Charlie . Reporter heres about we know. The nypb and joint Terrorism Task force will be fork cussing on high focusing on high, impact tarrings like right here, columbus circle, times time squ. The city is on terror alert and someone who reported on 9 11 and the after math, there is no better, better Law Enforcement unit than the nypd and fbi task force. That the warted a lot of attack inside the past. You can see a lot of copped around the circle and all over times square and new yorkers are known to to watch out what is going around you, if you see something, report it. But if youll feel safer anywhere, i feel safe in new york city. They are on red alert and worry about a terrorist attack happening here in new york during this holiday season. Like i said, theyre out in force. Back to you. One of the things noticed these guys are brandishing machine guns and making it clear who the are and what theyre trying to stop. Reporter yeah. If you the task force is a paramilitary force. Lets theses november rent acops here. This is a parra paramilitary force, trained like a special forts unit and know how to get the job done. On top of that is the surveillance and thats the key thing. The fbi and the nypd joint task force has superb surveillance and know whats going on, know the threat levels no one can give you 100 certainty about anything but these guys are out in both both fiely with the machine gun physically with the machine goings and bin the scenes to combat the cyberwarfare of the terrorists. So this is red alert and the guys know what theyre doing. Thank you very much. No doubt theyre probably afraid of charlie, too. We have aim iny milan with the late amy in milan with the latest on the investigation of the killing of the guy who took out Christmas Market. Whats the latest . Reporter well, neil, anis amri was Walking Around by him at 3 00 in the morning atta deserted train addition opening the outskirts of milan. Police didnt stop hem because the recognized his picture, nor because of any intelligence. They just simply thought that he looked very suspicious. So they started to question him. He said he was from the south of italy. When they didnt buy his accent they asked to see some proof himself didnt have papers and didnt have a telephone but he had. 22 caliber shot gun. The chief of police said he was like a ghost and we pulled out that shotgun, shot one of the two officers who stood him. The other killed amri on the spot. Dna and a scientific face match led to the positive i. D. Amri used at least six aliases since leaving tunisia he slide on a boat for reefs, did four years in jail, radicalized there. Italy tried to deport him but tunisia would not recognize him. He went to germany and was under surveillance for suspected plans to stage an attack. Germany tried to deport him but had problems with paperwork. He returned here to italy and the journey ended about the regs is not over. Enter. Interpreter our tippings is attention is at its highest level but italy is present. Reporter despite chaos here in italy and a government that recently collapsed, this country is feel can like it has its act together. One report that amri tried to slip into germany disguised as a syrian refugee with the help of isis, because obviously Angela Merkel has been. Pathetic to syrians. Police want to know who else he knew, why he was in italy, what his network is. Amy kellogg, thank you very meche. What is interesting in these stories that amy and others have been reporting, given the open borders sin we had the European Community where individual countries would act at one, even a single currency, the going that it for tourists and those living through you could freely go from one country to another. The flip side is that bad guys can go from one country to another. This is the route that anis amri took over the last few days. Ahead of getting gunned down today in italy. To trump foreign policied ass a veerser, that the flip side of the open borders, convenient for touris and those who live in the area and convenient as well for the bad guys. Thats true. And thats true also for criminals, for drug dealers, for fleeing war lords, what have you. Ins case of amri, did you notice in the report that the issue was complication of paperwork . He has met with Law Enforcement several places. He torched a center so should be on the radar, the fact he was still on the continent or in germany or italy is because there war complications in paperwork. The problem here is that the european authorities in general, german in particular, have no other structure than to catch them doing something illegal which has nothing too do with terrorism to deport them. While the fact that the continent is being sub mentalled by elements from isis penetrating the refugees. Thats the bigger picture. What worries me, too, is that the paperwork issue was an issue for his country offeror in, tunisia. Apparently not willing to accept him because the paperwork wasnt in order there. I dont know if thats the case of a potential bad guy they didnt want back or a sign that there are others just like him. Thats one case. Look when you have a case of terrorismings what happenses with