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But first, fox news alert. The Transition Team is Just Announced a statement. It reads this way, i learned yesterday for the first time that the unit nomadic u. S. Attorneys office advised my Legal Counsel yesterday that they are investigating my tax payers. I am confident that a professional till my professional review will demonstrate that i handled my affairs legally and appropriately, including with the benefit of tax advisors. A few of us knew that already, to be honest. Shortly before last months election, we reported on the show that federal prosecutors had opened a criminal investigation into Hunter Bidens business dealings with china among other countries. We knew that was true, which is why we set up. W other news organizations knew it was true too, but they didnt say it. They said nothing. They had that news, critically relevant news. They didnt want to hurt joe bidens chances of getting elected. The Justice Department itself refused to confirm the existence of that investigation for fear of being accused of political interference. So going into election day, most americans had no idea any of this was going on. All they knew was that joe biden had dismissed the entire thing as a russian plot. And that large numbers of senior officials in the socalled Intelligence Community agreed without assessment. That is what joe biden set up the debate. Again, what we are about to play for you is the sum total of information that most voters in thisot country got about the bin familys business dealings with china in the weeks before they made up their minds in the mselection. Watch. There are 50 former National Intelligence folks who said that what this but hes accusing me of is a russian plant. They have said that this has all the dash four, five, four former heads say what he is saying is a bunch of garbage. Nobody believes that except his and his good friend rudy giuliani. Tucker oh, so 50 former intelligence folks have decided that its his brush and garbage. Just more slavic disinformation. Another example of them interfering in our sacred democracy. So just throw it in the circular file. Well, that is a familiar line. Youve heard it many times before, in fact he heard it every day for years. Russia ye yet, somehow you havent heard it much recently. In fact, for about a month and date eight days. They have about zero interest in highlighting russian meddling in the selection. Assuming there was any russian meddling, it wasnt veryng effective. Apparently Vladimir Putin let down his closest friend. In fact, the whole topic no longer seems like a priority for the Democratic Party. Have you noticed . Its now clear to everyone whether they are ready to admit it, that the real threat to this country is not russia. It hasnt been russia for 30 years, since the summer of 1991 when the soviet union collapsed. The truth is that the real threat we face, as a country, is from the communist government of china. Which, and everyone knows this too, has long been endowed with our democratic elites. In some cases literally in bed. More on him in just a moment. But to tonights news, how do we know hunter biden is under federal investigation . Where did the news come from . It came directly from the biden Transition Team. They are the ones who told us. It was not leaked to the new york times, it came right from the top of the Democratic Party. In fact, and tonights statement there was included a messagees from joe biden himself. Affirming that he is deeply proud of his son. Joe biden didnt specify while e was so proud of hunter biden. We can only speculate. We can be pretty sure that joe biden didnt want to issue the statement in the first place. Why would he . Who would want to issue it . He issued it because he was pushed. By whom and for what purpose was he pushed . That is the question tonight. We dont know the answer to that. We do know that there are powerful forces within the Democratic Party that do not like joe biden. They believe joe biden is to mail and to white and to into the old ways. Back when there was a functioning constitution that provided checks and balances on power. People like that would like to displace joe biden and get the right to the part of the story where Kamala Harris and her sponsors at google around the United States of america. And its hard to believe they are going to wait for years to do that. We will see. You heard it here first. According to what we have learned to nights from the statement, investigation into hunter biden is not related to his drug use. We confirmed that as well. Instead, based in part by suspicious activity reports on foreign transaction. In the weeks before the election, you are not allowed to go on twitter and facebook and discuss those suspicious foreign transactions. You couldnt talk about them even after Hunter Bidens business associate came forward with evidence that bowls were real, like Tony Bobulinski. You had to be quiet did not tell your neighbors about any of it in case they were tempted not to vote for joe biden once they learned it. They mightve been tempted not toto vote for joe biden had they known. On this show, Tony Bobulinski revealed that hunter biden made deals with groups connected directly to the communist party of china. He made those deals with the blessing of his father, explicitly. He the former Vice President joe biden, who himself was profiting from those deals directly. The former Vice President said he had no knowledge whatsoever of his sons business dealings and was not involved in them at all. But this sounds like direct involvement. That is a blatant lie. When he states that, that is a