Transcripts For KGO ABC7 News 800AM 20151003

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half of the weekend brings other changes. we will talk about that and the rest of the week ahead, which includes some typical october weather. chris. now to developing news out of roseburg, oregon. the site of thursday's massacre at a community college. a hospital in the city of springfield reports three of the shooting victims that were taken there are expected to survivor. two remain in critical condition, the other is in fair condition. we still don't know why the suspect, chris harper mercer, opened fire. only that ten people died, including the gunman. abc news reporter brandi hitt is live in roseburg with the latest. brandy, good morning. >> reporter: good morning, chris. we just learned moments ago that the sheriff's department is going to be holding another press conference later on today around noon, expect to go reveal new details about this ongoing investigation. we are standing just outside the college campus, as close adds we can get with the police barricade and look what popped up overnight. this is a memorial, flowers, cards, notes, pray for roseburg, and this community just reeling this morning. so many more witnesses are coming forward also describing the heroic efforts that were made here to try and save lives. >> he's in a classroom. >> reporter: surrounded by gunfire sharon tells abc news she tried saving her close friend, kim dietz. >> we were doing cpr on her, you could hear just pop, pop in the other classroom. >> reporter: but it was too late. >> i was saying to her please just breathe. >> reporter: dietz was among one of the nine victims shot and killed at a community college in roseburg, oregon. amid the chaos there are more stories of heroism. >> he ran back into the building and i don't know what happened to him. >> reporter: 30-year-old army vet chris mintz pulled the fire alarm while charging the shooter and survived seven gunshot wounds. >> hit the floor, looked up at the gunman and said it's my son's birthday today. gets shot two more times. >> reporter: investigators say the gunman, 26-year-old chris harper mercer was enrolled in the class he targeted. witnesses say he asked the victims about their religious beliefs before firing and the sheriff's office is investigating whether the attack was motivated by religion. mercer was found with six guns and owned seven more. all purchased legally. and here at this memorial when you walk by and read some of the cards and notes amid the flowers you hear you are in our thoughts, in our prayers, we are so sorry you are gone, our deepest sympathies. america is respond to go this tragedy as a whole. when you look at the hero we mentioned in our story, chris mintz's go fund me web page, hundreds of thousands of dollars have poured into that account to try and help him recover from his wounds. reporting live in roseburg, oregon, brandi hitt, abc 7 news. a lot of people are wondering are interest any clues the gunman may have left behind that would explain a motive? >> reporter: we've been learning new details over the last 24 hours. sources tell abc news, several sources, that the gunman left behind a thumb drive and some papers with someone son campus before the shooting and that the messages were hate filled when they were asked about a description of what the content was. also online investigators are looking into several posts they believe may be from the gunman. he had a fascination with mass shootings according to our sources and in one post it's believed that he wrote something to the effect that i'm paraphrasing here it appears the more people you kill the more you are in the limelight. just a really dark idea to think about that. also our team outside of his apartment, which is roughly about two miles from here, he lived there with his mother, they say they talked to neighbors who watched him over the last 24 hours leading up to the shooting spree take out a bunch of trash and dump bins into the garbage so likely investigators have been combing that area and are digging through that trash and hopefully finding clues there, chris. >> brandy, we certainly appreciate you sharing that information and your perspective throughout the morning. while the community of roseburg is trying to do something it never imagined, process an unspeakable massacre that shattered a small town's innocence, abc 7 news reporter wayne freedman is in roseburg with that part of our team coverage. >> reporter: the roseburg indians were supposed to play a big high school football game at home against sheldon, but it was not to be. no friday night lights. game canceled. nothing to cheer about. >> no, nobody is cheering. our thoughts are all with the families. >> reporter: that has become a uniform refrain in this small city of 22000 people. it's just large enough to disappear in and just small enough that in times like this people band together. >> i just can't believe that it -- that such a horrible thing happened for no apparent