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Fox news deck. A show down over the russia investigation. Christopher wray and the Deputy Attorney general, rod rosenstein, testifying today on capitol hill. Rosenstein appointed the special counsel, Robert Mueller and he oversees the investigation into Russian Election meddling and possible ties to team trump. Tomorrow rosenstein took the brunt of criticism from republicans on the House Judiciary Committee including south carolinas trey gowdy who also is the head of the House Oversight committee. In one of todays many fiery moments, trey gowdy said the russia investigation is dividing americans and that its time to wrap it up. Russia attacked this country. They should be the target but russia is not being hurt by this investigation right now. We are. This country is being hurt by it. Were being divided, weve seen the bias. Weve seen the bias. We need to see the evidence. If you have evidence of wrong doing by any member of the trump campaign, present it to the damn grand jury. If you have evidence that the president acted inappropriately, present it to the American People. Theres an old saying that justice delayed is justice denied. Right now all of us are being denied. Whatever you got, finish the hell up. This country is being torn apart. Shepard for context, congressman gaudy headed the benghazi investigation. It lasted twice as long as the Mueller Probe and found no evidence of wrong doing by Hillary Clinton. Other high profile investigations have lasted much longer. As for the bias the congressman mentioned, he indicates hes referring to the private texts on government phones between the fbi agent peter strzok and lisa page. Messages that show strzok promising to stop mr. Trump from becoming elected president. We do not have the full context. The Justice Department Inspector General said that he found no evidence that bias affected the outcome of the Hillary Clinton email investigation. But President Trump and some republicans have called the messages evidence that russia investigation is rigged. Heres rosensteins response to congressman gowdy. Nobody is more offended than i than what is reflected in the messag messages. With regard to the investigation, ive heard suggests to close the investigation. The best thing we can do is finish it appropriately and get a conclusion. I agree. People should not jump to conclusions without seeing the evidence. Shepard in other words, let the evidence play out. It is. Catherine herridge is live on capitol hill. Hi, catherine. We have a lot of movement because the hearing after six hours just wrapped up. If were lucky, well see them heading out that way. What dominated the hearing, the outstanding records that showed the fbis intelligence activities prior to july 21, 2016. Thats when the russian collusion case officially opened. The records were subpoenaed in april and the subject of a Testy Exchange earlier today. So your statement that im personally keeping information from you youre the boss, mr. Rosenstein. Thats correct. My job is to make sure we respond to your concerns. We have. I have appointed mr. Lausch that has managed that production again, i think the house of representatives will say youre attacking me partially why did you we saw consistently from democrats on the House Judiciary Committee. They were on the offensive. They were doing what they could to reaffirm the decisionmaking of the fbi director and the Deputy Attorney general rod rosenstein. Heres one exchange. Mr. Wray, are you one of those 13 angry democrats that my republican colleagues keep referring to . Congressman, im not working on special counsel investigation. But youre the head of the fbi. Are you a democrat . Did the president reach over to the Democratic Party as president s have because he picked you to have democrats in the administration . Congressman, im trying to do this job apolitically. I do not consider myself an angry democrat. Are you a democrat . No, im not. Youre not a democrat. Thank you. Maybe i how old have gone to that question. Mr. Rosenstein, are you a democrat . Im not a democrat and im not angry. So that was a clear reference to one of the many trump tweets that weve had on the subject. A couple of housekeeping matters on agent strzok. Agent strzok a number of times during his closed door interview yesterday refused to answer questions and one of the questions had to do with his contact that the cofounder of the Opposition Research firm fusion gps, the firm behind the dossier. We also learned that special counsel Robert Mueller has taken specific steps to see if agent strzok made any direction, chose any decisions or took the special counsel investigation in a direction that was a reflection of the political bias that is seen in the text messages, shep. Shepard catherine, in the middle of this, the House Republicans passed a resolution. Thats right. This is a nonbinding resolution. It calls on the Deputy Attorney general to provide the remaining records that are sought by these three committees, the house judicialry, house intelligence and House Oversight. That was a vote 226 republicans to 183 democrats. One of the testy moments in the hearing came with congressman darrell issa. He asked the Deputy Attorney general, look, if we go forward on contempt and we want to pursue it in the District Court of washington, will you throw up any road blocks . Here that is. Do you believe that you have the ability to be above the law . Something the American People do not. No, sir. Good. Since you do not believe thatly take that if youre held in contem contempt. You said no, you dont believe youre above the law. So that will come to some kind of resolution. Probably the week of july 6 because theyre going to be heading into the