Transcripts For KGO ABC News Good Morning America 20131115

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watch as the muscles from brussels is perfectly poised between two big rigs in a stunt that has the whole world watching. don't split before you see what happens. ♪ and good morning, america. so much to get to on this friday morning. check out these live pictures from tampa. that massive sinkhole continues to spread. 50 feet deep now. you see two houses right on the edge there. they're in so much trouble. in fact what they're going to do today, is push those houses in the hole and cover them with sand. one resident interest there is saying it looks like a meteor. it sure does right there. >> it's so much bigger today than it was at this time yesterday. and we have a heartwarming story for you on this tgif. the entire city of san francisco coming together to fulfill one little boy's wish to turn into yes, batman. >> it takes thousands. a fantastic story. they're all helping miles, 5 years old, become a superhero today. >> i love how the whole city is coming together for that. we'll share that later. first, the president's apology on health care. saying he shoulders the responsibility for its failures. abc's jonathan karl live in washington this morning with the very latest on all of this. good morning, jon. >> reporter: good morning, robin. >> it was president obama like we have never seen him before. bluntly acknowledging the failures of his health care rollout. and admitting he didn't quite know what caused it to go so wrong. a deflated president obama is taking blame for the botched rollout of his health care law, declaring repeatedly, it's on me. >> i do make apologies for not having executed better. that's on me. that's something i deeply regret. we did fumble the ball on it. i feel deeply responsible. >> reporter: he conceded that he has not kept his promise, that anybody who wanted to keep their health insurance, would be able to. >> i completely get how upsetting this can be for a lot of americans. particularly after assurances they heard from me that, if they had a plan they liked, they could keep it. >> reporter: he vowed to change the rules to fix that. those americans who have had their insurances policies canceled, he said he will allow insurance companies to offer the old policies to them for one more year. it's not clear the fix will work, though. it is up to state insurance commissioners to implement the change. and already one state, washington, has declared the president's fix is unworkable. the president's most heartfelt mea culpa, went to fellow democrats, who have been burned politically, by the problems plaguing the affordable care act. >> i feel deeply responsible for making it harder for them, rather than easier for them. >> reporter: we now know that even before the website launched, it had failed internal tests, showing it was just not ready. but the president said nobody told him that. >> had i been informed, i wouldn't be going out saying, boy, this is going to be great. >> reporter: there's more at stake here for the president than just health care. he acknowledged that he had to win back his credibility. but the first and most important step in doing that, is convincing the american people, including some of his closest political allies, that he can now get the health care law right. george? >> that's the big question. jon karl, thanks very much. let's take it to our political analyst, matthew dowd. boy, the white house knew the president had to go out there and take his licks yesterday. we never saw him do it the way he did it. but did he do enough to begin the recovery? >> no. i think he's going to accomplish the opposite of what he wanted to do. i think what he's going to have done, he's going to burden his friends and bolster his opponents in the course of this. i think he's provided an opportunity and a window to give his opponents much more room to maneuver in this. and it gives his people that support him, very hard difficulty defending him. 6 i think he's done the exact opposite than what he wanted to do. >> modern presidents have had so much trouble in their second terms. you served with president george w. bush. of course everyone remembers what happened with katrina. once those questions about his competence took hold, his second term never really recovered. is president obama in that kind of a position right now? >> i think what we could look at in two years or three years from now, i think this is probably a tipping point in the credibility of his presidency. the same exact think as you say, happened to george w. bush. it was a series of things. and katrina, which is different than obama care. but at that point in time, the presidency and the relevancy of his presidency was over. i think that's what we're seeing right now for president obama. no other president, no presidents recover when they get this low, ever recover in the course of their presidencies. and if history's any guide, he's going to have a very difficult time recovering. >> the argument is, if the website is fixed by the end of the month, if people start to sign up and health care works, his signature achievement pays off. >> well, that's a big -- as you know, that's a huge "if." and i think most people expect it's not going to be fixed by the end of this month. and i think it's all an implementation. this is not a communications problem. this is a governing problem. and that puts a huge weight on him. every time there's a problem, he's going to get blamed. and he can't communicate his way out of it. >> all about the execution. matthew dowd, thanks very much. much more of the fallout sunday on "this week." let's get the other top stories from josh. >> we're going to begin with breaking news from the gulf coast. an explosion at the chevron oil refinery in mississippi just outside of biloxi. a fire interrupted overnight. flames visible for miles. one person has been confirmed as having been killed in the explosion. this is the second disaster for chevron in just the last 24 hours. you see the fire here. the entire town of milford, texas, had to be evacuated because of this explosion and resulting inferno thursday. workers at a drilling site struck a pipeline there by accident. we move, now, to florida. we saw the scene here at the top of the show. a massive sinkhole growing, as homes collapse into it. it's all near tampa. and it is forcing many evacuations. abc's steve osunsami is there right now with some very, very nervous local residents. steve? >> reporter: good morning, josh. authorities here aren't wasting any time. they've already got dump trucks on the way. one of them here. and they're tearing down the fence in front of these two homes, in front of the hole, preparing to push these homes into the hole and cover it with sand. this whole affair has frightened residents in this neighborhood. it's a big one. 70 feet wide, 50 feet deep. swallowed a swimming pool. nearly swallowed a boat. seven families rushed from their homes in florida. >> it looks like a meteor hit it. or the earth just opened up. >> reporter: michael dupree said his family was asleep and called the police when they heard the sound of the sinkhole swallowing their home. >> how far is it sinking? >> it's just cracking. the whole house and the floors are cracking. >> reporter: they ran for their lives. he left his wedding ring behind. firefighters went back inside to find it. >> they broke in the window in the back, before it came down. grabbed it and got it for me. >> reporter: this morning, authorities believe it has stopped growing. they knew the sinkhole was here two years ago. the family had been fighting with their insurance company on how to fix it. and contractors had just started the work this week. >> it was really loud. we thought maybe it was someone trying to break in. >> reporter: in march, a seffner, florida, homeowner was killed in his bed, buried alive. in august, vacationers outside orlando were scared silly when their villa started falling into the ground. this year alone, florida residents have reported more than 255 sinkholes. josh? >> remarkable stuff. steve, thank you for that. also in florida, in fact, a dramatic rescue. a woman drove into a pond and quickly began sinking. and she could not escape her car. but a group of strangers nearby. they didn't think twice. they backed their truck up, reached in and pulled her out, you see here, just as her car filled with water. overseas, meanwhile, the death toll in the philippines disaster zone skyrockets overnight. it now tops 3,600 people. nearly 1 million have lost their homes. while more u.s. military helicopters are arriving, finally getting some food and water to the hardest-hit areas. but it comes one week after the monster typhoon hit. and finally the big highlight from the guinness world records day. don't knock it until you say it. the guy you see here set a record for the number of bottles walked on. he made it across 60 champagne bottles without flinching, for some reason. >> well, congratulations. >> the better world record here, was this. take a look. longest-ever basketball shot. a harlem globetrotter rookie named