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Their own military presence in the south china sea. Hundreds of military heros facing off in the 2017 Warrior Games. A look at this years competitors. Some of the challenges theyve had to overcome. All ahead in this hour. We begin with breaking news out of boston. Im Gregg Jarrett in for Shepard Smith. Were at Logan Airport where a car crashed into a crowd of people. Ten patients have been rushed to nearby hospitals. We dont know the severity of the injuries. According to local media, the driver is on the scene. Police telling the associated press, investigators are looking at possible operator error as the incident. Laura ingle live with more. Boston ems tweeting out they transported the people to area hospitals. We are trying to get a handle on the injuries. The Massachusetts State Police tweeting those injured have various degrees of injuries. You take a look at the scene. You can see the taxi on the curb or sidewalk. The taxi driver reportedly drove right into a group of people on porter street. This is in east boston near the Logan Airport. Its described as a taxi waiting and holding area. A Law Enforcement official telling fox that as of right now, this appears to be an accident and not related to terrorism. As you mentioned, the driver is cooperating and apparently still on scene. This of course taking place on the very busy fourth of july Holiday Weekend in which major cities across the u. S. Have ramped up security and Counter Terrorism efforts have been bolstered. This is the sort of thing that police have been talking about, talking about putting up sand trucks for garage groups as we get into the fourth of july festivities tomorrow, for large groups to gather. This looks like Something Different right now. But security is very heightened right now and well continue to bring you the latest as we get it. Greg . Thanks, laura. Turning now to the white house. At odds with republicans on the best way forward with healthcare. Aides say theyre open to a plan to first repeal and then sometime later replace the Affordable Care act or obamacare. The only thing that has changed since their vote in 2015 to repeal obamacare and now is that you have a republican president willing to sign it into law and you have the failure of obamacare that much more crisp and of course in front of you. All of these failures. Last week, Senate Republicans missed the deadline to reach a deal on healthcare before the july fourth recess. But Senate Majority leader, Mitch Mcconnell says he has no plans to abandon the current legislation and that he still wants to repeal and replace obamacare all at the same time. And Ohio Governor john kasich says you cannot repeal obamacare with knock to replace it because some americans might lose their coverage. No, you cant get rid of this. You cant leave people without what they need. The obamacare needs significantly reform. Theres nobody that i talk to, either side of the aisle, even the democrats, that doesnt think there needs to be significant changes. These nine republican senators, there they are on the screen, say they are against the current plan as written. Since the gop can afford to lose only two votes, the bill as it stands right now would be dead on arrival. Conservatives call it obamacare light. Moderates criticize the cuts to medicaid. Kevin work live at the white house with more. Kevin, how confident is the president , his staff that a healthcare bill will come together sometime this summer . I like the way you laid that out. Really taking it step by step through what is a fairly complicated circumstance. The answer, it depends on the details, right . If youre saying will they get reform, that depends. Are we talking about repeal . They like the way this is going. If youre saying replace, not as much. So as you said, the president laying out his approach, repeal, full stop and then come up with something better. That approach seems to be gathering just a bit of steam on capitol hill. We do need to get this done. We need it done quickly. The American People are struggling to keep up with their Healthcare Payments and to buy healthcare that they can use. Right now they cant even repeal it. They cant get 50 votes to repeal it because somebody is getting hurt more than what theyre willing to sign on to. Work with us democrats that are willing to meet with you in the middle, that are always willing to meet you in the middle. Im the most centrist person that is willing to work on anything and fix the problems that we have. I think hes right about that. Hes the most centrist guy on the hill. Can he get people to have courage . Thats the question, greg. After years of saying we need to repeal, we need to replace, its been a lot of sizzle and not a lot of steak. Here we are with control of the white house, senate and house and no dice yet. President trump facing a lot of criticism over his use of social media. He does have its supporters cheering him on. What is the latest from the white house . The twitter media storm once