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Had with cnn recently and thenned up with three journalists being fired from that network and said how would you like to be my communications correct. Scaramucci said fine, no problem. There was a bit of a war overnight when steve bannon the president s streef strategist and ribs were chief of staff making the case against it scaramucci went back in to seat president at 10 00 this morning. The president said here is my decision. Everybody better get on the same page with it. However, White House Press Secretary Sean Spicer kind of seeing the writing on the wall here of a lot of changes coming down and being really in on opposition to scaramucci. I think its best if you had the running resume room to put your new team in. I am going to resign. Scaramucci has a very, very difficult job. Despite what the white house says, the ship here is listing badly in terms of trying to get legislative achievement through and staying on message. I put that question to Anthony Scaramucci what he was going to do to try it fix it. Listen here. What is the first thing youre going to try to try to right this ship and put it on a course. I take issue with that i think the ship is going in the right direction. I think we have got to just radio signal the direction very, very clearly. I like the team. Let me rephrase that, i love the team. And so im incrementalists, most entrepreneurs you will find are incremental i. S Say Something overly bold or overdramatic is not fair. What entrepreneurs do is start the day and go through the process. The navy seals tell you if you want to eat an elephant you have to eat it one elephant at a time and sarah and i are going to do it together. Pretty big elephant Sarah Sanders the press secretary. He said he quote loves the president. Clearly a big supporter of him. He wasnt always that way. Lets replay a clip for from you august of 2015 on the Fox Business Network where scaramucci wasnt exactly a huge fan of the president and then what he said about it today. Listen. You called donald trump a hack . He is a hack politician. He is probably going to make Elizabeth Warren his Vice President ial nominee with comments like that. Do you think he is. Its antiamerican. Its very, very divisive. He brings it up every 15 seconds. Okay. I should have never said that about him. So, mr. President , youre listening, i personally apologize for the 50th time for saying that. The really interesting thing that scaramucci did there was he accepted the question that was from my colleague john carl of abc reminding him of what he said. He owned it. Joked at the president reminds him of it all of the time. And then apologized for it so thats now off the table and likely wont be brought up again which is a very good strategy for a communications director. Im told that while eboni, there was push back on this from steve bannon, priebus and sean spicer that Jared Kushner and ivanka trump were very much on board with bringing scaramucci in to the white house. So he had probably two of his most powerful advocates right there who are both rooting for him. Ebony . Ebb ebbonthank you so much. Dr. I Sebastian Gorka talk about perfect timing. The host Bernard Mcguirk is here. Dr. Gorka i will start with you. You start with elevated capacity with President Trump. One thing i take from general roberts report it seems to be a Communications Triangle and flip camp meaning Jared Kushner and ivanka trump on one side advocating for scaramucci and other side bannon and ribs which you normally dont see on the same side of things. That seemed to be the same thing on the spicer camp. Your take . Im so excited. This idea that the listing ship. This was a fabulous day. Sarah is a champion. Tony just controlled that room. He had them eating out of the palm of his hand. A great day for our shop basically. Your take. We were in the newsroom virtually at the same time earlier when this came down. Were you surprised . Shock . Your reaction . I wasnt surprised. I knew it would happen eventually, sooner rather than later. The briefings in general have turned into just useless spectacles. Circuses essentially for grandstanding bias, fake journalists like, i dont know, jim acosta should get gotcha questions out there. And i like sean spicer, but i think he was just temperamentally unsuited a guy like scaramucci, a tough guy, his father was a construction worker from long island. I money, he can handle these people. He is very smooth. He is almost like a velvet hammer and i think he can joust with these people and make it more effective instead of becoming a bunch line he can actually get message out and make them look bad. Eboni we have had him on our program. He does have temperament to personys point its a quiet strength sometimes that might play better with this White House Press core. Eric were going to do in the b block im going to talk about why sean spicer stepping down was a great thing for the Trump Administration across the bored. Scar moochy, good friend, long eye time friend of mine. Also longtime at one point i think he was a contributor on Fox Business Network. Eboni absolutely. Eric we played a clip. We wanted to play a clip one time a year and a half ago or almost two years ago where he was i think he was fundraising, if im not mistaken for scott walker or jeb bush, one of the two of them. Thats the kind of loyalty Anthony Scaramucci has. He is all in with his candidate. He was then and he realized at some point donald trump is the