Transcripts For KGO Good Morning America Weekend Edition 20170506

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>> plus, the big cleanup in the south. the damage delivered by at least nine tornadoes. and crown controversy. the college senior named miss black university of texas. >> contestant number five. rachael malonson. >> now facing a backlash over the color of her skin. >> it's definitely been a mix of emotions. >> and answering her critics and where she found support for her sash. hey, good morning. and let's get right to our top story. president trump waking up at his golf club in bedminster, new jersey, this morning basking in the glow of his party's victory on health care. >> but the pushbacks have already begun as members of congress return to their home districts where we're expecting a bunch of town hall meetings starting today. now, we've already seen protests. voters angry in particular because of threats to coverage for people with pre-existing conditions. that concern all over twitter where the #iamapreexistingcondition was trending on twitter for hours yesterday. >> however we should say this republican bill to repeal and replace obamacare has a long road ahead of it. the senate is now going to take up the issue. republicans there promising to do their own thing signaling they may start from scratch here. >> matt dowd is standing by with analysis. but we're going to start here with abc's david wright who is with the president in bedminster. good morning to you, david. >> reporter: good morning, paula. good morning, dan. you know, republicans are celebrating victory still over the passage of this house health care bill, but a lot of them are returning home to their districts to find the storm clouds gathering. more than a few constituents have more than a few questions and concerns. backlash. [ chanting "aca is the way" ] >> reporter: even before the senate has taken up the gop health care bill the house just passed, angry constituents are giving republican lawmakers an earful. kansas city, demonstrators lay right outside congressman kevin yoder's office, a mock cemetery. here in new jersey where congressman rodney frelinghuysen quietly switched his vote from no to yes, constituents turned out in the rain to make themselves heard. [ chanting "we won't go without a fight" ] >> reporter: today president trump rushes back in his weekly address. >> it will be great health care and your premiums will come down and your deductibles will come down, so you'll have better health care at a lower cost. and now i'm calling on the senate to take action. >> reporter: trump finds himself defending not just the gop's health bill but also his praise for australia's single payer health system. >> because you have better health care than we do. >> thank you, mr. president, we'll quote you on the floor of the senate. >> reporter: trump tweeted of course the australians have better health care than we do. everybody does. obamacare is dead, but our health care will soon be great. trump is taking the win. >> repealing and replacing obamacare will be a big, big win for the american people. >> reporter: now, the health care debate is far from over. the senate expected to make some big changes if it even passes the health care bill at all. the president, meanwhile, at his country club here in bedminster and he's talking about how he's saving the taxpayers money by not staying in new york city. dan, paula. >> yeah, that seems to be a hot topic. we're going to get to that in just a second. david, thank you for your reporting from bedminster. we want to bring in our political ringer, abc news consultant matt dowd. i call him matty ice because you're clutch on and off the field. >> there's really no telling why you call me that. >> i'm not really sure why, but just embrace it, okay? >> a window into the mind of paula faris. >> there you go. >> don't try to go there, you guys. it's dangerous territory. so, david just addressed it. the senate is expected to rip this bill up. how do you see this all going down? >> they're going to chew through it faster than the horses at the kentucky derby in the stables in grain and hay. i expect this to take a long period of time. i think the senate isn't even going to look at their bill first. i think they'll go off on their own. i think the two bills will be substantially different. then they have to go to a conference committee, so no telling when that is going to get settled. i think the senate unlike the house is going to take their time on this. >> democrats are really crowing about the political price they believe the republicans will pay for this bill. are they right about that? >> well, i think they're wrong about crowing because it's always bad to crow in the middle of the first quarter when you actually don't even have an election and the things you don't even face. i think the democrats were already positioned well in this midterm election to pick up a lot of seats especially in the house and i think this bill is going to help them. every time that this kind of thing has been passed, the party that passed it suffers in the election. like barack obama did in 2010 when they lost the house. >> let's talk about a victory for trump. the president is touting the latest job numbers, the lowest unemployment in over a decade. we've seen wage growth. how good is this