Obsession with all Things Technology especial apple products and his ability to mak time for those of us who just looked up to him for who he was as a person. Im going to have a lot more to say about my friend throughout the hour, but i want to begin tonight with my colleague sean hannity, sean, i think both you and i, i watched your whole sho tonight, i cried, i had to do m makeup over a couple of times because i started crying watching it, but i think they d of us knew rush longer than mos because he was an inspiration t both of our careers and talk radio and beyond. I know you have so many funny stories about rush, and i know he would want us to laugh as we remembered his family tonight, catherine, david, everyone, but also as we remembered him. So give us a funny story. There was this side of him, and i dont know if i captured it as well as i wanted to tonight, you always wish you said this, this, and this when you talk about somebody that yo love and admire so much, and he had this mischievous side of him. The fact that he would say talent on loan from god and the liberals would melt like snowflakes. He just got a kick out of it. Half my brain tied behind my back, just to make it fair, and hes got his tongue gently placed in his cheek and people are reacting to it with fire an fury and anger and rage and the audience is in on the joke, the understood it, i just told this story, this is the worst moment of my life when the first time filled in for him, on his show, which was a big help for me and my career. I did latenight radio show, came on right after him, and it was a pretty intimidating experience because 21 million listeners, 6,000,600 stations, start the opening monologue, an as you know, the microphone is golden, it was a golden microphone, and im in the middle of the opening monologue just beginning to slightly feel comfortable, boom, thud, it jus dropped so im down here on my desk talking into the microphone , now im sweating profusely, thank god it wasnt tv, having a panic attack, and then he comes back and somebody told him about it, and the firs thing he says is sean hannity dented the golden mike, and he loved it. One other funny story, when i first started here at fox and when it went on the air in 96 i october, i would do late night radio which i really loved into a year later i was an afternoon prime, but i loved it and it wa fun, but my station, my studio was adjacent to his. I remember. He been there many times, an his calling board lit up all night long. So in other words, we started doing it like off the air, and people would say youre on the eib network and they would say and then one night, that side o me came out, and i actually did a whole hour on the air of me trying to be rush, youre on th Rush Limbaugh show. A giant fuzzball, im just a giant fuzzball. And, this week all of his team, great protectors of rush, and the next day he says really, he kind of gave me as stern pushback, not in a bad way, he was a wonderful person to and w miss him and rush then heard about it i said im sorry i didnt mean to he said oh, thats brilliant, i wish i woul have done that. So it showed a side of him that was just lighthearted, charming loving, and if were going to fight for liberty and freedom, it sort of like hank williams, American Steel gate, americans like football, they like baseball, we are often tangled in this political world all the time. He said to me one of the last times i talk talked to him, he said dont forget, the pursuit of happiness is part of this whole deal. So everybody wants to say its over for america, done, where finished, he never saw it that way. America is a continuing experience that has to be fough for and loved. You have to have a love affair with america to save america, and he had a love affair with his listeners, his family, but america, and that is the man that i think everybody has to remember. If you never heard his show, just go on to online and listen to everything you can on youtube. He was so darn funny. I just want to tell rush jokes for the rest of the hour becaus there are so many of them. Theyre really is a many things, but whats amazing to, dont think we can highlight this enough, we know this because were in this business, if people dont listen to our radio shows, if they dont watc this show, dont work, but, i mentioned earlier, i talked about the movie the bucket list with Morgan Freeman and jack nicholson, its a great movie. You know, ive talked to people i have conversations that go on a whole dinner about whats on your bucket list, what would yo like to do. He was living it. But think about that. He would go through these harshest of treatments, they have to kill you to save you when you have advanced stage four lung cancer, and i knew he wasnt feeling well every day, but he would find the strength because his bucket list was to be on the air, to do what he wa born to do, it wasnt to go travel here or they are or see mountain or climb Mount Everest no, his bucket list was to give back to the audience he loved. That is amazing living the dream , and he is living the dream this is what i want to do. You or rush, same quality. Thats why we got along. He said im going to one