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Going on for the last two and a half years. Charles all this as former Trump Campaign chairman Paul Manafort is sentenced to just 47 months in prison on tax and bank fraud charges, far shorter than what was recommended by the special counsels office. Lets bring in the wall street journals deputy editor, Dan Henninger. Kim strassel and bill mcgurn with us as well. It just never stops, but going into the weekend, everyones still kind of reeling from the manafort sentencing. Yeah, the 47 months instead of the 21 years that they expected him to get. I think in many ways, charles, this is a preview of the mueller anticlimax to come. Because the manafort was being concentrated on here because he had been Donald Trumps campaign manager. His case was handed off from the Justice Department to muellers investigation in the expectation he would give them information about trump and collusion. Muellers lawyer said at the sentencing hearing he gave us nothing and maybe because he had nothing. And so he ends up with 47 months, and i think that it sort of suggests he did commit a crime. He lied, he hid the tax returns, but this suggests that this is what is going to come from the Mueller Report. And after the president was saying two years and all this investigation, were coming up with less than we expected. Charles and, kim, on that note, this is perhaps why the democrats are really getting ready, i guess, for the ultimate. Theyre digging into every crevice of President Trumps life, and who knows how far theyre prepared to go, but maybe mueller has come up with a dry hole which would be very embarrassing for them. Yeah, its a huge admission, because we are moving on to stage two. And now suddenly, charles, your not hearing any of these names that weve heard so much over the last years, manafort, cohen, papadopoulos, the steele dossier. They dont want to talk about any of that anymore. They want to move on to a whole new field. In particular you see in the house the campaign the Committee Chairman focusing on, for instance, whether or not donald trump committed any collusion with regard to his financial dealings in russia, which ises a whole new field and area. But i think the problem that they face, the risk here is that they do look like its a fishing expedition and that comes out a, indeed, it says that there is nothing there and they continue this, i think they risk a backlash with some of the public wondering if we have now verged beyond investigation into harassment. Charles bill, of course, maybe we wont be able to measure that depending how much of the Mueller Report is released to the public, if and i know theres a lot of political calculus here, but if its not released to the public, then the democrats will be able to, perhaps, leak certain parts of it and to speculate on things that would probably justify in their minds additional investigations. Yeah, look, i mean in general, i think if you remember one of the reasons james comey was sacked was that when he announced that thered be no charges against Hillary Clinton, which was not in his purview, he also then went on to say she did all these bad things, which is not what you do in a prosecution. If you dont indict, you dont say bad things about them. That should be the precedent. That said, i think that if they dont release this after two years, the countrys just going to be further roiled, and the democrats would get the best of both worlds. Theyre keeping it secret because theyre hiding this. Charles right. Democrats clearly are admitting with all that that mr. Muellers not going to give them what they want, and i say this at least for jerry nadler, the investigation is now where it should be. If you want to remove a president , you dont have the fbi have an investigation or a special counsel. It should be a political decision in the House Judiciary Committee where kim was mentioning a backlash, where you have political consequences for your choices. So while i think that Jerry Nadlers on this big expedition and not likely to find something, thats at least the venue where we have some accountability. To me, its far more sinister that Andrew Mccabe launched this investigation unaccountable, that we have a special counsel going off and, you know, for all these months not finding anything. Charles so, dan, right now just written requests. And you have to wonder, you know, when everyone says, no thank you, or how many of these actually become subpoenas, because then well get an idea of just the kind of grand scope they have in mind. And i think, to bills point, this could actually further the anxieties, even frustrations among the public that its unfair, that theyre going down avenues that have zero to do with russian collusion. Yeah. Lets add to Jerry Nadlers investigation the one thats probably coming in the house ways and means committee. Chairman richard neal is probably going to try to get held of President Trumps tax returns from the treasury department. And pretty clearly the strategy here is political and is, again, to make the argument, make the case, suggest to the American People that we have an unacceptable president in donald trump. Theyre going to try and dig up all this dirt. But, charles, this is so far from the original charge which was collusion with the russians. Charles right. So ultimately, it looks completely political. And as bills suggesting, the American People are going to have to make a decision whether that is an acceptable way to run the house of representatives. Charles