congressional recess. I want to emphasize, its a nonbinding resolution, but the idea is to release a political message and set the table for some republicans that believe that contempt or impeachment is justified in this situation, shep. Shepard catherine herridge, thank you. Questions mount today about why President Trump again appears to be siding with the russians as they assert they did not meddle in the United States 2016 election. A new president ial statement by twitter just as were getting details about a summit with vladimir putin. The white house says the two leaders will hold their first formal meeting on july 16 in finland. They have met twice that we know about on the sidelines of other summits. Today President Trump tweeted, russia continues to say they had nothing to do with meddling in our election. Where is the dnc server and why didnt shady james comey and the disgraced fbi agents examine it . Why isnt hillary russia being looked into . So many questions, so much corruption. The statement contradicts the finding of the entirety of the United States Intelligence Community and nearly every member of congress in each political party. The evidence is overwhelming, they say. Russia did interfere in the 2016 president ial election. Yesterday putin said relations between the countries are at a low point and he hopes to improve them. Trump said he wants to cover many subjects. He mentioned syria and ukraine, which russia invaded and seized crimea. The u. S. Hit russia with financial punishment for doing so. John roberts is on the north lawn. First, theres breaking news. These are live pictures at the capitol gazette in annapolis maryland. We had reports of an active shooter. That was the initial report. Reports of a shooting at a building in maryland. Its home to one of the nations oldest newspapers. You can see the Law Enforcement coming together outside. We have just gotten word from the sheriff that this is confirmed now but fox news that there are multiple fatalities at this location. Reports of the shooting at the offices of near washington d. C. At the offices of the capitol gazette newspaper. This is annapolis, maryland. I have just learned with you that there are multiple fatalities now reported at this location. I must tell you, hardly a day goes by in recent memory that theres not a report of an active shooter somewhere. They come in so often that most like most often we spend a lot of time ferreting them out before mentioning them to you. Today we hoped that was the case here. Instead, we have got word from the sheriff that they have multiple fatalities. Ron is on the phone now. Are you sheriff bateman . Are you with us . Yes, sir. Shepard what happened there . What can you tell us . This is very limited. This is a police investigation. We share jurisdiction. I was just informed a little while ago that based on the radio transmissions, several Deputy Sheriffs went to that address to provide assistance and do what was necessary at the scene. Thats when we heard over the radio there were multiple fatalities. One of my Deputy Sheriff k9 handlers made an apprehension of a suspect. Its ongoing as we speak. Im at the office right now in command of whats going on with my Deputy Sheriffs. The list have their own command. Again, this is all very new as were talking now. So thats where we stand. Sheriff, i want to ask you a few more things. Answer what you can, if you can. You mentioned that one of your deputies apprehended a suspect. What can you tell us about the circumstances surrounding that . I do not know. It came over the air that one of my k9 handlers said the suspect was in custody. Shepard a lone suspect . One person . Thats all we heard over the radio. Shepard early reports are as we well know sometimes turn out to be wrong. The early reports are i think important for context for our viewers now. What do you know about how all of this began, if anything . I dont know at this time. So we dont know if this suspect is there still an active search or do you believe the urgency has passed . Id be premature if i answered that. I dont know. I just know the one suspect has been apprehended. Shepard and this is annarundles case . They were the initial ones to rerespond. Shepard do we know anything about the victims . No, sir, i do not. Shepard we dont know if there had been any sort of threat or if they were on alert or anything like that . No, sir, i dont know that either snoochlt wow. Shepard anything that you can think to add that i havent asked you . No. This is so early. This is really tragic. Shepard were all with you, sheriff. Its just unimaginable that this keeps happening in america. Over and over again. Shepard sir, all the best to you. Our producers will stay in touch. Please update us. Its another shocking news afternoon with the turmoil that were finding ourselves in day to day and now again, ann arundle county. From the best information that weve been able to gather we were doing so before we came on the air at 3 00 eastern. We had word of an active shooter amount lot of word on social media. We werent sure and wanted to wait to hear from authorities before passing it along to you. Now we have. The sheriff there says multiple fatalities are now confirmed. One of his deputies says that he took in a suspect. We dont know whether its male or female or believed to be other suspects. You can tell by the actions of the authorities on the ground about whether theyre tense and in a defensive mode. Weve been watching the pictures from multiple choppers. Were not able to ascertain where they are in this. Theyre very good about communicating with the media. We got a call from the sheriff himself there. Trace gallagher is monitoring things along with us. Trace, just multiple fatalities. Beyond that, i