blatant lie. Obviously the world iss aware that i attended the debate last thursday, and did not debate he made a specific statement around questions around this from the president. And i will be honest with you, i almost stood up and screamed liar and walked out because i was shocked that after four days or five days that they prepped t for this that the biden family is taking that position to the world. Tucker again, that was Tony Bobulinski, who was in business with hunter biden, who meant with joe biden to discuss that business with china. That is what he said on camera. And at the time, they called it the conspiracy theory. Cnn rolled its eyes, literally. They dismissed it as russian disinformation. Most deemed it on worthy of mentioning at all. Now it turns out, all of them are lying. If you are looking for election rigging, look no further. That is what this is. They kept information from the public in order to influence the outcome of the election. They rigged it. A few good reporters have been vindicated tonight, starting with the tough staff of the New York Post who took a massivein amount of prep. Brendan devine is among them. She works at the New York Post and she joins us tonight. Thanks much for coming back on the show. A lot of the things that you suggested in our conversations and in pieces that you wrote for the New York Post, it turned out to be vindicated by the biden transitionrn team. How does that feel . Well, it is so frustrating. And the timing come of course, of that peculiar Statement Today is perfect, because it comes a month after the election, sos there is no real consequences for joe biden. He just did damage control. He throws out the garbage before christmas when no one is reallyn paying attention. Its interesting that hunter biden has made the statement. And its quite peculiar that it is been released by the bidenharris Transition Team. An official press release with joe biden adding haze pleas of sympathy which he usedym so cynically and successfully in the past to try to shield his familys dodgy business dealings overseas. That just wont wash. You know, i think also the timing of the statement coming just one day after a really damning report with plenty of evidence including from Hunter Bidens laptop and from Tony Bobulinskis revelations. Which. 2 and influence peddling scheme being run by the biden family around the world, most dangerously in china. And china is our Number One National Security Threat and we now have a man who is compromised by china, who isho heading into the white house next month. Tucker what you make i do make such a good point about the cynicism behind my son has a drug problem. No one should get a pass for that. But let me ask you, what do you make of a fact that the story is being carried by Media Outlets that just a month ago refused even toha acknowledge that this was a story. Well, they buried it. They very successfully repressed it with the help of big tech. Joe biden, as far as they are concerned, has won the election purity doesnt need that kind of suppression. So they will report just what the bidens want them to report and then move on. It just shows that our story was correct and your stories were correct during the election campaign. But at that time, they were dangerous to bidens reelection efforts. And we know that those suppression efforts worked because there are polls showing that almost half of joe bidens voters had no idea about the hunter biden laptopbi story. And 10 of them wouldve changed their vote if they had known. And that is in battleground states. It would have change the results of thehe election. Tucker it so funny to see all these republicans jumping up and down about voter fraud. There was voter fraud. There is no doubt, oldfashioned voter fraud. But this is election rigging that took place in public by the big tech t companies. It tells you something about it. I would say. I cant resist. Editorializing. Great to see you, i hope you come back. Thanks, tucker. Tucker big enough censorship. Harmful misinformation and harmful content. They said they are deeply concerned about making sure our platform isnt used to incite real world harm. What is that mean its ugly . Youtube explained, we will start removing any piece of content that misleads people by alleging thatne widespread fraud or arros change the outcome of the 2020 president ial president ial election. The irony here is enough to make you dizzy. The company that rigged the election byth suppressing information in order to influence the outcome of the election more than any Foreign Government could do was now telling us to preserve our faith in the election, they need toce censor us more. So how exactly are election related videos causing harm . Well, youtube doesnt explain that. They would cause harm. We need to break this company up, like, immediately. But youtube does go on to boast that its Censorship Campaign has beenth underway for quite some time. Since september we have terminated over a thousand channels and thousands of harmful misleading election related videos for violating our policy. These were terminated, by the way. Thats not creepy or anything. Over 77 of those removed videos were taken down before they had wanted to be his. What in the world is going on here . Ask the rational questions and you reach a dead end because there are no rational answers. This is just flat out to tyler totalitarian control. The premise of that film is the september 11th terrorist attacks were a false flag operation and that drones, not planes, hit the twin towers. They havent shut that down. There is a lot of stuff on there. On youtube. Its not only unsupportable, but fully