Transcripts For KGO ABC World News Tonight With David Muir 20180116 01:30:00

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that warned -- "ballistic missile threat inbound to hawaii. this is not a drill." parents hiding their children in manholes. families huddled in closets. and what we've now learned tonight. and olympic gymnast simone biles. her brave words. what she has just revealed. good evening. and it's great to have you with us here on this martin luther king jr. holiday. and we have a lot of news to get to. we begin tonight with that new winter storm moving across the country at this hour. the alberta clipper bringing snow and ice and freezing rain, and there is real concern tonight about the commute tomorrow morning. already tonight, dangerous driving from the plains to the midwest. a driver losing control, slamming into a police cruiser, right there in park hills, kentucky. as we come on the air tonight, two dozen states now under winter storm warnings and watches right now. that system pushing all the way from texas to minnesota and moving east. d.c., philly, new york, boston all get hit tomorrow. the driving on this holiday already a real challenge and it's moving east. abc's erielle reshef leads us
this school suddenly under water. >> a wave of water came in and just surrounded the cars. it just kept coming. the cars were filled up to about the hood of the cars, they were almost fully submerged. >> reporter: now students scrambling to evacuate. >> erielle reshef joins us live from kent, connecticut, where they are under that state of emergency. and they're already facing that other threat, the ice in the rivers, as you point out, freezing, melting then re-freezing, causing major flooding in the meantime. and another round of that they fear is coming later this week. >> reporter: that's right, david. warmer weather may be on the way for later this week. but that could cause these ice jams to melt, leading to even more flooding. the fire chief telling us, david, this problem is unprecedented. david? >> erielle reshef leading us off tonight. erielle, thank you. and authorities are warning drivers to be careful as the work week begins tomorrow for so many of you, that mix of snow, ice and freezing rain all a major concern, so, let's get right to chief meteorologist ginger zee, she's tracking it all, hour by hour for us tonight. ginger? >> reporter: that slick drive is going to happen in places like san antonio, texas, austin,
texas, as everybody goes back to school and work. i want to take you to the maps. you've got advisories from louisiana to new york. but that pink area in texas, up through mississippi, even oxford, mississippi, is what i want you to pay attention to. that's where the freezing rain could cause ice up to a half inch, mix it with some sleet, up to two inches of snow. and it is not going to be a good tuesday morning. then you move it all to the east, and it's kind of post frontal there, but the snow goes all the way up the coast. and behind this, so significant, mobile, alabama, by wednesday morning, single digit wind chills. they've just put out a state of emergency in the state of alabama. >> all right, ginger zee with us tonight. ginger, thank you. we're going to turn now to a disturbing story that broke late today, the chilling discovery inside a family home in southern california. a mother and father accused of holding their 13 children captive. investigators say many allegedly shackled to their beds. one of their daughters escaping the house, calling 911, and police now revealing tonight what they found when they arrived. abc's matt gutman in california.
tonight, both parents are under arrest for multiple counts of child abuse. each of them held on a $9 million bail. >> and matt gutman with us live tonight. this is so disturbing. police had thought, matt, that the daughter who escaped, she's actually 17, they thought she was much younger because of how thin she is, how malnourished she is? >> reporter: that's right, david. so disturbing. when officers first encountered that young girl, they mistook her for a 10-year-old. she was actually 17. now, investigators tell us they believe that many of these children had been abused for decades. now, all 13 of them are in child and adult protective care. david? >> just unbelievable. matt gutman, thank you. next tonight here, we have new images this evening of that deadly boat fire, shuttling people out to a floating casino off florida's gulf coast. and you can see the passengers actually jumping into the water right there, trying to survive as the boat is consumed by flames. one woman did not survive. and abc's victor oquendo from florida tonight. >> oh, my god. >> reporter: tonight, harrowing
one of them, a 42-year-old woman, dying in the hospital while being treated. the charred shuttle boat now burnt to the hull is owned by tropical breeze casino. in a statement today, the company saying it wishes "to extend our heartfelt sympathies to all those affected by the fire." >> and victor joins us tonight from where those passengers were rushed ashore. we can make out a bit of the boat there behind you, victor, and investigators still don't know what caused this fire? >> reporter: david, no official cause has been determined, but the ntsb is now investigating. the boat's captain being credited for his quick thinking, getting that boat very close to shore. likely saving many lives. david? >> victor, our thanks to you as well tonight. next this evening on this martin luther king jr. holiday, the firestorm surrounding president trump and the profane comments he made during that immigration meeting in the oval office. overnight, the president defending himself, saying, quote, "i'm not a racist. i'm the least racist person you have ever interviewed." abc's chief white house correspondent jonathan karl tonight. >> reporter: consumed for days by the controversy over
comments specifically," are now denying the president made the offensive remarks. >> i didn't hear it, and i was sitting no further away from donald trump than dick durbin was. >> i'm telling you he did not use that word. >> reporter: but what word? now there's even something of a debate over how the profanity used by the president ended. >> my understanding from the meeting, he used a different, but very closely related vulgarity. he said s-house, and not s-hole. >> reporter: and a third republican senator at the meeting, lindsay graham, who stood up to the president at that meeting and called durbin's characterization of the president's comments, quote, "basically accurate," is not changing his account, saying his "memory hasn't evolved." >> what i heard, i didn't like. i will work with him and i will stand up to him. >> jonathan karl with us live at the white house tonight. jon, the president has made it very clear that a deal to protect dreamers is now in doubt. he says because of this controversy over his words. today actually tweeting that deals can't get made when there is no trust.