and, kim, re democrats, rather, are being very careful not to throw out the iword, impeachment, just yet also. Well, very interesting listening, mr. Nadler let the cat out of the bag. He said, look, the president has already obstructed justice. But in his mind thats the case, and he said really were kind of going through the motions here because we need to convince more americans were not trying to reverse or steal the last election. And so, you know, yes, impeachment is on their minds, but theyre wary that there could be a problem if they go down that road. Charles absolutely. Thank you all very much. When we come back, the 2020 democratic field continues to grow, but the biggest news of the week could be whos not running and whos still on the fence. When you retire will you or will you just be you, without the constraints of a full time job . You can grow your Retirement Savings with pacific life and create the future thats most meaningful to you. Which means you can retire, without retiring from life. Having the flexibility to retire on your terms. Thats the power of pacific. Ask your financial professional about pacific life today. To be nobody but yourself in a world which is doing its best to make you everybody else. Means to fight the hardest battle, which any human being can fight and never stop. Does this sound dismal . It isnt. Its the most wonderful life on earth. We really pride ourselvesglass, on making it easy its the most wonderful life on earth. To get your windshield fixed. With safelite, you can see exactly when well be there. Saving you time for what you love most. Kids whoa kids vo safelite repair, safelite replace do you love me . I can really move do you love me . Im in the groove now do you love me . Do you love me now that i can dance . Applebees 3 course meal. Now thats eatin good in the neighborhood. Charles former colorado golf John Hickenlooper joining the growing 2020 democratic field on monday, but the big news of this week may be whos not running for president. Former new york city mayor Mike Bloomberg says he wont enter the race although his money will. And ohio senator Sherrod Brown announcing hes also going to sit this out. Hillary clinton says shes not runed but, reportedly, isnt ready to close the door entirely. All of this, of course, as the waiting game continues with former Vice President joe biden reportedly in the final stages of preparing for a 2020 run. Were back with Dan Henninger and gillian melcher. Im losing track, kim, of 40s in and whos not whos in and whos not. And i think whos not speaks pretty loudly about issues within the party particularly within the moderates. Yeah. I think there are two main issues that are guiding the decisions for those who are not in. One just has to do with how crowded the field is. You know, its one thing when you have 14 candidates out there and no one knows who they are, but youve got a couple of big name stauers out there stars out there, so that makes it harder Sherrod Brown or jeff networkly who both inside merkley who both decided not to do it. A lot of the operatives have been sucked up by other campaigns. But the other one is what you get to, which is we have an ascendant wing of the Democratic Party thats highly progressoff, very, very progressive, very, very intolerant of those in the middle, and i think some of these candidates like Michael Bloomberg understood that their views on wall street, on the idea that capitalism is a good thing, on the idea that maybe you cant have medicare for all, its too expensive, those are just not very popular and would make a run very hard right now. Charles and, of of course, gillian, with the brown, senator brown not getting in, folks are wondering who could win back the blue collar vote, because that was his angle, right . The ohio game, he went to iowa recently. Is there someone like that that you think right now in the current in the current lineup . Charles yeah. I mean, i think they really do have a problem here because youved had new green deal democrats, and there are a lot of ways that those interests are pitted against each other. Maybe joe biden would be able to appeal to them. I think thats kind of the best bet candidate for recapturing some of those voters, the blue collar guys that were lifelong democrats but went to trump. But, yeah, i do think were seeing the demographics of both parties fundamentally changing, and candidates are still the feeling out how to gram with. That. Charles speaking of demographics, in that party theres a youth movement. Its an Ideological Movement and an actual movement, and theres a lot of talk about not having the same old people run or control things. Nancy pelosi already has her hands full just trying to control those folks who have been elected, and it seems like that might be playing a role with respect to biden waiting. Oh, its playing a big role, the demographics, the idea that the millennials are going to define the Democratic Party. And this sort of gets the role of social media, because the millennials seem to have this big presence in politics whereas the people who got trump elected i mean, the conventional wisdom after the election was pennsylvania, michigan, wisconsin, blue collar voters had been overlooked. Theyre not on social media all the time. And to me, the most interesting dropout here is, indeed, Sherrod Brown who was supposed to be running in that lower middle class, blue collar lane. And we also talked about Hillary Clinton not running. Big question, where do her voters go . Look, Hillary Clinton had real