Transcripts For FOXNEWSW Shepard Smith Reporting 20191003

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now. >> announcer: and now, "shepard smith reporting" live from the fox news deck. >> shepard: as the president faces impeachment proceedings, today he did it again on live television. it happened in response to a question about what he wanted from the ukrainian leader. >> president trump: i would think if they were honest about it, a major investigation into the bidens, it is a simple answer. they should investigate the bidens. how does a company that is newly formed -- and by the way, likewise, china should start an investigation into the bidens. because what happened to china is just about as bad as what happened with ukraine. >> shepard: the president asked ukraine and china to investigate his political rival on television for all the world to hear. fox news knows of no investigation for any american law. it if it is determined that the president made that request, president trump may have violated federal law. it is illegal to ask a foreign national or foreign country for any political assistance. to our knowledge, no president before president trump in american history has probably asked in american history to investigate arrival. there is this important point. immediately before the president asked china to investigate, he reminded beijing about upcoming trade talks. >> president trump: we are looking at a lot of different things. china is coming in next week. we will have a meeting with them. i have a lot of options in china. if they don't do what we want, we have tremendous, tremendous power. >> shepard: the chairman of the house intelligence committee who the president says should be looked at for treason and forced to resign so that once again, the president has asked a foreign country to meddle in american democracy. >> the president of the united states encouraging of foreign country to interfere to help his campaign by investigating a rival is a fundamental breach of the president's oath of office. it endangers our elections and security. it ought to be condemned by any member of this body, democrats and republicans alike. >> shepard: as for the biden campaign, he said what he did was fully transparent and was carried out and front of the whole world. there is no known evidence to support president trump's conspiracy theories as we have reported here repeatedly. biden had this message for the president last night. >> let me make something clear to president trump and his hatchet men in his attacks against me. i'm not going anywhere. [cheers and applause] you are not going to destroy me. and you are not going to destroy my family. i don't care how much money you spent >> shepard: on capitol hill, the former envoy to the ukraine, testified in private in front of the house committees. he is an important figure in the whistleblower complaint. he reportedly traveled to kiev. the day after the call with the ukrainian leader to help officials maneuver president trump's request. "based on multiple readouts of these meetings, recounted to me by various u.s. officials, ambassadors reportedly provided advice to the leadership about how to navigate the demands at the president had made. the whistleblower also noted that he was one of the people who spoke with trump's personal attorney rudy giuliani as part of an effort to maintain the damage. he resigned abruptly after the whistleblower complaint remained public. today, he testifies as a private citizen. all of this as the clock ticks for the white house to had all documents related to his contacts with ukraine. if they don't get them, house democrats say tomorrow they will issue a subpoena. they will warn, if the white house doesn't hand them over, that would be considered obstruction of justice. four days, the president and his allies have been suggesting that the whistleblower or their sources got something wrong. that the president didn't really ask ukraine to invest his political rival, that the complaint is total affection. today, the president did exactly what he is accused of doing come at this time on live television. this time, he asked the totalitarian government of china to investigate as well. at the trade talk is scheduled for next week. we have team fox coverage with more on today's hearing. first the latest on president trump from the white house. >> ukraine and now china. the president is referencing is joe biden's son, hunter biden. he served on the advisory board of a pond that was looking to get an investment of a bank in china. that happened shortly after that the vice president and his sons traveled to china in 2013. 