reason. it's just -- it's just senseless. >> they work hard and don't want this kind of attention. >> reporter: though now they have it like it or not. roseburg did not want to become a symbol, but with much of the world focused here that's become unavoidable. >> why does this keep happening in america? >> reporter: frankly, those are questions roseburg does not want to answer right now. instead roseburg wants to grieve for friends, for neighbors. or in the case of crystal mogden her next-door neighbor 19-year-old use ra ak raz who wanted to be a nurse. >> it's heart breaking, we have heard them crying and i didn't really think it hit this close to home. >> reporter: but it has and in such a seemingly quiet innocent place. maybe that is why roseburg resonates. from roseburg, oregon, wayne freedman, abc 7 news. >> if you'd like to express your condolences to the shooting victims and their families go to our abc 7 news facebook page to share this badge. it will let neem oregon know that you're with them. 8:07. now to our local headlines. two more correctional deputies at the santa clara county sheriff's department are under arrest this morning. it's the result of continuing internal investigations at the department and more arrests could follow. abc 7 news reporter alan wong has the story. >> reporter: ryan saunders is accused of illegally using a criminal database. >> he had access for work-related issues but he used it for personal issues. >> reporter: no details were given on saunders case or the separate case of mark navarrete. he was arrested for workers' comp fraud. investigators say he was really injured while playing softball. >> this is actually unrelated our recent murder that we had within the jail. these investigations were months in advance prior to that tragic incident. >> reporter: three other corrections deputies were arrested for the beating death of inmate michael tyree, another inn senate walter coach died a week after he was forcibly extracted from his cell and the department confirms three more deputies are being investigated for undisclosed violations, a total of eight deputies are on administrative leave. >> there is an appearance that there is something wrong with the culture here at the santa clara county sheriff's department. that is not true at all. the sheriff's office is effecting these arrests and that's why we made these arrests today. we're taking care of when we know things are going on wrong, the sheriff is take the appropriate action to fix those problems. >> reporter: the fbi is assisting them with those problems because as many as 100 complaints have been filed against the department since the death of michael tyree. in san jose, alan wong, abc 7 news. abc 7 news reporter vic lee first broke this story yesterday on twitter. you can follow at @abc 7 news bay area for updates as they happen and be sure to connect with us on your news app, the app is free on apple's app store or google play. we also have more information online at police in san francisco need your help this morning. they're trying to find a sexual predator who assaulted a boy at a public area. that happened inside the restroom at the western branch on scott street. the attacker ran off when the boy's mother found out wrapped and called for help. investigators believe the attacker is a white man who is 28 to 32 years old, he stands about 5'8". also this morning an alert is out to san francisco state university students and employees. a woman claims that a man attacked her inside a classroom building. she told campus police the man spoke with her as she walked along a path and followed her into the lobby of burke haul and assaulted her on wednesday evening. she was able to get away. the widow of robin williams and his children have settled their legal fight over his estate. yesterday's announcement follows bickering over millions of dollars worth of items like his awards and bicycle collection. both sides disputed the value of a reserve fund to let susan williams live in the couples tiburon home. robin williams committed suicide in august of last year. more shep on the way for people displaced by the valley and butte fires. governor brown has issued an executive order, this decision will speed up the approval process to set up temporary mobile home parks in lake and calaveras counties. the governor's office will assist people living in mobile homes or rvs on their own property. combined both fires destroyed more than 1,.00 hoemgs. a fundraiser that we reported earlier this week for victims of the valley fire raised nearly $100,000. the money was raised by three napa valley wineries. organizers said 300 people attended the fundraiser and two lake county-based organizations will receive the proceeds. the valley fire has burned more than 76,000 acres and is 97% contained. 8:11 is our time on your saturday morning. lease sarks the winds later today to be cobb a problem for firefighters. >> certainly high fire danger, low relative humidity and a red flag warning for elevations above 1,000 feet sons for sonoma, napa, alameda and contra costa county. 