all of us, the media and think tanks we focus on his private life as if the next terrorist is going to be exactly like him. A clone. What we have seen is that every terrorist, every jihadi has a different context. Were failing in seeing is the big picture, the movement, who is actually radicalized them and asking them to do these strikes and a picture we need to answer. When we talk about in this country where the Obama Administration talks about a aggressively vet those trying to get in here and the average time takes in excess of 12 months but in this case, where you have refugees, those who made it across the mediterranean to get into places like italy and germany and they presumably did have something to show where they were from and in this guys okay this country offeror inis in some dispute. How can you vet something that couldnt be vetted or where there is no paperwork or where people from the origin country are denying a the paperwork . Absolutely. Which leads us to the much greater discussion which i hope 2017 would open, which is this issue of vetting has to end. One end is in the country of origin, and in these cases we see that most of. The are coming from syria. Trying to find an area in syria to direct the refugees to so we wont have the problem of vesting. Even if there are elements who want could tom here threating happens there, by authorities or ngos or allies and let suppose some only them comb here and apply for lift political asylum. Were asking them questions, are you part of a terrorist organization . That not vetting. We need to look at the real thinking process. Heard of the last potential of looking at social media. Thats the last potential. Thats is where they interact and where i did me research to detect the jihadi forces. Thank you, and for your guidance in analyzing this craziness. You have probably noticed we tike a look at the wall and broad. The markets are concerned about this. They have had a funny way of showing it. Not seeing another gain for the longest such streak e stretch we hey seen, backtobacktoback. But what i more interesting here as we look at this is how the markets ignore even the brutal stuff, even berlin, even what happened in turkey, and on and on. How long can that continue . What if told you a lot depends on what a certain president elect does and says. After this. Look at this. A Silicon Valley server farm. The vault to mans greatest wonders. Selfies, cat videos and winking emojis. Speaking of tech wonders, with the geico app you can get roadside assistance, digital id cards. Or even file a claim. Do that. Yeah, yeah that should work. Its not happening. Just try again. Uh, i think i found your problem. Thanks. Hmm. The awardwinning geico app. Download it today. Karim i see the future is really bright for me. The High School Diploma has just added to the confidence and now i feel unstoppable. Narrator find free Adult Education classes near you at finishyourdiploma. Org. A lot of people have caught the markets and their runup to trumps election the trump effect. Can you also have individual trump effects and individual stocks . Want to show you the chart of two defense contractors. One on the left, Lockheed Martin going down, the one on the right, boeing, going up. Could that have something to do with boeings ceo showing a willingness to maybe refigure the price of an expensive air force one contract and the ceo of look heed mart Lockheed Martin showing no such willingness to talk to at the press after meeting with donald trump. We dont know what happened in that meeting weapon know that the ceo did not go to the press after areases and we know 24 hours after the ming donald trump was putting the f35 contract up for bid or Something Like it, tweeting out that maybe bing can come up with an an a. L. Tentative to the fighter aircraft. Gary, thats a big deal. Its huge. One things in the whole during the primaries and general election that was not brought up a lot, because we always focus on trumps personality, but we rarely focus on the fact he was a tough businessman. And that is what he is bringing to the table right now. I think the from what i read in the defense industry, substituting an f18 for the f35, which has been in development for 20 years, is kind of silly. Thats not going to happen. That doesnt matter. Trump is showing leadership, showing that he is looking at the bottom line, showing everything that the vast majority of the public, why they voted for him, he is showing those qualities. Its terrific. Is there another level, though, that were not appreciating here that this is a way of saying, he is a republican, open to cutting defense issues, especially if theres a case of padded contracts. Im not sure how the air force one deal went or the f35 deal went but that even though a contract might be deemed complete and signed and sealed, unless this guys writing off on it, its not delivered and thats a powerful message to send anyone who might have looked at republicans as loathe to touch their pet area of defense, that this could be a message to democrats. Are you open to touch your pet area . Lets say entitlements and strike a deal. Exactly. I think he is going to look