corey law, from 109'9." it's impressive. had anybody been watching in 1985 from westchester park, i hit it from at least 300 feet. >> at least. any video? >> i just don't have the proof. >> going down. >> i promise. >> it was a simpler time, 1985. >> thank you, there, josh. we appreciate it. now, to the embattled mayor of toronto, rob ford. the city council moving fast to make him mayor in name only, after a series of outbursts and bizarre comments. abc's linsey davis has the story. >> reporter: after showing up to work wearing a football jersey, toronto's mayor proceeded to put his foot squarely in his mouth again. this time, denying he propositioned a former employee with a sexual act. >> i never said that in my life to her. i would never do that. i'm happily married. >> reporter: rob ford's denial that he had made lewd comments was itself so lewd, we were unable to air it in its entirety but there he was back before the press, this time with his wife by his side, apologizing again. >> the revelations yesterday of cocaine, escorts, prostitution, has pushed me over the line. and i used unforgivable language. and again, i apologize. >> reporter: in recent days, he has said he was sorry -- >> i apologize. >> reporter: again -- >> i sincerely, sincerely apologize. >> reporter: and again. >> i apologize. >> reporter: the fall on the sword moments from earlier this month, followed an admission that he had smoked crack after months of denials. but then, after coming completely clean in one final mea culpa last week -- >> i have nothing left to hide. >> reporter: late-night comedians are having a field day. >> rob ford, he's providing me with so much entertainment this week. i feel like i should pay him a subscription fee like hbo. >> reporter: according to police documents, stunning allegations surfaced this week, including accuseizations that he made racist comments, crude sexual remarks and consorted with a prostitute in his city hall office. >> that's disturbing against my wife. >> reporter: but despite the urging of toronto city council members for ford to step down, the mayor of canada's biggest city has refused to leave office. this morning, the toronto city council says they have had enough. they are expected to vote to slash his budget and strip ford of many of his mayoral powers. but affording to ctv, as of monday, rob and his brother, doug, are expected to get their own tv show on sun news network. they previously had a radio show but that was canceled last week. stay tuned, canada. there's more ford to come. >> somehow we saw that coming. thank you, linsey. we're going to turn to a criminal investigation targeting a rising star in college football. florida state's quarterback, jameis winston is in the running for the heisman trophy. and his lawyers now wonder if publicizing the investigation is a dirty trick designed to hurt his chances. gio benitez is on the case. >> reporter: on the field, fsu quarterback jameis winston seems untouchable. but off the field, winston's attorney said the freshman prodigy has been sacked by accusations of sexual battery. an assault that allegedly happened in an off-campus apartment last december. police now releasing this heavily redacted report, saying evidence was collected. that the so-called victim had been drinking. and the assailant's alleged motive, sexual gratification. his lawyer said police have never contacted winston about that attack and that police told him the investigation was closed back in february. but police just gave the report to prosecutors this week. though it does not name winston, his attorney says his client is the suspect. the report describes the alleged attacker as being between 5'9" and 5'11." a far cry from the star athlete's 6'4" frame. >> do i believe that a normal person would confuse or mistake him as a 5'9", 5'11" person? no. he's a tall individual. >> reporter: this morning, his attorney asking, why now? >> right before the heisman voting ballots are going out. right before a potential national championship game is earned, i think that cannot be ignored. >> reporter: 19-year-old winston is on the verge of leading his team to the ultimate victory. >> our main goal is to win a national championship. >> reporter: he's had a meteoric rise to fame. becoming the starting quarterback as a freshman. >> this will be a learning experience for him. hopefully we'll get this resolved favorably and he can move on. >> reporter: abc news reached out to police. they say this is an ongoing investigation. but won't tell us more than that. fsu says winston will stay on the team, unless he's charged with a crime. such a bizarre case. isn't it? >> a lot of strange ones about this one. >> especially the timing of it. >> timing is really tough to understand. >> thanks, gio. appreciate it. now, to frightening moments onboard a southwest plane. passengers very fearful when the pilot announced the plane was going down. abc's david kerley has that story for us. >> reporter: this morning, the faa wants to know why a southwest jetliner took a nose dive after what passengers say they heard from the pilot. >> he says, we're going down. and everybody's looking around like, is this a joke? is he serious? and then, it starts to nosedive. >> reporter: the jet was losing altitude fast. >> we were clinching hands and we said, "i love you, and kissed. i shut my eyes just waiting for it all to be over. >> reporter: southwest airlines says the pilot from the 737 from tampa to raleigh, did declare an emergency. >> still working it out. we just want to get it -- >> reporter: it was a cockpit alarm, showing a problem with the plane's pressurization. the pilot dove from 41,000 to 25,000, then down to 10,000 feet in just 11 minutes. that is standard procedure. but passengers thought it was the end and made desperate attempts to send final messages to loved ones. >> it says, i love you, alyssa. my plane is going down. >> reporter: southwest says the pilot only communicated that he was initiating a decent to lower altitudes. that's not what passengers say they heard. >> you could tell he was struggling. >> i couldn't tell whether he was putting an oxygen mask on or something. and the last thing he said, we're going down. one of the things you don't ever want to hear on an airplane. >> reporter: even though the jet landed safely and is back in service, southwest did offer each of the passengers a $200 voucher for the wild ride into raleigh. for "good morning america," david kerley, abc news, washington. >> and just so thankful nobody was hurt. >> thank goodness for that. >> lara, okay, this is the story of the morning. >> so excited to share this with you and with you. it's a heartwarming story. we mentioned earlier -- you hear the music. it's the "batman" theme. today is the day thousands are coming together in san francisco, all to fulfill one little boy's wish to become a superhero. look out, san francisco. it's batman to the rescue. but it's not bruce wayne behind that mask. >> i'm batman. >> reporter: it's 5-year-old miles scott. this morning, the city by the bay is transforming into the dark knight's playground, gotham city. the reason, this young caped crusader has been battling leukemia for three years. and he has one big dream. >> to be batman. he's my favorite superhero. >> reporter: and thanks to his friends at make-a-wish, that dream is coming true. >> we started watching the old adam west "batmans." he likes being the character. he likes putting on the costume and donning the mask. >> reporter: today, miles will be known simply as batkid. chasing criminals in a bat mobile. rescuing a damsel in distress on a cable car. assisting in catching the riddler as he raids a downtown vault and getting to be on a special edition of the "san francisco chronicle." >> he thinks he gets to be batkid for the day. i don't think he has any idea how big this thing got. >> reporter: thousands of volunteers have signed up to cheer on batkid, while he captures some notorious villains and saves the city. this morning's adventure will be a watershed moment for the scotts, as miles finished his treatment in june. >> it's a big party at the end of a long road. >> reporter: he's now in remission and ready to take on the world. ♪ batman >> reporter: taking on all of san francisco. and he doesn't know. his parents don't even know, how big this is going to be. it's all been kept a secret. we cannot wait to see it unfold. >> if i were there, i would be his batgirl, robin. >> oh, you'd be robin! >> and good for you, san francisco. >> that is -- to come together like that for that kid. that's terrific. and good for you, ginger zee. bringing warm weather to the east. >> i am. you won't get a weekend off. that will be great. or, you can join me this weekend. i'm on "gma" this weekend, too. and enjoy the sunshine and the warmth. are you ready for a southwesterly flow? that's what we call it. yeah. a sunrise here. this is great to wake up to, here. nazareth, pennsylvania. thank you for sending these in. i want to show you the numbers. with the warmer weather, comes numbers above average. look at houston. their average is in the low to mid 70s this weekend. they're going to go up to 80s this weekend. new york city, up to the 60s. atlanta, closer to 70. i'll leave you with a little snow forecast for the skiers out there. your local forecast coming up in 30 seconds. first your weekend get-away brought to you by kohl's. that's almost a foot and a half of snow there in some of the mountains of washington. also some travel problems to watch for. >> got to keep an eye on that. thank you, ginger. coming up, alec baldwin's stalker now headed to prison. and he lashes out at photogs, he says they're getting too close to his family. also mystery at 2,000 feet. a man who opened a plane back door and jumped into the ocean off miami. and why landlords robbed their own tenants and tore their apartment apart. >> huh? 