of you im going to one up you. He loved you, and great show, i enjoyed every minute of your show tonight. Thank you. We will miss them. He is in paradise i have no doubt. Laura i will have a lot more to say about rush includin a conversation with the former Vice President mike pence, now, democrats hate normal . Rush would hate this. This is the focus of tonight anglo. If you thought because of vaccines and acquired immunity you be free from masks and covi concerned by a spring or summer you have another thing coming. By next christmas i think they will be in a very different circumstance god willing then w are today. A year from now, i think that could be significantly fewer people having to be socially distance, have to wear masks. I dont want to overpromise anything here. The press secretary did the normal biden cleanup. Were not in the place where we can predict exactly when everybody will feel normal again , but we dont know at this point with the timeline is goin to look like. I will circle back. But were never getting back to normal under biden, get that. The medical cartel, they are al working to keep you scared. The medical Media Establishment has played this cute hide the ball game, thats what we call it since his whole virus starte spreading in the country. Always keeping you guessing about when you could have your lives back. Right now at this moment, there is no need to change anything youre doing on it day by day basis. I want to focus on what we need to do in these next two weeks to flatten the curve. I think things will be permanently changed until we ge the vaccine at. I think well be Wearing Masks for several months. Weve got to continue until we get it so low that its no longer a threat. There is a new term, several several months. To weeks to flatten the curve, turns into two years to flatten the economy, and if they have there way the constitution. This is why the angle has been demanding objective metrics since last april. We cannot have our people denie the ability to make a living, g to school, attend worship services, we need realistic objective metrics. We need clear protocol to give people peace of mind once we do restart our economy and reopen again. I cant believe weve been doing this since last april. Objective metrics, but what we heard from the cdc, fauci, and burks was always vague and was always changing. Of course nebulous metrics are really just nonexistent metrics. The evidence from states like south dakota and florida is clear, lockdowns dont work, they just destroy small businesses, create massive unemployment, and increase inside he and depression. Just for what theyve done to education, that should be reaso enough to fire everyone of the blue state governors who shuttered our schools. Joe biden, he says he wants kid in school. Im talking about is i said opening the majority of schools in k8 grade because they are the easiest to open come at the most needed to be open in terms of the impact on children in families having to stay home. Two words, not convincing. Especially given what we saw on the next morning when the today show pressed Vice President harris on a simple question. All of us who have children in our lives, they want to go back to school, we want them to go back to school. What about that cdc guidance then, thats the question because they cdc is saying essentially, come at their best guidance is dont open if your in a red zone, 90 percent of students are in a red zone, and the science is very clear, the cdc owned science says schools are not a source of community risk. But the cdc, what they have recommended are exactly that, recommendations. So the recommendations include what needs to happen around social distancing, handwashing, mask wearing, but the point is we all want our kids to get bac to school is quickly as possibl and as safely as possible. Is anyone else terrified by that answer . I will translate it for you. If youre a parent in a democra run state, do not expect regula in person schooling for your children next fall. The unions are holding out for the full rampup. I think the schools do need more resources, and that is to me why the National Relief act that were talking about getting past, we need that. It cost money, and that is why the passage of the American Rescue plan 130 billion for school is so important to do. If i was a betting woman, an im not, i would bet that democrat house candidates are going to be campaigning in mask in 2022 if they end up campaigning at all. The cdc and fauci will alway have another very aspirant to hide, another holiday to warn u away from celebrating, and othe alleged super spreader event, this will all be the perfect se up for democrats to press for universal meal and ballots for the midterms. You know its coming. Once again, fauci will insist that even with the vaccine, voting in person is just too unpredictable, it can be safe, but it also can be dangerous. Total bull. I would also bet they try to prevent political rallies of an kind from happening especially if trump or his supporters are involved. If the virus excused by it self wears thin, the Biden White House will fight other emergencies such as the threat of domestic terror