arent making anymore. Planes like the b1 are more than 30 years old. This b1 unit had had to canbleize museum pieces. We pulled it off of six other museum jets throughout the u. S. This piece here came from somewhere in here. Tells you what direction your wheels are going. You cant steer without this and you had to go to museum aircrafts that had been mothballed in order to get planes fighting . Yes, maam. Budget cuts have left them short 4,000 maintainers. Theyre down 7,000 pilots who are being poached by airlines. Jennifer, thanks. Just in fto fox a funeral fr a u. S. Navy s. E. A. L. Killed earlier this month. Charles keatings fellow s. E. A. L. S came to pay their respects. Hes the Third Service men to die since october. More than a thousand people gathering yesterday. At the ceremony the navy awarding him a silver star. Trace gallagher live with more. Trace, this kind of public procession is rare for navy s. E. A. L. S . It is, because as a rule the s. E. A. L. S have long been this very Secretive Group and become very private people who often choose to mourn in private. So this kind of tribute on Coronado Island home of s. E. A. L. Team one is a very uncommon thing. Make no mistake the memorial involves the entire community. The public will pay their respects to Charles Keating as his cortege makes its way to the naval air station. The firefighters and life guards will pay tribute by posting colors on a fire truck ladder above the procession route. His body will be taken across the coronado san diego bridge. His family says instead of Arlington Cemetery he wanted to buried as close to the base as possible so he could be near his s. E. A. L. Team one. Keatings dad had touching words during the memorial yesterday. Tell us about that. Yeah. Very emotional. Charles keating, iii said he heard about his u. S. Service member dead in iraq, but then he never dreamed it was his son until he looked as his phone and saw he had two missed calls from his other son, billy. The father said his knees buckles and the first thought that came into my mind was that charlie is going to be pissed at me for being so dramatic. He said charlie relished his mission against the sick evil that preys on woman, children and the underprivileged in some corners of the world. Charles keating iii ended by saying we cannot buckle we must stand up and take the fight straight back out. Charles keating iv the Third Servicemember to die in iraq. We salute another fallen hero. Thanks very much, trace. Lieutenant governor of texas is accusing president obama of blackmail. Thats as the white house tells Public Schools nationwide to let kids use the restroom that matches their. Coming up next, what the feds say could happen if schools refuse. At ally bank, no branches equals great rates. Its a fact. Kind of like grandkids equals free tech support. Oh, look at you, so great to see you none of this works. Come on in. Real is touching a ray. Amazing is moving like one. Real is making new friends. Amazing is getting this close. Real is an animal rescue. Amazing is over twentyseven thousand of them. There is only one place where real and amazing live. Seaworld. Real. Amazing they keep telling me drink more water. Exercise more. I know that. Try laxatives. I know. Believe me. Its like ive. Tried. Everything my chronic constipation keeps coming back. I know that. 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The Obama Administration telling Public Schools to let transgender students use bathrooms matching their chosen gender. Chosen gender. The guidelines say the same law that protects people from racial or sex discrimination title ix applies to transgender students. Officials say this is not a legal requirement, but an expectation for districts that get many from the feds. Really . The Lieutenant Governor of texas says the state, quote, will not yield to blackmail is ready to give up billion dollars in federal funding. Hes calling on School Superintendents not to follow the guidelines. Lets bring in liz wiehl. This is from the department of justice and education. Guidance. When you read it its not guidance at all. Its mandatory under threat. This actually does not surprise me because its actually not new. Back in 2013 the department of justice and department of education started issuing memos. Not under threat of right. This started back in 2013. Its went into 2014. These memos that were started out, now, it really gained momentum in 2016 in april as you know the virginia ruling saying that transgenders are included under title ix. I think this is where that the department then gained momentum saying now we can say with the guidance of the court we can come out with this ruling from the department which is not really ruling. Its not law. There is one sentence here that says it all. This is the operative sentence, well put it up on the screen. The guidance explains when students or their parents as appropriate notify a school that a student is transgender the school must treat the student consistent with a students gender identity. So in other words, you dont have a choice. No. Not only that, then theres a reminder, by the way, were going to pull your funding if you dont do it. Of course the school will lose funding. They cant do that. Youve seen in it chicago, oregon where theyre changing these guidelines of all of the schools so because the schools are concerned and rightly so, that if they dont change their policies in their schools that exactly this is going to happen. They will lose federal funding. We see it in North Carolina yeah 861 million in North Carolina if they