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The Ongoing Nuclear talks between amman and six. David Senior Leader of taiwans coming down. And on with professor. The kenyan worse and we first go to ukraine the ongoing clashes Ukrainian Health Ministry Says twenty five people were dead as violent clashes continue in kiev for a ride please are still trying to clear protesters out of the Independence Square the protesters resisted fiercely on tuesday with rocks. Molotov cocktails and gongs. The presents around at the Independence Square trying to dismantle barricades and the spurs writers was stun grenades and water can we help them live picture cds from kiev now ukrainian protesters dont hold on to the central kiev square preparing to come from the police. After the bloodiest day. When they remain defining key as Independence Square and preparing to come from the peace corps not trying to disperse them. The bottom is actually erupted on tuesday the train ride please and protesters in the capital. That is that at least twenty five people dead and none of them are Police Officers to one to forty one were injured as a result when the la times was the worst in the eighty three months of Anti Government protests. They have paralyzed ukraines capital in a struggle over the identity of a nation divided between those loyal to russia. And those to the wes the ukrainian president blamed the opposition leaders but the bottoms in a statement to stall on wednesday. President adam calder said he had already made several attempts to compromise. But the opposition leaders cross along. When you call people perhaps. When Donna College also said opposition leaders had control of boundary between themselves and radical forces. Well ukrainian president viktor yemen called h has blamed the opposition. In central kiev which has killed at least twenty five people including non pleased and he vowed to bring those responsible for the bought to justice. The issue. Among the field traditionally does it ignores the basic foundation of democracy horace dont change on the streets. But a us Court Districts the line was crossed when the call people to arms. This is the place was taken off the wall the long break. This must stand trial before the courts but what determines the degree of fields. This is not my personal preference of what you see as the protector of the constitution to guarantee the peace in the country. Call mom on the people and justice in relation to all they have also launched a new offensive to clear the protesters from the square they already control part of the square following the deadly overnight clashes. The square as being the stronghold of Anti Government protests for three months to the east and by tuesday morning. President on the cob and tried to negotiate with the opposition leaders bought the talks and it was no resolution and the unrest started in late november. When the government rejected a landmark deal with the eu and soft clothes and talks which moscow instead when the leader of ukraines happened Opposition Party to collect this girl has called for an end to the bombings on the square. He made the remarks after negotiations was president of the car. We have since gone on his leash. His home when going to go to brisbane for it know you stopped. Do we get rid of the doses every minute. Night people and its the just one way to stop that and to continue negotiations will cut the coast there in the form four side the good people and earlier we talked all correspondent line in kiev on the latest in the Nations Capital he said clashes that lasted for more than fifteen hours at Independence Square and the government has called for negotiation. The softest and all. As any ive seen the band is going to give to santa as the pensions bill is eleven am at the time and the bad is it simply is and know that the most interest is to continue these scenes Seventy Eight pm last night and it has that sits there for eleven fifteen dollars i then read the ten seventy pence to honest there are vacancies at the enemy of the union field in occupying ive got five last night and the steel ready to smash from burning building. Tylers crews and their untested said the island to the high was there and this man is in the teaching. And the balance due on soon consider this a serious situation and his buddies do it negotiations and that the routes of the mess that was where judas from auckland to the audition i had a meeting this morning that either the opposite that neither she said the tester has rested to twenty five he could eat and ideas and imagine them as to who would stop that. But escalating unrest in ukraine has triggered concerns owls where un said the general ban ki moon is appealing to all parties to act was restrained calling for when you want genuine da lat between the parties leading to rapid results. Where russia has blamed the worsening situation in key after all what it calls cannot than some of this policy of the west. It is also urge the ukrainian opposition to abandon facts and alternate news earlier Russian Foreign minister Sergei Lavrov said that the countrys political crises should be resolved by the ukrainians. He added that moscow was willing to work as a mediator in ukraine demanded it. Meanwhile us Vice President joe biden is called ukraines president viktor gotta call bench urging him to pull back Government Forces and exercise maximum restraint and joining in the outcry against bottoms of eu Foreign Policy chief Catherine Ashton and German Foreign minister friend water or stock. You see larry the escalation of violence in kiev from the numbers of record heat comes from its. This silence but spent most of the ticket im