dont have much. Beyond that, shep, none of us have much. Were waiting for authorities to chime in. We hear the scanner traffic. We dont want to report on that. The Capital Gazette is one of the oldest newspapers. They started printing in 1884 and has gone through several iterations since then. They just moved offices in 2014 after being in a Certain Office for more than 50 years. So the building were talking about right now, they have only been there since 2014. They call it the capitol gazette and owned by the Baltimore Sun and a sister paper to the maryland gazette. They made headlines because one of the part owners and the editor committed suicide. The paper, as you can see, we get a better idea of what the response is. Weve seen a lot of these, whether its a hospital or newspaper or school, you can get an idea of what is happening inside the building by what is happening outside. Are they in barricaded positions . You can see the top righthand part of the screen. Theres officers gathered there. We dont have control of the helicopter. But there seems to be officers or First Responders, medical personnel outside the building kind of openly walking around, which is a sign that they dont believe or at least history tells us its a sign that they no longer believe that an active shooter poses an imminent threat to those outside the building, which in a case like this is a smidgen of good news in what looks to be a very dark day in annapolis maryland, shep. Well gather more information on what we believe is happening in and outside the building. You know once swat teams get in, its the same format, the same Standard Operating Procedure that they have in any active shooter. They go room to room, closet to closet and floor to floor looking for those sheltering in place and looking for those that want to cause harm to those that might be sheltering in place. So information is always very slow coming out. The reason is because they want to make sure its the proper information and they want to make sure that accountability is the number 1 issue here. That means making sure that the person who is trying to cause others harm has been neutralized or taken into custody. We dont know either of those yet. Shepard well be right back with new information. We were led to believe that a life flight helicopter would be taking off and going to a not too far away Level One Trauma Center. When thats the case, a shooting victim that has survived is being rushed away for the kind of care that only level 1 Trauma Centers in america can give. Good friends that are emts and other First Responders have said that if we can get you to a Level One Trauma Center with a bullet wound, if we can get you there alive, your chances of surviving are really quiet good. So if thats the case here, that is going to be the effort. Again, the Capital Gazette Communications Company publishing the capital, a daily newspaper that serves annapolis, the greater anne arundle county and also publishes the maryland gazette twice a week for residents in smaller communities. This location is the main headquarters of the place. Annapolis police have announced the incident on best gate road outside the city of annapolis. Im now told by our informations specialist here that atf is responding. You can see people inside the building. Very common from the early days of the columbine shooting. When you come out of a building like this where theres been an active shooter, they frisk you, make sure you dont harm anyone. You may have seen a Police Officer lower left there raise his hands up and say give the motion to get your hands up. All the rest of them complied. They do this because people are such nerves edge that they want to make sure nobody that was a threat looks like a threat. So they tell everyone to get their hands in the air. Twitter user from about 35 minutes ago was first to record this. So just about ten minutes before 3 00 p. M. Eastern daylight time is our belief of when the first reports of this came out, which was just an address. The 888 best gate. Saying active shooter, 888 best gate. Please help us. The other information from the Annapolis Police department, a verified account there confirming this has happened. The man that tweeted to us, please help us is an intern at the newspaper. Presumably from part of the summer internship program. We have 150 or so interns here at Fox News Channel as newspapers do across the country. Theyre in to learn to beginning of providing people information. On this day, that intern apparently caught up in the middle of an active shooter situation. We have a number of affiliated stations in washington. Our flag ship is fox5 in maryland. Were working to get their off air signal and bring you their coverage in just a moment. Were also affiliated with the Network News Service stations. One of them is abc 7. Theyre now reporting that sources are telling abc 7 in d. C. That a shotgun was involved and a suspect is in custody. Youll remember the sheriff told us it was his understanding that his sheriffs deputy had encountered a suspect and taken him in custody. He didnt have anything further to say that the suspect was in custody. Were given the indication that authorities believe the threat has passed. So you put those two together and hopefully they think they have the suspect and nobody else in danger but theyre being extremely careful and coordinated as they evacuate the building. You can see live again from the flag ship station in washington, wttg. You may have noticed on your phone if youre following this along, theres twitter pictures out of there that show the level of response to this. It would appear that authorities have been coming in from all directions and are now working in a sort of combined effort under one