again. Listen, privately white house officials will say its tough. Theyre trying to talk about what theyre accomplishing on the jobs front, on the battle against isis. So instead of doing that, theyre spending a lot of time talking about what the president has said by way of twitter. Publicly they would remind you that hes out there talking about policy. He is out there trying to bypass the middlemen and go directly to the American People. In that respect, this is a whole new chance for the president to go to twitter and say listen, im going to take my message to the people. Kellyanne conway said even when they do talk about policy decisions and the president tweets about what theyre doing, the Mainstream Media wont talk about it, greg. Lets talk about russia. For the longest time, the democrats have accused the president of colluding with the russians. No known evidence to this point. Now the president is set to meet with vladimir putin. So what can you tell us about that . Listen, as the president gets ready for the g20, theres a couple major issues. Listen, mr. President , are you going to talk about the Russian Election and collusion . Lets get real, right . Hes going to talk about what is important today, not what happened seven, eight months ago. Im not suggesting meddling isnt important. What im suggesting, hes going to talk about things that are important now like deconfliction in syria. The president has to keep american troops safe and continue to look for a pathway forward there with so many people, millions perhaps, caught in the crossfire and what is happening there. That plus sanctions. So much to talk about, greg. Will he talk about the election . Im not going to say yes or no, but probably wont be the first topic the men discuss. Id like to be in the room for that conversation. Me too. Thanks, kevin. More on the battle over healthcare. Lets bring in sara westwood, White House Correspondent for the washington examiner. So repeal first and then later replace. But would they have the 50 votes for the repeal . The problem is President Trumps sudden reversal on the strategy for replacing obamacare that he endorsed during the campaign has put Senate Leadership in a tough spot. Mitch mcconnell and some members of trumps own administration are still trying to frame the argument to republican lawmakers as a binary choice. Either they vote for the bill on the table or theyre endorsing the status quo of obamacare. So for President Trump to come out of nowhere and introduce a third option that might empower conservative critics to hold out in the hopes that they will get their way and have repeal, delay replace, be the situation that republicans find themselves in and no, it doesnt look like repeal and replace has enough votes. Neither does the current bill. But it doesnt help. So a lot of horse trading still going on. You have all summer to do teals. Lets make a deal with monty hall on capitol hill. You heard john kasich, the governor of ohio say, you cant just get rid of obamacare overnight. Sure, you could. Revert back to the previous methods of obtaining insurance. What about a phaseout of obamacare . Lets say they repeal it but say you have a year to replace it. What about that . Thats a strategy that folks like ben sasse endorses. The issue is of the 12 or so senators that now stand opposed to the bill, there are several like dean heller or like Susan Collins of maine that are opposed to the bill because they think the cuts are too deep. They think the rollback of medicaid is too significant. Other issues with the rollback of regulations they dont like. So a phaseout or clean repeal would be harder to bring them to the table. So while that would satisfy some conservatives, it wouldnt help you get to 50 because youre leaving out the centrist, moderate lawmakers opposed to the bill as is and you might lose some republicans now that are recheluctant yeses. You have some states that have expanded medicaid. What about the tax cuts . You have roughly 500 billion over ten years in the current bill is. That in jeopardy now . Might get rid of the tax cuts entirely . Theres talk that if senator ted cruzs proposed amendment, an amendment as you know that would allow insurance providers to sell plans that do not comply with obamacare regulations as long as they also offer aca compliance plans, theres talk that if the cbo scores favorably this week that conservatives would be willing to make concessions on the tax cut front to appease the more centrist lawmakers that are worried the current bill has too many tax cuts to the rich. Its not clear the cbo will give that a green light. Its not clear that conservatives can walk away from the tax cuts already in the bill right now. So everything is still up in the air right now. You can bet that mcconnell will be burning up the phone lines over this recess week trying to get members to a consensus. I have a feeling it will be in the air with a lot of balls juggling simultaneously. Thanks, sarah. Thank you. The gop healthcare debate has been the focus on capitol hill. But republicans