also very concerned about the old mates. To start this by folks. I call upon president chemical which the government to get a decent field position to find a bbq play on this. Deepening crisis. Im to continue to work to find a way to solve the political crisis through dialogue. I said on each of the disheartening to hear the median stands ready to help in any way that week some of the system can be via be so dramatic in our smoker week piercing the skin nokia. News of the new escalation of violence is stopping them were shocked that theyve been dead and injured persons in the course of the day. I combed and any use of violence and whoever eats of the opinion that the use of violence in ukraine can be a way out of the present situation. Its me stressing the situation is quite the contrary. But security sources in the bottom says what means for people of being killed and nineteen wounded in a large explosion near an arabian called for summer in the second suburbs of beirut when the sources say the explosion occurred after a car a motorcycle maintenance explosives blew up the area is supportive of the shiite political and militant movement has belonged second bedroom has seen a number of car bomb since july. Well Irans Embassy in the area was known to a targeted by a bomb attack back in november then turning to the ongoing political crisis in thailand and Thai Government protesters gathered outside Prime Minister in election was temporary office is the Nations Capital bangkok with this comes a day up to five people were killed in clashes between security and protesters. The security official said police would not attempt to retake more protest sites and would focus on protecting the induction a lot of the caretaker Prime Minister has been working from a Defense Ministry compound in north bangkok since the protests forced her to vacate her Government House office in ghana. He was approached this peter has vowed to how to do a lot until she is announced the center for maintaining peace and order has ordered the authority to carry weapons. The surprising knox is excessive and unnecessary idling on speakers who are not on the men are worrying luckiest will go there and fight every day to explore every day will go everyday and everywhere until she calms leading his country because shes a merger. Iran and the p five plus one group of quote powers have begun three days of talks in vienna what the status discussions as soon as the first captain was what could ultimately be a long term deal. Although disputed Nuclear Program in iraq. And joining me from the vienna conference napoli corn in indiana and also launching and from iraq welcome to those of you took an afternoon nap they let me start with you how at the talks going so far. I just about to start day two of the talks more bilateral meetings are expected throughout the day but these three days of meetings are really about establishing a framework so that the guidelines about which they will they will abide by in future talks future negotiations to try to achieve that comprehensive agreement for instance one very sticky point for it on is that they do not want other issues such as the military program in the Style Program added to the agenda and this is something that the us delegation is trying to implement any doubts as to how good a deal with that these talks are strictly about the new killer issue so the service of the things that theyre going to be discussing over the next few days again to establish that working framework to print progress these talks further up but these are the first box outside the port to a comprehensive deal after backing term agreements that was decided on interest in november and implemented in january but many challenges still to remain what compromises were made the west do want to seek out further compromises and it does seem a long term deal could prove almost impossible but the number of challenges ahead. On this first day of talks much of the same diplomacy was seen as in past meetings. Chief representative Catherine Ashton and Iranian Foreign Affairs Minister devon side a side by side surrounded by negotiators from all five permanent members of the United Nations Security Council plus germany the steamy days of talks are said to be the first steps towards a comprehensive agreement on the downs contested Nuclear Program during these negotiations on a coke and some agreements old concerns about the rain in the few credible to trust coastal be intensive and difficult book buying ahead of us. The overall objective remains to seek a comprehensive solution that would ensure all the wrongs make a program is exclusively peaceful. Well the atmosphere was said to be good and talks constructive. Deputy Foreign Affairs minister feels a breakthrough agreement will still take some time unknown this fall apart so come back into the gown has agreed to curb credit sneak in a program for the next six months in return for the lifting of an estimated seven billion us dollars in sanctions get many more concessions are needed to satisfy world powers. They include halting any possible plutonium production in a bounce on a heavy water reactor and allow International Inspectors into a Restricted Military facility which is a suspected Nuclear Testing site. However many islamic hardliners in turn accused the government of selling out to the us and its allies by making any concessions. Iranian Supreme Leader Ayatollah Khomeini said he supports the talks that does not see any that solution leading to a so called thawing of relations between the time and the United States the neck it even if the Nuclear Issue as result the satisfaction of the americans one day which is extremely