head. Again, wjla abc 7 in washington reporting that a shotgun was involved. That is not to say that there might have been Something Else as well. We dont know. Jla is regarding, abc 7 in d. C. Is reporting that a shotgun was involved. They dont say used so we dont get ahead of ourselves. Theres video of the police arriving. Were waiting for our connection to the off air signal to get access to their reporters. First, im told Trace Gallagher has an update. Trace . Just a quick lay of the land there. This is about three or four miles, the newspaper Head Quarters from the u. S. Naval academy and 3 or 4 miles from the u. S. Capitol building. As you watch whats going on on the ground, keep in mind we mentioned that the capital is owned by the Baltimore Sun. Now the Baltimore Sun is taking precautions in baltimore. They are now clearing their newsroom and making sure that maybe clearing is too strong but doing a sweep of the Baltimore Sun to make sure theres no connection with sister newspapers or ownership portions of this company. So in baltimore, they are now doing their own Police Procedure going through the Baltimore Sun to make sure that there is no threat there as well. We dont know the genesis of why theyre doing this except for the fact that the Baltimore Sun owns the capital. We dont know if theyre going through, if there was a threat. Theyre doing a sweep of the Baltimore Sun. We would anticipate other papers owned by the sun and in this group might also have Police Procedures going on today. Its very difficult to tell what kind of precipitated reasoning is for going to the Baltimore Sun, if there was a threat or precautionary. Its an interesting factoid that that is happening simultaneously while police are trying to figure out who the sussecond is in custody, who he is or she is or what the background, the motive and Everything Else that goes with these active shooter situations, shep. Shepard trace, thanks. The Associated Press is sending out urgent messages that this shooting has happened. The Associated Press has reported multiple people with confirmed shot. It was the sheriff of ann arundle county, ron bateman that told us a few moments ago that there are multiple fatalities inside the building. We just dont have the context that we would like to have to pass along to you. We dont know if this was a employee dispute a workplace dispu dispute, a domestic dispute . We dont have the context yet. Well wait to hear from the authorities on what happened. Certainly people in the d. C. Area that are watching, some serious concerns about who was there and exactly what happened. Were doing all that we can to reach people on scene. Of course, the authorities are extremely busy at the moment. The late forecast the Associated Press is as follows with a dateline annapolis Associated Press. Multiple people have been shot at the capitol newspaper in annapolis. The Baltimore Sun says a reporter told them of the shooting this afternoon. The atf says they are responding to the reports and we believe some are on scene now. Mark lemanski is a spokesman for the ann arundle Police Department. He tells the Associated Press, the situation is active and ongoing. Lemanski says he has no details about potential victims and couldnt confirm the exact location of the building. That is the Associated Press report. Its sheriff bateman that said theres multiple fatalities on scene. Theres indications now, though they use the word active, the reports that were getting is the authorities are not treating this as an active shooter situation. The reports were getting from them, it was an active shooter situation. They took the suspect in custody, given us no reason to believe theres another suspect out there. It would appear that what theyre doing is going room to room, area to area, evacuating people that have not been physically affected by this and trying to get those that may have been physically affected in one way or another, the kind of care that they need. Of course investigators trying to piece together what happened and whatever whoever is responsible had an accomplish. Whether they had left any information behind or social media, Facebook Accounts or has any explanation for what it is that has happened here. Largely in the early going you do that to make sure that theres not another assailant in anyplace, this isnt something coordinated. I must say we have no reason to believe that it is. We also have to reason to believe that this newspaper was a target in any way. The truth is we just dont yet know the context. We believe the first calls came in almost exactly 40 minutes ago now. The original call was an active shooter situation. About the same time this tweet came out from a young man that is an intern there at the newspaper. That young man is saying theres a shooter in here, please come and help us. By the way the time that tweet was out, its our understanding that Law Enforcement was also screaming to that location. Now we can see the familiar scene of people single file coming out of a place of business, sometimes its a school, sometimes its a place of business. The telltale sign that theres another gun violence incident at another spot in america. Again, were waiting for the authorities to tell us anything that they can. They have not sent out anything information. I do have something new that just came in here on our internal computers, this is coming from the Police Department. Here we go. From the police, multiple fatalities. The police have just sent out this information. The police have just confirmed there may be more shooters and there may be bombs. Now for context, its not as if the police are saying we have reason to believe theres more shooters. We have reason to believe theres bombs. They dont. Theyre being