support. I remember back in 2012 going out and spending a day with her in ohio in one auditorium after another. You know what the auditorium was filled with, charles . Blue collar women. They really liked Hillary Clinton. And the question is, where are they going to go now . Are they going to join up with a lot of these leftwing candidates or wait for somebody like joe biden. Its not just the millennials in the Democratic Party who are going to determine who gets that nomination. Charles spa, kim and, kim, we havent mentioned Bernie Sanders yet. The change also in i californias up first or in the beginning someone like a Kamala Harris could gain the sort of momentum, maybe go for those votes that dan just talked about, the women hillary voters. Yeah, but how to do you actually do that, thats the question that i dont really understand. You know, this was encapsulated very well this week in this fight that were seeing going on between wisconsin democrats who want democrats to hold their convention in wisconsin in 2020 and miami democrats. And this is the fundamental choice facing the apparently which is do you go after these multicultural minority, coastal state voters, or do you go after these blue collar voters who for a while democrats were convinced this was their problem, its why they lost in 2016, trump got those voters, they need to get them back. But the poll and i think the problem is can you have a candidate that actually a appeals to both ends of those . How do you have a candidate that wants the Green New Deal and to get rid of all coal manufacturing jobs, for instance, and then also appeal to blue collar coal workers . It does not seem like its possible. So, you know, a lot of people are waiting to see if biden comes out and thread that needle, but i think theres a good question whether anyone can they had that needle. Charles certainly looking like the gordian knot, thats for sure. Much more when come back. Also cal rove, he karl rove, he tells us why its shaping up to be the, quote, democratic primary from hell. Primary from hell. Plus, his reaction to the lets be honest dealing with your insurance shouldnt be more frustrating than the accident itself. Thats why esurance makes it simple. Just take some pics. [picture noises] go to sleep. Wake up. Grab a bite. Maybe some racquetball. And boom your moneys on the way so you can get back on the road fast. Well, not that fast. The editor had to make it fit in 30 seconds. Its pretty tricky actually trying to. And. Tagline. When insurance is simple, its surprisingly painless. When insurance is simple, morhave discoveredour their irish roots. Which means your smiling eyes, might be irish too. Order ancestrydna, and find the surprises in you. Just 59 through march 18th. Get your kit today. Stimulant laxatives forcefully stimulate i switched to miralax for my constipation. The nerves in your colon. 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Charles well, as the 2020 president ial field continues to grow, my next guest says its shaping up to be, quote, the democratic primary from hell, end quote. Karl rove is a wall street journal columnist and former Senior Adviser to president george w. Bush. Carl, you also karl, you also say pass the popcorn. [laughter] yeah, its going to be a heck of a great theater for us. The democrats have changed the rules on the calendar in four very profound ways. Theyre going to start earlier. The first Republican Debate in 2015 was in august, the first democratic debate will be in june. And theyre going to have a dozen of them before voters go to the polls in february of the next year. Theyre also frontloading the delegates. By march 3rd of 2016, under a quarter of the democratic elected delegates had been selected in caucuses and primaries. In 2020, by march 3rd nearly half of the delegates, and by april fools, 70 of the delegates to the National Democratic convention will be selected. And theyre going to be proportional. So were frontloading, and their rules say if you get 15 of the vote, you get delegates. Theyre very proportional. So were going to have three or four or five candidates who are going to be competing in various states, and three or four of them are going to end up being above 15 in each of those states, and were going to have a lot of people, fractured convention, and may not have a majority on the first ballot as a result of it. And finally, superdelegates. Theyre calling them, incidentally, now the automatic dell the gates. Theyre hide delegates. Theyre hiding the name. Superdelegates are not allowed to vote on the fist ballot ott to, but if theres not a winner, they get to vote. Imagine if 765 sort of senior states people of the Democratic Party come roaring onto the field to decide who the democratic nominee is. Charles so bidens looking at all of the math and all of these changes that you just laid out along with some of the other political calculus out there, and everyones sort of waiting, waiting, waiting. Ultimately, the Democratic Party now hes seen maybe as a savior for a party that feels like its a rudderless ship. Well, i think thats what hes hoping. Im not certain thats necessarily what its going to be. Weve got two people sitting here having not entered the contest who are likely to be major players. One of them is biden who has the highest name id of any of the candidates and consistently leads the national polls. Now, he can build on that name id and that strength, or more likely, he can see it diminish as these other candidates get better known. He doesnt need to enter