Transcripts For KCSM Newsline 20160728

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methodically attacking 40 people in 50 minutes. he killed 19 people and wounded 26 more. security camera footage shows the suspect leaving the building before 3:00 a.m. uematsu then turned himself in to police. there are also details emerging of how a worker called for help. the first is a short message on a phone app sent to an off-duty co-worker saying, come quickly, it's bad. the one off-duty then called the worker and only heard that person say something terrible was happening. the off-duty worker then called police. uematsu used to work at the facility and lived nearby. police on wd searched his home. they seized what appears to be a draft of a letter detailing his plan to attack the facility. the big question being asked is why authorities were unable to prevent the rampage. the local governor says information that forewarned of the attack was not properly shared. the first warning came months ago. uematsu wrote a letter to the speaker of japan's lower house in february. it detailed a plan to attack the care home at night and tie up staff members. that's precisely what happened during tuesday's attack. uematsu told his colleagues at the facility that he thought people with severe disabilities should be euthanized. those comments led local officials to have him committed to a hospital. but he was released 12 days later after a doctor decided he was not a threat. following his discharge, the care home installed more than a dozen security cameras based on police advice. kanagawa prefecture oversees the facility. the governor says his office was left in the dark and none of that information was shared with him. >> translator: we believe there have been problems in the way authorities share information. we will cooperate with the authorities' concerns so this kind of incident never happens again. we will verify the matter thoroughly in order to develop preventive measures. >> the governor said people tend to think the suspect's discharge was too early, but he said holding him any longer would have created a human rights issue. he said he wants to consult with experts how to best deal with such a situation. we talked to an expert on forensic skytree psychiatry to proper measures were taken during uematsu's stay in the hospital. >> translator: it's hard to say at this point whether this incident was preventible or not. i have to say there was no problem with him being released from hospital, because the doctors saw that he was no longer mentally disturbed at that time. >> but he says the problem is that there's no proper follow-up system after such people are released. >> translator: we have to carefully analyze his mental condition and how he was living his life in the period between his release and the attack. and we have to utilize the results to come up with effective measures to prevent this kind of tragedy. u.s. secretary of state john kerry was in the philippines on wednesday for talks with the country's new president. he expressed his support for rodrigo duterte's plan to expedite discussions with china on tensions over the south china sea. duterte indicated in the meeting such talks should be based on a recent ruling by an arbitration tribunal. the july 12th ruling rejected beijing's claims over almost all of the south china sea and ruled in favor of manila. kerry spoke with the philippine foreign secretary about the issue. >> we have made clear that the decision of the tribunal convened under the u.n. law of the sea convention is legally binding. and that we expect that the parties would comply with their obligations under law. >> we will continue our consultations and engagements with them on a way forward with our national interests paramount and with full consideration for the award from the tribunal. >> duterte wants to send an envoy to china to start bilateral negotiations. china is also hoping to hold talks with the philippines but stresses it will not take part if they are based on the tribunal's ruling. the chairman's statement released after the asean regional forum makes no mention of the major sticking point among the member countries, the ruling over china's claim in the south china sea. the statement was issued on wednesday, the day after northern ministers of the association of southeast asian nations," pan, the united states, china, and others, wrapped up their laws in laos. the gathering discussed security and other issues in the asia-pacific region. a focal point at the talks was how to respond to the ruling by the arbitration tribunal in the hague earlier this month. japan and the u.s. were among the countries that urged china to accept the ruling, saying it is legally binding. but china stuck to its refusal to accept the judgment. the released statement expresses concern about the escalation of activities in the south china sea with china's land reclamation projects in mind. it says it reaffirmed the importance of resolving the disputes peacefully based on international law. the joint statement issued by the foreign ministers of the ten asean countries on monday also failed to mention the landmark ruling. the draft of the chairman's statement included claims made by china and north korea opposing the plan to deploy the united states advanced missile defense system in south korea, but this was not included in the final statement. policymakers at the