Mandatory quarantine in new jersey now out of the hospital. Hi, everyone, im grefrpen carlson. I hope you had a fantastic weekend. We are here to bring the real story today. Nurse kaci hickox released 40 minutes ago, a vocal critic of how the state of new jersey kept her in quarantine after she claim she was not showing symptoms of ebola after First Showing a temperature. The new york city diagnosed with ebola renames Serious Company at that hospital. And we are awaiting results on a 5yearold boy now who is being tested for the disease. Rick leventhal live at Bellevue Hospital in new york city with more. Rick what do we know now this 5yearold little boy . Reporter gretsch. He had just returned from guinea in west africa with his mom on saturday and by sunday, we are told that he was vomiting and had a temperature of close to 103 degrees. The family called 911 and the new York City Fire department sent ambulances and First Responders in protective tuesday is the take that boy and his mother from their home here to Bellevue Hospital where they were put in isolation and given ebola tests and we are still waiting on those test results. The other members of that boys family are also now in quarantine. Dr. Craig spencer remains in isolation in serious but stable condition. Doctors say he was doing better sunday than saturday with the expected symptoms of the virus and he may have been helped by a blood transfusion from nancy writebol, one of the nurses who contracted ebola and survived. The Plasma Treatment believed to be a effective way of batting the disease. Spencers fiancee and two friends are also in quarantine at home and said to be showing no signs of the virus. Gretchen . Okay. Lets move over to new jersey now, just reporting the nurse, kaci hickox, just leased from the hospital there and going back home to the state of maine. What else do we know about her at this time . We were told she was released roughly 40 minutes ago, not in an ambulance but pry buy private car and flying private back to maine. Kaci hickox has been very vocal about from the very beginning about her objections to her con typement. She liken it had to being in prison, but the governor says her vocalness didnt have anything to do with her being released. The nurse was volunteering with ebola patients in sierra lee yes, maam, deapril taped when she arrived in Newark International friday when she had no symptoms did a telephone interview, where a piece for a dallas paper, complaining about her treatment, calling it inhumane without shower or flushing toilets. Negative test for ebola, symptomfree, agreed to transport her home to maine but new Jersey Governor Chris Christie says 291day gar rap team policy for anyone with direct contact with ebola patients is necessary and still in effect. I understand she didnt want to be there. She made that very clear from the begin bug my obligation is to all the people of new jersey and we are just gonna continue to do that. So the critics are the critics, no matter what you do, there will be critics. You dont worry about that you worry about doing whats right for the people you represent. New york also has 21day gar rap teen in affect but people can spend that quarantine at home and also comp pen side for the weeks there for lost wages, if Doctors Without Borders or some other agency isnt already paying them for their time. Gretchen . Rick leventhal live for us at bellevue. Thank you. As rick reported, governor christie standing by his decision to take extra precaution as Health Care Workers like kaci hickox return from west africa. Its always been about her condition. Her condition permits release, then we will work with the folks, the state officials in maine to make sure that she can go home. Our preference always is to have people quarantine in their homes. Earlier, hickox had threatened a lawsuit, calling the treatment inhugh main first of all, i dont thinks doctor and secondly, he has never laid eyes on me and thirdly, i have been asymptomatic since ive been here. Joining me now, karen higg. A registered nurse and copresident of National Nurses united. Great toughen the show, karen. What are we to make as the public in this country of the differing protocol, now even between governors, who just two days ago had the same policy about quarantining people coming back from west africa and now, those policies are also morphing . Whos right . I dont i dont have an answer for that. Patients continue to show up, whether they are still being ruled out or, in fact, have ebola. And our concern still goes back to in the end, we will be taking care of them no matter, how this plays itself out. And i need to make sure theres intense sive care unit nurses, other nurse and other Health Care Workers, that we are provided, again, with the best equipment, with what is what we should have as far as equipment and education to be able to take care of these patients. Who are you going to depend on, karen . Even Governor Cuomo in new york last night seemed to diss the cdc, saying his policies may be better than the cdcs. Who are you depending on . Well that is the problem. You know, cdc, as far as for us, making