2013. the bidens say that they have done nothing wrong here and hunter biden did not profit specifically from that investment. the president talking about china reverted to ukraine and pushed ukraine to investigate the bidens. >> president trump: i would say that president -- if it were me, i would recommend that they start an investigation into the bidens. nobody has any doubt that they were not crooked. that was a crooked deal, 100%. he had no knowledge of energy. he did not know the first thing about it. all of a sudden, he is getting $50,000 a month plus a lot of other things. >> now with his administration in free fall, donald trump is flailing and down on national television, desperately clutching for conspiracy theories that have been debunked and dismissed by credible news organizations. the chair of the federal election commission had a statement in june that sad it is illegal for anyone running for office in the u.s. elections to elicit or receive anything of value from a foreign national." >> shepard: tesco >> an event in arizona, the vice president t into his predecessors saying that most want answers into his conduct in ukraine. >> the american people have a right to know whether or not the vice president of the united states or his family profit from his position. you look at the video. of vice president biden. and, you see that there was clearly a quid pro quo. >> they charge that biden -- hunter biden served on the board out. biden's defenders have pointed out that allies also pushed ukraine to fire this prosecutor over corruption concerns. he was asked about his role in all of this. last month he went to europe, he was in poland. he met with the president of ukraine. he was asked what he discussed with the president of ukraine. biden said that they focus entirely on addressing corruption of help and partnership from the europeans on this. shep. >> shepard: thank you. more now on what we are learning from the former ukrainian unvoiced testimony. live from capitol hill. hello. >> shep, he really matters because he is the connective tissue as that ukraine special envoy between the ukrainian leadership, the president, the july 25th phone call and also the president's personal attorney who is running his own investigation into the biden provides. he rapped on capitol hill five hours ago, he stands behind closed doors behind me in a secure facility purity is doing what is called "a transcribed interview." it doesn't matter if it's under oath or not, because there are severe penalties if the individual -- the witness lies or misleads congressional investigators. in the meantime, rudy giuliani has been on the defensive. he has been sharing text messages that he is against with reporters. i will draw your attention to one which was july 26th. it matters because it is one day after the phone call between the president and the ukrainian president. he says hi, mr. mayor. you may have heard the president has a great call with ukrainian president yesterday, exactly the right messages as we discussed." a short time ago we heard from some lawmakers outside the committee room. here is that democratic chairman as well as one of the republican lawmakers. >> nothing that he has said supports the narrative that you have been hearing on the democrats, nothing. i tell you once. i think that we have all been very impressed from mr. volker and the knowledge of the subjec subject. >> suggesting or urging foreign countries to interfere in our presidential election. it's an illustration of this president not learning anything from the two years of the robert mueller investigation. >> there is also another reporting deadline tomorrow on capitol hill. the overhyped intelligence and foreign affairs committee have asked the state department for the ukraine records. not sure of the deadline is in the morning, in the middle of the day or at midnight. the bottom line is that they would make in their letter, if there was not cooperation that deadline, he could lay the foundation for the drafting of an article of an impeachment that has to do specifically with obstruction of congress. >> shepard: thank you. breaking news now. the state department has just approved the sale of 150 javelin antitank missiles to ukraine. the price for those $39.2 million. remember, these javelin muscles were mentioned in the phone call between the president and the leader of ukraine, just before the president said -- 's words about needing a favor. remember, the russians invaded ukraine in that region of crimea, remove the crimean courts and government and replace them with russian courts and russian governments, and took over that region for their own. currently in the east of ukraine, there was an ongoing war between the ukrainian military and russian separatists. some suggest russian soldiers as well. we do not have proof of that. at this point, metaphorically at least, those tanks are aimed at kia. in kiev, the legitimate government has said that we need these antitank missiles so that the russians are not able to overtake our entire country. now, they will get them. much more ahead. we will have an update on bernie sanders and his heart procedure. but his health problems could mean for his 2020 presidential campaign if anything. that is coming up as reporting continues on those thursday afternoon. ♪ of a new house. seeing what people left behind in the attic. well, saving on homeowners insurance with geico's help was pretty fun too. ahhhh, it's a tiny dancer. they left a ton of stuff up here. welp, enjoy your house. nope. no thank you. geico could help you save on homeowners and renters insurance. geico could help you save on homeowners do you want me to go first or do you want to go first, brea? you can go first. audible reintroduced this whole world to me. so many great stories from amazing people. makes me wanna be better. to connect with stories that i'm listening to- that's inspiration. with audible