60s with white caps on the bay later on this afternoon. we will detail your further forecast and windy forecast coming up. also ahead, lost at sea. the search this morning for a missing american cargo ship as hurricane joaquin bears down. also, your child may have received a bad vaccination and you may not even know it yet. the mistake that now ha ♪ ♪ ♪ we love, love, chocolaty, creamy, with a little something extra. mmm deliciousness. cookies or almonds. yumminess. hershey's is mine, yours, our chocolate. this morning a sigh of relief for the east coast. forecasters believe hurricane joaquin's path will shift and not directly hit the united states. the hurricane dumped torrential rains across the bahamas yesterday uprooting trees and unleashing heavy flooding. there have been no injuries or deaths reported. east coast states have going drenched by rain but the category 3 hurricane should weakeren today. a cargo ship with americans on board has been caught up in the powerful storm and is lost at see. linzie janis has the latest. >> reporter: this morning the u.s. coast guard scouring 850 square nautical miles right in the middle of the hurricane's fury, desperately searching for an american cargo ship lost at sea. >> this vessel is did i say abld, basically right near the eye of hurricane joaquin, right where the strongest winds are. >> reporter: the 33 crews members of el farro, 28 americans were on their way from jacksonville vil, florida to san juan, puerto rico when the ship sent a distress notification saying the 735 foot vessel had lost propulsion and was listing at 15 degrees. they haven't been heard from since. at loem in jacksonville family members worried sick awaiting any sign. >> they don't know where the ship s we just want our husband and dad home. >> reporter: and another ship caught in joaquin's former path. the coast guard plucking all 12 crew members from the water near haiti thursday night after the vessel took on water and they abandoned ship to a life boat. meanwhile, hurricane joaquin battering the bahamas for a third straight night, winds at one point lapping the islands at speeds of up to 150 miles per hour. residents without power, phone lines down, roads impassable, homes caved in. >> there is extreme flooding. a lot of the islands are literally under feet of water. >> and that was linzie janis reporting. the coast guard says so far it has covered more than 850 square miles in its search for the missing cargo ship. an attorney for former teen idol david cassidy is denying his client left the scene of the accident and was driving with an expired tag. florida police say the 65-year-old side-swiped a truck then tried to cover his license plate before driving away with a flat tire. cassidy's attorney counters that his client gave officers his license and registration before leaving the scene. cassidy is best remembered for starring in the "partridge family." hope solo will again be facing domestic violence charges. a washington state appeals course has reverse add lower court decision to dismiss the case n june last year solo is alleged to have beaten up her nephew and half-sister. solo has repeatedly denied doing anything wrong. her attorney will' peel the see designificance. more than 1,500 bay area children need to be revaccinated after a refrigerator malfunctioned at a peninsula health office. abc 7 news reporter melanie wood rojas more. >> reporter: there is a new refrigerate for store ten different vaccinations inside the stanford health office in san mateo. the old one was running too cold. >> so vaccines were frozen intermittently which can reduce the efficacy. >> reporter: medical director dr. andrew smith said an employee noticed the issue september 21st. an internal investigation revealed the problem dated back to january. the individuals that noted the temperatures obviously didn't appreciate the importance of having a too cold of a temperature. >> reporter: with whooping cough, polio, mention 'tis and more vaccinations potentially ineffective the offers is mailing letters to 1,551 families urging them to have their children revaccinated here for free. >> that would be a tough letter. >> reporter: parents we spoke with do not take their children to this particular medical office but sympathized with parents who do. >> those parents have a lot of thinking to do, you know, about whether or not we are going to continue to go about. >> reporter: a similar faulty refrigerator incident occurred in may when the palo alto medical foundation notified 4,000 families that patients would need to be revaccinated. the medical director said staff waited to get in touch with families because they wanted to make sure they contacted the right ones. in sma mel lee woodruff, abc 7 news. snow in yosemite, as far as we know this was the first snow of the season. someone napped this picture thursday. it's possible it could snow more this weekend. meteorologist lisa argen is here with the forecast. >> tonight