at any area, whether it was the air force one, which cost a zillion dollars or this f35 which was its already 200 billion billion, neil over budget. Three or four years behind. Schedule i think hes going to look at every area like that. Going to look hopefully at all the waste and fraud that is in medicare, medicaid, even social security. I think he is bringing his business sense to the bottom line and agree with if he is will to go say theres not sack special in defers. Its hard for the democrats to fight he logic. If you read the art of the deal which is to accept nothing at face value and keep working on stuff until you have a deal that is acceptable to all involved. Now, i think in this case, we have been used to government overruns, used to contracts that went people, just like people who are getting contractors to fin asia custom or do a basement and accept the fact that the contract is going to go up, something i is going wrong and the do it. Think and i could be wrong, distis trump rearview mirrors way of saying, not our collective kitchen, our collective basin what do you think . Exactly. I think the phrase is probably be overused shortly but whole a new sheriffs in town is very appropriate. I dont remember in eight years obamaver questioning the defense budget, what was spent. Maybe hi did privately, but the fact that trump is not only doing it but doing it very publicly and telling the American People that, i am questioning these expenses on your behalf. I think its remarkable if think again he is showing exactly why people voted for him. Now, we try to read into sort of video things, just showing a snip. There snippet there of the boeing executive walking to trump to and the lack heed martin ceo chose not to speck to the press but donald trump is throwing a contract out there and maybe letting boeing bid on it. Something went wrong if wonder if thats in private meetings with ceos part of the rough and thumb tumble nature of them, theyre not warm and fuzzy. Were seeing the tip of the iceberg, the public announce. S, the public trip. Getting out there, raising the flag. Seeing if people salute. But behind the scenes you better bet that non is not only is boeing and Lockheed Martin but General Dynamics dynamics dynamh trupp are on their heels. They say we have this cozy nice relationship outside the beltway, we better sharpen it up. Boeing came back and said dope worry northwest air force one well come in under whatever it was, 4 million or 4 billion. Cant remember the number. But anyway, well give you a discount. Exactly. And here we go gary, thank you. Merry christmas. You, too. More details on the capture of the kill are later on when they called him, the guy behind the berlin attacks but he was meeting and going in and out of a lot of mosques to plan and do things even after the fact. How do we know that . Because we decided to visit one of those mosques. After this. This one is from Channel Islands national park. Coronado. Saguaro. Youll see theres one thats an eagle. My number one goal is getting more funds out to parks because some animals and plants are only found in one place in the world, and thats in some national parks. I find thats a great cause, and i want to support it. avo the subaru share the love event has donated over four Million Dollars to help the national parks. Get a new subaru, and well donate two hundred and fifty dollars more. Put a little love in your heart. These images to the right of me are those of the attacker in berlin. This is the guy who got in a truck and rammed on the sidewalk at a Christmas Market there in berlin, and plowed down and killed 12 people and injured dozens more and got away. But less than 24 hours later, he was meeting at a berlin mosque, sometimes at the oddest of hours, 3 00 or 4 00 in the morning their time. Surveillance caught him on tape and was able to try to track his goings of that. He went to knob after other countries, italy, where he was killed today. But the point is a lot of miss meetings opinions were at mosques. Former navy seal with us. David we know that authorities checked out one of the mosques and it led to a lot of things. Some people wince at that and say, wait a minute thats correct going for a. What do you think . Absolutely not. You need to have both offense and defense in this war on terrorism. The defensive end is putting up barricades, chicanes and have to have an offensive and that getting the intelligence to fine where these guys are. We know theyre theyre operating out of mosques so theres no reason we shouldnt be able to surveil and look at these months, both overtly and covertly. What is weird is that there are those who will look at that and say, muslims were targeted. And i know that will be the Immediate Reaction here in the United States if we go on i dont know a mosque hunt. But a lot of the more agee just attacks have come agree yous attacks come from those who plot them out in mosques. What do you do. We have to get over the political correctness. Youre degree intelligence based policing and intelligence gathering. That is youre going after biker gangs you to biker bars elm when we went after the drug problem inside miami went to