originals, there's something for almost every taste in there. everything you ever wanted to hear. our ability to empathize through these stories can be transformational. it's my own thing that i can do for me. download audible and start listening today. >> shepard: the 2020 presidential candidate is recovering now following a heart procedure. his campaign manager says the 78-year-old had two stands inserted after he experienced chest pain during an event. he's currently off the campaign trail. what that mean for his campaign? he's traveling with a candidate. >> we just got word a few minutes ago that bernie sanders may be in the hospital through the weekend. he is apparently up in about the hospital cracking jokes with his doctors and nurses that told him that he's not going to need any additional procedures. that is according to his wife. is going to be there a few days longer than planned. the only thing that we have heard so far is on twitter when he posted a message advocating for medicare for all. that is the extent of his west coast voter outreach for the week. he is not courting voters as planned. his events and appearances remain canceled until further notice. he does not have something on his calendar. he will be on the debate stage 12 nights from now. there is a president for major campaign. they reviewed almost three decades worth of schedules and found that the two examples most similar to what he's dealing with our hillary clinton in 2016 who needed three days off the trail to recover from pneumonia. bill bradley in 1999 was on his way to event. he had to divert to the e.r. for what turned out to be an irregular heartbeat. he has insisted within the last month that they has been very healthy throughout his life without the exception of some acid reflux. he is dismissive of concerns that he might be too old to run for president. he has still got the cash to compete in a campaign even if it goes for several months after the primaries and caucuses begin. which means that questions about the almost 17% support that he is pulling in the average of polls and where people might go if he was to drop out. >> shepard: live in las vegas. ♪ fox business alert now. live look at the dial. it dropped 800 points over the past two days. investors fearing economic slow down. the september jobs report is set to come out tomorrow. we are up 55 points on the day and jerry from the fox business network reporting live from the new york stock exchange. >> it you have to like this green. here is what happened service sector. anything that does not produce a heart a tangible product. i came in and there was a report this morning at 10:00 a.m. it was not what wall street expected. the doubt lost 335 points. and within that hour, we rebounded into the green. because now traders think that we are going to get a nice, big, fat rate cut. you can see what has happened in the market this week. 88% chance of a fed rate cuts. they want a rate cut in october and another in december. you can see that we have had a heck of a time this week. 800 points. it hundred 40 down tuesday and wednesday. that was on bad manufacturing days. let me tell you about the next piece of economic data we have got. that is the september jobs report. i want to go over expectations there. the two most important on foreign payrolls will report. we expect average hourly wages to be up 3.2%. we will see. it is critical that this report comes in and a positive fashion for the markers to go higher. >> shepard: thank you so much. another confirmed death in the outcome of the vaping related across the country. what researchers said they found in several patients' lungs. and reached an a1c of less than 7 and maintained it. oh! under 7? 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>> this is coming out of kansas. the university of can spores and controls are tells that they are starting to get reports from parents of children either ingesting vaping cartridges or holding the cartridges in their mouth. in some cases, emptying them, drinking the highly concentrated nicotine fluid. it's a bad idea. even a standard dose of nicotine and is highly addictive. doctors warn that consuming it in concentrated form can cause seizures and even death. ohio's republican governor is calling on legislators in that state to ban flavored vaping products because of their appeal. >> the use flavors such as fruit, candy, chocolate, mentho menthol, and mint. they get them hooked on massive quantities of nicotine and make it all seem cool on social media. >> other states have already imposed bans. vaping groups are pushing back saying that it would hurt small businesses. they would also reduce options for adult smokers who are trying to quit standard cigarettes. >> shepard: live in atlanta. investigators and parents say an employee at the city's police headquarters killed three officers and administrators in a knife attack. responding officers shot and killed the worker. this happened across the street from notre dame. no word automotive. the prosecutors said that they are really got terrorism for now. lawyers for the victims of the las vegas massacre have reached a settlement with mgm resorts. expected to pay anywhere from 735 to $800 million. mgm owns the mandalay bay resort and casino. a gunman fired from a