suggestions, making a multi a list of, you know, multiple checkoff list as far as what we should be doing for equipment is absolutely the wrong direction. So we are actually and have been, in washington, been to washington, continue to ask congress and ask the white house to come up with a mandated set of not only Safety Equipment that we would all be using, but the education that goes along with it and we are pushing this and saying we should all be doing the same type of treatment. No doubt. That is who we are looking toot make that decision right now. You are looking to the white house. The president , you know, he nominated, put into effect this ebola czar, that who you are hoping to get the message from . Well, we are trying to get it from all. We were looking at washington there is a congress there as well. They can make a mandate that this happens that the equipment is available, not only that we are all using the same standards, that we are all using the same equipment, that we are all following the same educational piece, and so you know, its all of washington we are not sure what we are waiting for, other than to make sure we are safe and my safe city not a checkoff list. My safety is not a is not what you suggest. We know what equipment works. Its been used and its working in atlanta and nebraska. That is what we should have everywhere. If youre going to have every hospital take be able to take these patients, then we have to have every nurse and every Health Care Worker ready to be able to do that and to keep us safe. If you keep us safe, you keep the public safe. Of course. Thats what we heard from both of those governors in new jersey and new york as well, their duty as a public official to keep the people safe, not amount people on the outside of the hospital, but in your instance, the people on the inside who are volunteering to treat these patients. I use the word volunteering because i want to play a snippet now from the nurses who were at texas Presbyterian Hospital when Thomas Duncan came there and i think a lot of people are going to be shocked to find out that they volunteered to help him. Listen to this. People are allowed to request not to be taxed with his with his care. Asked for volunteers. Everyone volunteered. Everyone was a volunteer. Housekeeping, respiratory. Physicians. Nurses. Wow. I mean, karen, to think that nurses in texas, and elsewhere, are volunteering to put their lives in danger says a lot about your profession, does it not . It does. And i would expect that. That does not surprise me. And again, thats the way it should be to start and i think that you will see more and more people volunteering. What we need to do is make sure that we are taking care of them and that is providing a mandate on the equipment that we are being is being used and the education thats being given to these people to make sure that we are doing everything we possibly can to keep them safe. Karen, please keep us posted as to when you get word from washington about when that protocols gonna happen, because we have been talking about ebola now for five weeks and washington still has not given you the answers and you deserve it, karen higgins. Will say, is just quick is that we have a petition thats going forward, National Nurses united, and asking the public to please sign to put pressure on washington to do the right thing. Where can they go to sign that . Please join us. On National Nurses. Org and our website and if them find the petition there and we are pushing to, you know, get washington do the right thing. I will put on my Facebook Page and on twitter as well. National nurses. Org. Karen, thank you so much for telling us the real story today. Thank you. Well, we are just over a week away, can you believe it, from the midterm elections already and several races that will shape the balance of power in congress are going down to the wire. Lets check out colorado. The latest real clear politics average shows republican congressman Corey Gardner holding a slim 3. 2 lead over incumbent senator, mark udall n iowa, numberen Joanie Earnst holds a twopoint lead over bruce braley. Former president bill clinton will campaign in both these states in the coming days. Down in georgia, what republicans thought at first was a safe race now a dead heat. Democrat Michelle Nunn is tied with Republican David Perdue in the latest rcp average. Chris stirewalt is a fox news digital politics editor and author of fox news first, a mustread by the watch i read it every single morning. I would say so. What are we to make now as we are down to the wire . Go out to colorado for interesting voting guidelines and regulations changing that, right . Certainly, the first year that colorado has been a vote by mail state. Vote by mail states are democratic in our experience. Washington state, oregon have both seep strong moves to democratic side since they put that in affect. The ski do people know how to poll colorado given this change and this advantage for democratic organizers who can now go out and instead of getting people to go to the polls, just need them so on on the dotted line so they can vote. That makes it a lot