particular news for the administration? >> well, it's good news. it's obviously good news for the country and it's good news for him and the administration though he has to string together a lot of these in a row for people to feel like they have real impact. keep in mind, though, the unemployment is low, and it's lower than it's been in ten years, as you say, but people still feel like the country is off on the wrong track. two-thirds of the country still think -- they're not satisfied where it is. >> and candidate president trump raised a lot of questions about whether the unemployment numbers were even accurate. anyway, let's talk about what donald trump has been doing on the weekends. he's been going, as we know -- >> lowering his handicap. >> he's been lowering his handicap. he's been going to his own properties, and democrats have been hitting him about that as he wakes up in bedminster this morning. they say these repeated trips to his own homes are costing taxpayers money and also promoting his properties. is this a resonant issue, do you think? >> i'm always offended when people won't stay in my house. so i don't know why he won't stay in the american people's house. it's kind of a nice place to be. i think it only matters -- these things only matter if the country begins to turn badly. if the economy falls and if we're in an international problem that the country blames him for, then they'll use that, the fact that he's not at the white house, to fault him for that but if the economy continues to grow and seems to handle things internationally well, then i don't think it fundamentally will matter to the american public, but it will turn on whether or not the country is doing well. if it's not, as i say, they'll begin to point out things like that. they did it for president bush. the country didn't care whether or not he went to crawford all the time. they cared as soon as iraq turned against him and the economy turned bad. >> good point. >> matty ice, thank you very much. appreciate it. >> it is going to stick. it's going to stick. >> it's going to stick, sorry, dude. again, matt, thank you. we're going to turn now to the developing political story overseas. an eerie echo of the american presidential campaign on the eve of what may be the most important election in modern france pitting a far right candidate against a centrist. we're learning of a huge hack and abc's jennifer eccleston is on the story from london. jennifer, good morning. >> reporter: good morning, dan. centrist presidential candidate emmanuel macron's campaign calling the document dump a massive and coordinated hack. some nine gigabytes of data, e-mails and other election-related documents stolen from campaign accounts and posted by an anonymous user. macron's campaign calling the leak a mix of genuine and fake documents, an effort they say to confuse voters before tomorrow's runoff against hard-line candidate marine le pen. the timing of the leak, just hours before the official end to campaigning. both candidates are prevented by law from speaking about election issues this weekend. the french media were also reminded by election officials to stay away from the leaks as it might influence voters. earlier this year, macron's team blamed russian hackers for a previous leak. it suspects the kremlin of wanting to help le pen who supports a pro-moscow policy. a striking similarity to charges of russian interference during the 2016 american elections. paula. >> all eyes on france for that. jennifer, thank you for your reporting. we want to move now to the east coast getting slammed with torrential rain causing flash flooding. all this as the south cleans up from a round of tornadoes and rob is here with the very latest weather news. good morning, rob. >> hey, good morning, paula. this storm has been with us really all week long. it brought severe weather to texas, the missouri flooding and look at these storm reports yesterday with a lot of damage with these wind accounts. no doubt this storm did not lose much punch as it hit the east coast. chaos on the east coast. a powerful storm wreaking havoc on main thoroughfares in new york city, inundating parking structures and flooding subway stations. rising waters stranding motorists. >> and the water just got so high. >> as emergency responders came to their rescue. in the south crews cleaning up after at least nine tornadoes touched down from georgia to virginia this week. >> i just got my kids. that was my focus. >> winds demolishing buildings in the carolinas ripping off rooftops, even sending a massive tree crashing into this bedroom. >> there's a tree in the house. there's a tree in the house. >> reporter: plus, this newly released surveillance video showing the moment a twister tore through garden city, georgia. watch as debris flies through the air and the whipping wind topples this billboard. thankfully a much quieter day today weatherwise, but not everybody is going to like what we have to offer in the weather department. more on that in just a few minutes. >> yes, i've been planning on registering some complaints with you, robert. >> i bet. >> thank you. to texas now where a fired police officer is facing a murder charge this morning in the shooting death a 15-year-old boy. body cameras played a big part in the decision to charge this officer. and abc's eva pilgrim is on the