Yes. Temperatures heat up and so does fire danger concern. In 23 years since the Oakland Hills fire some of the trees have been removed but many more remain. Its not hard to see things starting to heat up in the east bay. And as far as fire danger is concerned its looking like the fourth of july than two weeks before memorial day. The fields are dry for what we normally expect this time of the year. Usually its 20 points higher. Mount diablo starting to turn brown ahead of schedule. Same in Oakland Berkeley hills. Some wonder why there is many of these. Trees contain lots of oil. John kauffman is a Neighborhood Group thinking they should have been removed years ago but 6 million in money for uc berkeley has yet to come through. There is delay in that. Were afraid fema will give the money only for trimming the trees and not removing them, which would be a disaster, having tall trees for shade is resulting in a lower fire risk than removing them. Began garcetti is leading the charge to save the yu liptus. He says clear cutting would not reduce the fire danger. Iet increases risk of fire because it promotes growth of species such as poison oak, thistles and chaparelle. A fema spokesperson told abc7 news the agency hopes to have a long awaited study for its fire Hazard Mitigation plan completed by the end of the year. Eyes in the sky who watch for fires in the bay area are on the job earlier than usual the crew in santa rosa took its first flight today Wayne Freedman joins us live now from santa rosa. If youve seen the airplane it was moments away in walnut creek. But that will be a long fire season, a given as you consider this fire base closed two months late last year, this year, opening six weeks early. They fly together and fight tires together. Each day is different. Every year, too. Consider its still may cal fire chief and his pilot on duty ask ready to fly a month afl earlier than usual. Probably head over to the coast. And do what . Just review some of the normal flight maneuvers and get air with radios. Officially, california fire season began last week. And the agency has already battled more than 4500 acres state wide and were still in spring. What happened to the first day . Same thing, we show up to work make sure equipment is ready. If you look over a fire and see a twin tailed spotter plane there is a good chance chris will be in it. Quarterbacking the aerial attack. Ground resources put fires out. Aviation just slow them down so Ground Resources can get in there. Cal fire set up its network of bases to have planes within reach within 20 minutes. Theyll drop this stuff. As the summer gets busy crews may load planes 20 times per day a thousand gallons per load with engines still running. Keith larsson and his crew, busy men. How fast can you get this turned around . And if cal fire is your primary agency youre required to have 100 feet of Defensible Space around your home. You want to clear that dry grass and brush. If you live in santa clara, alameda or contra costa counties someone might be coming to inspect your property this week. How hot is goiting to be where you are this week . You can keep track on twitter at live doppler 7 hd. Owner of Martins Beach is the focus of a legal challenge showed up in court after being compelled to do so by the judge. The billionaire seemed to know very little about why it was closed. David louie is live with the story. David . Records indicate they spend 37 million to acquire the land around it. When it comes to explaining why it was cutoff, he didnt seem to work at all. arrived by himself after a judge ordered him to appear. Hes one of silicon valleys top venture capitolists and a cofounder of sun micro systems. Including Martins Beach, a spot that has been accessible for a century. Opponents argue that is a violation of a state coastal act and they want to hold coast love responsible. Its important because there is phone shally over 10 million in fines and penalties on the violations. In court, he said i dont recollect when asked questions about what he knew about blocking access and about a previous legal challenge. Appears everything is cloaked in attorneyclient privilege he seems to have taken his manager the poor man in the front row as the individual closing this beach. Coastal says he receives 500 to a thousand pages per week and trusts turns to make decisions and handle matters. He spends his life being a detail man, listening to pitch ups from start ups. He and his attorneys will not speak to reporters. His intent is to build a private residence there. Its simple as that. This is not rocket science. Mexican drug trafficker appear to be looking at the coast as a new drop off point for Illegal Drugs that is what Officials Say is happening after finding this fishing boat. It wasnt empty. 