or climate change, or systemic racism to justify curtailing our civil liberties. To all of this nonsense, we mus respond with an unequivocal no. We are moving on with our lives were going to church, were going to school, were going to the movies, or going to concerts , weddings, graduations, funerals, wherever we please. Were going to vote with our feet if we have to, and when we do, the blue states will simply be left further behind. And that is the angle. Joining me now is one of the first elected officials to stan up to the lies and to all the goalpost shifting of the medica cartel Florida Governor rhonda santos. Governor, i remember early on there were a few governors, brian kim, you, and a few other who were just trashed by a lot of the people that we just showed in those clips for your dangerous approach to this dangerous pandemic. A year later almost, what do yo see . Welcome alora, in florida, i terms of coronavirus, we have less coronavirus per capita in terms of deaths, then the national average, and we have the second oldest population in the United States. We have less cases per capita than the national average, and yet commit we have all schools open, we have all businesses able to operate, everyone has a right to work. Our unemployment is below the national average, our tax revenue is much higherthanexpected asians. What weve learned as two things , one commit when you deal with the pandemic, it doesnt mean every other issue in society simply goes away. You have to deal with folks ability to earn a living, educate their kids, and Mental Health and wellbeing. Weve also learned that these lockdowns on their own just dont work, even if you didnt care about the economy, even if you didnt care about education they dont work tuesday stop th spread, i think the results in florida, and elsewhere show that. People want to come here becaus they know we are every state, and i think that the facts have borne this out to have made the right decisions parakeet i want to move on to what happened in Manatee County where i think yo offered 3,000 vaccines to mostl i believe it was mostly to the senior community, but for that, your critics lashed out at you take a look. The objects are really reall bad. If we were going to pick and choose who was going to be vaccinated ahead of everyone else, i would hope it would go to the underserved populations. They are taking the widest demographic, the richest demographic in Manatee County and putting them ahead of everyone else. Governor, its racist to follow the science and vaccinat the most vulnerable populations. I dont understand this, now were checking boxes of ethnicity and color . I thought it was about the science, saving lives. Look, we were the first stat to reject the cdc side and switch wasnt going to put Seniors First and we said no, were putting Seniors First. I was criticized by the same types of folks for putting seniors folks. Florida seniors are glad that w put them first. Todays event where we had the 3,000 seniors, that was over an above what that county had been getting. We saw that there was that we needed to get more seniors in that particular county, so we worked with some of the local neighborhoods and sarah where i a lot of seniors, work and we g in and knock out several thousand very quickly to get those numbers up. There were an awful lot of happ seniors there today, a lot of smiles on their faces, people were able to get vaccines. This as one of many things wer doing to put Seniors First in florida. Were not going to stop until every senior that wants a shot gets a shot and were not going to let the naysayers slow us down. Breaking news tonight, the fbi u. S. Attorneys office also are reportedly investigating Governor Cuomo handling of Nursing Homes and apparently in the very early stages, but your thoughts on that given what you saw in new york and again the criticism you got and the prais cuomo got from the likes of dr. s v5. I was getting criticized for not closing the beaches, which you dont close beaches for a respiratory virus so i was righ on that, but the media totally ignored how they we didnt orde right at the beginning saying covid positive nursing home residents back to Nursing Homes. By doing that, we saved hundred if not thousands of lives, so w made the right decision at the outset and again the facts have borne this out over these many months. I know you were very close t Rush Limbaugh, he praised you i his final show i know how much he admired you and he had great hopes for your political future. Your thoughts tonight. He is the babe ruth of radio. He wouldve been great in radio even without the conservative, he was just that talented. Hes a conservative icon up there with people like scalia, ragan, buckley. He was a personal friend. You know hes a warm and decent man. He was in the Southern Command in florida for so long, we will miss him tremendously. He was a great guy. He was ahead of the curve. He told me 20 years ago, ingraham, why are you paying th taxes in dc, moved to florida. Who wants to go to florida. Now hes proven once again how smart he was. Just think of how many tens of millions of dollars he saved over his 23 years in the state of