story. eva, good morning. >> reporter: good morning. that body camera video changing the narrative of what happened the night of the shooting. while police say they're not releasing that video until after the investigation is complete this morning, the teen's family is saying they are grateful charges have been filed. overnight a texas police officer turning himself in on murder charges. the officer released after posting bond. officer roy oliver fired after police say he violated department policies when allegedly shooting and killing 15-year-old honor student jordan edwards. >> after reviewing the findings, i have made the decision to terminate roy oliver. >> reporter: according to police it all started at this home saturday night after receiving reports of a large house party. police initially saying when they arrived, they heard gunfire and encountered a car filled with teenagers backing towards them allegedly attempting to use the vehicle as a weapon. that's when police say officer oliver fired his rifle at the car. but earlier this week the police backtracking saying after watching two separate body cam videos, it was clear the teens were driving away from the officers. the teen's parents wiping away tears telling abc news the magnitude of his horrible actions cannot be overstated and that our family is working hard to deal with the loss of our beloved jordan. >> they want to see him prosecuted. they want to see him convicted. >> reporter: now a community grieving remembering the promising freshman football player. >> we will never forget jordan and the impact he had on all of us. >> and we have reached out to the officer's attorney and have not heard back. he faces up to life in prison if convicted. >> all right. thank you very much. such a sad story. eva, thank you. we want to move now to the fraternity members from penn state who are facing manslaughter charges in the death of a pledge. now, the alleged details of timothy piazza's final hours are beyond disturbing. his family is now speaking out and our gio benitez reports on what prosecutors say happened that night. >> reporter: this morning, eight penn state fraternity brothers facing serious charges just three months after a pledge died at their frat party. >> it's heartbreaking all around. there's no winners. >> reporter: the eight fraternity brothers all charged with the involuntary manslaughter and assault of 19-year-old timothy piazza, a beta theta pi pledge who prosecutors say was pressured to consume four to five drinks within two minutes. piazza falling down a staircase, one brother allegedly texting, he fell 15 feet down a flight of stairs hair first, going to need help. but prosecutors say nobody did help. >> of course, it's a tragedy but, you know, that doesn't mean there was any intent involved in any of this. >> reporter: the charges come after investigators found surveillance video showing it all unfold. one student they say urged them to call 911 but was overruled and shoved into a wall. piazza tries getting up over and over again but keeps falling. it wasn't until the next morning that they finally called for help after prosecutors say the frat brothers had removed evidence of hazing and alcohol and had coordinated a story. >> this is the result of a feeling of entitlement, flagrant disobedience of the law and disregard for moral values. >> reporter: the university already permanently banning the fraternity saying hazing and dangerous drinking are not permitted. and this morning we know that another ten students are also facing other charges but no doubt those eight fraternity brothers are facing the most serious ones. they're expected in court again later this month. dan and paula. >> the cover-up just adds insult to injury for that family. our hearts go out to them. >> it really does. so, let's send things over to ron claiborne for a look at the news this morning. >> hey, paula. >> bespectacled. that's dan's favorite look. >> i'm bespectacled. good morning to you, dan, adrienne, robert. good morning, everyone. we're going to begin with breaking news in massachusetts where a police officer was shot in the face of a braintree motel 6 just south of boston. officers went to the motel to check the warrant status of the suspect. when they got there the man opened fire on them. the suspect was later found dead in his room at that motel after a standoff. the injured officer undergoing surgery overnight. he is expected to recover. in washington president trump's nominee for army secretary mark green withdrawing his name from consideration for that office after growing criticism about remarks he made about muslims, gays, lesbians and transgender people. green, a retired army flight surgeon and tennessee state senator, says the attacks against him are false and misleading. new details released about the suicide note that aaron hernandez left for his fiancee before hanging himself in his massachusetts prison cell last month. the former new england patriots star writing, quote, i told you what was coming indirectly and telling her, share my story fully, adding in a side note, you're rich. the letter is one of three notes found in his cell. details from the other two were not released. country music legend loretta lynn is recovering in a nashville, tennessee, hospital this morning after suffering a stroke. lynn, who just celebrated her 