guy the one to beat Hillary Clinton. He switched the boat. Got onto the trump boat. And he has been there from the very vast majority of the campaign. Let me just point something out. This is Anthony Scaramucci and donald trump are very similar. Donald trump both business guys. Both similar ghearns. Both winners. I think this is better fit and match for donald trump in a communications department. Remember, have you got to deliver a message. Than expires ever was or ever could have been. Eboni a lot of people said communications have failed donald trump. Eric he said it. Eboni do you think scaramucci offers an opportunity to get on one accord. Katherine i think its a very tough job. President trump does change his mind. One important difference that i notice is that scaramucci appeared to be having a nice time today, even when he was being faced with. So things he said in the past, he looked like he was having fun. Sean spicer would be just like uh. I dont blame him. I dont know why anybody ever wants to be anybodys press secretary. Your job literally is to explain the behavior of her people. I would not want to do that for a living. Very stressful. He seemed to enjoy doing it. That was a good look. Can i add one more thing just to reinforce what eric said. Its not the similar background or temperaments. Tony talks like the president. And he connects. Okay. He may be a very successful individual from the finance sector. But he can communicate with the americans that put donald j. Trump into the white house. This is all around a winner. Eric also one other quirk too that maybe you didnt pick up. If you listen carefully scaramucci said i will be reporting directly to the president. Eboni yes. Eric sebastian you can correct me if i am wrong, spicer was never reporting directly to donald trump. He was reporting to ribs. Tony and the relationships in the white house that he has direct office access. He can walk into the. Eric thats huge. Eboni very important distinction there Anthony Scaramucci struck a graceful noted by the chief of staff ribs. As for me it volume of who he as a human being and team player. His attitude is anthony is coming in clear the slate for anthony. I do appreciate that about sean and i love him for it but i dont have any friction with sean. I dont have any friction with reince. This is the white house the United States of america. We are serving the president. And i want to make sure that our cultural template is that we put the president s agenda first, which is perfect for the american people, and we serve his interests. Eboni eric, that sounds fantastic. And i think he has the right tone there. But a lot of people feel like there is beef between spicer quit i think anthony was being very diplomatic there by saying i dont have a beef with either one of those. I think there probably was a riff. Remember, ribs ran the rnc. Sean spicer. They werent protrump at the very beginning. Eboni they felt very establishment. Eric at one point they said trump should pull out of the race. Eboni probably after the access hollywood. You may be right. Eric there is that column of power president , priebus, spicer, anthony comes in and maybe disrupts that i dont know if its as eboni amicable. Eric amicable. We are in a better place. Do whats right for the president and the country. Feelings aside you need toughness and whit to disarm people with humor or whatever. Sadly is he a great guy. United states naval reserve, sean spicer doesnt have that Sebastian Gorka has that. I want root canal before that job. Eric i thought you were going to be named the press secretary. Ka. It is right, the idea that im supposed to be tell pathicly linked to somebody else and to stand in that room for a fist fight with fake news representatives. Eric you know he is emailing. He is texting him while he is at the podium. Eboni thats true. We were talking about that this morning as well. The ability to anticipate, kat where President Trump it can change, right . Like a light switch. I think that makes the job really hard. Maybe this is where scaramucci will be better positioned. He seems to understand the tone, tenure of President Trump better than maybe sean spicer who was much more of an establishment by maybe scaramuccis ability to anticipate will be better suited for this. This. Katherine he did such a great job. He just got the job and here did you go go to work. That was a real test for him. I thought he did well as well. Eboni Anthony Scaramucci brushing off perceptions about the white house facing turmoil. I dont see this guy as a guy that is ever under siege. This is a very, very competitive person. Obviously a lot of incoming that comes into the white house. The president is a winner. What were going to do is do a lot of winning. Eboni there is that key phrase, eric bolling, win, winning, winning. Eric not tired of winning. Trump was wrong, mark your calendar 5 11 on friday trump was wrong. Im not tired of winning. Eboni are you tired of winning . Not at all. Lets face it, the administration, this russian obsession, this collusion delusion as i have heard said before is just its a red herring as they say. And things are swimming, going along swimmingly, the stock market, the immigration thing, pulling out of the paris accord. Eboni what about the healthcare . Thats the problem with the congress. Have you Mitch Mcconnell and paul ryan are like the chris darr den and marcia clark of the congress. They cant get everything done. And everything they have the house. They