florida. It was the right decision and w were so glad to have him. In moments, i promised i would share my personal reflections on Rush Limbaugh, and then former Vice President mike pence will join me on how rush shaped his life. Stay there. Rward. They guide me with achievable steps that give me confidence. This is my granddaughter. Shes cute like her grandpa. Voya doesnt just help me get to retirement. Theyre with me all the way through it. Voya. Be confident to and through retirement. Were going to try to get through this without crying. There are no words to adequatel capture the man that was Rush Limbaugh. Even though we knew that this day was coming, this morning i was in my car and i heard that he had passed, i was fresh in m mind, i was typing the word was in reference to rush and it seems so wrong, it seemed like an impossibility because millions of us have relied on his wisdom and his perspective for decades. I want everyone in this room and everyone of you around the country to succeed. I want everyone who believes in life, liberty in the pursuit of happyness to succeed and i want any force, any person, any element of an overarching Big Government that would stop your success, i want that organization, that element or that person to fail. They are not because of calculations or contrivances, our beliefs are not because of dream psychology, our beliefs o or core, our beliefs are our hearts. His unbridled talent, his showmanship, his unwavering patriotism. His uproarious sense of humor, and his boundless enthusiasm fo his craft at his endless love for his listening audience. His defiant person here even in the face of cancer gave us comfort and you bet, it gave us inspiration. I think i happen to be sayin what a whole lot of people think , but dont have a chance to save themselves. Thats why they call me the mos dangerous man in america. Somebody is finally saying this stuff. No, im a harmless fuzzball. Through the good times and the bad, through the victories, and the defeat, he was a touchstone for conservatives young and old, there was ragan, rush, scalia, justice thomas, buckley, the first time i met him in 1995 i think it was, it was at his wabc radio office an i was part of a republican wome commit now i decided to sit bac and just listen as the other folks spoke, and about 50 minutes or so went by and he looked at me and he said dont you have anything to add . And my response was yes, rush, think if you stick to it, you could really make it in this radio thing. We were friends ever since. A special guest, who is this . Is this Laura Ingraham . Rush. This has been like a russian fire drill getting a hold of you. Everybody wants to talk to you and i finally find a way to wor my way in there. How are you . If it wasnt for you i wouldnt have done this for 17 and a hal year spread. Im doing great, im happy that youre moving on, i know youre doing what you want to d and what youre great at, but i want you to know everybody in radio is going to miss you. I hadnt heard that since my last show. He was unfailingly generous wit his time, and yet, we all wante more time with him. The native son of missouri and he never forgot where he came from. To keep my family is singularly responsible for me being here today. There is something to midwester cultural values. In essence, he was the original deplorable, he was a force of nature, riddled gold b the elite in washington and als of course all of them in the corridor to new york, but he wa loved by the people who make america work with his intellect and his insight come with good sheer determination, rush paves the way for the rest of us who hope to somehow follow in his footsteps of course that we tried, but there was only Rush Limbaugh, so it was ridiculous to try, but when talk radio was written off, rush saved it. When the Republican Party lost its way, rush helped it get bac on track. In 1992, when bill clinton defeated bush, republicans wer divided in forlorn, and as mary put it commit we all had to hol it together. All we had was Rush Limbaugh. When old Establishment Republicans rejected donald trump, rush dug into support hi and the american first agenda. He realize the conservative movement had to shake off globalism and open borders in order to attract workingclass voters. Its hard to see how trump wouldve won in 2016 without Rush Limbaugh support. Could get the drivebys are going to poohpooh it, they are going to relegate it to the carnival characteristics of the campaign, but its going to resonate, whens the last time we beat china . They kill us. When the last time we beat japan . You know what a lot of peoples reaction is going to be. Why should we be beating anybody. Why cant we cooperate. These are people that are ignorant and have no idea that what trump says here is actuall true. From that famous guitar lick at the top of every hour, from the pretenders. To his final sendoff, america was blessed to have his talent on loan from god for as long as we did, but sadly, for those of us who will thoroughly miss his friendship and his reassuring voice, the loan was finally called and. Joining is now on the phone, former Vice President mike pence. Thank you for being here. In