the chromium parts of miami. If you were after the it tallan mav you you go to italy. One thing we realized and German Authorities started doing this they were table to track this guy down the point they found him in italy and obvious liloing about where he was from and bad accent. But i was just wondering how many more there are like him . If you have a guy with paperwork that was questionable to the point that even the country of origin, tunisia no one can confirm where he was from doesnt recognize he is from there i dont know thats the case in unearby tunisia, not wanting him back or just not wanting to deal with it. Right. Now youre talking, were going on the next problem is the refugee problem and who is coming here, who is already here. Thats twofold. Stop the flow and vet the flow and, two, why you leave to do this surveillance and start looking at intelligence, based policing. Donald trump is 2008 out on this subject 2008 out on this sung and we cannot confirm what he is also until the tweet. That the terrorists who killed so many people in germany, said just before the crime, by gods will we bill slaughter you pigs, i swear we will slaughter you. This such hatred. When will the u. S. And all countries few back . We have heard today that the killer in question was shouting, allahu akbar, god is great. We dont know this but what the president elect is saying is that we have been politically correct to our own detriment and at the cost of lives. His proven approach has been 0 agreessively screen throws who come into the country, and for a while all muslims in general. Where do you stand on this . I dont say its all muslims but certainly i agree because this is a twisted form of islam at these guys follow. So its certainly not the entire islamic world. That said, you have to look at these countries that have terror going on in them, that these fundamentalists are coming front syria, iraq, pakistan, afghanistan, places like that where we cant reliably vet on both sides people coming into this country, and you do two things, either there you have to do the vetting or if you ha a piece cot coming this way, police employs that is a limbo. Guantanamo bay. Im wondering, never quite learn our lessons and maybe the line i always hear is isolated incident. Im not the sharpest tool in the shed but ive seep a lot of isolate incidents. Were right and every time we heave this we reconstruct the pieces and see so man things that look blatantly obvious that we missed. We should be learning the lessons but were not. Youre right. Dave, thank you so much. Merry christmas and thank you for your Incredible Service to this country, pret it. Thanks Merry Christmas to you, neil. Ivanka trump gets on a plane with her family, and she is harassed on a commercial airliner. She is harass bid someone not a fan of her father. The issue here, not that a famous person or famous child of a person would get harassed, but that the media didnt think it was a big deal. What if this war, i dont know, Chelsea Clinton. A big deal then . After this. Playing half thief condition tricould be looking at nasty weather this christmas weekend. Now, heres kind of mixed news. At least it will be a White Christmas. I dont know what century prosecutes me more that ivanka drug trumpet and her husband would were hardessed by one who was not a fan of their father but replying commercial . Someone went nuts saying he father was the equivalent of lugedoor lucifer taking office. The person was taken off the plane. It did unsettle a lot of folks including the trump family, obviously concerned for the safety of ivanka trump who didnt make a big deal at all and keep her cool. Former prentice star, and Luxury Real Estate special list, katrina camp has done that. Thats scary stuff. Got me thinking that, wait a minute, if this were Chelsea Clinton, a much bigger deal be made of it and a much bigger deal should be made of it. But absolutely. Debt in the media as much ado about nothing. And youre absolutely right, neil. Picture this. Imagine for one minute that Chelsea Clinton is on a commercial flight with her husband and children and a trump supporter berates and harasses her. Not only would it be on the cover of every newspaper but cnn would having a field day. Think the democrats have to accept the fact that president elect trump won this election fair and square. Theyre coming one Different Reasons why he shouldnt be president , and instead of accepting the fact that the American People have spoken. This couple in particular was holding a baby in their hand and ivanka is such a class act, and ive been working with her for years now and i wouldnt expect anything less from her to basically try to distract her children so they couldnt tell that this man was actually harassing hem. She is a class act through and through, but that doesnt make it okay, and if that we the way around, i think we would be hearing a very different story. Now, obviously you are who people think you are and obviously she is the daughter of a man who is about to become the president of the United States. She is going to move to washington with her husband. They will serve in some advisory capacity. I dont know