hotel room with their into a of thousands of people. he killed 58 people and later himself. the attack, the deadliest mass shooting in modern u.s. history. jeff paul reporting live from our west coast news hub. >> a big first step towards closure. if that is how some of the survivors are describing today after the settlement was finally reached. plaintiff's said that mgm did not keep the 22,000 people who are attending that music festival safe. you might remember last year, mgm filed a lawsuit against many of the victims and order to have the cases consolidated into one case. mgm has since stepped up and that the settlement represents a good corporate citizenship. survivors of those shootings that despite the payout, two years later, what happened to them impacts them every single day. >> i lost part of my soul in that shooting. i mean, i tried to function on a daily basis, but man, there was a hole in my heart that i will never get back. any victim of that shooting are traumatized for life. make no mistake about that. this conversation will help all of us. it's never going to erase this profound trauma that we are coping with. >> that survive are that you just heard from brian claypool who somehow made it out of that concert under a hail of bullets without being hit is also a lawyer that is representing more than 100 victims. he tells us that there is a range of what could be a net settlement based participation, but brian claypool said it will likely be a max of $800 million with so many wanting to put this behind them and be done, the $800 million question now, will mgm and other corporations make changes for something like this doesn't happen again? >> shepard: jeff paul five and loss to las vegas. reaction after learning his punishment. plus what we are learning after defendants who are fighting the charges including -- ♪ great news for veterans with va loans. mortgage rates have dropped to near record lows. refi now at newday usa with no income verification, no appraisal, and no points. when you're looking for answers, it's good to have help. because the right information, at the right time, may make all the difference. at humana, we know that's especially true when you're looking for a medicare supplement insurance plan. that's why we're offering seven things every medicare supplement should have. it's yours free just for calling the number on your screen. and when you call, a knowledgeable licensed agent-producer can answer any questions you have, and help you choose the plan that's right for you. the call is free, and there's no obligation. you see, medicare covers only about 80 percent of your part b medical expenses. the rest is up to you. that's why so many people purchase medicare supplement insurance plans, like those offered by humana. they're designed to help you save money and pay some of the costs medicare doesn't. depending on the medicare supplement plan you select, you could have no deductibles or co-payments for doctor visits, hospital stays, emergency care and more. you can keep the doctors you have now, ones you know and trust, with no referrals needed. plus you can get medical care anywhere in the country, even when you're travelling. with humana, you get a competitive monthly premium and personalized service from a healthcare partner working to make healthcare simpler and easier for you. you can chose from a wide range of standardized plans. each one is designed to work seamlessly with medicare and help save you money. so how do ya find the plan that's right for you? one that fits your needs and your budget? call humana now at the number on your screen for this free guide. it's just one of the ways that humana is making healthcare simpler. and when you call, a knowledgeable licensed agent-producer can answer any questions you have, and help you chose the plan that's right for you. the call is free and there's no obligation. you know medicare won't cover all your medical costs, so call now! and see why a medicare supplement plan from a company like humana, just might be the answer. >> shepard: bottom of the hour. a time for the top of the news hour. a woman in the backseat screaming blood he murdered. it turned out to be the best day of their lives. another parent caught cheating his kids way into college. he will pay a tougher price than the -- box top story, and the first witness in the impeachment inquiry still testifying behind closed doors. our chief report live from capitol hill. >> good afternoon. we are waiting to see if kurt fulcher have a report. it's quite a session so far. kevin mccarthy is taking nancy pelosi calling on her to suspend this impeachment inquiry. unfortunately, you have given no clear indication on how your impeachment inquiry will proceed. whether key historic precedents or due process will be observed. in addition, the swiftness and recklessness with which you have proceeded has already resulted in committee chairs attempting to limit minority participation in scheduled interviews calling into question the integrity of such an inquiry. meanwhile, she was asked if emplacement was inevitable. >> i think that we go forward and follow the facts. there are some people that say, why are you calling for an inquiry? i don't think that would be fai fair. it isn't worthy of a constitution. we should