so, where does this all stand tonight, what are your sources now telling you? >> reporter: well, david, with all the name-calling, it does look grim, but i have talked to both democrats and republicans involved in these negotiations today who have told me that they still believe a deal can be worked out. those talks resume tomorrow. >> another week begins at the white house. jon karl, our thanks to you. next tonight here, new reporting. how did it happen, that false alarm in hawaii that led to 38 minutes of terror? more than a million people warned of an imminent missile attack, told "this is not a drill." families huddling in closets, parents hiding children in manholes. abc's jim avila from honolulu. >> reporter: the worker blamed for causing 38 minutes of fear and panic is reassigned after a routine internal test turned into the nightmare scenario for more than a million hawaiians. >> a missile may impact on land or sea within minutes. this is not a drill. >> reporter: the dire message causing this father to hide his daughter in a manhole.
families to race into world war ii-era bunkers. tourists to gather in hotel basements. >> i had my mom on speakerphone, on the mainland, and i was calling and saying good-bye, you know, to my family. >> reporter: all starting during a shift change when officials tell abc news an employee mistakenly clicked "missile alert" instead of the test option. 8:07 saturday morning, the warning -- >> this is not a drill. >> reporter: in just three minutes, at 8:10, the command center knows it's a false alarm. official word taking an anguishing 38 minutes to come from this room. the error happening weeks after hawaii reinstates its cold war-era drills, following several missile launches from north korea. now, officials here are requiring that two people push the button before an alert goes out. but their biggest concern is that no one will believe them the next time. david? >> jim avila, our thanks to you. and overseas tonight, there is news about the passenger plane on the edge of disaster in northern turkey.
look at this. the plane skidding off a runway, hanging from a cliff over the black sea. passengers inside recording the moment. turkish media reporting that one pilot claims the right engine suddenly increased speed, causing the plane to swerve. no one was injured. back here at home tonight, and to new developments in the murder of a college student in southern california. authorities now revealing new details about the former high school classmate who's now been arrested for the death of blaze bernstein. police using snapchat to track him down. and tonight, the messages that have now been discovered online. here's abc's gio benitez. >> reporter: tonight, a massive show of strength in southern california as family and friends of blaze bernstein say farewell to the 19-year-old ivy league student. this, as we get a first-hand look at the suspect in his killing, 20-year-old samuel woodward, his high school classmate. >> after accessing blaze's social media account on snapchat, they contacted the individual who had last had contact with him. >> reporter: that person was woodward, who, according to a now-sealed affidavit obtained by "the o.c. register," told police
he picked up the upenn pre-med student at his parents' home, to "catch up" and "hang out," but that he had scratches on his hands which he claimed were from a fight club. bernstein, seen here in high school, was found in a shallow grave nearly a week after his parents reported him missing. police haven't yet revealed a motive, but there are disturbing social media posts allegedly made by woodward where he writes where he'd like to learn how to waterboard and that cannibals "have got the right idea." and david, police say dna evidence links woodward to the killing. meanwhile, tonight, blaze bernstein's family is calling for acts of kindness in their son's name. david? >> gio benitez, our thanks to you. one more weather note tonight. after those deadly mudslides in montecito, california, there is concern tonight over rain on the way by friday. at least 20 dead, several missing. authorities say most homes are still without drinkable water. highway 101 still closed tonight. today, the white house releasing its first statement on the devastation, saying the president has been briefed and is monitoring the situation.
there is still much more ahead on "world news tonight" this monday. we will honor dr. martin luther king jr. what he said just four days before his life was taken. also, the famous singer found dead today in a hotel. what we're learning about that tonight. olympic gymnast simone biles. her brave words late today. what she has just revealed. also, the dramatic floor collapse caught on camera. look at this. giving way. dozens actually injured after this collapse. and the remarkable image, the car going airborne, slamming into the second story of this building. police now revealing how this all happened. a lot more news ahead. we'll be right back. depression is a tangle of multiple symptoms that can make you sad, feel tired, and have difficulty concentrating. trintellix is a prescription medication for depression. it may help you take a step forward in improving your depression. tell your healthcare professional right away if your depression worsens, or you have unusual changes in mood, behavior or thoughts of suicide.