the contest early, which is why hes not in today, but hes got a very tough row to hoe, because once he gets into the race, he better demonstrate some strength, or hes going to rapidly dissipate. The other candidate is Robert Francis orourke whos going to likely enter the contest. He signaled that he will. Texas is going to be on the 3rd of march. If he runs strong in texas, hes going to be a player at the convention. Charles what about Kamala Harris, some of the new, i guess, rising stars within the party . Yeah. Look, whats interesting is some of them have had better entries into the race than others. Some of them have done better on the money than expected. Sanders, for example, raised 10 million in 24 hours. Kamala harris had raised about a million and a half. But whats interesting is every one of those with the exception of sanders has an early state. Well, vermont is early, but it doesnt have that many delegates. So every one of them has got a chance to get a big slug of delegates. Massachusetts votes early with Elizabeth Warren, california with Kamala Harris, texas with Robert Francis to orourke. So much of these candidates are going to jump into the race and have a contest that could cement their position as a player or sink them if they perform, underperform expectations for their home state. Charles you mentioned the super delegates as potential king or queen makers. What about Michael Bloombergs money, perhaps as much as 500 million . How could that influence this outcome . Well, hes indicated that hes going to stay focused on two issues, climate and guns. Hes not indicated that hes going to take an active role in trying to determine who the democratic nominee now, hes got plenty of time to change his mind and enough money to burn a wet mule, so he could be a player. But i think were likely to see him focus on those issues rather than picking up on any individual candidate with his money. I would expect to see him speak out against some of the sort of far leftwing excesses of the Democratic Party, but im not certain hes going to back his public statements up with checkbook expenditures. Charles weve seen the left wing gain a lot of traction and influence already this year in ways that i think are profound. Considering the momentum that they have right now, what does that mean for 2020 . Well, thats the real big test, because theres a divide between the activism of the Democratic Base and all democrats. If you take a look at some of these public polls, for example, more democrats want somebody who can beat President Trump than somebody who agrees with their views, but thats not the view that may be the view of all democrats, but if you look at the activists who participate in these primaries and caucuses, theyve got a decidedly more leftwing view. You saw it in the primaries to some degree in 2018, but more importantly you saw it in 2016 when Bernie Sanders whod had never run as a democrat for public office, the first Democratic Convention he ever attended was the 2016 Democratic National convention. And, remember, he gave Hillary Clinton a run for her money. Charles he certainly did. Karl rove, always great talking to you. Thank you very much. Thank you, charles. Charles still ahead, democrats divided. How a House Resolution condemning antisemitism became a broader antihate measure instead and what it says about a party in turmoil. One resolution addressing these forms of hatred not mentioning her name because its not about her. Ve got to tell you something important. Its not going to be easy. Quicksilver earns you unlimited 1. 5 cash back on every purchase, everywhere. Actually, thats super easy. My bad. Im begging you. Take gasx. Ed beneath the duvet thats super easy. Your tossing and turning isnt restlessness, its gas gasx relieves pressure, bloating and discomfort. Fast so we can all sleep easier tonight. I see everything as an opportunity. This is an opportunity once again to declare strong as possible opposition to antisemitism, antimuslim statements, antiwhite supremacist attitudes. Charles that was nancy pelosi teeing up a house bill thursday on a resolution that, quote, encourages all Public Officials to confront9 the reality of antisemitism, islamophobia, racism and other forms of bigot ottly. The resolution initially meant as a response to comments made by freshman democrat ilhan omar that were seen as antisemitic. But the final draft does not mention omar by name. It was broadened to include all forms of hatred. After backlash from house progressives and some 2020 democratic president ial hopefuls, back with us now, dan, gillian and bill. Bill, it certainly morphed over a three or fourday period into something that i think it missed the mark. Yeah, look, its a farce. They the reason we had this resolution is they couldnt pass a resolution just condemning antisemitism, right . So a what we have is this woman makes these antisemitic remarks, they draft a resolution against antisemitism, they cant pass it, so they throw in a lot of other hates, we hate hate, especially if we can implicate donald trump, they mentioned charlottesville and so forth. Then it passes. She votes for it herself. Its just ridiculous, right . The only, the only reason that she might be cautious down the road is that she may lose her seat on the Foreign Relations committee. But the problem the democrats have is not her. The problem is that her sentiment, her antiisrael sentiment whether or not people are antisemitucker you know, the boycott, very popular within their party. They booed jerusalem back in 