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Transparent and prevented the creation of rents and sons who were taking the countrys economy in lala , the marriage loan limit was shortened by the bank central announced the reduction of 100,000 people in the queue to receive marriage loans. The signing of the largest contract for the purchase of renewable electricity with a capacity of more than 1,300 megawatts. Flood victims in a league of 5 thousand the minister of health of this country has predicted that the number of victims will increase to 10,000 people. He wrote that on the eve of the month of october, stationery will be offered with a 20 discount. The goal of meeting the needs of industries, iranian experts succeeded in producing carbon dioxide, this factory alone provides 35 of the countrys needs, from which american and european experts and the end of american domination in the world, just two days of news tonight for signs and indicators of americas decline the former superpower of the world what is it in the name of allah, the most merciful, the most merciful, may god bless muhammad and the family of muhammad and hasten their fate. Greetings, dear viewers, welcome to the news section at 21 00. The Council Members determined the business of the sailors of kolbari and te lanji with the aim of creating sustainable employment for the border residents. And the speaker of the parliament, in response to the remark of one of the representatives about the necessity of determining the task of the car import regulations, said that we will have a meeting with the minister of samat at the first opportunity and follow up on the issue. And the National Media in the context of this ceremony, they expressed their appreciation for the prosperity of the economy and the livelihood of the border dwellers and the management of the import of goods, the reduction of smuggling of goods and foreign currency and tourism in the border towns, the strengthening of the system in the Islamic Council of parliament, the twourgent bill to organize and monitor the border trade and create sustainable employment for the border dwellers in the current review of our effort in this bill was to transform a nontransparent situation in border trade into a night situation and prevent the creation of rent and economic corruption. Supply Exchange Goods at the sweet border and reduce unofficial exchanges at the land and water borders, the import of goods through traditional metal vessels with a barge structure should be implemented for five years. Remember that after 5 years, we have reached a right place , we have reached a proper infrastructure in france. We should not reislamize the law that we have here now, god forbid, after 5 years , we want to reach different infrastructures and damage them. In the continuation of the review of the bill with the approval of the representatives of exemptions and tax incentives to prevent the abuse of organized flows of goods smuggling. It was approved that the goods imported through the exchange of border residents in the stage of goods clearance are only subject to the payment of 50 of the duties and value added tax determined for the commercial procedure in the first year of the implementation of this law and are exempt from other duties and taxes. Between iran and belarus in the field of promoting trade with the aim of mutual cooperation in customs affairs, the issue of goods was discussed and examined, and the general and details of this bill were approved by the votes of the representatives, that is, the parliament announced that it had been received. Islamic applicants for preregistration for the 12th term of the Islamic Council should wait to receive a text message from tomorrow about the results of the verification of the documents. Of the 5,000 applicants for the parliamentary elections, their documents were incomplete, mr. Eslami stated that denying the authenticity of each persons documents does not mean that they are not verified, and said that according to the law, people can register their objections until the 26th of october and in receipt of confirmation in the meeting of the Supreme Council of the cultural revolution, which was held in the presence of the heads of the three branches, the secretary of the council pointed to the approvals of this meeting and said that the issues of the selection of vicechancellors of culture, health and the development of universities of medical sciences have been eliminated. Academic and nonacademic faculty members, the transfer of theory support board from the secretariat of the council to the academy of sciences, as approved by the council. Also, in this meeting , the minister of education presented a report about the implementation of the councils Entrance Exam last year. Khosrupanah also said that 6 thousand people are special yet it has been held in the university, but the issue of the National House of free dialogue has been decided even though its statutes have been approved and has not yet been implemented. Commentators or critics who have criticisms and opinions in various fields should express their opinions and of course there should be an executive guarantee, the three powers should also help , support, support, facilitate that you said this house should not be left to azad only in name and the content of the dialogue. Free and freethinking with compliance with ethics and the region, god willing, mr. Khosravi, sanctioned this council by the European Union and england due to the sense of danger of these countries from the successful performance and future vision of this council regarding issues such as the countrys security document , quantum artificial intelligence, and the influence of the council in the field of science. And the culture of the Supreme Council of the cultural revolution for the first time after forty years, both the European Union boycotted sugar on the night of nowruz eid and the united kingdom, the school of ghadir eid , and the cultural council, the answer is an action. We have activated the activities of the Cultural Revolution Council and the council secretariat. Follow stronger and stronger than before we will do it well and whatever they complain about the progress of the country, we will answer them with the action of mom and dad, and in fact with the wisdom that supports the approvals, reduction of 100 thousand people in the queue to receive marriage loans , said the head of the Central Banks credit department. At the beginning of july, about 414,000 people were receiving loans, but after the president s order to the central bank, about 100,000 of these people decreased, and now more than 300,000 people are in line to receive marriage loans, according to mr. Since the beginning of the year, sahabi has provided marriage facilities to 385 thousand people in the amount of 78 thousand billion tomans they received so that this facility has increased by 25 in amount