85th birthday, is said to be responsive and is expected to fully recover. she is following her doctor's advice to rest and is postponing her upcoming shows. in san francisco a large sinkhole nearly swallowing up a big rig and stopping traffic nearly two hours. the driver says he had stopped the flatbed when it started rolling or slowly sinking onto its side. he was able to escape unharmed. investigators looking into what caused that 15x15-foot hole in the ground. and finally pro football running back star eddie lacy doing a little bit of spring cleaning. well, actually it's a lot of spring cleaning. check this out. people in green bay, wisconsin, lining up around the block to buy everything from lacy's old packers gear, his now former team to the video games, even his laundry detergent. >> what? >> the nfl star purging all that stuff because he's moving to seattle to play for the seahawks. >> and they're not mad at him? >> no. >> packers fans are the best. >> what was supposed to be a two-day sale was sold out before dinner. >> wow. >> lacy says he will donate 100% of the proceeds to charity. even his -- think about this. his unfinished body wash sold for $1. >> okay, see. >> how much did he get for the detergent? >> i don't know. we'll look into that. >> i would take that stuff with me. >> you would take it with you? >> i don't like to waste body wash or laundry detergent. that stuff is going in my carry-on bag. >> i don't know if you want to by someone else's, but somebody did. >> no. >> rob, you want to -- >> one more point, i don't think if eddie lacy went to the vikings that stuff would sell so well. >> seattle is far away. seattle is far away. >> yeah, it's fine, harmless. show you what's going on now across missouri. st. louis county, this has been an ongoing story all week. but i have good news, even though these pictures are still very dramatic, the rivers for the most part are receding. the mississippi cresting now around cape girardeau. also in arkansas though the white river there, that is still rising at des arc. and that's going to be riding, it looks like, through this week, so folks are scrambling to save their homes and communities. the flood warnings there, you see them on the map here. all the tributaries flowing into the mississippi river, and there's why things are still rising in spots. the good news is we're building a ridge in this area, nice little omega block kind of the shape of that greek letter, that means dry weather for the most part across the midsection of the country in the flood zone but across the east coast and the southwest for that matter, kind of cool and unsettled and a little batch of rain heading right through churchill downs this morning so softening up that track, no doubt, and >> good saturday morning. i'm lisa argen from our roof camera. it looks nice here with sunshine, it will be quite gusty at times with a wind advisory, isolated sprinkles. all in all, partly sunny and warmer day of the week will be tomorrow so watch out for those breezy to gusty wind, out of the northwest. right until 9:00. 64 today, san >> not perfect weather for the derby, but get your pastels out. we got the rundown in pink. >> oh, nice. you color coordinated. >> running for the roses today. >> what about your socks? your socks always -- >> i've got the racing socks on. >> don't pull a hamstring. >> ooh. we'll show those later. >> thank you. the fashion -- >> we need a sock cam for rob marciano. >> let's get that installed. our ratings are -- now to a family reunion more than four decades in the making. >> yeah, two sisters abandoned at birth meeting for the first time. abc's erielle reshef has the emotional story of how they finally found one another. >> hi. >> reporter: it's a reunion decades in the making full of raw emotion. donna massie wysong and vanessa smiley, two sisters embracing for the first time after a lifetime apart. >> i did question how someone could leave a baby that was just born on the side of a road and a dirty rag in the middle of winter. >> reporter: they're known as foundlings, the sisters found alive and adopted into loving families in separate states. abc affiliate station wjla in d.c. credited with bringing them together after sharing wysong's story one year ago linking her with genealogical investigator angela trammell. >> it's rewarding to be able to give them that gift of identity. >> you have a full sibling. i'm like this is a joke. >> reporter: trammell tracing wysong's parents and later tracking down her sister, vanessa. >> it's a lot to take in. >> it is. >> reporter: the women now in their 40s building on a sisterly bond they never knew existed. and since their reunion the sisters have decided to move their families to the same city. they've also learned they have a brother and have since reunited with their brother as well. so, big family reunion, an amazing story. >> really. >> that's great. thank you for that. i really appreciate it. >> that's the beauty of family. it doesn't matter if you have not seen one another for year, for them, decades, you just pick up. >> there's just a connection, exactly. >> start fighting right away. >> great to see you, by the way. >> good to be here. coming up, a newly crowned beauty queen facing a fierce backlash. why critics claim her skin tone should have kept her from the title. and looking back on princess diana's last days, the legendary interview that reportedly forced the queen's hand allowing diana to get that divorce. plus, it's national pet adoption weekend. and we've got some friends here looking for a new home. what you need to know about adding a furry new member to your family, which is a great move for any family. we'll be right back. 