2012. President obama had the authority that he could suppress that. I think even Hillary Clinton had that authority, could tamp it down. Im not sure they can tamp it down now. Charles in an effort to pass this, gillian, some very well respected lawmakers really went out on a limb, in james clyburn, for instance, suggesting her personal pain was more important and relevant than that of people whose parents or grandparents were in the holocaust. Yeah. I mean, this has been quite the spectacle. It kind of cracks me up, was i remember because i remember two or three years ago when the black lives Matter Movement was at the front of the headlines. The progressives, this very wing of the party, was so profoundly offended if you said blue lives matter, if you said all lives matter. But i think this is their all hate matters moment, and its just fascinating to watch the hypocrisy here, especially when you have such an antisemitic statement and such an unapologetic attitude to this. The fact that they wanted to stand up and pretend theyre antifar it, yet they cant even condemn it when it happens in their own ranks. I think this is a telling moment. I think its a big political and cultural moment, for sure. Were sort of debating about the mess that the democrats are in, but look what they have done. They have listed all these other hate crimes, and they have essentially established a moral equivalence between islamophobia, acts against sikhs, hindus, the Lgbtq Community and historic antisemitism. Her remarks were not just antiisrael. She was talking about jews having dual loyalties. These are slurs that go back centuries, and it absolutely does relate to what happened during world war ii and the holocaust. For the Democratic Party to now simply put that on a same moral plane with all these other moral concerns of theirs says a lot about how simply politicized this movement has become. Theyve lost a lot of moral standing with this. And she voted for it, so you can tell it doesnt mean anything, right . [laughter] charles thats true. But also just how, you know, her colleague alexandria ocasiocortez jumped into the fray early on, and i feel like that helped to shift the debate. Because this is an eternal issue. This is a democrat issue, and when she jumped in, it changed the whole thing completely, gillian. And this is how we ultimately got the resolution that we got. Yeah. I think were seeing here that the far left socialist, progressive wing of the party is a real threat to Democratic Unity and authority. I mean, it is shocking. You have somebody coming out with this antisemitic statement. Why cant they just rally and say this is wrong . Youve got this wing of the party thats basically hijacked their ability to take a moral stand, and i think this bodes poorly for their ability to accomplish oh things. Absolutely. I think, i mean, their problem, again, is not this individual congresswoman, the problem is the party that her views are popular in the party, and thats an outlier with the American People. Its just a very outside view. Charles and, dan, how did this mitigate future criticisms of republicans for not rebuking President Trump on a wayward tweet here and there, that kind of thing . Well, again, i think thats right. Theres an equivalence here. I mean, this resolution actually mentions charlottesville and virtually every other hate crime and event thats happened in the last two years, clearly trying to associate it with President Trump. Again, it makes it fundamentally a political act, and i think the American People are sitting out there looking for a level of seriousness about the disagreements going on right now, and i think gillian is right, that the left inside the house of representatives is just going to make life hellish for nancy pelosi. Theyll be back. This is not going to be the last charles you could argue theyre more emboldened now than they were, in fact. Thank you all very much. Still ahead, weaker than expected job numbers in february, but there is a Silver Lining in fridays report. Steve moore is going to take us through those numbers. I think the big news really was that wages went up, and thats great for the american worker. Tech at safelite autoglass, we really pride ourselves on making it easy to get your windshield fixed. Teacher lets turn in your science papers. Tech vo this teacher always puts her students first. Student i did mine on volcanoes. Teacher you did . oh, i cant wait to read it. Tech vo so when she had auto glass damage. She chose safelite. With safelite, she could see exactly when wed be there. Teacher you must be pascal. Tech yes maam. Tech vo saving her time. [honk, honk] kids bye tech vo . So she can save the science project. Kids whoa kids vo safelite repair, safelite replace nows the really fun part m car. Choosing the color, the wheels, the interior. Everything exactly how i want it. Heres the thing, just because i configured this car online doesnt mean it really exists at a dealership. But with truecar, i get real pricing on actual cars in my area, i see what others paid for them and they show me the ones that match the car i want, so i know i can go to a truecar certified dealer and itll be right there waiting for me. Today, right now. This is truecar. Charles the u. S. Economy added just 20,000 jobs in february, far below expectations. But with fridays report grim was it as grim as the headline suggests . Steve moore, long time. I want to also let the audience know youre the coauthor of trump mommics inside the America First plan to revive our economy. So