40 bales of marijuana and a get away vessel landed nearby. There is a crew waiting to take it to their vehicle. Homeland security say the bales weigh about 300 pounds and got stuck in the sand they say the boat came from mexico this, is the 8th landing of a drug boat north of monterey since last year deputies seizeded a hundred pounds of marijuana after a traffic stop there today. This is what they found. The street value is estimated at 100, 000. Police in fremont investigating a crash that sent three people to the hospital, including a child. And Union City Police officer. Investigators say the officer was responding to a burglary call with lights and sirens on when his unit collided with another vehicle and both hit a minivan. The officer was treated and released still head here on abc7 news at 6 00 how wide ready roadways in your neighborhood . A Fire Department pushes for streets that could put your life in jeopardy. And how some drivers are causing a highway hazard thanks to a temporary new lane alignment at the Golden Gate Bridge. From the i team tonight, the dark net. An online marketplace for illegal activity. Are thieves targeting your car . Open on your side is coming up things on purpose . Youe not a color found nature. Theres nothing wrong with tha. I can hear your arteries clogging. Ok. No. This is tap water. I cant let you buy this. Oh. Crystal geyser please. Crystal geyser. Bottled at the mountain source. Surprise lcome back. Crystal geyser Alpine Spring water. Crystal geyser. Crystal geyser. News flash, its bottled at the source. News flash, we sell it in cases. Oh. Thank you. Oh no no no. Crystal geyser. Bottled right at the mountain source. San francisco fire chief says the city of hills and narrow streets present challenges to firefighters but some worry the pro pose wral to widen streets in new developments will put pedestrians at risk. Carolyn . Well, it was the debate here at city hall today the fire chief says she has the support of the planning department, department of public work asks developer of the project in question. On her side. But some say since this was approved four years ago, why push for the changes now . Theyre building a neighborhood from scratch the former Hunters Point naval ship yard once stood it was approved in 2010. Now with construction underway, the San Francisco Fire Department wants to change the width of the residential streets. We just want to do it right. We want to make sure its going ton an infrastructure for years still to come. The supervisor says widening the streets is more than just a technical issue. It will have a real impact on the neighborhood. Whether theyre walkable, and liveable great neighborhoods, theyre safe for pedestrians or whether were going to have neighborhoods with x and y streets going through them with traffic and increased accidents. Major arteries vary in size but the standard for side streets is 20 feet. The Fire Department wants 26 feet for new neighborhoods. And the chief points to the challenges of fighting fires like the massive one in mission bay. Those streets were 52 feet across. Were asking for half of that. 26 feet. I dont think its true the Fire Department struggles with narrow streets. He believes previous widening projects were not good for neighborhoods. These pictures from the Public Library show it being transformed from a boulevard into a pseudofreeway. No vote was taken at city hall today but whatever is decided, could set a precedent for other projects on the drawing board. In San Francisco, abc7 news. San francisco Traffic Department put safety on the fast track at an intersection where two pedestrians were hit in just the past few months the agency plans to break ground this week on a traffic light at sunset boulevard and yorba street. In february a 78yearold man was hit and killed in the crosswalk. A Uc Berkeley Law School graduate got a lesson in legal system today, sentenced to four years probation for beheading an exotic bird in las vegas. The 25yearold apologized for his actions and called it quote, the worst most of my life video showed him wringing its neck he spent six months in a prison boot camp now must perform 16 hours of Community Service in an animal shelter. Have you ever heard of anything called dark net . Its a place on the internet you cannot find with google. Its creepy. Under world marketplace of drugs and guns and a lot more. Dan . I thought i was pretty savvy and i knew most of the trends but research our producer and i did surprised me. Our investigation found Law Enforcement is having a difficult time keeping up with those who sell drugs and weapons, card numbers and more on the dark net. And the technology was designed for a military purpose. Suppose someone is in a hotel and they need to communicate back to home base they dont want the local isp to know who they work for. Tonight at 11 00 youll hear from people who design the system those who run it now and it an important story you can see tonight on abc7 news at 11 00. Unbelievable. I was surprised yes. I was shocked myself. Yes. Scary. You know, its knowledge is power, you have to know