your talk radio days you described yourself as Rush Limbaugh on decaf. Your thoughts on his legacy tonight . Could get well, first, thank yo for that beautiful tribute and thank you for allowing me to be on the air to express karen and my deepest condolences, but also , as you said, our profound gratitude for the life, the example, the courage, and the matchless voice of Rush Limbaugh. America lost a giant today and like you, and like millions of americans, i learned about it i the car, and i was genuinely saddened and our hearts immediately went to catherine, his brother david, but also to millions of americans who like us, it just grew accustomed to every day noon eastern, breath of common sense conservative fresh air every day. He made conservatives proud, like you said in some of the dark days of defeat. You would turn on the radio, an Rush Limbaugh gave conservative courage to fight on, and commit we will miss his voice, but whe i hear your voice, and the grea tribute from sean hannity and the outpouring of support today im reminded that Rush Limbaugh inspired a generation of conservatives across the countr from the grassroots to the airwaves, just like you and i know that the fight goes on and the victories lie ahead. When they come, it will be part of the legacy of Rush Limbaugh. Vice president pence, it is hard to think of another election, the next election without him. I call him a touchstone, he was a touchstone, just a relentless force. If you would come a talk with u about your own personal interaction. Especially everything you sacrifice for your country over the last four years, reflect on that for a moment. People wouldnt know this about me, so Rush Limbaugh came of age in about 1989, and it wa literally at a time in the 80s , literally, 8 00 a. M. Radio was dying and Rush Limbaugh stepped in as a force of nature and he transformed an invented conservative talk radio. In the early 1990s, i was drawn into that medium and really just as a fan of Rush Limbaugh i had my own talk show radio show across of the 1990s , and as she said, i would describe myself as Rush Limbaugh on decaf, so we starte out as fans, we would go on as following him into talk radio, but during my years in the hous house of representatives, fighting alongside conservatives. My years serving alongside President Trump as Vice President of the United States, Rush Limbaugh was an inspiration , he was an anchor of conservatism, and in every real sense, i can tell you with deep humility i would not have had the opportunities ive had to serving as Vice President , but for the life and the voice in the example of Rush Limbaugh. I would always be grateful. He wasnt afraid to go where other conservatives might be afraid to go. Say something lovable. Something im honest about, about success . I can credit the good taste of the american people. What do you think it was about rush that made his show s widely successful . He had it since of fun keep telling all the conservatives were all down in the mound, get that sense of fun back. We all live in a great country. You cant give it up every time you lose an election. You cant lash out every time you lose an election. Rush told me that one of the last times i spoke to him, figh on, my friend. Laura, you couldnt be more right. Rush limbaugh not only made conservatives proud, he made conservatism fund. Ive sometimes told people im conservative, but im not in a bad mood about it. I gleaned that attitude from years listening to Rush Limbaugh , and having my own radio broadcast. I have to tell you, it was, he would educate, he would inform, he would inspire, but he was just flat entertaining. He was a showman. Politics Vice President pence , is impart showmanship. You are not going to cut them u at the comedy club yourself, but , you do understand it, right . You got to be a bit of a showma in politics. Eve prove this with an incredible career in radio, but with radio, you have to show hearts heart. I actually think that was he ha an immense intellect, a capacit to articulate conservative ideals and american principles like very few americans of our time, but he also had heart. When you listen to somebody every day, as millions of americans have done for more than 30 years, you get to know them for who they are, and this was a genuinely good man who he had a heart for our country he loved the american people. And i think that spirit of fun was all reflected in a since yo had listening to him, that he loved the people he was talking to. He believed in the boundless potential of every american, an i really do believe that the best days for america are yet t come. When they come, we are going to build that boundless future on the foundation that Rush Limbaugh helped to poor commit there will never be another rus limbaugh. But voices like yours, like sea hannity, like voices that have been inspired all across the country, and men and women who have followed a calling into Public Service and served at th local and state and federal level i think are all a part of that legacy that will continue to strengthen. I dont think people appreciate that. People who listen to the show all the time. He was easy to open listening. He