is the plan working in. [laughter] it has been working. My gosh, weve got a blockbuster economy. We got to 4 growth in the middle of last year. We finished the year with first time in 15 years with 3 growth. By the way, charles, you know, on that jobs report,s we have the best labor market for workers probably since the beatleings were still together. [laughter] i mean, tests amazing. The its amazing. One of the reasons the jobs numbers werent very good was because literally employers are running out of workers to hire. And its a big problem for a lot of employers. Weve got a blockbuster economy right now with a lot of employers looking for workers, and they cant find them. I mean, look, there are some signs the economys showing down a little bit, and that does concern me. But if youre a worker looking for a job, this is the best time to be looking for a job in half a century. Charles and i agree with you there, steve, i also like the idea that these nonsupervisory workers, seven months in a row, north of 3 , in fact, outpacing the number in six of the last seven months. This suggests that folks who hadnt really seen raises in a long time are finally seeing them. That was the ultimate promise of candidate trump, wasnt it . Yeah. When larry kudlow and i and art laffer put that tax plan together for donald trump back two and a half years ago, the whole idea was not to help rich people and and not to help big corporations, it was to get more capitals investment, more hiring in the economy. And what we wanted to do is create a really tight labor market so that workers could bid up their wages. And, charles, thats exactly whats happened. The wages for middle class workers are as strong as theyve been in, you know, probably since 2000. And, by the way, i hear people like Elizabeth Warren and people like Kamala Harris say we need an economy that works for the middle class charles right. [laughter] i mean, are they paying attention to whats going on . Now, i am concerned about a couple things. You want me to tell you what those are . Charles lull. Absolutely. First of all, the fed is killing us, charles. The fed has been way, way too tight for too long. You report on this every day, the stock market starting in september remember what happened in september, october, november, december, you know, it was a crash in the stock market, 5,000 points down on the dow. Remember what they did right before christmas, what i call the Christmas Eve massacre. And now that was because of very tight money. Commodity prices crashed. Over the last three months, did you know this, charles, Consumer Prices have actually fallen. We are not in an inflation environment, we are in a deflation environment, and the fed doesnt get it. Because, charles, the fed believes that growth and people working causes inflation. I dont know where they got that idea charles but jay powell he doesnt get it. Charles think about it. There was a time not long ago if wages were up 3 in four consecutive months, the fed would have sprung into action. They would have began automatically assuming inflation and started to hike rates. Theyve indicated that theyre going to let this part of the economy grow. So heres lets go back to right before they started raising those rates because, look, i think these were catastrophic decisions. If you go back to the summer of 2018, charles, the economy was growing at 4 . We had the best labor market in 50 years, and we had no inflation. Tell me, charles, what about that picture does the fed have to fix . You know, if youve got a winning strategy, you keep with it. Since then weve seen decline in prices now, the fed decided right after christmas they were going to stop raising rates, which was a very positive thing. Im here to tell you thats not enough. They have to reflate the economy. Weve got a strong, progrowth economy right now. Everybody in the world wants to invest in the United States, so theres a big demand for dollars. At the same time the fed is sucking dollars out of the economy, i think its terrible. Charles would it be enough if the fed stopped their quantitative title. Ening, if they stopped taking that 50 billion out of the economy, or you want to see rates go down . I want to see the rates where they were before they started raising them in september. I think they should be buying bonds, not selling them. Until we get Commodity Prices back, theyre still 10 below where they were in september. And the fed is way below their target of 2 cpi growth, so thats a big problem. The good news, by the way, theres another piece people arent reporting on which is if we can get this trade deal done with china, and i know you report on this nearly every day charles youre a mind reader, my man. [laughter] these are top on the economy. Im feeling pretty good about things. You can never trust those politicians, but if trump can pull this off and the chinese buy more of our products, protect our intellectual Property Rights theyre stealing 300 billion a year from us, you know, as trumps yahoo d to say, you cant have free trade with a country thats cheating and stealing. If he gets that done, i think thatll be a big plus for the job market and for the stock market as well. Charles of course, steve, we just saw reports that exports were down 20. 