into tomorrow we have a cold area of low pressure that will arrive later on today and with it some windy conditions, the chance of showers locally and higher elevations, yeah, you could see the snow once again. we're look at at least 10 degrees of cooling today in some spots, the wind will aid in that cooling effect and we will look for not only the gusty winds but high fire danger as well. there is fog anywhere from 4 to 6 mile visibility from the coast, sfo up to the north. i'm showing new perspective because this is where the upper level low is and that will be traveling down parallel to the coast today, it's pretty much a dry low, not as moist as the one we saw last week but there still could be a chance of a shower. look at the fog from mt. tam where the winds will be gusty today. 56 oakland, 55 san jose, half-moon bay about the same, mid 60s, but cooling over in the east bay, emeryville sunny and calm right now, but things will get active throughout the afternoon and evening in terms of the white caps on the bay and the windy conditions, high fire danger. 57 livermore. from our sutro tower camera the fog is with us. sunny and cooler today, gusty winds, slight chance of a shower tonight into tomorrow and fall like week ahead. starting out with the red flag warning above 1,000 people for particularly napa county, but marin, sonoma, alameda and contra costa county, winds at the surface 15 to 20 to 125 miles an hour wind gusts, out of the north 40 to 50 miles an hour wind gusts are possible. you know how dry it is and so if we could get any trees down with those windy conditions we could see rapid fire growth and we hope we won't. with wind gusts up to 42 miles an hour in point raze, san francisco 22, 25. even oakland getting windy throughout the day. this doesn't expire until 10:00 tomorrow. so in terms of our precip, this was the system that brought nearly a half inch to gilroy and a lot of you join the rain, but this one is actually going to be dryer. we are forecasting a few showers, in fact, later on today 8:00 you can see right here maybe the santa cruz mountains but the further south you go from monterey down to santa barbara into tomorrow morning it looks like southern california the big winners here with the spotty rain shower activity. we will look for the chance anyway and temperatures today much cooler, 77 san jose, you were in the 80s yesterday, 75 in milpitas, coming down to the low 70s for redwood city, palo alto and mountain view, mid 60s, a little change on the coast but those winds will make it cool today. 80 in santa rosa, the cool down for the east bay, oakland 73, san leandro 74 and out of the upper 80s with barrel an 80 to be found out by fairfield. otherwise 78 san ramone and concord. the accuweather seven day forecast the possibility of a few drops, you will notice the wind, cooler temperatures. still breezy in the morning and a mild afternoon with sunshine and a few clouds right in the middle of the week. you can see what's showing up on live doppler 7 radar with the weather app. with these lows they really have a mind of their own so the rain could be anywhere at any time and it's hard to forecast. so that's like our last one why the rain was south bay, not in the north bay. so could be possible anywhere. >> all over the place. >> yeah. >> thank you. coming up next, the hollywood blockbuster that could cause some movie goers motion sickness this weekend. but first abc 7 is honoring hispanic heritage months with post toss our instagram feed today we recognize alejandro merg uchlt ia. he is san francisco's first latino poet lawyer yelt and his short story has been turned into a film, it's showing this month at the brava theatre san francisco. we have more details on irns ♪ ♪ grow old with me ♪ let us share what we see ♪ just you and i ♪ ♪ grow old with me ♪ let us share what we see ♪ and oh the best it could be ♪ just you and i ♪ for me this is life. >> new movie "the walk" brings realism to a pulse pounding new level. there are reports people have gotten sick in theaters are w. some vomiting. it's the true story of a tightrope walk across the world trade center. the director said he wanted to put viewers on the wire knowing some would get vertigo. >> much more ahead on the abc 7 saturday morning news. breaking news from afghanistan. the death toll rises after bombs hit a charity hospital. what the pentagon is saying. also, the effort to create a separate recreation my name is marcus jenkins. i'm a lineman here in oakland. day in, day out, a large part of what we do is about providing reliable power to our customers. pg&e is dedicated to the community. i love working here because this is my home. oakland is my home. this is where i'm raising my children so it's important to me to make sure my family and friends have the power and energy that 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mixed in. so we came up with a way to remove them. which means now, cheerios can be enjoyed by everyone! just original cheerios? honey nut cheerios too, buzz. sweet! is anything bugging you now? (laughs) thanks for waking up with us, i'm chris nguyen. >> we're starting this half hour with a look at the weather, here is lisa argen tracking the conditions where you live. >> it's calm right now, sunny for most. there's a little bit of fog out there but the big news today will be the wind and much cooler conditions. it's all due to a system that will be dropping to the south and with it much cooler air, gusty winds allowing for a rid flag warning for the higher elevations. this is mt. tam, you can see the low clouds, 56 in mountain view, 54 half-moon bay. wind gusts will be up to 50 miles per hour in the upper elevations. 