easier, gives democrats more time to get voters out, especially important in a year where democrats are feeling pretty depressed. There is not a lot for them to be happy about. So, this gives democrats advantage. So does gardner gardners lead real . We will see on election day. Very interesting. Very interesting. Okay, iowa, real quickly, nail biter . Nail biter, we will be watching this one on the decision desk late, late, late, late, late, i promise. Okay. I like how youre quick on that. Georgia georgia this is democrats best hope for something interesting, get the republicans on defense. If this goes a runoff, i bet you see 100 million, 80 million alone spent in just that state, if the control of the Senate Minute willinged on t something that a lot of people are not talking about now, what if we dont know the actual outcomes of some of thee decision on Election Night or the day after, they could be that close. Chris stirewalt, top write a great report every day and we will see you again soon. You bet. Imagine a test that could tell you whether or not a traveler from west africa has ebola almost instantly. Our next guest says he has the technology. What he says it will take to get it in americas airports. Plus, a tense scene off the coast of there as the coast guard actively working to rescue. We will have more on that when we come back. And have you always wanted to stick lawmakers from opposing parties on a Deserted Island in the middle of nowhere, see if they can actually get along . Wait no more. Yep. Thats testimony and a gopper together. Do they make it . I thought maybe could i swim just a little faster than martin and that might help me with the sharks. So democrats are expendable. So, why not . People with type 2 diabetes come from all walks of life. If you have high blood sugar, ask your doctor about farxiga. Its a different kind of medicine that works by removing some sugar from your body. Along with diet and exercise, farxiga helps lower blood sugar in adults with type 2 diabetes. With one pill a day, farxiga helps lower your a1c. 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Ask your doctor about farxiga and visit our website to learn how you may be able to get every month free. Looking back to the real stories, to a developing situation off the coast of miami. At least nine people rescued after found clinging to that raft you see right there Good Samaritan spotted the group this morning, notified the coast guard, however, our local fox affiliate in miami is reporting several agencies, including the coast guard is still looking for at least four more people. There are reports the group were migrants trying to reach the u. S. Main land. We will keep you posted on any major developments. Now for some real talk about screening for ebola a Startup Company claims to have developed a test that can deekt the presence of ebola in just ten minutes, using a single drop of blood. But the makers need government approval to start selling this technology. Carrie gun is the ceo of jen light, themaker of the test. Great to see you, mr. Gunn. Hi, gretchen, thanks for having me on the how does this tenminute test work . So, jen light was founded about seven years ago to Start Development of a new technology. The technologies that are available for diagnostics today, i use the analogy, these are like old film camrys. They take hours if not overnight to generate a. Are you in compare stone a digital camera which is almost instantaneous. We think of ourselves that is digital camera. You can take a single drop of blood, apply it to our chip and get a result in ten minutes. All right. So youre not talking about actually having to draw blood from people. This would simply be a finger prick . Correct, we are tabable to t a finger prick of blood, a few microliters of blood and apply it to the chip as posed to tubes and tubes when you go to the doctor. Arm a lot of people wondering, wow, could we use a test like this for people coming back into the u. S. Airports from west africa . Would it be applicable in airports . Well, thats one of the application and where its gonna be used, above my pay grade, but to be able to take a finger prick of blood and screen an entire plane load of passengers within our capabilities and something that the existing test, even the ones that the fda is busy fast tracking today, they really cannot do that, because the time it takes to generate the test is too long to actually get the throughput you need. So the really important question is can you tell if somebody has ebola by this finger prick of blood if they are not showing symptoms yet . Well that its Million Dollar question and just like with aids testing, technology is trying to close the window between the point of infection and the time that we are actually able to make a definitive test result. Unlike many other diagnostic tests where there are the fda requires you to run tense of thousands of samples before you will go for fda approval and know those answers exactly we dont note anticipates to that with this technology. Clear flight the type of field trials would you normally go through. However, when jenna light does