Not exactly when the Federal Reserve says that we have your back. The best week for the markets this year going all the way back to nearly thanksgiving. Thats because theres close to a 100 chance that were going to get one rate cut. A 25 chance the fed will cut rates next week, in the month of june. More than likely, it will start in july where more than 80 of the market says the fed will lower Interest Rates. So the jobs record are less than what we expected. Not terrible, not great. A reduction of 75,000 for march and april. The jobless rate holding at 3. 6 . The lowest in 50 years. The wages were a bright spot. Were growing at 3 . That is actually higher than the average that we saw for all of last year 2018. Theres still sectors hiring, tech, healthcare and construction saw job adds in the month. We saw retail cutting 7,000 jobs plus. Manufacturing has been down for the first four months of this year. We know also this news that came out that President Trump has been very vocal about calling for the fed to cut Interest Rates. Apparently they smoke by phone. President trump and Jerome Powell had a chat on april 11th. People are thinking that they talked about lowering Interest Rates to backstop the u. S. Economy. Back to you. Thanks. Susan intimated there, all the averages were up. The dow was down six weeks in a row. Given the fact that the averages had this heady advance, they had their best week of the year. Knew to the trade talks with mexico. Something has to happen and fast or tariffs hit monday morning. Rich edson with more from the whites house. Hi, rich. Another day of negotiations with u. S. And mexican officials. The Mexican Foreign minister arriving at the state department for another day of talks with the american side. What theyre trying to do and the concerns from u. S. Officials are those migrants traveling through mexico and ending up at the southern u. S. Border. Just this morning, we apprehended over 614,000 people crossing the southwest border illegally. That number is higher than any of the fiscal years the last decade. We still have four months. These numbers are unprecedented. Traveling back from europe, the president says theres a good chance that the u. S. And mexico will reach an agreement. The white house says the administration is still on track to implement tariffs monday. The president has all the options on the table. But talks have been very amicable and my briefing has been that theres been a lot of progress where technical experts are taking a deep dive on what they can do to get in front of the border problem that the mexicans have agreed to do a lot of those things. The white house says its unclear in the conversations will continue over the weekend. President trump expected at the white house after the trip from europe. Neil nancy pelosi wasted little times on the jobs report. Saying that the may jobs report is a disturbing sign that the administrations special interest agenda is hollowing out our economy, fuelling instability and jeopardizing the final security of working families across america. Of course, she didnt have much to say about the good ones prior. But thats neither here nor there. Nick adams have here. We have democratic strategist David Bernstein and courtney dominguez. Good report, good report. Is this something that the president should be concerned catches fire . I think a lot of silver linings. The immediate headlines are saying we didnt add as many as we were hoping to, but we have 104 consecutive weaks of an increase in job. Unemployment is still 3. 6 . A 50year low. Were seeing a Strong Economy. All the data is coming out and show how resilient we are despite all the trade wars going on right now. Nick, you can look at this a variety of ways. I can remember when president obama said we were bleeding close to a million jobs a month. Last time i checked, these are still gains. The numbers are good. You get spoiled. When the number is not where we thought it was going to be, suddenly were tearing our hair out. These are good results at this rate. The Unemployment Rate will continue to go down. Its at the lowest, 3. 6 . This economy is booming. Americans have money in their pocket and happy about that and that bodes well for the president s political fortunes in 2020. Neil you feel the same way, david . They are positive signs. We shouldnt be too caught up neil or too negative. What did you think of nancy pelosi . Show doesnt say boo about the job gains. If were being frank, the job numbers have been politicized from what they used to be. Youve covered this a long time. The numbers were much less political neil always add politics. I think the reality is, what is actually going to happen with these tariffs, its not going to not have an impact forever. If we keep piling on tariffs and going down this road, its going to have an impact. May be delayed, may not come until the holiday. Neil you sound like youre hoping for that. Im not. But i would like to see more mindfulness from this administration on the negatives and the concerning trends as opposed to coming out and trumpeting everything is great. Neil id rather is over see a economy where theres record low unemployment than the other way around. Its a fair point that david raises, it has been materially not helped the president yet. Youd think he would be doing better. Its very early though. But what do you think is going on here . Consumers are doing good. What we saw in the jobs report, incomes are going up and a real wage growth. Neil 3. 