very careful to say this is part of routine operation after an event like in. So what theyre saying is we cant tell you what is happening here, but we can tell you what were checking on. Theyre like we have a suspect, were checking to see if theres more of them. So were acting as if there are to err on the side of caution. In addition, in scenes like this, in other areas in the country at other times, theres been occasions when suspects left explosives behind because its happened before, theyre checking for it here. So that is the reason for a little bit of confusion in the active shooter situation. The truth is if authorities believe that they have the only suspect but theyre checking to make sure. The reason for the parlance here, the splitting of hairs whether this is an active shooter situation or not, they believe its passed but they dont want to find that theyre wrong about that and end up with more people hurt. So theyre dotting every i and crossing every t. Making sure every person is frisked, marched them out. Most if not all of them will be interviewed at some point. Once they get the innocence out of the building, theyre going room by room, door by door, bathroom by bathroom to make sure theres no more shooters, b, theres nothing else that might harm any one to any of those watching or seriously concerned and saying this is over and done with. Theres no doubt, they hope so. At this moment they cannot confirm that. The latest weve gotten now, wjla on scene there, our Network News Service affiliate, explaining theyre going through this checklist and trying to get every one out of the building. At some point theyll give us information about who is hurt, who may have lost his or her life and to the degree they can, what happened here. Multiple fatalities is what sheriff bateman has told us at fox news. That specific has not been given out. Its my understanding the area around this, the capitol newspaper and the capitol gazette comfortable, the area around this has been cordoned off. Streets are largely closed. The authorities are asking people to please stay away from the area to avoid any further confusion and stress as they work to figure out whether indeed the danger has passed. Weve been searching and we dont have anything to indicate theres any sort of threats here, any reason to believe there were any problems, at least nothing to which we have access. If that sort of thing is the case, im sure well find out at some point. I want to get to Trace Gallagher that is working this from the west coast news hub. A new tweet from police, this is from ann arundle police. The county is anne arundle. Two words. Theyre confirming active shooter at 888 best gate road in annapolis. Building evacuated. Thats new. Officers continuing to search building. Relocation point is inside the lord taylor in the mall, this is next to a fairly large and wellknown mall there. Everybody in the building, they want to keep them together to interview them and make sure to get everybodys story straight. Theyre relocating everybody there at the time to a nearby mall at a lord taylor store, which they just have taken over. You might imagine anything near here they will shut down. Trace recorded that the Parent Company of this is the biltmore sun. So they swept the newsroom there just as a precaution. You know, something happens in one division of your company, you want to check it all to be as careful as you possibly can. Our understanding is they found no reason for concern at the Baltimore Sun newsroom. But here, of course, the investigation is just beginning. No doubt it will go on for months and months. Trace gallagher, i guess were just waiting now to hear more from police. Just to pick up on a few things, there was no threat to the Baltimore Sun. It was a precaution. The reason they went through that newsroom is because it was the Parent Company of the capital here. You mentioned roads closed in the area. We heard that the interstate 450 and the 178 have now been shut down in both directions. So in anybody that is thinking about going near annapolis will have a very difficult time getting in and around that area. When you bring up the fact that theres bombs that have been said theres a possibility theyre looking for or sweeping for bombs, you go back to the school shootings. Its the same m. O. You go in and look for the different devices. Think back to columbine. That was a bombing event. The whole idea behind columbine, they were going to blow up the whole school. The bombs didnt work. So they brought in guns. But because of that and ever since then, any time you have those types of shooting, they go through the checklist of multiple shooters and are there explosive devices on the campus. Its interesting that the shotgun is being mentioned because every newspaper in the country, this is a fairly moderate size newspaper has security. You cant go in to a newsroom in any city in the country. Its interesting a shotgun was the weapon used in this scenario. Youd assume that theres security and to get a shotgun in this building would be a task unto itself. Weve been checking the Editorial Board to see if theres some kind of idealogical bent to the capital. There doesnt seemed to be. This is a local newspaper covers the capitol, city hall, the local races. For example, they just endorsed a moderate democrat candidate. But the Editorial Board doesnt seem to have a severe idealogical bent. So you look at the m. O. , the motive behind Something Like this. Theres nothing that jumps out at you that says, well, it could possibly be this. So were still filtering through some of our checklist items as to what people and police look for when these types of active shooter scenarios go down. Shep . Shepard were getting dispatches now from reporters