are still facing a full plate of other challenges. Potential battles are looming over Critical Issues like the budget and tax reform. A live report ahead. The Islamic State making a last stand in mosul. The terrorist army is now sending out women suicide bombers to attack iraqi forces on the verge of a full victory. That and much more coming up on the fox news deck. This this is my body of proof. Proof of less joint pain and clearer skin. This is my body of proof that i can take on Psoriatic Arthritis with humira. Humira works by targeting and helping to block a specific source of inflammation that contributes to both joint and skin symptoms. Its proven to help relieve pain, stop further joint damage, and clear skin in many adults. Humira is the 1 prescribed biologic for Psoriatic Arthritis. Humira can lower your ability to fight infections, including tuberculosis. 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Theyre calling on congressional leaders to cancel the august recess so they can keep on working. Mike emanuel is live in washington with more on that. So theyre going to keep working . That doesnt sound typical, mike. Well see, greg. You have ten senators and a dozen House Republicans saying its time to reduce or get rid of the break next month. Congressman andy bigs, wrote a letter to paul ryan saying we asked you to Cancel Congress plans for the break in august. Theres issues like obamacare and tax reform and the debt. Theres a lot that is critically important like the debt. I dont leave my family four or five days to go to d. C. Because i care that much about the mark natural tax rate of the top 1 . I care about a growing economy. A group of republican senators noted theres 33 possible legislative days between now and the end of the fiscal year. If theres no deal on health care next week, expect calls for cancelling recess to grow louder. Are democrats using this dead lock against republicans . Yes. Democrats are saying this is a sign that the republicans cannot govern. Theyre hoping republicans can struggle and it will have an impact on next years elections. Nancy pelosi says gop leaders are not getting it done. No jobs bill . No infrastructure bill . No tax reform bill . No healthcare bill . No legislation to uphold the full face of the United States of america no nothing except, again, taking away protections for clean air and clean water for our children. Republican leaders acknowledge they will get graded on what they have accomplished. They say that will be november next year and still time to get a number of big ticket items done. Greg . Thanks, mike. Did you see this . If you want a whole beach to yourself, run for governor in new jersey. Thats what Chris Christie is telling critics after taking his family to that stretch of sand that is off limits to everybody else. 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Well update you as we get more information. New jersey governor Chris Christie getting a load of criticism after he went to a state beach that is closed to everybody else. Christie ordest a government shut down after he and lawmakers couldnt reach a budget deal before the july 1 deadline. He and his family still went to the state beach that happens to be the governors big residence there. That is christie in the middle in the great tshirt in case you didnt recognize him. He was part of the only group on that beach. No other taxpayers. Of course, its very rare to see a new jersey beach this empty during the summertime. Especially on the big july fourth Holiday Weekend. Christie says anybody that wants to use the Governors Beach house should run for governor. Yesterday he fired back at a reporter who asked him about the beach. Next, next. Excuse me. Next. Next. Im done. Were talking about the closure of government. Youre talking about your tmz stuff. Yeah. Greg life is a beach, aint it . Today christy urged people to go to local beaches. He said n. J. Beaches are open in 119 of 130 miles of coastline. Enjoy them but use sunscreen and hydrate. Christie said he didnt close the beach. Lawmakers didnt pass the budget for him to sign. David lee miller is here. What else did he say . Lets start with the critics. At best, they say the governor was disingenuous. He held a News Conference in trenton. We heard the governor talk about lack of services at the beach. But he was explicitly asked if he got any raise. His answer was short. But notable. I didnt get any sun today. My question is this are there life guards at the no. No. Theres no one on the beach. Theres no lifeguards, theres no one to pick up the garbage. Theres no one providing any services at the state park. In case you missed it, he said he didnt get any sun today. In a short time later when asked about the photos, his spokesman was argued. He might have been on the beach but he didnt get any sun because he was wearing a baseball hat. Technically hes being honest. He looks a little pasty to some but thats beyond me experti experti expertise. Greg hes lashing out at the media for asking silly questions. If im the