Transcripts For FOXNEWSW The Daily Briefing With Dana Perino 20200702

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for us. brian? >> dana, good afternoon. for about a year now, the big question has been where in the world is ghislaine maxwell, british socialite, wealthy individual, former girlfriend and long-time confidant of jeffrey epstein. a lot of people thought she may have fled the country but no, she was arrested in bradford new hampshire at 8:30 this morning, just five hours north of new york city. a small town of less than 2,000 people. reuters reporting she was found on a 156-acre property she bought in all cash last december under the guise of an llc that she used to protect her identity. the fbi said they were keeping tabs on her whereabouts and they moved in when they were ready. maxwell faces six federal charges including four charges of conspiracy, enticing, and transporting minor girls for the purpose of illegal sex acts and two charges of perjury for lying under oath back in 2016. if convicted she faces up to 35 years in prison. according to the indictment, prosecutors say between 1994 and 1997, maxwell recruited, coerced, and groomed at least three minors to be sexually abused by epstein including a 14-year-old girl. in a statement, an attorney for one of epstein's accusers it says "ghislaine maxwell's brutal, ruthless, and manipulative behavior because my client tremendous pain. we applaud her long overdue arrest today. all of those accused of enabling jeffrey epstein must immediately be brought to justice as well. ghislaine maxwell had a friendship with britain's prince andrew. the prince is accused taking part in epstein's ring, a minor who was traffic by maxwell has accused maxwell of trafficking her to prince andrew. today the fbi made clear that prince andrew, while they are interested in speaking with him. >> we would welcome prince andrew coming into talk with us, we would welcome his coming in and giving us an opportunity to hear his statement. >> ghislaine maxwell will be making her first court appearance via phone at 3:30 p.m. the u.s. attorney, district attorney here in new york says that ultimately they believe that she should be in detention, not in-home confinement because of her risk of flight and leaving giving her means. dana? >> dana: can understand that. bryan llenas, thank you. for more on this, let's bring in the author of "a convenient death: the mysterious demise of jeffrey epstein." daniel, you literally wrote the book about this. tell me as you dug in and understood this story, the role of maxwell in all of this. >> she is the primary character aside from jeffrey epstein, she was with him from his rising new york, helped him really get social footing, social standing in new york city, made a big acquaintances that paid off, she was friends with a lot of people come as a reporter said, prince andrew, she was very, very close with him and once dated him, reportedly. she was also very close with people like bill clinton and there are lots of photos of her with president trump so she had a very big social circle. part of that is by virtue of who her father was, a publishing magnet in london who died mysteriously himself in the early '90s and this is the biggest day in the jeffrey epstein story since jeffrey epstein's death a year ago. >> dana: tell me about what you think about where she was hiding, if you think she's been there the entire time. a little bit about that because it's been one of the big mysteries of this whole story. >> no reporter has been able to track her down except for "the new york post" has a picture of her shortly after epstein's death. but again, if the feds have -- i've heard that's good, there are some wild reports about her being in france are being elsewhere around the world, on yachts around the world. it turns out she was just in new hampshire trying to lay low, she had this llc that she purchased, this home through cash to help hide her identity. i'm not sure whether the townspeople knew who she was or how well her to low her profile really was but she definitely wanted to be out of the media. there's a lot of on the record testimony, a lot of on the record statements from victims directly stating that ghislaine maxwell sexually traffic and sexually abused them so a lot of the victims i would guess are feeling very relieved that she's been locked up. >> dana: at this point what do you understand his or financial situation? >> it's a little hard to determine, she was running a nonprofit which has been very close to the clinton foundation. she attended the clinton's global initiative event. but her nonprofit didn't have many donors and we know that her father at one point was wealthy, we know that she was very close with jeffrey epstein, she had her own home on the upper eastside in new york. we don't know much about her financial situation but given that she paid cash for what is apparently a pretty nice place in new hampshire, she appears to be financially pretty well often stable enough. >> dana: everyone to get your book because it came out just about a month ago, it's very fresh and now it really is going to be a big part of this news coverage. thank you so much for coming on today. so legally what does l of this mean? let's bring in fox news senior judicial analyst judge andrew napolitano, so good to have you. help me understand, we have lots of charges, these six charges we can put up on the screen from conspiracy to entice minors to travel, perjury, we have intends to engage in criminal sexual activity. and possibly looking at 35 years in prison, judge. >> well, the conspiracy charges and to the perjury charges are considered relatively minor because she's a first offender and the maximum penalty is five years, the indication would be no