collect the facts. >> there is a great deal of attention at this critical stage. >> shepard: you have some new text messages between some u.s. diplomats involved in the ukraine -- that seem to make clear that this was a pressure campaign. >> encrypted text messages involving some of the key players regarding key players. he was the special envoy to ukraine up until last week. william taylor, the temporary ambassador. and the united states united states ambassador to the european union, the exchange started on september 9th when the intelligence community inspector michael atkinson revealed the intelligence of a whistleblower. it shows taylor expressing concerns to his colleagues. i will go as i sat on the phone, i think it is crazy to withhold security assistance for help with a political campaign. "i believe that you are incorrect about president trump's intentions. the president has been crystal clear. no quid pro quo's of any kind. he is trying to evaluate whether ukraine is going to adopt transparency and he from us during the campaign, i promise that we stop the back and by text. if you still have conference, i suggest you give lisa a call directly. i agree. with kurt volker meeting with lawmakers, they are getting context and more behind-the-scenes exchange this hour. >> shepard: live on capitol hill. thank you. an update on that ongoing behind closed doors hearing. we just got an update from congressman mark meadows who came forward and said they have a couple more hours with former ambassador kurt volker. most likely, we will hear something. both sides, the republicans and democrats have indicated a person will speak regarding what happened behind closed doors. i'm sure that bret baier will have you tonight at 6:00 eastern, 5:00 central. there have been talk about how many house democrats support impeachments. our senior producer for capitol hill explains actual support -- support for actual impeachment is up for interpretation. >> some democrats want to impeach the president. others want to leave it vague. that gives them wiggle room. to favor in impeachment inquiry but oppose impeachment at south of it ever comes to that. that is because even though nancy pelosi says she's investigate impeachment, democratic aide said impeachment "is not even an official thing." >> i think too much has been made of the impeachment inquiry. we are doing what our court filing says we are doing, what i said we are doing. the recommended articles of impeachment. >> they are trying to get information to "recommend articles of impeachment." >> impeachment isn't a binary thing could are engaging in investigation to see if we should recommend articles of impeachment. >> this could be a little bit puzzling. some articles want to impeach the president. some want and impeachment inquiry. some want and impeachment investigation. you have to talk to each individual congressman to figure out what they are for. they simply wrote articles of impeachment for president clinton based solely on the investigation of ken starr. the house sidestepped efforts to impeach president nixon wants even before the watergate break-in and a secret bombing of cambodia. impeachment accelerated at about 1973 saturday night massacre. in the firing of special prosecutor archibald cox. they voted in 1974 to formally authorize and impeachment proceeding. 410 to 4. they hear impeachment without understanding the difference between impeaching the president or conducting an impeachment investigation. it may help liberal democrats where it's upping the left-wing base. it may mean different things to different people. take lewis carroll and "through the looking glass." when i use a word, said humpty dumpty, it means what i choose it to mean. on capitol hill, chad, fox news. >> shepard: the former chairman of a global law firm getting one month in prison for his role in the college of admission scandal. gordon caplan is his name from connecticut. the latest parent from -- the judge ordered him to pay a $50,000 fine. he pleaded guilty to fraud and conspiracy after paying $75,000 to a college consultant, rick singer. singer has pleaded guilty to a handful of charges. he's cooperating with federal investigators now and has been released from the custody while awaiting sentencing. in the meantime, one of the biggest names involved in the scandal, she is set to report to prison at the end of the month. 14 days behind bars. she pleaded guilty to fraud after admitting to paying $15,000 to improve her daughter's a.c.t. score. the other actress wrapped up in this case, lori locklin is planning to fight the charges. the judge is considering a court date. live outside the courthouse in boston. >> a lot of ground to cover here. gordon caplan is slated to self-report himself to prison on november 6th. as imagined, one month behind bars. prosecutors called for eight months. they argued in court that unlike others embroiled in the scandal first engaged with rick singer for services. caplan's relationship was about fraud from the very start. he was never pushed or prodded into this game. a lawyer for the connecticut father pointed out that unlike other parents charged in this case, caplan did not involve his daughter in this game, there by not infecting their integrity. caplan's attorney said that he