governor and were having budget problem, i think id sail the beach house that the public is paying for. Anybody asking that . Arguably, youre right. This is more going on here than simply the optics of this. This morning the governor went on television, speaking on telephone to the local fox affiliate in new york city to ridicule the journalists that took the aerial photos. He explained a week ago that he announced, no matter what happened, were coming here as a family this weekend. He said the resident at the beach is one of two locations where his family lived and then he mocked it as a great bit of journalism. He said im sure theyre going to get a Pulitzer Prize for this one because they caught me doing what i said i would do with the people i said i was going to be with. Governor christies latest tweets talking about beaches that are not affected by the State Government shut down appear to be an attempted damage control. But its too little the late. His Approval Rating in the state is now down to a record low 15. Also worth noting, his Lieutenant Governor who is running to secede him, she said if she were governor, she wouldnt be on the beach. He would be trying to solve the budget impass. Why does the governor need two houses . I only have one. Why does he need two at the taxpayer expanse . They call it the garden state for a reason. Its the ripoff state. Thanks, david. More ahead on President Trumps war with the media and his recent tweets cross the line and if its only fair to fight fire with fire. Well break it down. First, rare good news out of the scenes of destruction of the wild fires out west. Well show you an incredible rescue that led to this heart warming picture. Not gonna get my job done. Pains kind of selfdefining. When it hurts, it hurts. When i cant do something, it makes me feel isolated. With aleve, you can stay strong longer because only aleve has the strength to stop tough pain for up to 12 hours with just one pill. Tylenol cant do that. I get to be present and enjoy what i love. This is my pain. But i am stronger. Aleve. All day strong. All day long. b by crying minutes old. A babys skin is never more delicate. What do hospitals use to wash and protect it . Johnsons® the number 1 choices in hospitals. Beneful grain free is so healthy. Oh farmraised chicken mmm. Thats some really good chicken. I dont think ive ever tasted chicken like this. What . Here come the accents. Blueberries and pumpkin. Wow. That was my favorite bite so far. Not even kidding. I mean that was. 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Most common side effects are headache, diarrhea, dizziness, loss of appetite, and bruising. woman 2 vo im caring for someone with moderate alzheimers. If you are too, ask about namzaric today. Greg some lawmakers on both sides of the aisle are now criticizing President Trump for his latest round of tweets attacking the media. The president tweeted this video over the weekend. Shows President Trump wrestling somebody to the ground. The cnn logo placed over the persons face. That clip is from way back in 2007 when the then reality tv star donald trump made a wwe appearance. President trump caused controversy when some of his fellow republicans blasted his tweets. Its unfortunate. People are begging the president not to do this. You have to stop doing it. Well see what happens. Its one of the few things that i think have brought republicans and democrats together. He spends so much time fighting them, theyre all aghast. Its not the way we ought to be. Its the the coarseness is not acceptable. Theres a distinction between crappy stories and citizens can complain about that and recognize distrust. The white house says the president has every right to fight back when members of the media attack him. His senior counselor, Kellyanne Conway say journalists need to be focused on the bigger picture. Its a heck of a lot easier to cover 140 characters here or there and what the president may be saying about the media here or there than to learn the finer points of how medicaid is funded in this country and how that water would not change under the senate bill, how the child care tax credit might affect your family. They dont cover the finer policy points. Greg President Trump had more to say about the media in an event honoring veterans. He said the fake media tried to stop us from going to the white house, but im president and theyre not. Lets bring in our political panel. Sean steele is a republican strategist, former california gop scare. Scott bolden here with us from the democratic party. Sean, start with you. The president s supporters and a great many of them are cheering him for calling out the media for being biassed. They think its refreshing that hes so blunt, so candidate. Are his words and treats construckive or destructive . Both. Theyre both intentional. Lets talk about trumps former job was a show man, a tv star. He understands the media. He has a good pulse on the public. Its a turning point in the media wars. For decades weve had a oneparty centralized elite established