time in jail. but the enticing and transporting of minors across interstate lines for sexual purposes for which they as minors cannot legally consent is so serious that there is no statute of limitations on it. most federal crimes, the statute of limitations is five years. these events outlined in the indictment which was unsealed this morning occurred 24 years ago. but the congress has so determined to authorize the fbi to go after this kind of behavior that it removed the statute of limitations. why her and why now? jeffrey epstein's little black book is missing. guess what, the fbi just arrested in the living version of that little black book. maxwell knows all about epstein and who he was involved with and where he got his money from and for whom he was providing horrific illicit services of underaged women. and she will be able to spill the beans on many people and return for the government going lenient on her, if the government is willing to negotiate. in my opinion they will, they want prince andrew, she is the key to prince andrew. we don't know who else they want in the united states but whoever it is, she knows about those people and now she's in a position where negotiate or face the rest of your life in jail. >> dana: do you agree with the fbi that, the federal government, not the fbi. fdny suggesting she is of flight risk and should not be allowed to have home confinement? >> i was surprised at what daniel just said about her wealth only because as a person who doesn't necessarily follow her wealth, she is reputed to be very wealthy. i was also surprised she was in the united states made wealth is a measurement of flight risk. so the court will take that into account. i would be quite surprised if they give her some sort of house arrest, i think she probably will be delivered to the same jail in lower manhattan where jeffrey epstein and his last moments. >> dana: you know, we needed closure on this story and maybe we will start to get it in this investigation, the victims can get what they need as well. judge andrew napolitano. thank you. and up next, president trump taking a victory lap of sorts as the job numbers match expectations. steve moore weighs in, next. he's ♪ only pay for what you need. ♪ liberty. liberty. liberty. liberty. ♪ iredefined the wordng th'school' this year. it's why, at xfinity, we're committed to helping kids keep learning through the summer. and help college students studying at home stay connected through our university program. we're providing affordable internet access to low income families through our internet essentials program. and this summer, xfinity is creating a virtual summer camp for kids at home- all on xfinity x1. we're committed to helping all families stay connected. learn more at >> dana: of a record day for jobs, the labor department announcing the u.s. added a 4.8 million jobs last month, the unemployment rate falling to 11.1%. president trump saying it's nothing but good news for the economy. kristin fisher has more from the white house for us. >> dana, for the second time in as many months, president trump came out to deliver remarks with very little notice today, better than expected jobs report. he really talked about growth in this report in sectors like health care and manufacturing, calling them all historic numbers. >> today's announcement proves that our economy is roaring back, coming back extremely strong. we have some areas where we are putting out the flames are the fires and that's working out well. >> but remember, the jobs report does not reflect the resurgence of the virus in recent weeks, a fresh round of closures for many businesses in states like texas, florida, arizona, and california and a separate report released today that about 1.4 million americans filed for unemployment benefits during the last week of june alone and this morning former vice president joe biden said that president trump is claiming victory before he's even at the 50-yard line. >> until this president faces is going on in our country our economy is going to remain at risk. today's report is positive news and i'm thankful for varela make no mistake, we are still in a deep, deep job pole. >> in addition to these good numbers, i should say, today president trump signaled that he would support a phase four stimulus package and dana, republican senator lindsey graham said that he agreed with that and that it is something that congress should get to immediately as soon as they get back from a july 4th holiday. he says it should be done in july, dana. >> dana: all right, we will keep an eye on that, thank you. here to talk about it, steve moore, a member of president trump's economic recovery task force and an economist, so good to see you. obviously this is a good report, we have the unemployment numbers from december of last year, 3.5%. obviously it went up in the middle of the coronavirus, starting now to take back down. still higher than anybody would like but was there a particular statistic or trend or number that you saw in the report today that makes you feel optimistic? >> just about everything, there really wasn't any bad news in that report. maybe that slight tick up in that people who signed up for unemployment insurance in the last week but my goodness, the job creation was widespread throughout the economy, dana, we talked about manufacturing, talked about the construction industry, retail, hospitality all showing really nice gains. dana, think about this. we've now created almost 8 million jobs in the last two months, that's an extraordinary achievement. i am a big optimist as you know, i never thought that would be possible. a i wanted at another point if i could, we just played that clip from vice president -- former vice president joe biden, he was the one just