2 to 4 degrees cooler than yesterday. it's going to be one of those white knuckle days crossing the bridges later on today. this is right on through tomorrow morning. we will talk in detail about this, the cooler temperatures and the rest of your weekend coming up. chris. thanks. breaking news now out of afghanistan. a u.s. air strike may have hit a doctors without borders hospital killing 16 people, including three children. 37 others were seriously injured. afghanistan officials say 10 to 15 terrorists were hiding in the hospital and all were killed in the explosion. a u.s. army colonel said american forces conducted an air strike against individuals threatening the force. he said the strike may have resulted in collateral damage. the incident is under investigation. turning to the oregon school shooting, authorities in roseburg have identified the nine victims who lost their lives on thursday at umpqua community. long them a writing professor, 18-year-old student four days into couple and a quad rup let. the school will reopen monday morning but class right side will not resume until the following week. counseling services are available for students and staff. >> we're learning more about how it felt to be inside the classroom while the killer was shooting. abc news reporter neal karlinsky has that story. >> rapid, rapid fire. like three in a row. >> reporter: when the shooting started sharon kirkham was in the class next door with her good friend kim dooets thinking it was fire crackers went into the hall to look. >> and kim comes back into the room and slumps over and i realized she's shot. >> reporter: sharon, a nursing student at the school immediately started cpr on her friend, but it was too late. >> i was just begging her to just breathe. please, just breathe. come on, kimmy. and -- >> reporter: the next thing she knew 30-year-old army veteran chris mintz was telling everyone to take cover a gunman was on the loose. >> he told us to get on the floor. >> reporter: was he hit at that point? >> no. as soon as the door shut the other door sfrt classroom opened and it was the shooter. >> he was shot seven times, even while pleading with the gunman. >> he said it's my son's birthday. come on, dude. come on. and then you hear rapid fire again. and he shot chris. >> reporter: in the midst of all this -- >> chris is hero. >> reporter: no doubt. >> no doubt. he came down the breeze way to find out what was going on. >> reporter: the faces of the nine killed in the rampage are a said mon damage of lives cut short range frgt very young to 67 years old. lucas eibel was just 18, he volunteered at an animal shelter and was studying chemistry. quinn cooper it was furs his fourth day of college. trachb anspach was the son of a firefighter. sharon said a young woman hit in the leg needed help getting out. >> she had a gunshot wound in her leg. i carried her into the breeze way and gave her to a top cop. >> you probably didn't know she had that strength. >> no. she was somebody's kid. she was shot. she was panic stricken. >> reporter: then she went back to be with chris. >> i held his hand until they made me leave him. >> and that was neal karlinsky reporting. if you'd like to express your condolences to the shooting victims and their families, just go to our abc 7 news fob page to share this badge. it will let neem oregon know that you're with them. happening today, the annual march for elephants will make its way through san francisco. just to be clear, no elephants are actually marching, march for elephants is a group that brings attention to the thousands of african elephants killed each year for their ivory. the group will start the march at jefferson park square, gather around the chinese consulate and rally at the u.n. plaza. china is the world's largest market for ivory but the government has pledged to end the trade. this morning an effort is underway to make a stretch of highway 84 safer. it has seen it's share of tragedy. laura anthony has the story. >> reporter: it's pretty, but niles canyon road is also proven to be extremely dangerous, even deadly for cyclists. >> there's hardly any bike lane. >> reporter: lewis is the president of the fremont free wheelers which has regular rides and host cycling events. >> i wear a heart rate monitor and it pins out every time you go through the canyon. it's just -- it makes