with local stations which which we have affiliations. Ive been mentioning abc 7 there. They have a reporter on scene that says, im watching someone i have known a long time a reporter from a capitol gazette newspaper dealing with his grief. Hes in such a way we cant show him. A tough scene to be sure. Clearly something terrible has happened here. Prince georges county, maryland, an adjacent county, confirms to fox news just now that theyre sending a bomb squad to annapolis to assist with the anne arundle Police Department. Its a county that has a Police Department so anne arundle police are working this. Prince Georges Fire Department is helping. They said theyre sending an ambulance bus. The president has been informed. Weve just gotten word from the white house, saying that the president has been briefed about the shooting in annapolis. Theyre expecting a Gaggle Aboard Air Force one. Remember, they have news conferences and then gaggles, which is a pen and paper event as the reporters put it. You take notes. Theres a discussion of whatever is happening in the world at the moment, whatever the reporters and the spokesperson are doing. But doesnt include cameras. They call that a gaggle and expected to have one on air force one. After they do, ill have that information as it happens. I mentioned earlier police went to the baltimore son newspaper, the Parent Company of this particular newspaper and they check the police. They found everything to be normal at the Baltimore Sun. Now they didnt believe there was a threat on the sun but the police are remaining in heightened levels as a precaution for this afternoon. Wjla reporter in washington reports that theyre being kept about 100 yards from the building. A line of sight tells me probably not a risk here or else people would move them away. The overriding belief now is that the urgency has passed, the suspect is in custody and now theyre doing the investigation. They wont say that until theyre 100 sure. The Baltimore Sun just sent out this dispatch. Police responded to their building on north calvert street. Did a sweep. I mentioned they sent some witnesses, people in the building when the shooting happened. Again, just very close to an hour ago now. Those inside the building at the time, havent been physically affected, have been moved to a nearby ball, to a lord taylor store at the mall. The mall is not on lock down but they have taken some of the space there at the lord taylor to bring all of these people that were inside the building. You figure there were employees of the newspaper there, my guests that might have been there, interns, off staff, all the rest. All of those are gathering a tractor trailer lord taylor. You can see the officer leading people inside. Some of them probably in the middle of the workday, making sure their hands are in the air. One authority that started them. Another one saying were going to walk this, passed this sign here. So everyone involved, theres a Police Officer or some sort of Law Enforcements that eyes on everyone the whole time. They do this as a matter of training. Our reporters and producers have been involved in these training. To say theyre standardized across the nation would probably be a stretch. Theyre very similar. They work off of similar play books. They used to m. O. Used to be when theres an active shooter, you wait and see who it is, where it is and how youre going to respond. Thats how it was in the days of the columbine shooting. Then they changed their procedures since then. Get in, do what you can to stop the shooter as quickly as possible. The ways that they clean it up afterwards and process the crime scene, all of that has changed. Were seeing it play out before our eyes here this afternoon. Some new information that ive just gotten from the governor of maryland. Governor larry hogan just said retweeting anne arundle police saying devastated to learn of this tragedy in annapolis. Governor hogan said im in contact with the county executive and the police kept is on the scene assisting the anne arundle Police Department. Please stay away from the area. The governor said praying for those on scene and our community. The governor of the state of maryland, larry hogan reacting to what appears to be another active gun violence in the workplace. This time in annapolis, maryland, anne arundle county. You can see the t. V. Bank there across the street. Most of the streets in this area shut down. The latest information from the police, officially theyre saying the building is now evacuated. So they believe everyone that could have been in any danger is out of there. They believe the one suspect is in custody and going, as i mentioned earlier, through every inch of the place to make sure there was nothing behind that may have harmed anyone. The only information that we have about fatalities is the first information we go. That came from a sheriff, sheriff ron bateman that came on, on with us live. Just less than an hour ago. Less than 40 minutes ago and said there were multiple fatalities on scene and one of his deputies is believed to be the one that took the suspect in custody. Beyond that, weve learned nothing officially about this suspect. You will find all kinds of things on your phone and within social media and website to website. Largely this afternoon theyre contradicting each other. None of them is confirmed and we wouldnt go with that information because we dont have anything to verify it. Frankly its our belief that those that are sending out information that is suspect dont have anything to go on either. As horrible as these situations are, people that want to be involved in one way or another tend to make them worse by sending out inaccurate information. I would guard against it on your phone from