compare our technology against other Standard Technologies that are being used today, we very often have increased sensitivity over whats available. So interesting to speak with you about this because we are having this huge debate just over the last three days in new jersey and new york about what to do with people who are coming back and you have governors, you know, having a stance and in at least one case, changing their story and reversing the quarantine in new york. This test obviously would help everyone know exactly where they stand right away. A fascinating discussion. Thank you so much, from jenna light, great to see, mr. Gunn. Well, the pentagon saying dozens of Army Soldiers and twostar general now in isolation at a stopover in italy after the fighting the spread of ebola in west africa. Why is their policy different than the white house and the cdc . And maybe some good news for retailers. Er lind caters showing possible record shopping this christmas season. What that means for your next trip to the mall. Plus, a new study fupgd the Economic Impact of stress is costing u. S. Businesses some 300 billion a year. So, that brinks to our question of the day. What stresses you out the most at work . I know its a loaded question. Just think of one thing. Tweet me at gretsch. Carlson. Use the the real story. We will read your comments coming up at the end of the show. What stresses you out the most. What stresses you out the most l l dont unstuff your nose. Really . Alkaseltzer plus night rushes relief to eight symptoms of a full blown cold including your stuffy nose. breath of relief oh, what a relief it is. Thanks. Anytime. Welcome back to the real store rush the gunman shot dead in Canadas Parliament after killing a soldier leaving behind a video he made it before his deadly attack it lace out some of his ideological and political motives. They say they will not be leasing the they believe the ki homegrown radical and acted alone. Mortgages rates continue to tumble, even lower, the fifth straight week. Check this out. Last week the average fixed rate 30year mortgage fell to less than 4 , going against what most experts were predicting. The last time they were this low was july 2013. Is now the time for people to refinance . Join me now from our sister network, Fox Business Networks charles payne, now the time . Think some if youre paying over 5 , 5. 5 , 6 , anything like that think absolutely. And there close to 1 trillion of mortgages in that range. So a lot of people, you know, who missed it the first time around, we have seen in the last two weeks huge spikes in refinancing mortgage applications. That number comes out again this week. I bet you its up again. Because i sense that people felt like they missed it the first time around, to your point, a lot of people thought that ship had sailed, come back down, feels like a sense of you are general circumstance the irony, not getting a spike in people that buy homes despite these low rates. Okay so why, why are the rates going down . You know, theres a by this time, everybody should have been out of the bond market, should have been into the stock market. A lot of anxiety around the world, still keeping a lot of pressure on our rates, people are buying our treasuries. And its one of these things are the market is taking control, even though they know at some point, maybe next year, the fed will start to raise rate, doesnt matter, the market is forcing us right now, why i think it may be short lived, people have the things on fence, might be the smart time. Act on that now if you need to looking for more proof that americans are feeling better their own innocence, look no further they were holiday shopping. New polls showing americans are planning to spend nearly 4 more than they did last year, but, charles, is this enough to make up for the bad retail that we have had leading up to this . This could be the best in seven years so it might be. You couple a few things, refinancing boom, put a a lot of money into the economy, we are saving over 200 million a day since july on gasoline. And people are probably going to dip into their savings a little bit. This is interesting, gretchen, a lot of people say they are going to spend more and i think people believe, if you look just in the last week, amazon is hiring 80,000 temporary workers. Ups, 95,000, fedex, 50,000, jcpenney in trouble, 35,000. Game stop is adding new workers. So the retail industry, they are bulking up. They think we are going to spend a whole lot of money. I think the one caveat is americans are probably going to have to dip a little bit into saving, not establishable, because our wages have gone down and our taxes have gone up. All right. So youre hearing the good and maybe a little bad. We will celebrate. Spend the money, have a great holiday. I thought you and i could go out and go shopping . We will worry about it in january. Okay. All right. Thanks, charles. Dont forget to check out charles on the fox business network, his show called making money with charles payne. If youre not sure where to find it in your area, log on to fox business. Com channel finder. You got to find it. Got