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[ male announcer ] get u-verse tv for just $19 a month for two years with qualifying bundles. rethink possible. 7:28 now. more breaking news out of san jose. our sky 7 has found this fire going on at a house there. we'll have more information prove it. enough is enough. d-con baits are specially formulated to kill in one feeding. guaranteed. d-con. get out. ♪ d.j. pro style here with us on this deejay friday. spinning us into the weekend. robin's in the weekend. >> and lara is. we're bookending you here. >> is that a turkey? >> it is. >> those are the butterball men. >> the men from butterball. they're going to be here all morning long. tweet them your questions. #gmaturkeytalk. they're going all morning long. >> they're going old school. >> that is doing wonders for their credibility right now. and we have vanished. the mayday mystery at 2,000 feet. police and coast guard and the frantic search for a man who fell from an airplane off the coast of miami. this is startling. caught on tape. the so-called landlords from hell. the couple who robbed their tenants and sabotaged their own million-dollar property. and here we come again. the third mazda in the great car giveaway contest. there's some mileage being put on this one. there it is. gorgeous day. >> looks nice out. >> could be heading to your doorstep. we're checking in with cameron mathison to find out where he is. i didn't see any snow on the ground. no lake-effect snow. >> we can use the geography and the meteorology. we're going to begin with alec baldwin's stalker. a new york judge sentenced her to six months in prison with some pretty harsh words. ron claiborne has been following all of the drama. >> reporter: handing down her sentence, the judge told genevieve sabourin that her behavior harassed and terrorized alec baldwin's wife. baldwin was dealing with a brand-new conflict as he moved from jail. >> get away from my wife and the baby with a camera. >> reporter: as he was being vindicated in court thursday, alec baldwin was engaged in another confrontation with paparaz paparazzi. >> come on. >> reporter: this time, he unleashed a profanity-laced tirade, after photographers got too close to his family. you can hear his wife, hilaria, telling him to get back in the car. the baldwins were not in court when genevieve sabourin was found guilty of stacking and harassing them. sabourin seen crying in court after the verdict hers. in a statement, hilaria baldwin saying, quote, now that it's finally over, we feel safe, relieved and happy to move forward. sabourin is serving a 180-day jail sen sentencesentence. but could jail time end what prosecutors called her obsession with the 55-year-old actor? showing up at his homes. sending a barrage of e-mails and texts. convinced they were in a relationship. in 2012, halle berry's stalker was sentenced to more than a year in prison, and five years probation. but punishments like these hardly seem to deter other celebrity stalkers. >> stalkers realize they're breaking the law. but they don't really care because they have a goal. and they are going to achieve it. >> reporter: sabourin's lawyer insists she is now ready to move on. >> she realizes that this is over. she'll move on. >> reporter: that is, once she gets out of jail. and the judge also issued a order of protection, requiring sabourin to stay away from the baldwins for five years. but experts say these kinds of orders and even jail time, very often, have no effect on stalkers, george. >> thanks very much. we're joined by abc's chief legal affairs anchor, dan abrams. and the judge showed no mercy. >> 210-day sentence, which is the maximum. it's interesting. you and i talked about whether she was held in contempt of court was going to hurt her. she was yelling and screaming during the trial, et cetera. it seems clear to me that it did in the sentencing. that's where the judge has a lot of discretion. and the judge said, in the sentencing, her conduct throughout this trial demonstrated an utter lack of respect of the law and the legal system. so, the judge clearly keeping in mind not just the testimony he heard. not just the evidence. but also, her conduct during the trial itself. >> and this, despite the fact that he may have even believed her account of the relationship. >> this case, her defense, really came down to, this was a romantic relationship we had. and i was just trying to get closure. but the judge here said, there may have been this relationship. but the judge said that, even if there was, that may make the case against her even stronger. suggesting that that could explain why she was harassing and stalking him. in te in the end, what was her conduct, not what led up to it? >> if she bothers alec baldwin or his family, big, big trouble. >> they send her right back. she has to make sure she gets with some people that are going to support her and prevent her from doing anything stupid when she is released. now, to a mysterious incident in the air. a passenger reportedly plunging out of a small plane just off florida, falling and disappearing into the water below. so far the authorities say there's no sign of him. abc's matt gutman has more on this bizarre story. >> reporter: this morning, investigators are still mystified by how a passenger could have fallen out of a small plane off the coast of miami. and vanished. >> mayday. mayday. >> reporter: this is the distress call the pilot made, after the passenger apparently plummeted 2,000 feet into the atlantic. >> i have a door ajar. and a passenger that fell down. i am -- six miles from miami. >> reporter: the emergency responder seems taken aback by the pilot's call. >> you say you had a passenger that fell out of your plane? >> that's correct, sir. he opened the book door. and he just fell down the plane. >> reporter: that emergency call triggering a huge multiagency search. >> the coast guard was notified by the faa that a pilot of a small plane reported a person falling out of a plane. we're working with miami-dade response units and conducting a search of the area. >> reporter: after the plane landed at miami airport, you can see the police, here in this video, circling the plane, searching for clues. neither the pilot's name or the fallen passenger's name has been released. authorities are trying to determine how a person could just fall out of a plane. but they admit they're not certain if the passenger fell or jumped. >> there's no way that a door like this is supposed to come open. if you do manage to open it, whether you intend to or not, it's going to fall out and take you with it. >> that's so incredibly odd. a lot of question marks. ginger zee in for sam. >> no question marks here. i can tell you exactly what's happening. we've been cold. we've been talking about that a lot. and also dry and windy. that's when you get problems in the way of fire. this is just outside new york city. rockland county. right. wildfires, brush fires. hundreds of acres. no one hurt and everyone safe as far as homes go. they're putting out most of it or have. but they're keeping an eye on it. we have moderate drought from boston down to new york city. we haven't had a whole lot of rain. we'll look as we go into the winter to see how that's going. in lubbock, texas, and kansas, they're saying, let me show you drought. they're extreme or exceptional, still. the area that's not going to need any rain is going to get it. that would be tampa. >> this weather report brought to you by buick lacrosse. you got dry there in the center. but all that rain in the southeast. it's too bad we can't move it west. and coming up, check out the landlords from hell. why did they burglar their tenants ander the apart their property. why this mommy blogger is telling parents their kids need to tuchb up. it's so much more than coffee. brew the love. keurig. ♪ filming a card to send to the fam. ♪ ♪ singing carol-oke with my best friends. ♪ ♪ hanging out with mom, ♪ making ninjabread men all day, ♪ ♪ oh oh oh oh ♪ that's my kind of holiday, ♪ oh oh oh oh ♪ what's your kind of holiday? 