now. Well hear from the police scene enough. We were told the building had been fully evacuated. You just saw more people coming out there. Thats not to say they were giving us misinformation. If youre in an enormous workplace building like this and Something Like this happens in your building, someone hears shots and people screaming, wouldnt a bunch of you go hide and lock yourself someplace . Thats usually what accounts for these discrepancies. As the police check, they find people hiding in some way and tell them, all right, youre safe. Lets get out. Thats the reason that theyre waiting to confirm all kinds of things for us. Until they hit every inch of the building, they dont know. A reporter for the capitol gazelle, phil davis, said this. A single shooter shot multiple people at any office. Some of whom are dead. Again, from a reporter from the capitol gazette that apparently was there and said, i will tweet what i can, while i wait to be interviewed by police. What he tweeted, shot multiple people at my office and some of whom are dead. We believe that everyone being brought out of there is taken to the area at the lord taylor where they will all be interviewed. Police want to hear from everybody there. When people are in a situation about which they could never have dreamed themselves, youre at work as we are at this moment. Imagine someone comes in and starts firing. Your senses are such that you dont always remember things perfectly accurately. They want to interview everybody there and get the best indication of what happened to whom and at what moment and what was happening around them. To do that, they have to interview those people. A Herculean Task by the First Responders that protect us and investigate for us. You cant thank them enough on any day, especially one like this. In addition were getting a lot of information from people inside when this was happening. In this age of social media, we hear from those wouldbe victims so much more quickly. The first time i ever remember victims communicating with each other was at the shooting at Virginia Tech. Probably hundreds of journalist theres. We were there for days. The students were standing around texting on their phones. They were sharing the stories with what happened with each other before sharing them with the media. Today that sounds like, yeah, thats how life is. It was brand new at the days of the Virginia Tech shooting and it was a notable societal change. Now people that are victims can send out to their families they cant reach tweeting or facebook posts. Were getting from joshua who i assume worked there, said Massive Police respond to shooting in my newsroom in annapolis. I was safe. Not there. On the way from the scene. That is from joshua. Everyone that was there coming out. Were now getting more from phil davis who was a reporter for the newspaper that is sending out dispatches while waiting to talk to police. He said theres nothing more terrifying that hearing multiple people get shot while youre under the desk. And then hear the gunman reload. My god, what these people have been through today. Im going to read that again. Theres nothing more terrifying than hearing multiple people get shot while youre under your desk and then hear the gunman reload. We can only imagine what was happening in the newsroom of this Great American institution. One of the oldest newspapers in the country whose job is to inform and report to the people. Today that newsroom explosive. Phil davis will never forget the moment he went from report tore victim. Reading these words is truly chilling. He further says, in another dispatch now, the gunman shot through the gas door to the office and opened fire on multiple employees. Cant say much more and dont want to declare any one dead, but its bad. Then later he reported, theres nothing more terrifying than hearing multiple people get shot while youre under your desk and hearing the gunman reload. Senator ben cardin has tweeted saying devastating. My heart is with the Capital Gazette and the people of annapolis. As information comes i remain as grateful as ever to our First Responders. Stay safe. I can only tell you the best information that i have. The best information that i have if youre worried about someone you know or someone you love, the best information i have is that the danger has passed. Nobody else will be hurt by whoever this was. Police have given every indication, sheriffs, police, everyone with whom we have contact, that they believe this situation has been neutralized. Nobody else will be hurt. The suspect is in custody. The investigation is underway. The victims are being taken care of and then the dead are being treated with respect. It is almost unsettling to realize that people who document for a living, people that observe and report to you for a living professionally are today documenting what has happened to themselves. Im guessing with that will come a great amount of detail. Its First Responders that save our lives and run towards shooters and run into burning buildings. Reporters are if places where lives that taken an unthinkable term to be put in a position to document colossal events happening and today inside that newsroom, theyre doing exactly that. We will eventually have an extraordinary account of whatever it is that happened today. Im confident it will not be pleasant. New now, an fbi spokesman told fox news at the Baltimore Field Office has now responded. At this point, the shooting in maryland is a local head that means the head of the Investigative Team is the local agency. The Naval Academy is about five miles from this location. Our correspondent Lea Gabrielle said she spoke with the Naval Support personnel. The deputy chief says they have not increased the Security