1 . Exactly. Inflation is muted. People are seeing tangibly more they can spend, spending more on the economy. We have a disciplined consumer right now. Theyre keeping their saving rates high. What i see also, a lot of cash on the sidelines despite the fact that the markets are doing so well. Money marks are at the highest levels. 3 trillion right now. Money to be put to work for spending. A lot of revisions in prior reports and started saying, well, maybe this is the beginning of something to worry about. I was on a couple months ago with you doing a segment that we talked about that as well. You know, look, anything can happen. These things are unpredictable. I think with this president at the tiller, with this president in charge, i think that they have the right approach neil does the trade thing worry you . It doesnt. Neil and it lingers im full on in favor of these. I dont like tariffs as a principle. But we need to security our southern border. If we dont do that, then we cannot be neil you like using trade as a lever to do that . Whatever it takes. This is not the way to do that. That is a geo political problem to throw this in there, shows a lack of understanding neil you can argue that point. I want to know about the economic impact, whether you like it or not. Do you think if these tariffs take hold with mexico and well know this weekend, the president could delay them, combined with what is coming for china, that you think this is going to have a whammy . Yeah. Its not just me. Its bipartisan economists and people across the spectrum that have those concerns. Theres a small number of people think its the right way to go. Neil are you surprised weve done as well since we first went after china, 14, 15 minutes ago . The markets are up 3 to 5 . Sure. But we havent seen the real impact of these yet. Neil but you think its coming. Yes. Neil is it coming . I think the economy is strong enough. Thats why the markets are doing well. A resolution will come sooner than later. That will really set the markets higher. I dont think we need that for the market to do well. Neil do you think people are prepared for this . The president is doing the right thing. I cant say the number of people that i bumped into that think the government tariffs a lot of people are not prepared for that. You cant pass it along. People will feel that. Theyve been talking about avocados. Look at me. I can do without and extra side of guacamole. Neil come on. That caught my attention. At the end of the day, its good for california avocado growers. Neil so you buy the notion that people find alternatives. I do. Neil the china stuff, theres no alternatives. Thats right. Particularly people are talking about now, this stuff could hit at retail season, peak Holiday Season. Trust me, if people cant get what they like to get Holiday Season and their electronics and these products, whether or not people blame it on the government neil you think the sticker shock is real. Assuming the president can get what he wants on mexico, get what he wants on china, then what . I think its going to bring the markets higher. Were seeing such a Strong Economy right now. The trade wars are leading to uncertainty. The markets dont like uncertainty. Youre seeing that in the jobs report. People are proceeding with caution. Theyre not hiring neil the Federal Reserve said we have your back if it all hits the fan. I dont know whether that is goods or bad thing, a fed promising lower Interest Rates. At the end of the day, neil, if you took a poll, most americans out there in the heartland, in the states that made sure President Trump is president will neil the corona thing look how close a russian warship got close to us. What if i told you this could be a preview of the coming attractions . E oscar mayer deli h and you may know us from. Your very first sandwich, your mammoth masterpiece. And. Whatever this was. Because we make our meat with the good of the deli and no artificial preservatives. Make every sandwich count with oscar mayer deli fresh. But allstate actually helps you drive safely. With drivewise. It lets you know when you go too fast. And brake too hard. With feedback to help you drive safer. Giving you the power to actually lower your cost. Unfortunately, it cant do anything about that. Now that you know the truth. Are you in good hands . For people 50 and older colat average risk. Ing honey have you seen my glasses . Ive always had a knack for finding things. Colon cancer, to be exact. And i find it noninvasively. No need for time off or special prep. It all starts here. You collect your sample, and cologuard uses the dna in your stool to find 92 of colon cancers. You can always count on me to know where to look. Oh, i found them i can do this test now ask your doctor if cologuard is right for you. Covered by medicare and most major insurers. Neil