Your lot and then we can remove the temporary unit. Thats the option we have right now. The third option is just distance. So theres available rental stock, but you have to draw more as people move away and rental stock further away. We have some analysis done on the rental stock and the manufacturing housing stock. We can get that after the podium brief here. We havent assessed what the damage is yet. So is it like florida is the same model. But remember, its a peninsula and a wider scale problem and a larger swath storm. What well do there is assess whether those are the right models or apply different creative solutions. If we do, we have the authorities and the budget to do so. And there was a big concern about the mobile homes. They wound up having issues with formaldehyde. Is that cleared up . All of that concern . The big concern about mobile Home Community is just being in place after katrina. Is that out of the minute set now or still part no. Just making sure people have a safe place to live is alive. What we do as a government, purchase available manufacturing housing. We dont make it. We purchase it off of the open market. Weve improved that experience and knowing who to buy from and not buy from. I understand problems of ambient air quality persist in our every day lives. I know that formaldehyde is a carcinogen at every level. So the point is we take it seriously and message very seriously the importance of basically ventilation. To my knowledge, we buy off of a better market now and provide that solution in a more tailored manner. Talk about the conditions in florida. First of all, half of floridians are without power. Usually a local issue, this is a catastrophe of a greater scale. When is it your assessment that people in florida can get the power back . What is the federal governments role in making that happen . So my numbers are now somewhere north of 5 million. I dont know if that constitutes half the people in florida. Ill take your word for it. Households and businesses. Significant number. To the extent that a customer might have four people in the household, youll see the number of people would be four in a home. The number of customers would be one. Thats the difference. The idea here, we all have a joint role in this. Florida power and light, duke electric. Others will be bringing forces to pair. The u. S. Government bring forces to the restoration effort like pushing debris out. Yesterday what we saw is the reports of and the actual evidence, this will be the largest mobilization of line workers in history, end of story. They were at the daytona speedway yesterday. We will have line restoration workers from every company in this country from states all over the country and also from canada, coming to florida to help restore the lines. So in florida unlike houston where theyre buried power lines, in florida theyre on poles. They restore the plant and the subplant and line by line into each road and house by house. You cant hook up each house to make sure its safe. You dont want to burn the house down. So it is a literally joint effort from federal clearing to public and private partnerships to line restoration efforts that are partnered in the for profit and regulated world to the individual homeowner. Thats how that works. What is your assessment of how long that takes . I would caution people to be patient here between reentry and that process, power down in homes for the coming weeks. I dont want to cause any panic in florida. Theres hospitals and Nursing Homes and other facilities that have generator power, provide services necessary. There the concern is providing fuel to the generators should they run out. From that perspective, the federal government provides a great deal of fuel and transport assistance and other contracts and we give that fuel to the state and locals and they distribute it to the wholesale and retail distribution. We expect that to happen seamlessly. Prevents price gouging in the state of florida a federal responsibility or state officials. It can be both. Ill hear from the attorney general later. Hes going to announce an effort on that this week. You heard pam bondi conduct shes conducting antifraud when local laws in place. Both is the answer. I can tell you neither officials, the attorney general of the United States or the attorney general or attorneys general of the states will tolerate gouging. Thats something that people ought to think twice about. Theres the possibility of a third and fourth supplemental for disaster relief. Can you tell me if youll put language for cap flood edge in that legislation . The first point, no. The reason we pursued this approach, we have to make sure we have responsible estimates as opposed to making wild guesses. Were going for the amount of money we need to get through this phase and as we transition to recovery, well see how much money we night need and go for another responsible request. If we got that wrong, we go for another if necessary. Its not necessarily wrong. If we estimate and find actuals dont meet the estimates, well rectify. The Flood Insurance program had 8. 