have the senate. They have the executive branch. Thats really not trumps fault. But he is doing his best. It will get done. In the meantime. Were not at war with anybody. I think things are going along just fine. Disseminating isis as we speak. They took mostly back. Raqqa is on the way out. Yes we are at war things are going well i think. Eboni do you think scaramucci is coming in now, six months, in kind of a clean slate, this is a better opportunity, we talked about reset a couple times now with the Trump Administration. Do you think this is an opportunity, communications wise for the reset because there is actually a new director and also a new press secretary . I think people need to have a little bit of his friends foxnews. Com perspective. Both president obama and president bush had four or five press secretaries. This is not unusual. Every administration finds its feet in the first few months, first year. Eboni four or five . I dont remember four or five with president obama. Yes, i checked it the other issue is, i want to cast this fog about these ideological camps inside the white house and massive tension daytoday. I remember clearly this was the second month of the administration. I came in at 7 00 a. M. I found steve bannon and ribs bent over the desk log at the Washington Post or the times. And they were belly laughing. Down why . Because steve said to reince oh, you hate me today . I thought you were supposed to hate me . Its just so bogus. This is a team of mature professionals as anthony said today, sometimes there is going to be tension. There is going to be tension when you are on wall street when you own your own company. But they are adults and they get things done. So today massive win. Eboni that would certainly be for the betterment of america and for the american people, kat. I agree and like the way things are going on with this. Still the russia thing, i know you say its a hoax. I know you both certainly say it is a hoax and then more things. Collusion delusion my dear. Im a little bothered by the reports of him allegedly, President Trump saying that he was asking questions about pardoning powers and those kind of things. Im going to wait and see if that happens before i decide to go crazy about it. However, if Hillary Clinton were in office, and there was an email investigation that was still going on, and, you know, there was little birdies saying she was trying to pardon people and investigate investigators, everybody would be upset about that. Im trying to consistent. Pulp wine i think thats a fair point. Absolutely. Were going to take a quick point. Tonight do not miss hannity at 10 00 p. M. He is speaking with sean spicer. That big interview will be out tonight. Check it out. Straight ahead, erics wake up america on todays big white house shakeup. You dont want to miss that either. Stay with us standing strong forever nothings goings to stop us now and if this world deartheres no other way to say this. Its over. Ive found a permanent escape from monotony. Together, we are perfectly balanced. Our senses awake. Our hearts racing as one. I know this is sudden, but they say. If you love something set it free. 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Talk to your doctor, and call 8442142424. Department and let me explain. White House Communications is all about the message. Effective message delivery is threepronged. First pronged, delivering the message, the strategy of the message or how they roll out the president s agenda. Second prong, managing that message. Think of driving a car, working the gas pedal and the brakes, knowing when to use both and certainly steering the message. Third prong likely the simplest prong as the likely delivery message. Sean had trouble delivering the message from the very first appearance in front of the press. Remember that first press event, the sunday after inauguration, sean entered the pressroom guns ablazing and he put the press on the defensive and that combative nature persisted through his time as secretary. Sean became too much of the story. He was a regular saturday night live parody. Late night shows poked fun at him. Internet meals all what we think whenever we think of sean spicers name rather than the man effectively delivering trumps message. Sean spicer, nice guy but President Trump ran and won on draining the swamp and the swamp happens to be filled with longtime d. C. Types like sean spicer. Anthony scaramucci is a huge upgrade for the trouble come shop. Loyalist to the trump first agenda. A businessman like trump and most importantly he is someone who understands and agrees with President Trumps plan to make America Great again and thats a good thing. So god speed, mucc, but in the end no one at this table would disagree with this. Donald j. Trump is his own best spokesman bar none. Bernie, my issue with spicer is we talked a little bit in the a i know you like him but he is establishment type i never understood why he put the establishment types in his administration. I thought he was very effective spokesperson before the election. I thought he was really good. Et bucked the establishment that joined the trump train and i thought he was great at it its just that in the face of this barrage of vitriol directed towards all things trump, he wilted under the pressure. He meant well. He is a good guy. He was on the team. Who knew . He just didnt have it. That he was as excitable that he turned out to be. I dont think anybody could have gauged that or the hatred that