unlikely another issue will fall again though its not the man and one who is going to read and still back in vienna journalist wait anxiously for any progress from the closed door meetings. So nice and really expecting set up a breakthrough agreement about from this round of talks but again so that they are hoping for the establishment of the framework in which these talks can then follow Going Forward and hopefully thatll be without long term comprehensive agreement. Of course all the parties are under a lot of stress but we dont honor has expressed his opposition to any party using pressure on them on the talks and to coerce the other one into negotiation. What can you tell about chinas were and the stalks. As a very Important Role in these talks i mean it is a close ally it was a time they have good strong relations and double the ballot done that the vice foreign minister the head of the chinese delegation here in vienna for the new killer talks has said that all sides must promote the talks up positively but one thing thats quite important is that he did stress that the result of the issue must be done encourage flexibility and Mutual Respect and this is something that is very very important to read on they do not want us to believe they do not want to feel pressured into a corner by western powers by the p five plus one nation so this is something that might resonate quite well with you it leans in with the iranian delegation they do not want to seem weak and they very much want to assert their sovereignty and their rights to produce new Killer Energy so that comments on the chinese delegation from the bowed down. I dislike the domestic quite well with theory. So how this will be received by the iranians lets turn to wanting an end to iraq while ginny and of course the Supreme Leader has already spoken on whether we should pursue the talks in geneva. What can tell us about the reactions and power on about the progress. We know that the daisies and the son of it out since the start of the date the fifth code and can p henson busses and steaks. It seems like id steal and there though we have into this entry by means of the street but since theyre not fiennes expect nations on the scene though she has been compared to the seven month this year here at the age me about cults and then some of them he said that he doesnt see an eighty foot signs from the us side in a specially in recent days ive the steel i do think that that the us to you stephen dean of the need to step out and be said that the sami not helpful. And for those still cost the city seal and also some idea that although they are up to me speak on their Negotiation Team we just need to buy. He bounced right means that at the top negotiate to at least is that these but theyre not so optimistic on. Maybe the final results and does so to confuse here and here knots. I think theyre not so much of tunis the mysterious compared to the last time that the talks and there. And indeed many media elite can feel it at that as he said negotiations continue and that team. The clients duties and also the set and heart dictates the same bit of info on these and said the hotline as they can sit deep cut mine is on this new three piece suit us and the sun is some hardliners and the news paper like the honey is it that today and im feeling not that nice negotiation that you don have not given too much eating too much and me too much concessions and also a good info on this and they continued to add to sit caught this Negotiation Team and so that i think the most in kuantan the lesson is that the year just that and said that they stated that he loves them they need and how many hes the odyssey me and said thats me emphasize that he doesnt hes dead. These negotiations with the snow and also nonsense he said that but the cci said thats an ad. You know we would still feel its a tall nice as before. But they still said that he supports the talks on the other thing is that of one particular place has been mentioned once in a dam in the talks that is the direct heavy water reactor. It is high on the agenda. What does iran stand on the issue what is is planned to do with the reactor. Well we know that these days that the us of the shows take something thats bad and the beach the tide to pressure ugandan the setbacks and this can be a way to react to it must be flawless and allison dismantled but the sun the venue sides at half the night just to have exclusive interview the same concept as top negotiator the static conceit and during the interview he emphasized that a young doesnt see any reason to sucking down that idea what to react to it and then he also said hes had me what to react is that great and Technology Co achievements of the money and get assigned seat for ma than two decades and he said that this is the National Sides and the gun doesnt see any reason to get up and then but he also emphasized that the wrong well adjust on the article concerns from the opposite sides and at the village nineties sold at these that i hadnt wanted to add tags to ecu at me said the technology. He mentioned that the said some Creative Technology and message that he doesnt keep monday so that we know that that you had had a few times that on the otherwise the sand at me said. As he mentioned debts that you only allow souls hes an ex had the one to actually see you at ease and technology as an Ion Technology and mass it and hes the same stamp and this means maybe eardrum tried to use and lower the capacity of the staff and had what to react to the summit technology. He seemed so is still prepared to make const concessions on that. Thank you very much seen yet. For your reporting from karen also