its out there. Yes. We will tonight. Thank you. Thank you. Of course that report coming up right after this Season Finale of castle. Join us for that. Now, on to weather and heat is on. Two issue was deal with. Decreasing heat and declining air quality. Lets get to live doppler 7 hd. Sunny skies out there and its warm here is a live view from our camera looking west across the bay. 88 and 62 in half moon bay. Traffic flowing nicely under blue skies 79 napa. 87 fairfield and livermore, concord, 86 degrees another live view, beautiful view looking down onto the bay from mount tam forecast features tomorrow will be our second spare the air day. We have a heat advisory in effect for two days and temperatures reaching 100 degrees inland on wednesday. The hottest day of the sevenday forecast. A strong ridge of High Pressure building and a hot air mass going to dominate our weather picture. Winds right now, generally light and on shore from evening hours but shifting around to become off shore tomorrow. That is going to carry warm air out to sea. So well have very warm conditions from coast t temperatures tumbling friday into 80s, that is the way that temperatures will run around the entire bay area over seven days. Lows into mid50s so warm in spots into late evening and overnight hours. Mid80s on the coast. Downtown a high of 88 tomorrow. 86 in the sunset district. Nine to in santa rosa. 95 at napa. Well see low 90s on the east bay and around the shore line. Inland east bay hotter, mid90s there. 96 at antioch here is the accuweather forecast. You think that is hot . How about wednesday, high as approach or exceed 100 in some inland lobings mid90s around the bay. Mid80s on the coast temperatures moderating friday, then a sharper cool down over the weekend well have hot days coming our way. Thank you. Okay. Just ahead, a Southern California woman taking a range of power in sacramento. And shes broken another barrier at the State Capitol her story, next. E know when pars and teachers work together. Woman our schools get stronger. Man as superintendent and teachers work together. Of public education, thats been Tom Torlaksons approach. Woman torlakson has supported legislation to guarantee spending decisions about our education tax dollars are made by parents, teachers and the local community. And not by sacramento politicians. And we need to keep that legislation on track. Man so tell Tom Torlakson to keep fighting for local control of School Funding decisions. [doorbell rings] hey. Hey. Whats this . Its uverse live tv. With at t uverse. You can watch live tv from your device. Hey. Hey. Anywhere in your home. [doorbell rings] hey. Hey. So you wont miss a minute of the game. Call now to get a uverse bundle for the same great price for 2 years. Guaranteed. Drivers are getting confused about a shifted off ramp just south of the Golden Gate Bridge. Its been moved a thousand feet earlier to allow construction of the presidio parkway project. Chp keeping an eye on drivers to make sure they dont try to make illegal uturns there were accidents there this morning. Signs warning about the change are posted before the turnoff. If you miss it, youre go across the Golden Gate Bridge. Its unfortunate. That is why its a learning curve we need people to understand exit moved. If you want this, you need to access that new ramp. If you miss the exit from 101 youll have to go across the Golden Gate Bridge and pay the toll to get back into the city. It will be in the new location for about a month. California state assembly swearing in the first openly gay female speaker. Democrat tony at kins is the third woman and first lawmaker from san diego to serve as speaker. They praised the gradual return to fiscal stabible but says there is more work ahead. A lot of room to roll up our sleeves and work to make california Business Climate as strong and that our state quality of life is strong. Atkins assumes power in a rit cal moment. Governor brown scheduled to release his budget tomorrow. More still to come here tonight at 6 00. Bay area weather, what you need to do to prepare for heat coming. And some tips for keeping your cool. New video from nigeria tonight of the kidnapped school girls what theyre captors are now demanding for return. Also a plea for forgiveness tonight from the clippers donald sterling. Will it be enough to retain ownership of the team . More still to come, stay with us so yso you can happily let the life get in the way,. While planning for tomorrow. So you can finish the Great American novel. Banking for the life you have. Investing for the life you want chase. So you can. More hot days in the forecast. But things only going to get tougher for those looking for ways to beat the heat. Youre melting, nick. Everyone today i spoke with about the forecast they werent sure if they should blame him for the heat or thank him for letting them know its going to get hotter. Either way, everybody told me the fountain is best