would be directed towards him by the entertainment media, the vicious unfunny late night clowns and saturday night live, all of them. Eric doc, they hated him as bernie points out but they are going to miss having sean spicer around. Can i just get us to focus on what happened today . Because were not replacing sean with tony. This is very important. The media needs to get this right. We have had the director of communication spot empty since dunky left. Thats tonys job. Tony was superb today but he wasnt there to be the press spokesman. Thats sarahs job. Thats fantastic. This isnt tony replaces sean. This is sarah stepping up. Eric but sean filled that void after dunky left. As a temporary measure. Eric part of that threeprong message was developing the message and managing the message. That was never done. Spicer delivered a message on this side of the camera it looks like there was sean. Listen to what tony said today. He nailed it. He said, this is a new age. Somebody tried journalist at the end tried to give him a hard boil about well, you cant dont teach us how to package something and we wont tell you how to, whatever. He said thats so 1980s. Everybody has a camera. Has a video. Has access to the internet, phone. This is the man that will give us the strategy. Tony gets it. Eric you are misreading me. Im not undermining scaramuccis ability to do that. Im saying its been six months that we havent had someone to do that. Now we do. Eric let me bring eboni in. Eboni prongs, i think is the most important part. I dont know him. You guys know him. Maybe he is a good guy. He didnt come across particularly likeable. He didnt come across no buyin. Im not saying look, when you are representing President Trump, particularly to this White House Press corps, its going to be hostile, right . I think getting in front of that, finding space of connectivity. You dont have to set it up to be so adversarial off the jump. I agree with you, eric, that first press conference. Talking about the crowd side of the inauguration. Sean had no credibility with the press corps. It went down from there. He resented that. He was made fun of. He took it badly. Eric is there a hone moon period . The press was fairly nice to scaramucci today. Will it persist . Katherine is there is going to be the snl sketches. People are going to make fun of him too. Eboni he can make fun of himself. Katherine exact difference. He can make fun of himself and he seems to kind of enjoy it i dont know why and possibly that sean spicer would have decided to, as you said, eboni, start off that way by attacking the media who he has to work with every day. I dont understand why he would do that he looked miserable all the time. And. Eboni they got under his skip and they knew it. Katherine i dont want the job. I would rather have any other job in the world, any other disgusting, weird anything than be press secretary. They are going to be afraid of scaramucci. He got three fake cnn journalists fired. He actually fights back and thats going to put the fear of god in him. Something spicer didnt do. Nice guy that he was. I hate to kick a guy when he is down on his way out to be quite honest with you. The guy tried his best and he was humiliated and is he gone. Katherine i think he is happy to be gone. His demeanor during those conferences suggest anything. Eric im not sure about that one. Up next o. J. 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I wish we would have known more about how hes would rehabilitated while he was in prison and how that might impact his parole. But i dont know i personally dont feel unsafe. He has never come after me in all these years but i just wish i would have known more about that. Eric kim, its eric bolling. O. J. Is a known batterer of women we have seen that in pictures. He pled no what do you have to say to the parole board who yesterday set him free on the ground that he may not be a danger on the ground to people in the street anymore. I dont know that they set him free for those reasons. They didnt go into that. Thats what im saying. I wish they would have taken into consideration what we were successful in the civil system and the civil system said he was responsible for killing ron and nicole. Thats pretty violent if you ask me. We do have all those recordings of nicole fearing for her life. I think its disrespectful that they jus discredited those things by saying is he conflictfree. This is how our system works. Eboni kim, eboni k. Williams here so sorry for not just your loss but having to replay and relive that emotionally every time Something Like this is in the national news. My question is. This you brought up, you guys as a family, were successful in the civil lawsuit, i think its 33 million, something to that effect was granted. But you have only seen about 1 of that. Can you speak a little bit about what the family intend to do in terms of pursuing what is legally yours . Well, our judgments back in 1997 was valued at 33. 