what yet. So, win can step back and say, that comes with the turf. Youre not just a child of a president of the United States, youre more than that. Youre big are than that. The equivalent of picking on Bobby Kennedy on a anything after washington and his brother is the president of the United States and hi is attorney general. She has very thick cynicism was able to handle it very gashesly. But that doesnt make it okay. These are two gay men with a baby who had experienced how difficult it is to actually gain civil rights, and so their feares that donald trump is actually going to take away their civil rights, but he has never said once that he is going to take away their civil rights and he has much bigger fish to fry right now. Really worried about jobs, worried about the economy, and really protecting our borders and he has said in public that he is not look fog reverse anything that is already approved and gay families will be able to marry. So thats one of the main reasons theyre upset and ticket out on ivanka. Doesnt make it right and you shouldnt harass. You have the right to feel a certain way but the democrats have taken it the other way and if this was the reverse, again, with Trump Supporters harassing Hillary Clintons supporters we would never hear the end of it. I think its about time that people accept the fact that president elect trump has won the election and i really tell people who share their concerns with me that when all is said and done this family will go down in history as being for the people, and time will tell but they will see it. Mark my words. Everyone will be very pleased with president elect trump. Everyone calm down when youre on a plane, anyway. Jetblue or not. One thing if the run out thereof blue chips but calm down. Calm down. Always good seeing you. Merry christmas. Thank you, neil, likewise. Well, were told that donald trump is looking now for some singers at his gnawings inauguration and we have joe piscopo saying, look to further. Merry christmas. This winging cool cool cat is at the top of his game. This holiday, the real gift isnt whats inside the box. Its whats inside the person who opens it. Give your loved ones ancestrydna, the simple dna test that can tell them where they came from by revealing their ethnic mix. Its a gift as original as they are. Order now at ancestrydna. Com. There are reports that the president elect is having trouble getting someone from the Hollywood Community or singers, actors,pots i dont know to entertain. I find that hard to believe but just in case thats true i have a suggestion someone who could wrap up all of this skills, singer, comedian, inspiration, whatever. His name is joe piscopo. Have in doubt inside look at this. Oh, my god. Lady. Mr. Eq. And also a shameless promoter of himself. Neil cavuto, the gentlemans name. This swing is cuckoo cat is at the top of his game. Imagine my shock when i heard that adele, just adele i dont know what her last name is just adele is dead. [inaudible] now, if you dont know british, thats dont vote for him. Dont vote for him. Vote for her. Hes the basket case. Im trying here. Great english accent. I say. I say. Good english accent. When all else fails just yell lady. I cant im sorry, hillary. Get out of my way. This is your world, neil cavuto. Right in that fox news hall of fame. Got the tickets. One for you, one for me, one for your then one for my mom and if we i know you. If you win, you wont share that with me. Youll be out out of town like a puff of smoke. Never see me seven. Never see men again. That is why neil cavuto is the champ. Welcome back. Why do you guys he carries it with him everywhere. You know, youre a cool cool cat, baby. I went to michaels and they bought you sauce and biscotti. Just come home and well make you pasta. Legalize marinara. Saturday night live, slow dancing. One step at a time. Lady stop yourself, america. You have that at the inauguration would you forth about thatting new racing inauguration. Maya angelo, please. More in the green room there. Actually put you back in the hospital. Kids are here. I have a couple of them. Theyre beautiful. I always think that what is the big dole if he is having trouble finds celebrities, live is anyone set the main celebrity. He doesnt need anybodyity. Youre standup act. The emcee and bring at the local nancy pelosi and no. You dont need anybody. Just donald there i say save the money, do one little thing. I dont thats true. Think there plenty of people whoa give heir left arm to perform or be at the inauguration. Except the one rockette. Somebody said they should go to the boys and girls clubs or great organizations with these talented children and bring then up only stage and i could be the humble emcee, joey benefit. A Charity Issue got a tuxedo issue come early and stay late. Do we make this a big deal you have have to an opera singer and a poet. When did that start to happen . I dont know. Someone sit it went psych could with jfk. It was true if the Ronald Reagan but give the money back to us. We need the money. He built his whole campaign on being counterhollywood culture so it would bev day pointing. Right. Like get something local people from