spent the most time speaking to those people who are hearing about conservatism for the firs time for it he was very patient and he brought them along or th Business Owner or just said, i disagree with you, he would tak the time to debate and disagree or bring someone along. That patients, i had to learn that the hard way because i dont have a lot of patients, but i know that was a shock to you, but he taught me that. You know the key to being a great talk show host because yo are one, youve got to listen. And Rush Limbaugh listen to his curlers and responded to them respectfully. Heat literally one hearts and minds all across the country fo more than 30 years. Do you think that you and donald trump would have won in 2016 were it not for rush on th radio . I think President Trump woul be the first to say, and me right after him, that our campaign in 2016 and our administration, every single da had no greater ally than Rush Limbaugh. Everything that we did. More than 200 conservatives tha pointed to our courts at every level. In american first Foreign Policy , all of what President Trump brought to the white hous was sustained by a chorus of conservatives across the country , by partners alongside in the house and in the senate, but i want to say again, our administration had no greater ally than Rush Limbaugh. America will miss his voice and we will miss our friend. Come back soon, we will talk politics for the day, thank you so much, we appreciate it. Its time now for our seen and unseen segments where we expose the cultural stories of the day. For that we turn to author of the raymond arroyo. Ramen, you have been tracking reaction to rush passing today, and what i read and saw, a lot of it was so beautiful and some of it was uncivil. On Ash Wednesday commit when we should be pondering morality my reaction was a lot of this ink that was built, it was frankly wicked. Agree or disagree with Rush Limbaugh, he was a broadcast pioneer that created this industry and put tens of millions of listeners each week he was a friend yet this is how some in the media remember him today. There was time he was crass, ugly, indecent, thats true. Promoting his allies while insulting his political alem enemies and average people alike , many times and deeply offensive way spread. He reached millions of listeners by his golden microphone. Its amazing. When people engage in this kind of vitriol, they are projecting themselves onto someone else. Anyone who encountered Rush Limbaugh, i didnt know him well , but i met him a few times, i found him shy, retiring, the one time rebecca and i met him at a Christmas Party he was all alone in the blue room, they asked us to take a picture and then they took our picture, he was humble, and almost shy. Of very different man from that voice and what you imagine behind the microphone. I want to contrast those were members is of Rush Limbaugh wit the way a pornographer, hustler founder harry flynn was held by some of these same people when he died last week. He really did change the way people thought about the first amendment. He opposed the death penalty. He was not quite you might think. It was amazing. A man who degraded women,. Im not talking about him. Its just disgusting. Could get them using it as a contrast which is important to show that media sensation ideology. The remember the Rush Limbaugh or rooms, they had these lunch spots at noon, all of the businessman businessmen would gather in washington, the limb ballrooms, people forget commit not only what a phenomenal he was, but the phenomena he continued and evolved into being. It is a great loss, a great los to all broadcasters. The great thing about rush i that he was generous, but he ha an experience that people thought hes too shy coming he was shy, he said he had a phd i social distancing before there was social distancing. I had dinner with him once, and hes like oh, i never get to se you commit lets order a bottle of wine. I said thats nice. I dont drink much. I think he ordered some crazy bottle of wine and then he gave the server i believe if my memory serves me correct, he gave the server a 2,000 tip. I have never told that publicly before. I wish i knew who it was becaus they could call in, and i said rush, that so nice. He said you know something, waiting tables, especially with people like us, its one of the hardest jobs out there hed he said she deserves double. He was just great. I know he really really love your sense of humor because he had a devilish sense of humor a wellpaid. He had a great sense of humor. He was our will rogers. He loved america. First and foremost. President trump has zero access now to social media during to the monopolistic silencing it chinese propaganda is allowed t flourish. Jd vance has that interesting thought. Typical day during a work week is im working but first always going for a run or going to the gym. I love reading. I love cooking healthy. Its super important to me. I was noticing that i was just having some memory loss. It was really bothering me. So i tried prevagen and it started to work for me. I wish i had taken prevagen five or ten years ago. Prevagen. Healthier brain. Better life. Its moving day. And