to find it thanks, charles. Thanks. The white house wading into the ebola situation just months ago what they are now saying about mandatory quarantines for medical workers returning from west africa. And what will it mean from our ambassador to the u. N. Visiting the region right now as we speak . When horsing around goes wrong, why it took an entire team to pull this horse out of a swimming pool. Right back. You do a lot of things great. But parallel parking isnt one of them. Youre either too far from the curb. Or too close to other cars. Its just a matter of time until you rip some guys bumper off. So, here are your choices take the bus. Or get Liberty Mutual insurance. For drivers with accident forgiveness, Liberty Mutual wont raise your rates due to your first accident. See Car Insurance in a whole new light. Call Liberty Mutual insurance. Fox news alert for now the army putting a dozen troops returning from west africa into a 21day gar ran teen, whether or not they had come in actual contact with any ebolainfected patience. Mean time, the white house says that the cdc will release new guidelines today on workers returning from west africa. So stay tuned for that chief white house correspondent, ed henry, joins me live. So, ed what do we know about these new guidelines . Gretchen, breaking shortly and what we know for sure is that it will not include, at least according to the white house, a mandatory 21day quarantine mandated by the federal government. What that led to Chris Christie in new jersey, governor go mow in new york, moving ahead on friday with their own quarantined, saying we have the returning Health Care Workers, we have to deal with them if the federal government suspect going to move. That led to kaci hickox in this tent outside of a hospital in new jersey, while the federal government is working on these new guidelines. Governor christie says he is not backing down, even though she has been released, he said long term here, he is going to continue moving forward with the quarantine. Listen. The minute she was no longer symptomatic, she was leads. And thats common sense approach that the federal government wasnt taking that we took first, new jersey and new york, day offed by chicago and now adopted by maryland. Now, josh earnest, the White House Briefing wrapped up a few minutes ago, said when the new federal guidelines come out in the next couple of house, still leave latitude for governors and mayors to potentially go forward with their own quarantines, led to a lot of question, doesnt that just add more confusion, just guidelines for the federal government, a patch work system, state by state, local kmaupity by local community, josh annest said check with James Madison because of the ageold question, federal versus state power. That is a confirmation, more confusion moving forward, gretchen. All right f that were not cop fusion enough, ed, seeps to be more confusion about the pentagons policy for our troops, as i just reported. The pentagon is putting people with regard or not with regard for the fact they have even been in touch with ebola patients, put them in quarantine. In the short term, we know about Major General darryl williams, now on base in italy with 11 other troops after having returned from western africa. They are in basically a quarantine, making sure that they are not infected themselves, make sure they dont infect anyone else. Also have reporting from our own Jennifer Griffin that basically, the joint chiefs have now recommend to defense secretary hagel that all returning u. S. Troops should be dealing with a 21day gar ran teen come back from western africa and led know press josh earnest, why is that policy still being formed . Why didnt the commander in chief set this policy north returning troops before he sent them to africa . Listen. How could that not have been decided before . Because what we are seeing here, ed, is we are seeing this administration put in place the policy wes believe are necessary to protect the American People and to protect the american troops. They say we are putting the policies . Play, i mentioned that recommendation from the joint chiefs that all u. S. Troop wednesday they come home with have a mandatory 21day gar ran teen. Josh earnest stressed that is not official policy yet and would not state president supports that recommendation by the joint chiefs, yes or no. That policy still being formed, our troorngs some of them are already in west africa, gretchen. So confusing if to do a multiple choice, who has the quarantine and who doesnt i dont know if i could remember. Would you pass. I would . Thanks for the live report. The same time, the American Ambassador to the u. N. , united nations, vowing that the United States will fight ebola over the long haul. Samantha power currently in west africa visiting the encenter of the Ebola Outbreak says we need to overcome the fear that ebola is an automatic death sentence and stigma associated with the disease. Last week, the u. N. Laid to you the a plan to have 100 of ebola cases isolated and all the dead safely buried by january 1st. Ebola killed 5,000 people mostly in guinea, liberia