has repeatedly apologized. he did so before the judge today and outside the courthouse. >> i fully respect the decision of the court today. i am deeply and profoundly sorry for being involved in this mess. i am focused now on doing everything i can to redeem some portion of my good name. thank you. >> looking ahead, another father tomorrow. he happens to be a wealthy california -- agreed to $300,000 in bribes to engage in both test cheating and faking athletic credentials. it's hard to say what the sentence is handed down it means for the nearly 20 parents were inching closer to trial. including lori laughlin. their cases are slated to go before a different judge. they also face an additional money laundering charge. at the judge that has been sentencing the defendant's, indira talwani has noted that the crimes deemed him to be more serious if the parents involved also involve their children in the crimes and worth noting that lori loughlin are alleged to have done that. but many of the others are expected to face an entirely different judge. that judge would like to see trials happening next year, 2020. >> shepard: live at the courthouse in boston. at the number of americans who have died from opiates is staggering. ohio is one of the hardest hit states. >> more people have died in one year in america over the opioid epidemic from overdoses and died in the vietnam war. >> shepard: we will take to corner there who saw ten people died over overdoses. the warning that she has for every one of us. ♪ te my name. i was diagnosed with parkinson's. i had to retire from law enforcement. it was devastating. one of my medications is three thousand dollars per month. prescription drugs do not work if you cannot afford them. for sixty years, aarp has been fighting for people like larry. and we won't stop. join us in fighting for what's right. ♪ >> shepard: in ohio, the corner of one county says at least ten people died of drug overdose there in the past which is six hours. it is franklin county which includes the state capital, columbus. the corner called the number unusually high. and once people about the risks of fentanyl. suggesting family members and friends of drug users carry narcan. that is the drug that is used to reverse the effects of an opioid overdose. the franklin county coroner, dr. anahi ortiz joins me live now. thank you so much. >> thank you for the opportunity, shep. >> shepard: went to all of us need to know? >> well, we know here in franklin county and throughout the united states, we are having an issue with fentanyl. i think fentanyl is what is driving many of the overdoses now. it is throughout the united states especially here in franklin county. fentanyl is an opiate and therefore, narcan will work on fentanyl. folks should be carrying -- especially those who have loved ones our family who have addiction substance abuse disorder. they should have narcan on hand. >> shepard: how is it that ten have died in the past 26 hours? is there a certain supplier? is there a certain problem? do we have an idea? >> we do not have an idea yet. my thought is that yes, it is probably one supply that spread out throughout the county. however, i know for sure, dea and ohio, high intensity drug trafficking agency and law enforcement are all working on the issue right now. >> shepard: without being specific to identity, generally speaking, who are the people who have died that you have evaluated? >> of the ten, most of them were male. we had two female. three african-american. most of them were in their 30s and 40s. >> shepard: how bad is the epidemic there? >> it is not going away. let's put it that way. we have been at about the same level in 2017. 2017 it was the peak for a lot of places. we have been staying at about the same amount of people dying of overdoses since 2017 here in franklin county. >> shepard: 40 people get narcan? >> folks can get narcan for free at the public health department. we haven't franklin county public health. they can seek that out there. you can get narcan actually without a prescription in your pharmacy here in ohio, anyway. and if you go to your physician and ask, they should be able to right you a prescription if you have insurance to get narcan. >> shepard: dr. ortiz, many thanks. all the best. >> thank you. >> shepard: more than two doesn't parachuting soldiers perish as they were blown into trees during our nighttime exercise. now we are in the army warrants something like this could happen. plus, everybody has an excuse to get out of a speeding ticket, right? there was no arguing with one driver in south florida. especially after the deputy heard the screams coming from his wife. [screaming] >> baby coming out. that is the reason why we are speeding. ♪ >> shepard: we interrupt this commercial break. the republican of new york discussing behind closed doors hearing with former ambassador to ukraine, volker. >> to release it to the american public so that you can read it to yourself. >> reporter: what was that question? >> i have had an opportunity to ask questions throughout the da day. processwise, the day started with the chairman saying that this is going to be a staff lid interview, staff members would be asking questions. and, it wasn't until there was pushback from mr. jordan about members being able