crazy. You n can watch thousands of videos explaining how russia hacked our Voting Machines or mind control thousands of americans with facebook memes. Thats how dumb we are. A facebook meme can take over your brain. One Youtube Video from pbs today, which we paid for by the way, and shouldnt, goes into great detail about how russiaqu swung the 2016 election. You are paying for that. If not true, but whether its true or not isnt the point. You think google cares whether its true . No, they care whether it has the right political message. I there is another motivation, by the way. It Silicon Valley is trying to destroy the evidence of their own misdeeds. No single group perpetuated more fraught on last months election that need tech and billionaires who are l not just telling us there was no fraud at all. Civil rights attorney, one of the most dogged First Amendment lawyers, very few left in this country. We are proud to have her on tonight. This is enough to make you feel like wow, things are falling apart. If they can hide the evidence of their own misdeeds, what canted they do . Well, it is a new development, tucker, that they are hiding the evidence of their own misdeeds. Anybody who isnt watching what google and the other big tech giants have been doing for yearb is not surprised that their algorithms are so on point that they are able to, as you pointed out, smite the very video before it even lands at 100 computer and boxes. And how they do that is for years they have been writing these algorithms, which treat Different Things differently. An antisemitic video they treat that differently than an antimuslim video. This is evidence that has been leaked out of youtube by itsde programmers. You understand, anybody who has been there, that for 3. 9 years they have allowed false information concerning the 2016 election to thro flourish and t. When you talk about the harm of an election and misinformation, what is the harm here . The election has already occurred, so why are they so desperate to eliminate the evidence and eliminate discussion of it. You pointed out one. Some of these tech companies, facebook has been known to have sent reminders to vote or reminders to register, only two democrats right before the election. I would argue that as a violation of the federal Election Commission regulations. And somebody needs to take that up. But they want to shame people, they want to shame all of these youtube creators who make their living off of being on that channel. Maybe they should consider that. They want to shame them from ever saying anything that violates. Its a pavlovian response to give you a from the danger wire, keep you away from the electrical funds. And people will do that. Nobody wants to be called a crazy person. There is no pride in that. There goes the revenue. So this is about the next election and the next election. These are tactics that google appears to have learned from its cash cow in china. Theyve been developing ai intelligence over there. And in china, people are followed around with these social credit scores. We dont want to see that here in america, but we are seeing it right now, tucker, and its very scary. Tucker its were fine. Thanks for joining us tonight. Thank you. Tucker the message, in case you are missing it, is completely true. Its that google in its present state isge incompatible with our democracy. We cant have a democracy if google exists as it does now. Also tonight, we are learning a lot more about congressman of californians relationship with a chinese spy. Some details are so salacious, possibly so weird, that they are classified. But mark steyn is not face at all. He joins us to share what he has learned about congressman Eric Swalwells personal relationship with a chinese spy, which is real. Tucker we learned yesterday that congressman Eric Swalwell of california, a very high profile, young member of congress carried on a personal relationship with a chinese fire called christine fun dont mind. If you are wondering whos the real culprit, who is really at fault for this obvious breach of our national security, its not the government of china. Its not Christine Fung. Al according to Eric Swalwell, heres whose fault it is. The wrongdoing here is that at the same time the story was beinge leaked out is the time that i was working on impeachment on the house intelligenintelligence. If theyre going to have that weaponized against them, thats not a country any of us want to live in. I hope its investigated as to who leaked this information. Tucker [laughs] he doesnt want to live in a country where you cant sleep with chinese spies. That is not the america Eric Swalwell knows. Well, to be fair to Eric Swalwell, and of course you want to be, spending personal time with chinese spies has never been an issue for him or for anyone else in the Democratic Party. Thats pretty common. But come within 6 feet of a russian spy, thats where Eric Swalwell draws the line. I stated plainly the president s son met with a russian spy. Sp we now have the best evidence of that in our minority report. All over the world, [ bumping io a sign of aspire, someone who tries to create a coincidence encounter and now we know she was working at the behest of the russian government. Tucker oh, okay. Just so you know the standards ladies and gentlemen, get a pen. The president s son bumped into someone from russia, therefore he is compromised. Well, given that, we asked Eric Swalwells office whether the congressman ever bumped into the chinese spy and camped bumping, if you knowt what we mean. They responded with theth following statement. To protect information that might be classified, swalwell