Posture at the Naval Academy but security guards are vigilant at the checkpoints, aware of the situation. In other words, everyone is on edge now. How could you not be . All across the nations capitol. Of course, in the metro around washington. These live pictures coming to us from fox fox wttg in washington where they have left their newsroom. Our reporter from wjla on scene. Lets listen in. Dont woman back. Weve seen a tweet from an intern saying theres an active shooter, help us, a sad thing. The governor tweeting out that this was a tragedy. Seeming to confirm there were a number of injured people here. Weve heard theres four people. We dont know the extent of their injuries. Governor hogan calling this a tragedy. You can see the scene is still being expand ed. Ive heard from people my phone is ringing now. Ive heard from people in the annapolis mall lock down, cant come out. Ive heard from an acquaintance of mine whose wife is in that building in a closet Hearing Police on the outside. Terrified. Shes texting back and forth to her husband. Shes following our news, our tweets and that sort of thing. Her husband reaching out to me. So thats the scene as we described it in the building. We can pan around. You can see our view that we had is now blocked by those emergency vehicles. Shepard thats brad bell, the reporter for a local station, wjla, abc 7 for the washington d. C. Area. Our thanks for that firsthand reporting. I do want to give you more information. Weve been informed by the new york city Police Department that nypd is now moving personnel out of an abundance of caution to the headquarters of all the major news Media Outlets in hour city. I cant begin to count how many there are. Every Major Network is located here. Abc, cbs, nbc, fox news, cnn, msnbc. We have eight local television stations which do local news. A multitude of others. The new york Police Department now mobilizing personnel out of caution to the headquarters of all major news out lets in americas largest city. Wttg in washington now speaking with the fire department. Lets listen to this. Have been brought in to deal with possible threats of bombs . Thats a Police Matter and something that i cant speak to. We appreciate your perspective. This is a horrific tragedy. We appreciate the work the First Responders are doing. Is there any other information you can give us to update us on the situation . At this time, man, no. Its an active seen. Well provide more information when available and well be sharing that as soon as we get it. Just again, if you could, give us the information on if somebody has loved ones in the area, where they can reunite with them. People want to go to the scene. Were asking that your reconnect with people at the lord taylor, the Reunification Center at the annapolis mall. Thats from washington, wttg. You probably snow if youre a spots fan, its world cup time and fox is airing the world cup. Wttg has even interrupted that program to bring you this horrifying the news there. This is annapolis maryland, the chopper is overhead. Weve gotten word from the sheriff anne arundle county. All the facilities of the multiple newspapers are there. Wont soon forget the reporting of a reporter for that particular Newspaper Group whose just told us what was going on inside the newsroom. Nothing more terrifying than hearing multiple people get shot while youre under your death and you hear the gunman preload. Trace gallagher, anything further . Its interesting, shep. Weve been talking to the Regional Medical centers. So far that closest Regional Medical center has not received a single patient at all. The other negative, the closest level 1 Trauma Center we talked about the fact that if you can get to a Level One Trauma Center and youre shot, the odds are good that youll survive. Our information is the closest level 1 Trauma Center is john hopkins in baltimore. Another negative here. Its interesting that not a single patient has been taken to the local medical centers. Were told a number of victims and people. Its interesting that we talked about the security of the building and how somebody might get in. Now were being told by the very same reporter that said that his colleagues are being shot, they shot through the glass window and we want to mention, shep, theres 55 employees of the capitol gazette. We dont know how many were in the building at the time. That appears to be the number. Shepard trace, ive seen more than that. We wonder if theres other people in the building with other offices. John, our editorial head here says theres dental offices and others there. That would explain why the newspaper itself and the company cardiac care facility and dental offices. The long and short of it is, here we are on another summer afternoon in america and its happened again. A shooting at the newspaper offices in annapolis. Multiple people confirmed dead by the sheriff of anne arundle county. Authorities say they have a suspect in custody. They believe the scene is clear to say its active, its of course as the investigation is underway, people still being led outside the building. Our coverage will continue throughout the afternoon and evening. To our friends and colleagues in annapolis, just no words. Your world with nell kneel begins now on Fox News Channel. Neil its happened a fgaiag. Were getting reports of multiple fatalities, another shooting. We dont know the motivation for that. Were also told at this facility that its been cleared but as you can see as more people make their way out with very familiar scene, the arms raised above their heads, its not entirely cleared out. A lot of people could have been hiding on holding themselves up for safety here. This is an ongoing

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