u.s. federal reserve have been thinking about when to raise interest rates. but uncertainty in the global economy are making them cautious. let's go to ai uchida for more. the fed officials have made their decision, tell us about it. >> as you know, they decided to keep their key interest rate unchanged so that means between 0.25% and 0.55%. this is after the officials debated policy for two days through wednesday. while they didn't make a move this time, they did express an upbeat view on the country's economy, and that's raising speculation a rate hike may be on the way. a fed statement says the labor market strengthened and economic activity has been expanding at a moderate pace. and it says near-term risks to the economic outlook have diminished. the u.s. economy is believed to have grown more than 2% in the april to june quarter. some analysts expect a rate rise as early as at the next policy meeting in september. the fed decision was in line with what many investors were expecting. and u.s. stock prices ended mixed. the dow jones industrial average closed nearly flat. but the tech-heavy nasdaq rose by .6%. we're going to see what is happening here in tokyo. for that, ramin mellegard joins us from the tokyo stock exchange. with the fed policy meeting out of the way, all eyes on the bank of japan meeting. how are investors bracing for that? >> very good morning to you, ai. as you said, the fed meeting's out of the way, a lot of focus on the bank of japan meeting friday. many are speculating whether the boj is ready to announce any extra measures to boost growth. but let's not forget there's also a stream of earnings coming out of the u.s. as well as japan. investors will be looking at how shares react to those. let's have a look at how the nikkei is kicking off for thursday, july 28th. i can tell you right now right off the bat the dollar has just dipped below 105 yen and that is weighing a little bit on the nikkei which has been down over 100 points. we'll come to currencies in a second. the nikkei regained some ground on wednesday largely on hopes for the boj's new easing measures and the government's stimulus package. now yesterday, prime minister shinzo abe announced the scale of the government's new economic stimulus plan. he says the draft package will be more than $260 billion. we also had a flurry of earnings reports as i said. nissan reported more than 10% fall in profit from the april to june quarter, citing mainly sluggish sales of many vehicles produced by mitsubishi motors following that fuel data scandal we were following on nhk "newsline." nintendo posted a net loss of more than $200 million for the april to june quarter. the profits from pokemon go were not included. of course the game app was launched in july. executives expect modest gains for this fiscal year, so we'll see how the shares react this morning. i'll follow that. today we're going to get earnings from the likes of komatsu and telecom giant softbank, among many more. >> okay, ramin. you mentioned the dollar/yen. i want to know more about current levels, especially considering the volatile trading yesterday. >> exactly. as i just touched on earlier, look at that 104.85-90 now. it actually rose as high as the mid-106 yen level. you're talking about volatility there you can see it. that's after the news of abe's stimulus measures. analysts say investors are now reassessing also their expectations for the u.s. rate hikes in the coming months following the fed policy meeting. dollar also fell against the euro as the u.s. currency is lower against currencies of emerging economies. overnight crude oil futures fell. brent down around 2.5% after news of an unexpected rise in crude inventories in the u.s. take a look at asian markets so far. seoul's colspy is marijuaginall the positive. sydney up just over .2%. china markets open in an hour and a half. for now, a little bit of a negative open for the nikkei. back to you. >> ramin, thanks a lot for keeping us up to date, we'll touch base in a few hours' time. mitsubishi motors has released earnings numbers that show the scale of damage from a scandal over false fuel efficiency data. automaker has posted a net loss of $1.2 billion for the april to june period. executives admit they're struggling to win back consumer trust. the officials say sales came in at about $4 billion. that's down 14% in yen terms from the same period last year. the carmaker suspended production and sales of many vehicles for two and a half months. models in that category account for 60% of its sales. the maker reported compensation for parts suppliers and nissan motor as special losses. mitsubishi officials say new car sales fell 43% year on year in japan as the scandal damaged its brand image. tourists visiting japan are increasingly interested not just in sightseeing spots but also in japanese-style hospitality. and that has increased the attraction of traditional inns. they are known as dokan. businesses and the inns themselves are evolving to take advantage of this new opportunity. >> reporter: in an area of tokyo crowded with upscale hotels, this facility opened to a business last week. from the outside it looks like a western-style hotel. inside, however, is a riokan. >> translator: welcome. >> reporter: no slippers are provided so customers can enjoy the feel of tatami mats. rooms are furnished with traditional japanese furniture, rather than big sofas and beds. and of course there's a hot spring. a must at a good riokan. the operator is promoting several inns and thinks they can attract new customers amid fierce competition for the attention of visitors to the capital. >> riokan can be successful in major cities like tokyo competing against international hotel chains. >> reporter: businesses are paying attention to riokan. surveys from foreign tourists say riokan is high on their list of things to do in japan. 