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[ laughs ] for holiday tips and recipes, go to it's like everyone came together and said, "if it's good, let's save it for the weekend." so here's to the kfc ten buck weekend bucket. ten pieces, ten bucks. any recipe. just ten bucks every saturday and sunday. today tastes so good. just ten bucks every saturday and sunday. (car screeching) welcome back. time is 7:42. we turn to the california couple that's been nicknamed landlords from hell. terrorizing their tenants. their outrageous tactics, including robbing their renters, all captured on camera. and finally, it's landed them behind bars. chris connelly has their story. >> reporter: flipping homes for profit. it's been an investment strategy. but before buying your own flip-worthy walk-up, consider a man who went from this house to the big house. what is it you regret doing? >> all of it. but i regret having bought the building. >> reporter: long before kip macy was cooling his heals in county, he and his wife, nicole, were famous in the hotbed of by the bay san francisco. what they did in this building earned them the title, land 4r0rds from hell. >> reporter: kip said the official plan to flip the building was nicole. step one, buy an apartment building. step two, evict the tenets. step three, sell the apartment, as condo. step four, pocket $200,000 profit. >> what are you doing? >> i own this place. i own this building. >> reporter: cutting phone lines, and shutting off power. but here's kip burglarizing an apartment, occupied by three pennants, while being photographed through a peephole. the macies drenched the rest of the stuff in ammonia. then, there were the menacing phone messages. >> ricardo, get out of the building or bad [ bleep ] is going to happen to you. >> this has to go in the books of the dumbest criminals there are. they tried to cut the floor beams under the floor. >> reporter: kip and nicole were sabotaging their own million-dollar property. why were you doing it? >> i don't, either, at this point. >> reporter: the d.a.'s office rolled the credits on their reign of terror. >> obviously, we're both ashamed of being here. >> reporter: you're the landlords from hell. >> that's what they say, yeah. >> reporter: for "good morning america," chris connelly, abc news, san francisco. >> that's what they say. you can see more of chris connelly's exclusive report on "real estate confidential" on "20/20" tonight, 10:00 eastern. coming up here, the red-hot breakout star from "the hunger games" here live. also, a "play of the day" you're going to want to check it out. >> check it out? is that a clue? to jcpenney for bonus days.on get over 1,000 doorbusters this friday 3pm to saturday 1pm like, 50% off liz claiborne apparel and fashion jewelry, 60% off suit separates and dress shirts, and $14.99 arizona kids' jeans. also, save 30-50% off during our huge home sale. plus, for 4 days starting friday, save 20 percent with your coupon on select apparel, home, accessories and shoes when you use your jcpenney credit card. or get 15% off with any other form of payment. jcpenney. and less saturated fat? it's eb. eggland's best eggs. better taste. better nutrition. better eggs. it's eb. [ corbett ] if you haven't checked your medicare drug plan this year, you could be at the corner of "i'm throwing away money" and "i had no idea." well, walgreens has your back. our expert pharmacists can help you find a plan that could save you more with our free comparison report. so you can keep your money where it belongs. check your plan at walgreens. and you could save up to 75% on prescription copays. at the corner of happy and healthy. like our new santa fe chicken quesadilla, burger bites, sandwiches, and more, served with fries and your choice of soup or salad. chili's lunch break combos, starting at 6 bucks. more life happens here. no, i'm good. ♪ [ male announcer ] every time you say no to a cigarette, you celebrate a little win. nicorette mini delivers fast craving relief in just 3 minutes. double your chances of quitting with nicorette mini. in just 3 minutes. cmon, let's go! harris for smith. good trade or bad trade? sounds desperate. sorry man my analyst says no. i gotta go. the new galaxy note 10.1 allows you and everyone in your family to have separate user profiles on the same tablet. it keeps you logged in to your favorite apps. keeping your personal files personal. and knows what you care about most so everything you love is right there when you turn it on. now featuring over $600 in added value. including samsung hub and google play. right then. here's "the play of the day." >> surprise bo-fer, by the way, for you. >> we haven't had one for a while. >> but coming here, we have a big superstar in comedy. his name is logan paul. and he's only on vine. but he's tremendous. take a look. >> whoa. that was a close one. >> how much? how much? >> wrestle. >> she was terrified. >> i know this is a drive-through. but i'm on a brother. is that okay? >> creative. >> oh. >> he did not do that. he didn't do that. >> where are we going? >> oh. >> it should say beep. am i right? >> and very quickly, this one from russia. it will be arguably the most adorable thing you will see in your whole life. her first experience with ice. >> she can really skate. >> yeah. >> whoa. >> this is where it gets good. >> there were no adorable toddlers hurt in the making of this "play of the day." the most adorable thing. >> ever. >> i love you. and you. butterball. what can i do with my $7 a month anemail the school. acfone? call the doctor. text the groomer. find gear for soccer. send invites to a party. post karate pics. help sean with history. battle of hastings... 1066. all that with my android from tracfone... now with three times the talk, text and data for as low as $7 a month. unbeatable nationwide coverage without a contract. the new huawei glory. tracfone. do everything for less. tell me you can't wait for christmas. and you appreciate the things i do. because we'll always be a family. tell me i bring out the best in you. ♪ that you're thankful. ♪ that it won't be the same without me. tell me you love me. even if you say it every day. just tell me. [ female announcer ] everyone you love has something they need to hear this holiday. tell them with a hallmark card. [ female announcer ] everyone you love has something they need to hear this holiday. what does that first spoonful taste likok. honey bunches of oats. ching! mmmm! mmmm! mmmm! wow! it's the oats. honey. yeah. honey bunches of oats. this is a great cereal. i love chalk and erasers. but change is coming. all my students have the brand new surface. it has the new windows and comes with office, has a real keyboard, so they can do real work. they can use bing smartsearch to find anything in the world... or last night's assignment. and the battery lasts and lasts, so after school they can skype, play games, and my homework. change is looking pretty good after all. ♪ are we on? >> we're on. a crazy second hour. angie's going nuts over here. butterball. "hunger games." good morning. i'm eric thomas. breaking news out of san jose where firefighters battling a blaze in a backyard and trying to keep it from spreading to the outbuildings there -- from the outbuildings to nearby homes and trees. sky 7 hd was over the scene about 20 minutes ago. you can see the smoke and flames pouring out of the structure for several miles around. here's mike with the forecast. eric, thank you very much. good morning everybody. while you were sleeping a cold front rolled through. that's why we have so much sunshine and temperatures about the same as yesterday. low to mid-60s except it's going to be really brisk at the coast. mid to upper 50s and strong winds there. accuweather seven-day forecast, seasonal all seven days. leyla. hey, mike. we were talking about this accident earlier as you make that drive right into east palo alto southbound side of 101 at san antonio road. we still have two lanes blocked. 11 miles per hour as you approach, northb good morning, america. 8:00 a.m. on a friday. and we're on fire. >> on fire. >> breakout "hunger games" star, sam claflin, here live. plus, time to check in on our final mazda. from the beach, to the hills. the pedal's to the metal. is it heading towards you? and turkey 911. got a bird emergency this thanksgiving? the brand-new men of butterball are taking your questions. as we say -- >> let's talk turkey. good morning, america. >> we have the men of butterball, as well. having so much fun. all right. we got a winner there. tweet them your questions, with #gmaturkeytalk. they're going to answer them all morning long, when they're not out there dancing. >> they're having a great time this morning. >> they are having a great time. we have d.j. pro style. he's having a great time, as well. >> i love this song. ♪ i could show you what you want to see ♪ ♪ and take you where you want to be ♪ >> i'm sorry. are we on the air? >> wait a minute. joey fatone. >> joey. >> thank you, thank you, thank you. >> tell us about a great, new show you have. >> it's called "my family recipe." it's great. i get to go to people's homes. an amazing thing. we go to real people, real kitchens and watch them break down their recipes, that's been handed down for generations or something they whip up with their families. so it's really cool we get to do that. >> we have one of your mom's recipes. >> the rice balls. lovely rice balls. sometimes you can make them this small or make them massive. which is