a couple days ago who said in his press conference, we may need to shut down the economy again. love, if you are president right now, he checked on the economy and we wouldn't have those 8 million jobs. people should be really attentive to what these candidates are saying. because trump has started to open up the economy in a very safe and effective way we are seeing the recovery. >> dana: we are, some of those states are reversing or delaying opening plans, i think we have a list of them appear because they're seeing these spikes as they reopen and so they're trying to be very flexible. i want to play for you something president trump said yesterday to fox business about this idea of do we need another round of stimulus, more support for the american people in the economy, take a listen. >> i support it but it has to be done properly and i support actually larger numbers than the democrats but it's got to be done properly. it's something where they wanted where it gave you a disincentive to work last time and -- >> dana: do you see -- think that this bill is going to happen? the democrats know president trump if he wants it, they're going to ask for a lot and maybe we need it some peop people. >> look, first of all, we don't need three trial trillion dollars, that would just blow the lid off our budget and we will go well into a 5-$6 trillion in debt this year, i think that's incomprehensible for the american people to see someone like that. we probably do need a payroll tax suspension, that would do a lot to get -- remember, we still have 20 million people unemployed so we've got a lot of work to do and donald trump has said he's very much in favor of that idea, giving a pay raise and incentive for getting people back to work with the most important thing, dana is that we not extend it what i call the super unemployment benefits where now 3 out of 4 workers are getting more money for not working then working, that has turned out to be a disaster. i think we would've had 1 million more jobs created this past month if we hadn't done that so that's going to be a battle royale between the democrats and president trump. >> dana: i've heard that from some small business owners that i've talked to that have been had hard getting people back to work but we also know those food lines and some of those cities san antonio are still very long and everybody will take all of that into consideration as we get back to work. steve moore, thank you. have a great fourth of july. coronavirus cases hitting record highs as officials warned americans about heading out for the fourth. we will have that next. ♪ here's another cleaning tip from mr. clean. cleaning tough bathroom and kitchen messes with sprays and wipes can be a struggle. there's an easier way. try mr. clean magic eraser. just wet, squeeze and erase tough messes like bathtub soap scum... and caked-on grease from oven doors. now mr. clean magic eraser comes in disposable sheets. they're perfect for icky messes on stovetops... in microwaves... and all over the house. for an amazing clean, try mr. clean magic eraser, and mr. clean magic eraser sheets. ♪ >> dana: fox news alert, former presidential candidate herman cain is in the hospital, being treated for coronavirus. he says he was diagnosed on jun. about a week earlier he attended president trump's rally in tulsa. they say there's no no way of knowing for sure how or where he got infected. they also say that 74-year-old is doing well and is not on a ventilator so we wish him a speedy recovery. new u.s. coronavirus cases topping 50,000 in one day for the first time. the record set yesterday with 654 -- 645 deaths. live in atlanta, jonathan? >> public health officials are worries where they gathering with friends and extended family over the fourth of july holiday will further spread this virus. here in georgia, during the state with its public health commission urging people to wear face masks. face coverings remain voluntary in georgia unlike some other states including kansas which this afternoon just announced face coverings will be mandated statewide starting tomorrow. tuscaloosa, alabama, has adopted a local mask requirement with a $2500 fine, the move comes after city officials learn local young people were hosting covid parties and placing bets on who would become infected. >> kids would come in with known positives, we thought that was kind of a rumor at first, we did some additional research. not only did the doctors offices help confirm it but the state confirmed they also had the same information. speak on the new spike in covid-19 is infecting more young people including the reigning miss florida who says she's feeling better as she recovers at home but with no pre-existing health conditions she was surprised by the level of fatigue and shortness of breath she experienced in the days earlier. today, dana, florida is reporting 10,109 new cases. that's in a single day and it sets a new record for that state. back to you. >> dana: thank you. coronavirus also a concern heading into the fourth of july weekend. bill keating with the news, live in miami beach. phil? >> hey, dana, it's a very hot day on the beach and this happens to be today, the very last time people can come out to the beach, walk on the sand, swim in the surf for the entirety of the july 4th weekend in multiple counties. all of all of the south florida counties, some of the state's most popular like florida keys, monroe county, miami-dade county, broward county and even up in jupiter. no beach access all weekend long. on the other side of the state, the gulf side a little bit of a different story. the commission at the fort myers beach city hall yesterday voted to keep their beaches open, drying the dire warning from the mayor there that it's just going to