this was close. The u. S. Navy releasing video that the u. S. S. Chancellorville nearly colliding with a russian warship. This is happening more often. So what are we looking at here . What do we do about it now . It does seem to be a steady pattern here. Whats going on . It is a steady pattern. Russia has been doing this for many, many years with little media attention. Remember in 2008 is when the russians invaded georgia. In 2014, they invaded ukraine. They got a lot of attention. Theyve been doing low level provocations and getting more provocative, buzzing nato airspace. In the case of nato countries, they dont turn on their transponders. These are incredibly provocative. They do it to see how the United States and our nato allies respond. Theyre gathering intelligence as they conduct these operations. Neil rebecca, these were International Waters. Thats correct. They were in International Waters. The United States navy was doing nothing wrong. The russians say it was the u. S. Navy, the chancellorsville that conducted the action. Our u. S. Navy sailors are doing anything wrong and it was the russian warship neil you dont have to lie. But im curious. I always worry that something goes wrong. Im old enough to remember the u. S. S. Pueblo. It was in International Waters. The North Koreans say they werent. They seize the ship. They seize those men. They beat the hell out of them, held captive for a year. Things can easily get out of control. What do you do . They can easily get out of control, this is why in the case of the russians. The u. S. Government said in our security documents that were going to compete with them. What that means is, whenever they conduct operations like this, we have to have a clear response. We cant act like it was an accident and these things happen. So we have to have a response that is clear and restrained. Our sailors acted with cool, calm heads. Because like you said, they can spiral out of control. Wars have been fought over things lights this. So its important that the United States respond clearly and the acting secretary, shanahan, did say were going to respond to the russians, were going to have to have a conversation with them and come up with a solution. The other thing that is worrisome, we talked about china yesterday. This was in waters far from russia. Normally russia has these neil yeah, what were they doing there . Theyve been conducting militarytomilitary operations with the chinese. That is not unusual lately that theyve been cooperating with the chinese. But the fact that they were so far from their own shores, it seems curious that theyre acting defensively. You look at this growing military relationship, Near Alliance with the chinese. Neil yeah, just this week the two leaders were meeting and signing off on deals. The reason i want to get back to a definition of International Waters, because one can abuse that privilege. What happens when an iranian vessel captured our own and held american sailors, claiming that they were in their waters off of the strait of hormuz at the time. I dont remember the exact details. It was a back and forth that showed no end. Thats what i worry about. Incidents that provoke bigger incidents. This is what this geo political contest is about. This is the heart of it. The United States believes that these International Waters are free for commerce. If youre going through them, theres procedures in place. We have transparency and understanding that anybody can go through the waterways and the chinese and the russians and the iranians contest that. They say theyre ours. The russians notoriously do this. They have militarizing the black sea and now the chinese are doing this. This is what we talk about international rulebased orders. What policy analysts call it. Its more fruitful to be more clear about what our u. S. Specific interests are in this region and whenever the russians act like this, there needs to be a consequence, neil. We cant look the other way and say it happens. They will continue to push, gain intelligence for house the United States responds. So we have to have a forceful response. Neil i hear you. The timing is curious. Thanks very much. Thanks, neil. President trump is feeling good about his trip overseas. Hes expected home soon. Maybe he was focused on the Foreign Press that said he did a great job and not our own press that said the opposite. Limu emu doug look limu. A civilian buying a new car. Lets go. Limus right. Liberty mutual can save you money by customizing your car insurance, so you only pay for what you need. Oh. Yeah, ive been a customer for years. Huh. Only pay for what you need. Liberty. Liberty. Liberty. Liberty. If you have moderate to Little Things can be a big deal. Thats why theres otezla. Otezla is not a cream. 