Transcripts For KGO ABC7 News 1100PM 20170208

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live where you live. this is abc 7 news. now, at 11:00, damage and destruction, as a day of downpours leaves a muddy mess behind in a south bay community. and imagine in this was your home. decades of memories slashed in a second. the threat, it isn't over yet. good evening. thank you for joining us tonight. >> right now, showers are falling across the bay area. here's a live look outside from the abc 7 roof camera. you'll need an umbrella. another storm is taking northern california. >> we're covering the big mess after the storm. let's start with live doppler 7. >> our live doppler 7 is active again. look as we get into street level radar to seeing moderate to heavy rain. in the north bay. and that's preisley the reason why we have flood warnings up. ground is saturated. and creeks are overflowing their banks. we'll keep them going over the next couple days. the east bay, it is coming down. and in sfran francisco, we're seeing moderate showers, along the marina, along the emba embarcade embarcadero. light showers in the morning. and flooding concerns remain high. check out what we're tracking as we head into your thursday. the moisture is stretching tall way to the hawaiian islands. a good 1,800 miles. this is a strong category 3 storm with heavy rain, gusty winds for your thursday. flooding potential will remain high. and there's other concerns coming up. the hour-by-hour forecast as to what you need to watch up for, coming up in a few minutes. dan? our storm watch coverage continues with katie. >> she is love in the santa cruz mountains, where floodwaters resulted in door-to-door evacuations tonight. >> the neighborhood of felton grove was under water. look at the damage done. fences like this are down. and the streets are coated in mud. it was a different mess to get up to this area because of a massive mudslide on highway 17. thick, sticky mud covers this property. this woman says the flood happened so fast. >> i was scared. usually, the whole family is home, dealing with it. but it was me my own. >> reporter: the river surged seven feet above flood stage. firefighters went door-to-door asking people to evacuate. joanne chose to stay. >> we need to take you out. i don't want to go. >> about four or five feet of water in our front yard. >> reporter: she shared this cell phone video. she was at work. >> i left palo alto at 10:00. and i got home about 4:00 because i hit the slide on 17. >> reporter: the other major problem in the santa cruz mountains, an early morning mudslide that closed 17 in both directions. it flipped a car but the driver is not hurt. some commuters were stuck for hours. but scotts valley resident, chris took it in stride. the schaffers, bolstered by this mind, a live goldfish, rescued from a puddle. our storm watch team coverage continues with cornell bernard. >> he is live in palo alto, where there's a rush before the next storm arrives. >> reporter: you have to see it to believe it. check out this mountain of debris that was choking the creek this morning, nearly causing it to flood. flooding did reach other areas of the peninsula. and tonight, those folks are worried about the next storm. >> seeing how deep i can get. >> reporter: she is braving the high water inside her mobile home park. all this flooding brought on by heavy rains and high tides. >> you wait out for the tides to lower. and hope it's not raining. if it keeps raining, that can make it worse. >> reporter: but with another storm coming in, she is ready. she's loaded her car with supplies, in case she has to make a quick get away. down bay shore road, flooding has left much of this mobile home park under water, too. >> it was a rough night. >> reporter: sofia says the park has flooded before. but never this bad. >> i think it's going to be like this for a couple of days. a couple weeks, probably. i'm glad it's raining. >> reporter: it was a race against time, as caltrans cleared debris from a fast-rising creek that was trapped under a bridge. the creek was under a flood warning for most of the day, prompting the evacuation of this complex. the debris cleanup will continue ahead of the next storm. >> hopefully these guys have their excavator out the whole time. >> reporter: a reminder that winter isn't over yet. now, watch this incredible video of a hill just pummeling a home. firefighters posted this video of that frightening landslide. the people heard the mud coming down. they miraculously got out before the big slide happened. the homeowner says, just watching a piece of his life get destroyed broke his heart. >> my mom and dad built the house in 1959. i was born here. i've lived in it for five years. >> understandably choked up. two other homes have been tagged as unsafe. you can count on abc 7 mornings for the up-to-the-minute forecast on the storm. starting at 4:30 a.m. developing news tonight. it's wait and see after the ninth circuit court of appeals in san francisco heard arguments on president trump's travel ban. as we learn, attorneys on both sides never appeared in the courtroom. >> reporter: believe it or not the entire hearing took place by phone. the three judges and attorney for the state of washington, and one representing the trump administration were on the line for just over an hour. outside of the ninth circuit court of appeals, a small group opposed president trump's travel ban, while a larger group listened intently to a live broadcast of the hearing. the president's executive order banned imbrags from seven muslim countries. a judge ordered a temporary restraining order halting the original order. that's after the washington state attorney general arguing that the ban is unconstitutional and harmful. >> we have students and faculty that are stranded overseas. we have families that are separated. >> reporter: a massive online audience caught every word of the hearing. >> i'm disgusted about the current attempt of a travel ban. >> i'm out here to oppose the band and defend the constitution and stand about the separation between our judicial and xexive branches. >> reporter: the dean of the law school listened to the hearing and said this to say. >> i would expect the three-judge panel to reject the federal government's play. and allow the restraining order to continue. >> reporter: the three-judge panel could come back with a decision as soon as tomorrow or thursday. >> thank you so much. more than 100,000 people listen to today's oral arguments online. if you want to listen yourself, we've posted the audio to listen on your mobile device. >> it was fascinating. a bay area police department gets a 911 call about a disturbance. but what was found was not what they expected. also -- >> is this over? >> oh, no. oh, it's not over. >> gushing water in the north bay. neighbors say the storm threat isn't over yet. the ladies who bunch. the girls' get together that ended up a rescue