media that kind of got their way and stuck in a bubble and trump was the great disrupter and the media, not all of it because its changing quickly, but the establishment media has lost such credibility to a great extend that they have far less credibility and popularity than donald trump. Trump knows that. Its working. Greg let me get a question out. Its almost forgotten that the two cable tv hosts that dry the president s ire were relentless and venomous in their disparaging comments about the president. They called him out of his mind, mentally unfit, demented, a dug and a dope. Why arent they being condemned . One, we have a first amendment. Secondly, more importantly, i condemn them for attacking him personally by calling him names. I will say this. Those two journalists were the basis for them making those statements was the narrative that donald trump drives and driven regarding his policy, tweet and greg you cant justify calling the up a dope and a thug. You cant justify that. I didnt just justify it. I said what drove them to do that namecalling was rooted in narratives and their opposition greg but thats justifying that. Theres no equivalency there. And no equivalency to attack them back. Thats not right either. It has no place in our political discourse. Hes the president of the United States. Were going to get attacked personally and politically if you respond to every attack. How are you going to move the country forward greg sean, some people are saying that the president s videotape of a wrestling match may incite violence against journalists. What about the words and images provocative of violence against the president . A bloody head of the president , a play depicting his being assassinated, the words of madonna and johnny depp. Goodness. What about that . This is serious business. A major european magazine that just had a picture of donald trump with a target on it with the headlines, why not . In english. This is the kind of stuff that were seeing that is becoming normalized mainstream and unfortunately not dealt with be the Democrat Senior leadership. Theyre embracing this. Im representing students that were beat up in berkeley by antiTrump Supporters at an anti trump rally. By the way, a great pleasure suing berkeley. Something i wanted to do. But hundreds of events where Trump Supporters are getting beat up and the president s family, his 11yearold boy blasted and attacked by snarky new york liberals in the media. Then we see melania who speaks six languages, considered foolish and stupid. Weve seen the most hostile press. They cant believe trump is the president , but more than that, hes succeeding and his presidency is becoming successful. That scares them more than anything. Greg scott, i want to ask you about something you told our producer. You said potus created the war with media. Dont you have it backwards. I read that harvard study. They concluded 80 of the coverage of trump was negative for cnn and nbc. 93 was negative. You compare it to barack obama. Only 41 was negative. Dont you have that backwards . No, i dont think so. The president drives that narrative. If its negative coverage, its negative because what hes saying and what hes doing hes either lying to the public or theyre crosschecking or cross factchecking what the president has done and hes wrong about that. I dont see anything wrong with it being negative. They gave him 3 billion of free ad space and free coverage during the campaign. I dont know why he has a war with the media. Hes got a war with the media greg then why would the harvard study says the news media needs to give President Trump actions where warranted but they dont . I cant speak for the harvard study. I believe the Mainstream Media does give the president credit for gorsuch and others. Theres so much energy and bad policy and representations being made by the Trump Administration and donald trump himself. The media has to cover it. Its the height of hypocrisy for us to say that the democrats have been urging violence and been engaged in violent representation. When donald trump urges violence himself. Its rallies, historically against the media. Goes both ways. It all needs to stop. Greg hypocrisy in washington . I never heard of it. Im narrating. Greg scott, sean, good to see you. Thank for being with us. Thank you. Thanks. Greg china accusing the United States of a serious military provocation. This after defense officials tell fox news an miles an hour warship sailed near a disputed island in the south china sea. For the second time since President Trump took office. Pentagon Officials Say the Navy Destroyer sailed near the island yesterday. The move damaged chinas relationship with the u. S. And theyre now promising to step up patrols in the region. Jennifer griffin live at the pentagon with more. Hi, jennifer. Hi, greg. Its notable that china will take over as head of the u. N. Security council for the most of july, this video shows the u. S. S. Steedham carrying out a live fire dream. Today beijings foreign minister accused the United States