6 billion. If claims exceed that amount, well ask for the cap to be raised. More on evacuating americans in the caribbean. The state department has a task force and working around the clock. Can you assess those efforts and can you give a message to americans that are in dire straits in the caribbean . What should how soon can the americans be gotten out . Im preaching caution to make sure people understand this is an ongoing effort. And still long painful days ahead. Im doubling down on my assertion this is the best full cale response effort in our nations history. That includes the Virgin Islands and puerto rico. Safety between jose and irma. This has been a large event and youll see a lot of positive stories from it. Now control expectations. On an island where we have to transport commodities, food and water. Weve assembled two of the most powerful naval relief flotillas in recent memories. Im going to cut to the oak hill, mccarolina and the abraham cleaning, the iwo jima. That is an aircraft carrier, this is an operation has never been mobilized for this type of response effort. To the extent it meets the needs, i hope it does. Were saving hundreds of thousands off the island. So if the burn rate is not fast enough, id be surprised. Were mobilizing ourselves in ways we have never done before. The governor of puerto rico were all pleased in their phone calls. Im no better from their locations to assess it as a positive action. Quick question. So many people that evacuated from the keys and given the level of destruction there, any time estimate on when people can return . The keys are going to take awhile. We have not assessed the Structural Integrity of the bridges there. Theres some early reason to believe some of the draw bridges that were up may have been bent. So restoring those will take some time. That route 1 is a large expansive bridge. All of the undergirting has to be examined. Id say the keys are not fit for regular citizenry for weeks. If thats wrong and im wrong, then fine. Let the local officials bring you in. It set that expectation pretty broad right now. For the people that stayed, well get there when we can. Right now we dont know. We had three or four overflights today. We talked to the fema administrator. Hes not certain of where the people might be. Neither of us would be surprised if lives were lost. Neither of would be surprised if the responders will get down there aggressively. Were doing everything to help them. Im going to end on that, if i could. End where i started. Today is a day of solemnity for 911. Its why i got in this business and why i believe our government is organized for the level of response that weve seen. It just goes to show what we have if we want to bring ourselves together and helping our fellow humans under good leadership by President Trump. Please, for the people in florida, continue to follow the instructions of your First Responders and local authorities. This isnt over yet and will be a painful slightly frustrating if not very forecast straiting week or two ahead. Thanks very much. Thank you, tom. He reiterated the need to listen to local authorities the governor of florida is getting ready to have a press conference. Well try to take as many questions as we can. Well try to tune in and cover that extensively. Finally, take your questions. Several you have asked about the ongoing violence in burma. Id like to read a statement there. The United States is troubled by the ongoing crisis in burma where 300,000 people have fled their homes in the wake of attacks on Burmese Security posts on august 25th. We iterate our condemnation of those attacks. Jeff . One, do you have a question to Steve Bannons statements that firing james comeys firing was the biggest mistake in history . And tomorrow, how about the meeting with the president s meeting with the Prime Minister and will the president pretty wide ranging topic there. First, on the comey firing. Weve been clear what our position is. Certainly i think that it has been shown in the days that followed that the president was right in firing director comey since directors firing, we learned new information about his conduct that only provided further justification for that firing, including giving false testimony, leaking privileged information to journalists. He went outside the chain of the command and politicized a president ial candidate. The president is pleased with the new director and has full confidence in him to fully restore and lead the fbi. In terms of malaysia and on that question, hard transition. Ill try to make sure we cover that. The United States and malaysia have had a 60year relationship and partnership built on economic and security interests and that continues. The president looks forward to discussing a wide variety and range of Security Issues with the Prime Minister. Talking about ways to strengthen cooperation, the halt of isis, addressing north korea and their continued actions and making sure that we promote Maritime Security in the south china sea. Those are the priorities of tomorrows meeting. I wont get ahead on that anymore. Were not going to comment on an Ongoing Investigation being led by the department of justice and that investigation is a apolitical and independent of anything happening tomorrow. And mr. Bannon said mr. Mcconnell and paul ryan do not want the president s economic stimulus to be implemented. Does the president agree with that obvious characterization of mcconnell and ryan . The president is committed to working with congress. We have a very big agenda. The president wants to work with all members of congress. Obviously that includes republicans and democrats. You saw the president s leadership last week when we struck a deal to get the funding necessary. Were focused on moving forward and thats the goal and the priority of the administration. We know what he would like to see given his past criticism. Would he like to see different leadership in the Republican Congress . The president is committed to working with the leadership