operation. here's what's someone paid us to do tonight. would you be willing to walk over a bed not of coals but of legos? always wins. especially in my business. with slow internet from the phone company, you can't keep up. you're stuck, watching spinning wheels and progress bars until someone else scoops your story. switch to comcast business. with high-speed internet up to 10 gigabits per second. you wouldn't pick a slow race car. then why settle for slow internet? comcast business. built for speed. built for business. i am a first responder tor and i'emergencies 24 hours a day, everyday of the year. my children and my family are on my mind when i'm working all the time. my neighbors are here, my friends and family live here, so it's important for me to respond as quickly as possible and get the power back on. it's an amazing feeling turning those lights back on. be informed about outages in your area. sign up for outage alerts at together, we're building a better california. new, tonight, abc 7 news was at san marcos cart to investigate a murder. officers heard about a fight inside the house and found a woman dead inside. they want to talk to her boyfriend, this man. they think he's driving a silver hyundai santa fe suv, like the one you're seeing here. the license plate 6ewp903. b.a.r.t. is back to normal after a man was hit and killed by a train. all trains between richmond and scerita dell north. a union official says the fire official has been gone for weeks. our media partner spoke with deputy chief who said she is caring for a sick family member. she faced criticism for lax in inspections following the warehouse fire. the city does not comment on the leave status of employees. the north bay is being just battered during all these storms we've been getting. highway 37 is closed between 101 and alt atherton avenue. >> the highway may not open for several days. wayne freedman talked about some who are navigating high water. >> reporter: after a wet, gray day, the north bay is ready for peaceful sleep. they don't want another morning like the one we just had. this is san anselmo, when this clydes and the creek threatened to turn into a river bed. >> it's brutal. >> reporter: casey had ten minutes to move her stuff to higher ground for the fifth time this rainy season. >> i've been open for business five days in january. i'm not alone with that. that's so many people on this avenue. >> reporter: one county north, the community who says it's seen everything water can bring, expressed surprise. >> thanks, guys. >> reporter: vaughn never expected to be thanking the firefighters. the firefighters had to walk her out this afternoon. and it's not the first time she's been flooded this winter. >> this is three or four. and it's going to rise up into the houses this time. if it comes up again. the creek's coming now. >> reporter: an armstrong creek wood, it took over. it overran a neighborhood and undercut a road. >> at some point the weight of the school buss that go by here every day are going to have a problem. >> reporter: the best of times and the worst of them in a tale of two communities. the best because they could have been worst. and the worst because after today, we wonder what comes next. >> is this over? >> this is not over. >> sadly, he's probably night right. teachers were rescued from the clubhouse of the golf course. they were eating lunch and water surrounded them. >> this is unbelievable. this is castro valley. we kept watching it rise and rise. we went out and took pictures because it didn't sound like a little storm. it sounded like a river. >> one man who has lived in castro valley for 60 years says he has never seen the creek like this. now, your accuweather forecast. >> that's one memorable storm. we're going to see a rerun of this we saw this morning on thursday. live doppler 7 is lit up. we have light to moderate showers. let me take you into street-level radar. we are seeing some pockets of downpours here. as we head into parts of the san ramon valley, you're seeing wiper weather right now. and around lucas valley road, lucas valley, san rafael, raining and lighter showers in san francisco. but it doesn't like that just a short time ago. i want to show you the areas of concern. napa river at napa. minor flooding has occurred this evening. that's going to continue. flood stage is 25 feet. it is expected to drop below flood stage wednesday morning. the russian river is just over 33 feet. expected to see minor flooding. and you will notice that the stage is 32 feet. tomorrow morning it will crest again. before it starts to foul fall. temperatures in the 50s and 60s. we have a warming coming our way. light to moderate showers. it is going to be dry for the weekend. some people on social media are saying, we've had enough. one on our storm impact scale for wednesday. scattered showers, moderate during the morning commute. and flooding concerns will remain. we're looking at a few showers. 4:00 a.m., the oranges and yellows indicating pockets of moderate rain. it's not going to be a repeat of this morning. tomorrow morning. going to be a mix of showers and clouds. 8:00 a.m., as noontime, still some showers. just have the umbrellas handy. make sure you have the raincoats and boots for thursday. we have a strong level 3 storm coming. flooding potential will remain high. the biggest concerns on thursday, the very high likelihood of seeing the ponding on the roadways and the rock and the mudslides, now that the ground is saturated. it won't take much to cause more problems. creek and river flooding will be high. and the potential is there moderate for the trees and power lines to go down. thursday morning, 7:00 a.m., the storm is beginning to hit the north bay. 8:00 a.m., you see that rain line shifting. at 10:00 a.m., some downpours arnold lunchtime. we have a lot of moisture to deal with. and it is going to dump on us. thursday, 4:00 p.m. and then, it eases up, with scattered showers for thursday night. you can download the news app to keep track of the storms. additional rain, from an inch to two and a third of an inch. places have half a foot of rain that came through. tomorrow it will be a fast-mover. for the afternoon, we'll go 60s. a mild day. but showers will be around. and the seven-day forecast. one impact storm for wednesday and friday. between storms. but the moist flow continues. a strong storm on thursday. the weekend, the skies open up. you will see plenty of sun getting you into early next week. i think by it's okay to cry, right? no more! we don't want anymore! 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[ cheers and applause ] ♪ >> jimmy: welcome. very nice. i'm jimmy, i'm the host. thank you for watching. thank you for come. thanks for -- my fly was open a second before the announcement. hey, by the way, today, i don't know if you know this, today is a holiday. it's a major holiday today but

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