you nervous. >> reporter: in august a nan was killed, hit by a car while riding through niles canyon. >> my wife had a harrowing experience. >> reporter: bike shop owner bryan price told us his wife was struck two months ago from behind while riding niles canyon road. she survived, but was seriously hurt. >> the driver saw her, but said they saw her signal, but, you know, managed to run into the back of her and toss her off her bike. >> reporter: but now there's an effort underway to put in a recreation path, but separate from the highway, a safeway for cyclists, hikers and others tone joy the canyon. >> the hope is to build a class one trail on the south side of alameda creek just behind me t would be 8 foot wide for bicyclists, strollers, joggers, equestrian. >> reporter: on october 11th highway 84 through niles canyon will be closed completely to cars and trucks from 5:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. a test ride of sorts for what it could be like to ride this road without fear. in fremont, laura anthony, abc 7 news. coming up on the abc 7 saturday morning news, a big day ahead for the 15th annual harley strikely bluegrass in san francisco. what makes it event different from all the other music festivals. first here is a live look outside from our bay bridge toll plaza camera. no delays right now and the chp reporting no major traffic incidence throughout the bay area. lisa argen will have your full accuweather forecast in a few minutes. [announcer] you're on the right track to save big during sleep train's triple choice sale. for a limited time, you can choose up to 48 months interest-free financing on a huge selection of tempur-pedic models. or choose to save $300 on beautyrest and posturepedic mattress sets. you can even choose $300 in free gifts with sleep train's most popular stearns & foster mattresses. the triple choice sale -- on now at sleep train. ♪ sleep train ♪ your ticket to a better night's sleep ♪ seriously? i'll grab get ready to save. love the honey nut cheerios. the safeway stock up sale is on. now with your club card, select general mills cereals are 2 for $4. progresso vegetable classics soup, 10 for $10. and foster farms whole chicken, 99¢ a pound. honey, can you bring the truck? the safeway stock up sale. it's just better. it's a taste so bold, yet so smooth, it could only be called, black silk, from folgers. a taste you could enjoy, fresh brewed, or one cup at a time. black silk, from folgers. the city of palo alto is taking immediate steps to save its tree lined streets. trees are dying in greater number than previous years. city leaders said they removed 400 trees this fiscal year. it's the first time the number has topped 1% of the total trees in the city. most years fewer than 250 trees are removed. extra crews are delivering more water to parched trees while staying within state guidelines. they have to pick and choose which are the most important to maintain. city leaders said it will take decades to replace some of the trees the city has already lost. 8:40 is our time and weatherwise what can we expect for this weekend? >> we're looking at gusty winds today with high fire danger not only in the upper elevations but throughout the bay area. the humidity drops. the fog here, 57 degrees, san francisco in the 60s today, cooler for everyone. we will look at your fall forecast when we come back. also ahead, a big honor for giants rookie matt duffy, larry biel has its details and highlights of the game against the rockies coming newspaper sports. that sound. like nails on a chalkboard. but listen to this: (family talking) that's a different kind of sound. the sound of the weekend. unleash the power of dough. give it a pop. this moment is perfect in every way just like my kid gooey...flaky...happy. toaster strudel. now with more icing. welcome back. here is a live look outside from our santa cruz camera. you can see people out there enjoying the beach -- enjoying what they can at least. it's a little foggy out there. lisa returns with the full forecast coming jup in sports all three bay area schools are in action today at 1:00 p.m. san jose state travels to jordan harris stadium to face the auburn tigers. number 24 cal is the favorite, kickoff ought 1:00 p.m. tonight at 7:30 stanford faces arizona down the farm. today the giants will honor the career of tim hudson, he is retiring after 16 seasons in major league baseball, including the last two in san francisco. the pregame ceremony starts at 12:45 prior to the game against the rockies. a similar ceremony is planned tomorrow for jeremy of a felled. here is larry beil with the details in this morning's sports. >> good morning. the giants are wrapping up the season with three games against the rockies and the willie mack award was presented last night given to the most inspirational player on the team selected by his peers. matt duffy makes on the honors. he is the first rookie ever to be honored. it was the third base man aronado who continues to give the giants nightmares. his tenth homer of the year off of the giants. here is the lesson of 2015, don't throw him a strike. third inning doubles over the heads of jarrett partners. 