20,000 people visited japan last year. many are attracted to regional cities off the standard tourist trail and riokan are often a way of enjoying each region. one-quarter of all foreign visitors want to stay in traditional inns. >> when you come to japan, you just want to experience the real japan. the old, traditional japan file. >> the service is wonderful. i definitely appreciated the hospitality. people are very kind and friendly to help show me where i need to go. >> reporter: the world's largest an line travel agency is tapping into this trend. the company is promoting riokan worldwide on its website. atami is one of japan's top hot spring resorts. this 75-year-old ryokan just signed a contract with the agency this month. they don't just locate the ryokan, they advise staff on guests as well. >> translator: in tokyo this type of retro-style game center is increasingly popular with visitors. so i suggest this should be a point of appeal. >> translator: really any wouldn't have expected that. >> reporter: the owner of the ryokan wanted to scrap this area but he changed his mind after receiving the agency's advice. now he's considering how better to cater to his foreign guests. >> translator: foreign guests will definitely become the main target. so we have to be prepared. even if it's by trial and error, we want to do our best to keep up with the times. >> translator: even though some ryokan are doing fine, they will start to struggle if they only rely on japanese guests. we want to us a our better tease to expect guest fwrts all over the world. >> reporter: people in the industry are hoping that ryokan will soon be a key feature in the country's tourism. >> that's the latest in business for this hour. i'll leave you with a check on markets. dozens of russian athletes have been ruled out from competing at the rio de janeiro olympics just over a week before the games begin. global sports federations are in the middle of analyzing the athletes' records in the midst of evidence about a russian state-sponsored doping program. the investigations come after a decision by the international olympic committee on sunday. it said that none of russia's nearly 400 athletes will be allowed to play unless they're cleared. 35 have been banned since then. on top of over 60 track and field competitors who were already disqualified. the world rowing body has announced just six of the country's 28 rowers meet the ioc's criteria. it said it based its decision on independent testing. international federations for swimming, canoeing, and modern pentathlon have ruled out 13 others. they include alexander dyachenko, a gold medalist in canoe from the 2012 london olympics. and yulia effmova who won bronze at the same games. on the other hand, nine federations have said they allowed or expect to allow russian squads to compete. they include judo, volleyball, sailing and fencing. five like boxing and gymnastics say they're still investigating. the table tennis and tae kwon do federations are expected to announce decisions shortly. now russian president vladimir putin has accused western powers of launching a political campaign in the arena of sports. >> translator: rules that govern international politics are being applied to the world of sports. >> putin was addressing the country's olympic team on wednesday at a send-officer mown in moscow. he said international sporting bodies should treat athletes fairly and allow russian athletes who are found to be clean after doping tests to compete in the games. two-time olympic pole vaulting champion yelena us san buy 87 have a, who has been banned from the games, also gave a speech. >> translator: russian track and field athletes were not given a chance to emerge clean from doping. it's humiliating. >> she told members of the delegation to win for russia so that the national anthem plays constantly at arenas in rio. japanese baseball legend ichiro suzuki is approaching another major achievement. he's only three hits away from 3,000 in the major league. it's just the latest in a career full of milestones. that's increasing interest in his hometown. people make a pilgrimage to the place where he got his start and nhk world went to meet them. >> reporter: baseball fans revere the baseball center where ichiro honed his skills. >> reporter: each has a machine set to a different speed. number 8 is the most popular of them. ichiro used it almost every day from elementary school through junior high. the speed for this box is set at 120 kilometers per hour. that's the fastest at the center. people who were around back then say ichiro was up to the challenge. >> translator: he's amazing. >> translator: i always wanted to come here. >> reporter: this man came all the way from taiwan. he wanted to stand in ichiro's spot. he swung the bat just where ichiro had. >> translator: ichiro is like a god to me. >> reporter: ichiro is not the only person who grew up in batting cage number 8. katsuyuki taniguchi is two