good. >> cheese in there. >> mom and daddy -- fantastic. >> you can get them on on yahoo! >> the recipe. >> do not look for them, with your mouth full. >> it doesn't work. also ahead, this is a talker. already has been. mommy blogger. it's gone something viral, i suppose. she's taking aim at bullying. she's telling parents, their kids need to toughen up. now, it's a post that's been viewed about 1 million times. experts discussing it. there's a lot to parse here. it's not a knee-jerk, what are you saying, lady? there's a lot in there that -- very, very. >> indeed. and you guys know about the great "gma" car giveaway. it is on, people. take a look at that road. i might have a clue as to where that is. wonder if you do, as well. cameron mathison is on the road this morning. we're going to find out right now? right now? thank you, george. it's friday, everybody. let's dance. or get some news from josh. >> let's do that. we're going to begin with the continuing battle now over obama care. the house will vote today on a republican-backed bill that could undermine the president's health care law. for his part, the president is vowing to help the millions of americans who have had their policies canceled by allowing insurance companies to offer their old policies for one more year. now, it's up to states to implement that change. and one state, washington, is saying the president's fix is unworkable. new video from the massive sinkhole, that's expanding near tampa, florida. it is now 70 feet wide. it's forcing the evacuation of seven homes and swallowing a pool in the process. crews are planning to push some of those most-threatened homes, two of them right on the hole's edge, into the hole and then bury them all, filling the rest of the sinkhole, with dirt. and this morning, u.s. navy helicopters are dropping water and food over isolated villages in the philippines, where now at least 3,600 people are confirmed dead since last week's deadly supertyphoon. nearly 1 million people have lost their homes, according to the latest estimate. and nearly 400 children have been rescued after what police are calling one of the largest child pornography busts in history. teachers, doctors, actors, are among the hundreds of people that are arrested worldwide, including 76 of them here in the united states, including a youth basketball coach from washington. and a brazen heist in atlanta to show you. three robbers bursting into the jewelry store you see here, forcing employees to the floor. at gun point and then using hammers to smash through the cases. they made off with some $5 million in jewels and are still on the run. and finally this week, we showed you that rabbit who jumped on to the horse race and took it because he was a rabbit. wasn't pulling a human being. take a look at who interrupted -- interrupted, that's a curious verb. a boys' cross country race in phoenix. that's a coyote. that's a really fast coyote. no road runners. the coyote wins this race every time. thankfully, the coyote made himself or herself -- can't confirm that -- scarce. and the race continued without further incident. >> of course, no one's going to try to catch up with the coyote. >> no. that's a race that a coyote is welcome to win, by his or herself. >> that lyle wylie coyote. >> thank you, josh. we want to get some weather from ginger. >> all right. we are right here with a great group from arkansas. jaden is here. and i said, lift him up. he's cute enough to be on tv. what do you want to say this morning? >> good morning, america. good morning, america. >> perfect. good morning, america. that's what we want to say to the northwest, too, and the southwest. there's a new, cold blast. look at the jet stream drift down. and temperatures have been really warm. almost record. but phoenix, you're dipping into the 70s. you'll see some rain and dust start possibilities in albuquerque, too. >> and a big game this sunday. the giants in green bay. and i found -- what's your name? and who are you rooting for? >> packers. >> go, pack, go. inside to lara. here's a look at what's coming up on our "gma morning menu." in "pop news," jean-claude van damme's epic move. going viral. and looking for real estate? no need to wear your clothes. we'll explain. and property brothers from hgtv. the big stars are here, for "improve this." this time, we're making over your holiday guest room. and then, the red-hot stars from "the hunger games." one of the big ones. ginger very excited. the handsome devil here, live, on "good morning america," in times square. robin says, it's so good. it's like everyone came together and said, "if it's good, let's save it for the weekend." so here's to the kfc ten buck weekend bucket. ten pieces, ten bucks. any recipe. just ten bucks every saturday and sunday. today tastes so good. just ten bucks every saturday and sunday. goglossophobia, is the fear of public speaking. ♪ ♪ the only thing we have to fear is... fear itself. ♪ ♪ he actually told me that a lot of the foods that i thought were really healthy for me can do damage to the enamel on my teeth. my dentist recommended that i use pronamel. pronamel will help protect the enamel from future erosion. i took my son fishing every year. we had a great spot, not easy to find, but worth it. but with copd making it hard to breathe, i thought those days might be over. so my doctor prescribed symbicort. it helps significantly improve my lung function starting within five minutes. symbicort doesn't replace a rescue inhaler for sudden symptoms. with symbicort, today i'm breathing better. and that on! symbicort is for copd including chronic bronchitis and emphysema. it should not be taken more than twice a day. symbicort may increase your risk of lung infections, osteoporosis, and some eye problems. tell your doctor if you have a heart condition or high blood pressure before taking it. with copd, i thought i'd miss our family tradition. now symbicort significantly improves my lung function, starting within 5 minutes. and that makes a difference in my breathing. today, we're ready for whatever swims our way. ask your doctor about symbicort. i got my first prescription free. call or click to learn more. [ male announcer ] if you can't afford your medication, astrazeneca may be able to help. [ male announcer ] if you can't afford your medication, - whoa... what about - it's cute, isn't it?e? (female announcer) celebrate the season! save 30% on holiday value packs. and save up to $40 with coupons in specially marked packages. friday through sunday only, if you do something today. and there's never been a better time because this year, devry university has $45 million dollars in need and merit-based scholarships and grants available to those who qualify. and this degree can make a difference. in 2012, 90% of devry university grads actively seeking employment had careers in their field within 6 months. now is your time. apply by january 6th. visit ♪ coming up, "gma" improve this. brought to you by lowe's. never stop improving. ♪ look at this. millions of people clicking on this video overnight. jean-claude van damme, pulling off a truly epic split in this volvo truck commercial. one leg on each truck. they're driving in reverse. no camera or computer tricks, we're told, were used. more than 7 million views already. and it's definitely popping right now. >> whoa. >> i know, i know. going backwards. >> they must -- >> did they come back together? and speaking of popping -- >> yes. "pop news." "pop news." >> yes, robin. "pop news." we begin with something that will make you happy. "murphy brown." "murphy brown" premiered 25 years ago this week. and in honor of the occasion, big news. the classic comedy, starring the one and only can ddace berg, is coming back. the channel called encore classic, will run episodes in syndication. the show ran for ten glorious years. from '88 to '98. and when candice heard the news, she said, it's about time. >> i can't believe it's not been in syndication until now. >> it's just timeless. great comedy. do check it out. also, you might want to check this out. a new show on tlc is taking the real estate craze to a new level. another show where a busy real estate exec helps a couple find their dream home. but where else would you find a show where the couple is totally naked? the couple is naked while they look at houses. they're naked at the real estate office. they're naked in the car. it's called "buying naked." it follows jackie youngblood, who is a real estate agent that specializes in nudist clientele. works at one of the biggest nudist colonies in the world. she is always clothed. but her business slogan for clients is, forget the outfit, wear the lifestyle. >> this won't go ten years, i guess. will there be that many clients? >> go, jackie. >> please, follow-up. finally, don't laugh at this one. i know you all thought that the world gravy championships was amazing. and this, i believe is just as. yeah. there's the gravy. how about this? the first-ever canadian laughing championship. [ laughing ] it's a little behind ours here in america. the laughees are judged on the caliber of things like their natural laugh. there's snorts. and something called the alabama knee-slapper. do not think about faking it. a referee is on standby and will step in if they suspect your laugh is not 100% genuine. >> where is sam champion when you need him? he has one of the best laughs. >> i know. >> this is in toronto? insert your rob ford jokes here. >> i was thinking about whether or not to do that. but i thought i would let your mind wander. do your thing. >> so lots of "pop news" today. we're going to turn to the mommy blogger who has a tough love message for kids being bullied. it's been viewed nearly 1 million times. and her call for kids to fend for themselves and parents to stay out of the way has sparked a ferocious debate. abbie boudreau has the story. >> reporter: she's a mom on a mission. making headlines this morning about why she thinks kids who are bullied need to toughen up. >> coddling your kids does not prepare your children to handle adversary. >> reporter: in a blog post titled "why my kids are not the center of my world." 