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You wouldnt know it looking at Media Coverage over here. Press coverage over there was very favorable saying he made a strong speech at normandy, the time he had with the queen was wellreceived. The focus here on what he was wearing, whether the first lady should have been wearing sunglasses. The kind of stuff that normally wouldnt generate much interest or discussion at any time with almost any president. What is going on here . Miles gardner, axios white house reporter. Alayna treene is here with us. What i dont understand, miles, where the Foreign Press, normally not receptive to a republican president let alone this one had nicer things to say than the american press. Yeah, ive been on the grounds here in london all week. Not only unthis one of his best overseas trips, may have been his most successful. The response here in the u. K. Has been tremendous, positive press coverage here for President Trump, even from some of his critics as well. You had some demonstrations, far smaller than anticipated, about 7,000 on the streets. But the optics is with the queen, the state banquets. Its been a very effective visit. The policy front, pushed forward the idea of a u. S. U. K. Free trade deal. He had a roundtable in st. James palace. On many policy fronts, it was a very successful trip. The white house did a superb job with this trip, coordinating with downing street and with the royal family as well. You know, i have to say this was a very impressive visit and the president did very well. He projected statesman like leadership on the world stage, which is the right approach. Neil im not here to play politics. I can see the good and the bad. But i will say the fact of the matter is, network in this country critical of the president said he did a very good job in his speech in normandy. No sooner had they gotten that out there, yeah, but he was late for the event because he was doing a fox interview or just a couple days they were focused on his tux rather than what he said. I found myself saying, all right, that balance of import is not there. Thats me. What do you think . I think that i will say that if the worst criticism that the president is receiving is about an illfitting tuxedo, its a win in his book. I think back. I totally agree with what youre saying. Especially by this president s standards, he did this trip was normal for a state visit. There is a lot of trepidation especially considering theresa may, the Prime Minister was on her way out and this president was weighing in on what should replace her. There with the massive planned protests that were expected to take place and threatened to overstage the weeks events. We have a president that has weighed in on brexit and, you know, we saw the exchange between him and the mayor of london. He didnt embarrass the Prime Minister. He didnt embarrass the queen or the royal family. Neil he didnt talk about mayor of london. But it was justified because the mayor of lambooning him. Hes the leader of the free world. He shouldnt punch down. Granted there were attacks from both sides. But where the media did and justifiably so with more critical, the idle time when he was back at the hotel and the rest of the europe was sleeping, he was tweeting about bette midler being a psycho and Chuck Schumer being a creep. From a foreign perspective, you know, his dday speech was received by both the Foreign Press and domestic press. It was where he started tweeting or talking about neil yeah, he stepped on his own otherwise positive message. But obviously Maggie Thatcher was no stranger to protest in her own country. I can remember covering Ronald Reagan when he first visited london. He got an earful as he did in fellow up trips to paris. Maybe they save this wrath for republican president s. I dont know. Or conservative leaders. I dont know. But it does seem to be out of sync. What do you think . Yeah, i think that, you know, there are a small number of protesters. Some of them were violent. There were some assaults of pro trump protesters as well. Every single republican president is faced with protests. But i think the vast majority of the british people were happy to see a u. S. President that is very pro british, a big supporter of the special relationship, also President Trump is a huge backer of brexit. Brexit is the official policy of the british government, backed by the majority of the people that voted for brexit. So his support for brexit is welcome here in great britain. Great to see the leader of the free world supporting the right of selfdetermination of the british people that is a wonderful thing. Neil theresa may, by the way, stepping down formally today. She gets to hang out at 10 downing street until a successor is chosen. I have an assignment. Google antitrust. Its spell alphabet there. See what i did there . Free basic cable. Intrnow at outback. Plete steakhouse dinner, get your choice of soup or salad, entree like our signature sirloin, and dessert, starting at 14. 