5 million between ours and the brown family. Is now our portion specifically is close to 60 million. With interest over the years. We will continue to pursue that. Just as we have for all these years because that is our right. And that is the only way that we can enforce punishment for him killing ron and nicole. We will continue to do what we have always done. Arkansas acre kim, its eric bolling, future earnings, you cant earn off of the crimes but can you go after just some of his other earnings . I heard is he going to get between somewhere between 19 and 25,000 per month from the nfl. Can you try to go after that some point . No. His pensions are all protected. When he had a home in miami, everything is protected on the homestead law. He also lives in florida where its a righttowork state we dont have the ability to attach to any of those things. He is in debtor friendly state. Thats why he moved there he is 100 percent protected. Eboni another question for you. Its my understanding the relationship between your brother ron and Nicole Brown Simpson was relativel relative w prior to their brutal killings. Can you give us insight as to what you know how they became friends and really what the nature of that relationship was like so briefly before their tragic killings . I dont really know anymore than just the fact that they were friends. It was a small community. Everybody kind of knew everybody. Other than that, i dont think there was anything beyond just acquaintances or friends. Thats all we know. Eboni do you know how they met . Nope. I mean, like i said, brent wood, if you have never been there, its a pretty small community. There is only a couple of streets. Im sure just at the gym or starbucks or my brothers restaurant. I have no idea. Katherine i wanted to ask you also, there has been talk of him maybe getting reality show. Him trying to capitalize on some of these things. This has been a story enduring in the media. How do you feel when you see people offering him things like that. Im not surprised. He is someone who garners a tremendous amount of attention wherever he goes. He would be a hot ticket. I want to remind people that he is subject to a 60 million judgment. If you are complicit in helping him lawner that money, like judith regan was when she published if i did it book we will come for you because thats against the law. Eric very quickly before we go, do you have anything to say to o. J. Simpson . No. Obviously. I mean, he doesnt care what i have to say nor do i care what he has to say. I am very clear that the evidence supports what my beliefs are and what 90 some odd percent of the country believes is he responsible for killing ron and nicole. And im comfortable with how i have lived my life with integrity and grace. And, you know, we will just have to wait and see what happens next in his life. Bone final question, kim, last year we saw a lot of division and documentary. Really rehashing the magic killings of ron and nicole. Whats your perspective and Vantage Point on that. Just the continued National Fascination with the case and the murders . Yeah. Its hard. I mean, you know, my dad and i get accused often as not being able to get on, you know, with our life or move on and why dont we have closure . I want to remind people its not entirely in my control to be able to do that. People have the right to talk about it and tweet about it and facebook about it and do documentaries and reality shows and anything they want regardless if i participate. And people are fascinated. They still argue about this case. People are still very vested in it. And i just hope that people learn from it and have healthy dialogue around it as opposed to just being negative. Eric kim, are you mad at o. J. . Im furious at the guy. Are you mad at o. J. . Of course. He stabbed my brother to death and decapitated his wife. If i didnt have anger which is very appropriate for the person that brutally stabbed two people to death, of course i am. However, having said that it doesnt debilitate me in any way. It doesnt make me not able to live a healthy life and to be able to run my Nonprofit Organization or do victim advocacy work it doesnt debilitate me. Its a targeted and compartmentalized feeling toward a person to deserves it. Eric thank you for joining us. Thank you, no problem. Katherine up next the u. S. Will now ban americans from visiting north korea after the death of otto warmbier. What it means for the rogue state next. Ill never find a safe used car. Start at the new carfax. Com show me minivans with no reported accidents. Boom. Love it. [struggles] show me the carfax. Start your used car search at the allnew carfax. Com. Time was of the essence and i who was this guy . What were his intentions . Do you do the yoga . Nno, no sir you ever wanna dance on a Reality Tv Show . I like to dance. Dad, come on. Joining my family means he can join Navy Federal Credit union. Great rates, 24 7 support. They take good care of you. Enough with the questions. Hes harmless. Open to the armed forces, the dod, veterans and their families. Navy federal credit union. When this bell rings. It starts a chain reaction. Thats heard throughout the connected business world. At t Network Security helps protect business, from the largest Financial Markets to the smallest transactions, by sensing cyberattacks in near real time and automatically deploying countermeasures. Keeping the world of business connected and protected. Thats the power of and. To a new world. S. Deeper than the ocean. As unfathomable as the universe. A world that doesnt exist outside you. But within you. Where breakthrough science is replacing chemotherapy with immunotherapy. Where we can now attack the causes of disease, not just the symptoms. Where medicines once produced for all, are now designed to fit you. Today 140,000 biopharmaceutical researchers go bodly to discover treatments and cures unimaginable ten years ago. And are on the verge of more tomorrow. Eric welcome back. Time to reintroduce our fox news specialists today are