29-year-old stephanie metz writes, the mentality of our society in 2013 is nauseating to me. >> i feel like the job of a parent is not always to make their life easy. and make their child happy. >> reporter: stephanie's self-admitted rant, which was meant for her following of 8 close friends, now has more than 800,000 views. and it's striking a nerve among parents online. stephanie writes, there was a time when kids got called names. and they brushed it off. she says, if a kid gets bullied nowadays, their whole world crumbles. they contemplate suicide. and society encourages a worldwide pity party. >> when you get into the real world and your boss is a jerk, how are you going to deal with that? >> reporter: this has some parents outraged. calling her an example of everything wrong with parents today. another person writing, you should feel ashamed. >> i do know that bullying is a very real issue. but i do think we need to teach our kids to learn how to be a little stronger, i guess, emotionally. >> reporter: parenting expert, dr. karyn gorden, agrees to an extent. >> there's a difference between bullying and teasing. when it's teasing, i want parents to teach their children how they themselves can fix the problem. this is going to build resilience, confidence and communication skills. >> reporter: stephanie says she never intended to change the mindset of modern parents. but does hope they'll focus more on preparing their kids and not pampering them. for "good morning america," abbie boudreau, abc news, los angeles. >> you can imagine, a lot of reaction coming into this. here was jason mccann on twitter. does he agree with stephanie? i do not agree. i was bullied. when i tried to toughen up, it made my life worse. she doesn't know how mean kids can get. but j. emmett cole says everybody should have a degree of toughness. the world can be a tough place and sheltering helping nobody. tammy gold, our expert, where do you come down? >> i think we need to teach children resilience. we don't need to be tougher on them or have them experience toughness. we need to teach them how to handle adversity. how to handle uncomfortable feelings and give them tools to punch through the other side. >> how would you suggest doing that? >> so, a couple things. you need to teach them how to build frustration tolerance. how to identify, i'm feeling angry. i'm feeling upset and what does that feel like? and sit with that feeling. number two, teach them how to express themselves, using "eyi" statements. i feel uncomfortable. i don't like the way you're talking to me. and three, teach them empathy, so they understand that it's not just about them. so they understand that somebody else could have a view and a problem in the situation. >> the mom seemed to have a clear take on the frustration tolerance issue. she says, leave them alone. let them go work out problems for themselves. >> and i disagree with that. it's a parents' job to teach them how to get through troubles that are plaguing any child. and if you say, this is a tough time, especially with a bullying situation, or adolescent girls. i'm going to step back and let you handle it, they can suffer real emotional trauma. it's a parent's job to get involved and teach them how to talk through the problem and solve it for themselves. >> i completely agree. and not go the other way, and try to be their best friend all the time. i'm hopefully raising sarina to be my friend when she's an adult. and until then, i'll -- >> you need to partner with them. this is not the time you step back and let them take any kind of abuse. you partner with them and teach them side by side so they can become stronger within. >> great advice. thank you so much. >> really is good advice. we said this before. everyone just does the best that they can. and there's no set formula. and parents just do what they think is best. thank you for that advice, though. very, very helpful. most couples try to keep their disagreements private. but not the couple you are about to meet. they tweet about them. all of them. no matter how big, small. and they have quite a following. "gma" special contributor melissa rycroft got the very open couple to open up even more. >> you got three lemons. >> what my baby wants, my baby gets. you know that. >> i wanted 12. baby wants 12. >> reporter: everybody knows the smallest thing can turn into a big fight. but claire and alan took their fights to another level. capturing their quarrels on their twitter page, @we fought about, for the whole world to see. you guys share your fights publicly, on social media. >> yes. >> we had a fight and claire said, if we posted this, no one would believe this is a real fight. >> reporter: the couple have been dating for eight months. and has documented every squabble and spat. since august, gathering followers for team claire or team alan. one recent post, alan got jealous of a pear. prompted one follower to say, alan is right. alan is always right. and another, alan suggested that his gal-pal replace me at an event i couldn't make. one follower asking, has alan recovered from his temporary bout of insanity? >> it's a wonderful way to resolve problems by writing down what you feel. if they read too much into what their followers have to say, it might cause additional problems. >> reporter: do you post mid-fight? or do you post after you have hashed it out and worked it out? >> always after we're cooled down. and that can be 20 minutes. that can be three days. >> reporter: and they have amassed quite a following. over 14,000 people follow the couple's tweeted tiffs, covering everything from, claire left me in a restaurant. i thought alan was buying bread for another woman. how does this help your relationship? >> after every fight, we come together as a team. which is great because it feels like you're against each other in a fight. and we have to come together. and we do something. >> reporter: you sound like an old married couple. >> old married couple. >> reporter: for "good morning america," melissa rycroft, abc news, chicago. >> george, if you did that with ali. >> glad it was them. >> that would be worth it. >> george would be winless. >> that's right. let's get over to lara. >> it is time for "improve this." and today, we have our favorites, the property brothers from hgtv are here. thank you for lending me a beautiful holiday sweater. jonathan and drew. hardest working men in home improvement, with a new season of their new show, "buying and selling," premiering on december 4th. this morning, they're going to show you how to spruce up your guest room just in time for your holiday visitors. >> the first thing is to get yourself spruced up. we pulled these from our personal collection. >> some may say they're ugly christmas sweaters. i think they're fashionable. >> i do, too. i think you guys wear them well. projects we got. we got this stuff at lowe's. you can get it all at your home improvement store. i love this wall. simple and so chic. >> if you're going to do a feature. this is a step up. you get 3d wall panels. 