99. Hurry in for this complete dinner before its completely gone. And if you want outback at home, order now still nervous about buying uhoh, la new house. Meones is it that obvious . Yes it is. You know, maybe youd worry less if you got geico to help with your homeowners insurance. I didnt know geico could helps with homeowners insurance. Yep, theyve been doing it for years. What are you doing . Big steve . Thanks, man. There he is. Get to know geico and see how much you could save on homeowners and renters insurance. Neil look at this guy lunging at a Dunkin Donuts to steal doughnuts. The dough it inch desperado on National Doughnut day and no, its not me. I never thought id say this but i found bladder leak underwear thats actually pretty. Always discreet boutique. Hidden inside is a super absorbent core that quickly turns liquid to gel. So i feel protected and pretty. Always discreet boutique. Carl, i appreciate the invite here. As my broker, what am i paying you to manage my money . Its racquetball time. thumps ugh carl, does your firm offer a satisfaction guarantee . Like schwab does. Guarantee . splash carl, can you remind me what youve invested my money in . Its complicated. Are you asking enough questions about the way your wealth is being managed . If not, talk to schwab. A modern approach to wealth management. Neil all right. Big news on google, alphabet, whatever you want to call it and maybe the government circling the want gones. Charlie gasparino has more. Were in the middle of this government crack down on tech. They look at all of the companies and divide it up. If there was one company that stands the most to lose or definitely in the cross hairs in a big way is google. The doj antitrust is ramping up their antitrust investigation. Heres where it gets interesting. Weve been told that doj antitrust has not ruled out civil or criminal. Usually they tell you its a criminal case or civil case. Were being told theyre signalling it could be either. Neil what is their beef . So you have to know about the background of how this came about. The ftc did an investigation of google, whether they used their Search Engine to help itself, directing stuff back to itself. Anyway to benefit google. They control about 90 of the Search Engine business. This old ftc staff report that the staff recommended bringing civil antitrust charges, the full ftc under obama said no. They voted 50 not to bring the case. That is part of this probe. Its not quite a referral, but theyre using some of that neil remember the attack lines, conservative groups felt they were alienated in searches . Im sure thats part of out. Theyre using as evidence the staff report. So what we know now, could be civil or criminal. Its clearly ramping up. They made neil what about the others that have been fingered . Clearly all of them. But based on the feedback im getting from sources close to the investigation and if youre owning the stock, this is an issue. Google seems to be in the biggest cross hairs. Thats where theyre devoting a lot of time. Ftc, doj divvied everything up. Doj wanted this. They have the hammer of criminal or civil charges and theyre saying theyre not ruling it out against the company or individuals. Again, early stages, this is something to keep in mind and watch. Neil can i switch gears . Weve been following the money guys, joe biden. Hes not lacking for that. No, no. What we understand behind the scene, hes reached out and some discussioning with dick gephard. He does a lot 0 stuff in corporate america. He said theres no official, unofficial designation. He said the campaign reached out. Neil so nobody is getting shaky. He had some eruptions of late and reversals on abortion. He has to give in to the left wing of the party. I think based on what im hearing neil none of that is rattling him. They think hes the guy to win. Whether he does or not, nobody knows. You can see him assembling his coalition of democrats. Gephard from what i understand is part of it. He tells me to be real clear, a very nice man. He said he gives advice to anybody that asks. He hasnt spoken with biden but he has with staff. Neil all right. How is the anger management going . Good . Im in the mason stages as they say of anger management classes. Its weird with me. Just the opposite happens when you when i have to go to these classes. I get more angry. I dont know why. Neil every day is a gift. Thank you, buddy. Youre the best. Charlie gasparino. Theres other business journalists. He so happens to be the best. Meantime, new yorks times square almost the target of another potential terrorist attack. Ompetition for the talent. Employees need more than just a paycheck. You definitely want to take advantage of all the benefits you can get. 2 3 of employees said that the workplace is an important source for personal savings and protection solutions. The workplace should be a source of financial security. Keeping your people happy is what keeps your people. Thats Financial Wellness. Put your employees on a path to Financial Wellness with prudential. You get more than yourFree Shipping. Ir, you get everything you need for your home at a great price, the way it works best for you, ill take that. Wait honey, no. When you want it. You get a delivery experience you can always count on. You get your perfect find at a price to match, on your own schedule. You get fast and Free Shipping on the things that make your home feel like you. Thats what you get when youve got wayfair. So shop now this is the averys trying the hottest new bistro. This is the averys. Wait. And the hottest taqueria . And the hottest. What are those . Oh, pierogis . And this is the averys wondering if eating out is eating into saving for their first