and 189 in number. According to the explicit text of the bank law, i should not install more than one cup. Finally, we were receiving reports at the beginning of the year that now some banks are making more difficulties. They requested in the name of behjat, we followed up, we even dealt with the bosses of the husband who did the hard work, we got them fired, today as we are talking and this increasing process of payment of facilities to a large part of each other is like this. Will be now banks, according to the explicit text of the law, should not be installed for more than one year. If the esteemed applicants for the eligibility of a bank that we make more than these requests announce to the Central Banks 2706 system, this will be dealt with. In a meeting with rural women and rural entrepreneurs, ms. Khazali informed the rural couples of the sixties that with this verse, one hundred million marriage facilities, 200 million tomans for the purchase of goods, and 200 million tomans for job creation facilities, which in total is about 500 tomans, can be greatly khazali added that Unemployment Insurance , maternity insurance, and 100 infertility insurance for villagers should also be followed up to the villagers. The economic spokesman of the government said that one of the policies of the government in order to increase the Economic Growth of the country is the allocation of more construction budgets, which this year will be done using tools generating more assets will be realized. In 2019, the government allocated 77 thousand billion tomans to the construction budget, this number increased to 140 thousand billion tomans in 1400 , which means an 88 growth, and in 1401 , the governments construction payments reached more than 270 thousand. Billion tomans increased, again 95 growth compared to the Previous Year, which is considered a lowprofile or even unprecedented growth rate for 12 months until the end of august , reached below 27 , the economic spokesman of the government said in different periods in at no time has the central bank of triangle and the growth rate of liquidity been like today, and it is predicted that the growth rate of liquidity will reach 25 in the coming months. At no time in the history of liquidity management of our country was the government able to control liquidity as much as it is today. His liquidity was close to the end of its rate this august, there will be a 26. 9 percent decrease. In the coming months of the year, we have set a target of 25 percent growth in liquidity, and hopefully we will witness that decrease, which is affected by several Central Control measures for the growth of banks Balance Sheets that violate the limits set by increasing the ratio of legal deposits. In 1401, we were following up on only the asset side of the banks Balance Sheets and we controlled them, but in 1401 , we also focused on the bank debt of the depositors, which are the main part of the banks debt, and we did not control the call to prayer and the growth of liquidity. To have the best bed points in this, there is why, despite the decrease in the growth of liquidity and monetary base, what happened in 1401 in 1400 continued. Unlike the barbies that we had happy mothers like in the past decades, the money base increased from the growth of their bronzes , the year 1401 was different in the increase of the money base from the increase of the legal deposit of the banks, bringing new money to the decorated matic economy. At the same time , he controlled the liquidity of the economic recession of this money Creation Power he restrained the bank and at the same time he was not paying attention to the financing of the economy of the ointment of my album, and he paid his condolences to you in the figures of the fivemonth payment accident in the banking system. In 5410, regarding the same period of the Previous Year or the financing of the production chain that has been pursued by the central bank in the last three years, a person of the sed and sima news agency, minister of jihad agriculture, said that there is no contaminated corn in hamedan province, mr. Nikbakht, in response to the publication of some news. In the past days, about the presence of contaminated corn in the animal feed silos hamedan province said that all the hazrats of hamedan province have a Health Certificate and according to valid documents, they do not have any pest or contamination. There is no contaminated corn in hamedan province. The corn has a Health Certificate. Hamedan province, as one of the western provinces of the country, did not have corn. In fact, it is a pilot of Strategic Reserves for the western regions of the country. We keep 200 thousand tomans in hamedan province as Strategic Reserves. It has been evacuated the Health Certificate from the port has been approved by the Standard Organization and the Veterinary Organization of the country has approved it and if this corn had a problem, it would not be loaded from the source , i would not have allowed it to be loaded. In asadabad, hamedan announced that the report on the Poor Condition of the corn in asadabad is the result of the summary and consensus of the opinion of Specialized Centers and numerous regulatory authorities, and then the review of documents and the supervisory presence of hamedan justice officials at the depot of strategic institutions after the announcement of the regulatory authorities and also, the Specialized Centers of the subject were placed on the special agenda of the judiciary to prevent the violation of the rights of the treasury. In this announcement, the examination of the documents in the records of this case shows that since the beginning of 1402, various institutions in the province, including the general directorate of veterinary medicine in hamadan and the joint Stock Company of Animal Support the country, which operates under the supervision of the ministry of agricultural jihad and several programs , had warned about the contamination of the corn in apple number 6 of the asadabad warehouse in hamedan. Also , the general Veterinary Department of hamedan province sent a letter on august 25 of this year about the presence of excessive mold and fungus. The authorized person in hive number 6 of asadabad warehouse informs that in other letters the volume of this load is stated to be close to 6 thousand tons. Also in this letter , the title of a livestock facility in two other hives , i. E. Hives 4 and 5, should be used for a maximum of 2 months. The head of the Veterinary Department of asadabad city, on 23 august 1402, in a letter to the prosecutor of asadabad city, requests a solution for the presence of the corn shipment in hive number 6 of zarin sy roy company from the sound and production of the general Veterinary Department of hamedan province, on the first of shahrivar 1402 , in an official letter to the head of justice of hamedan province. Test for mold and fungus in the pipe