while her friends are doing the heavy lifting, jess is busy moving her xfinity internet and tv services. It only takes about a minute. Wait, a minute . But what have you been doing for the last two hours . Delegating . Oh, good one. Move your Xfinity Services without breaking a sweat. Now thats simple, easy, awesome. Xfinity makes moving easy. Go online to transfer your services in about a minute. Get started today. Rush limbaugh reshaped the Public Square by forging a pass for conservative media. Now thats being increasingly squeezed by oligarchs. You think the classical left would be upset about corporate monopoly like they used to be, but theyre not. Why is that . Of course while former presiden trump is pleat banned from platforms like facebook and twitter, big tech hasnt lifted a finger to the ccp from spreading anti american lives. Someone has thought a lot about this is jd vance author of hillbilly all a gp or jb, why d you think the modern left is suddenly okay with the concentration of power in a few corporate entities . I think its just very cynical. They realize the big tech oligarchs are on their side, an where they used to complain about Corporate Power, now they recognize Corporate Power being used against their enemies. In this case President Donald Trump and his voters i think theyre more than willing to cozy up to those people and gives them more power which it doesnt this case because those people do control the Public Square in this country. One thing thats also kind o shocking, last night, when joe biden essentially just blows of the difference between the United States and china by saying well their cultural norm that are different with the way they treat the i loved how he said well, the president just things unit he of all is who is a liberal standing up for liberal rights. That was a big issue for liberals in the United States and they made a big difference there. What happened . First of all, i wish they were differential to our fathers , they hold everything against them, but of course jus super deferential to see, i think at a fundamental level whats going on right now is that big corporations in americ are increasingly more vested in the Chinese Government than the are in their own country. What that means for us is conservatives as we have to do something about this. Weve gotten so used to big business, corporations being on the side of the right that because of china, because of th local left there on the side of the left and we have to do something about it, we have to recognize theyre not our friends anymore and that should inform the way that we think about public policy. I think its an important thing for us to recognize that we can move forward and solve these problems and make it possible for people to express themselve and be conservatives without being worried about getting fired or censored. Not kind of went out the window when wall street decided they were going to make a lot o big bets, ipos and otherwise in china. A lot of folks at National Review and the journal, a lot o big conservative outlets, they kind of went with the globalist perspective and they lost the people. Trump came along and said it doesnt have to be this way and now he suddenly shut off twitte and facebook and they are relishing squelching his freedo of speech. Its also about his voters, if youre a supporter, if your one of the 75 Million People that voted for trump in 2020, you recognize the censorship that can be and has been directed against you either through firings, shadow banning or twitter making it impossible for you to host. I think we have to recognize that like you said, wall street may be was on the side of america in the 1980s, its unclear its on the side of america in the 2020s we have to wake up for that. Great to see you tonight thank you so much. When we come back, a final stor about rush and me. Tonights last bite is next. I wish i had hours to talk about Rush Limbaugh tonight, bu i will close with this, his generosity of spirit and his kindness is concern for his friends, his country, those around him who are suffering including yours truly when i ha my own cancer diagnosed with. I believe hes one of the first three or four people that reached out to me as side for m immediate family. He said ingraham, be glad that you live at a time where we hav great medicine and great technology. Youre going to get through this. Essentially, what he was saying was suck it up, buttercup, no time for two years. Godspeed, my friend. Rush limbaugh. Welcome to fox news at night. By mike emanuel in for shannon. Though they didnt know each other until just a few years ago , Rush Limbaugh and donald trump both fell for the conservative music to succeed i needs to fight for what they believed with the passing of th most listened to radio host for more than 30 years, mister trum is doing his first post presidency interviews. He was so happy with what we did give it where we built the military, all things he liked. We took captain cut taxes, cut regulation was may be even more important than the tax cut. Thats why we built the foundation that can propel us i its not messed up

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