we have. Nothing beyond that at this point. Sarah, a follow up on bannons comments. He said all that about mcconnell and ryan but also said that they wanted to nullify the 2016 election results. Just a simple yes or no question. Does the president agree with that assessment . Not that im aware of. Have you talked to steve bannon . You seek his counsel on the outside . I know they have had one conversation but i dont think anything be beyond that. John . I think we may be answering more questions on steve bannon now that hes not here. Did the president happen to watch the interview . Did you happen to watch the interview on 60 minutes . Im not sure he saw it in its entirety. I did watch parts of it. What was your reaction to it . As a former colleague of yours that worked here at the white house, were you disappointed with his comments . Surprised by any of his comments . Do you like the fact that a former staffer is speaking so openly about some of the inner workings of what happens here at the white house . Im sure it mate for great tv and im sure cbs will be happy to put those ratings here. Im here to speak on behalf of the administration. Why ruin a good thing, sarah . Is thats what this is . A good thing . Staying on the topic of steve bannon. Another comment he made is dreamers should be considered selfdeporting when their work permits run out is. That something that this white house seems realistic, that the dreamers would voluntarily leave the country when the work permits run out and is that something the president thinks they should do . The administration has been clear on our position. Were hoping congress will step up and implement responsible immigration reform. [question inaudible] is that accurate . Would the president sign the dream act . The president and the administration are looking at responsible immigration reform. Part of that would be part of that process. We want to do something that addresses a multitude of issues. Again, congress has six months to do their job. Were hopeful they will. Steve bannon said this discussion over daca could lead to a civil war in the republican party. How and why is he wrong about that . Steve likes to speak in kind of the most extreme measures. Im not sure i agree with that. On a different topic wow in present weeks maybe you get two questions then. In a matter of weeks, two major storms. In light of that, has the president given thought to reviewing his decision to leave the Paris Climate Accord . Im not sure specifically on the paris climate deal. He said the goal is to always do our very best when it comes to taking care of the environment and proper steps. The United States is one of the best in the world at doing this. We want to continue to do that. Right now the administration is focused on the recovery and relief efforts. As tom said a few minutes ago, well look at that analysis the coming days and focus on the recovery and relief. Sally . To follow up on johns question here. You said you did speak to the administration. Can you clarify whether human activity contributes the president talked about that. Has that changed given the storms . I dont think its changed the last several weeks. Hes addressed his opinion on that several times. The one on august 10, the president declaring that he wanted to have a National Emergency when it comes to the opioid crisis. Its been more than a month since he said that. A delay for a president that who likes to do things quickly as hes said. Is the president taking this seriously enough . When does he intend to declare this an emergency . Hes taken it very seriously. The commission and members of the administration have continued to meet and work on the details of that national declaration. A big priority for the administration and well continue to focus on pushing that through. This is a president its a much more involved process. Thats something that theyre working through on the legal side, the administrative side and making sure that its done correctly. Asked about Steve Mnuchin. They are going to talk to talk to the Budget Committee tomorrow. What is that i dont want to get ahead of their conversations. Secretary mnuchin plans to address that tomorrow. And Steve Mnuchin took criticism for republicans for his handling of the debt deal. What does the president think of secretary mnuchins performance so far . The president has confidence and secretary mnuchin and is glad that hes part of the effort, working with gary cohn to get tax reform done this year. Can you drill down on what you said regarding james comey. You said he was responsible for giving false testimony. Do you believe that comey either purgered himself before congress or at the very least misled congress . Thats something probably for the doj to look at. Not me. Im note an attorney. A question on tax reform. If a big tax reform bill doesnt pass by december, would the president support adding middle class tax cuts to the end of the year tax bill that congress has to pass . Were focused on making sure we get a complete tax reform package. Thats the goal. Right now thats the focus. If that doesnt happen, well look at other options. Persons american Data Security after the equifax leak. Is more regulation warranted for the handling personal data . Its something we have to look into extensively. Tom bossert will be taking the lead on that front and certainly something that we have to explore. Was the president disappointed by Steve Bannons comments on 60 minutes . Im not sure. Did steve bannon warn the president that firing james comey would be the biggest political