and sierra leone. As just heard from ed two governors, one common message on ebola, at least for a little while. New Jersey Governor Chris Christie and new york governor, andrew cuomo, originally seeing eye to teye when it came to anyone facing the deadly virus and both men took to twitter in a passionate defense. Governor christie tweeting this i believe Governor Cuomo and i made the right decision for the health of the public in new jersey and new york on 291day quarantine. New jersey is not changing its quarantine protocol. Governor cuomo treating this my practice has always been to err on the side of caution, hope for the best, prepare for the worst. New york has eased its policy for mandatory car ran team. President of gotham ghost writers and david avella is president of gopac and here to talk duke this out. Dan, let me start with you. There is no national set policy, we just heard from ed henry there might be one moments away from now, but why is there not . We have known about ebola for four, five weeks . I fair question and exposes one of president obamas real weaknesses as a leader, not from a partisan perspective but leadership. A crisis, the country looking to the president in aing case of a national issue, they are looking for someone to convince them he is in charge and that he can restore confidence in the institutes of government. After the break down of letting the nurse travel to ohio, a real crisis of confidence, the president needed, in my view, to step up, reassure the American People that the cdc could be trusted. Now seeing just by Governor Cuomo and christies actions they dont trust the cdc. Doesnt this just promote more chaos, because now really up to these governors to try and figure out what they should do to keep the people in their state safe . Also from a political perspective, you know, not surprising that a republican governor would say i need to go out my own way. It is shocking that a democratic governor would start trying to distance himself from this white house in that we are eight days from an election and what better what worse way i should say for democrats to say they are in chrome and know whats going on than to have different messages coming from different leaders of their party. You know, why have we not seen one medical professional come out of the white house and talk about this . Where is the Surgeon General . The Surgeon General is an acting Surgeon General, okay . Thats the first thing. But you could he does have a long history of being able to know a lot bin if he can, disease, but he was not called on for action. And there were other people, the health and Human Services secretary, she was not called on this guy was, the ebola czar, ron klain . The president happens been visible enough. One of his weaknesses as a leader is he dismisses thing, the country is looking to the president to reassure them and show strength, views that as thee at tricks. Sometimes that is grand stand, in cases like this when there is elms of a small panic in parts of the country, he needs to show he is in charge and the government can handle this, that theres comp tense. We dont have that right now but i have to disagree with david. Not sur flying andrew cuomo, who is a centrist democrat, has been through his entire term in new york, would break from the white house when i think surprising his people are in very scared right now and he is erring on the side of caution. I will use the word again, he dissed the cdc, said his policies might be better than the cdcs. I got wrap it there, guy, time to give my take on. This by now, you might be wound wrecker the leadership is on ebola. The white house has a different policy on quarantining than the pentagon, as we just heard and new york and new jersey, while simpatico a few days ago are flound attorney general figure out what their policies really will be as well it made me wonder earlier today, just asking, where the heck is the ebola czar . Didnt president obama name a czar, ron klain, because he felt pressure to have one point person in charge of this issue . If so wouldnt now be about the right time to hear from the czar in some shape or form . Instead, we have individual governors and state, even individual hospitals trying to figure out the proet come alarmingly, even had new yorks Governor Cuomo publicly digs the cdc, saying his policy, whatever it ends up being would probably end up being somewhat safer than what the cdc comes up. Wow. What does that mean for the rest of us . Just regular real folks, wondering if our government and Health Organizations really know what they are doing and how to really keep us safe. Coming own the real story, a brand new way to celebrate halloween. Its the ultimate jack of lantern. Real live pump consistency shaped like frankenstein. And a bus driver earns praise after finding something extremely valuable and making sure it gets back to its rightful owner. Plus this oh oh. Oh. Thats as rotten as martins ideas on social security. What happens when political rivals are forced to work out their differences in a fight for survival on a Deserted Island . A republican and a dem together for seven