will not participate in your story. So whether he bumped into the chinese by, repeatedly, is classified. Mark steyn is the best selling author and expert on classified encounters. He joins us tonight to declassify the a story. Great to seed you. What do you make of Eric Swalwells classification standards here . I hadnt actually thought that bumping into her is actually the very definition of a spy, but on that basis, bump, bump, bump, i think it was a thing in the 70s, doing the bump. He was doing the bump with this girl all out of town. I dont mean to be comical about it. She is making out with that ohio mayor in the car and the mayor says, why are you interested in me, im 87 years old and i dont seem to be airtight. And she says well, im interested in improving my english. I believe that actually is from the precredits sequence of th the 007 film the spy who loved me where roger moore is putting it to the soviet double agent and she says shes always wanted to improve her facility with the english town. So there is an aspect of that is that it was just drawn the most absurd heightened notions of spy drama. But at the core, that iss something serious going on. The fbi, when they find out shes a spy, why didnt they just put her in a room in a safe house and say okay, you are working for us now. Instead, they go to swalwell and tip spee swalwell that he is wie chinese by. And he tells her, and she leaves the country. That is actually an fbi scandal and a Eric Swalwell scandal. Its interestin interesting to e all these checks and balances and none of them work. Its illegal for a foreign unnational to give 100 to a n president ial campaign, but its not illegal for a chinese spy to be a bumbler for Eric Swalwell and help take him from a know nothing councilman to the literal candidate in the 2020 election. This is a scandal, both for the fbi and the four too. Tucker so we know that Christine Fung bundled for Eric Swalwell to which as they were a way we can declassify this . Well, it is unclassified. Basically Eric Swalwell is assertingca that his bumbling as classified. As you know, 4 Million People with top security clearances. Wandering around america with top security. The very one thing that is not bungled is Eric Swalwells romantic life. Li n thats not classified. That will be the last thing to be classified. Everything is classified now, but for one remaining thing that is unclassified is Eric Swalwells sex life. O the minute this came out, and you are linked to espionage, you are finished. Like michael street, theic american of the cambridge bride spirit he never recovered from that. Swalwell is a disgrace. Hes on the intelligence committee, hes been compromised by the chinese, and in fact he embodiesnc the way the democrat leadership has been optimized by the chinese. Because when you and miranda were talking about hunterwe bidens laptop, whatever youif think that laptop discloses about biden, you often know chairman g has a zillion emails and texts even more compromisi compromising. Tucker nancy pelosi defended Eric Swalwell remaining the intel committee. Its hard to believe this is happening, but it does. Mark steyn, great to see you. Thanks a lot, tucker. Tucker obviously nobody trusts who runs the country anymore. But now, in the middle of this distrust, they are planning to force you to take there coronavirus vaccine. It is so safe they have to threaten you to take it. If they do that, that could lead to a legitimate crisis. We will explain, next. The world is in turmoil. Been turned on its head. Of a possible recession. American cities are experiencing a devastating surge. Hello, im michael youssef. Lately, we are hearing so many conflicting voices and i dont blame you if you are anxious and worried and troubled. But if i told you that theres only one voice that you can absolutely trust. After all, he wants nothing from you and wants to give you everything. Im talking about the lord jesus christ, who said, come unto me, all who are carrying heavy burdens and worry and anxiety. And i will give you rest. Hes the only one who can give you true rest and peace. Will you come to him . [female voice] are you waiting to find a trustworthy voice in the midst of the chaos of this world . Visit findingtruepeace. Com to find a voice that will never let you down. Again, thats findingtruepeace. Com. Youtalk with your doctorers cabout creating a plan. That works better for you. Start taking the right steps at manageyourbp. Org frank now im trying to get better. Stronger than ever tucker the very thing people who scream my body my choice have identified a new causea tonight. Supposing legislation would mandate vaccination if any of them are foolish enough to not take the new coronavirus vaccine. What happens if people refuse . Se in new york, it might depend entirely on the color of your skin. This has to be done in a way that protects social justice, the Health Care System discriminates against black, brown, and poor communities. By effect, you have fewer Health Care Facilities in poorer communities, that is a fact. We want to make sure when we do the vaccine, that it is done in a just, fair, and equal way. Tucker so like most rational people, we are not against the vaccines, we are for vaccines. Polio vaccines saved millions of children. That in this very specific case, lets be clear. If the people in charge forced the population to take this vaccine, we could have a legitimate crisis on our hands in this country. Victor davis hanson is of so much as is tonight on where we might be going. An professor, thanks so much for coming on. Would you make of this . Thank you. Im 67, i have a few health issues, so i will