7 , that their exports, so in an exportdriven economy, their economy has some serious issues that probably began even before the trade war. That probably could help us get to a deal within the next 30 days, do you think . If that happens, were going straight up. If the fed helps us. Give us a little break, jay powell. Charles i think jay powells going to help you out. He wasnt a year ago, but i think hes had an epiphany along the way. Hey, steve, thank you very much, my friend. Thatses, charles. Charles when we come back, a striking new number shows apprehensions at the border are skyrocketing as a resolution to block President Trumps Emergency Declaration heads towards pass package in the senate. This emergency order, this executive order, goes against the of congress. [music playing] vo this is jerry. Jerry has a membership to this gym, but hes not using it. And he has subscriptions to a Music Service he doesnt listen to and five streaming Video Services he doesnt watch. This is jerry learning that hes still paying for this stuff hes not using. Hes seeing his recurring payments in control tower in the wells fargo mobile app. This is jerry canceling a few things. Booyah. This is jerry appreciating the people who made this possible. Oh look, there they are. team member this is wells fargo. The sleep number 360 smart bed, from 999, intelligently senses your movement and automatically adjusts. So you wake up rested and ready for anything. Save 500 on select sleep number 360 smart beds. Only for a limited time. Muck on track to encounter cle to one million illegal aliens at our southern border this year. Our capacity is already severely restrained, but these increases will overwhelm the system entirely. This is not a manufactured crisis, this is truly an emergency. Charles that was Homeland Security secretary Kirsten Nielsen on capitol hill this week Warning Congress of what shes calling a serious and sustained crisis at the southern border. Data released this week by the u. S. Customs and Border Protection shows more than 76,000 migrants crossed the border illegally in february. Thats an 11year high. All this as the senate gears up to vote on a resolution blocking President Trumps Emergency Declaration. The measure, which passed the house lasting week, now all but certain to pass in the senate. Kentuckys rand paul becoming the fourth republican to announce his support, were back with Dan Henninger, kim strasseling and gillian melcher. We know theres speculation, rand paul said maybe ten, i even saw an article in had the hill suggesting 15. If you get to 20, this thing is vetoproof. Yeah, and i think you see at the moment Senior Republicans attempting to have conversations and make sure that doesnt happen. Look, its always tough, rand paul, to be the 51st vote. But once youve got a majority, it becomes a lot easier for everybody else to just pile on. And theres, you know, two different branches of republicans that have got concerns here. One are groups, appropriators mostly, when are very concerned about the president using money from military Construction Funds thats going to come out of their states and go somewhere else. But you also have the strict constitutionalists in there, the folks like rand paul or ted cruz, mike lee who are simply very concerned that congress has the power of the purse, and theyre not necessarily convinced that this national Emergency Declaration is straight up in terms of the separation of powers. Charles dan, it feels that, ultimately, the constitutional part of this will be answered by the supreme court, and then theres the part about the president you surgeoning the power of the purse usurping the power of the purse from congress that resonates with a lot of folks. Thats right, charles. Meanwhile, there is this event going on down on the border, and secretary nielsen is right, there is an unprecedented number of immigrants coming up from guatemala. Weve seen the pictures. Mothers, children on their back. There is a crisis of some sort. And for the congress of the United States, on one hand, there are issues involved with the National Emergency vote, but theyre going to go through this, and then theyre going to basically walk away and wash their hands of the Immigration Crisis . This is an abject political failure on the part of congress. Charles families up 338 , children up 54 , that is the sheer numbers are a crisis at the border. Absolutely. And i think weve seen, as dan mentioned, congressional abdication. Look, the problem isnt so much that we need a wall, or its that the immigration laws are fundamentally flawed. Right now if you decide to do it the legal way, go to a port of entry, declare that you need asylum, you may not even be able to get across the border the same day. Meanwhile, if you cross illegally, you have the same ability. You essentially get to jump the coup. And i think the queue. And i think that encourages people to cross illegally on so much that if you declare asylum, its fairly easy to clear that initial hurdle. And the adjudication system is so backlogged that you can end up having permission to work legally in the United States for years. So those are real issues. Thats Something Congress can solve but hasnt. Charles well, dan, ive been thinking about this for a while when this issue initially began to blossom, it could have been a great, great time for the grand bargain to get it all done, bring daca, once and for all. Yeah. Both the president and congress have problems there. They both contributed to the problem. And they have got to do something in that direction. They are not going to just simply be able to stop this group coming in through the borders right now. The ninth Circuit Court of appeals this week ruled that these immigrants have habeas corpus guarantees. More of them are going to come now. So congress