napoli from vietnam who keep a close watch on where the talks will be headed in the coming days. The guy watching cctv needs. Fan. Sells. Says. We all were chairman of taiwans were in queenstown party in time has been made on or a professor of peKing University. Me and said he was very excited to visit university began after nine years and expressed pleasure with the top plays ties with the universe to get back to his mother. She studied at the end King University which was based at the side with peKing University announced and its been done spoke there in two thousand and five during his first visit to the mainland he said the two sides broke a sixty five years of estrangement and began their exchanges. He caught on but so as to remember. The common groups. The aps members of the chinese nation would have a common culture tradition ill share a common history and the common understanding the intellect rush order a special responsibility for its future development the one for Chinese Culture hes your own work and at first. The yet to sochi the olympic short track drink to be exact final of the womens three thousand meters speed skating relay that race came down to the wire between teams from china and south korea and speeding car theres tells us of the race was not was not without controversy. It was a battle on the ice that came down to the final few strides china the defending champions in a three thousand meter team relay in south korea the judicial power of the event both seeking gold in the end it was south koreas i was victorious. A welcome relief to a short track team that struggled again on the medal podium in sochi. This is journalism born. Wilkinson the core tuner option. False start the problem. Sorensen. Put into this. What extent south korea for doctor speedskating the only manage a silver cross medal sport a specialized soul was elation for south korea ensure disappointed for china. Who thought they had done enough to earn a silver medal unfortunate for them they were disqualified for bumping an opposing skater. A reversal of what happened four years going think over what south korea were disqualified. The surprising into the race. All of the sultry coach answer that notice. Salisbury a nation known for its speed skating premise might be tough. And these games. Reading the title in the latest three thousand meter relay. Its awesome that its nineteen Seventy Eight. Cctv so childers on the games when im joined by peter from sochi. Well peter gap and when our guests day four was a day of highs and lows for china on the short track on is a disappointment to the chinese ed team. But not without controversy the kids out of what is the controversial part of this and it is common to see this happen. Thank you very much relate as mean as it does mention in that story the chinese team was disqualified in part it was for impeding another player you see when you see in short track speedskating its when theres a big white belt one skater is deemed to have impeded another one this was when there was the switch when you push your teammate onto the next round. And joe young. Actually what they said was she stayed on the ice and impeded summer the other teams as they skated on that last lap and thats why china were disqualified for staying on the ice during that last transfer now after the events of the chinese cooking and she said shes disappointed but she understands in cheek steps of the ruling. We carry some positives though ford short track speed skating for the chinese team. Two women qualified in the one thousand meters. Hes so was the general issues the five hundred meter winner and find fishing gear both into the quarterfinals and ask for them and there was to read and that qualified in the quarterfinals in the five hundred meter short track thats for the online how friends can you and hoodies jeans so there is some positive on the short track ice for china so that tom is on the tenth and eleventh song on the podium any possibility that well win more medals for john. Well not today but the best chance for a medal and in mens curling chinas in the semifinals the play canada if the wind that youre guaranteed at least a silver if not theyll claim the bronze medal game. I should also let you know that canada beat china in the round robin that went to actor and so that was a little later today as for other events will stay on the ice in the womens guys figure skating goes later today korean unit in is the defending champion she will be favored but she will be chartered to the challenge them by the russian julie us that this guy if your membership just fifteen and she dazzled everyone during the team event and the big thing going on today in russia is on the xs russia the mens hockey team takes on feeling in the quarterfinals. And if russia does not come home with a gold medal. Itll be seen as a disaster so deeply finland in the quarterfinals theres one quarterfinal match going on right now sweden playing slovakia and right now. I make that sophie and sweetness leading won nothing. Latest update. It is indeed a lot of eyes will be on the ice hockey games thank you so much bigger. As you go this reporting from sochi and with that would come to the end of this edition of news update from cctv news on tuesday. So much fun. In case. Sells. Says long. We welcome the crockpot for all Things Considered im Peter Labelle nato a Deadly Alliance with out a Clear Mission decades after the end of the cold war this washington led alliance continues to exist and expand after an ambiguous adventure in afghanistan behind regime change in libya. Until now look somehow someway to absorb ukraine

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