days. Sfll they are here, live. Big day . Ah, the usual. Moved some new cars. Hauled a bunch of steel. Kept the supermarket shelves stocked. Made sure everyone got their latest gadgets. Whats up for the next shift . Ah, nothing much. Just keeping the lights on. laugh nice. Doing the big things that move an economy. See you tomorrow, mac. See you tomorrow, sam. Just another day at norfolk southern. Out what america is clicking on today a horse in arizona expected to be okay after falling into his uppers a swimming pool. According to rescue crew the horse was tranquilized so they could get him out. A bus driver in boston doing the right thing this weekend when he returned a wallet full of nearly 2,000 the owner says she was on her way to the bank when she lost it. And firefighters in iowa bringing a cat and three little kitties back to life after their home went up in flames. Crews used oxygen to revive them. Encouraging signs for the gop now, eight days away from midterm elections a new poll gives them an 11point edge when asking likely voters which party should control congress. Republicans ahead 5241. This as the president prepares to do more Campaign Appearances in eight days than they did all year, but he wont be appearing for any democrats running for the senate. Hmm. Joining me now, rival senators from opposite sides of the political aisle, Arizona Republican senator jeff flake and new Mexico Democratic senator, martin heinrich. Great to see the both of you together. All right. Let me start with you, senator heinrich, why is it the president is going to do all these campaign appear perhaps but not going to go to any of these Close Senate Races . You would have to ask the white house that, but certainly, i would always welcome the president in new mexico, midterms are tougher for democratsism found in 2010 having the president out in august in the heat of the battle was actually good thing for my reelection and what was probably the toughest year that i faced. So i think would you have to ask the i will ask senator flake the same question, i dont have the president here, we would like to interview him why is he not going to go to these stays in the look at the popularity of president now, just not Senate Candidates are running well ahead of the president in most of those states that matter right now. And so i think bringing the president in, they could only conclude would not help them. Now, you two work on opposite sides of the political divide, but also just completed a very unique experience in cooperation, spending a week together on a Deserted Island with no fresh water or food. Count it do can a dem and goper survive together . In the middle of no where never completely prepared. We will have to rely on our ability to try and Work Together. We get along, you know, in washington, to an extent but not in close quarters like this and not having to rely on each other to survive. All right. So this reality show called rival survival. Senator heinrich, why would you do this . One of the things we wanted to show is despite the frustration in washington right now and despite the fact that jeff and i disagree on most political issues, you can still Work Together and we wanted to do that in a very sort of outofthebox way that forced our colleagues to think how we can make the institution more fun. Deserted island, the mild of nowhere, no fresh water, a way to figure out if could you do it together. What happened, senator flake . An extreme measure, both admit, in extreme snirks the senate, its dysfunctional, really is, its not working. Regardlessless of who controls the senate have to Work Together. What happened . It was tough. This was not a resort. Give us a snippet, an idea, because i understand the waters surrounding this island were shark infest . Yeah. As i mentioned before no fresh water. What did you guys do . We were expecting to get dropped off on the beach, however, they we were in the middle of a storm they can actually made us swim to the island, about a halfmile swim to the first island. There werent really enough resource there is so we had to swim to a second island. Both of those sort of open ocean swims with lots of sharks, lots of current and it was it was challenging. It was one of the most challenging things ive done in my life. Senator flake, did you know senator heinrich well before you went on this trip with him . Not as well i know now. We knew each other, close akwane tenses, certainly, worked on a few things together, but this was a lot more close quarter here. Anyone wants to know if washington can get along, check out the show, rival survival premiering on discovery chan this will week, wednesday, 10 p. M. Eastern. And i have to assume that since youre both here, did you survive. We did. Somehow you managed to get along together. Maybe theres hope for washington. Senators, thank you so much. Thanks. A wouldbe thief tries to pull a fast one. Tries a grab a womans purse and jump off a bus before the doors close. Tell you why he might be regretting that decision. And one man in california is putting a whole new twist on a pumpkin. Look at this. What is that thing . We will have his real story. All that coming up next. Gd om so we gave people the power of the review. And now angies list is revolutionizing local service again. You can easily buy and Schedule Services from toprated providers. Conveniently stay up to date on progress. And effortlessly turn your photos into finished projects with our snapfix app. Visit angieslist. Com today. For that moment, where right place meets right time. And when i find it i go for it. announcer at scottrade, we share your passion for trading. Thats why we give you the edge, with innovative charting and trading features, plus powerful mobile apps so youre always connected, wherever you are. 