probably rarely take the vaccine, but what they are trying to air on as they want to encourage people outo get 7090 to of been affected with antibodies. Its not as much as we thought. Its probably 30 million. So weve got another 200 million to go. And so we can get so cold the two boo word heard immunity. We didnt think when this thing hit us in march we thought oh, well in ten months we will have effective therapeutics. E they are not here yet. They will just give us, or we will have a vaccination early or we wont have 300,000 dead. So they have to find the fine line. Behind all of this is the 1976 swine flu epidemic. Thats when youre told it was going to wipe out it was going to be another 1918 with the military base. The rush of vaccine. Nine or ten months. I got it, i remember getting it and being very ill for about ten days. It made a lot of people sick. In fact, after 25 of the population was inoculated they said its too dangerous or it has too many side effects. But be, even more importantly, it didnt materialize. And that was unfortunate because it cast a pall over what was very necessary. So historically, the courts have ruled that states have a right to put to quarantine people im sorry, you cant go to school unless youve had a polio vaccination are you cant go to work unless you have been smallpox. And that is why. They usually adjudicated that by saying, are we in a pandemic . Is it a lethal thing question marks or get a flu shot, but you dont have to. We recommend shingles, but you dont have to. And then covid comes along and they dont know what to do because 99. 5 over the age under the age of 60 are not going to die from it. Its very infectious, but they dont know how to calibrate it. A sea of people like this sounding off, we are going to chorus people. Where the smart thing to do is encourage as many people ass you can and keep it flexible. See dont coerce people, you dont go back to 1976 and force people to do it or mandated and have it blow up in your face. But hope that the 30 million that have antibodies, or maybe its more, might be 11 , 20 . May be not vaccinate them. Historically might not want to vaccinate them first. Vaccinate people in the front lines, continually exposed to viral loads. People over 60 then give other people the choice and hope that they vaccinate, but dont coerce them to. You are going to get close to 5060 and maybe wayne a little bit while that last cohort, that is not a susceptible, will make the choice for themselves. And you can educate them and hopefully they will do the right thing and get vaccinated if it safe. Tucker you hope so. You cant treat people like animals, you have to win them over. You have to win them over. And we didnt do that in 76. When the aids epidemic came out, people were too hesitant because they thought we dont want to go and rush into a vaccine or new treatment. Look what happened in 76. Tucker thats a really good point. We are trying to balance the extremes of both coercion and laxity. So far, i think people will make the right decision. Tucker i think so too. If you letet them. Victor davis hansen, thank you for that. Thank you. Tucker all of a sudden you wake up and identity politics is playing a role in the distribution of a vaccine that is not right down not quite here yet. It controls to some extent which businesses get Coronavirus Relief funds they need to survive. In oregon, for example, 62 million fund that only blackowned businesses can participate in. Business owners there have sued citseemed they were denied money because they werent black. Senior fellow at the Hoover Institution and writer of the documentary what killed michael brown. Thank you so much for coming on. Think of for having me. Tucker what you think, at a time when americans really dont trust each other, what do you think the effect of articulating policies like this out loud has on a the country. I think it has a terrible effect. I mean, policies like this are basically where you are using racism in order to somehow cure or repair the damage done by historical racism. And so it is the same, precise sin being used over and over again. And it begins to corrode. The values and principles that made america strong as time goes on, it breaks our faith with our principles. Tucker so you are saying that you cannot they can be corrupted by race. Tucker you cant repair the damage done by historical racism by committing new acts of racism. That is right. It is a futility, even on its face. But again, its like the bad racial habit that we have in america is and have always had in one form or another, is to pick a brace and use it as a means to power. Tucker yes. It has no other function whatsoever. You cant work hard and become a race. It is something i use in order to gain power over you. So when you see Something Like this, then somebody is looking for power. My guess is thee political left, once again cast blocks as dell knocked blocks as victims and thus deserving of entitlements. That is really what it is about. It puts blacks in an position its inferior. Its bad for everybody. Tucker the bad habit that we have in america and have always had is using race as a means to get power. That is a perfect summation of what we are seeing. We appreciate you coming on tonight. Thank you. G thank you think you. Tucker youou never hear it, the people in charge hate to admit it, but whether or not you get coronavirus, you are going to die in the end anyway. All of us are. How do you deal with that fact . Well, you start by confronting it, because it is true. We thought a lot about this. Next, we will explain the conclusion. Tucker death is inevitabl inevitable. That is the one thing that