mistake in modern history . Im not aware that conversation took place. As i mentioned, the governor of florida has a press Conference Starting in a few minutes. I want to make sure everybody has an opportunity to tune in. The press team will be here and were happy to answer any questions particularly if you have anything beyond steve bannon. Thanks, guys. Shepard thats your briefing for today, september 11th, 2017. Im Shepard Smith in new york. The forecasters are warning that significant flooding could continue for days now. The National Weather Service Reports water levels in the jacksonville area are reaching historic and epic levels today. Thats a quote from officials there. State Officials Say the situation is extremely dangerous. Also their words. A record storm surge turning streets into rivers. The Sheriffs Office told people in highrise areas, either get out or move to Higher Ground and that you need to be concerned. The storm has knocked out power to more than seven million homes and businesses across several states. Most of them in florida. Some people across that state could be without power for weeks according to Florida Power and light officials. The storm swamped homes, crushed car, uprooted trees, knocked over construction cranes and snapped power lines. On marco island in southwest florida where irma made its second landfall yesterday, a city councilman told local media, many streets are covered up to the mailboxes. Fire Officials Say people should not come back to their homes unless totally necessary. Irma made its first land foal in cudjoe key, this is video from a storm chaser. Wind gusts reached 130 miles an hour there. A local official called the destruction in parts of the key as humanitarian crisis. Police have blocked off u. S. 1, the only way in and out of the keys until crews can expect the damage and make sure bridges are safe. A look at the path now. The National Hurricane center says irma slowly weakens as it moves to south georgia and continue to memphis. Could bring up to 15 inches of rain in parts of the state of georgia. Today irmas Tropical Storm force winds extend totally more than 400 miles. Lets go to jacksonville where the waters have been rising much of the day. Peter doocy is there now. What is the situation, peter . Looks like the water has started to recede. It started to leave the streets and go back into the banks of the st. Johns. Theres a big deep mess here in this street, which runs between two giant Corporate Office buildings and into the jacksonville landing, which is one of the hottest spots in town were told. Theres shopping, restaurants and bars. Right now its a completely inacceptable area except by boat. Theres a lot of water in the area around it. But you really theres no way for us to get over there. We dont have a boat. Again, as the water is starting to recede, there are some people starting to come out because the rain hasnt been that bad here. At least for the last couple hours. The wind has been significant. You can see that. Theres a Little Current here. Now were waiting to hear from some of the suburbs about potential rescues, shep. Peter doocy in jacksonville. We want to hear from the governor. Rick scott is speaking now and live. Lets listen. Today i want to thank the u. S. Coast guard, admiral schultz [technical difficulties] i cant say enough about how they have shown up and theyre showing up to do the right thing. Our military shows up when theres a crisis. I just received a weather briefing on Tropical Storm irmas path. Its been a Tropical Storm and sustaining winds at 65 Miles Per Hour. Heres what were seeing across our state. Storm surge ranged from 4 to 8 feet. Monroe county experienced ten feet surge of landfall. Miamidade had four feet of storming surge. What is interesting about the storm surge, its different than andrew. A lot of us remember andrew. We didnt see the storm surge. It was more of a wind event. Now were seeing 2 to 4 feet of storm surge right now and this will last throughout the day. Were seeing surge of 3 to 6 feet along the big bend. The big bend is in the panhandle last year and we saw a lot of damage. In central florida, the orlando area, flooding due to a torrential rain of more than a foot. In jacksonville, northeast florida, storming surge is 3 to 5 feet on top of a foot of rainfall which is causing record and historic flooding along the st. Johns river. It was explained to me this morning hurricane jose is pushing water into the northern part of our stated, which is preventing the water from flowing out as fast. I spoke to the jacksonville mayor this morning and assured him that resources are being deployed. Fish and wildlife deployed three teams in ten boats. That i were prestaged in jacksonville. Were going to do everything we can. The way it look as it as governor and all of us think this way. We want everybody safe and get everybody back to a normal life as quickly as possible. Weve also deployed a 25person team from the state Emergency Operations center to the emergency operates center in putnam, duval and clay counties in response to the historic flooding. Well continue to send resources to jacksonville and any other community in need. Rainfall exceeding a foot in many communities in southwest florida. Fortunately the heavy inrains have cleared the state. This rain caused flash flooding. Rivers continue to rise and standing water is a big problem. The biggest threat for this week is river flooding. Most of that will be in the northern part of the state. Stay tuned for river watches around warnings. Families in southeast