be people on top of people all over the beach, potentially spreading covid-19. as jonathan just mentioned today, florida sets its all-time high one day record for new cases, more than 10,000 and up in tampa right now the vice president with the white house coronavirus task force landed to meet with the governor and will clearly be talking about these new numbers. thank you. >> dana: phil keating in miami beach, thank you. concerns from coast-to-coast including colorado where the numbers have been going up for weeks. in denver with more on this. >> hi, dana, colorado covers is the state is now reversing course and amending orders because while he says the increase in cases is not as bad as neighboring states, the concentration of them are among the less vulnerable but also the more social. bars are closing again. also said it's not just businesses, take a listen. >> our uptick, like the major spikes in other states is largely among the younger demographic and i think it is partially contributed to the bars and nightclubs and also potentially to large public gatherings and the protest movements we seen outside. >> this is a significant shift from the devastating news we brought you from nursing home facilities earlier. colorado early in the pandemic experienced quick outbreaks in death due in large part to the proximity in which other residents were living in combination with their already compromised health. colorado's long-term facility only saw one outbreak last week. in that update, he did say that they are seeing about 80, 85% mask wearing in colorado, i much or how they came to that number but that's what he said it so that sounds good. dana? >> dana: it's better than zero, indeed. all right, thank you. up next, president trump's big plan is our nation gets ready to celebrate its independence. and i'll tell you what, there's a new podcast out today, chris stirewalt and i and our long food talk hiatus plus the importance of american history during these unsettled times is available for download on itunes or wherever you listen. ♪ otezla is not an injection or a cream. it's a pill that treats differently. for psoriasis, 75% clearer skin is achievable, with reduced redness, thickness, and scaliness of plaques. for psoriatic arthritis, otezla is proven to reduce joint swelling, tenderness, and pain. and the otezla prescribing information has no requirement for routine lab monitoring. don't use if you're allergic to otezla. it may cause severe diarrhea, nausea, or vomiting. otezla is associated with an increased risk of depression. tell your doctor if you have a history of depression or suicidal thoughts or if these feelings develop. some people taking otezla reported weight loss. your doctor should monitor your weight and may stop treatment. upper respiratory tract infection and headache may occur. tell your doctor about your medicines and if you're pregnant or planning to be. otezla. show more of you. the course structure the it just suits my life perfectly because i am a mom, i'm a wife. and i was able to complete those short courses- five to six weeks- and then move onto the next until i reached my goal. did you know liberty mutual customizes your car insurance ta-da! so you only pay for what you need? 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enthusiasm? >> it's an important measure and trump certainly has a really strong base, he's always had about 30% of the country with him no matter what. these days there's something called negative excitement that's really dominating our politics and president trump learned that in 2016, a lot of people voted for him because they hated hillary clinton as much as i supported him. and joe biden even though he doesn't generate the same amount of enthusiasm as trumped as in most of these polls, there are a lot of democrats are going to show up at the polls in november just to cast a ballot against president trump so i think it's easy to jump to two early conclusions. trump has more enthusiasm and incitementoexcitement but they'o be a lot of democrats voting against the president as well. >> dana: you wrote a column earlier in the week about whether biden can actually keep his coalition together. his wife, jill biden was on "the view" talking about how the former vice president is actually a moderate, take a listen. >> when i was out there on the trail a lot of people came up to me and said jill, i'm a republican but i'm going to vote for your husband because he's a moderate. he's a steady leader and we believe in joe. >> dana: help me understand, they are trying to appeal to the progressives and the moderates, can joe biden pull that off? >> joe biden is kind of like a rorschach test for voters. he's done something to appeal to the moderates, he's been consistently against medicare for all, he came out this week against tearing down statues or even bringing down statues of washington, jefferson, columbus and so on. he picked aoc for one of his big environmental task forces, he hasn't really challenged his party's left wing in a way that bill clinton did in the '90s so people see what they want to see from joe biden. the big challenge biden has is when you have a political coalition that's so big that it encompasses socialists and moderate republicans, you're going to have to decide who you want to go to battle with, how you want to govern and how you want to campaign and biden hasn't done a whole lot of public events, hasn't taken a lot of questions from the media so he sort of living in this world are event where both moderate republicans and socialist me like him but he hasn't really stood for anything, it's hard to know where he stands on a lot of these issues surrounding the country. >> dana: last question for you, they campaign donations for both trump and biden are