he knew that the Armed Conflict in the transport game was beyond the limit, or that there is a problem at the source , that there is a problem with the side of the relevant standards in completing the orders of ifa, the land of six thousand tomans. In reality, the data consumer should not consume much because it was within the allowed limit. When we got what we could, if it becomes 5, it is unusable. In the course of correspondence , there was no limit to the meeting on april 31. The network was 6 thousand tomans, 13 thousand tomans. The first Vice President of strengthening the link. The university and the government demanded the informant in the meeting of the board of governors of the university of tehran, he described this university as a great center for problem solving in the country, the scientific progress of the country has not been at the service of the countrys Administration Due to some inconsistencies, and the results of Scientific Research should be at the service of the executive management of the country, the first Vice President stated that the government has big plans for the future of the country, he asked the university and the professors to help the government in explaining and illustrating the Bright Future of the country for the young generation. In this meeting, mohammad moghimi, the president of the university of tehran, presented a report on the performance of this university to create open spaces for discussion and interaction between professors and students. Television with the aim of clarifying and raising the political and cultural awareness of the students, among the actions of this university in the last two years, the internet stated that 200 billion tomans have been allocated for the treatment of cancer patients, as the deputy of the executive staff of farman hazrat imam said, this cost is for the treatment of patients of one tenth of hashemi also opened the largest student dormitory in qaenat city with the name of shahid haj qasim soleimani. This workshop is equipped with a library, equipped with a computer room and Internet Connections for students , equipped with a clinic and medical consultation. The largest contract for the purchase of renewable electricity with a capacity of more than 1,300 megawatts of solar power plants has been signed, according to the deputy minister of energy, this contract has been signed with 10 companies. Today, investment in the field of Renewable Energy is increasing in the world, and the government is looking for new ways to build power plants. One of the ways to build Renewable Power plants is from article 12 of the law on removing obstacles to production. Through article 12, the amount of fuel savings is the amount of fuel savings for six years at the rate of 6 and 9 tenths of a cent per kilowatt, the maximum price and tender. It specifies that for 6 years, this fuel savings will be paid by the government and the Winning Companies will pay, and after that, all of them can, in fact, with the agreement of the ministry of energy , sell their own car electricity through the american exchange, renewable electricity with a capacity of 1328 megawatts. The solar power plant has been signed and various companies have signed so much. The reception is very good. The next step is to do it. The rest of the Industrial Development capacity of a thousand megawatts of the solar power plant will be donated. To do we put sources and contracts with domestic and foreign Production Companies on the agenda. It was public two months ago that we won the tender for 1372 megawatts to build the power plant. Nahid khodadadi of sed and sima news agency, the leader of the revolution yesterday in a meeting with the people of sistan and baluchistan and south khorasan, they said that americas plan is to create a crisis in iran in order to harm our country. But the camel dreams of seeing the cotton seed, the name of america in the historical memory of iranians has always been associated with a crisis, from the coup detat on august 28, 1942 until this fall of the following year, political , economic or cultural beads, for example, in may 1359 , after the victory of the Islamic Revolution in iran, the United States for the release of the hostages turned into a military situation in iran, which, of course, faced with the failure of the war in tabas , the american crisismaking continued in iran, now they were always trying to create a crisis with the tools of economic, cultural and identity sanctions. An example from the movie argo , another example from the movie 300 at trevor seminary they took the scientists to politics, which reached the negotiation table. Today, i announce that the United States will pull out of the Nuclear Agreement with the iranian regime. In last years riots , he was a clean man if he did not show an object in iran, but his fellow ambassadors turned it against iran. The young people of tehrans neighborhoods had drawn a line and asked people to be in the streets around the bazaar and university tomorrow, saturday and wednesday. Now this is iran , the revolution is 45 years old, and this is america. Emergency ahead they dont have a thousand dollars to spend, atefeh godini, sada and sima news agency, the storm and flood in libya have killed at least five thousand people , the officials of the country, referring to this statistic , say that according to the number of missing people , there is an increase in the number of victims. Libya in the red cross had previously said that ten thousand people were missing. The International Red cross described the situation in Eastern Libya as very dire. The mediterranean storm hit Eastern Libya on sunday and heavy rain caused the dam overlooking the city to fill on the 9th and break this friend. This distance is eleven and a half kilometers from the city of 100,000 a person was in it and it is said that a quarter of this city and some villages were completely destroyed. The storm also left casualties in eastern and western cities. The number of casualties in bida city is 50. Mr. Raisi payam expressed his condolences to the people of libya after the storm and floods in some parts of the country, while expressing his sympathy with the bereaved families on behalf of the nation and the government of the Islamic Republic of iran, he conveyed this unfortunate incident to the Prime Minister of the National Unity government of libya and the people of this country expressed their condolences, the president said in a message he announced irans readiness to help the people of the affected areas and send medical and pharmaceutical aid and other necessary necessities. Mr. Raisi also expressed hope that the situation will soon be restored in this country with the help of the government and the support of the patient people of libya. The call to prayer of american and european experts on the end of american dominance in the world

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