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[ cheers and applause ] >> reporter: university of texas at austin senior rachael malonson entering her first pageant and being crowned. >> when they announced my name, the first thing i honestly thought was wow. >> reporter: but for the new miss black u.t., her win was complicated by controversy. >> it's definitely been a mix of emotions. >> reporter: just hours after rachael received the title and the scholarship pageant hosted by historically black fraternity kappa alpha psi, backlash came pouring in on social media. >> i felt i didn't have any privacy, and i just started crying. >> reporter: the college senior catching major heat on twitter, tweets reading, she should not have won because of the color of her skin. one user writing, of course, they picked the lightest biracial girl to win. another saying, if you saw this girl out in like public somewhere and had to guess her race, the last thing you'd say is black. >> one moment i'm on cloud nine thinking, wow, all this hard work i put into was showcased and the next minute i'm not black enough. >> reporter: the 22-year-old says growing up multiethnic, she began being questioned about her heritage at an early age. >> there is a way to have a larger conversation about race, about colorism, about blackness without attacking her. >> reporter: rachael says despite this controversy, she's grateful for the encouragement she's received. >> a lot of people who know me and those who don't even know me started having my back. it's turned into a beautiful thing that's reminded me i have have the ability to impact people in a positive way. >> reporter: so, the guidelines for the pageant do include being of african-american heritage. the fraternity that hosted the scholarship pageant releasing a statement. i want to read a part to you. it says that she not only does qualify on that basis but she is fully deserving of the title and kappa alpha psi saying on the basis of her scholastic promise, community involvement and professional demeanor, the chapter stands with rachael malonson. >> what a conversation. >> it's a big conversation and people are still tweeting about it. >> i'm sure. >> i can only imagine. >> it probably will carry on for quite some time. adrienne, thank you. let's check the weather once again and get it back over to rob. >> hey, guys, let's go down south, florida, the dry season continues and in some spots the drought is still on in central florida and we're talking about dry winds that drop things down south. critical and elevated fire danger today. we've got red flag warnings also up for the southwest as a trough digs down out there across southern critical so critical and elevated fire danger. winds gusting to 40 miles an hour. this is also going to bring chance for showers and maybe a thunderstorm to california. really for l.a., at least, the first chance of rain that you've seen in almost a month, so a big change in the weather pattern and talked about this omega block that will keep the cool air on both coasts. look at these temperatures as we go through today's high, 62 in los angeles, 48 degrees in pittsburgh. might even see a few snowflakes fly around the great lakes as that cooler air begins to move in but dry and warm across the midsection of the country and 86 for our friends in hawaii. not too shabby there too. >> good saturday morning. this is our exploratorium camera. we will have another wendy day with winds gusting to 35 and 45 miles an hour, through the evening hours. vifrts >> this weather report is brought to you by geico. >> it's the geico gecko. >> well, it's a geico guinea pig. >> not a gecko. not a gecko. >> before we get to my friend here, i got a little programming note. this little guy doesn't play basketball but this weekend is exciting, conference semifinal hvp match-ups are on abc. tune in to see steph curry and warriors take on the utah jazz 8:30 p.m. eastern and don't miss lebron and the cavs face off in game four, match-up against toronto sunday, tomorrow at 3:30 and take another look at this cutie. this is almond. >> hi, almond. >> you're going to learn how -- it's a guinea pig and they gave it to the italian. i don't know why. this is one of many. we have the cats and dogs get all the love for adopting but you can adopt a beautiful guinea pig too. >> he's shaking. >> well, i'm not the most gentle thing. >> he's giving you kisses. >> ah. >> almond, sometimes you feel like a nut, sometimes you don't. >> almond joy. >> "the weekend download" is coming up. more cute critters. >> you know your daughter maddie is going to see this and say, bring almond home >> did you just kiss the guinea pig? >> why not. >> you have not heard about that. >> no. >> like the blarney stone, the guinea pig. >> i know what we're doing in the commercial break. also coming up on "gma," princess diana's final days, the lengths she went to in order to give this explosive and pivotal interview, a preview of a new documentary this morning. and "guardians" of the box office, volume two of "guardians of the galaxy" kicking off the summer movie season with a bang. adrienne's going to have that in "pop news" and almond will still be here for "pop news," as well. >> hey. >> hey. >> hi, almond. ah- he- [gas pouring] [slurps loudly] [engine starting] [loud slurping continues] itthe power of nexium 24hr protection from frequent heartburn. all day, and all night. now packed into a pill so small, we call it mini. new clearminis from nexium 24hr. see heartburn differently. ♪ ♪ ♪ la vie est belle la vie est belle the eau de parfum, lancôme customize your free 6-piece gift. available now, at macy's. how to brush his teeth. 