of stirring up trouble in the region. Its the second time since President Trump took office. The pentagon dispatched a warship to conduct a freedom of navigation operation. Protesting chinas claims to the idea. Trialed by a chinese warship sailed off the coast of triton island, greg. Greg jennifer, the president could meet with the chinese president this week, right . Thats right. Hes expected to meet face to face with his chinese counter part in germany. Expect a cooler meeting this time around compared to the warm atmosphere at maralargo a few months ago. Theres signs that the Trump Administration is growing frustrated with beijings reluctance to reign in north korean over the nuclear and Ballistic Missile programs. President trump spoke to president chi last night. There was no mention of the u. S. Warship in the readout of the call provided by the white house. Last week, the state house announced a 1. 4 billion arms sale to taiwan and sanctioned a chinese bank aimed at the north korean Ballistic Missile program. Last week, china launched a new warship which analysts say is on par with a modern missile destroyer. The navy with support on capitol hill wants to build more ships. Jennifer griffin, thank you. Coming up, the battle for mosul. U. S. Forces making gains against isis. Iraqis say the terrorists are growing desperate. Theyre using women to stage suicide attacks. Well have an update when we come back. In control. Weekends are my time. I need an insulin that fits my schedule. Tresiba® ready announcer tresiba® is used to control high blood sugar in adults with diabetes. Dont use tresiba® to treat diabetic ketoacidosis, during episodes of low blood sugar, or if you are allergic to any of its ingredients. Dont share needles or insulin pens. Dont reuse needles. 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Backsweat and gordos everything. I love you, but sometimes you stink. New febreze fabric refresher with odorclear technology. Cleans away odors like never before. Because the things you love the most can stink. And plug in febreze to keep your whole room fresh for up. To 45 days. Breathe happy with new febreze. Greg updating Law Enforcement officials in boston say the incident this afternoon close to Logan Airport appears to be what they call a tragic accident. A little before 2 00 p. M. Local time, a cab drove into a crowd of people standing near a taxi stand. During a News Conference moments ago, police say there was no evidence to say this was an intentional act. The investigation is underway. Police say several people were injured. The injuries ranging in severity from serious to minor. U. S. Backed iraqi forces have pushed back isis militants to the last few streets still under their control in mosuls historic district. The terrorists are making a desperate last stand in a city that was considered the capitol in iraq. Thats the word from Iraqi Military officers. This video from a drone shows columns of smoke rising over mosuls old stuff, which Coalition Forces have been hammering with air strikes and artillery rounds. Militants have been using women to stage suicide attacks and try to slow the advance of soldiers on the ground. Mosul is the second largest city in iraq and the second largest city that the terrorists have ever controlled. Benjamin hall now live in london with more. Benjamin . Hi, greg. The Iraqi Military says its a few days left till victory. They always seem to exaggerate how quickly that victory will be. We do know that isis on the back foot and seeing them lash out in new ways. Showing their planning for this insurgency using sleeper cells and other such tactics. Thats what its feared to become when they lose an insurgency. One real sign of desperation, theyre sending women to blow themselves up. Seven women in the last few day as lone. Most hide among civilians before detonating themselves. On sunday evening, an isis suicide bomber dressed as a woman killed 14. That would have been higher if it wasnt for the actions of an iraqi colonel, grabbed the and in and detonated. The middlitant held territory i about a half square mile. Theres tens of thousands civilians and used as a shield. Greg . Greg thanks, benjamin. American military heros overcoming injuries and illness to compete in the 2017 Warrior Games. A look at some of todays events in a life report from chicago next. We demand a lot from our eyes every day. I should know. I have chronic dry eye caused by reduced tear production due to inflammation. So i use restasis multidose. It helps me make more of my own tears, with continued use, twice a day, every day. Its also what i prescribe to my patients who have this condition. Restasis multidose helps increase your eyes natural ability to produce tears, which may be reduced by inflammation due to chronic dry eye. Restasis multidose did not increase tear production in patients using antiinflammatory eye drops or tear duct plugs. To help avoid eye injury and contamination, do not touch the bottle tip to your eye or other surfaces. Wait 15 minutes after use before inserting