way to beat the heat. Nick is ready the manager of this ace hardware store, he knows things people look for. Its furnace filter asks your drip systems that is your biggest tickets. A gadget like this costs less than 15s sxdz may haves you with a cool mist. Those looking for something stronger get it here. I play in water and eat ice cream. Keeping cool can be tough, but it can be fun. We didnt want to drive to the beach. And we couldnt find a pool. So this was the next best thing. They werent alone because many popular water spots havent opened the water fountain in downtown san jose pulled families in. High temperatures expected for the next few days. And someplaces its a triple digits. Public safety officials want everyone to think heat safety now. First, hydrate. Hydrate. Lounging under a tree will keep you cool. For those outside, kicking back in the shade isnt an option. Among most vulnerable are construction workers. That is why warning to drink plenty of water early and often is a message they want to stick. You want to drink water. Good, Old Fashioned water is what is going to help you. If you must be outside, protect yourself limit exposure, be aware of signs of heatrelated illness. Dizzy, vomiting. And heat cramps if youre experiencing those symptoms it could be too late. Were lucky here. By the time the sun goes down, it cools off. In san jose, nick smith, abc7 news. Well, amazing video from new hampshire. A house exploded just after a Police Officer was involved in a shooting. Watch what happens here. There it goes it happened in a community of brentwood the officers condition is not known point. There is no word on what caused the explosion or fire or what led to the shooting. The governor says it will not negotiate with a militant group that kidnapped nearly 300 school girls. A video purports to show some of the girls reciting prayers in arabic. Officials say a prisoner exchaefrng could be complicated. The sale of human beings is a crime against humanity. Demonstrators demanding the government there do more. Nigeria deployed two Army Divisions to hunt for the girls and several nations have offered help owner of the clippers is begging the nba to forgive him tonight. In a interview he said he was or horrified by racist comments he made and asks the other nba owners not to make him sell the team. I made a mistake. I hope its in their heart to forgive me for. That i dont know why the girl had me say those things youre saying you were set up . Well, yeah. I was waited. That is not the way you talk. I dont talk about people for one thing. Ever. His wife tells Barbara Walters shell fight to keep her half of the ownership. But this afternoon, the newly appointed ceo of the clippers says hes confident the team can be sold we know what hackers can do to your identity. Do you know they can hack your car . Michael finney has been investigating this for a year. Yes. Ive been reporting on this. You may remember that weve reported on this. Tonight youre going to witness something you have never seen before. A car burglar caught on camera. We have always expected it but this is the first time its been caught on video. A high tech car burglar at work in the bay area. This thief breaks into one car, then, next to it. Watch. She pulls on door handle, then waits. Police believe she had a small device she gets into the car. And doesnt steal the automobile but rifles through the contents. There have been reports of wide spread burglaries in palo alto on one evening ask same thing in oakland on another. So what do you think is happening . I think someone actually has some mechanism to trigger the device we almost missed it this time. So that morning installed cameras. That night, my cameras were broken. That is Derrick Walsh he assumed he left his car unlocked my wife looked andu goes wa a minute, the light is coming on before shes pulling on p the door handle. I took a look and like, oh, you know . Youre right. That is when it came obvious to me she was using something to open that door. He posted his findings on next door and nearly a dozen neighbors responded here, he reads a post from his next door app pretty sure it was locked. Not sure how they got in q  i lock my truck every time i get out of it. Its the same theme were like we usually lock it. Michael griggsby is the Neighborhood Watch block captain he heard about the burglaries on next door, too. My neighbor just days ago got robbed as well, his car got broken into and a duffle bag stolen. This investigator is one of the more most auto burglary experts in the nation, calling the video an important piece of the puzzle. Just absurd how easy it is, frustrating that we are Law Enforcement hasnt flipped someone to figure out what is going on to fix the issue and protect our cars. He says police have gotten a hold of the devices but neither cops nor automotive engineers have been able to replicate the burglar. They struck out, the automatically assumed it