4-1 rocks. not the way chris heston wanted to end the season. cory dickerson with a blast into the veggie garden. the giants fall 9-3. a's ending their season with a little set in seattle. third thing wokuba throw to first not in time. morrison guns to second. that goes out in the outif i had. sam is fast, heading home. there is the second error on marte, a throwing error. a's rally for two in the fifth. nelson cruz up the middle. base hit off of brooks. deuces on the board. danny valencia gets ahold of a fast ball up and he crushed it. his 17th of the year and the a's win it 4-2. >> on the first day of his indefinite leave steve kerr was back at warriors practice. steve, come on, listen to the doctor. kerr went in to get treatments on his back, he did just drop in for a few minutes of practice we're guessing in part to send a few minutes with steve nash who promptly cold kerr please go home. many expect kerr to be back before the regular season begins. right now it's time for the players to step up. >> even our young guys have -- we have older young guy, andre went to college for eight years or however he was at michigan state. even our young guys had a maturity will themselves. we're self--check. that's the same pace with or without steve and we understand what we need to do to get better. college football the cal bears have a chance to open 5-0 if they can beat washington state in berkeley. this is air raid against bear raid, a ton of points. last year cal beat wazoo 60-59. >> you never know what to expect. that's the great thing about college football. nobody knows what's going to happen and who is going to play well. i don't know if i anticipate that kind of game this year in terms of the scoring, but i know saturday's game will be a very competitive huff hard fought football game that we have to play very well to have a chance to win. >> we will have complete highlights and reaction from that cal game as well as stanford versus arizona and san jose state at auburn following notre dame and clemson which kicks off at 5:00. have a great weekend, everybody, i'm larry beil. so the giants at at&t park this afternoochblt what's the weather going to be like? >> breezy, lots of sunshine, upper 60s by about 1:00 and the winds will be kicking up throughout the day. in the higher elevations we could have some trouble and high fire danger kicks in with a very dry conditions. radar showing humidity in the form of the low cloud deck that is with us across the bay, it's this upper level low in western canada that's going to drop down to the south and allow for the gusty winds and drying conditions throughout the day today. mt. tam will be breezy and gusty by dinnertime. right now it's 61 oakland, san francisco 57, 54 morgan hill, emeryville looks like pretty good visibility here and this will get quite choppy disrupted later on today with the winds, we will see 60 in fairfield right now and temperatures for you as much as 10 degrees cooler for concord, livermore, fairfield, even up in the north bay you were well into the 80s yesterday, the cool down has begun compliments of the low clouds, fog, on shore push. today the winds will shift to a north northeasterly component. that brings the high fire danger and, in fact, some trouble with the possibility of some trees and branches being toppled with the dry parched conditions with the soil and that means we could see fire starts and rapid fire growth. be very careful out there. a fallish week ahead, more dry conditions and a warm up by the end of the week. so the highlighted areas above 1,000 people, marin, sonoma, particularly napa county into contra costa and alameda county and we talked about the winds. dangerous right in through 10:00 tomorrow morning. we should see the winds today continue to kick up by the afternoon. 35 mile per hour wind gust point reyes. 21 mile an hour winds from oakland, half-moon bay and it will continue throughout the evening hours. it's going to be very gusty out there and the reason being is an area of low pressure with not a lot of moisture. this is the one that brought the bonus rain to the east bay, the south bay last week, this is dry and it brings the wind and td atmosphere will be quite, quite dry through tomorrow but we will look for the possibility of a few sprinkles south of monterey, maybe santa cruz, further south, though t gets more organized, picks up more moisture and it looks like from, say, san luis obispo to ocean side they could see some rain. we will be looking at temperatures in the upper 60s feeling like fall in the sierra nevada, mid 60s coast side and back home we will see numbers at the hardly strictly blues festival in the low 60s, clouds and breezy winds. 