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new pantene. foam conditioner. a heart transplant... that's a whole different ballgame. i was in shock. i am very proud of the development of drugs that can prevent the rejection and prevent the recurrence of the original disease. i never felt i was going to die. we know so much about transplantation. and we're living longer. you cannot help but be inspired by the opportunities that a transplant would offer. my donor's mom says "you were meant to carry his story". we turn next tonight to a headline late today involving gold medalist simone biles, and what she has now revealed, joining so many others in coming forward. here's abc's linzie janis. >> reporter: tonight, one of the biggest names in usa gymnastics, simone biles, coming forward to say she, too, was abused by former team doctor larry nassar. in social media posts, the 20-year-old olympic gold
medalist writing, "for too long, i've asked myself, was i too naive? was it my fault? i now know the answer to those questions. no. no, it was not my fault. no, i will not and should not carry the guilt that belongs to larry nassar, usag and others." biles joins a list of more than 140 women who've accused nassar of abuse, including her fellow gymnastic stars gabby douglas, mckayla maroney and aly raisman. as biles trains for the 2020 olympics, she says, "i won't let one man, and the others that enabled him, to steal my love and joy." nassar, who is already serving 60 years in prison on child pornography and sexual misconduct charges -- >> guilty as stated, your honor. >> reporter: -- will be sentenced again this week after pleading guilty to seven charges of sexual assault. starting tomorrow, dozens of nassar's accusers will have the chance to read victim impact statements in court. david, nassar could get a life
sentence. >> linzie janis with us tonight. linzie, thank you. when we come back here, the rare interview with queen elizabeth tonight. also, that car taking flight. how did it crash into that second floor? the surveillance now released. and the famous singer's sudden death, her music loved by so many. discovered inside a london hotel. remember our special night? abdominal pain... ...and diarrhea. but it's my anniversary. aw. sorry. we've got other plans. your recurring, unpredictable abdominal pain and diarrhea... ...may be irritable bowel syndrome with diarrhea, or ibs-d. you've tried over-the-counter treatments and lifestyle changes, but ibs-d can be really frustrating. talk to your doctor about viberzi,... ...a different way to treat ibs-d. viberzi is a prescription medication you take every day that helps proactively manage... ...both abdominal pain and diarrhea at the same time. so you stay ahead of your symptoms. viberzi can cause new or worsening abdominal pain. do not take viberzi if you have no gallbladder, have pancreas or severe liver problems, problems with alcohol abuse, long-lasting or severe constipation,
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and get to the heart of what matters. to the index and a frightening collapse inside the jakarta stock exchange. the mezzanine floor giving way as students toured the exchange. nearly 80 injured. thankfully, no fatalities reported. there is new surveillance of the moment that car went airborne, crashing into a second floor dentist's office. the nissan altima speeding across several lanes of traffic in santa ana, california, hitting the divider, taking flight. two people suffered minor injuries. the driver was arrested on suspicion of driving under the influence. a passing to report from the world of music tonight. dolores o'riordan, lead singer of the irish group the cranberries, was found dead inside a london hotel today. just one of her best-known songs, "linger." ♪ do you have to
♪ do you have to let it linger >> no word on the cause of her death tonight. she was 46. and queen elizabeth sharing royal secrets about the moment she felt the literal weight of the crown, realizing she had to hold the speech up in front of her. >> you can't look down to read the speech, you have to take the speech up, because if you did, your neck would break. >> that makes sense. the 91-year-old queen was crowned in 1953. when we come back here tonight, dr. martin luther king jr. what he said four days before his death, still powerful 50 years later. ♪ when you have a cold, stuff happens. ♪ [ sneezing ] shut down cold symptoms fast with maximum strength alka seltzer plus liquid gels. coaching means making tough choices.