cant be done and there is nothing wrong with the vehicle. We know otherwise when we see the video. Bender says these are eek electromagnetic devices but how they work is a mystery. We have one engineer working on it. This latest video will help motivate us again to try to get a solution for this. If you think your car has been hacked please let me know about it. You can file a 7 on your side consumer report. Amazing. Yes. Thank you. Coming up, demonstration day for bay area start ups. Were going to see some of the things they have designed that may be smarter than we are. Back in more than a thousand African Americans are achieving good grades in a district where many African Americans dont go on to college. The Obama Administration is paying close attention to whats happening in schools in oakland. After rick minute American Teens meet once per day. One mentor writes words of encouragement. The mission to stop Young African american men from failing. They say that prison cells are built based on third grade reading levels because they know if you cant read, if youre it little rit its hard to get along and have a career in this country. Brendan anderson is with the African American male achievement office. Supporting them, advocating for them, empowering them and their parents. And building relationship was teachers. The Office Opened four years ago. Today, the program is in 16 middle schools and high schools in oakland. Amir williams admits african American Teens face mer destructions than other students. Just dont let them detract you what what you know is right. Your studying and stuff. When the president announced an initiative, he consulted with oaklands African American male achievement office. White house continues to work with that office. Amir has a solid 3. 0 gpa and today he and more than a thousand African American young men, and women, will be honored for working hard in school. And says this helps boost confidence. It has a big impact. Because when you tell me that i can do something, then, im going to set my mind to it. I know i can do it. The ceremony will he take place tonight in oakland. Great job. Coming up next a new tribute to the legendary Barbara Walters one ensures her legacy for decades still to come. Did youe whats that . Le ice cream man . He who loves eating monster who loves creamy delicious tillamook ice cream. whispering seriously . door creaks hes fast. Tillamook ice cream, tastes better because its made better. [doorbell rings] hey. Hey. Whats this . Its uverse live tv. With at t uverse. You can watch live tv from your device. Hey. Hey. Anywhere in your home. [doorbell rings] hey. Hey. So you wont miss a minute of the game. Call now to get a uverse bundle for the same great price for 2 years. Guaranteed. It was demo day for a program called hackcelerator Big Companies ready to shell out billions for cool new inventions and entrepreneurs are moving the hardware business. Jonathan bloom says everyone is looking for the next great gadget. Kuji holding what looks like a zippo lighter. We designed it until its nice. But its trying to kill itself, by helping you cut back so you can try to quit. It tracks every time you smoke, and if it does the job you wont need it anymore. My cofounder quit using my prototype. Quick bit comes out of hackcelerator making cool hardware. Like avid box. A scrubbing robot. They use lasers to map out the floor and like a janitor, you pay by the hour. six for hour scrubbing. Some jobs arent fun like hand painting car parts. You want to auto mate. That its dangerous and dirty. Not something a human should be doing. This robot could do what was previously only in factories here is a 3 d printer fast enough to be a factory. Forming objects out of liquid and cures them with light. They have one thing in common, how Tiny Companies that are make them, that, say organizers points to a shift in the tech world. Instead of the old days where leading products made by Biggest Companies now, theyre made by some very Small Companies and Big Companies buying companies up. After occulus, hackers can only hope to be next. They have spent three months in china. Its about creating really great value for the consumers that are buy proing duct. That means that we need to be manufacturing in large quantities. Made in china sold in the bay area. Barbara walters has a permanent place in broadcast history and walters is retiring this week z today, abc news Headquarters Building was renamed in her honor. Walters was the first woman in coanchor a network newscast. She hopes to be remembered as an inspiration to women. Not the interviews with president s, nor heads of state. Nor celebrities, nor even the sterlings. If i have a legacy and said this before, i mean it so sincerely. I hope i played a small role for many fabulous women here tonight. She has. Abc news will look back at her incredible career in a special friday night at 9 00. What a career shes had. Lets talk about the