dont change. Three years ago in the obama medicaid case. Supreme court said the federal government cannot force states to act against their will by withholding funding in a coercive manner. The Obama Administration is defying the Supreme Court dictate with this directive. Well see this go to the Supreme Court. Dont you think . Every legal analyst in the country will tell you, myself included this will go to the Supreme Court. The Supreme Court will say president obama what are you doing defying our ruling now. But the timing is so interesting, isnt it . We are in may. Right . This is not going to be taken up with the Supreme Court until at least october. Weve got eight sitting justices. October. Its not going to be decided until next year. What jumped out on me is on the first page. Gender identity is protected under title ix. No, its not. No court has ever said it has. Yes, it did. No. No. No, i disagree. I think what court . Fourth district. I read that decision. What they did was they remanded it back to the trial court. They stayed it right. You said you used the wrong standard. Thats not a ruling on the merits. Well, yes, it is in that district which is now going thats why its going to be taken to the Supreme Court. Its going back to the trial court. Trial court is make a different decision. Well wait and see. We dont know. It will end up in the Supreme Court. Well wait and see. I always love arguing with you. I always win. I love it when i win. Shes my neighbor we argue all the time. I always win. Youre my favorite much older brother. Thank you. We have breaking news here. Sheriff joe arpaio, remember he was embroiled in a legal case, there is a picture of sheriff joe. Hes a trump supporter. Hes been held in criminal contempt for disobeying a judges orders on racial profiling. This marks one of the biggest defeats for sheriff joe. A hearing will be held may 31st to examine whether he will face a criminal contempt case. That would be a full blown proceeding, right . Exactly. Im and im guessing that he could either be looking at jail or a fine, right . Absolutely. But jail, obviously, is what hes i think thats what theyre trying the message theyre trying to send to him. Jail. The judge said, dont racial profile. Arpaio apparently did allegedly to the judge. Now hes in criminal contempt. Well wait to see what happens to that, as well. And well have elise back for that one if it happens. Were learning more about how two regular guys rescued a girl from her accused kidnapper. Details and an update on how the girl is doing today. 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Officials say shes alive and safe after a dramatic rescue by two men yesterday. According to the Tennessee Bureau of investigation, the men found carlie in a remote area in the northeastern part of the state. Investigators say theyre trying to figure out why this guy, gary simpson, disappeared with his niece after signing her out of school earlier this month. Carlies father says simpson was obsessed with his daughter. Jonathan sirry is live in our southeast newsroom. Was this just good luck or did searchers know where to look . Well, its a combination of Good Police Work and a great community. Law enforcement, essentially, crowd sourced the foot search. They called on everyday Hawkins County residents, calling on them to look around their farms, look around their property. The men who found carlie and her uncle were doing just that. Searching a rugged hilltop path, only accessible by fourwheel drive and thats where they spotted carlie and her uncle, gary simpson, in a barn. Zbll we were down by this area before, but it didnt seem like there were any tracks. But we thought we better check it anyhow. Something just kept telling us to come back to the valley. And i think i know what that something was. Thats why i wear this shirt. And one of the volunteer searchers held the uncle at gunpoint until police arrived. He gave himself up without incident. As for carlie, she was taken to a local hospital, just as a precaution. And everyone from the sheriff to Family Friends say the girl is doing just fine. Happy ending on this one. Jonathan, thanks. Well be back in just a moment with a look at a landmark moment for one of the biggest music stars on the planet. It happened on this day in history. The home of the who wepper has a builtin spa. A burger king in finland offering customers a chance to sweat off burgers and fries in a 15person spa. The spa in helsinki has a 55inch tv screen, shower, and laundry room. You can order when you arrive and get the grub delivered to the spa. Prices range at almost 1,500 for three hours. Book a flight to helsinki. On this day in 1971, Stevie Wonder left motown to become an independent artist. A record producer discovered when he was only 11. He went by the name little Stevie Wonder at the time. He had a hit single at the time he was 12. Countless other hits including superstition and signed sealed, delivered. After Stevie Wonder went out on his own 45 years ago today, int intervision was my favorite. The dow is down 185. No, um there it is are you [ bleep ] kidding me, tsa . What the [ bleep ] . i dont think he was happy on that line. And the lines are long across the country, and expecting to get really long about two weeks from now, when were smack dab in the beginning of the Summer Travel season that unofficially kicks off memorial day weekend. But why wait until then when some passengers are having the fun right now, on the very same day the tsa was outlining how its going to

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