and northwest florida and tampa bay need to be vigilant as local rivers could remain at flood levels to the weekend. We generally see that in the i 4 corridor and north. The heaviest winds have left florida but the entire peninsula has had winds still north of jacksonville. The threat of tornadoes has diminished. Weve received several reports of tornadoes. The National Weather service is working to confirm these reports. Giving this weather report, if you and your family have evacuated, its important that you check with local officials before returning home to make sure you can safely do so. Dont think just because this has passed you can run home. We have downed power lines across the state. We have roads that are impassable across the state. Debris all over the state. Our goal again is dont put any more lives at risk. We already went through this horrendous storm. Dont put your life at risk because the downed power lines, debris, impassable roads. This morning i had the opportunity to survey damage throughout the west coast of floor and through the keys. I want to thanks the coast guard for this opportunity. Heres what we saw. We saw the remnants of the storm surge along the west coast, but we didnt see i didnt see the damage i thought i would see. We clearly saw homes that were messed up, saw roofs that were off. Clearly saw boats out of place and things like that. But i thought we would see more damage. Theres still flooding, still stand on the roads. The west coast and confirmed by the mayors ive spoken to today, its not as bad as we thought the storm surge would do. When you get to the keys, we were able to fly in to the Naval Air Station in key west, which as of just a few hours before we landed had significant water still on it. They worked to clear that. We went over all of that area. We saw a lot of boats washed ashore. We saw basically almost every trailer park there overturned. I dont think i saw one trailer park that almost everything wasnt overturned. We saw a lot of flood damage. From talking to the officials in the keys, the water is not working, the sewer is not working and theres no electricity. So its very tough. The National Guard, michael calhoun, they have been down to the keys. The roads are passable. But theres some bridge damage. Theres clearly road damage. But you can get down there and traffic theres not a lot of traffic, which is good. Its moving. My heart goes out to the people in the keys. Theres devastation. Is you know, i just hope everybody, you know, survived. Its horrible. I know for our entire state, especially for the keys, its going to be a long road. A lot of damage. I want i know everybody wants to get back to normal. Everybody wants to get started. We have to be patient, get the First Responders in the keys, the get the water going, electricity going again, the sewer going again. It will take time. I can tell you, everybody, the local level, the state level, federal level, everybody is working hard. The National Guard, military members have been working around the clock to save lives. We are rescue teams with equipment making sure we dont lose anybody. If anybody is in harms way, call the state emergency hotline. Somebody will show up. Were working with fema. I can tell you, the white house is outstanding. I talked to President Trump three times yesterday. I talked to brock long with fema today. I talked to him multiple times yesterday. Talked to so many cabinet members. I talked the Vice President pence yesterday. The white house and everybody at the federal level is showing up. My belief is they will show up and do everything they can. We ill take it. The mission, the resources theyre providing. The dot is working hard to clear the roads. They inspect the bridges across the state. Dot is inspecting bridges before people go back to the Barrier Islands and places like that. Its a top priority aftermath you. If you dont need to be on the roads, dont get out. Its still more again, power lines, all sorts of things like that that were working on. Let me go down. The u. S. Navy, the coast guard, everybody will be providing resources. The navy deployed the u. S. S. New york and the carrier Abraham Lincoln to help with the search and rescue and other things. Power outages. 65 of the state is without power. Im having daily calls with the utilities to get the power back on. Theyll do everything they can. Everybody needs their power back on. I can tell you, theyre bringing in 23,000 members. This is just what the utilities are doing, not including federal government and the support of the military. Fuel. Were doing everything we can to get fuel back in the start. We had a lot of fuel shortages. The two big ports are tampa and port everglades. Both have fuel in their tanks that they had to have them during the hurricane. Were getting that out through our carriers. Were giving them Law Enforcement escorts, doing the same thing with the utilities. We pro positioned many, as much as we could. Everybody is working hard. We have to keep everybody safe, we have to get our hospitals back open, fuel back here. We have to get our roads open. Get everybody their electricity back. I cant tell you anybody that is not working. My experience, self working their tail off. Everybody has to be patient. Its a lot of work to get this done. This is not an insignificant storm. This impacted our 0 what is difference here, this impacted our state. Usually you can preposition on one half or the other but not this one. It was down the middle of the state. A lot of work. I want to thank the president , the State