iowa, jersey folks, look what hillary did. The night before the election when in the core nation of queen hillry was supposed to be, everybody who was anybody i loved the event, she lost. It was no one cares about the celebrities. Donald should show up, get local people from all different states and you like donald trump, donald trump loves you issue understand. So he has exquisite teats. Doout get from anywhere snl butties we dont like him here. Great question. Mr. Neil knows because what i get now, they go like this, you knew something, and im just going, im just saying. Dont hate. They give me that now. The most liberal of friends who wouldnt call me after the election, now go, all right, theyre starting to understand. You never no one comes back at you and says youre not going to get this gig what was i doing, blockbuster films before this . The greatest of all on saturday night live. Invite you for the reunion. This is itom mentioned about the reunion, somehow i end tub at the saturday night live reunion. Come on. You are a great friend. You got its tallan loyalty thing whether i love. You mention it of the air. Im on the snl thing. Then you go, oh, joe, you ought to think about running for governor. The train has taken off. Im not the one who the most recognize able name in new jersey and you did. I thought that was wild. Dee ford is like drowning his sorrows. Then i dom the cavuto slow and i met everybody, and they come on my radio show. Youre getting it done. I just bring just cooking. Heres he problem with coming on tv. Sometime mist cardiologist is watching. If we do this down to inauguration, im now the begin is near, and so i face i think you should do it. The opening curtain. You should do it. Have a Merry Christmas, my friend. You cant stop me once i start. I want to stop you, trying to go to a commercial. They call hater break for a reason a hard break for a reason. Beautiful children. They just picked the pockets of my own kids. What the heck. A jersey thing. Is the christmas storm coming . Good news after this. Theres a lot of places you never want to see 7. 95. [ beep ] but youll be glad to see it here. Fidelity where smarter investors will always be. Testinhuh . Sting is this thing on . Come on your turn where do pencils go on vacation . Pennsylvania laughter crunchy wheat frosted sweet kelloggs frosted miniwheats. Feed your inner kid this is your daughter. And she just got this. Ooh boy. But, youve got hum. So you can set this. And if she drives like this, you can tell her to drive more like this. Because youll get this. You can even set boundaries for so if she should be here, but instead goes here, here, or here. Youll know. So dont worry, mom. Because you put this, in here. Hum by verizon. The technology designed to make your car smarter, safer and more connected. Put some smarts in your car. Test test test test. Test test test test. Get ready for some nasty weather. We have the latest. Well, yeah, were looking at some nasty weather as we get into the holidays. Are you dreaming of a White Christmas . In the northeast west left oversnooveleftover snow. The low will strengthen and move into the north and east. We have the lifting ingredient. We are going to tap into this gulf moisture to the south. Some warm air, you get the two ingredients together and this is where we have the threat for some Severe Weather. Were looking at damaging winds, also large hail possible, heavy rain and a few isolated tornadoes not out of the question. Unfortunately, this is how it looks for christmas day. So keep that in mind if you are in the central plains, omaha down to wichita, down into little rock we are looking at the Severe Weather threat, mainly north of i70. Thats where we will have the greatest threat for Severe Weather. Now lets talk about the storm and the cold air. We have blizzard warnings posted for bismarck and also rapid city. Check out the snowfall totals. If you are wishing for a White Christmas, this is where you have to go. Blowing and drifting snow, bismarck at 12 to 18 inches of snow christmas day. Us here on the east coast, i would say were pretty lucky right now. No White Christmas you are saying for us . Not this year. Okay. Fine. All right. Thats okay. Appreciate it. Merry christmas. Merry christmas. In the meantime, forget about what donald trump said about nukes. Should he be tweeting about nukes after this . All right. Its the tweet heard around the world. Donald trump saying the following. The United States must strengthen and expand its nug yard capability until the world comes to its senses regarding nukes. We have a former green be a rred a dave morey. Commander, let me go with you. His understanding was that he was responding, that is donald trump, to Vladimir Putin talking about building up modernizing their nuclear arsenal. Im paraphrasing here. He was responding. Critics have said he shouldnt have said that or worse tweet about it. You say what . I think it was absolutely appropriate to respond. When you look at the fact that you are having a transition of power, youve got an outgoing president that is trying to do a lot of things saying one thing that he is going to be cooperative in the