78 concord, 72 palo alto and richmond and oakland. so big cool down today. the winds are kicking up. if you're headed to the giants game keep that in mind, sunny conditions. the seven-day forecast you will notice we are a few degrees warmer tomorrow, pleasant through the middle of the week and the heat comes back when the blue angels come to town, in fact, xepjut next weekend. >> always an exciting time when they come. this weekend golden gate park in san francisco will be filled with the sounds of free music. the second day of the hardly strictly bluegrass festival starts at 11:00 a.m. as jonathan bloom shows us the festival has something for everyone. >> reporter: when the air is warm and filled with bin joe music it must be the time of year ago. >> it's the best festival in the year. >> reporter: for those lucky enough it's the perfect day to play hooky. >> san francisco in october you can't beat. >> reporter: the members of poor man's whiskey know from experience, it's their 11th year playing here this, time for a crowd of kids allowed to cut class. they're playing their bluegrass instruments but not the traditional tunes. they want to send kids a message. >> with the modern technology, cell phones and people are so connected to their devices. we can show kids that you can pick up a guitar a fiddle, banjo, make some noise and you can get a lot of noise of it. >> reporter: it's the joy warren hillman wanted to spread when he started the fist val. >> he wanted to create this utopia and have the base be bluegrass music that's such an american tradition. >> reporter: back then it was strictly bluegrass, now that's hardly the case. brands like brian fritz come back year after year. have you been to this festival before? >> no, never. >> reporter: one thing has never changed. >> no selling anything. no products to be pushed. the only thing is a good time and having fun. >> reporter: that was hell man's vision and his grandparents are proud that he left behind the money to keep it that way. >> everybody i know from the area loves coming here. i even know people who have moved to san francisco because of the going to the bluegrass festival. >> reporter: if it feels magical looking this way imagine how it feels from up there. >> you look out at the crowd from the pack stage and i think this is the best city in the world. >> reporter: there are still two solid days of music in this festival. 11:00 to 7:00 both days. you don't needs tickets, just show up. in san francisco, jonathan blum, abc 7 news. up next the spirit of frank it's from virtually anywhere.rn of danger it's been smashed, dropped and driven. it's perceptive enough to detect other vehicles on the road. it's been shaken, rattled and pummeled. it's innovative enough to brake by itself, park itself and help you steer. it's been in the rain... the cold... and dragged through the mud. introducing the all-new mercedes-benz gle. it's where brains meet brawn. welcome to fort green sheets. welcome to castle bravestorm. it's full of cool stuff, like my second in command... and my trusty bow. and free of stuff i don't like. and in my castle we only eat chex cereal. chex cereal. it's full of delicious crunchability. no artificial flavors, and it's gluten-free. and that's something even my brother ... sister can understand. mom, brian threw a ball in the house! here are the wing numbers from last night's $47 million mega malls draw, 4, 14, 29, 31, 47, the mega number 9. nobody picked you will six so tuesday night's jackpot grows to $55 million. new this morning a pumpkin farm in southern california is sprout ago special face for halloween. frank stein meet pumpkin stein, the pharmacy owner said is it took five years to perfect the method of encase ago fruit inside a plastic mold. the farm has orders for 80,000 pumpkin steins this year alone. they sell for as much as $125. for next valentine's day look for heart shaped watermelons. i wonder what else he can do. >> very cool. well, it will be breezy at the pumpkin patch today but cooler and if you are anywhere bo 1,000 feet it's going to get down right windy. a red flag warning throughout the day, later on in the day, with winds in excess of 40 miles an hour. at the surface we will see 15, 20 mile an hour winds, 72 oakland, palo alto 77, morgan hill san jose 76 and vallejo. so that's kooming today. tomorrow a little warmer, the wind dials back throughout the day and then a pleasant middle of the week and a warm up by thursday. >> i always enjoy in some time of year. >> me, too. thank you for joining us on the abc 7 morning night. next texas battles dcu in fort worth. then at 12:30 top ranked ohio state taking on indiana. that's followed by abc 7 news at 4:00 p.m. then at 5:00 a battle of notre dame meets clemson in south carolina. that will be followed by after the game with larry beil and mike shumann at around 8:30. the news continues now online, on twitter, facebook and all of your mobile device was our abc 7 news app. from all of us here at abc 7 news, make it a great day, everybody. >> announcer: the following is a presentation of espn on abc. >> sean: welcome, everyone, to amon g. carter stadium in texas

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