dr. Sebastian gorka and Bernie Mcguirk and we will continue the conversation right now. If you have been planning that dream vacation to north korea, you now are out of luck. The United States state department announcing today that the u. S. Citizens will be banned from visiting the hermit kingdom citing mounting concerns about the serious risk of arrests. The move comes after the horrific death of u. S. Student otto warm beer last month. The decision is on the heels of provocative comments made by cia director mike pompeo at a security conference yesterday where he spoke out about north Koreas Nuclear systems and hinted, well, take a listen. As for the regime, i am hopeful we will find a way to separate that regime from this system. Interesting answer. The north korean people, im sure, are lovely people and would love to see him go as well. As you might know they dont live a very good life there. Eric okay, doc, interesting comment. Because he said im hopeful we will find a way to separate that regime from the system. Whats he mean . We dont give our game plan away. Thats the last 8 years. But we maintain that this nation is a pariah and is a threat not only to the reasonablregion but to our nati. Just the idea alone that somebody would want to go to holiday vacation somebody that has labor camps. Think about that. Constantly in flagrant breach of every single weapons of mass destruction or missile requirement upon them. So director pompeo is a very serious man and he knows what he speaks. Eric bernie, i think we would all agree dont go to north korea on vacation. Im kind of intrigued by this, hey, lets separate that administration from his people. I agree with the doctor here. Of course, the people would be very grateful. Unlike some of the people in the middle east when you liberate them they end up hating you for it over there i think it would matter. They would actually appreciate it as far as they dont live well, i mean, the fact of the matter is that this thanks to this well fed little freak with the move howard hair cut, these people are starving, frightened zombies. This is a war crime. This is terrible whats happening over there. I dont know what people can do about it. I know that hawaii is supposed to get some missile defense. I think people like japan and south korea should worry, the odds of him hitting hawaii accurately arent that great. But japan, who they hate historically and the doctor would know this as well, the koreans loathe the japanese. That could happen at any time. Its a disgusting place. I dont even want to make jokes about touring there because its such a terrible situation. Eric kat, im still looking at his answer and i hope it means what i hope it means and what i think it means but im not sure he means that regime change. Time to make that happen. Katherine if there was a simple way to do it. Its a lot harder than it sounds. As far as banning people from there. In terms of individual liberty i dont know if i agree with that or how necessary it is. After we all saw what happened to otto warm beer im not sure how many are interested in going over there. About 1 hours a year. If thats what they want to do. I dont see the point of a policy like this. Eboni this is where i would disagree with that kat. I hear but personal liberty. You would think logically people wouldnt go there and people will absolutely because of the stakes the United States finds themselves n terms of trying to negotiate to get them back. Some people go there for charitable purposes, okay . You will still be able to apply for a special validation on your passport. All other americans their passport is not going to be advised to travel to north korea. We are concerned about the potential arrest and detention of our citizens. And were not going to answer the questions of what were going to do, but, eric, we are going to protect our citizens. Thats the key thing. And the age of appeasement is over. Thats what the message is about. Eric we have got to leave right there. Up next, kat, on the street democrats are so desperate these days. A poll finds most of them would give up drinking if it would get President Trump out of office. Naturally kat had to hit up a bar and find out more. Dont go away. All my friends are [ indistinct chatter ] [ intense music playing ] its here, but its going by fast. The opportunity of the year is back the mercedesbenz summer event. Get to your dealer today for incredible onceaseason offers, and start firing up those grilles. Lease the e300 for 569 a month at your local mercedesbenz dealer. Mercedesbenz. The best or nothing. Got her on my mind Nothing Better the feeling is so fine katherine no secret democrats are having a tough time with the trump presidency. A recent survey shows just how desperate they are getting. 