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finally tonight here, as this country honors dr. martin luther king jr., we took another look today at his final sunday sermon, words still poignant today. it was dr. martin luther king jr.'s final sunday sermon. his life taken four days later. but listen to what he said at washington national cathedral 50 years ago. his words poignant then and today. >> it may well be that we will have to repent in this generation. not merely for the vitriolic words and the violent actions of the bad people, but for the appalling silence and indifference of the good people who sit around and say, "wait on time." >> reporter: his was a warning of what can happen because of silence and indifference. across this country today, college students from barry college in rome, georgia, volunteering. in st. petersburg, florida, preparing 10,000 meals. and in oakland, california, and
in so many places, signs of new life. of hope. and dr. king in that final sermon. >> however dark it is, however deep the angry feelings are and the violent explosions are, i can still sing, "we shall overcome." we shall overcome because the arc of moral universe is long, but it bends toward justice. >> and we thank you for watching here on this monday night. i'm david muir. i hope to see you right back here tomorrow. from all of us here, have a good evening. good night. >> police officers, guns drawns
as they try to catch a truck thief driving the wrong way. >> i am spencer christian i will have the acuweather forecast. this is a movement. tonight, see how the bay area recognizes and celebrates dr. martin luther king jr. day. a wild police chase from san francisco to the south bay caught on camera. it ended with a big surprise. thanks for joining us. >> police flooded the streets of sunnyvale looking for that truck thief. >> reporter janine joins joins s live. >> reporter: the suspect is still at large at this point.

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Louisiana , Back To School , Oxford , It , Coast , Kind , Sleet , Wind , Tuesday Morning , Alabama , Mobile , Story , Chills , State , Family Home , Discovery , Southern California , One , Daughters , Father , Police , Beds , Mother , California , Investigators , Matt Gutman , House , Children Captive , 13 , 911 , Daughter , Counts , Child Abuse , Thought , Arrest , Bail , Peach , Million , 17 , 9 Million , Officers , Girl , 10 , People , Casino , Images , Evening , Child , Florida , Boat Fire , Adult , Gulf Coast , Thank You , Protective Care , Boat , Passengers , Woman , Victor Oquendo , Florida Tonight , Flames , God , Fire , Sympathies , Statement , Hospital , Company , Shuttle Boat , Tropical Breeze Casino , Hull , 42 , Captain , What , Don T , Cause , Thinking , Bit , Ntsb , President , Thanks , Lives , Comments , Shore , Well Tonight , Immigration Meeting , Trump , Oval Office , Person , Quote , Racist , Jonathan Karl Tonight , Controversy , White House , Saying , Overnight , Word , Remarks , Something , Profanity , Debate , Dick Durbin , Donald Trump , Meeting , Lindsay Graham , S House , Vulgarity , S Hole , Understanding , Republican , Characterization , Durbin , Account , Memory Hasnt Evolved , Deal , Deals , Trust , Doubt , Jonathan Karl , Republicans , Name Calling , Stand , Negotiations , Sources , Democrats , Alarm , Reporting , Missile Attack , Terror , 38 , A Million , Worker , Jim Avila , Panic , Fear , Families Huddling , Honolulu , Test , Hawaiians , Manhole , Nightmare Scenario , Sea , Message , Land , Officials , Family , Mom , Mainland , Tourists , Bunkers , Hotel Basements , Good Bye , Speakerphone , Shift , World War Ii , Warning , Command Center , Employee , Missile Alert , Three , 8 , 07 , Room , Drills , Languishing , Missile Launches , Cold War , Alert , Passenger Plane , Turkey , Overseas , Disaster , Edge , Push The Button , North Korea , Home Tonight , Turkish Media Reporting , Speed , Plane , No One , Developments , Pilot , Plane Skidding , Runway , Cliff , Engine , Black Sea , Death , Messages , Snapchat , High School Classmate , Friends Of Blaze Bernstein , College Student , Murder , Details , Abcs Gio Benitez , Suspect , Look , Strength , Samuel Woodward , Killing , Student , Show , Ivy League , 19 , 20 , Social Media , Individual , Blaze , Contact , Who , Affidavit , Register , The Oc , Home , High School , Hands , Scratches , Upenn Pre Med Student , Hang Out , Fight Club , Shallow Grave , Police Haven T , Posts , Dna