Government and the local government. They have busted their rear keeping us safe. Its my opportunity to introduce somebody ive enjoyed traveling with today and i know that with his leadership, the coast guard will be an unbelievable partner in this. Admiral schultz. Thank you. Shepard governor rick scott speaking live in opalocka, florida. Updating us on the progress from coasttocoast as they put it in florida. Down in the keys, a lot of recovery to be done. Same along southwest florida. Steve harrigan is in naples where he rode out the storm yesterday. What is it like today, steve . Shepard a sunny day right now. Significant damage all around me. The wind go up up to 142 Miles Per Hour in one gust. Uprooted giant trees. A lot of roof damage. The threatened storm surge up to 16 feet just didnt happen. Thats got a lot of people here that decided to ride out the storm relieves. Theres some flooded neighborhood. Still some not accessible by vehicle. Shepard steve, when you recorded and stood with your back to the wind, you noticed the storm surge wasnt coming in and the eye wasnt there. The back end of the eye fill apart. Yeah. I mean, you predict the worst and take measures. As youve seen, this is an inexact science. The eye was stunning to see. We waited and prepared for a catastrophic storm surge as were seeing the big trucks roll through. Didnt happen. What were seeing now is a tremendous relief effort to get the roads back open to move the trees off the streets and move the power lines off the street. Electricity will be the real challenge. 210,000 clients here in collier county. 200,000 without power. Right now a lot of families at home grateful they havent lost their home. Right now they have no electricity, no air conditioning, no phone, no wi fi. A lot of schools wont be open for some time to come, shepard. Shepard thanks, steve. The mayor of Orange County, florida, thats where orlando is, says irma was worse than charlie. A storm that hit back in 2004 as a category four, killed 10 people and caused extensive damage. Officials in Orange County say this storm, irma, flooded more than 130 homes there. Search and rescue teams working to pull people from the waters. Officials warning that conditions in Orange County could be dangerous throughout the day. Bill hemmer is live in orlando. Bill . Shepard, good afternoon. Were on the northern side of the city. Behind me, you can see the overpass, i4. Early Election Year we talk about the i4 corridor. The crews have been here. The power lines, whether its a power line, communication line, were not going to get near it, this is part of the problem youll see throughout the entire state, especially here in the central part of florida, this is an attorneys office. You can see the two giant trees. They must be 50 years old each. When they come down, they take the power lines come down and the power lines come across the road and thats when you get the problem. What is interesting here, the crews have been here. You can see the clean cuts on the trees, this must have happened around daybreak. This is a main artery. They want to keep it open. They responded in kind. What you do see here duck over here. Trees like this. This is going to be a scene that youll see whether its with steves shot or rick or tobin. This is all over the state. Then they take the power lines. Thats why the governor says 65 of the state is still without electricity. Its going to take some time and patience. The traffic is moving here in orlando. What is surprising about that, shepard, theres a curfew in effect until 6 00. Thats another two hours and 15 minutes or so. But only half of the parking rather the traffic lights throughout the city are operating. We call the police department. They said we cant control everything. Theyre urging people to lay low. Most people are listening to that. Not everybody. Back to you in new york. Shepard thanks, bill. In the hard hit keys, the first look at the damage the day after. Its extensive, especially in the lower keys. These pictures from key largo. Well go there after this. Feeling good in slim fit . Thats cool. Looking fabulous in my little black dress . Thats cool. Getting the body you want without surgery, needles, or downtime . Thats coolsculpting. Coolsculpting is the only fdacleared noninvasive treatment that targets and freezes away stubborn fat cells. Visit coolsculpting. Com today and register for a chance to win a free treatment. Its ok that everybody ignoits fine. N i drive. Because i get a safe driving bonus check every six months im accident free. And i dont share it with mom right, mom . righhht. Safe driving bonus checks. Only from allstate. Switching to allstate is worth it. Shepard the florida keys had a lot of damage. This is cudjoe key. Rescuers going doortodoor looking at damage and searching for people that might need help. Adam housley rode out the storm in key largo. Hes there this afternoon. Hey, adam. Hey, shepard. A lot of damage on the ocean side. If youre looking at the map, the right side. The east side, we drove down to mile marker 54. Were on the ocean side. You saw the damage. The east side on the west side or the bay side, youd see tries down, which is significant. Trees down everywhere. Wind gusts up to 35 miles an hour. This is called the boatel. When we were hear friday, they just closed down. The locals were telling us a great place to get a fish fry on a friday and a cold beer. The sheriff told us about. It was well known here. You can see it didnt fare well not only with the wind but a 6 foot storm surge. Im 63. The water was basically