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(avo) if their alzheimer's is getting worse, ask about once-a-day namzaric. namzaric is approved for moderate to severe alzheimer's disease in patients who are taking donepezil. it may improve cognition and overall function, and may slow the worsening of symptoms for a while. namzaric does not change the underlying disease progression. don't take if allergic to memantine, donepezil, piperidine, or any of the ingredients in namzaric. tell the doctor about any conditions; including heart, lung, bladder, kidney or liver problems, seizures, stomach ulcers, or procedures with anesthesia. serious side effects may occur, including muscle problems if given anesthesia; slow heartbeat, fainting, more stomach acid which may lead to ulcers and bleeding; nausea, vomiting, difficulty urinating, seizures, and worsening of lung problems. most common side effects are headache, diarrhea, dizziness, loss of appetite, and bruising. (woman 2 vo) i don't know what tomorrow will bring but i'm doing what i can. (avo) ask about namzaric today. she wae's princess and no member of britain's royal family may have been more beloved than princess diana. >> we all still miss her so much. the 20th anniversary of her death is this summer. and now a new documentary looks back at her final 100 days including how she pulled off a bombshell interview. now, this excerpt reveals how what diana told martin bashir convinced the queen that her son's marriage was over once and for all. >> i was at the end of my tether. i was desperate. >> reporter: she arranged to have me smuggled into kensington palace for a secret interview. her staff were given a rare day off. >> if we had known about it, we would have put a stop to it. >> the cameras came up in boxes that made it look like deliveries. she did her own makeup. it was planned to a tee. >> the prince of wales is described as a great thinker, a man with a tremendous range of interests. what did he think of your interests? >> well, i don't think i was allowed to have any. >> reporter: she admitted to having an affair with her riding instructor, captain james hewitt. >> did your relationship go beyond a close friendship? >> yes, it did, yes. >> reporter: were you unfaithful? >> yes, i adored him. yes, i was in love with him. >> reporter: she would never have done it, she said, if charles had broken off with camilla. scandalous as her confessions were, nothing provoked more consternation at the palace than her answer to my question about the royal succession. >> do you think the prince of wales will ever be king? >> i would think that the top job, as i call it, would bring enormous limitations to him, and i don't know whether he could adapt to that. >> at this stage you have to remember she is still a member of the royal family. she's the mother of the future king. >> reporter: for the queen, this was the last straw. >> a letter arrived from buckingham palace, dear diana, we have come to the conclusion that it is best for the country that you should divorce. this was a directive from the queen. >> wow, that is riveting and fascinating to hear the lengths they went to to keep this a covert operation, that interview. fascinating, and you can tune in to "the last 100 days of diana" hosted by martin bashir sunday, 9:00 eastern, and that's right here on abc. >> sounds like a must watch. coming up here on "gma," adopting the perfect pet, the dos and don'ts. that's coming up in our "weekend download." almond will be making his or her return. >> that is not almond. >> that's marcelo. >> that's marcelo. >> marcelo. >> oh. return. >> that is not almond. >> that's marcelo. >> that's marcelo. >> oh. e. i need an insulin that fits my schedule. ♪ tresiba® ready ♪ (announcer) tresiba® is used to control high blood sugar in adults with diabetes. don't use tresiba® to treat diabetic ketoacidosis, during episodes of low blood sugar, or if you are allergic to any of its ingredients. don't share needles or insulin pens. don't reuse needles. the most common side effect is low blood sugar, which may cause dizziness, sweating, confusion, and headache. check your blood sugar. low blood sugar can be serious and may be life-threatening. injection site reactions may occur. tell your prescriber about all medicines you take and all your medical conditions. taking tzds with insulins like tresiba® may cause serious side effects like heart failure. your insulin dose shouldn't be changed without asking your prescriber. get medical help right away if you have trouble breathing, fast heartbeat, extreme drowsiness, swelling of your face, tongue, or throat, dizziness, or confusion. ask your health care provider if you're