and the president have got to sit down and figure out a way to rationallallize the immigration system and address this, because it has become a general win crisis. Charles kim, do you still think, ultimately, the president will get this funding, that this will survive his veto . Yeah, i absolutely do. Look, they kept the numbers very low in the house in terms of the republicans who actually voted against it. And, you know, you have to have twothirds of both the senate and the house to override a veto. So whatever the numbers come out to be in the senate, it would be very tough for congress to, ultimately, override that veto. I think he gets his money. But they ought to be putting this aside and moving more quickly because dans and gillian put their finger on it, this is congress failure. Theyring being defied not justy the white house, but by the courts too. Dan just mentioned the ninth circuit, and its because they have a poor immigration law, and they need to sit down and fix it. Charles yeah. Its a crisis in more ways than one. Thank you all very much. We have to take one more break, but when we come back, hits and misses of the week. cos i know what it means to walk along the lonely street of dreams here i go again on my you realize your vows are a whitesnake song . I do. If you ride, you get it. Geico motorcycle. 15 minutes could save you 15 or more. I was thinking. D clot could there be another around the corner . Or could it turn out differently . I wanted to help protect myself. My doctor recommended eliquis. Eliquis is proven to treat and help prevent another dvt or pe blood clot. Almost 98 percent of patients on eliquis didnt experience another. And eliquis has significantly less major bleeding than the standard treatment. Eliquis is fda approved and has both. Dont stop eliquis unless your doctor tells you to. Eliquis can cause serious and in rare cases fatal bleeding. Dont take eliquis if you have an artificial heart valve or abnormal bleeding. If you had a spinal injection while on eliquis call your doctor right away if you have tingling, numbness, or muscle weakness. While taking eliquis, you may bruise more easily. And it may take longer than usual for bleeding to stop. Seek immediate medical care for sudden signs of bleeding, like unusual bruising. Eliquis may increase your bleeding risk if you take certain medicines. Tell your doctor about all planned medical or dental procedures. Whats around the corner could be surprising. Ask your doctor about eliquis. Time now for hits and misses sof the week. Kim, first you. Its never easy to be a first lady. Even less easy to be first lady to president from the press is constantly gunning and extension family. This is a hit for Melania Trump that went on tour to be or be best initiative which is aimed tat childrens wellbeing, on m social behavior, and the effect of drugs and families. It is an important issue, a complex issue. Anyone whos ever watched social media knows that we could use more people asking us to be our best. Well done for her. Jillian . A hit for my home state of wyoming. University of wyoming came up with a slogan last year, the world needs more cowboys. You the usual pc voices coming forward saying cowboys is inherently a gender term that there is a history of racism, genocide or this is not including those but the board of trustees stood up unanimously and decided to keep it. We are starting to see numbers now. Theyve got about 18,000 equipment leads on this. The public loves it. They even sold a coffin with the logo. The message of the administrators is clear. Cowboy up these extreme voices do not represent public opinion. Bill . Have a hit to the state of colorado for announcing it was dropping the second lawsuit against kate baker jack phillips. This time for not baking a cake celebrating a gender transition. The first time around colorado lost largely because of the religious animus to mr. Phillips. They wisely saw that this would not go anywhere but only half of a hit because the harassment of the man has been so egregious that the antireligious animus is so naked and the retreat so grudging. Charles, a misty new jersey governor, phil murphy whos actually becoming something of a regular at this part of our program with hits and misses. His miss for the proposed budget wants to raise the tax on millionaires to 10. 75 percent in new jersey. This is on top of the fact the new jersey will get hit in the neck next month by elimination of the state and local tax deduction. There are about 20 million millionaires in new jersey. If governor murphy gets the tax passed this year do not expect orall of them to be sitting the next year. Thank you all very much. Thats it for this week. Thank you to my panel and of course thank you all for watching. Catch me weekdays on making money with charles payne. Tpm on the fox business network. Of course we hope to see you next week. White house sources telling fox news President Trump ask congress for nearly 9 billion extra dollars tomorrow. More than ever before. To help build the border wall. The president is set to unveil the new budget proposal. Hello Everyone Welcome to a brandnew hour of americas news headquarters i am eric shawn. Trax im arthel neville. The president first lady heading back to washington after spending the weekend at maralago. Tomorrow the president unveils the budget request for the 2020 fiscal year. Sources telling fox he will ask congress for an extra 8. 6 billion for the border wall. Six times more than

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