73 of democrats said they would give up booze for the rest of their lives if it meant President Trump would be impeached tomorrow. It only seemed appropriate for me to head to a bar at times square to investigate further. Katherine 73 of democrats say that they would quit drinking forever to impeach President Trump. What do you think about that . Never. Not at all. No, yeah. I wouldnt either. I agree with that totally. Katherine you would quit drinking to impeach President Trump. Yes, i would. Would you do that . No. I love trump. He is the greatest president we have had so far. Katherine okay, so would you quit drinking to keep trump as president. I would quit anything he wanted me to do. Katherine in order to keep trump president would you sleep on a Bailey Bailey of hay the rest of your life. Absolutely. Katherine you could quit drinking as much as you want so it might not be that hard. Would you give up tying shoe laces to impeach President Trump. No. I have to have my shoes tied. Katherine to impeach President Trump would you stop tying your shoe laces . Maybe. Cat cat only allowed to wear shoes with laces. Oh, dang, now you are getting tricky. Katherine who is your least favorite politician. Probably Hillary Clinton. Kim jong un. Katherine i also have a firm antikim jong un stance. While president obama was in office would you give up drinking to impeach him. Yes. Katherine would you change your name to mr. Cantaloupe to impeach barack obama if someone says hi to you you have to say its mr. Cantaloupe time back . Okay, maybe. Katherine maybe . Thats a maybe. Okay. Would you quit drinking to get bernie in there. I would reinstate bernie to get bernie in there. Katherine you would make all of us stop drinking. Yes once in office bernie would be all right, we can all drink again. Katherine everybody like him more because he let us drink again. Everybody wouldnt like you because you made it stop. For the greater good. Katherine would you give up drinking for world peace. Sure. Yes. Katherine have to say yes or you are ostracized. Would you give up being able to smile. Yeah. I dont smile much anyway. Katherine i dont either. People say i should smile more. But why . Would you agree to have four extra fingers growing out of your head to impeach Hillary Clinton if she were president . If it could help me pull that lever for trump in the next election. Yeah. Katherine what about two fingers like this . Two fingers . Yeah. Three . Yeah. Katherine not four. Four, no. Katherine four is where you draw the line . [laughter] eric that fourth finger. Nice job. Katherine we have a cantaloupe for some reason. Eric call me mr. Cantaloupe for the rest of my life to keep trump in office. Done. Katherine carry it, too. Eric i will do my best. Katherine carry the cantaloupe. I kind of figured you would think that. Eboni so did i. Katherine bernie, what about you . Would you give up drinking. Absolutely not. Thats all stupid. 70 . All liars. Everybody said they were going to canada. Nobody went to canada. Its a bunch of crap. See these protesters at the everdivend ling trump period of time protest see sole of these purple haired angry freaks. Give up food. You would think with that marching they would lose poundage. Eboni fat shaming the protesters, bernie . Exactly right. Fat shaming and whiney shaming katherine i think they are too. They would probably secretly. I dont drink so i will take the deal. Katherine you will take the deal . What about the shoe laces deal . Eboni that was interesting. I can take that one because can i count on how many times i wear sneakers or shoes with laces. Eric, eboni, my friend he doesnt need our help is he going all the way. Katherine if he needed you to leave your shoe laces on time. Im good. Katherine you cant tie your shoes . Im in. Eboni thats commitment. Thats the loyalty we know you value. I would give up hair spray. Eboni what a big sacrifice, bernie. Thats the kind of guy i am. Katherine with friends like you. When we come back we are circle back with our specialists Sebastian Gorka and Bernard Mcguirk with every heart beat i fall in love whenever we meet im asking you what you know about these things how will i know if hes thinking of me i try the phone because i dont use my cellphone when im driving. Even though my family does, and leaves me all alone. Heres something else. I dont share it with mom. I dont. Right, mom . I have a brand new putter you dont even know about its awesome. Safe driving bonus checks, only from allstate. Sometimes i leave the seat up on purpose. Switching to allstate is worth it. If you could book a flight, then add a hotel, or car, or activity in one place and save, where would you go . Expedia. 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To take these ugly, glasses off eric does he watch the show for you . He loves all you guys. Eboni you and sid are a little bit apart today. Give him a shout out. I love you. I miss you. Im very sorry for cheating on you. Eboni all right, great. Katherine if you like a very tough guy, sebastian. Are you afraid of anything . I was afraid of hillary winning the election. Katherine so now, not at all . No. I sleep so well every night. Absolutely laughable. [laughter] you and cnn and eboni eric why dont yoe over there . They have invited me back. They havent. Jake tapper threw in some snarky thing. I said bring it on. Whats happened in the last week, hilarious. Eboni dr. Sebastian gorka. The president , tuesday. Back on the campaign trail. Eboni excellent. Thank you to our fox news specialists today. Thank you for watching at home. Follow us on our social media pages today. Both twitter and facebook. 5 00 will never be the same. Dont miss hannitys exclusive tonight. Bret a fox news alert. I am james rosen sitting in for bret baier. A daily siege from an aggressive hostile news media has forced out sean spicer as press secretary and seen wall street patent Anthony Scaramucci as the new communications director. Sarah huckabee sanders, spoke a short time ago with sean hannity with the hannity program tonight. So sean spicer. We have howard kurtz, first to chief white house correspondents on the north lawn. Good evening. Good evening. We

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