in, second quarter, the dnc tm, about 10 million done the trump campaign. i maintain that neither of these candidates will be short of resources when it comes to this campaign and the trump campaign definitely has a lot more cash on hand, what do you think about the money race at this point? >> no one's going to run out of money, $141 million for biden, 131 million for the president. we talk about the question of enthusiasm, money is a metric of enthusiasm. so biden was not doing very hot in the money race up until recently and he's actually outraised the president both in may and in june so that's a sign that democrats are starting to come together and starting to get behind their presidential nominee. >> dana: well, for comments from tomorrow is election day. have a great weekend, thank you. >> thanks, dana. >> dana: up next, a 19-year-old gunned down inside seattle's protest zone. his father pleading for help. >> somebody into my house and knocked on my door and told me something, i don't know nothing. usaa is made for what's next we're helping members catch up by spreading any missed usaa insurance payments over the next twelve months so they can keep more cash in your pockets for when it matters most find out more at >> bill: hi, everybody, i am bill hemmer. the election is four months from tomorrow. we will talk to the biden team today about whether race stands. what you need to know about the rising case number, dr. marc siegel will tell us and the fate of our police and american monuments. the top of the hour here on "bill hemmer reports." >> dana: the feds arresting the man they call the ring leader in the recent attempt to destroy that andrew jackson statue in lafayette square near the white house. sources tell fox news jason carter was arrested at his home thursday morning. they charged him with destruction of federal property. sources also say he has connections to nt five. the 19-year-old man was shot and killed inside seattle's protest zone known as chop last month and his father begging for answers in an emotional interview on "hannity" last night. >> without this he would just be nobody, it doesn't matter, another guy swept up under the rug and forgotten about. the police department never came, my son's address, his i.d., him as a person, he still had her somebody should've came, knocked on my door and to this day should of been like "come and talk to me and let me know about my son. to this day i really -- i don't know nothing. all i know that my son was killed up there and 19-year-old, that's my son. you know? i loved him, that was my son. >> dana: let's say his name again, horace lorenzo anderso anderson jr. and the family is going to be burying him today. i watched an interview last night, it was very powerful. somebody else was watching it, country music star john rich, the host of "the pursuit" on fox nation, i saw your post that you are watching it as well, this father representing the anguish of people who deserved better as we've seen these protests and the vandalism and the violence that is taken hold. >> that's exactly right, he's a dad, i'm a dad. i don't know anything about that man other than he's a dad just like me. and when you see the absolute torment he's going through all because there wasn't security and a safe place for his son to be. you know, allowing that to go on and on and on until that happened and watching the police beg their way in to get avenue a. it's not america to me and it's a really powerful thing that happened last night on hannity's show that should re-focus americans, focus on president on with the bigger story is. we can't have the american dream, we can't have families, if we don't have safety and security regardless of our politics, this is not a republican-democrat thing, we talk about getting rid of our police departments and people setting up zones like this, these are the kinds of things that happen and i don't see anybody in our country that's going to be okay with that. >> dana: i was thinking about the fact that you call your show "the pursuit" for a reason and i thought maybe i would have you talk about that. you filter a lot of your thinking with -- through that lens and i think it's a good one. >> yeah, you know, the show is about, our country doesn't guarantee us the right to be happy, it gives us the right to pursue happiness. the only country in the history of the world that guarantees that to its citizens and you cannot pursue happiness if you don't have safety and what brings about safety? protection and when they take that away like they did in seattle. this poor man, mr. anderson is caught in a situation where not only did his son die, the police couldn't even get to his son to render aid and to make matters worse the mayor of that city never reaches out to the man and all he decides to dismantle it when it comes to her doorstep. only when it personally threatens her. it's quite a window into the soul of people and i don't believe all democrats are like that, honestly, i think last night, all of us on what's really important, that's our families and safety and security for them. >> dana: may he rest in peace. john, you have a big night tomorrow night, fourth of july special on fox nation. all-american celebration, here's who we expect to hear from tomorrow night. >> it's going to be great. lieutenant carl dan rooney, cohosting this right here from nashville. it's some of the biggest artists in country music, updater nine of the biggest ones, one of my favorite gospel acts will be on we're going to sing and chair our favorite passages of scripture that we feel hit us the hardest and deal what's going on in our country right now. it's going to be inspirational and entertaining at the same time. free to watch, fox nation, starts at 4:00, five clock central. >> dana: can't wait to see it. john rich, thank you and happy fourth to you. >> thank you, dana. >> dana: a nightmare for some newlyweds after a photo shoot went terribly wrong. we will show you. did you know diarrhea is often caused by bad bacteria in food? 