contact lenses. The most common side effect is a temporary burning sensation. Your eyes. Your tears. Ask your eye doctor about restasis multidose. Greg hundreds of Service Members and veterans taking part in a week of competition off the battlefield. Theyre not letting injuries stop them. The eighth annual Warrior Games underway in chicago. Those games include sports like sitting volleyball and shooting, archery. Mike tobin has more from chicago. Mike . Hey, greg. The warrior athletes here are from australia, the united kingdom, air force, marines and special forces. Theyre accepting life with all of its post combat challenges and taking on more challenges. Archery seems like a sport that is unassumed. He can barely see. A lot of people cant believe im visually impaired the way i shoot. There was metal shrapnel through my right eye, down the side of my tsarnaev. Some of his injuries are the signature wounds of the iraq war. Spinal cord injured, couple with post Traumatic Stress and depression. A. J. Relied on medications, each with their own side effect. I had to decide if i stay on the medicines, keep the lifestyle, ill be on even more medication and it would be the rest of my life. Like 265 other veteran athletes competing in the Warrior Games, a. J. Chose a different path. Athletics is a way to build selfesteem, have accomplishment, realize that theres people out there cheering you on and saying, hey, we support you and thank you for what youve done. Now, in a new normal of co dependence, when a. J. Stands before the target, his wife is his eyes. Fire. Nice. I let him know if i think he needs to move up or down a little bit or if he needs to tilt the bow a certain direction. Fire. Did you hear that . A. J. Has cut his medicines in half and got his life back on target. Were pleased to tell you that a. J. Is going home with at least a bronze. He has a cycling competition. The signature game is wheelchair basketball. The gold medal round is on friday. Greg, back to you. Good for a. J. What a great story. Mike tobin, thank you. A decorated u. S. Army veteran that served in vietnam and saudi arabia found a way to give more back to his country. Stephen florence left 250,000 to habitat for humanity in oklahoma. He died in december. The organization held a ceremony in his honor. Habitat for humanity was the largest the organization has ever received. The ceo called it a great blessing. Its a lifechanging experience for our family. Most of them are living in apartment houses and unsafe areas that their children are not able to ride their bicycles on. She says the money will help build two dozen homes. What a wonderful gift. President Ronald Reagan unveiled a makeover for lady liberty as millions of americans celebrated along the shores of new york city. It happened on this day in history. hard exhalation honey . Can we do this tomorrow . grunts of effort can we do this tomorrow . If you have Heart Failure symptoms, your risk of hospitalization could increase, making tomorrow uncertain. But entresto is a medicine that was proven, in the largest Heart Failure study ever, to help more people stay alive and out of the hospital than a leading Heart Failure medicine. Women who are pregnant must not take entresto. It can cause harm or death to an unborn baby. Dont take entresto with an ace inhibitor or aliskiren. If youve had angioedema while taking an ace or arb medicine, dont take entresto. The most serious side effects are angioedema, low blood pressure, kidney problems, or high potassium in your blood. Tomorrow, tomorrow. When can we do this again, grandpa . Well, how about tomorrow . Ask your doctor about entresto and help make tomorrow possible. Ask your doctor about entresto trust 1 doctor recommended dulcolax. Use dulcolax tablets for gentle dependable relief. Suppositories for relief in minutes. And dulcoease for comfortable relief of hard stools. Dulcolax. Designed for dependable relief. Greg and finally, on this day in 1986, president Ronald Reagan rededicated the statue of liberty. It happened 100 years after the french gave the statue to america as a gift. Workers had been renovating it for two years. Millions lined the shores to watch a light show and fireworks and a swearingin ceremony for new citizens. President reagan said were the keepers of the flame of liberty. It happened 31 years ago today. Im Gregg Jarrett in for Shepard Smith. Your world with neil cavuto is coming up next. He will fill you in on todays busy market. I would say, in my experience let me talk. Sir, please let me talk. I have to ask, sir no need to be rude. No need to be rude. Again, if we can be civil. Neil something tells me that when louisiana senator bill cassidy was planning a town hall meeti meeting, he wasnt looking for fourth of July Fireworks to come so soon. Planning sessions like that in their home communities, this is going to be the rule of thumb. 39 such rallies spread across nearly a dozen states. It goes Something Like this. We dont like what youre doing and we are

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