home. This is jc. team member welcome to wells fargo, how may i help . vo whos here to help with a free Financial Health conversation, no strings attached. This is the averys with the support they needed to get back on track. Well done guys. team member this is wells fargo. Neil all right. This was a close one, a man in court for allegedly to throw explosives at people in new yorks times square. The suspect tipped off authorities by discussing the use of guns, suicide vests and hand grenades. If youre trying to keep something secret is not a good idea. Jacqui heinrich from times square with more. Jacqui . The man just made his first appearance in federal court. His mother was also in federal short. She was crying as the judge red out the charges and ordered him permanently detained saying he was a risk to the community. Hes 22 years old from bangladesh. He was arrested last night after he tried to buy two semiautomatic pistons with the serial numbers removed from undercover officers. The fbi had been building a case since august of last year when the undercover agent had 20 meetings with him. He repeatedly praised isis and Osama Bin Laden an alquaida. He said he admired the september 11th attacks. He talked about planning his own attack in suicide in times square or washington d. C. Agents say he wanted to use grenades could they could take out eight people. He went so far to record cell phone video of times square to put out a map of his targets. He said it would make him happy to see the flag of islam on the twin towers on the empire state building. Times square has been a target for terror. A crude car bomb was found in a car smoking. In 2017, a man tried to set off a bomb in the subway. They failed to detonate. Investigators say there was never a risk to times square as agents were washing his every move. The criminal complaints paints a dark picture of what agents say he wanted to see happen. Neil . Neil that was close. Thanks, jacqui. Well, to less worrisome news. Its National Doughnut day. Heres the worrisome thing. Police are trying to hunt this guy down because hes traying to destroy it. Theyre calling him the doughnut desperado. No, its not me. Fact is, every Insurance Company hopes you drive safely. But allstate actually helps you drive safely. With drivewise. It lets you know when you go too fast. And brake too hard. With feedback to help you drive safer. Giving you the power to actually lower your cost. Unfortunately, it cant do anything about that. Now that you know the truth. Are you in good hands . 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What else you going to work . Watch tv . Socialize with your peers . Neil they have full time jobs and adding other jobs. My father worked with people that would be an electrician or plumber or contractor. I wrote a book. I have to look into that. You have to do it. People are freelancing more these days because the cost of living is rising. Its projected by 2025, 50 of americans will have some type of freelance job. Cost of listing is going up. Neil maybe you shouldnt be spending so much. You have to have avocado toast. Neil that is going up with the mexicans. You cant have that every week now. What is an avocado . And toast. You have to have the toast. Neil its sad. Hopefully you dont work too hard. Impossible deeds. The company is now struggling to keep up with demand. Interest in meatless alternatives sores. And rival companies beyond meat. That stock became public last month. It was up 40 today after strong Quarterly Earnings report. Its up more than 455 since the offering price. Again, a little more than five weeks of 25 a share. What makes this so big . Its clear more and more americans want meals that are meatless. Whether its for the environment or animals. Maybe its a trend. Its good that its happening. If you think of all this stuff has been around. The change is it tastes good. Ive had this impossible burger and the meatless burger. Ive had these tastes like meat. Whereas veggie burgers that ive had in the past take like an envelope of wet chick peas. And with the social media, you can see from the ethical issues. Cocacola is facing a boycott because one of their companies in indiana, footage came out of them abusing the animals, beating the calves but with peta and what the critics are trying to say, this is the norm in these facilities. People are trying to show their opinion and voices neil i dont think its that. You . I have to tell you, it tasted great. I didnt know what was in it. I thought if this tastes like a regular burger, what is in it . Black magic. You have to be responsible. If you can get something in the middle and give consumers a choice, they will choose that. Neil 100 calories is not more probably less protein. If im going eat a burger, it want it alive. Its going to give you protein. Natural stuff in there for flavors is not like extract number 9 or neil and better for the environment which millennials you guys i never said i was pure. Neil theres another thing here that fortunately shows that some things maybe it might be bad for you or still very popular, this is National Doughnut day. You didnt know it. Its market on my calendar. And