years older. he works as a used car dealerer. every weekend he goes straight to number 8. taniguchi started going to the center at the age of 10. his father brought him here. his dad passed away six years ago. but his advice lives on. >> translator: my father said, swing hard from the very first pitch. he taught me to approach every pitch that way. >> reporter: taniguchi continues to play baseball through his college years. after graduating, he ventured into business. but he has continued to uphold his father's full-swing philosophy. during those same years, ichiro reached the top of the game in japan and the u.s. and taniguchi made his own mark. he is a company vice president managing five branches. >> translator: my father's mandate to put my all into everything has been an important lesson in my career. ichiro is always ready to go and prepares himself for the next day's game even before going to bed and gets up early. >> reporter: these days taniguchi visits the batting center with his son who's a junior high school student. they head straight for batting box number 8. >> translator: swing away. >> reporter: like father, like son. and like another man who got his start here. nhk world, nagoya. people in northern vietnam are deal wigtss a powerful storm. our meteorologist robert speta joins us with the details. >> this is moving off toward the west. it did roll over hainan, back off towards the gulf of tonkin. you have to remember this is very warm sea surface temperatures in this area. as it moved over it intensified up to that severe tropical storm, just shy of typhoon status. still rather potent coming ashore here. lots of high wind and also flood warnings have been issued. and moving right over the metropolitan area of hanoi. winds 83 gusting to 126 kilometers per hour. the winds are definitely something to consider. i think the rainfall is going to continue to be the biggest issue with this. not only in coastal areas but as this moves inland it kind of hits inland mountains here toward the west of hanoi. that really could increase that precipitation amount. there's that threat of flooding, landslides in steeper elevations. this is something you want to be watching out for even after this made landfall here this morning, still the threat is going to continue through the rest of thursday and possibly into friday as well. if we pull back the picture, it's not just southern china which has been hit by rough weather but back toward the northeast, even into beijing here. video coming out of beijing, this is on wednesday evening. the evening rush hour. nice storm blew through here. actually rather severe at times. yellow alerts were issued. the second highest in the four-tier system in china. thunderstorms continuing to flare up through the afternoon hours the next several days. if you remember last week, beijing still recovering because beijing, several dozen casualties were reported due to one of these strong thunderstorms that flared up and a front much like this as well. something we continue to monitor. if you look toward the east what we have is all that moisture moving its way into tohoku and mainly hokkaido in northern japan. if you have travel plans, vacationing into sapporo, it's going to be a wet one the next 24 who 48 hours. the moisture plume pulling in. 100 to 200 millimeters expected out there in the western areas of hokkaido. good news if you're down toward tok tokyo. looks like sunny skies, partly cloudy skies at the least, temperatures on the rise. tokyo a high of 29 today, pushing near 30 degrees. seoul at 30. shanghai the hot spot on the map. you're south of that rainy season front so the sun's breaking through with a high of 39 out there for you. let's see what's going on in the americas. we have several areas we're going to be talking about here. moisture coming in out of the gulf of mexico really fueling up these afternoon thunderstorms across the deep south. it is very hot, very humid, very oppressive almost in some of these areas. all the humidity. that front's going to continue to pull through. even on the tail end of it we've got thunderstorms flaring up into the high plains. the big thing, there is that chance of hail and damaging winds but also the potential for tornados. you have to remember this will be the peak of daytime heating. the afternoon, the evening hours, when those convective storms can really flare up. if you look south of that jet, the temperatures are hot. is they a big deal especially in the southwest. look at some of these temperatures. los angeles a high of 32. remember, the average is 26. las vegas, 46 there on thursday. do stay cool. here's your extended outlook. that wraps up this edition of nhk "newsline." i'm catherine kobayashi in tokyo. thanks for staying with us. ♪ carsten lekutat: welcome to "in good shape." coming up: taking care of a benign tumor with high-frequency ultrasound the pilates system of training and why it's so effective. and ayurveda, the ancient indian system of medicine carsten lekutat: thanks for joining us. today i am taking you to gut klostermuhle, around an hour east of berlin next to the polish border. this spot is well known, because monks built a mill here in the 15th century. today it's a center for ayurveda. this is where ketheki de silva-hahn works. she grew sri lanka where she worked as a doctor for the ancient healing art of ayu

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