32 square feet, 70 bucks. you can paint them any color you want. you can use them as a headboard or a whole wall. >> it adds a lot of interest to a room, instead of just having a basic wallpaper. >> i really love it. it gives texture to the walls. they come like this. these cost how much money? >> six of them for 70 bucks. >> and fiberglass? >> it's a plasticy material. once you paint it out, it looks like the wall. it's easier than wallpaper, too. wa wallpaper is a pain in the butt. this, you just stick it on. you caulk the edges and you're done. >> i think it's an awesome project. it looks extensive. >> this is the focal point of the day bed. we built the day bed here so people have a place to sit. we built it with a solution underneath for storage. you have a little extra space underneath. we did this with a twin bed. trimmed it out a little bit. put it on castors so it's movable. >> there you go. it rolls. >> exactly. >> and you have storage underneath. i love that. >> and you can close this up and do drawers if you wanted. >> store all of your christmas sweaters under there. >> i'm going to sleep the rest of the day right here, it's that comfortable. >> and making a daybed, level of difficulty? >> pretty straightforward. only 125 bucks for the materials. glue, screw, put it all together. >> and it's birch? >> three-quarter birch poplar on the sides. and we did the trim just to finish it off nicely. >> just as easy is this night stand over here. this was a simple piece of plywood. we made four cuts. you take these legs, it gives a mid-century modern look. >> let me see the legs. so, these legs are available at your home improvement store. they come ready-made. you don't have to suddenly become a total craftsman. >> if you're really cheap like drew, you can get dowels for 4 bucks apiece. these are 10 bucks apiece. >> or hit the flea market. we like to save a few bucks. you'll spend a fraction of the price with an old piece. >> i get an old table and i use the legs. that's a great way to recycle. >> you screw it together, paint it, you're done. >> and i love how it has a mid century vibe to it. >> exactly. >> you'll notice, as well, that i put in a magazine that i'm in. >> that's good. >> i know you want to brag. tell everybody where they can find you. because you got such a following. >> anyone can find us online. @mr. silver scott, @mr. drew scott. and we're going to be hosting the great american country top 50 music video countdown this year. >> i'm going to play a little guitar. do some country singing. >> are you going to hit him with that? >> for step-by-step tips for creating night stands, go to on yahoo! coming up, the butterball turkey guys. stay with us. we continue with breaking news from san jose where an american airlines jet made an emergency landing this morning. sky 7 hd was over maneta san jose international airport when american air license fllines fl arrived. airport officials say the pilot powered down one of the two engines on the jet liner. the plane landed safely and no one was hurt. the 139 passengers on board are being booked onto other flights. let's get an update on the morning commute with leyla. all right. we have that accident now cleared. this is southbound along 101 as you start heading into east palo alto at san antonio road but left quite the backup in its wake. northbound traffic also very busy. look outside at the golden gate bridge where we have a new report of an accident right at the toll plaza in the southbound direction. but check out northbound traffic also looking a little slow and go there as well. ♪ at kaiser permanente we've reduced serious heart attacks by 62%, which makes days with grandpa jack 100% more possible. join us at and thrive. good morning. first day of craft season and we've got some choppy waves out there because of the winds 20 to 30 knots over the ocean until 9:00 tomorrow. over land it is still in the 40s and 50s everywhere, at least napa up at 41 now. you were down to like 34 this morning. temperatures under all this sunshine about the same as yesterday. in the mid-60s you fought very hard in the arena. but they were games. would you like to be in a real war? >> i agree, george. donald sutherland. >> what a voice. >> fire. >> "the hunger games: catching fire." we're one week out from a global blockbuster. and they're sure to be one of the big movies of the year. we've had jeffrey wright here. we're going to have all of the stars coming to "gma." and we have two of them. jenna malone and sam bradley. they're in the patch of broadway farms. robin is sitting down with the two of them in just a moment. who caught that? >> oh, wow. >> it's sure to be a good one. d.j. pro style, spinning us into the weekend. >> guess what is the burning up twitter? our surprise justin bieber preview of his movie trailer "believe." we have another sneak peek. >> it's bieber. >> going to be here live. you come back. >> i will. i'll be here. >> are we going to take a look or no? >> i was so excited to see justin bieber. joey, you understand. >> i understand. >> joey fatone is here. and in a moment, he's going to join us for a little turkey trivia. before that, we talk about his show. >> it's a great one. this is great. you basically go to a different city. one home. spend a day. it's on the live well network. it's terrific. and you go in and help real cooks deconstruct their recipe. >> family and food, they go together. what better way to have a conversation? you know, you're sitting down, having a meal. and it's cool to go into people's homes. sometimes we do celebrities, as well. it's cool to get in there and see the breakdown of what they do. >> heard you were with some fellow greeks yesterday. >> yeah. they were loud. i think i'm a little hungover. a lot of drinking going on. >> was it, joe? >> it was a lot of stuff. but the funny part was, i never -- this is the first episode i've eaten so much. i was like -- usually i take a bite. yeah, it's really good. they were just cramming stuff. it was so much food, i could not believe it. >> the best thing about doing a show like that is the learning process. what's the biggest thing you've learned from being in different people's homes? >> nobody really goes 100% measurements. you know, if it's baking, it is. but with food, it's a dash of this, a little bit of that. it's all according to taste and how you want to make that flavor burst. >> it's love. >> what do you think? >> there is no meal arguably more personal than the thanksgiving meal. so, what do you say. we're counting down. >> talking turkey. >> what about joey? >> joey's going to stick around for it. anytime -- we are excited, as well. you've seen them all morning long. the great men of butterball here. tony, jim, stan, and r.j. and, r.j., i understand, very exciting. the first time ever it's a male voice as the official butterball spokesperson for the turkey help me cook my meal line. what's it feel like? >> i'm just thrilled. in fact, the thanksgiving table is changing. and believe it or not, josh, one at of four turkey calls are for men. i'm excited to be part of this team. and butterball is a great resource for thanksgiving. >> awesome. great to have you all. are you ready to play? all right. here is how it's going to go. we have two teams. r.j., tony, team lara. jim and stan, team joey. i'm going to ask you the first question. you answer correctly, you get a point. and if you get it wrong, team joey gets to steal and get a point. away we go. lara, the first question is -- what is the best -- and by that, i mean safest way, to thaw a turkey. one day in a fridge every four pounds. one hour in the fridge for every four pounds? or leave it on the counter overnight? >> "a." >> judges, is it "a"? you have one on the board. which is more popular. white meat? dark meat? or is it both? >> we will go with "c." >> that is a personal choice. yes, it is. tied at 1-1. lara, the minimum size to feet eight people. 20 pounds? 18? 16? >> that's what i was going to say. 16. >> okay. all right. here we go. joey, question four. temperature turkey is fully cooked at. breast 170? breast 190? breast 175 degrees fahrenheit? >> i'm going with "a," 170. >> lara, here we go. i wanted the giblet question going to you. >> thank you. >> the turkey parts of said giblets are -- liver, gizzard, neck and a -- >> heart? intestines? kidney? >> "b" or "c"? >> heart. >> i was not right. now i am. "c." >> all right. very nice. very nice. butterball folks. joey, you have to keep up. >> we got it. >> if you're watching your weight, which should you avoid? dark meat? is it skin? or "c" both? >> we're going to go with skin. >> for the final two, butterball experts, step aside. >> oh. >> here we go. how long should you wait before carving? >> hold on. i need to think about this. >> should you weight -- you shouldn't wait. carve immediately. 15 to 30 minutes? or one hour to allow juices to drain properly? >> that's easy. "c." >> judges? >> joey? joey? i'm going to give you a new question. here we go. it's only fair. which should be carved first? should it be, breasts? drumsticks? should it be "c," wings? >> think it through. >> i would want to go with "a." breast. >> of course you would. >> it is "b," drumstick. lara, you want to wait 15 to 30 minutes. and the answer to question nine, the turkey hot line phone number is 1-800-butterball. all right. we have to go. >> we tied. >> we tied. i believe we tied. >> everybody's a winner. >> bring it on in. everybody's a winner. meanwhile, we need some -- we need -- it's all yours, joey. >> i can't wait to take it home. give us thanksgiving eve weather. >> they're here. and so many smiling faces. it is mild. where are you coming in from? >> i'm michelle. >> i'm holly. >> i'm annette. >> all of them, so happy to be here. we are, too. it is warming up in the east. look at ft. myers, florida. great twitter photos. it's where we want to start the morning. and byu, where they're seeing great fall colors. and the warmer weather. look at the numbers. it's not only the southwesterly flow. but chicago, you get to the 60s. enjoy it while it lasts. and the severe storms on sunday. i want to mention that >> this weather report has been brought to you by devry university. macy's is teaming up with make-a-wish, so your child's letter to santa can make a sick child's dream come