where my head is. To the right, torn down as well. Earlier today, you heard from a couple. You introduced them. They were folks that rode out a storm and waves on the first stormry. Thats the house there. Waves 6 feet into their home. Another couple on a boat trying to ride it out. They put on their life vests and went to the second story. Nobody here in key largo died. Theres a lot of damage and a lot of concern about marathon to the south a bit. We got down about 15,20 miles an hour in marathon. Damage there is extensive. I know the department of homeland security, they sent a team down with a special satellite truck to get out communications. Very little water on the keys. Electricity is nonexistent. One patch here. Nobody else has electricity. Cell service is out by the time you get to isla morada. And any word on when people can come home . You know, we heard from the governor saying the bridges they were trying to inspect the bridges. Apparently theyre passable. We went over four or fives. Some sustained damage. The biggest concern show this right here. Trees and wires everywhere. The main interstate goes to key west. Theres a report south of marathon that there might be a chunk of it out. So a significant portion of the interstate is opt. The problem is the side streets are like that. Littered with power streets and power lines and boats. Just junk. Stuff that is no longer in peoples homes that is just debris. So theyve got to clear that. So the Sheriffs Department here in Monroe County is telling the National Guard which streets need to go first. The backhoes have been positioned here. Were told that is the first storm. Once the roads are cleared out, theyll let people back in. They cant let people in because they cant get in. Shepard thanks, adam. Well be right back. Prudential asked these couples how much money do you think youll need in retirement . Then we found out how many years that money would last them. How long do you think well keep oooooohhh you stopped youre gonna leave me back here at year 9 . How did this happen . 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Theres a Masonic Lodge just down the road from us a few blocks away where their building they believe was totalled. Heres what they told us. We were sitting there, playing cards. The lighted flickered three times. Went down side lens. All of a sudden, sounded like a bomb going off. He did two tours in vietnam. Three. And i asked him, i said, how close was that to nan just last night. He said it aint going to get no closer than that. A lot of streets flooded in the lower lying areas of daytona beach, a lot of streets closes and lights out. Signs town. Its not safe to move around. The authorities are encouraging people to stay home the next day or two to get this stuff cleaned up and get the power lines off the road and get the power back on. Hundreds of thousands of people, shepard, still in the dark today. Shepard thanks, rick. On the east coast in ormond beach. September 11th, 16 years on. Next, our look back. And now with victoza®, a better moment of proof. 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People were standing around the subway entrance on 96 and lexington asking if it was safe to go in there. So i grabbed a cab, headed down fifth avenue. Approached st. Patricks cathedral on the left. So many people were praying. It occurred to me this might not be over. I told the cabbie, take a right on 47th street so i can head to my office, not the world trade center. When i got there, my boss met me in the lobby and told me that brit hume was on the air calming our audience. We had word a second plane was heading towards washington. We all have a story. Brian sweeney was on that plane. From united flight 175, he called his wife and left a voice mail on her phone. This is brian. Im on a plane that has been hijacked. I want you to know, i love you. I want you to tell my parents and everybody that i love you and ill see you when you get there. Bye, babe. I love you. And you hold out this hope for someone like brian who this is a silly way to put it but he was the a warrior. You didnt believe that Something Like this could take away. You hope its validated somehow. All i needed was that message. I think hes very selflessly left it. I dont think he left it until he knew he wasnt coming home. When i got it, it was so brian. It was his final request of me and his final way to let me know that he was going to be okay and that he believed that he would see me again. These all he needed to know. It was it was im thankful for it. So thankful for that message. Because at least i know without a shadow of a doubt what he was thinking. The calmness in his voice soothes me. So i do have that. And because its on a message, i can share it with anybody that wants to hear it. Its very powerful. He made very powerful statements with that message. Shepard brian sweeneys story and his voice mail to his wife are part of the 911 memorial in Lower Manhattan where we honor those that died. Those left behind, and those that served in and after the attacks of 911. Neil the bravery of then, the bravery played out today across florida. Last week as it was across texas. States recovering from horrific disasters and the common man showing he can look out for his fellow man. Were seeing proof of that today in florida, particularly in naples. We find Steve Harrigan on the day after the big storm. What does it looks like there, steve . Dramatic damage on a sunny day. Giant trees uprooted. Very hard to get

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