tresiba® ready. covered by most insurance and medicare plans. ♪ tresiba® ready ♪ the kind we celebrate ona diammother's day.ove. right now, take up to an extra 20% off your entire purchase. for the gift that will last for generations. zales. the diamond store. what's the story behind green mountain coffee and fair trade? let's take a flight to colombia. this is boris calvo. boris grows mind-blowing coffee. and because we pay him a fair price, he improves his farm and invest in his community to make even better coffee. all for a smoother tasting cup. green mountain coffee. especially when it comes to snacking.g new. that's why we're introducing cheese dippers. the creamy cheese and crunchy breadsticks that go wherever you do. cheese dippers by the laughing cow. reinvent snacking. ♪ ♪ all right. take a look at some of our viewers' pets as we mark petsmart charities national adoption weekend, a great time to bring a little love into your home. joining us is pet expert andrea arden with some advice on how to do just that. we have some help here. who is making that news over there? >> that's joshua. he's so excited. >> joshua, a 4-month-old rat terrier who apparently has been placed with paula and unhappy about it. hera, a 7-month-old shorkie. adrienne and i have kittens. giuseppe, you've got giuseppe and marcelo. they're brothers and there's a goldfish over there by robert and a guinea pig named almond with ronald. okay. >> you've got almond. >> what is your advice for the first time pet owner? >> well, i think for somebody who really it's their very first pet, a good option is a fish or a guinea pig. guinea pigs happen to be one of my favorite pets, they're super playful and friendly but relatively easy -- >> paula shouldn't have a pet. is that -- >> maybe. >> i feel like such a failure. i'm a failure. oh. >> cruella de faris over here. what kind of advice do you have for families with kids who want to adopt a pet? >> you know, i think one of the most important things to consider when you have kids is it's an animal with a temperament that's appropriate for the high activity level of children, and this weekend is a great opportunity for people to go out, if they're interested in a cat or dog and meet lots of different animals which is important. test drive them, get to know them at petsmarts across the country. it's national adoption weekend as you mentioned before. >> what do you think is the -- what accounts for the fact this dog was so unhappy with paula but this cat is so happy. >> he's not going to let this go. >> what do you think? >> let's try again. let's try again. yeah, fresh start. actually these kittens happen to be super chill and easy going but here's a good example. it really is based on the temperament of the animal. so we have a dog here who is a little bit more high energy, granted it's a puppy and then we have cats that are really laid back. so as much as we can make generalizations about types of animals that are appropriate for different people, it depends on -- >> or generalizations of people. >> i was just kidding. look at paula. what a success she is now. >> he's happy now. >> okay. the cats and dogs who join us this weekend, we should say, are available for adoption through the humane society of new york and i just always want to say that you should always no matter where you are think about adopting an animal. it's a great way to save a life and improve your own. >> absolutely. >> we'll be right back with "pop news" and something about harry styles. >> yes. >> say bye, joshua. bye. well? i love it. this piece is so you. i know, right? i saw it and i was just like "oh, i have to have it..." is it suede? it's suede. i love suede. state farm knows that every one those moments, there's one of these... well? i love it. this piece is so you. i know, right? i saw it and i was just like "i have to have it..." is it suede? it's suede. i love suede. that's why we're there, with renters insurance, when things go wrong... but also here, with a rewards credit card, to help life go right. state farm. whfight back fastts, with tums smoothies. it starts dissolving the instant it touches your tongue. and neutralizes stomach acid at the source. ♪ tum -tum -tum -tum smoothies! only from tums masthe lindor truffley smooth. ...from the lindt master chocolatiers. hard outer shell...smooth, luscious center. unwrap. unwind. with the lindor truffle from the lindt master chocolatiers. ♪ now look what you made me do ♪ ♪ you and me baby it takes two ♪ ♪ bringing new moves to the old school ♪ ♪ time for the whole world to enjoy the view ♪ ♪ we can go left they can go right ♪ ♪ save me a dance for the end of the night ♪ ♪ when i'm with you it's a party ♪ ♪ don't care where we're going ♪ ♪ 1, 2, 3 get loose no♪! ♪ it takes two to make a thing go right ♪ ♪ it takes two to make it out of sight. ♪ you open a cinco de mayo party. so, you can celebrate any time or place. ♪ avocados from mexico [ somber music plays, people crying ] [ indistinct conversations ] aunt gertrude would have loved this. [ up-tempo music plays ] ♪ avocados from mexico ♪ "good morning am "good morning america" is brought to you by avocados from mexico. always there for cinco de mayo. time for "pop news." we have our napkins ready because at some point we're going to hit the barbecue. but what else is cooking? >> you know what, we got to talk