to ask questions that the chairman said that he would allow members to ask questions, but he was discouraging it. so process-wise, that is how the day started. as far as asking questions, i was able to ask questions throughout the day. >> can you confirm at all the complaint and allegations? -- >> i would love to be able to answer that question. subsequently being that the interview is still going on, it would not be appropriate for me to get into answering all the questions about what has been said today. i would very much look forward to the opportunity to answer your questions in a couple of hours once it is over. i would be happy to answer that question as soon as it is done. >> has the majority said whether they will release the transcript for this? >> i don't know if the majority plans to release the transcript. i believe that it is in the best interest of the american public to have maximum transparency. i think that releasing a transcript as weakly as possible and allowing the american public to both read every question asked as well as every answer given is better than hearing third-party through someone else who is in the room. what questions they heard and what answers they heard. >> testify publicly given -- >> it is good that the meetings were taken place inside of a setting where if anyone wants to asked a question that includes classified information, that would be shared. you're free to ask that questio question. honestly, i don't believe that the impeachment inquiry should have been launched the way that it was, when it was. it was launched before any member of congress was able to read the whistleblower's report. the american public was able to read for ourselves the transcripts. and now, what we are going to see you come up with one person after another coming before these committees of jurisdiction is, blowing massive holes inside of the theory, the narrative that chairman schiff has been providing to the public. for example, when he says that president trump was asking the ukrainian president to manufacture dirt, today blows a hole in that argument. when you're making the claim that the president was asking for a quid pro quo with ukrainian president, today is blowing a massive hole in the middle of that allegation. [indistinct speech] >> investigate joe biden today? >> [indistinct speech] on camera. how is that blowing a hole in that argument? >> again, with regards to -- i don't want to get into all of the answers of questions with regard to the quid pro quo allegations that have been leveled. there is a lot of evidence of the fact that people knew on both sides, very clearly, about the united states side and the ukraine side that there was no connection -- there was no linkage between the two. ukraine did not even know that the money was even being held up at that time. it was crystal clear guidance that was being provided on both sides, u.s. and ukraine, the readouts from the july 25th call on both sides. but again, i hesitate to get into all of the subsidence, at the ends and outs and detail before the interview finishes this evening. once this is over i would be happy. [indistinct speech] >> during the fact -- do you think [indistinct speech] >> shepard: representative lee zeldin of the state of new york. new york's first district answering questions. asking, "did he speak to the central allegation?" which is president trump asking the president of ukraine to begin an investigation on his political rival. the congressman told that he was not going to speak of the specifics of that. he went on to say on the matter of a quid pro quo, he said there is no quid pro quo. whatever was said in the testimony today through a hole in that allegation. as the congress and mohs, a quid pro quo is not required. at the mere asking of a foreign entity, a foreign government, for a leader, any foreign entity to give assistance in a political campaign is illegal. it is potentially unlawful, and certainly improper. that is the center of the allegation. that president trump's team has said that the person who did the whistle-blowing or that person's sources had screwed things up and the president did not really ask for assistance in his campaign by asking for the ukrainian's opening an investigation into his political rile rival. this is yesterday's news because today president trump did exactly what he is accused of doing on the phone, but he did it on live television. yes the chinese, a totalitarian and authoritative government to begin an investigation on his political rival and reiterated that ukraine investigate his political rival. this happened not on the phone, but on tv. it ended up somewhere around 100 points. the news continues now. "your world" with neil cavuto continues next on fox news. >> neil: they are piling on as president trump is trying to move on. welcome everybody, i'm neil cavuto. the president of the villages in florida -- democrats in washington called the first witness in the probe that many will say will lead to the president once and for all. at the white house on how the president's handling at all. blake. >> president trump calling for not one but two investigations now into joe and hunter biden. not only should ukraine investigate the two, but also

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