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[grunting noise] i'll take that. woohoo! 30 grams of protein and 1 gram of sugar. ensure max protein. with nutrients to support immune health. >> dana: a couple newlyweds were swept away, literally, while taking their dream photos. watch. >> my god. >> christina coleman has the rest of the story. christina? that's rough. i saw that video and i on about all the time that can go into a wedding photo shoot making sure your hair, makeup, dress and here's this couple in place to take these photos and all of a sudden they are washed out to sea. they were standing on laguna beach on a sunny, pretty day when a big wave hit them and swap them out to the ocean, lifeguards came to the rescue, the bride can be seen hauled out of the water in her soggy wedding dress. fortunately the couple is safe and okay about this is definitely a bridal shoot they'll probably never forget. dana? >> dana: this will be a story they tell the rest of their lives, so glad they're okay. thanks, christina. as america reopens, parents from coast-to-coast are quite desperate to learn whether their kids to be going back to school. as of today, several school districts across the country have already said to students will not return to classrooms in september. my next guest is a daughter in the new york city, alerting her that when it comes to a full-time return for students, "we know that this will not take place in september." let's bring in carol markowitz, i'm sure when you saw that, you were probably dismayed. 40% of people in the workforce have children at home and it's obviously very difficult to do both. as a parent what is your biggest concern for your children in this situation? >> first of all i was kind of happy that my daughters at school outwardly admitted it because our elected officials have not admitted anything like that so it was at least a moment of truth in an otherwise a sea of lies. so i have three kids and my biggest concern is that people are expecting my 4-year-old to start kindergarten online, that's not a thing that can happen, and i think that a lack of reality from our elected officials and the people making these decisions, that kids can sit in front of a computer and learn what they need to learn, that's not the truth. that's not how it goes. >> dana: 40% of people say that if they have kids working from home is really hard to balance work and helping their kids online. i was kind of surprised that it was only 43%. it's just so, so difficult and nobody's able to do anything well in this scenario. >> again, it's just a lack of sanity because kids do not get this virus, they get it in very, very, very small numbers. we are protecting a population that really doesn't get it and the idea that the staff can get it or the teachers can get it, by any of these plans that they are proposing, a 50/50 plan with the kids go to school part of the time, the teachers are still exposed to all the kids, the administrators are still exposed to each other and all the kids so our plans or make any sense and i think that's what really bothers parents the most, we can deal with the reality of the situation if we are getting the truth and really following science but we are not so that's really what's so frustrating here. >> dana: senator lamar alexander has suggested that the federal government should provide schools with additional funds so they can reopen and do so safely, obviously there might be some schools in that situation but at this point, your school district at least has basically thrown in the towel. >> yeah, i don't see how more funding will help, i'm sure schools would be happy to receive more funding but it's an issue of space so unless we are going to plan socially distance kids which i don't think his reality in a lot of places like the u.k. announced that they will reopen schools in september without social distancing and that's just not something so extra funding unless we are planning to build a bunch of new school buildings in the next two months, i don't see how that really makes any difference. >> dana: how are you handling the summer months? i know kids are restless. >> yeah, not very well. >> dana: carol markowitz. go ahead. stick a sorry, i have a lucky situation where i work from home anyway before the parents who don't work from home it's a really tough summer and governor cuomo in new york made the call way too late to allow camps to open, most camps did not and it's a continuing issue. >> dana: my friend sent me a note, she said her daughter is like a baby goat and she's worried that when she's working and doesn't have her eyes on her that her daughter is going to get into it and it's tough. i admire you. have a great weekend, thank you for joining us. i'm dana perino. i will see you on "the five. >> my mom and dad called me a goat, too say you're not alone. to be when i can see why. >> bill: indeed. good afternoon, everybody. here we go. i'm bill hemmer. feels like a friday, doesn't it? president trump says the economy is roaring back after the june jobs report. more americans getting back to work than expected. 4.8 million jobs added last month. some businesses are shutting down again, however, as the virus spikes in a few states. unemployment rates at just about 11% last month after the historic high in april. 48 million americans filed for unemployment in the past 15 weeks and the big question now, how many more of those jobs will come back and when?

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