about "guardians of the galaxy volume dos." it opened in the u.s. this weekend. >> dos. >> yeah, it's on track to -- >> she's doing some freelance marketing. >> well, you know, it was cinco de mayo. we just had that yesterday. >> it's seis de mayo. >> yes, it's seis de mayo. "forbes" estimating the film could pass the $350 million mark at the global box office. audiences loving the band of myth fit superheroes starring chris pratt, zoe saldana, vin diesel, bautista and bradley cooper. what's not to love. harry styles, his first solo tour selling out in a matter of seconds across 29 markets. granted let me remind people that he was doing these very intimate smaller venues, so it's kind of not as big of a deal but he did sell out meaning it was a big deal for you to get in on time. he will be back with another tour next year. so if you didn't get in this time, it's all right, but his debut self-titled album set for release on may 12th, so congratulations to harry styles. i don't think he's going anywhere any time soon. barbecue. >> look at this. >> welcome national barbecue month in may and virgil's in las vegas, the bahamas and right here in new york city along with -- >> served with a dnr. >> no. >> we all washed our hands and -- >> yes, we did. >> and got our napkins, actually our towels. >> adrienne, this is -- i feel like i died and went to heaven. >> well, me too. me too. >> can't open the bottle. sorry. >> we actually have barbecue fun facts for you right now. american barbecue dates back to the colonial era. even president george washington enjoyed them, and we've got to actually bring in virgil's executive chef glen rolnik here. >> hi. >> you're like the star of the show today. >> glen, well done. >> so tell us some advice for those who want to duplicate what we see here at home. >> sure, well, seasoning is very important for us, so we heavy season our food to make sure it tastes good and then we really slow smoke it so that the flavor and the texture is exactly -- >> how slow. >> how slow? 250, 240 degrees but for hours and hours. the brisket, 14 hours, the pulled pork, 14 hours, the ribs about 5 1/2 to 6 hours. >> yum. >> but you also have a surprise for us right now. it's adrienne's birthday. >> adrienne. >> and we want to say happy birthday to adrienne. >> we brought you our peanut butter pie from virgil's. >> i didn't know that. >> i told you. ♪ happy birthday to -- >> whoa, whoa. >> we both did. >> that is great. happy birthday. >> that was so nice. >> somebody mentioned it to me so we had to bring you our peanut butter pie. >> god bless you. >> thank you. >> god bless you for peanut pie and barbecue. >> i can't believe i just found out now it's your birthday. happy birthday. >> nobody told you? >> nobody told me. >> they can't trust you with a secret. >> apparently not. >> this is the perfect gift. >> we're back tomorrow with more "gma." happy birthday, adrienne. >> happy birthday. appy birthday. . >> good morning, everyone, i'm chris nienlen. happening today, french nationals in the bay area will turn in their vote for the few president of france. the election the a face-off for man repen and emanuel macron, endorsed by president obama. those living in france will go tomorrow. five voting centres open in the bay area in a matter of minutes at 8:00 and close at 7:00 tonight. bart show shut down a lake merit is thatition this weekend. instead of trains, buses will run from fruitvale to 19th street. bart says expect 20 to 40-minute delays, this the saul a part of yearly track repairs. everything will reopen for the start of service on monday morning. happening today, free comic bookday is celebrating its 15th first. comics are available all day long thanks to publishers around the world, comic book is always the first saturday in may. 80. "guardiants of the galaxy" we released yesterday. let's get a check of the weather with our lisa argen. >> sunshine out there, also the wind. it will be with us all day. we have the wind advisory for most of you. >> that itsethat's in effect un 9:00 tonight a. flood watch in the sierra nevadas, a couple inches of snow not out of the question. looking live, dusty winds, we'll have your full forecast in a few minutes. lisa thanks, up next, torture, murder and arson, months after a crime in the east bay, there is finally a break in the case. plus a rapid snow melt in yosemite, has crazy low prices. do you know how we do it? - how? - bargainomics! say, if california has a bumper crop and produces too many oranges. or a winemaker in sonoma suddenly has 1000 bottles too many. we've got name-brand, top-quality groceries priced 40-70% off every day. bargainomics. that's our business model. and our business model ibargain market ♪ grocet >> it's saturday, may 6th, thank you for waking up with us. a first look at the forecast, lisa argen is checking the conditions where you live. >> we are looking at close temperatures and wind, a wind advisory, out of the northwest, 35 miles per hour. gusts over 45 miles per hour along the coast, look at half moon bay, 33-mile-an-hour gusts. the airport 31 and san jose, gusty winds at 20 miles an hour, cooler from our east bay peninsula. this shaking camera, we have 50s in san jose and very windy conditions at the airport. so while we're 51 in livermore today, we will see the

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