transition but not the other, then i think it was appropriate for him to speak out. Especially on a subject like Nuclear Weapons where we as the United States are falling behind when it comes to the capability, flexibility and survivability of our weapons while a Modernization Program is in the works, donald trump needs to make it clear were going to follow through and make that happen for our nations security. David, from what i understand, a Modernization Program is in the works and we are addressing this. Not so much about having more nukes but about bringing everything up to the times and the period we have to avoid accidents. So how is that different from what donald trump was advocating . Well, i think if he is advocating some disruption in a dysfunctional u. S. Russia relationship, shethats a good thing. The question is this now part of strategy. Thats the key thing. Whats the next step here . If he is taking a symbolic position that he is going to take action, control it, i agree with that. If he is announcing an arms escalation, an arms race, i im not sure i agree with that. That will take more thinking. China and russia would respond. More than building up arms, we have to modernize our nuclear arsenal. You are right, theres plans do that. We have to make sure the terrorists dont steal loose nukes. Thats part of the strategy. Strategy in some ways is more important than tactics for the president elect. Where i come on this its not a left or right thing, republican or democrat. Something like this i wouldnt be tweeting about. Thats all im saying. What do you say . Look, i think everybody is losing their mind over this i think just a little bit. The people that are are policy wonks trying to pick apart every single word of the tweet to say whats this strategy that were highlighting, whats this indicating. The reality what is his strategy . Whats your sense of his strategy . What does he advocate . He is note ednot advocating an race. When we talk about modernizing, were not talking about creating more warheads. Were talking about the delivery system. From silos and submarines and bombers. China and russia have responded. Were 20 years behind their technology. The last b52 bomber that we used to actually deter rolled off the production in 1952. Theyre still using floppy discs in those silos that were created in the 70s. To me, what he was signaling was, look, we have talked about it, congress has been blocking funding for the modernization. He wasnt saying were going to create more warheads. He was saying, i believe, we really are going to modernize. Were not just going to talk about it, were going to modernize to keep up with china and russia. I hope you are right about this. This is what i said during the campaign. Whats so good about having these things if we dont use them . I know he explained his position. He is fast and loose with this. I raised this with my colleague and friend that wouldnt it be a killer we get to that 20,000 and then we blow up . I kid to make the point, he has to be careful. Absolutely he needs to be careful in how he tweets and what he tweets. You have to remember, the establishment on both sides of the aisle for 20 plus, 30 plus years now, they have gotten us to a position now where we are behind. We are behind the russians. We are behind the chinese. And a little what are we behind on . We have 5,000 nuclear warheads. They have a few hundred more than us, enough to blow the world up. Well, i dont again go ahead. Its not the warheads were talking about. Its the delivery systems. Its cruise missiles with targeting technology. Were not talking about the number of warheads. Let me switch gears. Dave, i will go to you on this. Renegotiating deals that are supposedly done, the head of Lockheed Martin had a meeting and the next day we find out donald trump is opening up a contract for the f35 fighter with a competitive bid by boeing. What do you think of all of that . Well, i think some disruption is in order here. I dont agree with some of the guests here that were so far behind. With lockheed and such, the way the procurement process works, that needs to be disrupted. This is classic trump, disrupting to get a better deal. Thats a good thing. I want to thank you all. I wish you all a Merry Christmas and Great Service to your capacity. Donald trump tweets and that is his form of communication. There are signs that that might be the case when he becomes president of the United States. Sean spicer will be his press secretary and indicated things will change. These debates will ensue. So will the battle and quest for 20,000. It will be enriching or it will not be. Merry christmas. You wouldnt believe it. Anyway, hello, everyone, im juan williams. Its 5 00 in new york city, and this is the five. Europes most wanted terrorist has been wiped off the face of the earth. He was killed in dramatic shootout with Italian Police overnight. A live report from germany straight ahead. First, to a new tweet from donald trump. Its got everyone talking about it. This one raising a lot of questions about his Nuclear Ambitions for america. On twitter he wrote, quote

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