is for certain. A unfortunately, a secular t society, and there has never been a mass Secular Society and all of Human History up until recently, maybe because Secular Society has no answer for the most basic fact ofor life. So the position of our society, the people who run it, is that life must be preserved at all costs, even if that means locking everybody in the rooms for nine months, killing people as they do it. A very wise man, author and television host, he has an ideaa called safety third, and we thought tonight would be a good time youre at mike rowe, great to see was always. Safety third. I dont think you have it in the right isnt it supposed to be first . Well, top five for sure. Safety third really began as a goodnatured attempt on dirty jobs to inject a little personal responsibility back into the prevailing orthodoxy, which is exactly as you stated, safety first. Safety first, like so many well intended ideas, was the notion that simply got a little ahead of itself. There was a real problem with occupational safety. Something had to be done, osha came along and a lot of people it. Behind its a phraseod that have becoma platitude. And that phrase is safety first. But of course, you cant dont act on that it cant really be true. No business exists for the purpose of being safe. Os businesses exist for the purpose of making things and paying people money to work. You can do those things safely, obviously, but they spent so much time telling their employees that they dont care about their safety more than they do. Its something really interesting that can happen. I saw this on dirty jobs. Safety third really began as a one hour special that looked back at the consequences on what could have been on the job if safety were overvalued. Unless, of course, was very controversial. But it got a great conversation and allowed us to look at things like risky librium and risk. All kinds of Different Things that impact our behavior when safety is accentuated. And the levels of complacency, paradoxically enough, that often infect us when we are in compliance, completely in compliance, whether its wearing a seat belt or motorcycle helmets, or a mask. You can be in compliance and still not be out of dangers. Everybody on my crew was safe for the first two seasons. Nobody got hurt and we sat through dozens of mandatory safety briefings. All we heard was safety first. By season three or four, we were breaking toes, ribs, everything went off the rails. We were all getting beat up. Hopefully, no one too tragically. But what happened is we simply bought into the idea that our safety was somebody elses responsibility. Hi i started saying safety third as a reminder to me and my crew that the minute you believe that, you are in danger. Tucker i want dark and we are almost at the time. Give me one sentence. Do you think you would be allowed to make a tv show with the title safety third right now. No, thats the one word answer. But google c. S. Lewis, he wrote a incredible essay on living in the atomic age. It frames the entire proposition perfectly. As you said is the onset, nobody is getting out of this alive. Tucker great to see you. You too. Tucker do you remember chaz, of course. Are you ready for chaz the sequel . Well, there is one. Its a new autonomous zone and its got everything. We are going to tell you where it is and how it is going. Next. A picking your Health Insurance coverage isnt something you want to play games with. Hope you got dental. And thats why i love healthmarkets, your insurance marketplace. They guarantee you wont find a lower price anywhere for the plans they offer, so youre not just picking by chance. No copay . Sweet. With Health Insurance plans constantly changing, having the wrong fit could mean missing benefits or costing you thousands. Healthmarkets fitscore instantly ranks plans both on and off the Government Exchange to find one that best fits your insurance needs. 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There is no evidence this is a gentrification, but there is a lot of t evidence of crime going on as the folks refused to leave. Cops yesterday tried to remove them from the home, finally remove them from the home, except they came under assault, the officers, from a lot of people who set up camp there. As they were treated, it up giving a lot of room to the antifa protesters to set up a camp, and right now, they are barricaded. Theyve got a stockpile of weapons. Theyve got armed guards. Theyve got a kitchen ready. So they are there for the long haul,g as the Portland Police department are trying to figure out what exactly they are going to do, but they are amplifying the urgency of the messaging, saying you guys do have to leave peacefully. We are not going to put up with those. So we could potentially see action from the police in the next 24 hours. Tucker its happening because we are putting up with it. If you let your kids to smoke weed at the breakfast table, they will. Jason rantz, great to see you. With that, we are out of time. Sean hannity takes over. Have a great night. Sean i dont want to jump the gunon here. I think i heard it right. Tucker you get what you put up with thats the truth. If you let your kids smoke weed at the roughest table, they so dont let them. Sean listen, tucker, mom and dad, tucker is giving Good Parenting advice. Welcome to hannity. It tonight, a fox news alert. Brandnew court filing. This is important, and this is now getting beyond interesting. The president officially requesting to join what is becoming a major texas lawsuit contesting the election results. Specifically about georgia,

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