Evidence , Cannibals , Motive , Idea , Calling , Rain , Name , Kindness , Links , Son , Facts , Mudslides , Montecito , Missing , Homes , Situation , Devastation , Highway 101 , 101 , Life , Hotel , Dr , Singer , World News Tonight , Learning , Four , Car , Collapse , Dozens , Floor Collapse , Image , Building , Camera , Symptoms , Depression , Tangle , Difficulty , Feel , Prescription Medication , Trintellix , Changes , Step , Thoughts , Behavior , Mood , Suicide , Healthcare Professional , Adults , Medications , Risk , Healthcare , Condition , Teens , Antidepressants , Psychiatric , Migraine , Bruising , Bleeding , Maois , Side Effects , Vomiting , Constipation , Nausea , Vision Problems , Its Time Fora Change , Nsaid Pain Relievers , Episodes , Blood Thinners , Aspirin , Sodium Levels , Markets , World , Remains , Advisor , Approach , Investment Experience , Att Rowe Price , Nutrients , Weight , Air Foam Conditioner , Conditioning , Cream Conditioners , Confidence , Hair , Pantene , T Rowe Price , 100 , 0 , Development , Foam Conditioner , Heart Transplant , Recurrence , Rejection , Ballgame , Shock , Drugs , Opportunities , Disease , Transplantation , Transplant , Donor , Others , Linzie Janis , Larry Nassar , Olympic , Names , Social Media Posts , Usa Gymnastics , Fault , Answer , Questions , Gabby Douglas , Guilt , Women , Gymnastic , Abuse , List , Aly Raisman , Mckayla Maroney , 140 , One Man , Charges , Olympics , Prison , Misconduct , Biles Trains , My Love And Joy , Child Pornography , 60 , 2020 , Chance , Statements , Victim , Life Sentence , Honor , Court , Sexual Assault , Accusers , Impact , Seven , Queen Elizabeth , Surveillance , Music , Floor , Interview , Sudden Death , Car Taking Flight , Abdominal Pain , Diarrhea , London , Plans , Anniversary , Doctor , Ibsd Viberzi , Viberzi , Lifestyle Changes , Over The Counter , Treatments , Ibs D , Ibsd , Irritable Bowel Syndrome , Gallbladder , Problems , Liver Problems , Alcohol Abuse , Pancreas , Medicines , Pancreatitis , Bowel , Hospitalization , Blockage , Guy , Night , Insurance , Middle , Dad , Flat Tire , Home Safe , Type 2 Diabetes , Event , Diabetes , False , Liberty , Knowledge , Doubles , Heart Attack , Stroke , Liberty Mutual Insurance , 2 , Fact , Heart Disease , Cardiovascular Disease , 1 , Stop Taking Jardiance , Benefit , A1c , Dehydration , Ketoacidosis , Reaction , Side Effect , Stomach Pain , Lightheaded , Standing , Breathing , Tiredness , Trouble , Faint , Kidney Problems , Yeast Infections , Urinary Tract Infections , Difficulty Breathing , Rash , Swallowing , Swelling , Dialysis , Cholesterol , Conditions , Insulin , Sulfonylurea , Blood Sugar , Isn T , Heart , Mezzanine Floor , Exchange , Index , Jakarta Stock Exchange , 80 , Traffic , Injuries , Driver , Office , Flight , Planes , Divider , Fatalities , Second Floor Dentist , Nissan Altima , Santa Ana , Doloreso Riordan , Passing , Suspicion , Group , Cranberries , Songs , Driving Under The Influence , The World Of Music , Irish , Speech Up , Crown , Front , Secrets , 46 , Speech , Queen , Neck , Sense , 1953 , 91 , Cold , 50 , Stuff , Choices , Sneezing , Gels , Coaching , Alka Seltzer Plus , Medicine , Blood Pressure , High Blood Pressure , Choice , Brand , Cold Symptom Relief , Coricidin Hbp , Psoriasis , Skin , Moderate , Taltz , Improvement , Psoriasis Plaques , Patients , Up To , 90 , 4 , Infections , Infection , Inflammatory Bowel Disease , Tuberculosis , Ability , Vaccine , Reactions , , 5 , Eyes , Ocuvite , Part , Wellness , Overlooking , Somethingdoing Toyou , Bausch Lomb , Best , Zeaxanthin , Omega 3 , Lutein , Ocuvite Eye Vitamins , 3 , Humira , Crohns Disease , Remission , Humira Saw , Symptom , Relief , Majority , Cancers , Areas , Nervous System Problems , Liver , Blood , Have , Treatment , Tb , Heart Failure , Lymphoma , Hepatitis B , Sores , Gastroenterologist , Honors , Sunday Sermon , Martin Luther King Jrs Final Sunday Sermon , Generation , Washington National Cathedral , Indifference , Silence , Actions , In St , College Students , Barry College , Meals , Volunteering , Georgia , Rome , Petersburg , Oakland , 10000 , King , Sermon , Feelings , Signs , Hope , Explosions , Parc , Justice , Amoral Universe , All Of Us , Police Officers , Guns , Truck Thief , Movement , Spencer Christian , Acuweather Forecast , Wild Police Chase , Bay Area , San Francisco , Streets , Surprise , South Bay , Point , Sunnyvale , Reporter Janine ,

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