the guy calling the doughnut desperado. Hes in new jersey. This is how you know its not me. I wouldnt be hopping on any counter. I wouldnt take one doughnut. I make take that entire cart out and hook it up to a truck. This is despicable. To me theres no difference from someone Live Streaming getting beat up or sucker punching somebody. Hes Live Streaming himself doing it. Neil he doesnt have a weapon. But he has a cell phone. Hes dancing, scaring the people that work there. She doesnt seem to intimidat intimidated. I disagree. When people most steal, they dont have the courtesy to do it with that kind of pizzazz. He does he has a lot of pizzazz. Another reason why people hes probably Health Conscious and going to get a beyond meat burger later. I dont think people realize, they dont think when it goes to the internet that hes going to get caught. He probably wants to. He wants attention to the social media group. Neil he got it on this show. If youre going to take one doughnut, go to a krispy kreme. Theres neil whoa, whoa, whoa. Youre neil thanks very much. Food for thought. Drinks on the house. Neil the president might like paris to get what he wants. What if i told you hes footing the bill if he does not . Th all s why go with anybody else . We know their rates are good, we know that theyre always going to take care of us. 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When you try to quit smoking, with or without chantix, you may have nicotine withdrawal symptoms. Stop chantix and get help right away if you have changes in behavior or thinking, aggression, hostility, depressed mood, suicidal thoughts or actions, seizures, new or worse heart or blood vessel problems, sleepwalking, or lifethreatening allergic and skin reactions. Decrease alcohol use. Use caution driving or operating machinery. Tell your doctor if youve had Mental Health problems. The most common side effect is nausea. Quit smoking slow turkey. Talk to your doctor about chantix. Tariffs are a beautiful thing, its a beautiful word if you know how to use it. Speak the president might love tariffs but they are not, unless your idea of a beautiful thing, governments dont pay tariffs, you do. Governments might not like it, but you are the one paying for it. And in the case of mexico, the government there isnt about one paying potentially 25 more, you are the one picking up the tab, just like you are the one picking up the tab for the price of the cons, raspberries, strawberries, just a few of the products that are going to be at pricier in your house. Dont get me started on telephones are televisions or cars, car parts, all that other stuff that is made over there that makes its way over here. It is going to be pricey. Naturally, the companies that make all this stuff to their darndest to contain the sticker shock but theres only so much they can do. Just like the zone is only so h that Chinese Companies can do to absorb the higher cost of the stuff they saw my care. And today sell a lot of stuff here. The president is betting you will find alternatives, but good luck with that. For most of us, if not all, there are no alternatives. Good luck figuring out what all those extra billions of dollars from this is going and will be going. The president says the u. S. Treasury is making hes channeled out some of that dough to help out farmers but last time i checked, all of those billions have not elected to approve our deficit. Her revenues, you are paying, not mexican companies, not Chinese Companies, not the Mexican Government or of the chinese government, you, us. The president s right to be frustrated but that doesnt give them the right to fool. His right to say is try hard tn the Playing Field but he is not right to leave out the fact that you are the ones getting scorched. Hes entitled to his own ideas but he is not entitled to his own set of facts and the fact is that tariffs are not beautiful and are not wonderful. I understand the frustrated president wanting to do battle, as long as you understand, you are the ones. The president and first lady are back in the u. S. Today after their trip to europe, the president will spend the weekend trying to negotiate with the mexicans over tariffs. We are going to be exploring that tomorrow as we look at this issue and look how much you are paying. Also preparing ourselves for what will be a big protest in tijuana, mexico, which will be taking place as these tariffs presumably come close to kicking in. We are live on all of that, also looking at the effect this is having on the economy and the markets. 10 00 a. M. Eastern time, we get cracking because it doesnt matter the time of day, or the day, weve got you covered. We will see you tomorrow. In the meantime, here comes the five. Juan hello, everyone, im juan williams, its 5 00 in new york city, this is the five. The gloves are coming off, President Trump lashing out in his on ongoing feud with nancy pelosi, the House Speaker reportedly told leading democrats, she doesnt want trump impeached, she wants to see him in prison. She has a disaster, let her do what she wants. I think they are in big trouble, en

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