true. it's called the believe campaign. and it made believers out of a class of first graders we went to. just last week, santa's elves dropped by the "gma" studios to kick off the believe campaign. with kids mailing the first letters to santa. but as the holidays get a little closer, we need even more. so, we headed to a first grade class, getting a lesson on letter writing. >> who are you writing? >> santa. >> reporter: so, the kids sit down to write their letters. you said an iphone? >> 5c. >> reporter: you want a puppy? and they took time to remind him of all of the good they did this year. what did you do nice this year? >> i helped people. >> i take care of my family. >> reporter: oh. >> i've been nice to my little brother. >> reporter: we're here. right away, just off to macy's to make sure their letters go straight to the north pole. santa has a lot of letters. and you and your family can do the same. write a letter to santa claus. bring that stamped letter to any macy's location across the country. drop the letter in the macy's believe box. and for every letter that's received, macy's will donate $1 to make-a-wish. so, all kids can get their wish for christmas. all right. let's check again how many letters we've collected so far. we have a grand tally of more than 79,000 letters to santa. just like the first graders, though, you want to keep working on the letters and sending them. you have to look for the believe box at a macy's near you. go to on yahoo! to learn how you can send those letters to santa. josh, in to you. this is it. it's friday. full speed ahead. the great "gma" car giveaway contest. all week long we've been tracking the cars en route to the winners. on monday, we saw sara haines in philadelphia. then, our contributor melissa rycroft was in chicago. and today, we check in with our contributor cameron mathison. he's pulling in to talk with us right now. cameron, where are -- it's still dark. i have a feeling you may be west of the great mississippi. where are you, bud? >> you are correct. we are a few hours behind you here. but this mazda 3, this is one of the prizes sponsored by mazda in this contest. and this beautiful car is on its way to a winner. right now, we are in los angeles. and i personally couldn't think of a better place to stop on a road trip than one of your favorite places in los angeles, josh. pink's hot dog stands. and i'm here with the owners, gloria and beverly. and they have something special just for "gma." >> oh, my. cameron, there's a lot to get to. i cannot wait to see that. but first, before you dig in to one of the great hot dogs in the country, some contest business. viewers had to answer five, key questions. and then write an essay to enter the contest. we found out this week, answers to the first three clues. we're throwing them up on our license plate. b, x and 3. we need two more answers, cameron. take it away. >> on thursday, we asked viewers what dessert did cake boss, bud buddy valastro make on "gma"? number 2, cocktail cupcakes. on friday, we asked you, what color were the three mazdas that pulled away from "gma" studios. the answer to that question. wait for it. number 3, red. there you go. josh, was that clear? did you get all that? >> very, very clear. we have a complete license plate. while people check to see if they got them all right, i want you to tell us what they are holding there? the little bits of perfection in their hands? >> okay. hold on. check this out. can i please have one "gma" dog, please? one "gma" dog? bring it on here. this is an official pink's -- you're going to make the whole thing. all right. we don't have time for all this. it's a beautiful thing. it's two hot dogs. it's got chili, onions, tomatoes. and you've been eating them all morning. >> fantastic. >> it was bx 323. and next week, you can find out if you were one of the champions, one of the mazdas headed towards you. monday, tuesday, wednesday, three people are going to get the surprise of a lifetime because the great "gma" con giveaway contest is coming to you. live television. it's awesome. speaking of hunger and pink's, "hunger games." you don't have to wait any longer for them. two of the movie's, big, new stars. ♪ as you can see, "gma" "catching fire." we have two of the new hot stars from the hunger game sequel. jena malone, and sam claflin. sam plays heartthrob finnick odair. i've enjoyed talking with you both in the commercial break. you are delightful and so excited. a week from today. a week -- >> it's coming out. we get to share it with the world. >> is it a nerve-racking time? >> it's excitement and anxiety. a mixture of both, i think. there's definitely butterflies inside. >> i mean, that kind of excitement is -- it's exhilarating. we have worked so hard. and i think the fans are going to love it. at this point, i want to let them see it. >> and you have so many fans of this series, and the book. and i remember in reading the book, that sugar cube part in the book. and it was brought to life on screen by you, sam. i'll get your comments. but let's see it first. >> will pay for the pleasure of your company. >> the secrets. what about you, girl on fire? any secrets worth that time? >> and you were concerned about the costume or lack thereof? >> the novel, obviously, has him in a lot less. so, i was quite happy with how it turned out. >> you were supposed to be wearing a knot. >> a knot. >> just a tied rope. >> not big enough. >> you wouldn't go there. but jena was happy to do that. you had great outfits, as well. in this clip, you are admiring the outfit that katniss has on. >> really? a wedding dress? >> snow made me wear it. >> ladies and gentlemen, please become -- >> make him pay for it. >> i told you in the commercial, i wasn't sure if i liked her character until that moment. >> oh, great. i'm glad she has some likable qualities. a little intense. >> how do you think about that when you're seeing these two really strong women. you can tell that you really have respect for katniss. >> in the novels, they're pitted against each other. she can't stand anything about katniss, objeabout what she represents. and they find a way to find admiration. but it is a feisty duo. >> i appreciate that. you had to do a little bit of training? it's very physical. >> just a little bit. >> for me, there was a huge, huge transformation. >> a big transformation, in all of us. >> i think my wife was happy. you know, i'm not complaining, by any means. >> 5 1/2 months. all of us coming in, previously wanted to be able to stay true to having a lethal weapon as a body. and with the amount of stunts and long hours and the crazy terrain we were enduring, we needed to be in tip-top shape just to withstand the days, you know? >> exactly. i saw it yesterday. you're on the edge of your seat. and i have to say, you do a great job. you weren't in the first one. and to be inserted into a cast like that, speaks volumes of both of you and the cast. all the very best. >> thank you very much. >> i love that you're wearing your wedding socks. his wedding socks are on. >> aw. >> come on. that's sweet. i know. >> jena, thank you, sam. there it is. there's that justin bieber trailer that lara promised you. we had so much fun this half hour, we ran out of time. we promise, we're going to show it to you on monday. the full trailer for "believer" is on yahoo! movies today. it hits theaters on december 25th. and tickets with holiday magic in both parks, the happiest place on earth, just got merrier. always great to have d.j. pro style here. thanks to i heart radio. the digital radio service. have a great weekend, everybody. so yso you can happily let the grlife get in the way, while planning for tomorrow. so you can finish the great american novel banking for the life you have investing for the life you want chase. so you can good morning. i'm katie marzullo. it is the start of commercial crab season. fishermen on the ocean will be bringing in their first haul today. meteorologist mike nicco has the bay area forecast. >> and those pots may be hard to get with the choppy waves thanks to the winds out of the northwest about 20 to 30 knots. good morning everybody. small craft advisory until 9:00 tomorrow morning. temperatures about the same as yesterday but total sunshine. mid to upper 50s, brisk along the coast. low to mid-60s elsewhere. accuweather seven-day forecast seasonally cool, chance of rain of course neweek. leyla. mike, we have a crash on the golden gate bridge at north tower. let's go to that live picture right now where i can show you traffic is very busy in the northbound direction. we had all southbound lanes blocked for a time, but we saw that four-car crash of people -- excuse me, trapped. be careful out there. announcer: it's "live with kelly and michael." today, singer, songwriter and coach, adam levine. and from "how i met your mother," and film "delivery man," cobie smulders. plus, performing their latest hit "waiting for superman" daughtery. all next on "liv [captioning made possible by isney-abc domestic television] announcer: now here are kelly ripa and michael strahan! [cheers and applause] ♪

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