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Tony is an organic farmer in southern california. He decided to put a new twist on the autumn staple and now youll never look at a regular pumpkin in the same way. Theyre called pumpkinstein. The original reaction is its plastic or a candle, but quickly people realize its real, and its obviously something theyve never seen, ever. And so theyre completely blown away. I was just looking for something different, something totally out of the box. Everyone asked, where did you get the idea . Started with the square watermelons. They make them in but they were not edible. So i figured, that was interesting. I want to see if i can do it edible. We finally did it. And using inserts in the mold, i saw how you could manipulate the skin and the fruit itself. But if it was going to really be a success it had to be christmas or some event that was really warranted people spending money for. And cant grow anything for christmas, its just the wrong time of year. So, halloween, and for four years it didnt work, at the end of last year, we were pretty much done. Literally the last field that we went into to harvest, we pulled a couple molds out, opened them up and it was the first one that actually worked. Well get 5500 pumpkins this year, and theres probably, i would say, 70 that we can put in molds. When i first originally designed these, the molds the drawing was real scary. I said it has to be something that doesnt scare the kids. So thats why we put a smile on its face. How cool is that, right . Like this guy right here. And i bet youre wondering are you where you can get a pumpkinstein like these. Theyre pretty much sold out. That if theyve been so successful but whole foods and other National Chains may still have them in stock. But next year tonies planning on growing a bigger crop so keep on eye out when next halloween rolls around. Coming up on real the real story, game five of the world series starting off on the wrong foot when the singer mixes up the words. How he is respond though mishap when we return. Im type e. My golden years will not just be gold plated. I had 3 different 401 k s. E trade offers rollover options and a Retirement Planning calculator. Now i know when im going to retire. Not if. Heartburn. Did someone say burn . Try alka seltzer reliefchews. They work just as fast and are proven to taste better than tums smoothies assorted fruit. Mmm. Amazing. Yeah, i get that a lot. Alka seltzer heartburn reliefchews. Enjoy the relief. A hi. Ty . Im new ensure active clear protein drink. Clear huh . My nutritional standards are high. Im not juice or fancy water. Ive got 8 grams of protein. Twist my lid thats three times more than me. 17 vitamins and minerals. And zero fat hmmmm. You bring a lot to the party yay new ensure active clear protein. 8 grams protein. Zero fat. 17 vitamins and minerals. In delicious blueberry pomegranate and mixed fruit. The world series starting on a bit of a sour note last night. What so proudly we haled, were so gallantly streaming. Oopsy. Front man mixing up the words to the national anthem. Apologizing and asking the country for their forgiveness. Crime never pays, thief tries to steal a purse on the bus and then trapped in the door. The driver pounded the thief with a baseball bat. The driver pulls over, letting the Police Arrest the crime perp. I told you about a study that sayses stress at work causes businesses hundreds of millions of dollars. So we asked what stresses you out at the office . Anne gets worried when he boost ims her and says, hay. Were seeing stress about eye race customers who think theyre always right. She says, the customer is not always right. Doug says he stressed about meeting a quota and output. I wonder from holm. Its from his wife. Her quota and output givens him stress. Roy says adrenaline at high levels all the time is a killer. Thank you for writing and thank you for being part of the real story today. Im gretchen carlson. Ebola ebola confusion, different states and different policies for doctors doctors ans returning from west africa. Now one nurse won her battle to go home. The end of an era in afghanistan. The last u. S. Marines stationed there on their way home. Are afghan troops ready to take charge . A Highway Patrol officer in one stayed admits he stole naked photos from the phones of women he arrested and shared those photos with other officers. Did it for years. As a game. Lets get to it

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