heat. Spencer is keeping an eye on all of that. Heat is on. It will be for a while. Sunny skies after a warm day. Another hot day, across the state highs into mid90s from chico down to los angeles and palm springs l. A. One degree warmer than waum springs em. And tomorrow, amgen tour races stage three running from san jose up to mount diablo. Upper 70s by mid90s by afternoon. Here is the accuweather forecast. Tomorrow, wednesday, high temperatures inland getting up to around 100 degrees much cooler by the end of the week. Thank you. Dont. I want you to be kind. Ff i wantsuper o be smart. Super smart. I want one thing in a doctor. I want you to be handsome. I want you to be awesome. I dont want you to look at the chart before you say hi. David. I want you to return my emails. I want you to keep me doing this for another sixty years. At kaiser permanente, we want you to choose the doctor thats right for you. Find your Perfect Match at kp. Org and thrive. Thank you thank you dedicated bankers born to go the extra mile. Youve been such a big help. Its what i like to do. So you can choose a bank where helping people comes first. Chase. So you can. Several sources reporting steve curry refinalizing a contract. So that would eliminate him as a possible choice with the warriors meaning the owner is now exploring plan b. The current roster can only wait in limbo, continuing to work on their game. Trying to fit into the new schemes but steph curry knows what hell be working on next season. Decision making is huvenlg showing as a team if we take the ball two games with a chance to win. With the ball. What would have happened. Games being aggressive to be patient and let the game come to me. That comes through film work. And just studying what i was thinking. Well, if you look at the core of what we have coming back under contract next week, were where we need to be. I think we have a very good core ask a very bright future. Its been a rough go for mike brown. He coached lakers five games last year, now, warriors also competing for a new head coach. Well, as on a bit of a tear with a fourgame win streak, hosting white sox caps with a two home run, six rbi effort. As exciting as it was, focus is on the white sox. You cant live in the past. Keep moving forward. You know as much as great day i love to celebrate that is not how it works. So i mean you cant think about it too much. The giants return home from a 10 game road trip with a two game lead in the west. Bad news hes going to be out six weeks so now, Michael Moore starting tonight against atlanta. Hes looking forward to it. Hes played first. You know . I think hes heinger to do this for a while. Hes still going to play in left field. Nice to have a guy that experienced it first. Usas 30 man roster today in preparation for the world cup. Camp begins on wednesday. He needs to perform well. Stage two of the amgen tour in folsom. Now leading by 44 seconds the tour moving to san jose tomorrow. This sports report has been brought to you by orchard supply, hardware. Its going to be a test. All right, thank you join me tonight hold it or blow it when you feel a tickle in your nose should you try to stop a sneeze . Then at 11 00 you may not have heard of it but your children could be using it now. The dark net. The scary part of the net. We have dancing with the stars followed by the Season Finale of castle. And that is going to do it for abc7 news. Our coverage continues on twitter. For all of us here, we appreciate your time as always. Star command, im detecting. Ss of happiness. And the speed readings are off the chart Paradise Found luscious locks great gl the happiest place on earth keeps getting happier this summer with a Disneyland Resort room and ticket package you get the time you need to enjoy it all. Theres no end in sight im going to need more time. This is the jeopardy battle of the decades. Lets meet todays semifinalists in 1986, he won the tournament of champions. Now hes living in rome, italy. Heres. In 2004, he was a tournament of champions winner. From fort collins, colorado. And in 2004, he set a 74game winning streak record that may never be broken. From seattle, washington, please welcome. And now here is the host of jeopardy alex trebek [ applause ] thank you, johnny gilbert. And thank you, ladies and gentlemen. The line i heard most often following each of the quarterfinal games last week was, that was some of the toughest material weve ever had to deal with. But thats to be expected, isnt it . The winner is playing for 1 million. Lets start finding out what happens in the semifinal games. Chuck, russ, ken, good luck. Here we go. Here are the categories in this first round. Next. And finally youll love it. Ken. Uh, lets do Ocean Commotion for 200, alex. Ken. Whats the indian ocean . Yes. Ocean for 400. Heres sarah. From the shores of antarctica, the Pacific Ocean stretches north over 9,000 miles

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